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The Ciechocinek Formation (Lower Jurassic) of SW Poland : petrology of green clastic rocks
Leonowicz, P.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Lower Jurassic
Cracow-Silesian Upland
The Lower Jurassic Ciechocinek Formation from the Czestochowa-Wielun region of SW Poland comprises greenish-grey muds and silts as well as poorly consolidated mudstones and siltstones with lenticular intercalations of fine-grained sands, sandstones and siderites. Analysis of a mineral composition indicates that the detrital material was derived mainly from the weathering of metamorphic and sedimentary rocks of the eastern Sudetes with their foreland and of the Upper Silesia area, and that this material underwent repeated redeposition. The Fe-rich chlorites which give the green colour to the mudstones of the Ciechocinek Formation are most probably early diagenetic minerals, genetically linked with the deposition in a brackish sedimentary basin.
Geological Quarterly; 2005, 49, 3; 317--330
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Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza sedymentologiczna drobnoziarnistych osadów górnoordowicko-dolnosylurskich basenu podlasko-lubelskiego
Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian fine-grained sediments in the Podlasie-Lublin Basin
Lis, J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
basen podlasko-lubelski
analiza podstawowa
Podlasie-Lublin Basin
core analysis
In western and central parts of the Podlasie-Lublin Basin, Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian mixed siliciclastic-carbonate section is dominated by fine-grained sediments (claystones, mudstones), which are passing into more carbonaceous ones towards the east. In this region, subsidence was controlled by flexural bending of the East European Craton margin. Sedimentological analysis of drill cores revealed that deposition of those fine-grained sediments originated from suspension and traction currents. Amount of oxygen plays important role in the rock record (Fig. 1) whereas occurrence of pyrite is significant for determinations of sedimentary conditionsion, also in terms of sea level changes (Fig. 2). The rocks display abundant sedimentological structures such as current ripples, wave ripples, hummocky cross-stratification (HCS), graded beds, water escape structures, soft sediment deformation and scours (Fig. 3). The rocks are also characterized by predominance of wave ripples, common scours, graded beds and soft sediment deformations whereas current ripples, water escape structures and HCS are rather rare. The most frequent of the ichnofacies elements include unlined, rarely branched Planolites, which represent Scolithos, Cruziana and Zoophycus ichnofacies. The size of elements of Planolites ichnofacies appears dependent on environmental conditions and ranges from 0.5 mm to 15 mm. Chondrites, Anconichnus, Helminthopsis and Teichichnus, very important environment indicators, are present but not that common (Fig. 4). Textural analyses along with the records of diagenetic features made it possible to distinguish a succession of stratigraphic parasequences (Fig. 5). Early carbonate cementation appeared important, especially in the case of suble or invisible changes in grain size. On the basis of the obtained results, depositional environment of fined-grained sediments in the Podlasie-Lublin Basin was interpreted as a wave-dominated shelf with turbidite episodes. Detailed sedimentological observations are crucial for definiting facies types and prediction of their distribution, but also for tracing the most organic-rich units in the sedimentological profile, as the basic in terms of gas shale prospects. Apparently monotonous fine-grained sediments (claystones and mudstones) are shown to be in fact miscellaneous.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2010, 58, 3; 259-262
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Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Paleogleby w zapisie sedymentacyjnym formacji z Siodeł w Górach Świętokrzyskich (perm górny–trias dolny)
Paleosols in the sedimentary record of the Siod³a Formation in the Holy Cross Mountains (Upper Permian–Lower Triassic)
Trela, W.
