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A Humanização em saúde: entre a virtude e o dever segundo Ricoeur
Health Humanization between the virtue and the duty according to Ricoeur
Silveira de Brito, José Henrique
Borges de Meneses, Ramiro Délio
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
Humanizing Health
Paul Ricoeur
and care
Following the thought of Ricoeur, humanization of health lies between virtue and duty. The first observation is to emphasize the effort. Ricoeur focuses the articulation that the author makes the teleological tradition, embodied especially in Aristotle, with the deontological tradition, with attention mainly Kant. Noting that each tradition has its share of truth, since the moral life is looking good and obedience to rules, Paul Ricoeur seeks to articulate the two traditions: the search for the good life must pass the scrutiny of the rules, that the tradition cultural consecrated. In this articulation, the first set as a criterion of the moral demand of the good, the good life, the life fulfilled life. Meanwhile, Ricoeur gives primacy to the Aristotelian tradition.
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2016, 4(17); 87-99
Pojawia się w:
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Humanização em saúde:entre a virtude e o dever segundo Ricoeur
Borges de Meneses, Ramiro Délio
Silveira De Brito, José Henrique
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
Humanizing Health
Paul Ricoeur
and care
Following the thought of Ricoeur, humanization of health lies between virtue and duty. The first observation is to emphasize the effort. Ricoeur focuses the articulation that the author makes the teleological tradition, embodied especially in Aristotle, with the deontological tradition, with attention mainly Kant. Noting that each tradition has its share of truth, since the moral life is looking good and obedience to rules, Paul Ricoeur seeks to articulate the two traditions: the search for the good life must pass the scrutiny of the rules, that the tradition cultural consecrated. In this articulation, the first set as a criterion of the moral demand of the good, the good life, the life fulfilled life. Meanwhile, Ricoeur gives primacy to the Aristotelian tradition
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2015, 3(18); 13-25
Pojawia się w:
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Demoniczna pokusa według Moraliów św. Grzegorza Wielkiego
Kisiel, Karol
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Grzegorz Wielki
Księga Hioba
corpus diaboli
Gregory the Great
Book of Job
Artykuł opisuje myśl św. Grzegorza Wielkiego na temat demonicznych pokus na podstawie Moraliów, czyli komentarza do Księgi Hioba. Podstawą nienawiści szatana do człowieka jest pragnienie przeciwstawienia się planowi Bożemu i odebranie człowiekowi możliwości zbawienia. Poprzez pokusy diabeł formuje corpus diaboli – społeczność przeciwstawiającą się swojemu Stwórcy. Całe działanie złych duchów jest jednak ograniczane przez Boga, tak iż nie jest ono w stanie zniszczyć planu Stwórcy, a nawet nieświadomie prowadzi ono do zbawienia wielu ludzi. W dalszej części artykułu przedstawione są podstawowe cechy pokus, poprzez których omówienie św. Grzegorz Wielki stara się uwrażliwić wierzących na subtelne działania złych duchów, które obiecując ulotne dobro odbierają człowiekowi łaskę Bożą.
