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Wybrane zagadnienia opieki nad osobami chorującymi psychicznie ze współistniejącymi zaburzeniami somatycznymi
Selected issues of caring for mentally ill persons with concomitant somatic disorders
Zurzycka, Patrycja
Oskędra, Iwona
Wojtas, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Collegium Medicum
choroby psychiczne
kompleksowa opieka
comprehensive care
mental illness
Osoby chorujące psychicznie doświadczają zwiększonej zachorowalności na dolegliwości somatyczne o różnej etiologii. Kompleksowa opieka korzystnie wpływa na wynik postępowania terapeutycznego w leczeniu zarówno zaburzeń psychicznych, jak i somatycznych. Może ponadto znacząco poprawić dyscyplinę chorych w przestrzeganiu zaleceń terapeutycznych. Holistyczna opieka nad pacjentem powinna opierać się także na edukacji zdrowotnej podejmowanej przez wszystkich członków zespołu terapeutycznego. Ma to na celu uwzględnienie problemów zdrowotnych pacjenta, które często są marginalizowane – zarówno przez samego pacjenta z powodu jego stanu i braku kontroli nad własnym życiem, jak i przez zespół terapeutyczny, który pochyla się głównie nad problemami psychicznymi chorego. Edukacja zdrowotna pozwala na przygotowania pacjenta do współodpowiedzialności za własne zdrowie.
Mentally ill people experience an increased incidence of somatic complaints with various etiologies. Comprehensive care has a positive effect on the outcome of therapeutic procedure in the treatment of both mental and somatic disorders. In addition, it can significantly improve patients’ discipline in adhering to therapeutic recommendations. Holistic care should also be based on health education undertaken by all members of the therapeutic team. This is aimed at taking into account the patient’s health problems which are often marginalized – by both the patient himself and his lack of control over his own life, as well as by the therapeutic team who focuses mainly on the patient’s mental problems. Health education allows the patient to be prepared to share responsibility for his own health.
Sztuka Leczenia; 2020, 35, 2; 65-72
Pojawia się w:
Sztuka Leczenia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The representation of illness manifestation during the first psychiatric interview with patients preliminary diagnosed with depressive illness
Ziółkowska, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Discourse analysis
Doctor-Patient relationship
Mental health
Psychiatric interview
Representation of illness
The aim of the study is the analysis of patients' and doctors' discursive representation of mental health problems during the first psychiatric interview. The data comes from 16 initial psychiatric interviews recorded by doctors in three psychiatric hospitals in Poland. Assuming the discursive character of representation the analysis of the data has shown that the representation of illness manifestations in doctors and patients narratives differs. The doctors constructed mental health problems mainly as static and timeless existence of medical symptoms and patients’ traits. Conversely, the patients constructed illness manifestations in terms of action, as dynamic and contextualised processes.Interestingly, the patients deprived themselves of control over the acting illness manifestations. Doctors' static picture of illness manifestations eliminates the possibility of exploring the complicated relationship between patients and their problems. An examination of the way patients construct illness manifestations could be relevant diagnostic information.
Polish Psychological Bulletin; 2011, 42, 3; 123-128
Pojawia się w:
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zetknięcie dwóch paradygmatów – religijny psychiatra
The Relation between Two Paradigms – The Religious Psychiatrist
Zagożdżon, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
choroba psychiczna
wierzenia religijne
religijny psychiatra
mental illness
religious beliefs
religious psychiatrist
Różnica pomiędzy psychiatrią a religią jest dość wąska. Wierzenia dotyczące przyczyny choroby czy nawet urojenia na tle religijnym są częstym elementem obrazu choroby. Mimo narastającej świadomości znaczenia duchowości w prowadzeniu leczenia pacjentów psychiatrycznych historyczne napięcie między religią a psychiatrią nie zawsze pozwala na uwzględnienie religii w praktyce. Gdzie kończy się granica naukowego paradygmatu w psychiatrii w kontekście problematyki religijnej? Czy religijny psychiatra powinien nakłaniać swoich pacjentów do swoich przekonań religijnych? Kiedy duchowy dylemat należy analizować z perspektywy psychopatologii? Religijny psychiatra stara się rozumieć doświadczenia religijne swoich pacjentów, gdyż dzięki takiej postawie uzyskuje osobisty wgląd w to, czego doświadcza pacjent bez konieczności zastosowania specjalistycznej wiedzy medycznej. Dane o związkach między religią a zdrowiem pokazują, że korzystniej jest uwzględniać problematykę religijną w podejściu terapeutycznym w kontekście chorób afektywnych i uzależnień, lecz nie w zaburzeniach psychotycznych.
