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Pewność moralna jako klucz do lektury norm procesowych
La certezza morale come chiave di lettura delle norme processuali
Grocholewski, Zenon
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
pewność moralna
moral certainty
Dopo alcune osservazioni circa l’imperfetta formulazione del can. 1608 § 1 e il suo significato alla luce della storia, nonchè circa il § 4 del modesimo canone in riferimento alle cause matrimoniali, l'A. sottolinea fortemente l’originalità del concetto canonico-processuale della certezza morale (sia in confronto agli ordinamenti statali, sia in confronto con il concetto della certezza morale adoperato dai filosofi, sia infine in confronto con la certezza richiesta seconde i principi della teologia morale) e delinea l’elaborazione storica di questo concetto nonchè la sua conferme da parte di Giovanni Paolo II. In seguito vengono trattati: a) il concetto della certezza morale canonica che esclude la „probabilità”; non invece la „possibilità” del contario, ossia si pone fra la certeza assoluta e la probabilità b) l’oggettività di tale certezza, in quanto essa si deve basare su motivi oggettivi addotti e discussi nel processo; c) l’oggetto della certezza morale canonica, che deve riguardare sia la legge materiale da applicare sia la realtà dei fatti da provare; d) la necessità e suffidenza della certezza morale: l'A. si sofferma soprattutto sull’asserzione di                 Pio XII, seconde cui la prodenza può consigliare al giudice di non accontentarsi dei minimo grado della certezza morale; ma di ricercare un grado maggiore e al riguardo nota una certa relativite del „dubbio prudente” che dipende sia dalla natura dell’oggetto da provare e dalla sua attitudine di essere provato sia dalla gravita della materia; e) la strada per arrivare alla certezza, morale, ossia: la qualità personali del giudice e la sua preparazione, l’impegno nell’osservare la legge processuale, lo sforzo nel valutare le prove secondo la cosdenza, e infine la collaborazione di tutti i partecipanti al processo in ordine al conseguimento, da parte del giudice, della certezza morale; f) due questioni particolari concernenti rispettivamente:                  la certezza morale che risulta da una quantità di prove che prese singolannente non sono in grado di fondarla, e i conflitti tra il formalismo giuridico e il libero apprezzamento delle prove. Nella conclusione viene rilevato il valore del concetto della certezza morale: „È il criterio realistico, in quanto rispetta i limiti dell'intelletto umano, e altresi generosamente rispettoso, ansi esigente, verso la verità. È un criterio che rispecchia prudenza e ragionevolezza”. Inoltre l'A. indica in questo concetto fondamentale del processo canonico anche „una importante ed appropriata chiave di lettura e di interpretazione delle norme processuali: esse devono essere interpretate in modo che realmente servano a rendere si cura la ricerca della verità oggettiva, ossia a conseguire la certezza morale autentica, cioè oggettivamente fondata”.
Ius Matrimoniale; 1998, 9, 3; 9-43
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Etyka a eudajmonologia
Ethics and Eudaimonology
Wierzbicki, Alfred
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
dobro moralne
uznanie bytu
moral good
recognition of a being
Along the history of ethics there is a controversy concerning the subject-matter of ethics itself − is it focused on the ways of fulfilling one's life (happiness) or is it the normative theory of the moral duty? The author of the paper takes into considerations three concepts of ethics which were developed by Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas and Antonio Rosmini. The classical model of replacing ethics by eudaimonology is presented by Aristotle. Eudaimonism is connected in his philosophy of the human praxis with conceiveing of good in terms of the end of human action (teleological concept of good). Eudaimonia consists in fulfillment of the human life as a whole. Therefore the ultimate end of the human life is understood as the immanent end of the human nature. Aristotle identifies the moral good with the good of the human nature (natural fallacy in ethics). On the one hand the ethics of St. Thomas is dependent on the eudaimonistic views of Aristotle and on the other hand it goes beyond naturalism by pointing out the transcendent ultimate end of the human life which is idendified with God. In his theological thought St. Thomas Aquinas seeks to develop personalism. The good of person is the reason for an attitude of love on which the community of persons is founded. Because of the presence of the eudaimonistic and personalistic elements the ethics of Aquinas remains metodologically inconsistent. Antonio Rosmini thanks to his inspiration by the ethical thought of I. Kant distinguishes two diffrent practical sciences: eudaimonology and ethics. He refuses, however, Kantian apriorism and acognitivism. The moral duty is justified by the data of the moral experience. For the essence of morality consists in recognition of a being in accordance with its axiological order. Eudaimonology deals with the subjective good which is related to the nature of subject and only ethics discovers the moral obligation of affirming good for its own sake (objective good).
