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Методологічні аспекти розуміння верховенства права в Україні
Methodological Aspects of Understanding the Rule of Law in Ukraine
Бурдоносова (Burdonosova), Марина (Maryna)
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
основоположні принципи права
рівність перед законом
методологія викладання
свобода слова
права людини
та громадянина
fundamental principles of law
rule of law
equality before the law
teaching methodology
human and civil rights
freedom of speech
The ideal of the rule of law has long been an essential component of international legal instruments, especially on human and civil rights and freedoms. Modern realities of 2022 remind the world that without the rule of law at all political and legal levels and in all countries, the world can return to the barbaric way of resolving conflicts “who is stronger, that’s who is right”. The author`s experience of teaching of the discipline “Methodology of application and interpretation of the rule of law” for students of “Master” degree, shows some difficulties in students’ understanding of such a complex phenomenon as “rule of law”. In order to simplify its understanding at the initial stage of study, it proved methodologically appropriate, using the method of structural-genetic analysis and synthesis, to depict the rule of law as a pyramid consisting of principles and elements already studied by junior students. In this way, students systematize knowledge, focus on important aspects of already learned material and realize the need for acquired knowledge, “including” them into new material. One of the leading places is given to the principle of the rule of law in the Constitution of Ukraine (Article 8). Despite the acquisition of the rule of law as a global ideal, its concept, according to many Western jurists, still remains “essentially controversial”. The author presents a visual image of the rule of law, adapted to the Romano-Germanic legal family in the translation of certain terms, which facilitates its understanding. Taking into account the studied principles, the pyramid of the structure of the rule of law consists of the following elements, starting from the basic level, the so-called “foundation”: right to assemble, in Ukraine the freedom of peaceful assembly is analogous; democracy through formal legal processes - democratic procedures; access to justice; freedom of speech / press; right to silence; presumption of innocence; fair trial & independence of judiciary; citizens and government are accountable by the law (responsible before the law); equality before the law. The analysis of structural elements and visual representation of the pyramid of “rule of law” is the purpose of this scientific article. This methodological approach has proven itself in teaching the theoretical foundations of the rule of law and to help students master this complex phenomenon.
Ідеал верховенства права давно став найважливішим складником міжнародно-правових актів, особливо присвячених правам і свободам людини й громадянина. Сучасні реалії нагадують світу, що без дотримання верховенства права на всіх політико-правових рівнях та всіма країнами світ може повернутися до варварського способу вирішення конфліктів – «хто сильніший, той і правий». Досвід викладання автором дисципліни «Методологія застосування та тлумачення верховенства права» для ОР «Магістр» показує певні складнощі в осягненні студентами такого комплексного явища, як «верховенство права». З метою спрощення його розуміння на початковому етапі вивчення вважаємо методологічно доцільним застосувати метод структурно-генетичного аналізу та синтезу й зобразити верховенство права як піраміду, що складається з принципів та елементів, які студенти вже вивчали на молодших курсах. Таким чином студенти систематизують знання, акцентують увагу на важливих аспектах вже засвоєного матеріалу та усвідомлюють потрібність набутих знань, «вплітаючи» їх у новий матеріал. Одне з провідних місць відведено принципу верховенства права і в Конституції України (ст. 8). Незважаючи на здобуття верховенством права характеру глобального ідеалу, його поняття, на думку багатьох західних правознавців, до цього часу залишається «сутнісно суперечливим». Автор презентує наочне зображення верховенства права, адаптоване до романо-германської правової сім’ї, перекладаючи певні терміни, щоб полегшити його розуміння. З урахуванням досліджених принципів у піраміді структури верховенства права виокремлюємо такі елементи, починаючи з базового рівня, так званого «фундаменту»: right to assemble – право на зібрання, в Україні аналогом виступає свобода мирних зібрань; democracy through formal legal processes – демократичні процедури; аccess to justice – доступ до правосуддя; freedom of speech/press – свобода слова та преси; right to silence – право мовчання; presumption of innocence – презумпція невинуватості; fair trial & independence of judiciary – справедливий суд і незалежність судової влади; citizens and government are accountable by the law – громадяни та уряд (органи влади) відповідальні перед законом; equality before the law – рівність всіх перед законом.