The difference between psychiatry and religion is narrow. Religious and spiritual beliefs frequently are involved in the clinical picture. Despite recent changes in the attitudes of academic psychiatry towards religion the historic tensions between religion and psychiatry does not always allow to include religious spirituality in psychiatric practice. Researches show that psychiatrists are less religious than other physicians, and religious physicians are less willing than nonreligious physicians to refer patients to psychiatrists. The religious psychiatrist is in a difficult position. His own religious belief is confronted with religious beliefs of his patients and with the biomedical paradigm of mental illness in psychiatry. I analyse in this paper several questions. What are the boundaries of the scientific paradigm in psychiatry? What should be the role of evangelism in psychiatric treatment? Should psychiatrists urge their patients to become Christians? When the spiritual dilemma should be viewed from the psychopathological perspective Some epidemiologic studies showed that the involvement of religious beliefs in p psychiatric treatment leads to better outcomes in patients with depression but not schizophrenia patients. The spiritual orientation is also an important aspect of the recovery in the addiction treatment.
Filozofia i Nauka; 2017, 5; 311-322
Pojawia się w:
Filozofia i Nauka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiedza płynąca z doświadczenia choroby psychicznej a możliwość wejścia w inną rolę społeczną. Przykład funkcjonowania grup samopomocowych osób chorujących psychicznie na poziomie psychologicznym i społecznym
Knowledge from the experience of mental illness as an opportunity to take on a different social role. An example of the psychological and social functioning of self-help groups for people with mental illness
Zadrożna, Alesandra
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
grupy samopomocowe osób chorujących psychicznie
self-help groups for people suffering from mental illness
Teza. Osoba doświadczająca choroby psychicznej posiada wiedzę zdobytą z własnego doświadczenia, które może być zasobem używanym do pomocy innym oraz umocnienia własnej osoby. Omówione koncepcje. Coraz częściej ludzie mają doświadczenia związane z chorobami psychicznymi oraz ich konsekwencjami psychologicznymi i społecznymi. Mimo to społeczeństwo nadal przejawia wiele negatywnych postaw względem osób doświadczających problemów ze zdrowiem psychicznym. Istotnym problemem jest także stygmatyzacja tej grupy oraz jej skutki. Doświadczanie choroby psychicznej wiąże się jednak z nabyciem osobistej wiedzy, która może posłużyć do pomagania np. innym chorującym oraz umożliwiać zmianę postaw społecznych. Taką możliwość daje uczestniczenie w grupach samopomocowych osób chorujących psychicznie, które są ogniwem procesu zdrowienia, umacniają jednostkę i pozwalają na przeciwdziałanie negatywnym skutkom choroby oraz umożliwiają wykorzystanie osobistego potencjału i doświadczenia płynącego z własnego procesu dochodzenia do zdrowia. Wyniki i wnioski. Działania oparte na własnej wiedzy zdobytej podczas doświadczenia choroby dają możliwość wykorzystania trudnej sytuacji choroby. Oryginalność. Choroby psychiczne oraz ich konsekwencje są istotnym problemem, ich skutki dotykają jednostki oraz całe społeczeństwo. Tematyka grup samopomocowych osób chorujących psychicznie dopiero rozwija się na polskim gruncie nauki.