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2001, 49, 2; 47-64
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sądy moralne jako konstytutywny element badania naukowego
Moral Judgements as a Constitutive Element of Scientific Research
Lekka-Kowalik, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
ideał nauki wolnej od wartości
nauka jako działanie
struktura badania naukowego
sądy wartościujące
nauki czyste i stosowane
sądy moralne
racjonalność praktyczna i instrumentalna
ideal of value-free science
science as activity
structure of scientific research
value judgements
basic and applied sciences
moral judgements
practical and instrumental rationality
The paper aims at answering the question of whether scientists qua scientists pass moral judgements. My answer is: “yes”. I claim that moral judgements are necessary for advancing science and that they may even belong to the content of science. This fact threatens neither rationality nor objectivity of science. On the contrary − pretending that science is morally neutral distorts it. I develop two arguments for my theses. First, against the background of the ideal of value-free science I show that value-judgements are constitutive for science. This ideal is not tenable when we consider science as human activity. By analyzing cases of research I then show that in applied sciences both methodological and moral judgements are necessary for any successful inquiry. The structure of scientific research allows me to extend this claim to science in general. Secondly, by considering science as governed by practical − not instrumental − rationality I show that moral judgements, which evaluate actions constitutive of any research as “permissible”, have their source in this rationality. Without them rationality, freedom, and autonomy of science are endangered.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2001, 49, 2; 91-115
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wolność nauki i kultury
Freedom of science and culture
Kowalczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
wolność wewnętrzno-moralna
wolność zewnętrzno-społeczna
wolność nauki i kultury
freedom internal-moral
freedom external-social
freedom of science and culture
totalitarian system
The author analyses the problem of freedom of science and art that are integral elements of intellectual culture. Although the Church has always been an inspirer and patron of culture, there have been controversies between this institution and scientists (the cases of Galileo and Copernicus, the Darwinian theory of evolution). Liberalism rightly propagates the idea of freedom of culture but it minimises the role of truth that is the leading value in culture. Totalitarian systems (Hitlerism, Communism) questioned the value of culture and practically destroyed it. Documents of the Vatican Council II and Pope John Paul II's teaching allow formulation of three fundamental paradigms of personalism: 1. Science and culture require freedom in social life (which is confirmed by the pluralism of branches of science and culture currents). 2. Development of authentic culture requires moral righteousness and responsibility from the scientist and one who creates culture. 3. The good of a human person (of his biological and spiritual life) and the society's common good (protection of its integrity and ethos) sometimes require limitation of research freedom that should be regulated by the law (e.g. in genetic engineering).
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2001, 1; 5-16
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Natura jako naturalna granica naturalizmu
Nature as a Natural Limit of Naturalism
Lekka-Kowalik, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
nauka jako działanie
badania naukowe
paradygmat naturalistyczny
manipulacja genetyczna
sądy moralne
normatywny wymiar natury
science as action
scientific research
naturalistic paradigm
genetic manipulation
moral judgements
normative dimension of nature
At first glance naturalism seems to be an integral part of contemporary science. For science there exist only those phenomena which can be examined with scientific methods (an ontological thesis), and any explanation of those phenomena must appeal only to natural causes, i.e. to structures, processes and regularities underlying those phenomena, and not to any supernatural forces (a methodological thesis). If we look at naturalism as a paradigm of doing science, a pattern that determines what and how should be investigated, some limits of this paradigm show itself. When doing experiments, scientists sometimes meet moral prohibitions of treating certain obviously natural objects in certain ways. This fact may be interpreted as a product of social evolution which