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Gazprom na polskim rynku paliw w latach 1989-2014
Gazprom on the Polish Fuel Market 1989-2014
Kołbuk, Witold
Kołbuk, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
rynek paliw
gaz ziemny
wojna gazowa
fuel market
gas war
natural gas. Poland
W drugiej połowie XX wieku rola paliw lotnych w światowej gospodarce systematycznie rosła. W wielu krajach jest ona wręcz dominująca a paliwa takiej jak gaz ziemny wykorzystywane są wielu gałęziach gospodarki i w gospodarstwach domowych. Również w Polsce stale rośnie konsumpcja gazu. Polska nie posiada odpowiednio dużej ilości „błękitnego paliwa”, która zaspokoiłaby wszystkie potrzeby firm i gospodarstw domowych. Ze względu na położenie geograficzne oraz uwarunkowania geopolityczne, historyczne i ekonomiczne głównym dostawcą gazu ziemnego do Polski jest rosyjski koncern paliwowy Gazprom. Jest on obecny na polskim rynku od początku swojego istnienia czyli jednocześnie od pierwszych lat istnienia suwerennej III Rzeczypospolitej. Dzięki swojej uprzywilejowanej pozycji na polskim rynku paliw koncern ten prowadzi praktyki monopolistyczne: zawieranie korzystnych dla siebie umów o długoterminowych dostawach gazu ziemnego, dyktowanie cen paliwa (najwyższych dla Polski w całej Unii Europejskiej), kontrolowanie spółki odpowiedzialnej za dystrybucję gazu na zachód Europy, opóźnianie rozbudowy strategicznego gazociągu prowadzącego w tym kierunku. Szczególnie w ostatnich latach wiele poczynań Gazpromu budzi zaniepokojenie w środowiskach polskich polityków i ekonomistów. Najgroźniejsze z tych niekorzystnych działań to przerywanie lub ograniczanie dostaw gazu jako forma polityczno-ekonomicznych gróźb i ostrzeżeń pod adresem innych krajów, czego kilkakrotnie doświadczyła również Polska. W konsekwencji nasz kraj pozostaje w znacznym stopniu uzależniony od rosyjskiego gazu, chociaż samej Polsce od ponad 20 lat bliżej do państw zachodniej Europy, a od 10 lat Polska jest członkiem Unii Europejskiej. Aby zmniejszyć zależność polskiej gospodarki od dostaw gazu ze Wschodu od lat podejmowane są inicjatywy mające na celu pozyskanie tego paliwa z innych źródeł: dywersyfikacja, czyli alternatywne dostawy z krajów innych niż Rosja, poszukiwania złóż gazu ze źródeł niekonwencjonalnych (gaz z łupków) czy budowa gazoportu do odbioru gazu skroplonego (LNG).
In the second half of the twentieth century the role of volatile fuels in the global economy steadily grew. In many countries it is even dominant – fuels such as natural gas are used in many branches of economy and households. Also in Poland gas consumption is constantly growing. Poland does not have a sufficiently large amount of “blue fuel” that would satisfy all the needs of business and households. Due to the geographical location, as well as geopolitical, historical and economic conditions, major supplier of natural gas to Poland is Russian fuel concern Gazprom. Since its beginnings it is present on the Polish market which is – at the same time – from the first years od the souvereign Third Republic of Poland. Thanks to the privileged position on the Polish fuel market concern leads monopolistic practices: concluding favourable to itself long-term contracts for natural gas supplies, imposition of fuel prices (highest for Poland in the entire European Union), control over company responsible for gas distribution to the Western Europe, delaying development of strategic pipeline leading in this direction. Especially in recent years many actions taken by Gazprom have raised concern in the environment of Polish politicans and economists. The most dangerous of these unfavourable activities are interruption or limitation of gas supplies as a form of economic blackmail aimed at other countries (for few times also experinced by Poland). As a result, our country remains significantly dependent on Russian gas although Poland for more than 20 years has become closer to the countries of Western Europe and since 10 years has been a member of the European Union. In order to reduce the dependence of the Polish economy on gas supplies from the East initiatives to acquire this fuel from other sources has been taken: diversification or alternative supplies from countries other than Russia, exploration of unconventional gas (shale gas) and construction of a gas terminal to receive liquified natural gas (LNG).