Copernicus Political and Legal Studies; 2022, 2; 68-75
Pojawia się w:
Copernicus Political and Legal Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Methodology and Teaching Methods of the Study Course: Theory of Cooperation in Education
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
teaching methods
methods of professions
learning theory
theory of cooperation in education
Scientific methods that are part of knowledge – it is whole arsenal of accumulated research methods and stage of scientific activity (techniques, methods) used in the process of scientific activity in this particular cycle. In particular, problems and hypotheses is scientific knowledge also, but they are more significant than stages of scientific activity. Scientific activity – intellectual creative activity aimed at obtaining and use of new knowledge. It comprises the steps of obtaining scientific production: 1) formulation (appearance) of the problem; 2) construction of hypotheses and using those that already exist; 3) creation and implementation of new methods of research aimed at proving the hypotheses; 4) summary the results of scientific activity. It is necessary to mean that the main product that meets the objectives and problems which are resolved, science gets only at the end of the cycle in the form of laws and theories. In the intermediate stages the science gets a by-product a part of which is used in the same cycle, and part goes to replenish the knowledge and the formation of new cycles. Scientific activity exists in various forms, such as: scientific and research activity; scientific and organizational activity; scientific and educational activity; scientific and information activity; scientific and support activity, etc. (Розвиток науки…).
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2017, 8, 3; 38-42
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fractality of trust among general educators and methodologists teaching educational subjects
Wenta, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
general didactics
methodology of educational subject teaching
fractality of trust
theorists and practitioners of teaching
The issue of public trust in research and teaching arouses varied interest and is involved in multiple strands of conflict and environmental conditions. As theorists and academic teachers, general educators teaching an educational subject, e.g. for trainee teachers, often tend to have limited trust among methodologists, who are also the teachers of this subject. Fractality of limited mutual trust generally situates itself on many substantive levels and corresponds to the technology of education, which is revealed in the so-called reliability and geometry of trust concerning the evaluation of the quality of education.
The New Educational Review; 2015, 39; 73-83
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fraktalność zaufania wśród dydaktyków ogólnych i metodyków edukacji przedmiotowej
Fractality of Trust Among Educators and Methodologists of the General Education Concerned
Wenta, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Instytut Spraw Społecznych
general didactics
methodology of educational subject teaching
fractality of trust
theorists and practitioners of teaching
The issue of public trust in research and teaching raises varied interest and is involved in multiple strands of conflict and environmental conditions. As theorists and academic teachers, general educators teaching participants of educational processes, e.g. trainee teachers, often tend to have limited trust in methodologists who are teach the same subject. Fractality of limited mutual trust generally situates itself on many substantive levels and corresponds to the technology of education, which is revealed in the so-called reliability and geometry of trust concerning the evaluation of the quality of education. The article has the nature of interdisciplinary research inspiration from the geometry of confidence to the fractal theory.