The article describes the thought of St. Gregory the Great on the subject of demonic temptations based on the Morals – commentary on the Book of Job. The basis of Satan's hatred for man is the desire to oppose God's plan and to deprive man of the possibility of salvation. Through temptations, the wickedness forms corpus diaboli , i.e. a community opposing its Creator. However, all evil spirits are limited by God, so that they are not able to destroy the Creator's plan, and even unknowingly lead to the salvation of many people. The rest of the article presents the basic features of temptations through which St. Gregory the Great tries to sensitize believers to the subtle actions of evil spirits who, promising ephemeral good, deprive man of God's grace.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2020, 58, 2; 4-45
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Didacticism and Morality in Azerbaijan Children’s Literature
Дидактизм и нравственность в азербайджанской детской литературе
Gafarova, Samangul Husu
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
The development of children’s literature dates back to the 18th century in England. The distinctive feature of children’s literature is that it benefits from the folklore of nations. Children’s literature is diverse in content and how to properly express different concepts. Regarding this, writing and criticising children’s literature appear challenging as they have a distinctive nature. The purpose of writing children’s literature is to educate them early and nurture good values since all of them shape their characters. Although there are many significant factors to evaluate in children’s literature, age and plot are always the centres of discussion. Age is considered essential in children’s literature, meaning that it determines the way of transmitting information, the word choice, and the theme for the suitable age. When it comes to the plot, different nuances, ranging from the writer’s insight and approach and the period in the written material is produced, affect topics in children’s literature. Considering that poetic feeling in children is higher and can be compared with writers’ and poets’ creativity, reading children’s books contributes to creativity, cognitive ability, and critical thinking. Therefore, children’s literature is rich in diverse topics and genres. However, as time changes, culture and morals also shift gradually, and because of this, children are believed to lose interest in the previous children’s literature. Environmental issues, technological innovations, etc., attract their attention. The emergence and development of Azerbaijan children’s literature are directly linked to the occurrence of a national enlightenment ideology. Preserving the mother tongue and the nation’s spiritual need for education conditioned this literature’s necessity. Azerbaijan children’s literature is also rich and diverse in terms of the mentioned factors. The triggering factor which encouraged enlightened writers to write children’s books in the second half of the twentieth century was the need for national poetry books and native language textbooks. Azerbaijan children’s literature has distinctive features because Azerbaijan is a multicultural and multireligious country, leading to cultural diversity and tolerance development. In Azerbaijan children’s literature, the importance of cultural and moral values such as kindness, honesty, sincerity, etc., is depicted uniquely. In terms of this, folklore, as an integral part of children’s literature, plays a crucial role in teaching moral values and preserving cultural and artistic treasures. Different genres in children’s literature instil humane characteristics in human beings, such as generosity, kindness, etc.
Развитие детской литературы восходит к 18 веку в Англии. Отличительной особенностью детской литературы является то, что она опирается на фольклор народов. Детская литература разнообразна по содержанию и способу правильного выражения различных понятий. В связи с этим написание и критика детской литературы представляются сложной задачей, поскольку она имеет своеобразный характер. Цель написания детской литературы состоит в том, чтобы обучить их в раннем возрасте и воспитать хорошие ценности, поскольку все они формируют детский характер. Хотя в детской литературе есть ряд важных факторов, которые следует оценивать, возраст и сюжет всегда находятся в центре внимания. Возраст считается важным в детской литературе, а это означает, что он определяет способ передачи информации, выбор слов и темы для соответствующего возраста. Когда дело доходит до сюжета, на темы детской литературы влияют различные нюансы, начиная от собственной проницательности и подхода писателя и заканчивая периодом создания написанного материала. Учитывая тот факт, что поэтическое чувство у детей выше и его можно сравнить с творчеством писателей и поэтов, чтение детских книг способствует творчеству, познавательным способностям, критическому мышлению. Поэтому детская литература богата разнообразными темами и жанра ми. Однако с течением времени культура и нравы также постепенно меняются, и из-за этого считается, что дети теряют интерес к прежней детской литературе. В настоящее время вопросы экологии, технологические новшества и т.д. также значительно привлекают их внимание. Возникновение и развитие азербайджанской детской литературы напрямую связано с возникновением национальной просветительской идеологии. Сохранение родного языка и духовная потребность нации в образовании обусловили необходимость этой литературы. Азербайджанская детская литература также богата и разнообразна по вышеперечисленным факторам. Основным фактором, подтолкнувшим просвещенных писателей второй половины ХХ века к написанию детских книг, является потребность в книгах национальной поэзии и учебниках родного языка. Причина, по которой азербайджанская детская литература имеет отличительные черты, заключается в том, что Азербайджан является многокультурной и многоконфессиональной страной, что привело к развитию культурного разнообразия и толерантности. В азербайджанской детской литературе особым образом раскрывается значение таких культурных и нравственных ценностей, как доброта, честность, искренность и т.д. В связи с этим фольклор как неотъемлемая часть детской литературы играет важнейшую роль в воспитании нравственных ценностей, которые также сохраняют в себе культурные и художественные ценности. Различные жанры детской литературы воспитывают в человеке такие гуманные качества, как великодушие, доброта и др.
