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Papież Franciszek wobec osób LGBT+
Filipowicz , Artur
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
Kościół rzymskokatolicki
moralne nauczanie Kościoła
teologia moralna
institutional Church
moral teaching of the Church
moral theology
W wypowiedziach papieża Franciszka i jego spotkaniach z osobami LGBT+ można dostrzec nowe pastoralne podejście Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego do tych osób. W publikacji przedstawiono stanowisko papieża wobec osób nieheteronormatywnych. Na podstawie papieskiego nauczania zaprezentowano kluczowe etapy procesu ich integracji z Kościołem. Wskazano na istotną rolę refleksji teologiczno-moralnej w przyjęciu, towarzyszeniu, rozeznaniu oraz włączeniu osób LGBT+ do wspólnoty wiary. Na zakończenie sformułowano postulatywne wnioski, dotyczące zainicjowania procesu integracji przez Kościół hierarchiczny.
In the statements of Pope Francis and his meetings with LGBT+ people, one can see a new pastoral approach of the Church to these people. The publication presents the position of the pope towards non-heteronormative persons. Based on his teaching, the key stages of the process of their integration with the Roman Catholic Church are presented. The important role of theological and moral reflection in the reception, accompaniment, discernment and inclusion of LGBT + people into the community of faith was indicated. Finally, postulative conclusions were formulated to initiate the long-awaited integration process.
Studia Bobolanum; 2020, 31, 2; 29-51
Pojawia się w:
Studia Bobolanum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Suicide from the joint perspective of canon law and Polish law
Grudecki, Michał
Sajkowski, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
moral teaching of the Church
canon law
criminal law
right to life and human dignity
The purpose of this paper was to show how the ecclesiastical and secular societies protect human life against a specific danger posed by one’s own hand. The authors, basing on the formal-dogmatic approach, researching literature and analysing appropriate norms of canon and Polish law, demonstrate that both canon and Polish criminal law provisions on suicide protect human life only circumstantially. In the first part, we present the issue of suicide from the point of view of moral teachings of the Catholic Church, which are a fundamen- tal law-making factor for the ecclesiastical community. Reception of the ethical doctrine by canon law was reflected in two Codes of Canon Law, those of 1917 and 1983. In these codi- fications, we traced gradual reduction of prohibitions or sanctions for suicides (especially regarding right to Christian burial), which however does not refer to all self-killers, because of the need for protecting other spiritual goods (suicide attempt as irregularity in the case of receiving or exercising holy orders). In the second part, we presented the problem of suicide in the context of Polish law, with special emphasis on the significance of human life as a le- gal interest subject to strong protection and as a conflict between life and dignity. We also analysed the question of the unlawfulness of suicide attempts. In the end, we point to legal measures intended to prevent this phenomenon, which is unfavourable to the society.
Acta Iuris Stetinensis; 2020, 31, 3; 23-39
Pojawia się w:
Acta Iuris Stetinensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Moralność według papieża Franciszka
Filipowicz, Artur
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
nauczanie moralne Kościoła
teologia moralna
Ignacy Loyola
moral teaching of the Church
moral theology
Ignatius Loyola
Prezentowane studium przybliża najważniejsze elementy moralnego przesłania papieża Franciszka. Na wstępie przytoczono krytyczne opinie kierowane pod jego adresem. W kolejnych częściach dokonano analizy semantycznej kluczowych terminów moralnych. Sprecyzowano pojęcie moralności. Scharakteryzowano zaproponowane przez Franciszka tranzycje moralne: od „teologii aktu” do „teologii relacji”, od grzechu i przewinienia do grzesznika, od normy moralnej do konkretnego czynu. Opisano papieską reinterpretację „prawa stopniowości”, wyboru „mniejszego zła”, logiki „małych kroków”. Zwrócono uwagę na teonomiczną autonomię sumienia a także na potrzebę jego stałej autoformacji. W zakończeniu zmierzono się z krytycznymi opiniami wysuwanymi wobec moralnego nauczania Franciszka.