Labor et Educatio; 2014, 2; 153-166
Pojawia się w:
Labor et Educatio
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The limits of economic theories and models
Visser, Hans
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu
Economic methodology
The role of economists
Teaching of economics
Paradigms / Worldviews
Aim: This article was written out of a felt need to reflect on the relationship between economic theories and models on the one hand and the empirical world as we experience it on the other. The question is in particular whether it is possible for economic models and theories to say anything definitive about the world we live in.   Design/Research methods: The article relies on professional publications, both within the field of economics and outside of it.   Conclusions/findings: There is much reason for humility, economic models and theories have hardly anything definitive to say about the empirical world, and there is a need for a more varied menu of theories and models and for a listening ear for the needs and fears of the population at large. The best we can do is discussing competing and conflicting views in a polite way. However, this requires a Sprachethik that looks more and more like an endangered species.   Originality/value of the article: Recent developments concerning the reach of economic models and theories are related to earlier discussions and a way forward is sketched    
Central European Review of Economics and Management; 2020, 4, 4; 47-68
Pojawia się w:
Central European Review of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The hidden reefs in foreign language teaching: on the presence and instruction of discourse markers in textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language
Toffel, Sandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
teaching Polish as a foreign language
discourse markers
methodology of teaching Polish as a foreign language
textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language
Discourse markers (DMs), represented by words and phrases such as but, you know, moreover, have for many years been a widely discussed topic in linguistics in Poland and abroad. However, no attention has been paid yet to DMs in teaching Polish as a foreign language (PFL). The paper explores this neglected issue by analysing the modes of presentation of DMs in the three most popular series of textbooks for teaching PFL (levels A1-B1). The textbooks were analysed manually to identify DMs and the ways in which they are taught. The results show that the textbooks differ in the number of DMs appearing in them. However, four common problematic aspects of the instruction of DMs in the analysed textbooks were identified: translation of DMs, usage of homographs of DMs, the mechanical nature of exercises and lack of sufficient input
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics; 2019, 46, 1; 197-220
Pojawia się w:
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Młodzi Ukraińcy o polskiej grzeczności
The young Ukrainians about polish politeness
Sztabnicka-Gradowska, Emilia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
linquistic politeness
Ukrainians’ opinions of polish politeness
methodology of Polish language teaching
grzeczność językowa
opinie Ukraińców o polskiej grzeczności
glottodydaktyka polonistyczna
Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie opinii młodych Ukraińców na temat polskiej grzeczności językowej. Do zebrania materiału badawczego wykorzystano dwie techniki badawcze: wywiad swobodny oraz ankietę internetową. Projekt zrealizowano zgodnie z podejściem interkulturowym – to cudzoziemcy mieszkający w Polsce opisywali polską grzeczność. W zebranym materiale udało się odnaleźć większość praw rządzących systemem polskiej grzeczności językowej. Z wypowiedzi Ukraińców wyłania się obraz Polaków, którzy są na co dzień uprzejmi i chętni do pomocy. Największą trudność na początku pobytu w Polsce zwykle sprawiało respondentom poprawne posługiwanie się zwrotami adresatywnymi, dlatego to zagadnienie opatrzono dłuższym komentarzem. Analiza przeprowadzona w tym artykule może ułatwić praktykę dydaktyczną, gdyż zwraca się tu uwagę na elementy trudne dla uczących się.
The main aim of this article is to present the young Ukrainians’ opinion of Polish linquistic politeness. Two research techniques were used to collect research material: an unstructured in person interview and an online survey. The project was carried out in accordance with an intercultural approach – foreigners living in Poland described Polish politeness. In the collected material, most of the rules governing the system of Polish linguistic politeness were found. The Ukrainians’ statements showed a picture of Poles who are polite and willing to help. The greatest difficulty for respondents at the beginning of their stay in Poland was usually the correct use of addressing expressions and honorifics, which is why this issue was provided with a longer commentary. The analysis carried out in this article may facilitate teaching practice because it draws attention to elements that are difficult for learners.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców; 2024, 31; 183-207
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Was kann moderne Linguistik für die Fremdsprachendidaktik leisten? Ausgewählte Aspekte
What can modern linguistics do for foreign language didactics? Selected aspects
Szeluga, Adam
Data publikacji:
Ateneum - Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Gdańsku
Foreign language teaching
models of glottodidactics scheme
language system
cognitive theories
the anthropocentric theory of languages
Modelle des Glottodidaktikschemas
kognitive Theorien
anthropozentrische Sprachtheorie
The article deals with the most important relations between Foreign Language Didactics and the main theoretical models in modern linguistics, especially the Applied Linguistics of second- and foreign-language teaching. Theories and models of modern linguistics have often laid the theoretical foundations of foreign language teaching, as we can observe in the individual methods and learning techniques (from structuralism to generative grammar, communicativepragmatic turn of the 60s and 70s, cognitive linguistics and to F. Grucza's anthropocentric theory of languages). In this perspective, the purpose of this article is to raise and discuss the question of how modern linguistic theories can improve the effectiveness of language teaching.