science is entitled to ignore, for it can change in the process of further evolution, or as an external factor which science should not ignore under the peril of losing social support. None of these interpretation does justice to some basic facts about science (including the fact that social support was never withdrawn regardless of well known cases of immoral scientific practices). The prohibition of treating certain natural objects in certain ways may also be interpreted as a consequence of discovering the moral dimension of nature understood as the essence of things. Yet, the normative dimension of nature cannot be investigated with scientific methods. Thus, for a consistent naturalist it does not exist; and even more − following moral prohibitions could be seen as detrimental for science in cases where morality prohibits applying the most effective scientific methods. It seems however that no scientist defends the reduction of scientific ethics to scientific methodology. In this sense the nature-essence of things practically limits naturalism seen as a paradigm of doing science. The paper argues for the above thesis in three steps: (1) various meanings of the terms “nature”, “natural”, and “naturalism” are presented; (2) it is shown in what sense contemporary science is unnatural but naturalistic; (3) a case where science “meets” moral prohibitions concerning natural beings − producing transgenic animals − is discussed. It is then shown that any interpretation of these prohibitions consistent with the naturalistic paradigm cannot be maintained, whereas the interpretation which recognizes the moral dimension of nature-essence does justice to facts and intuitions concerning this case.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2003, 51, 3; 187-195
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wychowanie moralne w rodzinie
Moralische Erziehung in der Familie
Mariański, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
wychowanie moralne
wychowanie moralne w rodzinie
moral education in family
Im vorliegen den Artikel werden ausgewählte moralische Werte im Zusammenhang mit der Erziehung in der polnischen Familie vorgestellt, und zwar im Rahmen folgender Detailfragen: Die Familie als höchster Wert, Wichtige Ziele in der Kindererziehung, Methoden und Techniken der Einwirkung auf die Kinder sowie Erziehungsstile in der Familie. Diese Fragen werden im Lichte der Ergebnisse soziologischer Untersuchungen behandelt, die in den Jahren 1997-2000 in sieben Städten Polens (Jastrzębie Zdrój, Chełm, Rzeszów, Lublin, Gdańsk, Poniatowa, Ryki) in allgemeinbildenenden Mitte lschulen (Lyzeen) und technischen Fachschulen (erste und Abiturklasse) durchgeführt wurden. Von Studenten, die ihre Diplomarbeiten am Lehrstuhl für Soziologie der Moral der KUL vorbereiteten, wurden insgesamt 2239 Fragebögen ausgewertet. Die sozial-ökonomischen und politischen Wandlungsprozesse in Polen in denneunziger Jahren scheinen die axiologischen Wahlentscheidungen auf dem Gebiet der für die Kindererziehung wichtigen Werte nicht prinzipiell beein flußt zu haben. Jedoch kann hypothetisch davon ausgegangen werden, daß in einer Zeit radikaler sozialer Wandlungen solche Eigenschaften wie Ehrlichkeit, Selbstachtung, Geduld, Toleranz, Verantwortlichkeit, Selbständigkeit und Wahrheitsliebe höher eingeschätzt werden, während auf Religiosität und Gehorsam seltener Nachdruck gelegt wird. Somit nimmt die Bedeutung derjenigen Merkmale zu, die die sich neu herausbildenende institutionelle Ordnung in der Gesellschaft begünstigen, mit besonderer Betonung der Kreativität und des Erfolgs im Leben. Die sich im moralischen Bewußtsein der Kinder und Jugendlichen vollziehende Umorientierung auf persönliche Werte (der eigenen Entwicklung) prägt auch die Erziehungsziele in der Familie. Die sich verändernde Verteilung der in der Erziehung wichtigen Werte bildet zum Teil das Ergebnis eines Generationswechsels, zum anderen eine Reaktion auf den Einfluß anderer Faktoren.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2003, 14, 8; 193-220
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Creative drama in both school and after-school musical education
Felix, Belo
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
creative drama
musical activities
experience learning
poly-esthetic formation
moral education
children's theatre
musical-dramatic activities
The author exposes theoretical substantiation as well as practical utilization of new integrative musical-dramatic activities which have become a part of the latest textbooks and methodical handbooks of musical education in Slovak elementary schools. He brings forth basic information on the method of creative drama as well as its application in both school and after-school musical education.
