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Niemieckie pokolenie ’68 w polskiej publicystyce po czterdziestu latach
Kasztelan, Marta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Generation ’68
collective memory
cultural memory
memory of the defeated
memory of the war heroes
the German autumn of 1977
RAF (Red Army Faction)
The German debate occasioned by the thirtieth anniversary of the German Autumn of 1977 seems to have been dominated by critical assessments of the student rebellion of ’68, identified as the root cause of the terrorist wave of the 1970s, epitomized by the urban guerilla group Red Army Faction (RAF). Meanwhile, forty years after the German ’68 rebellion Polish commentators were divided in their judgments of that radical protest movement. While analyzing the main features of the Polish debate this article tries to demonstrate that the type of coverage and the discourse employed in Poland conform to the mechanism of politics of creation
Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej; 2011, 14, 1-2(27-28); 221-235
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nie nasza to wojna – społeczne ramy niepamięci o I wojnie światowej
This is not our war – the social frames of the “non-memory” of World War I
Wysmułek, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
collective memory, First World War, politics of memory, places of memory
pamięć zbiorowa, I wojna światowa, polityka pamięci, miejsca pamięci
The article discusses the place of World War I in contemporary Polish culture and politics of memory. In Poland, the centenary commemorations of the Great War in 2014 and 2018 went by with a telling lack of reference to the related events at the national level. The impression of this collective forgetting prompts questions about its scale, coherence and causes. In order to define the frames of this “non-memory” about the Great War, the article identifies registers which contain references to people, places and events connected with the Great War. They were assigned to the three dimensions of the collective memory, defined here as: first, the official, state politics of memory, second, the local politics of memory and third, the individual memory. The collected data indicate that despite the significant influence that the First World War had on the life of the entire war generation, and despite the scale and severity of warfare taking place on the territory of today’s Poland, the history of the Great War is mostly silent in the national historical narratives. In the official, state politics of memory, its role is reduced to a certain “prelude” before the rebirth of Polish statehood, while in the minds of contemporary Poles the experiences of 1914–1918 are mostly forgotten. The popular silhouette of Józef Piłsudski and the celebrations of Independence Day on November 11 function in isolation from the historical context and are not the subjects of contemporary public debate. However, in recent years, in the local dimension of memory, we may observe a certain renaissance of the remembrances connected with the First World War. Local authorities, activists and communities have started to commemorate the participants and victims of the war, regardless of the language they used and the banner under which they fought. The article finishes with the presentation of three hypotheses of the social and political reasons that prevented the memories of wartime experiences from entering into the canon of Polish national culture.
W artykule postawiono pytanie o miejsce I wojny światowej we współczesnej polskiej kulturze i polityce pamięci. Analiza jubileuszowych obchodów w 100-lecie rozpoczęcia i zakończenia Wielkiej Wojny wskazuje na zasadniczy brak odniesień do związanych z nią wydarzeń w polskiej oficjalnej polityce pamięci. Dostrzeżenie tej sfery „niepamięci” skłania do postawienia pytań o jej skalę, spójność oraz przyczyny. W celu określenia ram społecznej niepamięci o Wielkiej Wojnie w artykule podjęto próbę odnalezienia i zarysowania miejsc w przestrzeni pamięci, w których pojawiają się odwołania do osób, miejsc i wydarzeń z nią związanych. Problem ten został rozpatrzony w trzech rejestrach działania pamięci zbiorowej, określonych tu jako: wymiar oficjalnej, państwowej polityki pamięci, wymiar pamięci lokalnej oraz wymiar pamięci na poziomie indywidualnym. Zebrany materiał badawczy wskazuje, że pomimo znaczącego wpływu I wojny światowej na życie całego wojennego pokolenia oraz pomimo skali i dotkliwości działań wojennych mających miejsce na terytorium dzisiejszej Polski doświadczenia z lat 1914–1918 zostały przez Polaków zapomniane. Wielka Wojna w oficjalnej narracji państwowej jest przeważnie przemilczana bądź traktuje się ją jedynie jako swego rodzaju „preludium” do odrodzenia się polskiej państwowości. W jeszcze większym stopniu jest ona nieobecna w świadomości współczesnych Polaków, którym zazwyczaj brakuje podstawowej wiedzy faktograficznej. Nie mają także skojarzeń kulturowych związanych z I wojną światową. Popularna symbolika Józefa Piłsudskiego i 11 listopada 1918 roku funkcjonuje w oderwaniu od kontekstu historycznego i nie jest przedmiotem debaty publicznej. W ostatnich latach w wymiarze lokalnym mamy jednak do czynienia z pewnym renesansem pamięci o I wojnie światowej oraz jej uczestnikach i ofiarach, niezależnie od tego, jakim posługiwali się językiem i pod jakim występowali sztandarem. Artykuł kończy przedstawienie trzech hipotez na temat społecznych i politycznych przyczyn, które sprawiły, że pamięć o doświadczeniach wojennych Polaków nie weszła do kanonu kultury narodowej.