Im Artikel werden die wichtigsten Relationen zwischen der Fremdsprachendidaktik und der Linguistik, insbesondere der angewandten Linguistik behandelt. Linguistische Theorien und Modelle waren oft theoretische Grundlagen des Fremdsprachenunterrichts, was in einzelnen Methoden und Lerntechniken sichtbar wurde (vom Strukturalismus, über generative Grammatik, kommunikativ-pragmatische Wende der 60-er und 70-er Jahre, kognitive Linguistik bis zur anthropozentrischen Theorie der Sprachen von F. Grucza). In dieser Perspektive werden ausgewählte Möglichkeiten dargestellt, wie moderne linguistische Theorien vor allem die Effektivität des Fremdsprachenunterrichts verbessern können.
Forum Filologiczne Ateneum; 2019, 7, 1; 213-226
Pojawia się w:
Forum Filologiczne Ateneum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Basic metodological problems in teaching phonetic and phological subsystem of Spanish at the tertiary level of education in Poland
Szałek, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Collegium Novum. Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne
phonetics and phonology of Spanish
teaching phonetics
comprehensive approach
fonetyka i fonologia języka hiszpańskiego
fonetyka dydaktyczna
podejście kompleksowe
The problems concerning teaching methodology in the domain of phonetics and phonology of Spanish have not as yet been properly addressed within the considerably young Polish studies of the Spanish language. The author of the present article, based on his own research and teaching experience, suggests a number of solutions and practical remarks related to teaching methodology of contemporary Spanish phonetics and phonology within Spanish language and literature studies in Poland. The so-called ”comprehensive approach” has been verified for compliance with the most recent achievements of modern Spanish phonetic and phonological studies.
Neofilolog; 2015, 44/1; 9-20
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kształcenie kompetencji translatorycznej rozważania teoretyczne i metodologiczne
Szafraniec, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
kompetencja translatoryczna
metodyka nauczania języków obcych
dydaktyka przekładu
nauczanie języka polskiego jako obcego
programy kształcenia tłumaczy
translation competence
methodology of foreign language acquisition
translation studies
didactics of translation
teaching Polish as a foreign language
translators’ training programs
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych definicji i koncepcji kompetencji translatorycznej, głównie w oparciu o prace anglojęzyczne. Autor wychodzi od najwcześniejszych prac generatywistów i pokrótce charakteryzuje początki prac nad teoretycznymi podwalinami kompetencji translatorycznej. W dalszej części artykułu zostaną przedstawione najważniejsze zmiany i nurty w badaniach nad kompetencją – przede wszystkim osiągnięcia hiszpańskiej grupy badawczej PACTE oraz tzw. definicja minimalistyczna Pyma. W końcowej części artykułu autor postara się udzielić odpowiedzi na pytanie, jakie są glottodydaktyczne implikacje wyłaniające się z różnych definicji kompetencji translatorycznej. W oparciu o teorię „kompetencji przedtłumaczeniowej” (ang. pretranslation competence) w ujęciu Presas (2000), spróbuje wskazać różnice pomiędzy procesem kształcenia językowego na filologiach a na studiach tłumaczeniowych.