Fijałkowska-Mader, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
czerwone mułowce
red mudstones
The uppermost Permian in the NWHoly Cross Mountains is represented by red mudstones with sandstone and conglomerate interbeds, forming the PZt cyclothem (dated by miospores of the Lueckisporites virkkiae Bc Zone), which grade upwards into the Siodta Formation. This succession is overlain by sandstones and mudstones of the Jaworzna Formation yielding the lowermost Triassic spore-pollen assemblage of the Lundbladispora obsoleta- Protohaploxypinus pantii Zone. Mudstones of the Siodta Formation reveal mottling structure with numerous root traces, rhizobreciation, as well as nodular and bedded calcretes. The root -Mader structures are represented by calcite tubules and root moulds, the latter filled with dark red calcareous mudstones. The presence of root traces in the Siodta Formation clearly indicates an increase of substrate moisture in contrast to the underlying PZt cyclothem. The mottled red mudstones were deposited in the playa-lacustrine depositional system and lost their primary structure due to rooting and other pedogenic processes. Carbonate nodules and thin indurated calcretes are related to periods of lower sediment accumulation rate or even non-deposition periods favouring development of continental carbonates. A relatively rapid switch to the alluvial depositional system represented by the Jaworzna Formation appears to be coeval to the increased sediment flux in terrestrial setting, postulated by Newell et al. (2010) at the Permo-Triassic boundary, driven by a devegetation event of upland catchments.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2017, 65, 4; 227--233
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Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The significance of mudstone fabric combined with palaeoecological evidence in determining sedimentary processes - an example from Middle Jurassic of southern Poland
Leonowicz, P. M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
black mudstones
parallel lamination
storm deposits
bottom oxygenation
Ore-Bearing Częstochowa Clay Formation
Analysis of the fabric of laminated black mudstones of the Ore-Bearing Częstochowa Clay Formation (Bathonian, southern Poland) is used for reconstruction of sedimentary processes and conditions. Small-scale sedimentary features indicate that ore-bearing clays were deposited below storm-wave base in a shallow epicontinental sea, but structures reflecting quiet settling from suspension are not common. Most of recognized lamina types record the activity of bottom currents generated by storms. The benthic faunal association indicates that suboxic conditions prevailed on the seafloor, restricting infaunal activity to cryptobioturbation. Recurrent short-lived reoxygenetion events, linked probably to storms, resulted in the development of dysoxic conditions, recorded by a more diverse trace fossil association (consisting of Chondrites, Trichichnus, pyritized burrows, Palaeophycus and Protovirgularia) and colonization of the seafloor by epifaunal bivalves (Bositra). Truly anoxic conditions might have been briefly established, leading to mass mortality of Bositra.
Geological Quarterly; 2013, 57, 2; 243--260
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Foraminiferal stratigraphy of Palaeogene deep-water red facies in the Gorce Mountains (Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians)
Bąk, K.
Bąk, M.
Cieśla, M.
Paul, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
agglutinated Foraminifera
red claystones and mudstones
Magura Nappe
Polish Outer Carpathians
Gorce Mountains
The deposition of red and variegated mudstones and claystones characterized the ancient Tethys Ocean during Cretaceous and Palaeogene times, including in its north-western part, the Alpine–Carpathian deep-water basins. Palaeogene variegated sediments, containing red mudstone and claystone layers, crop out in the Gorce Mountains (Rosocha creek, near Lubomierz) in the Magura Nappe (Bystrica Subunit) of the Polish Outer Carpathians. These sediments occur as layers 1–10 cm thick and as packages of layers 2–3 m thick that are associated with very thin-bedded turbidites. The entire succession is tectonically disturbed and parts of it belong to the Ropianka, Łabowa Shale and Beloveža Formations. The sediments studied contain 27 genera and 59 species that belong to deep-water agglutinated foraminiferal (DWAF) assemblages. Tubular taxa, which are frequent in various Mesozoic–Cenozoic flysch sediments are relatively rare in the section studied. The assemblages are moderately diverse (3–20 taxa per sample). Excluding tubular forms, the most common taxa belong to Trochamminoides – Paratrochamminoides spp., Saccammina placenta, glomospirids, Recurvoides – Recurvoidella spp. and karrerulinids. The oldest part of the red sediments, referable to the Ropianka Formation, represents the upper part of the Rzehakina fissistomata Zone (probably the Upper Palaeocene). The youngest red sediments, forming thin intercalations in the Beloveža Formation, represent the acme of Reticulophragmium amplectens (middle Lutetian). Owing to tectonic disturbances, most of the Lower Eocene part of the variegated facies of the Łabowa Shale Formation is not preserved in the section studied. The upper part of it, a package 2 m thick, represents the lower part of the Reticulophragmium amplectens Zone. The small thickness (10–15 m) of the Łabowa Shale Formation in the section studied is similar to other sections in the southern part of the Bystrica Subunit. It is probably of a sedimentary nature, reflecting a decreasing number of mud-rich, gravitational flows in the southern part of the Magura Basin during the Early Eocene. Nevertheless, the strong tectonic disturbances that took place in this area during the Oligocene–Miocene folding and overthrusting influenced the reduction in thickness of these sediments.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2013, 83, 3; 201-212