Przegląd Socjologiczny; 2019, 68, 3; 157-183
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
‘Optimism against all odds’: Polish National Identity in War Films of Jerzy Passendorfer
Kunicki, Mikołaj
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Polish history
Polish cinema
Jerzy Passendorfer
memory of World War Two
National Communism
popular culture
politics of history
‘Optimism against all odds’: Polish National Identity in War Films of Jerzy PassendorferUsing archival sources, movie reviews, secondary sources and films, this article examines the cinema of Jerzy Passendorfer, the founding father of action movies genre in People’s Poland, but also the staunch supporter of Władysław Gomułka’s ‘Polish road to Socialism’ and General Mieczysław Moczar’s ultranationalist faction of the Partisans in the Polish United Workers’ Party. It demonstrates how Passendorfer’s blend of mainstream cinema and propaganda legitimized the party state and contributed to the construction of a new ethos, identity, and politics of history that enforced historical amnesia and syncretized past and present. It also argues that Passendorfer’s promotion of nationalist and authoritarian state ideology, militaristic patriotism and Polish-Soviet alliance, commissioned by the regime, sat well with mass audiences, precisely because of the use of popular genres adopted from the West and the quench for optimistic visions of nationhood. Although Passendorfer’s patriotic actions flicks faded away with the fall of Gomułka’s regime, they constitute a model, which can be still emulated. “Trudny optymizm”: polska tożsamość narodowa w filmach wojennych Jerzego PassendorferaOpierając się na źródłach archiwalnych, publikacjach naukowych i analizie filmów, niniejszy artykuł bada twórczość filmową Jerzego Passendorfera, ojca chrzestnego filmu akcji w PRL, zwolennika ‘polskiej drogi do socjalizmu’ Władysława Gomułki oraz sympatyka nacjonalistycznej frakcji generała Mieczysława Moczara w Polskiej Zjednoczonej Partii Robotniczej. Passendorfer łączył w swoich filmach popularne kino gatunkowe z propagandową legitymizacją władzy partii. Współtworzył nowy etos i świadomość narodową oraz uprawiał politykę historyczną, która zsynchronizowała przeszłość z teraźniejszością, doprowadzając do swoistego rodzaju amnezji. Artykuł stawia tezę, że zaproponowana przez Passendorfera synteza nacjonalizmu, autorytaryzmu i militaryzmu cieszyła się sporą popularnością wśród masowego widza z powodu zapożyczeń z zachodniego kina gatunkowego oraz potrzeby optymistycznej wizji wspólnoty narodowej. Patriotyczne filmy akcji Passendorfera uległy zapomnieniu po upadku Gomułki, jednak w dalszym ciągu stanowią kulturowy model, który może być wykorzystywany na potrzeby polityki historycznej.