The aim of this article is to present selected definitions and concepts of translation competence, mainly based on works in English language. The author starts from the earliest works of generativists (Wills, Harris) and briefly describes the development of the work on the theoretical foundations of translation competence. In the following part of the article, the most important changes and trends in the research on competence will be presented – first of all, the achievements of the Spanish research group PACTE and the so-called Pym’s minimalist definition. In the final part of the article the author will explore the question, what are the methodological implications arising from different definitions of translation competence. Based on M. Presas’ theory of “pretranslation competence”, he will point out the differences between the curricula of foreign language taught at modern language departments and the needs in the process of teaching language skills in translation studies.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców; 2020, 27; 407-419
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metoda gramatyczno-tłumaczeniowa oraz elementy przekładu w glottodydaktyce polonistycznej
The grammar-translation method and the elements of translation in teaching Polish as a foreign language
Szafraniec, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
nauczanie JPJO
metoda gramatyczno-tłumaczeniowa
metodyka nauczania języków obcych
teoria tłumaczenia
teaching Polish as a foreign language
grammar-translation method
foreign language teaching methodology
theory of translation
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba ocenienia przydatności i celowości stosowania ćwiczeń tłumaczeniowych lub elementów metody gramatyczno-tłumaczeniowej na zajęciach języka obcego. W pierwszej części artykułu pokrótce przyjrzę się historii metody gramatyczno-tłumaczeniowej, przedstawię jej główne założenia i cele oraz postaram się przybliżyć stanowiska jej zwolenników i przeciwników. W drugiej części tekstu podejmę się odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy tłumaczenia mogą dziś znajdować zastosowanie w nauczaniu JPJO, a jeśli tak, to w jaki sposób należałoby je wprowadzać do zajęć.
This article is an attempt to evaluate the usefulness and the purposes of using the grammar-translation method or its elements in foreign language classes. In the first part of the article, the author briefly describes the history of the grammar-translation method, presents its major assumptions and aims, along with the standpoint of its followers and opponents. In the second part, the author attempts to establish if this method can be useful and how to introduce it into the process of teaching Polish as a foreign language.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców; 2012, 19; 93-103
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tłumaczenie jako prymarne narzędzie glottodydaktyczne w kształceniu translatologicznym. Uwagi wstępne
Translation as a Primary Didactic Tool in Translation Training. Preliminary Remarks
Szafraniec, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
nauczanie języka polskiego jako obcego
kształcenie tłumaczy
methodology of foreign language teaching
translation studies
eaching Polish as a foreign language
translators´ training programs
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest nakreślenie problematyki nauczania języków obcych w ramach studiów przekładoznawczych. Autor postuluje, że tłumaczenie – jako czynność mediacyjna – powinno być nieodzowną częścią nie tylko zajęć typowo translacyjnych, ale również językowych. Mediacja zajmuje istotne miejsce w Europejskim Systemie Opisu Kształcenia Językowego, a jej potencjał wydaje się być wciąż niedoceniany. Jedną z metod nauczania wykorzystujących wielojęzyczność i mediację jest tzw. podejście plurilingwalne (zintegrowane), którego celem jest kształcenie plurilingwalnej kompetencji komunikacyjnej (PKK), a tym samym wspieranie komunikacji interlingwalnej i interkulturowej. W ostatniej części artykułu przeanalizowano podział kompetencji translatorskich zaproponowany przez grupę badawczą PACTE (2018).
The aim of this article is to outline the problem of foreign language teaching in translation studies. The author postulates that translation should be an integral part of not only traditional translation classes, but also language courses. He argues that it is necessary to implement mediation activities, which include translation. Mediation holds an important place in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), yet its potential seems to be still underestimated. One of the teaching approaches that use multilingualism and mediation is the so-called plurilingual (integrated) approach, which aims at teaching plurilingual communicative competence (PCC) and thus supporting interlingual and intercultural communication. The last part of the article examines the classification of translation competencies proposed by the PACTE research group (2018).
