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Modele polskiej prozy „unijnej”. Próba klasyfikacji
Pasterska, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
migration prose
description models
proza migracyjna
modele opisu
Poland’s accession to the European Union and the democratization of the country resulted in a change in the specificity of the Polish emigration prose. Its political dimension was subdued. The status and role of the writer-emigrant changed. Now, without the feeling of having betrayed his/her homeland or language, the writer has become a chronicler of the life of compatriots abroad and an observer of the culture of the country of settlement.  The focus of the present considerations is an attempt to characterize three models according to which the description of sociological and cultural phenomena takes place. The first one covers the type of stories symptomatic of migration in which the characters are young people without complexes, curious about the world, wishing to discover it. In this case, we are dealing with intercultural texts that attempt to describe the new culture of the country of settlement and the related identity experiences. The second model uses a model present in postcolonial literature. The hero of this prose is an oppressed migrant whose “mission” is, in a sense, to conquer the new country in order to become a “colonizer” and lose the status of a “colonized” one. He/she thus stands in opposition to a foreign world and the new culture/cultures. The third variant collects polemic works in the face of both this doctrine and the post-colonial discourse, both of which, entering into dialogue with the above mentioned forms, create their own model of counter-discourse.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2019, 14, 9; 70-92
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“The Last One Turns the Light off”. Polish Prose after the Year 2000 in the Context of EU Migration
Nęcka, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Polish prose
This article focuses on the emigration/migration issue depicted in Polish literature written after the year 2000. The examples discussed prove that we aredealing with two variants in the depiction of emigrants’ experience. On the one hand, we can talk about a positive pattern where emigration is treated as an adventure, perceived as breaking free from the existing obligations and imposed rigours. On the other hand, one may find several negative patterns, in which emigration is a necessary evil. The author notices a clear gender difference in the presentation of the emigrant experience: male narratives tend to be more depressing, presenting the protagonists as degenerated and humiliated, while female authors drift towards “chick lit,” depicting their protagonists as developing professionally and emotionally.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2020, 1; 405-412
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Emigration in Konstanty Gaszyński’s articles published in “Le Mémorial d’Aix”
Kowalska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Gaszyński Konstanty (1809–1866)
“Le Mémorial d’Aix”
The aim of this paper is to describe the presence of the phenomenon of emigration in Konstanty Gaszyński’s French articles published in “Le Mémorial d’Aix” (1837–1841). The Polish writer recalls the November Uprising and the first experiences of his exile in Belgium, he explores Provence as a land of emigration from ages and introduces immigrants other than those of Polish nationality in a world represented through his short stories and press articles. Gaszyński’s main interests focus on historical and urban topics. The content analysis and the remarks about the status of the narrator show that it is the land and culture of Provence that is much often marked by melancholy than the evocation of Polish themes, which are vivid and joyful. Even if more emotional observations about the immigrant life are included, they are indirect, as they are mediated for instance by the voices from precedent ages or mentioned in the footnotes. The presentation leads to the conclusion that the freshness that Gaszyński brings to the Polish Romantic emigration narrative concerns its depiction as less dramatic and sorrowful but also as more universal (e.g., mysterious in the Romantic spirit, experienced not uniquely by the Polish nation) in manner thanks to the combination of two plans, the historical and contemporary, of migration, and his autocreation as the local patriot and the ironic remarks about the rising touristical perspective.
Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich; 2022, 65, 1
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wojenna turystyka Tadeusza Kudlińskiego
Tadeusz Kudlińskis war tourism
Rozmus, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
military tourism
culture tourism
antrophology of migration
the First World War
Tadeusz Kudliński's prose
Austro-Hungarian army
Can a soldier be a tourist? Can we say that touristic experiences are possible during the war from the anthropological point of view? In this article I tried to find the answers to those questions, using Smak Świata by Tadeusz Kudliński. A soldier, but also a typical tourist, hungry for new experiences, was only accidentally placed in the middle of the war by history. The Tourist Gaze by John Urry and The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America by Daniel Boorstin were very useful during my research and helped to create a new view of Smak Świata novel.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria; 2018, 18; 163-172
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Nowi Niemcy” (?) – refleksje o byciu migrantem w twórczości autorek o polskich korzeniach
Die neuen Deutschen (?) – zur Reflexion über das Migrantendasein in ausgewählten Prosatexten der Autorinnen mit polnischen Wurzeln
New Germans ?– Reflections on Migration in Chosen Works by Female Authors of ‘Prose with Polish Roots’
Szymańska, Eliza
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
„junge Prosa mit polnischen Wurzeln“
Paulina Schulz
Alice Bota
Emilia Smechowski
młoda proza z polskimi korzeniami
Paulina Schultz
Emila Smechowski
‘young prose with the Polish roots’
The title of this article on the one hand refers to the book by Özlem Topcu, Alice Bota and Khue Pham published in 2012; on the other, it also refers to the publication of Brigitta Helbig-Mischewski and Małgorzata Zduniak-Wiktorowicz from 2016, in which the two researchers use the term ‘young prose’ not only with reference to writers born in Germany in 1970’s and 1980’s, but also to those who have Polish roots. Their common feature is the fact that either they left Poland as small children, or they were born in Germany. It is of particular interestto find the context regarding the answer to the question: in which way, if in any, female authors (Paulina Schulz, Alice Bota, Emilia Smechowski) describe their status of a migrant and what meaning they ascribe to the fact that among the German people, they are ‘the people of migrant origin’. The examination intends to indicate possible strategies of treatment of migrant experience and will attempt to find an answer to the question if the term ‘new Germans’ is indeed adequate in this context.
Den Ausgangspunkt für den folgenden Beitrag bildet einerseits die 2012 publizierte Monografie von Özlem Topcu, Alice Bota und Khue Pham mit dem Titel Die neuen Deutschen. Andererseits gehe ich auf eine Publikation von Brigitta Helbig-Mischewski und Małgorzata Zduniak-Wiktorowicz aus dem Jahre 2016 ein, in der die beiden Wissenschaftlerinnen für die (in Polen oder bereits in Deutschland) in den Siebziger- und Achtzigerjahren geborenen SchriftstellerInnen die Bezeichnung „junge Prosa mit polnischen Wurzeln“ benutzen. In diesem Zusammenhang gewinnt die Frage, wie, wenn überhaupt, die jungen Autorinnen (Paulina Schulz, Alice Bota, Emilia Smechowski) ihren Migrantenstatus beschreiben und zu der Tatsache stehen, dass sie oft als „Personen mit Migrationshintergrund“ fungieren, an Bedeutung. In meinem Beitrag zeige ich die möglichen Strategien im Umgang mit dem Migrantendasein und versuche die Frage zu beantworten, ob die Bezeichnung „neue Deutsche“ für die gegenwärtige Situation adäquat erscheint.
Tytuł artykułu odnosi się z jednej strony do opublikowanej w 2012 roku książki Özlem Topcu, Alice Bota i Khue Pham. Z drugiej strony powołuję się również na publikację Brigitty Helbig-Mischewski i Małgorzaty Zduniak-Wiktorowicz z 2016 roku, w której to badaczki mianem młodej prozy określają pisarzy i pisarki urodzonych w latach siedemdziesiątych i osiemdziesiątych w Niemczech, ale posiadających polskie korzenie. Ich cechą wspólną jest fakt, że Polskę zazwyczaj opuścili jako małe dzieci, bądź urodzili się już w Niemczech. Szczególnie interesujące wydaje się w tym kontekście znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie, w jaki sposób, jeżeli w ogóle, opisują oni (szczególnie autorki: Paulina Schulz, Alice Bota, Emilia Smechowski) swój status migrantki i jakie znaczenie przypisują faktowi, iż w społeczeństwie niemieckim funkcjonują jako „osoby z pochodzeniem migracyjnym”. W swoim tekście wskażę możliwe strategie obchodzenia się z doświadczeniem migracji oraz postaram się znaleźć odpowiedź na pytanie, czy rzeczywiście określenie „nowi Niemcy” jest w tym kontekście adekwatne.