Thesis. A person experiencing a mental illness has knowledge gained from their own experience, which can be used as a resource to help others and strengthen themselves. Concepts discussed. Increasingly, people have experiences related to mental illness and its psychological and social consequences. Nevertheless, society still presents a mostly negative attitude towards people experiencing mental health problems. An important problem is also the stigmatization of this group and its effects. Experiencing mental illness, however, is associated with the acquisition of personal knowledge, which can be used to help, for example, other people who are ill. Such a possibility is provided by participation in self-help groups for mentally ill people. These groups support the recovery process, and they can also empower the individual and allow them to counteract the negative effects of the illness and use the personal potential and experience of their own recovery process. Results and conclusions. Activities based on a person’s own knowledge gained during the mental illness experience make it possible to take advantage of the difficult situation connected with the disease. Originality. Mental illnesses and their consequences are an important problem, their effects affect individuals and the whole of society. The subject of self-help groups of people suffering from mental illness is still developing on the Polish science.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2019, 9; 162-169
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Determination of attitudes and practices of nurses working in the psychiatry clinic towards physical health care of individuals with severe mental illness
Yardımcı Kurtoğlu, Hande
Çelik İnce, Sevecen
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
physical health
severe mental illness
Introduction and aim. Individuals with severe mental illness experience more physical health problems than the general population and their life expectancy may be shorter. Therefore, the physical care provided to these patients is very important. This study aims to examine the attitudes, practices, and training needs of nurses working in psychiatry clinics towards physical health care of individuals with severe mental illness. Material and methods. This descriptive, cross-sectional study collected data from 139 nurses in psychiatry clinics using the Personal Information Form and Physical Health Attitude Scale. Results. This study found that nurses often provide physical healthcare as part of their routine care for individuals with severe mental illness. However, the study also revealed that nurses require additional education to better provide this type of care. Despite this, the nurses generally displayed a positive attitude towards physical health. The average total score on the physical health attitude scale was 80.33±10.14. Conclusion. The study concluded that nurses have a positive attitude towards physical health in general. The role of nurses working in psychiatry clinics is crucial in evaluating and caring for physical health of individuals with severe mental illness, as it is an important aspect of holistic nursing care. It is necessary to make nurses aware of their shortcomings in providing physical health care and support them in improving in this area.
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; 2023, 4; 812-821
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Polski Laing”? Jak czytano Antoniego Kępińskiego w Gdańsku
‘Polish Laing’? On the reception of Antoni Kępiński in Gdańsk
Wroniszewski, Maksymilian
Data publikacji:
Narodowe Centrum Kultury
antoni kępiński
maria janion
choroba psychiczna
mental illness
This article explores the motif of mental illness/madness present in the Polish culture of the 1970s. The most important relevant research papers and concepts from that period are discussed, with particular emphasis on the works by Antoni Kępiński. His reflections are juxtaposed with the views represented by a circle of researchers gathered around Maria Janion’s series of Gdańsk seminars called Transgresje [Transgressions]. The fundamental question asked in the article is why Kępiński’s concepts were only briefly presented at the Gdańsk seminars and discussed in Janion’s texts. Trying to find the possible reasons, the author compares the assumptions of humanistic psychiatry (practised by Kępiński) with the socalled anti-psychiatry (represented in particular by Ronald D. Laing), and analyses the former’s views on homosexuality.
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka; 2019, 107, 4; 131-141
Pojawia się w:
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mental Illnesses in the Middle Ages and their Reflection in the South Slavonic Hagiographic Literature
Todorova, Ekaterina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
mental illness
The main points are related to the cultural-anthropological (Michel Foucault) and theological contextualization of diseases (Jean-Claude Larchet) and their treatment in the Middle Ages. Based on the South Slavonic hagiographic literature, the terms physician and healer are defined and specified. The study focuses on the mental disease (insanity), which according to the methodology of Larchet is three types: somatic nature of madness, the madness of demonic origin, and madness of spiritual origin. Also partly concerns the problem of God fools’ insanity. 