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców; 2022, 29; 105-113
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wkwestii wymiaru medialno-metodycznego historii rodziny w nauczaniu historii w szkole podstawowej
Family History as Media and Methodological Inspiration for History Teaching
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
methodology of history; history teaching; family amateur movie; family
The text of the contribution is inspired by relationships and issues arising from communication among parents, children, grandparents and grandchildren. It ensues from such terms as generation crisis, cohesion, cultivation of common values or family topics. It deals with family history captured in a family amateur movie, which is an appropriate media of alternative school and out-of-school pupils' activities.Within its framework the pupils can become aware of their own roots and evolution of their family histories, or how their histories were influenced by „the great history”. The presentation methodology of the summary of these pupils' explorations of private family materials used in history lessons forms an inseparable part.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2011, II, (2/2011)
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nieobecna „książka białogłowskiego konceptu”. Kobiety, kanon i badania literatury dawnej
Staniszewski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Early Modern women’s literature, literacy of women in 17th century, canon and canon formation, methodology of literary history, teaching literary history, Anna Stanisławska
The absent book “penned by one of the fairer sex”. Women, canon and the studies of early modern Polish literatureThe main goal of the paper is to focus on the image of the past suggested by the present state of the studies of early modern Polish literature and to propose a new and more inclusive approach to it. Using the debate on Western canon and its formation as well as the specific example of A Transaction, or an Account of the Entire Life as an Orphan, a memoir by a 17th century author, Anna Stanisławska, the author of the paper argues that what is believed now to be the canon of early modern Polish literature is rather a result of conscious decisions made by present scholars rather than an adequate representation of the past literature. The paper proposes answers to the following questions: What is lost from the image of the past as argued by the scholars when they fail to mention texts like the Transaction? How does the image of the cultural past change when one decides to acknowledge such texts? In Canon’s discourse. Fragments, the first part of the paper, the author relates briefly the debate on Western canon and its formation. He reminds that the different answers to the central question ‘what Western canon is and how it came to be’ translate to different sets of professional and political responsibilities associated with being a scholar. In Canons, syllabuses, reading material. What is ‘early modern Polish literature’?, which is the second part of the paper, the author tries to pinpoint texts which form the canon of early modern Polish literature. It consists of the texts that are actually taught at the faculties of Polish literature and are presented to their students as the early modern literature. The author analyses the curriculums of certain literary courses held in six Polish universities and finds ten recurring authors. He argues then that these authors, although respected, represent only one type of early modern Polish literature – written by the well-educated, Latin-speaking men. Consequently, the author proposes to broaden the perspective of literary studies by including in their focus such texts as the above mentioned Transaction. In Case study. Anna Stanisławska, women’s literacy and writing in the 17th century, the third part of the paper, he recapitulates briefly Stanisławska’s life and proceeds to show strong connection between Anna’s memoir and literary culture of her age (which can be seen in the way she employs topos humilitatis). He also points out that the appearance of such a text in the 17th century of all periods was no accident. During Stanisławska’s life, the number of schools dedicated solely to educating women in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was increasing. Although the literacy remained far below the level achieved in Western Europe, reading and writing became much more widespread among women. The author argues that leaving Stanisławska’s text out of the curriculum results also in failing to properly represent cultural shifts which came to pass in the 17th-century Poland. The author of the paper concludes that practicing literary history focused both on writers well-known as well as neglected like Stanisławska is a valid opportunity for a modern scholar. Not only does it enable them to create more complete narration about the past, but it also helps them grasp the consequences of the images of the past produced by their narration.
Terminus; 2014, 16, 2(31)
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metody w szkole XXI wieku
Słomski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
philosophy of education and upbringing
the XXIst century school
Openness to new technologies and an ability to use them efficiently is a feature of the modern education. They often say about elevating efficiency of education through preparation of the youth to independent gaining and broadening their knowledge. It is necessary, however, to underline, in the light of presented threats, that it should be a critical selection of information which is found in the various kinds of sources. The present socioeconomical situation of the world creates new educational challenges. Using information and communication technologies in our country becomes widespread, first of all, thanks to schools and young generations. The youth belong to the largest group of the computer and Internet users. School has already been criticized for many years mainly for this that using coercion against pupils plays an essential role in it. Criticism also concerns the education of the ‘theoretical man’. Such an approach resulting from that school in reality does not lead to the pupil’s development because only learning resulting from the internal need can lead to it.
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2011, 2(2); 121-139
Pojawia się w:
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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