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Storm-influenced deposition and cyclicity in a shallow-marine mudstone succession - example from the Middle Jurassic ore-bearing clays of the Polish Jura (southern Poland)
Leonowicz, P. M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
bioturbated mudstones
storm deposits
transgressive-regressive cycles
Ore-Bearing Częstochowa Clay Formation
Silesian-Cracow region
Sedimentological analysis of bioturbated mudstones from the Middle Jurassic ore-bearing Częstochowa Clay Formation has revealed common relics of sedimentary structures, such as thin silt/sand laminae, bedding-plane accumulations of shell debris, small and medium silt-sand lenses, as well as silt-, sand- and shell-debris-rich levels, accompanied by erosion surfaces and minor scours. These features document periodical high-energy conditions of mud deposition, including storm stirring, event sedimentation and the activity of storm-generated bottom currents, which were responsible for seafloor erosion and sediment supply from shallower parts of the basin. The sea bottom was prevalently below the storm wave base, but it rose above it during exceptionally strong storms and in the Early Bathonian zigzag chron when the basin experienced considerable shallowing. The shallowest and highest energy conditions occurred in the late macrescens subchron, when the bottom was close to, or above the fair-weather wave base. The estimated depth of the sea did not exceed several tens of metres, but in some periods it could be even less than 20 m. Based on the vertical variation of the sand, silt and clay contents, seven transgressive-regressive cycles have been distinguished in the approximately 75-m thick succession spanning the Upper Bajocian - Upper Bathonian. Cycles TR1, TR2+3, TR5 and TR6+7 correlate with those distinguished in the coeval succession from central Poland, although the stratigraphic position of cycle boundaries is slightly shifted. These cycles record relative sea-level changes that affected the entire Polish Basin. Regressions R2 and R6 were smaller-scale-events, generated in response to a local tectonic activity and autocyclic shoreline progradation.
Geological Quarterly; 2015, 59, 2; 325--344
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ zmian temperatury i czasu wygrzewania próbek skał mułowców na rozkład wielkości porów i powierzchnię właściwą BET na podstawie analiz izoterm adsorpcji
Effects of changes in temperature and heating times in the preparation of mudstones rock samples, on pore size distribution and specific surface BET measurements based on adsorption isotherm analysis
Dudek, Lidia
Data publikacji:
Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
powierzchnia właściwa
temperatura wygrzewania
specific surface area
heating temperature
Celem pracy jest przedstawienie efektów wygrzewania próbek skał ilasto-mułowcowych na ich strukturę porową, a konkretnie powierzchnię właściwą BET. Struktura porowa surowych i częściowo wygrzanych próbek była mierzona metodą adsorpcji azotu w niskiej temperaturze, w tym przypadku w temperaturze wrzenia ciekłego azotu. Otrzymane izotermy adsorpcji i desorpcji tych próbek były podobne i można je było zaklasyfikować jako typ II, według klasyfikacji IUPAC (Sing et al., 1985). Badania adsorpcyjne wykonano na próbkach skał ilastomułowcowych z utworów ordowiku i syluru oraz fliszu karpackiego. Selekcję próbek przeprowadzono na podstawie analizy składu mineralogicznego, opierając się na ilościowej analizie rentgenowskiej (tabela 3). Głównym kryterium wyboru była zawartość węglanu wapnia, ze względu na to, iż przyjmuje się, że węglany nie ulegają żadnym przemianom poniżej 550°C. Okazało się jednak, że przemiany następują już w znacznie niższych temperaturach. Dla każdej próbki wykonano co najmniej 30 pomiarów adsorpcyjnych, w sumie wykonując ich około 120 pomiarów. Otrzymano krzywe kumulacyjne oraz funkcje rozkładu objętości porów wyznaczone za pomocą algorytmu BJH (ang. Barrett-Joyner-Halenda) (Barrett et al., 1951), z gałęzi desorpcji przy użyciu równania statystycznej grubości warstwy Halseya i korekcji Faass (Faass, 1981) oraz wartości powierzchni właściwej BET (Brunauer et al., 1938). Analizując otrzymane wyniki można stwierdzić, że wszystkie próbki przed przystąpieniem do badania – w celu minimalizacji błędów pomiarowych związanych z heterogenicznością – należy przesiać przez sito 0,5 mm. Następnie po wygrzaniu i przedmuchaniu próbki w urządzeniu SmartPrep należy zatkać probówkę korkiem w celu eliminacji ponownego zawilgocenia. Konsekwencją wygrzewania próbki już nawet w temperaturze 65°C jest wzrost wartości Ro o 3%, lecz przy wygrzewaniu w 425°C rośnie ona aż o 500%. Po wykonaniu analizy adsorpcji azotem zauważono, że wszystkie próbki, niezależnie od ich współczynnika wzrostu lub spadku powierzchni właściwej BET z temperaturą, wykazują tendencję do lokalnych minimów w zakresie 130–190°C i 360–425°C oraz lokalnych maksimów 65–105°C i 250–320°C, których to wyjaśnienie powinno być przedmiotem osobnej pracy analizującej szczegółowo zjawiska fizycznochemiczne występujące w podobnym trendzie we wszystkich analizowanych próbkach.