Sprawy Narodowościowe; 2017, 49
Pojawia się w:
Sprawy Narodowościowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzisiejsze wczoraj. Pamięć o wojnie w polskiej sztuce współczesnej po 1989 roku
Yesterday Today: Memory of the War in Polish Contemporary Art after 1989
Lorenc, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
pamięć zbiorowa,
pamięć o wojnie,
pamięć o Holokauście,
stosunki polsko-żydowskie,
sztuka krytyczna,
sztuki wizualne,
polska sztuka współczesna po
1989 r.,
praktyki kommemoratywne w sztuce
collective memory,
memory of war,
memory of the Holocaust, Polish-Jewish relations,
critical art,
visual arts,
Polish contemporary art after 1989, commemorative themes in art
Yesterday Today: Memory of the War in Polish Contemporary Art after 1989 The purpose of this text is to attempt a synthetic portrayal of the issue of memory of the Second World War as a source of inspiration in Polish contemporary art since 1989. The year 1989, which marked the beginning of systemic transformation in Poland, was also the beginning of the process of transformation of the paradigm of collective memory of World War II. The appearance of issues omitted in the institutionalized discourse of the period of the Polish People’ s Republic contributed to an increase in artists’ interest in the mechanisms of constructing the collective image of the past. The particular ‘memory boom,’ which involved a sharp increase in the number of publications on so-called ‘white spots’ in the history of Poland, also manifested itself in the visual arts, among others, in the works of Mirosław Bałka, Zbigniew Libera, Wilhelm Sasnal, Piotr Uklański and Artur Żmijewski. Most of the works created in the 1990s and in the first decade of the 21st century concerned the memory of the Holocaust and Polish-Jewish relations during the German occupation. In many cases, the means of artistic expression employed by their creators evoked controversy and objections by those who found them inappropriate. The basic objections raised against artists referring to ‘war issues’ were: the instrumental references to the issue of the Holocaust, dictated by trends, and the lack of deep reflection on the attitudes of perpetrators, victims and witnesses of the events at that time. The fact that artists drew from collective images brought with it other effects also. Many works created in this period served the following functions: c a t h a r t i c – involving the purification through art of the recipient’ s feelings and emotions, h e u r i s t i c – resulting from treating creation and its outcomes as a research process whose important elements include the posing of hypotheses and their verification, m n e m o t e c h n i c a l – being an exercise in memory through the medium of art and, finally – c o m m e m o r at i v e, embedded – following Pierre Nora – in the era of commemoration and the call to remembrance. The manners of portraying themes of memory of the war in Polish contemporary art since 1989 seem to have confirmed the social aspect of artistic creation, involving – in the case being discussed – the exposing of, but also the formation of collective images of the past.
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2015, 1(25); 221-241
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Between Trauma and Nostalgia: Second Generation Memory of the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wasiak, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
Bosnia and Herzegovina
collective memory
politics of memory
In this article, the author set out to analyze the war narratives of the Bosniak second generation – the generation that de facto did not experience the war, and base their stories on the experiences of their loved ones. The author shows how family narratives about the war affect the contemporary lives of those born after the war, and most importantly, how they affect contemporary ethnic relations in Bosnia.
Historia i Polityka; 2023, 46 (53); 71-83
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reportażowe reprezentacje pamięci w tomie Michała Olszewskiego „Najlepsze buty na świecie”
Reportage representations of memory in Michał Olszewskis "Najlepsze buty na świecie" [The best shoes in the world]
Piechota, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
representations of memory
World War II
The article analyses how reportage creates representations of individual and shared memories as well as official and private memories, as described by Michał Olszewski in his volume “The Best Shoes in the World”. Another topic covered in the book and investigated in this article is the mechanisms of memory repression brought about by events of the Second World War. The most important topics and problems incorporated in Olszewski’s book are the erosion of memories of experiences during and after the war; the reasons for, and mechanisms of, this erosion; self-reflection on how memories determine our heritage; and the hiding and falsification of historical facts such as greed and collaboration. An important element of Olszewski’s narrative is how the past is commercialised in performances by reconstruction groups.
Stylistyka; 2019, 28; 109-129
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„O jedno tylko proszę skromnie, nie zapomnijcie nigdy o mnie”. Zachodniogalicyjskie cmentarze wojenne w świetle nowych problemów i perspektyw badawczych
Szymański, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Great War, Galician war nekropoli, sites of memory, performative texts of culture
“When this you see, remember me”. War cemeteries of Western Galicia in light of new research problems and perspectiveThe article is a first scholarly attempt to identify and consider new perspectives and research problems related to the Great War cemeteries located in Western Galicia. Research on the cemeteries’ forms, origins and ideological expression that has been conducted so far in the field of art history becomes only a prelude for further interdisciplinary deliberations which remain heavily indebted to visual studies, semiotics, performance studies and memory studies. Consequently, Galician cemeteries are seen as (1) codified texts of culture and potential places of memory, (2) texts of culture that bear generic traces of tragedy as well as (3) performative texts of culture. As a result, new hypotheses and research postulates are laid out.