Studia Ceranea; 2021, 11; 463-477
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podstawy obligatoryjnego odroczenia wykonania kary pozbawienia wolności
Tekliński, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
choroba psychiczna
ciężka choroba
odroczenie wykonania kary pozbawienia wolności
prawo krne wykonawcze
Służba Więzienna
zaburzenie psychiczne
zdrowie psychiczne
mental illness
severe illness
postponement of the execution of a prison sentence
executive criminal law
person sentenced
Prison Service
mental disorder
mental health
Jedną z podstawowych zasad prawa karnego wykonawczego jest zasada bezzwłocznego wszczęcia postępowania wykonawczego (art. 9 § 1 k.k.w.). Bezzwłoczne wykonanie orzeczenia, szczególnie tego, które stanowi o bezwzględnej karze pozbawienia wolności, służy realizacji zasady humanitaryzmu i poszanowania godności ludzkiej skazanego (art. 4 § 1 k.k.w.). Odroczenie wykonania kary jest jednym z nielicznych odstępstw od zasady wyrażonej w art. 9 § 1 k.k.w., przy czym zważywszy na jej wyjątkowy charakter, przepisy statuujące ustawowe przesłanki jej stosowania nie podlegają wykładni rozszerzającej. Dzieje się tak za sprawą tego, że odroczenie wykonania kary bez istnienia ważkich przyczyn narusza zarówno wspomnianą zasadę bezzwłocznego wykonania wyroku, jak i konstytucyjną zasadę osądzenia sprawy bez nieuzasadnionej zwłoki (art. 45 ust. 1 Konstytucji RP), czy rozpatrzenia sprawy w rozsądnym terminie (art. 6 ust. 1 Konwencji o Ochronie Praw Człowieka i Podstawowych Wolności). Niniejszy artykuł stanowi próbę kompleksowego spojrzenia na problematykę materialnych podstaw obligatoryjnego odroczenia wykonania kary pozbawienia wolności. Analiza obowiązującego porządku prawnego, przeprowadzona przez pryzmat oceny zarówno orzecznictwa, jak i poglądów doktryny, doprowadza autora do konkluzji, że obecna regulacja jest wadliwa i de lege ferenda wymaga pilnych zmian, w kierunku przez niego zaproponowanym.
One of the basic principles of executive criminal law is the principle of immediate enforcement proceedings (art. 9 § 1 k.k.w.). Immediate enforcement of the verdict, especially the one which provides for the absolute penalty of imprisonment, is for the implementation of the principle of humanity and respect for the human dignity of the convicted person (art. 4 § 1 k.w.w.).Postponement of the execution of a sentence is one of the few exceptions to the rule expressed in art. 9 § 1 k.k.w., however, considering its exceptional character, provisions stating the statutory conditions for its application are not subject to an extended interpretation. This is due to the fact that postponing the execution of a penalty without serious grounds violates both the aforementioned principle of immediate enforcement of the sentence and the constitutional principle of trial without unreasonable delay (article 45 section 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland) or consideration of the case within a reasonable period (article 6 section1 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms). This article is an attempt to look at the issue of material basis for obligatory postponement of imprisonment. The analysis of the current legal order, carried out through the prism of assessing both case-law and doctrinal views, leads the author to the conclusion that the current regulation is flawed and de lege ferenda requires urgent changes in the direction proposed by him.
Studia Prawnicze; 2018, 4 (216); 165-202
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Schizophrenia in adolescents and the family system
Świętochowski, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
mental illness in the family
systemic traits
Empirical research shows that chronic diseases have specific, idiosyncratic functions in the family, and give real, psychosocial advantages (like tightening loosened family relations or helping solve interpersonal conflicts). This leaves the question – can schizophrenic disorders have similar function in the family system as a chronic somatic disease? We have analyzed systemic family traits in families with schizophrenic young patients (50 families). The reference samples were two kinds of families: families with schizophrenic adults and families without any chronic disease or chronic illness (“healthy families”). The subjects of analysis were coefficients of the systemic features, identified by factor analysis according to author’s proposal. Oneway Anova was used to compare indexes between three groups of families. The results show that mental disorder in adolescents participates in the life of the whole family, having similar functions to the functions of chronic somatic diseases. They also suggest that, from the family members’ point of view, schizophrenic disorders in a teenagers has different quality compared to schizophrenic disorders in an adult.
