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Nazewnicze powroty w kontekście językowych uniwersaliów. Dawne i współczesne nazwy miejscowe o charakterze internacjonalnym
The Return of Names in the Context of Language Universals: Ancient and Contemporary Local Names with an International Character
Rutkiewicz-Hanczewska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
nazwy intertekstualne
nazwy miejscowe
nazwy apartamentowców
intertextual names
place names
names of apartments
The article concerns the history and unique nature of local names derived from exonyms, such as Alexandria, Spain and Lisbon. It describes both past and contemporary onyms, i.e. the names of housing estates, such as Little Tuscany, and apartment buildings, such as Rome, London and Mont Blanc, which are the continuations of the toponymic model launched in the past. The author embeds this model of names in a broader cultural context by referring to language universals. In addition to the rich collection of the oldest biblical names that have been transferred to present names, transfers of old names can be observed among contemporary names. In the past (in the early nineteenth and twentieth centuries), these were mainly the names of countries and, less frequently, those of cities, lands and geographic objects. Today, toponyms are usually based on the names of European cities, attractive geographic objects (lakes, rivers, islands, mountains, volcanoes) and, more rarely, states. While the names of biblical lands were fascinating and attractive in the past, they are almost absent in contemporary names, and if they are present, they concern culturally fixed images such as that of Eden. Both formerly and today, the creators of this kind of names show a longing for the creation of a new world which is no longer inhabited by God in a strictly religious dimension, but a secular one where happiness, peace and joy are sought. In both characterised spaces, the names transferred serve commemorative functions and also imitate coveted spaces which cannot be physically inhabited but can at least be imitated by their names. Formerly, they were real imago mundi representing sacred places (e.g. names such as Calvary). Today, they are created as part of the contemporary architectural tendency for coherence in planning space, names and design.
Onomastica; 2019, 63; 31-50
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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