Transfer. Reception studies; 2019, 4; 109-121
Pojawia się w:
Transfer. Reception studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Białostockie etapy w życiu i twórczości Masieja Siadniowa
Tvaranowich, Halina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Belarusian migration literature
prose of Masiej Sednev
Bialystok stage
connection with the Fatherland
„The new road”
Białostockie etapy w życiu i twórczości Masieja Siadniowa
беларуская літаратурная эміграцыя
проза Масея Сяднёва
сувязі з радзімай
„Новая дарога”
The paper discusses two essential Białystok-based stages in the life and creative work of Masiej Sednev, one of the most talented representatives of Belarusian emigration literature, and a Nobel Prize nominee. Forced to leave Soviet Belarus for the West, he worked as a proof-reader in a Belarusian newspaper „The New Road”, issued in Bialystok, from October 1943 to May 1944. In 1991 Bialystok notebook was published in „Niva”, the weekly newspaper of the Belarusians in Poland, where he shares the memories about this stage of his life. Since 1998 a close cooperation began between M. Sednev and the magazine „Termopile”, issued by the Belarusian literary association in Poland. The paper analyzes Bialystok notebook and the works by M. Sednev, printed in „Termopile”, furthermore, attention is drawn to the publications dedicated to the memory of the writer.
W artykule omówiono dwa zasadnicze białostockie etapy w życiu i  twórczości jednego z najbardziej utalentowanych przedstawicieli białoruskiej literatury emigracyjnej, nominowanego do Nagrody Nobla Masieja Siadniowa. Pisarz, zmuszony do wyjazdu z radzieckiej Białorusi na Zachód, od października 1943 do maja 1944 roku pracował jako korektor w białoruskiej gazecie „Nowa Droga”, wydawanej w Białymstoku. W 1991 roku w publikowanym w Polsce białoruskim tygodniku „Niwa” drukuje Zeszyt Białostocki, w którym po raz pierwszy dzieli się wspomnieniami o tym okresie swojego życia. Od 1998 roku rozpoczyna się ścisła współpraca Masieja Siadniowa z czasopismem „Termopile”, wydawanym przez Białoruskie Stowarzyszenie Literackie w Polsce. W artykule analizowane są Zeszyt Białostocki i utwory Siadniowa drukowane w „Termopilach”, a także publikacje poświęcone pamięci pisarza.
У артыкуле разглядаюцца два асноўныя беластоцкія этапы ў жыцці і творчасці Масея Сяднёва, аднаго з самых таленавітых прадстаўнікоў беларускай эміграцыйнай літаратуры, які быў у свой час кандыдатам на Нобелеўскую прэмію. Пісьменнік, вымушаны выехаць з Савецкай Беларусі на захад, з кастрычніка 1943-га па май 1944 года працаваў карэктарам беларуской газеты „Новая дарога”, якая выдавалася ў Беластоку. У 1991 годзе ў беларускім штотыднёвіку „Ніва” ў Польшчы быў апублікаваны Беластоцкі сшытак, у якім пісьменнік упершыню падзяліўся сваімі ўспамінамі пра гэты перыяд свайго жыцця. З 1998 года пачынаецца цеснае супрацоўніцтва Сяднёва з часопісам „Тэрмапілы”, які выдаецца Беларускім літаратурным аб’яднаннем у Польшчы. У артыкуле аналізуецца Беластоцкі сшытак і творы Сяднёва, апублікаваныя ў „Тэрмапілах”, а таксама звяртаецца ўвага на публікацыі, прысвечаныя памяці пісьменніка.
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2016, 10
Pojawia się w:
Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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