Studia Orientalne; 2022, 3(23); 67-76
Pojawia się w:
Studia Orientalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dziedzictwo prawne Leona Petrażyckiego w nowoczesnej doktrynie prawnej Ukrainy
W, Kostytsky, Wasyl
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
psychological theory of law
law and ethical experiences
balance of emotion and intellect in law
sociology of law
theological and sociological understanding of law
law and morals
sources of law
official and intuitive law according to Petrazycki
legal awareness as representation of law
phenomenology of law according to Petrazycki
desirable and actual law
law and public welfare
law policy according to Petrazycki
types of positive law according to Petrazycki
political power and psychological theory of law
subjective and objective law
moral imperative as a source of law
Ukrainian scholars’ opinions on Petrazycki’s work
psychologiczna teoria prawa
prawo i przeżycia etyczne
stosunek emocjonalnego iracjonalnego prawa
socjologia prawa
teologiczne isocjologiczne rozumienie prawa
prawo i moralność
źródła prawa
oficjalne i intuicyjne prawo wg Petrażyckiego
świadomość prawna jako odbicie prawa
fenomenologia prawa wg Petrażyckiego
pożądane i obowiązujące prawo
prawo i dobro wspólne
polityka prawa wg Petrażyckiego
rodzaje pozytywnego prawa wg Petrażyckiego
władza państwowa i psychologiczna teoria prawa
subiektywne i obiektywne prawo
Imperatyw moralny jako źródło prawa
ukraińscy naukowcy o twórczości Petrażyckiego
The paper aims to study the work of Leon Petrazycki and analyze modern Ukrainian scholars’ opinions on Petrazycki’s scientific achievements. This study focuses on Petrazycki’s work, his psychological theory, in particular, in view of our own perspective on the law and within the framework of our theological and sociological theory, which considers the law as a social life phenomenon and regards moral imperative of the Almighty God as the basis of law. Every civilization communicates moral imperative through sacred writings (the Ten Commandments in Christian Bible, six hundred and seven rules in Jewish Torah, seventy-two rules in Muslim Quran). It is within the framework of this moral imperative that the society and the state develop the law. The paper addresses the modern absurdity and at the same time antinomy of law, lying in the fact that there is more and more law in the society but less and less law in life of an individual due to the fact that states rapidly upscale rulemaking, but laws are becoming less accessible to an individual. This study draws on conceptual issues of Petrazycki’s theoretical heritage, fundamental principles of his psychological theory, as well as connection between law and morality, described by Petrazycki, which are the spiritual heritage of society. The most important issues of Petrazycki’s work, in our opinion, are studying the nature of law, balance of emotion and intellect, official and intuitive, desirable and actual components in law, as well as subjective and objective law, law policy and power. The paper reveals that assessment of Petrazycki’s work in modern Ukrainian legal studies is ambivalent: from sharply critical (Prof. P. Rabinovich), compliant with Russian (O. Timoshina (St. Petersburg)) approach and critical yet positive perception of Petrazycki’s psychological theory (S. Maksymov, O. Merezhko, M. Kuz, O. Stovba) to admiration for Petrazycki’s genius, whose work was ahead of his time (I. Bezklubyi, N. Huralenko, V. Dudchenko, O. Rohach, M. Savchyn, V. Tymoshenko). Thus, the research findings suggest that Petrazycki’s work belongs not only to the past, but also to the present and future of jurisprudence, sociology, psychology, economics. Further in-depth analysis of Petrazycki’s heritage will contribute to more accurate diagnosis of urgent legal issues in social development of modern Ukraine, real assertion of personocentrism as a postulate of contemporary theoretical jurisprudence and guidelines for public authorities, as well as practical solution to many controversial scientific and legal issues.
