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Rapsodie na temat muzeum historii naturalnej. Marka Diona dyletanckie gry z ekspozycjami przyrody
Rhapsodies on the theme of a natural history museum. Mark Dion’s dilettante play with natural history exhibitions
Tańczuk, Renata
Data publikacji:
Narodowe Centrum Kultury
Mark Dion
muzeum przyrodnicze
gabinet osobliwości
natural history museum
a cabinet
of curiosities
Recognised as archives documenting natural research and human impact on nature and biodiversity loss, natural history museums prompt questions about how to explore, interpret and put their collections in context so as to provoke a discussion on the consequences of constructed concepts of nature, pressing ecological issues, and ethical obligations towards nonhuman beings and the next generation. Answers to these questions may be found in the analysis of selected works by Mark Dion who uses museum instruments and collections not so much to criticise the museum itself but to transform it into an agora. The author studies the artist’s works that refer to cabinets of curiosities. She argues that Dion’s Wunderkammer are visual quotations derived from their 16th and 17th century prototypes. Put in a new context, the quotations eliminate boundaries between words and images, theory and practice, art and science, nature and culture. The said quotations of cabinets of curiosities are of preposterous nature. Dion’s ‘mobile dioramas’ and his Ursus Maritimus project (1992–2002) are in turn recognised as subversive works where natural history museum instruments are used to unveil the institutional framework responsible for our seeing of nature and problems of the Anthropocene such as biodiversity loss.
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka; 2021, 113, 1; 13-27
Pojawia się w:
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Państwowe Muzeum Zoologiczne wobec powstania Polskiej Akademii Nauk: droga do powołania Instytutu Zoologicznego PAN
The State Zoological Museum and the establishment of the Polish Academy of Sciences: the beginnings of the Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Zabłocki, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
State Zoological Museum
Zoological Cabinet
Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Zoology
National Natural History Museum
Congress of Polish Science
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Warsaw Scientific Society
new biology
Państwowe Muzeum Zoologiczne
Gabinet Zoologiczny
Polska Akademia Nauk
Instytut Zoologiczny
Narodowe Muzeum Przyrodnicze
Kongres Nauki Polskiej
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie
nowa biologia
The State Zoological Museum, established in 1928, inherited and developed the legacy of the Zoological Cabinet of the University of Warsaw (existing since 1818). The Cabinet’s collection had been gathered for decades and belonged to eminent personages not only in Poland but also in Europe. The Museum and its collections were threatened many times: first by a great fire in 1935, then by the German attack on Warsaw in 1939 and subsequent occupation, as well as by the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising and the destruction of the city. After the post-war reconstruction of the Museum, it was time to function in a new political reality, in which the most significant change for this institution was the establishment of the Polish Academy of Sciences. A planned inclusion of the State Zoological Museum in the structures of the newly-founded Polish Academy of Sciences meant that the scientists had to face a dilemma: in exchange for research funds and career development opportunities, they were expected to show favour to the communists and readiness to implement the idea of socialism. In the background of this process, numerous scientific conferences took place, where controversial visions of the future of biological sciences clashed. This process resulted in the transformation of the State Zoological Museum into the Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki; 2020, 65, 4; 81--98
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Muzeum przyrodnicze jako backteller antropocenu
A natural history museum as a ‘backteller’ of the Anthropocene
Rybczyńska, Zoriana
Dziubenko, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Narodowe Centrum Kultury
muzeum przyrodnicze
Muzeum Dzieduszyckich we Lwowie
interpretacja muzealna
natural history museum
the State Museum of Natural History in Lviv
the Dzieduszycki Family Museum
museum interpretation
The definition of a natural history museum as an institution continues to evolve following the humanistic reflection on the Anthropocene. This article focuses on the history of the State Museum of Natural History in Lviv, one of the oldest institutions of this type, recently reopened after years of reconstruction. The text seeks to analyse the museum concept and operations through the prism of the contemporary debate on the human–nature–culture relationships. The primary questions include: (1) How was the human–nature relationship depicted in the museum space as the latter evolved into its modern concept? (2) Which problems and motives present in the museum exhibitions seem close to the contemporary challenges and vision of the Anthropocene? (3) What museum interpretations are possible in the context of old natural history collections and the contemporary debate on the museum’s function and its transformation? An important conclusion is that natural history collections not only provide a valuable material for natural research, but are also a significant testimony to changes occurring in the contemporary perception of the human–nature relationship and its impact on political, economic and cultural processes taking place in modern societies.