The New Educational Review; 2004, 2; 119-130
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dlaczego nauka nie może być wolna od wartości
Why Science cannot be Value-free
Lekka-Kowalik, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
nauka wolna od wartościowań
metoda naukowa
sądy wartościujące
wartości poznawcze
wartości moralne
„tłuste” pojęcia etyczne
dychotomia fakt/wartość
value-free science
scientific method
value judgements
cognitive values
moral values
„thick” ethical concepts
fact/value dichotomy
Three arguments are developed to support this thesis: (1) Since there is no algorithm for making methodological decisions as to what theory should be accepted, what method should be used, etc, scientists have to pass judgements that are essentially evaluative. Those judgements belong to science. The attempt to save the ideal of value-free science by distinguishing value-free object language and value-laden metalanguage (in which those evaluative judgements would be formulated) does not work. For there are no reasons to expel the methodology of a given science from that science, and even if we made this move, we would finally come to the level of evaluative judgements, unless we accept regressus ad infinitum. (2) Even if the above distinction were tenable, this would not save the ideal of value-free science. For our language is full of the so-called „thick ethical concepts” that are both descriptive and evaluative. They are justifiably used at least in some sciences. We could exclude – by definition - such concepts from science, but this would result in expelling many legitimate disciplines from the realm of science. This would mean not that science was value--free but that we made it so. (3) The fact that scientific results are sometimes expressed by means of ethically thick concepts does not allow us to restrict values involved in science to epistemological values – moral values are involved as well. Moreover, apparently pure methodological concepts such as „good solution” or „sufficient evidence” seem to be also „ethically thick”. Such considerations allow us to draw a conclusion that science possesses intrinsic moral dimension, and separating the epistemic and moral points of view in discussions about science is unjustified.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2004, 52, 2; 275-293
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ekologiczne aspekty katolickiej teologii moralnej
Ecological aspects of catholic moral theology
Ciszek, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
katolicka teologia moralna
Catholic moral theology
The ecological aspect of catholic moral theology should not evoke astonishment, as it is not a strange hybrid created by means of artificial manipulations aiming at bestowing authority of Christian tradition on ecology. Popes' statements concerning natural environment conservation seem to testify against such claims and only show the importance and need of implementing responsible and moderate using the Earth's resources into Christian awareness. Practical ethical problems in the ecological aspect I started to present from the natural law, which determines divine moral order in the world, also in the ecological dimension. Then I undertook the problem of an ecological conscience, which is a kind of a "watchman" of our morality, also as far as human actions in the natural environment are concerned, and it tries to protect the human being from committing an ecological sin, which is one of the forms of disobedience to God. These ecological aspects of moral theology will remain just hot air if we do not spread them by means of ecological education. It is also very important to shape proper and fixed attitudes towards other people and nature that can be described in terms of love, prudence, and moderation as aretology (field of science concerning virtues) teach us. At the end of this paragraph, I put Ecological Decalogue, whose rules Christians should obey in everyday life.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2004, 2, 1; 317-326
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzieje kształtowania się koncepcji sumienia
Greniuk, Franciszek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
czyn ludzki
dobro moralne
human act
moral good
Das Gewissen kann man vielseitig betrachten. Seine Interpretation kann auf verschiedene Ebene: biologische, soziologische, psychologische, ethnographische, ethische und theologische untersucht werden. Der Verfasser bedrängt sich an diese letzte Möglichkeit. Die Literatur auf Thema des Gewissens ungeheuer ist so auch über die Geschichte der Gestaltung der seine Konzeption. Es ist klar, dass sie das Wesen jedes ethischen- oder moralischen Systems bildet. Der Begriff des Gewissens von einem in der konkreten Lehrmeinung des Menschenverstehung abhängig ist. Die Heilige Schrift das Gewissen in der Kontext der biblischen Anthropologie behandelt. Sie beweist, dass das Gewissen begreift ist als etwas was mit Gott konfrontiert und dass in seinem Urteil nicht nur einige seine psychische Kräfte aber den ganzen Mensch engagiert. Die Lehre über das Gewissen des hl. Apostels Paulus kann man so abfassen: jeder soll gemäß seines Gewissens leben. Der Gewissensurteil man kann von objektiven Wahrheit zu unterscheiden und dass es in der Relation zu Prinzipien des Zusammenlebens in der Gemeinschaft verstehen soll. Philosophische und theologische Vertiefung Gewissenskenntnisse fand in der Epoche der Väter statt, besonders bei hl. Ambrosius und hl. Augustinus. Im Mittelalter entwickelte sich zwei Konzeptionen: die intellektuelle Konzeption der Dominikanerschule (hl. Thomas von Aquin) und voluntaristische Konzeption in der Franziskanerschule (Alexander von Hales, hl.Bonaventura). In der Zeit nach dem Konzil in Trident fand grundsätzliche Wendung der Gewissenskonzeption statt. Bisher verstanden man, dass man soll – in jedem Rechtszweifel – die sicherste Meinung immer folgen. Dagegen Bartholomäus von Medina seinem Standpunkt klargemacht hat, dass im diesem Fall wenige sichere Meinung genug ist, wenn aber sie ist genügend solide und begründet. Zeit XIX. Jahrhundert fand in der Verstehen des Gewissens besondere Abschätzung des emotionellen- und affektiven Aspektes statt. Das hat den ersten Anstoß gegeben zur Subiektiviesierung des Gewissens. Die modernen Moraltheologen überstimmend sind, dass das Gewissen nicht nur eine Funktion der Wissenschaft, des Willens oder der emotionellen und soziologischen Faktoren ist. Soll man das moralische Gewissen betrachten unter Beziehung an die Ganzheit der christlichen Person. Deshalb ist es nicht die Stimme der Natur aber gerade der ganzen Person. „Das Gewissen – das ist die Person in seinem wesentlichen Dynamismus, der zur seinem Höhepunkt eingerichtet ist” (M. Vidal).