The study presented introduces the most important elements of the moral message of Pope Francis. At the beginning, critical opinions addressed to him were quoted. In the following sections, a semantic analysis of key moral terms was performed. The concept of morality has been clarified. The moral transitions proposed by Francis were characterised: from „theology of the act” to „theology of relations”, from sin and offence to the sinner, from the moral norm to a specific act. The papal reinterpretation of the „law of gradualness”, the choice of „lesser evil”, and the logic of „small steps” were described. Attention was paid to the theonomic autonomy of conscience and also to the need for its constant autoformation. In the end, critical opinions were raised about Francis’s moral teaching.
Studia Bobolanum; 2019, 30, 3; 27-58
Pojawia się w:
Studia Bobolanum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dyskusja wokół problemu śmierci mózgowej człowieka – dawcy organów. Między biologią, biomedycyną i filozofią
The Brain Death Debate - the Cerebral Death of a Man - an Organ Donor. Between Biology, Biomedicine and Philosophy
Wróbel, Józef
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
śmierć mózgowa
nauczanie moralne Kościoła katolickiego
brain death
moral teaching of the Catholic Church
Pronouncing the death of a man is essentially connected with the question about the moral limits of reanimation actions and about taking tissues and organs from human corpses. As medicine developed it was decided that the proper criterion of the death of a man is his cerebral death. However, acceptance of this criterion arouses controversies and raises objections. The author of the article shows the contemporary development of this method of pronouncing a man dead, the main reasons for objections and the stand taken by the Church. In the further part he shows the significance of the brain as the factor integrating the man's living processes. He does it from the perspective of the respiratory, circulatory, nervous and endocrinological systems. On the other hand, he stresses that along with the death of the brain disintegration of the human person begins. Disintegration of this unity on the biological level reveals the “separation” of the body and the soul as the unifying principle that has already happened; that is, it reveals the man's death that has already taken place.
Roczniki Teologii Moralnej; 2011, 3; 153-178
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Moralnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jak funkcjonuje moralność? Wybory moralne a wartości chrześcijańskie
How does morality work? Christian moral choices and Christian values
Kraj, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
human being
moral choice – description
moral choice – justification
natural law
moral teaching of the Church
human personal fulfilment
basic human goods
wybór moralny – opis
wybór moralny – uzasadnienie
prawo naturalne
moralne nauczanie Kościoła
ludzkie osobowe spełnienie
podstawowe ludzkie dobra
Knowledge of the moral teaching of the Roman Catholic Church is generally scarce, even among believers. This situation contributes to numerous misunderstandings concerning the Church’s position within the public debates of new proposals like IVF or sexual morality (eg. the LGBT movement). It seems to outsiders that the Church’s standpoint is based on some old and outdated convictions incomprehensible for people today. Meanwhile for the Church, which is concerned with the overall well-being of each man, this well-being is the main reason for its viewpoint and teaching. Although the Church’s explanation is not based exclusively on philosophical reasons (i.e. based on human reason and thus intelligible for all people of good will) these reasons play an important role in the dialogue between the Church and the contemporary world. One of the Church’s most important rationales refers to the concept of human personal fulfilment and basic human goods.
Teologia i moralność; 2019, 14, 2(26); 139-161
Pojawia się w:
Teologia i moralność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spowiednik wobec antykoncepcji. W 40. rocznicę opublikowania encykliki Pawła VI Humanae vitae
Confessor towards contraception
Orzeszyna, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
contraception, spouses, teaching of the Church, confessor, law of gradualness, moral development
One of important moral problems that priests in confessional encounter is the question of using contraception. The Church has always taught us that contraception is an intrinsically evil action and moral offenses in this area are objectively speaking seriously sinful. There are such spouses who want to be faithful to the teachings of the Church, but they cannot meet their requirements. This is particularly true when there appear difficult and exceptional situations that disrupt the regularity of the intercourse, when natural family planning is hindered or seems to be impossible. A confessor, while meeting in the confessional Catholic spouses who experience difficulties in a sexual sphere, but who honestly want to keep the teachings of the Church, should give them advice which will gradually encourage them to move forward on their way to sanctity of their married life. Giving them advice, he should apply the pastoral law of gradualness which will make them aware that having the determination to break with sins and constant, though gradual aspiration to achieve full reunification with the requirements of God’s will, despite a moral decline, they are still on their way to God.