Studia Iuridica; 2018, 74; 163-184
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ethical analysis of the right of persons with intellectual disabilities to sexuality education in Slovakia
Kocina, Petr
Marková, Dagmar
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
intellectual disability
sexuality education
human rights
Th e present study focuses on sexuality education as an integral part of the fundamental right to education. It analyses relevant provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and highlights related ethical issues. Study also shows that sexuality education is ideologically saturated and morally charged topic in Slovakia. In this paper we analyse context between social constructions of intellectual disability and sexuality and their implication for sexuality education. We outline some aspects of the right to sexuality education for persons with intellectual disabilities and discuss cultural challenges and related ethical dilemmas from the liberal point of view.
Journal of Modern Science; 2015, 26, 3; 323-334
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewokowane przez przyjaźń wartości w perspektywie współczesnej kultury
Current in the friendship of the value - in the contemporary culture
Czechowski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Powszechnej w Szczecinie
Współczesność nie sprzyja trwałym związkom osób. Żyjemy w pośpiechu, szukamy przyjemności, a konsumpcja nadaje stały rytm naszym działaniom i marzeniom. Przyjaźń wraz z ideałami, z którymi ona się nierozerwalnie łączy, wymaga poświęcenia i pracy nad sobą. Człowiek częstokroć woli podążać za tym, co łatwe i niewymagające poświęcenia. Przyjaźń buduje się na bezinteresowności, wzajemnym zaufaniu i podążaniu za dobrem. Piękno tej relacji wynika z poświęcania swego czasu, talentów, służby i ofiarnej pomocy. W ten sposób jedna ze stron, albo obie uprzytamniają sobie w interakcji wiele wartości, które trudno przecenić oraz doświadczają postaci miłości, o jakiej pisano już w starożytności. Warto zatem zarysować to zagadnienie w odniesieniu do obecnej kultury, aby uprzytomnić każdemu z nas jak jest ono ważne w życiu współczesnego człowieka.
The present isn't supporting long-lasting associations of persons. We live in a hurry, we are searching for pleasure, and the consumption is granting the permanent rhythm our action and dreams. The friendship along with ideals with which she inseparably is uniting, requires the sacrifice and the work on oneself. The man more often than not prefers to follow it, what simple and not requiring dedications. The friendship is building a house on the disinterestedness, the mutual confidence and following the good. The beauty of this relation results from devoting once, talents, the service and the dedicated help. Whereas many values which it is hard to overrate are received from the partner of interaction and is already experiencing forms of love they were writing about which in ancient times. It is worthwhile so directing a few reflection towards issues of the friendship and the value here of those present.
Edukacja Humanistyczna; 2020, 1; 59-76
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Humanistyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interpretowanie zrównoważoności z użyciem poziomów jakości Roberta Pirsiga
Interpreting Sustainability Using Robert Pirsig’s Levels of Quality
Venkatesh, G.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Człowiek i Środowisko PAN
rozwój zrównoważony
poziomy jakości Pirsiga
sustainable development
Pirsig’s Levels of Quality
Jakość, według pisarza Roberta Pirsinga (autora książki Zen and the Art. Of Motorcycle Maintenace), to zasad-niczo dobroć, która ludzie powinni zrozumieć, cenić i do której powinni dążyć. Podkreśla on przy tym rolę zro-zumienia, uznając ją jako warunek sine qua non sukcesu wszelkich działań podejmowanych w kierunku Jakości. Rozwój zrównoważony jest Jakością – i to pożądaną! Pirsig rozważa Jakość tworząc system hierarchiczny uwzględniający następujące poziomy: Naturalny, Biologiczny, Społeczny, Intelektualny i Mistyczny, uporząd-kowane wraz ze wzrostem znaczenia w tej właśnie kolejności. Wierzy on, że gdy poziomy Jakości na niższym poziomie zaczną się rozprzestrzeniać i rozwijać jedynie dla własnego dobra, nie przynosząc postępu i sprawiając wrażenie bycia lepszymi od zwykłego wzrostu i rozwoju, wtedy nadchodzi czas na poziom Mistyczny, którego zadaniem jest pobudzenie ludzkiej świadomości, wskazując, że prawdziwy cel życia sięga wyższych poziomów. Ten esej nie jest metafizycznym mini-traktatem. Nie jest także recenzją. Jest on interpretacją myśli, które Pirsig tak wspaniale zawarł w swojej książce: LILA: Badanie Moralności.