Przegląd Kulturoznawczy; 2014, 4(22)
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Kulturoznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wspomnienia wojenne jako literatura i źródło historyczne w wybranych pamiętnikach okresu II wojny światowej
Memories of War as Literature and Historical Sources in selected diaries of II World War
Kuczek, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
narratives of memory
This paper aims at defining the features of literature of reminiscence, especially of works related to the Second World War. The analysis is based on two memoirs: „Mój wrzesień 1939” [„My September 1939”] by Marian Jędo and „Inną drogą” [„Another way”] by Wiesław Widloch. The texts shows how the authors share their experiences/stories with recipients. As noted by Hayden White, it is impossible to get an objective image of past events, but one can analyze the way these events were experienced and described. As a consequence, the paper starts with theoretical considerations about the functioning of both historical narration and narration of reminiscence in contemporary historical and Literature theses, and also among the recipients of historical books. In fact it is worth mentioning the connection between the research on literature of reminiscence and microhistory studies. In both cases the key issue is to focus on the life of a selected person and to see the world from his or her perspective. Among the research methods used in the present work one can find not only methods defined in the literature dedicated to memoirs analysis but also methods created by historians representing historicism.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica; 2016, 4; 116-128
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pamięć zafałszowana. Przypadek „hitlerowskiego obozu koncentracyjnego” w Boguszach/Prostkach
Falsified Memory: The Case of the ‘Nazi Concentration Camp’ in Bogusze/Prostki
Marcinkiewicz, Stefan Michał
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
collective memory
false memory
remembrance policy
Second World War
Third Reich
prisoner-of-war camp
The history of the Nazi camp in Bogusze was initially documented during the Polish People’s Republic period, a time marked by limited research opportunities and constraints put on memory policy. The camp’s history was altered through the process of remembrance formation instituted by the Polish Society of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy. In the 1960s, a legend emerged surrounding the alleged execution of Italian prisoners of war held at the camp in Bogusze, and a guerrilla ambush of SS soldiers near the town of Ełk. This narrative first appeared in the verification documents of Władysław Świacki and Czesław Nalborski in 1964, gaining prominence through the literary work of Aleksander Omiljanowicz, published in 1965. This legend found its way into numerous scholarly publications, resulting in a distorted representation of the camp’s history. The absence of comprehensive source research perpetuated false narratives concerning the period of the camp’s existence, its names, size, and the identity and number of its victims. To address this, the author of this article conducted archival and source research to verify various episodes in the camp’s history. The camp in Bogusze existed from 1941 to 1944 and experienced a series of name and purpose changes. From June 1941 to June 1942, it was known as Oflag 56 and hosted Soviet POWs; from July 1942 to November 1942, it was still used to detain Soviet POWs under the name Stalag I E; and from 2 November 1942 to 3 January 1943, Polish Jews were held in the camp, which was then referred to as Sammellager. From January 1943 to May 1944, the camp in Bogusze was again used to detain Soviet POWs, this time under the name Stalag I F/Z Prostken. Additionally, the camp, referred to as Stalag I B/PR, was used to hold interned Italians between September 1943 and May 1944. In January and February 1944, Volksdeutsche evacuated from Ukraine were hosted in Lager Bogusche, and Polish residents of frontline villages and towns were held at Stalag 373 from May to December 1944. At its peak, the camp encompassed an area of 30 hectares. Post-war investigations suggest that approximately 25,000 individuals may be buried in the camp’s cemetery and execution site.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2023, 88, 4; 67-91
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unrecognizable, abandoned, unnamed, avoided places: On the murders committed against Jews in Poland in the period after the Second World War and their commemoration
Rykała, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
the Holocaust
anti-Jewish violence
post-war period
sites of memory
sites of non-memory
non-sites of memory
The fall of the Third Reich, turning the “most tragic page” in the history of the Jewish nation, i .e . the Second World War, did not mean the end of the tragedy for Jews on Polish soil. Even before the end of the greatest confl in the history of humankind, in the areas liberated from Nazi Germany occupation, many survivors of the Holocaust experienced acts of ruthless violence. However, very few of the numerous victims of the post-war anti-Jewish terror have been commemorated in public space. To a very small extent the form of public commemoration also covered earlier wartime cases of collective murders committed against Jews by Polish Christians. Even if the sites of the dramatic events which occurred in the shadow of the Holocaust were marked, the complete truth about their course was not restored everywhere.