Polish Psychological Bulletin; 2011, 42, 1; 5-10
Pojawia się w:
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Art Therapy in Social Work with Mentally ill People in Slovakia
Arteterapia w pracy socjalnej z osobami chorymi psychicznie na Słowacji
Šuľová, Michaela
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
choroba umysłowa
praca społeczna
art therapy
mental illness
social work
The paper introduces the situation of mental health in Slovakia, as well as social services that focus on helping mentally ill people. Further it presents organizations offering art therapy education. It also describes the specific aspects of art therapy with mentally ill people as well as specific art therapy techniques focused on mentally ill people.
Artykuł przedstawia sytuację zdrowia psychicznego na Słowacji, a także usługi społeczne, które koncentrują się na pomocy osobom chorym psychicznie. Ponadto prezentuje organizacje oferujące edukację w zakresie arteterapii. Opisuje także specyficzne aspekty arteterapii z osobami chorymi psychicznie, a także konkretne techniki arteterapii skierowane do osób chorych psychicznie.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2019, 66, 1; 75-87
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyrok Sądu Metropolitalnego w Katowicach (c. Sobański) z 20.11.1997 r. z tytułu braku konsensu spowodowanego chorobą psychiczną
Sobański, Remigiusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
choroba psychiczna jako przyczyna braku konsensusu
brak konsensusu
lack of marital consesus
mental illness
Ius Matrimoniale; 1999, 10, 4; 249-255
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Motyw szaleństwa w kulturze popularnej
The madness motive in popular culture
Skorupski – Cymbaluk, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
szaleństwo, kultura popularna, popkultura, film, choroba psychiczna, gry komputerowe, nowe media, eksperyment Rosenhana, Far Cry 3
insanity, popculture, film, mental illness, video games, new media, Rosenhan’s experiment, Far Cry 3
Thesis. The main goal of the article is to present and analysie how phenomenon of insanity is featured in the popculture. Discussed concepts. I distinguished the two frequent manners of picturing insanity in the popculture: understanding insanity as a social maladjustment and social exclussion. I indicated that video games are, and should be, important goal of studies. Moreover, I distincted terms: „mentally ill” and „insane”. Conclussions. There are no obvious criterias that allow to tell what the theme of insanity in the popculture is. However, it is possible to extract the most frequent ones. Video games are important and thriving medium in which the topic of insanity is strongly present.
Teza. Głównym celem artykułu jest omówienie i analiza wybranych sposobów przedstawienia motywu szaleństwa w kulturze popularnej. Omówione koncepcje. Wyróżniłem dwa częste sposoby obrazowania szaleństwa w dziełach kultury popularnej: rozumienia szaleństwa jako niedopasowania społecznego oraz wykluczenia społecznego. Zasygnalizowałem, że gry komputerowe są i powinny być ważnym przedmiotem badań. Oprócz tego dokonuję rozróżnienia terminów „chory psychicznie” i „szalony” Wnioski. Nie istnieją jednoznaczne kryteria, pozwalające na scharakteryzowanie czym jest motyw szaleństwa w popkulturze. Mimo to, da się wyodrębnić najczęstsze sposoby przedstawiania tego zjawiska. Zauważam również, że tematyka szaleństwa jest obecna w grach komputerowych.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2017, 7; 397-404
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social aspects of mental illness and related ethical issues (prejudice, stigmatisation)
Škoda, Miroslav
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
mental illness
At the beginning the paper introduces the role of patient and the four features of the role, as formulated by T. Parsons and E. Freidson in their sociology works. Based on this concept of the role of the patient, the text argues in favour of recognising the mental illness as a real illness. (This recognition is not obvious and is often disputed.) Next, the paper explains the phenomenon of prejudices, and how they are formed. It is related to the stereotypes and the process of categorisation, and therefore the work presents these terms as well. Some specific examples of prejudice both against the mentally ill and psychiatry as such are also introduced. In the last chapter, the issue of stigma and stigmatisation related to the mental illness is presented. The focus is made on the etymology of the word “stigma” and its current use. The paper aims at clarifying the social status of the mentally ill, who suffer not only from their disease, but also from the above mentioned negative social phenomena such as prejudices and stigmatisation.