The purpose of this work was to show the effects of heating up of mudstones rock samples, on their pore structure and especially on their specific surface BET. Porous structures of both – raw and partly heated samples – were measured using nitrogen adsorption method at low temperature i.e. boiling temperature of liquid nitrogen. Adsorption and desorption isotherms obtained for these samples were similar and they could be classified as type II according to IUPAC classification (Sing et al. 1985). Adsorption testing was conducted on clay-mudstone rock samples from Ordovician, Silurian and Carpathian Flysch layers. Sample selection was based on mineral content analysis outcome from quantitative X-ray analysis. The main selection criteria was calcium carbonate content, due to the fact that theoretically they do not undergo any transformations below 550°C, it turned out, however, that they might occur at much lower temperatures. At least 30 adsorption measurements were taken for each sample, totaling about 120 adsorption measurements. Cumulative curves were obtained together with pore volume distribution functions using BJH (BarrettJoyner-Halenda) (Barrett et al., 1951) algorithm from the desorption branch using Halsey’s statistical layer thickness equation and Faass (Faass, 1981) correction and also specific surface measurements (BET). Analysis of the obtained results allow us to conclude, that all samples should be put through the 0.5 mm sieve before analysis to minimize the error associated with its heterogenity. Later, after the sample has been preheated and Nitrogen vented in SmartPrep apparatus, it has to be cork sealed to eliminate secondary moisture adsorption. The consequence of preheating of a rock sample even at 65°C is the increase in its Vitrinite Reflectance by 3%, but after preheating it at 425°C, VR increases even by 500%. After adsorption analysis it was concluded that all the samples – regardless of whether their BET, change with temperature was positive or negative – showed local minima in 130–190°C and 360–425°C, and local maxima in 65–105°C and 250–320°C which phenomena should be examined in detail in further research, in order to analyse both physical and chemical processes present in similar trend in all analyzed samples.
Nafta-Gaz; 2019, 75, 1; 10-16
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badanie wpływu zawartości minerałów ciężkich na naturalną promieniotwórczość skał miocenu zapadliska przedkarpackiego
Study on the impact of heavy minerals to natural radioactivity of the Miocene rocks in the Carpathian Foredeep
Zagórska, Urszula
Sikora, Aleksandra
Łykowska, Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
minerały ciężkie
spektrometria gamma
promieniotwórczość naturalna
separacja frakcji ciężkiej
skały miocenu
zapadliska przedkarpackie
heavy minerals
gamma spectrometry
natural radioactivity
heavy fraction separation
Miocene rocks
Carpathian Foredeep
W skałach miocenu zapadliska przedkarpackiego zauważono zjawisko zawyżania pomiarów promieniotwórczości naturalnej rejestrowanych w otworze wiertniczym dla mułowców. To zjawisko powoduje problemy w rozróżnianiu na podstawie profilowania naturalnej promieniotwórczości tych skał od iłowców, które charakteryzują się gorszymi parametrami petrofizycznymi. W niniejszej pracy badano kolejne możliwe źródło podwyższonej radioaktywności skał mułowcowych, to jest zawartość minerałów ciężkich, które wykazują tendencję do gromadzenia pierwiastków promieniotwórczych – uranu i toru. Minerały ciężkie, należące do grupy minerałów akcesorycznych, takie jak cyrkon, apatyt, monacyt, rutyl, granat i tytanit, charakteryzują się podwyższoną promieniotwórczością ze względu na podstawienia w sieci krystalicznej U i Th. Na testowych próbkach wykonano pomiar naturalnej promieniotwórczości metodą spektrometrii gamma, przy wykorzystaniu aparatu RT-50 firmy Georadis. Następnie z próbek skał wydzielono minerały ciężkie, przy użyciu cieczy ciężkiej, uprzednio rozdzielając próbki na frakcje ziarnowe, w celu ułatwienia separacji frakcji ciężkiej. Poszczególne frakcje ziarnowe pozbawione minerałów ciężkich złączono z powrotem i wykonano ponowny pomiar zawartości uranu, toru i potasu. Wykonano także obserwacje mikroskopowe w celu jakościowej analizy składu mineralogicznego wydzielonej frakcji ciężkiej. W badanych próbkach zidentyfikowano między innymi ziarna cyrkonu, turmalinu, granatu, rutylu, apatytu, chlorytu czy tytanitu. Przeprowadzone wyniki pomiarów naturalnej promieniotwórczości, przed i po wydzieleniu minerałów ciężkich, nie dają jednoznacznej odpowiedzi na postawiony problem zawyżonych wskazań sondy gamma. Konieczne jest zwiększenie ilości analizowanych próbek. Zaobserwowano trend spadku ilości U i Th w próbkach, z których wydzielono frakcję ciężką. Jednak zmiany promieniotwórczości są na tyle niewielkie, że nie pozwalają na wyciągnięcie ostatecznych wniosków. Dodatkowe analizy są potrzebne, aby ocenić wpływ pozostałych źródeł uranu i toru w badanych skałach, takie jak zawartość materii organicznej czy udział toru we frakcji ilastej.