European Spatial Research and Policy; 2021, 28, 1; 111-147
Pojawia się w:
European Spatial Research and Policy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polands Politics of History since 1989. Considerations - Challenges - Tools - Goals. Warsaw, June 12, 2018
Chwedoruk, Rafał
Dąbrowski, Franciszek
Korkuć, Maciej
Nowak, Andrzej
Piekarska, Anna
Suleja, Włodzimierz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
politics of history
politics of memory
World War II
Institute of National Remembrance Review; 2019, 1; 13-32
Pojawia się w:
Institute of National Remembrance Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Between the Politics of History and Practice: Ukrainian Struggles with the Past. The Example of the Permanent Exhibition of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War
Gontarska, Olga
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
Second World War
Great Patriotic War
politics of memory
museums in Ukraine
In 2015, as a result of implementing the Ukrainian decommunisation laws, the official name of the Museum of the Great Patriotic War was changed to the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War. The current exhibition at the museum depicts internalisation of Soviet myths in Ukraine as well as the problem of no explicit guidelines from state authorities regarding an official narrative. Also, developing a new concept of a museum dedicated to the history of Ukraine in the Second World War has been impeded by the ongoing war in the eastern part of the country. This paper discusses mutual relations and mismatches between Ukraine’s politics of history and museum practices. The change of the latter is much more languid and complex than in the case of merely changing street names or dismantling old monuments and erecting new ones.
Institute of National Remembrance Review; 2019, 1; 265-280
Pojawia się w:
Institute of National Remembrance Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jeszcze w sprawie tragicznych wydarzeń 3–4 września 1939 roku w Bydgoszczy
More on the Tragic Events of 3–4 September 1939 in Bydgoszcz
Olstowski, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
the Bloody Sunday of Bydgoszcz
World War II
Polish-German war of 1939
historical memory
historical narrative
The tragic events of 3–4 September 1939 in Bydgoszcz, which went down in history as ‘The Bloody Sunday of Bydgoszcz’ due to German propaganda, are among the unsolved mysteries of World War II and mark the beginning of the Polish campaign in September 1939. The prevailing view in Polish historiography is that in the morning hours of 3 September, a German sabotage took place in Bydgoszcz, which involved an attack on the retreating troops of the Polish Army, defeated in the so-called ‘Pomeranian corridor’, by either local Germans or outside saboteurs. According to the opinion prevailing in German historical publications relating to these events, amid wartime panic and anti-German psychosis, as the Polish troops were retreating through the city, they and the armed groups of local Polish self-defence started mutual shelling of one another. The German minority was blamed for this, which resulted in its brutal pacification. For over ten years, a Polish historian Włodzimierz Jastrzębski has been presenting an opinion that differs from the Polish historiography. The present article is a polemic against his latest book on the subject, in which he blames the events of Bydgoszcz and the brutal pacification of the German community in Bydgoszcz and neighbouring towns on local Polish military and civilian authorities who, in his view, sought a crackdown on the German minority. The article addresses errors in his method, criticism of sources and the manner in which they were used, in compliance with a preconceived thesis. The author has also presented his own hypotheses on the origin and the course of the events of 3–4 September 1939 in Bydgoszcz.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2023, 88, 1; 127-153
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między wolą pojednania i chęcią rewanżu. Pamięć o ofiarach hiszpańskiej wojny domowej 1936–1939 i frankizmu jako przestrzeń pojednania, a także potencjalne zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa społeczeństwa hiszpańskiego
Between Willingness to Reconcile and Intent to Avenge. Memory of the Victims of the Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939 and Francoism as a Space of Reconciliation and Potential Threat to Security of the Spanish Society
Lubańska-Gómez, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
pamięć o hiszpańskiej wojnie domowej
pamięć o frankizmie
rozliczenie z frankizmem
rozliczenie z wojną domową 1936–1939
pamięć historyczna w Hiszpanii
hiszpańskie pojednanie
memory of the Spanish Civil War
memory of Francoism
reckoning with Francoism
reckoning with the Spanish Civil War
memory in Spain
Spanish reconciliation
social security