Uniwersyteckie Czasopismo Socjologiczne; 2016, 16; 57-61
Pojawia się w:
Uniwersyteckie Czasopismo Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Internetowa grupa wsparcia jako przestrzeń na opowieść o depresji i innych zaburzeniach psychicznych. Przypadek grupy „Porcelanowe Aniołki”
Online Support Groups as a Space for a Storytelling about Depression and Other Mental Disorders: The Case of the ‘Porcelanowe Aniołki’ Group
Skiba, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
socjologia Internetu
socjologia zdrowia
antropologia zdrowia
grupy wsparcia
choroba psychiczna
sociology of the Internet
sociology of health
anthropology of health
support groups
mental illness
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań jakościowych facebookowej grupy wsparcia „Porcelanowe Aniołki”. Głównym celem artykułu jest pokazanie roli opowieści o chorobie w kształtowaniu się tożsamości osób zmagających się z problemami psychicznymi oraz tego, jak funkcjonowanie analizowanej grupy wsparcia pozwala wybrzmieć tym historiom. Autorka stawia tezę, że taka społeczność zapewnia przestrzeń na historie, które łatwiej jest opowiedzieć w sieci lub za jej pośrednictwem. Dzięki temu możliwe jest konstruowanie opowieści o subiektywnym przeżywaniu choroby. Podstawę empiryczną artykułu stanowią wywołane dane biograficzne w postaci listów członków grupy. Główny materiał poddany analizie wzbogacony jest internetową obserwacją uczestniczącą, która miała na celu rozpoznanie ogólnych mechanizmów funkcjonowania „Porcelanowych Aniołków”, oraz indywidualnymi wywiadami pogłębionymi z psycholożkami i suicydolożką, które pokazują szerszy kontekst funkcjonowania grupy. Tekst rozpoczyna się od omówienia literatury z zakresu socjologii i antropologii zdrowia, socjologii interakcji, socjologii Internetu oraz od przeglądu dotychczasowych polskich badań internetowych grup wsparcia. Następnie rozważane są kwestie metodologiczne i etyczne. W dalszej części autorka przechodzi do omówienia i analizy zebranego materiału. Rozważania prowadzą ją do wniosku, że w przestrzeni internetowej grupy wsparcia i dzięki niej autorzy listów mogą lepiej zrozumieć własną historię choroby, wykraczającą poza medyczne definicje.
The article presents the results of a qualitative research on the Facebook group called ‘Porcelanowe Aniołki’ [‘Porcelain Angels’]. The main aim of the article is to present the role of storytelling about a disease in shaping the identity of those struggling with a mental health problem, and how the functioning of the analysed support group allows these tales to resonate. The author argues that such a community provides a space for stories, which are easier to tell on the Internet and through it. Owing to this, it is possible to construct tales about experiencing an illness subjectively. The empirical foundation of the article consists of requested biographical data in the form of letters written by the group members. The main researched material is enriched with Internet-based participant observation – which aimed at recognizing the general mechanisms of the functioning of the ‘Porcelanowe Aniołki’ – as well as with individual in-depth interviews with psychologists and a suicidologist, which reveal the broader context of the group’s functioning. The article begins with a literature review regarding the fields of sociology and anthropology of health, sociology of interaction, and sociology of the Internet, as well as an overview of previous Polish Internet-based studies on support groups. Moreover, the material also contains the analysis of methodological and ethical issues. In the further part of the article, the author proceeds to the discussion and analysis of the collected material. The considerations lead the researcher to the conclusion that in and through the support group, the authors of the letters can better understand the history of their own illness, one beyond medical definitions.