In the Miocene rocks of the Carpathian Foredeep, the occurrence of overestimating the measurements of natural radioactivity logs for mudstones was noticed. This phenomenon causes problems with recognition on the basis of natural radioactivity profiling of these rocks from claystones, characterized by inferior petrophysical parameters. In this study, another possible source of increased radioactivity of mudstone rocks, i.e. the content of heavy minerals that tend to accumulate radioactive elements - uranium and thorium - was investigated. Heavy minerals, belonging to the accessory minerals, such as zircon, apatite, monazite, rutile, garnet and titanite, are characterized by increased radioactivity due to substitutions of U and Th in the crystal lattice. Natural radioactivity of the test samples was measured using the gamma spectrometry method with the RT-50 device from the Georadis company. The heavy minerals were then removed from the rock samples using a heavy liquid, previously separating the samples into grain fractions to facilitate the separation of the heavy fraction. The individual grain fractions deprived of heavy minerals were put back together and the uranium, thorium (and potassium) content was remeasured. Microscopic observations were also made to qualitatively analyze the mineralogical structure of the separated heavy fraction. In the tested samples, among others: zircon, tourmaline, garnet, rutile, apatite, chlorite or titanite grains were identified. The results of the measurements of natural radioactivity, before and after the separation of heavy minerals, do not give a clear answer to the problem of excessive indications of the gamma logs. It is necessary to increase the number of analyzed samples. The trend of decreasing amounts of U and Th in the samples from which the heavy fraction was isolated was observed. However, changes in radioactivity are so small that they do not allow to draw final conclusions. Additional analyzes are needed to assess the impact of other sources of uranium and thorium in analyzed rocks, such as the content of organic matter or Th content in clays.
Nafta-Gaz; 2019, 75, 2; 77-82
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sedimentology and ichnology of Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn, Kraków-Silesia Homocline, Poland
Leonowicz, P.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
ciemnoszare mułowce
iły rudonośne
jura środkowa
monoklina śląsko-krakowska
zespół skamieniałości śladowych
Dark grey mudstones
Kraków-Silesia Homocline
Middle Jurassic
ore-bearing clays
Trace fossil tiering
The lithology, sedimentary structures and trace fossil association from the Bathonian organic-rich mudstones from Kraków-Silesia Homocline (SW Poland) are described and a preliminary interpretation of the palaeoenvironment is presented. The ore-bearing clays exposed in the Gnaszyn clay-pit are developed as dark grey claysilt deposits with a few horizons of sideritic concretions. Sedimentological analysis has revealed that these deposits originated in the offshore part of a marine basin, below the fair weather wave base. Relict parallel lamination suggests that the predominant mechanism of deposition was quiet settling from suspension. However, locally preserved storm deposits indicate that the sea bottom was affected by offshore flows, deriving coarser material from the nearshore area. The degree of bioturbation is high but the diversity of the trace-fossil association is low. It consists mainly of Chondrites, Trichichnus, pyritized burrows and less common Palaeophycus. Other traces, including Thalassinoides, Planolites, Taenidium and some undetermined burrows, occur mainly in the lower part of the succession. This ichnoassociation combines features of distal Cruziana and Zoophycos ichnofacies, suggesting poor oxygenation of the bottom sediment. Temporary improvements in bottom oxygenation, linked with more intense mixing of water during major storms, resulted in the more diverse trace fossil suite that is found in some intervals of the succession.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2012, 62, 3; 281-296
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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