Family Forum; 2011, 1; 227-238
Pojawia się w:
Family Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Grounds and preparations for the main thesis of "Veritatis Splendor"
Finnis, John
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
object of the human act
negative moral precepts
intrinsically evil acts
moral absolutes
Church's moral teaching
przedmiot aktu ludzkiego
negatywne zasady moralne
akty złe z natury
absoluty moralne
nauka moralna Kościoła
Having set out in some detail the central teaching of the encyclical “Veritatis Splendor” – on exceptional moral norms – this paper outlines some of the preparatory work done by the International Theological Commission in a document which, though adopted with virtual unanimity by the Commission, remains unpublished because it so closely preceded the encyclical. In a third section, the paper recalls relevant teachings of Vatican II and of the Holy See that the ITC document recalled in support of its thesis. The fourth section of the paper offers some further reflections on the encyclical, its foundations and its significance.
Studia Philosophiae Christianae; 2015, 51, 2; 7-26
Pojawia się w:
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wychowanie religijne dziecka przedszkolnego w świetle nowej Podstawy programowej katechezy Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce
Religious education of preschool children in the light of the new Catechetical Curriculum of the Catholic Church in Poland
Gogolik, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
formacja moralna
lekcje religii
modlitwa dziecka
nauka religii w przedszkolu
podstawa programowa katechezy Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce
rodzice wychowawcami religijnymi
rozwój wiary dziecka
wychowanie liturgiczne
wychowanie religijne
Catechetical Curriculum of the Catholic Church in Poland
child’s faith development
child’s prayer
liturgical education
moral formation
parents as religious educators
religious education
religious lessons
teaching of religion in the kindergarten
Obecność od dwudziestu lat lekcji religii w polskiej szkole budzi często różne dyskusje oraz emocje w społeczeństwie. Przy okazji odsłania się w nich obraz współczesnej rodziny, wychowania religijnego dzieci, autorytetu rodziców i ich osobistego doświadczenia religijnego. W opinii wielu nauczycieli religii i duszpasterzy akcentowany jest fakt zaniedbań w dziedzinie pierwszej inicjacji religijnej dzieci, a tym samym „przesunięcia” przez rodziców tego obowiązku i działań na katechetów i naukę religii w szkole. Świadczy o tym fakt, że dzieci przychodzące do przedszkola bądź szkoły, dopiero tam po raz pierwszy słyszą o Bogu i wierze. Warto wobec takich faktów postawić pytania: Co znaczy wychowywać religijnie? Na kim spoczywa ta odpowiedzialność i kiedy to czynić? Pomocą w szukaniu odpowiedzi niech posłuży analiza nowej Podstawy programowej katechezy Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce z 2010 r.
The presence of Religious Education in Polish schools for the past twenty years often arouses various discussions among Polish society. At the same time it uncovers the image of a modern family, religious education of children, parents’ authority and their personal religious experiences. A lot of teachers of Religion and priests point to the negligence in the early religious education of children as parents tend to shift this duty on teachers of Religion and Religious Education at school. This is reflected by the fact that a great deal of children coming to a kindergarten or school hear about God and the Faith for the first time. All the above mentioned facts lead to the questions: ‘What does it mean to educate children religiously?’ ‘Who is responsible for this duty and when should it be started?’. Those who seek the answers may find useful the analysis of the new Catechetical Curriculum of the Catholic Church in Poland of 2010.
Studia Gdańskie; 2011, 28; 73-90
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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