Roczniki Ekonomii i Zarządzania; 2014, 6, 2; 131-152
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Ekonomii i Zarządzania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dostosowanie parametrów pracy PMG do aktualnych potrzeb rynku gazu ziemnego w Polsce
Adaptation of the UGS operating parameters to the current needs of the natural gas market in Poland
Filar, Bogdan
Miziołek, Mariusz
Kwilosz, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
podziemny magazyn gazu
rynek gazu w Polsce
usługi magazynowe
gaz ziemny
underground gas storage
natural gas market in Poland
storage services
natural gas
The publication deals with the problem of adjusting UGS operation parameters to changes in the Polish natural gas system. It was emphasized that the demand for active storage capacity directly results from the volume of domestic consumption of natural gas and the structure of gas supply to the market. The chart attached to the article (Fig. 1) presents gas consumption in Poland, broken down into domestic production and imports for 1995–2018. The presented chart confirmed the fast increase in gas demand in recent years in Poland. In addition, the graph showed that since 2012, domestic natural gas production has been systematically falling from 4.3 to 3.8 billion m3 . Therefore, the growing demand for gas is met by additional gas imports. In 2018, the volume of natural gas import was around 14.5 billion m3 . Currently, approximately 79% of total gas consumption in Poland is covered by import. The article emphasized that rapidly growing gas import generates demand for new UGS working capacities. The main purpose of the publication was to find the answer to the question of which parameters of underground gas storage are preferred by the gas market in Poland. The costs of providing gas storage services in Poland were analyzed in order to determine the desired UGS parameters. The analysis showed a large difference between the costs of providing firm and interruptible storage services in Poland. Firm storage services guarantee gas supplies irrespective of market conditions and are therefore significantly more expensive (PLN 389.1/1000 m3 ) than interruptible services (PLN 107.5/1000 m3 ). The main reason for such a significant cost difference is because firm services can be used to establish a mandatory reserve, required by law in Poland. The article indicates the consequences of a rapid growing natural gas import trend. The increase of gas import volume results in a large increase of mandatory reserve volume. In 2017–2019, the amount of mandatory reserves increased by about 56% (from 8.5 to 13 TWh). Therefore, the construction parameters of the future UGS should take into account current market conditions. The large difference between the costs of storage services has a significant impact on revenues from gas storage services. Therefore, the procedure for determining the most favorable operating parameters of UGS should take into account not only the reduction of storage, construction and operation costs of gas storage facilities, but also the optimization of revenues from gas storage services. Therefore, the construction parameters of the future UGS should take into account current market conditions. In order to determine the preferred parameters for the construction and operation of underground gas storage facilities, an analysis of the construction of a new UGS in an exemplary depleted natural gas field was carried out. Calculations were made for five different active capacities. For each active capacity, calculations were made for three times of full capacity exhaustion (80, 100 and 120 days). Then, financial analysis was carried out for several variants of the construction of the new UGS based on the NPV index and the cost of construction and operation of active capacity. Financial analysis has shown that in the current market situation it is more profitable to build, a “fast” gas storage with a relatively short time of withdrawal and injection of working volume.
Nafta-Gaz; 2020, 76, 9; 601-609
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Brodacki, Dominik
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
energy policy,
natural gas,
the gas sector,
the Russian Federation,
the Republic of Poland
The article constitutes an analysis of the gas relationship between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Poland in terms of the current geopolitical and economic determinants affecting the nature of the bilateral cooperation in the scope of energy policy. The paper shows the existence of a dependence, as well as the characteristics of the natural gas sector and energy policy of the Russian Federation in relation to Poland and also answers the question about the reason for such actions as are taken. The aim of the work is also the analysis of the natural gas sector of the Republic of Poland and internal conditions in Poland, which influence the foreign policy of Russia in the export of natural gas.
Polityka i Społeczeństwo; 2017, 15, 2; 50-64 (15)
Pojawia się w:
Polityka i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Udzielanie koncesji na poszukiwanie i rozpoznawanie zasobów surowców - zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski
Concessions for Searching and Identification of Natural Resources – Ensuring Poland’s Energy Security
Maciejewski, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Poland's energy security
granting of concessions
deposits of natural resources
copper deposits
shale gas deposits
NIK evaluated how the Minister of Environment performed the tasks related to granting concessions for searching and identification of copper and carbohydrates deposits, including shale gas. Copper is commonly used in all economy branches (e.g. infrastructure, transport, construction, machinery, medicine). While searching and obtaining crude oil and natural gas, including gas from unconventional deposits, is of key importance to ensuring the state’s energy safety. The audit was conducted at the Ministry of Environment and it covered the years 2008–2016 with regard to concessions for copper and carbohydrates (oil and natural gas) from conventional deposits, and the years 2013–2016 – with regard to concessions for search and identification of shale gas.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2018, 63, 5 (382); 42-56
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w zakresie dostaw gazu ziemnego w latach 2015–2021 w powiązaniu z działaniami politycznymi oraz prawnymi
Analysis of the energy security of the Republic of Poland in the field of natural gas supplies in 2015–2021 in connection with political and legal activities
Chmielarz, Patryk
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
energy security
natural gas supplies
cooperation of the European Union Member States
Energy Policy of Poland
bezpieczeństwo energetyczne
dostawy gazu ziemnego
współpraca państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej
Polityka Energetyczna Polski
Autor skoncentrował się na analizie strategii umożliwiających zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na tle polityki bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Unii Europejskiej. Dokonano przeglądu celów oraz założeń postulowanych przez rząd Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej oraz przez Unię Europejską. Sformułowano wnioski dotyczące współpracy polskiego rządu z państwami członkowskimi Unii Europejskiej. Scharakteryzowano zagadnienie miksu energetycznego Unii Europejskiej oraz znaczenie samego bezpieczeństwa energetycznego dla społeczeństwa oraz bezpieczeństwa gospodarczego.
The author focused on the analysis of strategies to ensure energy security of the Republic of Poland against the background of the energy security policy of the European Union. The goals and assumptions postulated by the government of the Republic of Poland and the European Union were reviewed. Conclusions were formulated regarding the cooperation of the Polish government with the Member States of the European Union. The issue of the energy mix of the European Union and the importance of energy security itself for society and economic security are characterized.
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej; 2023, 17; 197-206
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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