Quality, according to writer Robert Pirsig (of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance fame), is essentially goodness which humans should comprehend, appreciate and strive towards. It is the understanding or the com-prehension he stresses on, in the said book, as a sine qua non for the success of any undertaking towards Quality. Sustainable Development is a Quality; a desirable one at that! Pirsig breaks up Quality into different hierarchical levels – Natural, Biological, Social, Intellectual and Mystic, in that ascending order of importance. He believes that when the Quality levels on the lower rungs start running amok and developing merely for their own sakes, without striving to bring about progress – visualised as being superior to mere growth and development, the mystics need to step in and create awareness of one’s true purpose in life. This essay is not an esoteric, meta-physical mini-treatise. It is also not just a book review, but an interpretation of the thoughts Pirsig has so won-derfully put into words in his book – LILA: An Enquiry into Morals.
Problemy Ekorozwoju; 2011, 6, 2; 63-66
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tarwacka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
women’s morals
divorce, dowry.
obyczaje kobiet
SummaryAn examination of the grammar of a passage from Cato’s oration De dote discussed by Gellius (Gell. 10,23,4) leads to the conclusion that following a divorce a judge reviewed the morality of the woman concerned, and he could deprive her of part or the whole of her dowry if he found her guilty of immorality. On the other hand while the marriage lasted it was the husband who performed the censor’s duties with respect to his wife.
Gramatyczna analiza dyskutowanego przez badaczy fragmentu mowy Katona De dote (Gell. 10,23,4) pozwala wysnuć wniosek, iż po rozwodzie oceną obyczajności kobiety zajmował się sędzia, który mógł odebrać jej część lub całość posagu za niemoralne zachowanie. Natomiast w trakcie trwania małżeństwa rolę cenzora wobec żony pełnił mąż.
Zeszyty Prawnicze; 2017, 17, 4
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Moral reasoning of children with a severe socialisation deviation and their relation to important social norms
Smolík,, Arnošt
Svoboda, Zdeněk
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie
behaviour disorder
frustration tolerance
moral development
moral conduct
This text presents the partial results of a research project entitled An Analysis of the Teleological Aspects of Substitute Care Facilities and their Impact on the Value System of Children with a Severe Socialisation Deviation. The aim of the research was to assess the state of children’s personality cultivation in the area of moral development when placed in substitute care (facilities for individuals with a diagnosis of behaviour disorder). The focus of the project were children who have problems complying with important social rules at some point during their development. The level of their problems escalated up to the point of removal from the family. In this case the Czech school system offers the possibility of using alternative educational strategies implemented at special educational institutions. In the context of our research the question also remained to what extent these institutions were prepared to effectively fulfil their social obligation. An important motive for the design of this research was the current situation within society, where the system of educational facilities used to perform mandated institutional care and protective custody in the Czech Republic was subjected to different often controversial interventions in the recent years (in the opinion of experts working in this segment of educational activities). The system has undergone several rather awkward attempts to improve the work with children diagnosed with behaviour disorder. The following text is an interpretation of significant partial findings based on collected data.