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej; 2021, 17, 2; 110-131
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przyczyny przestępczości. Nowe aspekty międzynarodowej dyskusji o teoriach kryminologicznych
Causes of Crime – Recent Developments in the International Criminological Theory-Discusion
Schneider, Hans J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
teorie kryminologiczne
choroba psychiczna
criminological theory
mental illness
This survey intends to critically inform the reader about new and further developments of criminological theories on causality and about how successful these theories have proved in empirical and practical terms during the last three decades. From the point of view of mainstream criminology the criminalbiological, criminalpsychological, criminalsociological, socialpsychological, victimological, critical-radical, feminist, postmodernist and integrated theories are being considered. Preceding this is a discussion of the theory of national choise, according to which criminality is based on a costprofit-analysis and which, empirically speaking, has not exactly held good. Among the criminalbiological approaches the theory of constitutional predisposition is being discussed which assumes an interaction between genes and environment to produce criminality. Since the studies on family, twins and adoption, while attempting to prove this interaction, show both theoretical and methodological shortcomings, this theory is being rejected. Under the headline of "criminalbiological theories" a discussion of mental illness and crime can be found. A psychiatrisation of crime is not held advisable: Only between 0.2 % and 2 % of all schizophrenic persons are arrested for violent crimes per year, which amounts 1.1 % to 2.3 % of the total arrests for violent crime. Among the criminalpsychological theories the following three approaches are being discussed: the psychopathological theory, the theory of criminal personality according to Hans Jürgen Eysenck and the biosocial theory of inherited criminal tendencies according to Sarnoff A. Mednick. It is proposed to give up the term "psychopathy'' altogether since it contradicts modern findings of dark field research that personality traits not socially desirable are restricted to and concentrated in only a small section of the human race. The theories of Eysneck and Mednick, according to which criminal behaviour is tfre result of interaction between certain social environmental factors and inherited predispositions of the central nervous system, have empirically not been sufficiently proven. The survey's emphasis lies on criminalsociological, socialpsychological and victimological theories. In the context o criminalsociological approaches the theories of social disorganization and of anomie are being discussed. A society is socially disorganized when social bonds dissolve, when social control breaks down and when interpersonal disorientation spreads among its members. The theory of social disorganization has been further developed inasmuch as the social structuring of delinquency areas has been described as a dynamic process and as the spiral-like social downfall and dereliction of a neighbourhood ("community crime career"). In empirical studies making use of data from accounts showing how people have become perpetrator or victim ("British Crime Surveys"), this theory of social disorganization has been widely confirmed. The theory of anomie has undergone further development by the adaptation of two new approaches: the theory of institutional anomie according to Steven F. Messner and Richard Rosenfeld and the theory of general strain according to Robert Agnew. The theory of institutional anomie underlines the extreme importance western societies ascribe to monetary success while at the same time not stressing the component of achieving this success by legal means. One institution – economy – assumes priority over all non-economic institutions such as family, education or politics, which on their part are only insufficiently capable of restricting the criminogenic pressure phenomenon, i.e. the overestimation of monetary success. According to the theory of general strain the incapability of reaching positively marked aims results in overstraining (pressure). This pressure can be measured by ascertaining the gap between aspirations (ideal aims) and expectations on the one hand and actual achievements and successes on the other. The socialpsychological theories, which are theories of social processes can be subdivided into theories of cognitive-social learning, control, interaction and life-course. According to the theory of cognitive-social learning a person acquires his/her behaviour by way of reinforcement and modeling. In self-reinforcement processes people both reward and punish themselves. Finally, this theory regards human learning as an active, cognitively controlled psychical process of assimilating experience. Criminal behaviour is learned by reaffirming (rewarding) it more than socially conforming behaviour. Delinquents acquire it in criminal subcultures, in which criminal behaviour is justified by means of neutralisation techniques as being "not really'' criminal. The theory of cognitive-social learning of criminal behaviour (the theory of differential reinforcement and imitation) has held good empirically and practically and has been complemented by the theory of crime seduction according to Jack Katz stating that the euphoria of criminal success is relevant factor. The robber f.i. is not only rewarded by his material profit but also by experiencing domination during the criminal act. Among the theories of control the theory of social bonds according to Travis Hirschi is widely appreciated in practical terms. Empirically speaking, however, it has not quite achieved what it promised. It has been further developed by the theory of self-control, according to which delinquents are persons with a low level of self-control as a result from ineffective and inadequate socialization. Another new development is the theory of control balance according