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka; 2021, 113, 1; 116-130
Pojawia się w:
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Muzea religijne Lwowa przełomu XIX i XX wieku na tle muzeów miejskich i prywatnych
Lviv’s Religious Museums in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries against the Background of City and Private Museums
Skrzydlewska, Beata
Data publikacji:
Akademia Zamojska
Roman Catholic Archdiocesan Museum
Museum of the Stauropegic Institute
Ukrainian National Museum
Jewish Museum
Armenian Museum
Dzieduszycki family
Miączyński-Dzieduszycki Gallery
Natural History Museum in Lviv
Muzeum Archidiecezjalne Rzymskokatolickie
Muzeum Instytutu Stauropigialnego
Ukraińskie Muzeum Narodowe
Muzeum Żydowskie
Muzeum Ormiańskie
Galeria Miączyńskich-Dzieduszyckich
Muzeum Przyrodnicze we Lwowie
Historia muzealnictwa lwowskiego jest na tyle bogata, że działalność placówek muzealnych rozpatrywać można w wielu aspektach. Przyczyniła się do tego zapewne specyficzna sytuacja polityczna, religijna, a co za tym idzie i kulturowa tego miasta. Lwów zamieszkiwali przedstawiciele różnych religii, wyznawcy każdej z tych grup postarali się o zorganizowanie własnego muzeum. Działały więc we Lwowie następujące placówki: Muzeum Archidiecezjalne Rzymskokatolickie, Muzeum Instytutu Stauropigialnego, Ukraińskie Muzeum Narodowe, Muzeum Żydowskie i Muzeum Ormiańskie. Podstawę zbiorów stanowiły obiekty wycofane z kultu, poszerzane z czasem o dary i sporadycznie o zakupy. Kolejną ważną grupą na mapie Lwowa są muzea i kolekcje prywatne. Wielu mieszczan, nie tylko tych najbogatszych, rozwijało własne pasje i dawało wyraz swoim zainteresowaniom poprzez gromadzenie kolekcji dzieł sztuki, bogatych zbiorów bibliotecznych, zaś pasjonaci świata przyrody zbierali okazy z pogranicza biologii i geologii. Zbiory te miały zazwyczaj charakter prywatny i dostępne były wyłącznie dla osób indywidualnych. Jednak powstawały też muzea z inicjatywy prywatnych zbieraczy, jak np. Dzieduszyckich, które zostały przekazane miastu i były otwarte dla szerszej publiczności, a także stały się miejscem szeroko zakrojonych badań naukowych.
The history of Lviv museology is so rich that the activities of its museums can be considered in many aspects. This is probably a result of the specific political, religious and, consequently, cultural situation of this city. Lviv was inhabited by representatives of various religions, whose followers organized their own museums. Thus, the following institutions operated in Lviv: the Roman Catholic Archdiocesan Museum, the Museum of the Stauropegic Institute, the Ukrainian National Museum, the Jewish Museum, and the Armenian Museum. The large part of the collection consisted of objects withdrawn from worship, and it was expanded over time by donations and occasional purchases. Another important group in Lviv are private museums and collections. Many of the city’s residents, not necessarily the wealthiest ones, developed their own passions by amassing collections of works of art or books, while those interested in the natural world collected biological and geological specimens. Those collections were usually private and available only to individuals. However, there were also a few museums, created on the initiative of private collectors, such as the Dzieduszycki family, which were donated to the city and were available to the general public, becoming a place for extensive scientific research.
Facta Simonidis; 2022, 15, 2; 51-65
Pojawia się w:
Facta Simonidis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Książki gdańskich przyrodników w zbiorach rękopisów Biblioteki Głównej Narodowego Muzeum Historii Naturalnej (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle)
Daszkiewicz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii
gdańska szkoła przyrodnicza
Biblioteka Główna francuskiego Narodowego Muzeum Historii Naturalnej
rękopisy Georga Forstera
kolekcja książek gdańskich przyrodników
naturalist school in Gdańsk
French National Museum of Natural History Library
Forsters’s manucsrits
Gdańsk’s naturalists book collection
W XVII i XVIII w. gdańska szkoła przyrodnicza odgrywała ważną rolę w rozwoju historii naturalnej i położeniu podwalin pod nowoczesną biologię. W tym okresie gabinet przyrodniczy króla Francji, a następnie Narodowe Muzeum Historii Naturalnej (MNHN) stanowił jedno z najważniejszych centrów naukowych Europy. Liczne ślady współpracy gdańskich przyrodników z tą instytucją przetrwały w muzealnej kolekcji. Odegrali oni znaczącą rolę w powstaniu Histoire Naturelle…, pierwszej nowoczesnej encyklopedii przyrodniczej, zredagowanej przez Georges’a-Louisa Leclerca Buffona (1701-1788). Biblioteka Główna MNHN posiada w swoich zbiorach książki Adriana Pauliego, Nicolausa Ölhafena, Georga Segerusa, Ernsta Gottfrieda Heysego, Johanna Adama Kulmusa, Christiana Mentzla, Christophora Gottwalda, Georga Andreasa Helwinga, Joahannesa Philippusiusa i Jacoba Breyniusów, Jacobusa Theodorusa Kleina, Michaela Christopha Hanoviusa, Gottfrieda Reyegera, Johanna Daniela Titiusa, Johanna Reinholda i Georga Forsterów. 90 książek gdańskich przyrodników, a także rękopisy i korespondencja G. Forstera pozwalają na częściowe odtworzenie historii współpracy gdańszczan z Gabinetem Historii Naturalnej króla Francji i MNHN.