Pamięć o wojnie domowej 1936–1939 i frankizmie w Hiszpanii pozostaje do dzisiaj tematem trudnym i wielowątkowym. Specyfiką społeczeństwa hiszpańskiego jest jego silna tendencja do polaryzacji w obliczu niemal każdego problemu. Tym bardziej rozliczenie z represjami, których doświadczyli Hiszpanie w latach 1936–1939 oraz w trakcie dyktatury generała Francisco Franco, odgrywa niebagatelną rolę w budowaniu teraźniejszości. W wyniku nieformalnego paktu milczenia, zawartego w trakcie transformacji demokratycznej i trwającego do 2000 r., kwestia pamięci historycznej była zaniedbywana. Skalę pominiętej przyszłości dobrze obrazuje mapa zbiorowych grobów rozsianych po całym terytorium Hiszpanii – kraju, w którym każdy przydrożny rów może być mogiłą. Oficjalne dane podają ilość 2600 grobów, chociaż z informacji przekazywanych przez Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Odzyskania Pamięci Historycznej (ARMH) wynika, że liczba ta może być dwukrotnie wyższa. Rozliczenie z pamięcią historyczną jest kwestią wyjątkowo wrażliwą, zależną od intencji stojącej u podstaw woli rozrachunku. Często pod pozorami pojednania kryją się bowiem tendencje do rewanżu, które mogą antagonizować i destabilizować społeczeństwo, stwarzając zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa narodu. Warto przyjrzeć się hiszpańskiej drodze do rozliczenia z historią – drodze pełnej zakrętów i wybojów. Podróż ta wciąż trwa, nieprzerwanie wzbudzając emocje społeczeństwa i kolejnych polityków obejmujących władzę.
The memory of the civil war of 1936–1939 and Francoism in Spain remains a difficult and complex issue till today. A feature of the Spanish society is its strong tendency to polarization in the face of almost every problem. This trend is even more marked as concerns the view of repressions experienced by the Spaniards in the years 1936–1939 and the dictatorship of general Francisco Franco, as these phenomena played a significant role in building the present Spain as we know it. As a result of an informal pact of silence concluded during the democratic transformation and lasting until 2000s, the question of historical memory was neglected. The scale of the forgotten past is well illustrated by the map of collective graves scattered throughout Spain – a country where every roadside ditch can be a grave. Official figures indicate that there are 2600 mass graves, although information from the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (ARMH, (Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica) suggests that the actual number may be twice as high. Making a reckoning of historical memory is an extremely sensitive issue, with outcomes that may depend on one’s intention. There is always a danger that revengism is hiding under the veneer of search for reconciliation – this can antagonize and destabilize society, posing a threat to security of the nation. It is worth analyzing the Spanish journey to settling accounts with its recent history – a path both winding and bumpy. This journey continues also today, as the issue continues to stir up emotions of the masses and politicians in power.
Historia i Polityka; 2020, 33 (40); 149-159
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cultural War and Reinventing the Past in Poland and Hungary: The Politics of Historical Memory in East–Central Europe
Ágh, Attila
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Hungary; Poland
East–Central Europe
historical memory
politics of memory
cultural war
reinventing the past
This paper has been based on three assumptions that have been widely discussed in the international political science: (1) there has been a decline of democracy in East–Central Europe (ECE) with the emergence of “velvet dictatorships”, (2) the velvet dictatorships rely on the soft power of media and communication rather on the hard power of state violence that has provoked “cultural wars“ and (3) the basic turning point is the transition from the former modernization narrative to the traditional narrative with “reinventing the past” and “reconceptualising modernity” through the reference to the historically given collective national identity by launching the “politics of historical memory”. The velvet dictatorships have been using and abusing the national history as an ideological drug to consolidate their power. The (social and national) populism and Euroscepticism are the basic twin terms to describe the soft power of the new (semi)authoritarian regimes. They are convertible, the two sides of the same coin, since they express the same divergence from the EU mainstream from inside and outside. Soft power means that the political contest in the new regimes has been transferred from the hard to the soft fields of politics as the fight between the confronting narratives. The victory of the traditionalist–nativist narrative carries also the message that the people are only passive “subjects” and not active citizens, so the field of politics has been extremely narrowed in the “new brave world” in ECE.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2016, 45; 32-44
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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