to Charles R. Tittle. The central statement of this theory is that the amount of control a person is subjected to, as compared to the control this person exercises, influences both the probability of committing delinquencies and the possibility to commit certain types of crime. The theory of interaction, which is a theory of social process, has been converted in the seventies and eighties to a radical socialstructural labeling approach. Control institutions (f.i police, law-courts) are assumed to produce delinquency and criminality by selectively sanctioning the lower class in the order to preserve the power of the ruling class. In the nineties, however, the interaction theory is distancing itself from this radical power conflict approach and reverting to its original focus: its connection to the cognitive-social learning theory. The interaction theory has been supplemented by the Australian criminologist John Braithwaite. He regards shame as an essential means of informal social control and distinguishes between reintegrative and disintegrative shaming. The life-course-theories are new developments stemming from the late eighties and early nineties. According to these theories, delinquency and criminality develop in interactive processes spanning the whole cycle of life. Developmental crirninology focusses on the questions why people become delinquent (onset, activation), why their delinquencies continue (maintenance), why delinquencies often increase both in frequency and in seriousness (acceleration, escalation, aggravation) and, lastly, why people stop being delinquent (deceleration, desistance, termination). It is concept of casuality is dynamic and interactive. Personal and social damages cause delinquency and criminality which in their turn again result in personal and social damages. Basically, three life-course-theories have recently been developed: the interaction theory by Terence P. Thornberry, the theory of social turning-points by Robert J. Sampson and John H. Laub and the theory of criminal tendencies by David P. Farrington. Victimological theories open a range of completely new criminal-aetiological perspectives. For victimogenesis (enquiring into the causes for becoming a victim) the model of lifestyle-exposure and opportunity deals with the probability of individuals being in certain places at certain times and under certiatin circumstances and thereby meeting certain categories of people. The routine-activity-theory according to Lawrence E. Cohen and Marcus Felson distinguishes between three elements: a motivated offender, a suitable target and the absence of capable protectors (guardians) of this object against a violation. The routine-activity-approach accordingly predicts the highest risk of delinquency when the victim's suitability is highest: best social visibility, easiest access, strongest attraction and when the level of object observation is low. The routine-activity-theory has been further developed into a structural-choise model of victimization. Within this reconsidered and verified model the nearness and protection of a potential victim represent components of choise. The critical-radical school in modern criminology intends to develop an alternative to mainstream criminology and in the long run to replace mainstream criminology. While having achieved their first aim, thus far they have failed in thier second. The critical-radical school of thought can be divided into three theories: According to marxist theory the basis of crime can be found in the contradictions of capitalism oppresing and exploiting the working class. Crime originates in the basic conflict between the bourgeoisie and the working class, which is a conflict of power and interests. The anarchistic theory aims at showing that that kind of justice by which our modern1egal system defines itself is in reality a facade for an intrinsic system of institutionalized injustice. Left-wing realism holds a „theory” consisting of four variables: victim, offender, state agencies and the public. Without disregarding the victims of so-called street-crimes, radical realism is based not-only on comprehending the victimization of the offender by the state, but also on the understanding of victimizition of the working class by the working class. Feminist theories in criminology focus on the four following issues: the problem of generalization: It is questionable whether the criminological theories developed so far are readily applicable to women and girls; the problem of gender relations: an explanation is required on why women and girls; commit fewer and less serious crimes and delinquencies than man and boys and how significant a factor masculinity is for the genesis of crime; the victimalization problem: Both the manifestations and the causes of male physical and sexual violence towards woman have to be describeds much more accurately; the problem of equal treatment of man and woman in the criminal justice system: It is questionable whether the principles of masculinity or feminity, should define the climate of the criminal justice system. Constutive criminology is a postmodernist school. It questions the attempt of institutions and individuals to claim priority of ''expert'' knowledge. Truth to them is a form of domination. Linked with constitutive criminology is the peacemaking criminology, which tries to soothe human sufferings and reduce criminality in this way. Solutions of the criminal justice system are rejected as violent. Individual violence cannot be overcome through state violence. Integrated theories attempt to take the best of every ''middle-range" theory and combine this into a more comprehensive new theory. Finally, as an example of an integrated theory, John Hagan's theory of power control is put forward which aims at explaining the lower frequency and seriousness of woman's criminality and girls' delinquency by looking at patriarchy and class structures.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1998, XXIII-XXIV; 13-44
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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