The naturalist school in Gdańsk played a major role in the development of natural history and the foundations of modern biology. The Cabinet of the King of France, then the National Museum of Natural History, was one of the most important scientific centers in Europe. The numerous traces of the collaboration of the naturalists of Gdańsk with the center of Paris persist in the collections of the MNHN. The naturalists of Gdańsk played an important role in the redaction of Histoire Naturelle... published by Georges-Louis Leclerc comte de Buffon (1707-1788). The central library of the MNHN has books writed by Adrian Pauli, Nicolaus Ölhafen, Georg Segerus, Ernst Gottfried Heyse, Johann Adam Kulmus, Christian Mentzel, Christoph Gottwald, Georg Andreas Helwing, Johannes Philippius and Jacob Breyne, Jacobus Theodorus Klein, Michael Christoph Hanovius, Gottfried Reyger, Johann Daniel Titius, Johann Reinhold and Georg Forster. 90 books as well as numerous manuscripts, including the correspondence of Georg Forster, allow for a partial reconstruction of the history of the scientific relation between Gdańsk Natural History school with the Cabinet of the French King and the MNHN.
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi; 2017, Polonika w zbiorach obcych, tom specjalny; 403-412
Pojawia się w:
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Extracting limestone: How to interpret the city through ammonites and belemnites
Sadowska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
natural history
The paper analyzes the presence of the remains of ammonites and belemnites in the stones used to build the elevations of houses in modern Polish cities. The process of aestheticizing buildings is the reason for fossilized cephalopods being moved from the natural environment into urban space. I consider whether the use of such materials leads merely to making the buildings look more attractive or if this process provides an opportunity to interpret these buildings in an alternative way, which goes beyond aesthetic categories and is related to the fact that the fossils have been moved from the natural world into the cultural sphere. The limestone elements of architecture also allow one to look at the city as a unique museum of cultural and natural history.
Polish Journal of Landscape Studies; 2020, 3, 6; 83-95
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Landscape Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bylica pospolita, „synfitonizm” i ekspozycje roślinno-ludzkich historii
Artemisia vulgaris, ‘synphytonism’ , and plant-human history exhibitions
Zamorska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Narodowe Centrum Kultury
muzeum przyrodnicze
ochrona przyrody
in situ
natural history museum
environmental protection
What curatorial gesture would make it possible to give rise to a temporary museum in situ where anthropogenic inscriptions could be presented by the living exhibits themselves? In this article the past of the Anthropocene is defined as a time of intensified activity of Homo sapiens in the early Holocene, before our impact on the hydrosphere, geosphere and atmosphere became irreversible. The author ponders whether the current definition of a natural history museum can incorporate a project of a living, embodied, post-anthropocentric and post-institutional museum. She suggests plants as essential partners in the human becoming across the biosphere. Chlorophyll organisms initiated the Great Oxidation Event, or Oxygen Catastrophe, which led not only to the extinction of anaerobic organisms but also to the proliferation of oxygen-dependent life, including humans. The human-plant co-existence is studied through the consequences of the ‘desire for sunlight’ of the former and the ‘desire for mobility’ of the latter. Synanthropic plants, which thrive growing next to people, emerge as the protagonists of this story, with the shared interspecies history and anthropogenic mutations inscribed in their bodies. This is a story of the human–plant co-evolution where contemporary, ‘spontaneous’ synanthropic plants are depicted as agents. In this context the author describes the artistic practices of Andrea Haenggi, analysing them as curatorial gestures for an interspecies dialogue within the framework of a ‘museum setting’.
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka; 2021, 113, 1; 60-73
Pojawia się w:
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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