Studia z Teorii Wychowania; 2015, 3 (12); 95-115
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Teorii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Moral Scens from Urban Life: Moral Perception of Modernity in Imperial Brazil
Narita, Felipe Ziotti
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Imperial Brazil
processes of education
In this article, I analyze moral perceptions of modernity in Rio de Janeiro between the 1850s and 1860s. Against a long theoretical tradition in the Latin American social sciences that emphasizes nineteenth-century modernity in the region as an opaque process (a mere attempt at imitating the Western European “pure” model), I would like to follow another theoretical path; that is, my analysis focuses on tangible experiences of modernity during the apogee of the Brazilian Empire. This research looks to newspapers, schoolbooks, books, and speeches delivered by the cultural elite in the public sphere. I analyze how moral perceptions of urban life in nineteenth-century Rio de Janeiro can be articulated into a structure based on processes of education. In other words, beyond the materiality in urban space (public street lighting, oil and gas companies, urban cleanliness, public gardens, etc.), there is an implicit relationship between the inner problems (political turbulence, poverty, and moral management of the urban population) and the moral content of modernity (which can be understood in terms of structural prescriptions). These processes of education, instead of an institution-centered practice concentrated only on schools, elaborate a diffuse set of prescriptions whose nexus is constituted by the content of morality. The paper reflects on the conditions of production and reproduction of modernity in a peripheral area (former colonial space) in the nineteenth century.
Praktyka Teoretyczna; 2017, 23, 1; 269-302
Pojawia się w:
Praktyka Teoretyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Principal grounds of Catholic and other religions in recent legal proceedings in Lithuania
Sprindziunas, Andrius
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Christian symbols
public morals
freedom of expression
Lithuanian courts
European Court of Human Rights
Prawo Kanoniczne; 2018, 61, 3; 185-193
Pojawia się w:
Prawo Kanoniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Public Morality as a Legitimate Aim to Limit Rights and Freedoms in the National and International Legal Order
Młynarska-Sobaczewska, Anna
Kubuj, Katarzyna
Mężykowska, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
public morality
legitimate aim
constitutional courts
European Court of Human Rights
methods of argumentation
Domestic legislation and international instruments designed for the protection of human rights provide for general clauses allowing limitations of rights and freedoms, e.g. public morals. A preliminary analysis of the case-law leads to the observation that both national courts and the European Court of Human Rights, when dealing with cases concerning sensitive moral issues, introduce varied argumentation methods allowing them to avoid making direct moral judgments and relying on the legitimate aim of protecting morality. In the article the Authors analyse selected judicial rulings in which moral issues may have played an important role. The scrutiny is done in order to identify and briefly discuss some examples of ways of argumentation used in the area under discussion by domestic and international courts. The identification of the courts’ methods of reasoning enables us in turn to make a preliminary assessment of the real role that the morality plays in the interpretation of human rights standards. It also constitutes a starting point for further consideration of the impact of ideological and cultural connotations on moral judgments, and on the establishment of a common moral standard to be applied in cases in which restriction on human rights and freedoms are considered.
Contemporary Central and East European Law; 2019, 1 (133); 10-20
Pojawia się w:
Contemporary Central and East European Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reakcja Tertuliana na współczesną obyczajowość – kwestia stroju chrześcijańskich kobiet
Quaestiones de moribus ad habitum mulierum Christianarum ornatumque earum pertinentes apud Tertullianum obviae
Wójtowicz, Adriana
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
wczesne chrześcijaństwo
early Christianity
customs and morals