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL; 2005, 1, 1; 7-22
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Independence in School Education and Scientific Work
Okoń, Wincenty
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
problem of learning
problem of teaching
material needs
moral values
independence of a pupil, of a teacher, of a professor
The paper discusses the importance of independence of thinking and acting, so in the school education as in the scientific work. In broader understanding independence means such an attitude of the intellect, emotions and will that makes one willingly undertake different tasks-problems and realize-solve them in a responsible way. Thus independence means the steady disposition to intellectual and practical activity in schools, universities and in the research work. When this activity is emotionally positive, it may create the basis for the development (in the process of school-university education) of scientific, social and moral convictions and attitudes, necessary not only for understanding the universe and for changing it, but also for the development of wisdom, which may be understood as harmony between to have and to be, among material needs and moral values.
The New Educational Review; 2005, 6; 15-25
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Komercjalizacja publicznego szkolnictwa wyższego. Dylematy moralne
Commercialization of the State University Education: Moral Dilemmas
Dylus, Aniela
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
moral dilemmas
The report attempts to present these moral dilemmas which refer to the process of commercialization in the state schools on the university level. The reflection over the issue is proceeded by a short characterization of the process of commercialization of the university education with regard to the situation in Poland in particular. For the sake of sistematization of the problem, there has been assumed a criterium: main functions performed by academic workers (excluding their research work). Here is the enumeration (in brief points) of the chosen moral dilemmas connected with the funtion of an organizer of education: – institution of public service... selling private property – mission of the university vs the problem of „job-oriented” studies – moral ambiguity of paid education – social injustice in unequal access to free education – controversy over pricing educational services The dilemmas of academic teachers can be referred to as: – seeking the „right measurement” of educational burdens – the necessity of violating the institution of Sundays – the issue of the quality of service provided – How much to demand? Accepting the „production” of social anti-elites or disloyalty against your own environment How to evaluate knowledge?
Prakseologia; 2005, 145; 7-19
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relacja człowieka do jego wytworów w aspekcie etyki środowiskowej
Relationship between human and his products in the environmental ethics aspect
Sztumski, Wiesław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
skutki działania
ocena moralna
consequences of act
moral evaluation
The subject of ethics should not only be the valuation of different forms of human actions but also the evaluation of their results. Talking about the results of human activity, I mean not only the logical effects and consequences but also the material and spiritual products of our actions, that is different artefacts.It's impossible to include all the problems and evaluation of all the results of our actions. That is why I come down just to one issue - to the responsibility for the excessive intensity of human environment by the new technology products which are used as the assistance to human organism and mind. This type of responsibility fits environmental ethics which relates to the relation between human and the environment and this is why it is something new and wider in comparison with traditionally understood moral responsibility usually limited to the relation “ human - human”. The following issues are taken into consideration in this article: human in artefact environment, threats connected with the growth of artefacts in the area of spiritual culture, biological degradation of a man assisted with artefacts.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2005, 3, 1; 281-294
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Decyzje w sytuacjach konfliktów moralnych
Decisions in Moral Conflict Situations
Banajski, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
moral conflict
hypothesis on conflict background of morality
technology of ethics
algorithm of decision making in conflict situations
Analyzing the character of moral conflict and a hypothesis on the conflict background of morality, the author refers to J. Pawlica’s ideas on the technology of ethics as a new branch of ethics, dealing with ethical decisions (apart from descriptive and normative ethics) as well as K. Szaniawski’s proposal to solve moral conflicts by means of appropriate tools of the decision theory. The article results in an attempt to formulate the algorithm of decision making in moral conflict situations.
Prakseologia; 2006, 146; 113-122
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dylematy podejmowania decyzji w sanowanym banku
Dilemmas of Decision Making in a Restructurisation Bank
Masiukiewicz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
decision taking
bank restructurisation
moral dilemmas
Decision making in the crisis situation of the bank brings many moral dilemmas because decision situations in the bank are not typical. Among these dilemmas are the following: fair information versus effective restructurisation, social responsibility of business versus added profit, trust to employees versus external control etc. Decisions in crisis situations are taken based on the customer’s interest. The terms of decision making for example law regulations, code of bank ethics do not facilitate moral dilemma solving and should be changed.
Prakseologia; 2006, 146; 171-188
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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