Commentatione mea imprimis id egi, ut explicerem, quid Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus scriptis suis de feminis opinatus esset. Maximam operam dedi, ut praecepta ad mores pertinentia mulieribus a Tertulliano data diligenter studerem et describerem. In animo mihi fuit etiam exponere ea, quae auctor ipse de moribus a feminis postulabat. Operibus suis Tertullianus Carthaginiensibus dedit praecepta multa de modo vivendi Christianorum eorumque moribus probis. Opuscula nonnulla praecipue mulieribus Christianis in Africa septentrionali viventibus dedicavit, quae De cultu feminarum libri duo, Ad uxorem libri duo, De exhortatione castitatis et De virginibus velandis inscripta commentatione mea exquisita sunt. Tertullianus igitur scriptis suis responsum paganorum confessorumque suorum opinionibus de feminis Christianis dedit. Auctori illi imprimis in animo fuit, ut faceret explicaretque modum vivendi mulieribus Christianis solis proprium moresque earum cum paganarum consuetudinibus compararet. In commentationis eius cetera parte consilium mihi erat exprimendi, quid Tertullianus de feminarum Christianarum moribus ipsis modoque vivendi earum censuisset. Officia omnia, quae Tertullianus de habitu probo a mulieribus Christianis postularet, etiam sunt demonstrata. Legimus in Tertulliani opere, quod De cultum feminarum inscribitur, habitum muliebrem duplicem speciem circumferre: cultum et ornatum. Cultum dixit Tertullianus omnia, quae ad mundum muliebris pertinerent, id est: cura cutis, capillorum et earum corporis partium, quae viserentur. Ornatum autem omnia ex auro argentoque ornamenta, gemmas varias ac vestes ornatas purpureasque putavit. Cura corporis a Tertulliano feminis permissa est, nisi ambitionis crimen in ea commitaretur, ornamenta tamen ab eo sine exceptione sunt vetita. Mulieres Christianae officiorum suorum in cultu oblitae formam sibi a Deo naturaliter datam saepe diabolo rerum istarum praeceptore suadente corrigere solitae sunt. Tertullianus igitur ornamenta omnia a diabolo esse intellexit, quem etiam interpolatorem nature artificemque adversarium (scil. Deo) vocaret. Tertullianus autem putavit Deo, quod non Ipse finxisset, placere non posse. Mulieribus ille mandavit, ne ornamentis pretiosis vestibusque purpureis uterentur. Ornamentum maximum omni feminae Christianae castitas sola humilitasque esse debebat. Nam alteriis viris praeter maritum suum placere Christianae mulieri non est necesse. Ornandum igitur ei non est. Satis placuit marito suo (atque Deo) mulier Christiana, cum erat ipsa pudica, ut ait Tertullianus, modesta moribusque proba.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2004, 52, 3; 131-149
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Recenzja książki Roberto Mansbergera Amorosa pt. La Joven Europa y España: la cuestión de «el arte por el arte». Barcelona, 2013: Laertes. ISBN 978-84-7584-916-4, 466 stron
A Review of a Book by Roberto Mansberger Amorós entitled La Joven Europa y España: la cuestión de «el arte por el arte». Barcelona, 2013: Laertes. ISBN 978-84-7584-916-4, 466 pages
Draus-Kłobucka, Agata
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział we Wrocławiu
“art for art’s sake”
19th century
art and morals
Young Europe
Spanish literature
Decadent movement and Restoration
The literary history of the question: “Art for art’s sake” in Europe and, more specifically, in Spain, is the subject of the book by Roberto Mansberger Amorós entitled La Joven Europa y España: la cuestión de «el arte por el arte» (Young Europe and Spain: the question of «art for art’s sake», written in Spanish). The book is composed of six chapters, along with the introduction, conclusion, extensive bibliography and index of names. The chapters focused on the general history of the idea alternate with those dedicated to the particular writers and thinkers. Chapter 1 presents the theory of “art for art’s sake,” its origin and progress. Chapter 2 introduces the subject of Young Europe, with the focus on Young Poland and Young Spain. Chapter 3 is an extensive digression about the subject of morals in Spanish 19th century literature, aesthetics, ethics and critics. Chapter 4 studies the individual stances of Valera and Campoamor, whereas chapter 5 undertakes the issue of the Decadent movement and the Restoration. The sixth and final chapter describes the poetry and the poets related to the concept “art for art’s sake.” The uniqueness of the book rests on the combination of the balanced analyses of literary sources and original period documents and archival material of Real Academia Española concerning the issues of art and morals, along with a reflection about the historical, philosophical and ideological context of the matter. Since this kind of profound knowledge united with the ability to write both persuasively and interestingly is rare, the book by Mansberger Amorós is an enlightening reading experience not only for specialists on the topic, but also for all those interested in the history of Spanish literature and ideas.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2014, 3; 157-162
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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