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Medkulturnost v romanu Maje Haderlap Engel des Vergessens / Angel pozabe in strategija prevoda v slovenščino
Interculturality in Maja Haderlap’s novel Angel of Oblivion and strategies of translation into Slovene
Międzykulturowość w powieści Mai Haderlap Engel des Vergessens / Angel pozabe i strategia tłumaczenia na język słoweński
Borovnik, Silvija
Cieślar, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Maja Haderlap
roman Angel pozabe
slovenski prevod
Maja Haderlap’s novel The Angel of Oblivion
Slovene translation
Leta 2011 je pri nemški založbi Wallstein izšel roman koroške Slovenke Maje Haderlap, ki je vzbudil veliko pozornost. Roman je prvič nekaj posebnega zato, ker pripoveduje doslej manj znano in tudi pogosto zamolčano zgodbo o trpljenju koroških Slovencev v času druge svetovne vo‑ jne. To zgodbo oživlja pisateljica na osnovi pripovedi svoje babice in drugih sorodnikov, ki so bili med vojno deportirani v nacistična taborišča, ker so jih osumili sodelovanja s partizani. Drugič je roman poseben, ker izpostavlja žensko vojno zgodbo, ki je navadno v zgodovinskih priročnikih marginalizirana. Tretja posebnost romana pa se izraža v dejstvu, da ga je napisala Slovenka v nemškem jeziku. Pisateljica je to utemeljevala s pojasnilom, da ji je nemščina ponujala emo‑ cionalno distanco ter da je snov, ki je bila v nemško govorečem prostoru premalo poznana, želela čim bolj približati avstrijskim oz. nemškim bralcem. V romanu je na osnovi avtobiografskih prvin spregovorila o diskriminaciji Slovencev, pa tudi o zaničevanju in zanikovanju slovenskega jezika. Kljub temu je pisatelj Florjan Lipuš v svojem delu Poizvedovanje za imenom (2013) njen roman v nemščini označil kot jezikovno in nacionalno odpadništvo. Menil je, da bi morali slovenščino na umetniški ravni negovati zlasti tisti, ki so nadarjeni in sposobni, ter da pomeni pisanje litera‑ ture v slovenščini ohranjanje tega jezika pred izginotjem. Njegova kritika jezikovnega prestopa Maje Haderlap v nemščino je zelo ostra tudi zato, ker to ni edini primer pri pisateljih mlajše oz. srednje generacije koroških Slovencev. Roman Maje Haderlap pa je v slovenščino prevedel Štefan Vevar, tudi sam doma s Koroškega. To je še posebno pomembno zato, ker je prevajalec s svojim inovativnim prevodom pokazal ne le na vlogo slovenskega jezika v tem nemško pisanem romanu, temveč je v svoj prevod dodajal še elemente koroškega narečja, ki je bilo prva materinščina tako avtorice romana same kakor tudi njenih literarnih likov. S temi prevajalskimi rešitvami je Vevar ohranjal jezikovno dvoravninskost izvirnika, pokazal pa je tudi na to, da je ta nemško pisani roman tudi slovenski. Avtorica romana pa sodi med pisatelje z dvojno, medkulturno zaznamovano identiteto.
In 2011, the publication house Wallstein published the novel by the Carinthian Slovene Au‑ thor, Maja Haderlap, which attracted a lot of attention. Firstly, the novel is special because it tells a somewhat unknown and oftentimes concealed tale about the agony of the Carinthian Slovenes during the Second World War. This narrative is being revived by the author on the basis of her grandmother’s narration and other relatives, who were deported to Nazi concentration camps during the war because they were suspected of collaboration with the partisans. Secondly, this novel is special because of its emphasis on a woman’s war story which is usually marginalized in historical accounts. The third peculiarity of this novel is demonstrated by the fact that the novel was written by a female Slovene author in the German language. The author substantiated her writing on the rationale that the German language offered her the emotional distance and that she wanted to draw from the subject, which was not well ‑recognized in the German ‑speaking environ‑ ment, being nearer to Austrian rather than German readers. On the basis of the autobiographical elements, she has spoken about the discrimination of the Slovenes and also about the disdain and disavowal of the Slovene language. Nevertheless, the writer, Florjan Lipuš, has labeled her novel as linguistic and national heresy in his work Enquiry for the Name (Poizvedovanje za imenom, 2013). He thought that the Slovene language on the artistic level should be taken care of by those that are gifted and creative and that writing literature in the Slovene language means its preserva‑ tion. His critique of Maja Haderlap’s linguistic crossing into German is also very harsh because this is not the only such case of writers of the younger or middle ‑aged generation of Carinthian Slovenians writing in German. Maja Haderlap’s novel was translated into Slovene by Štefan Vevar, who is himself of Carinthian origin. This is especially important because the translator has demonstrated not only the role of the Slovene language in this novel but also has included in his innovative translation some elements of the Carinthian dialect, which is the mother tongue of the author and her literary characters. With these translation solutions, Vevar preserved the original’s linguistic duality and also demonstrated that this novel, which was written in German, is also Slovene. However, the author of this novel belongs to the group of writers with a double, interculturally designated identity.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2016, 7, 1; 303-315
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Med medkulturnostjo v prevodni praksi in »medkulturnostjo« v prevodoslovju
Międzykulturowość w praktyce przekładowej a „międzykulturowość” w translatologii
Between interculturality in translation practice and “interculturality” in translatology
Vevar, Štefan
Muszyńska-Vizintin, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
formalna teorija vs. substančna teorija
koncept trihotomije
normativna paradigma
prevodna ekvivalenca
formal theory vs. substantial theory
concept of trichotomy
complex normative paradigm
translation equivalence
V prispevku sem skušal pokazati, da je upoštevanje fenomena medkulturnosti v prevajanju eden od temeljev solidnega prevoda. Če medkulturnost izostane, ciljna kultura prevaja iz izho‑ diščne na potujitveni način, to pa onemogoča ali slabi razumevanje besedila pri ciljnem bralstvu. A ne le to: besedilu tudi jemlje avtentično literarno dikcijo in ga depoetizira. Primeri kažejo, da bi morala formalna teorija dokončno opraviti z zgolj semantičnim pojmovanjem prevodne ekvivalence. S kompleksnim ovrednotenjem problema prevodne enakovrednosti bi se tudi rešila shizofrenega razmerja do medkulturnosti, ko jo načeloma in v abstraktnem pogledu tematizira kot relevanten fenomen, pri svoji praktični evalvaciji pa jo ima zgolj za upoštevanja vreden korektiv.
The article has tried to demonstrate that the implementation of the interculturality phenom‑ enon in the translation process should be considered as one of the conditions of a distinguished translation. If the translator does not integrate the so ‑called ‘cultural equivalents’ in his/her trans‑ lation, it occurs on the text level only, undermining and weakening its understanding with the target readership. Such a translation moreover lacks the authentic diction and turns to be prosaic and non ‑poetic. The formal theory of translation should therefore finally give up its mere semantic comprehension of translation equivalence. Having evaluated this problem in a complex way, one would find the way out of its schizoid position between widely shedding light on the phenomenon of interculturality in theory, yet facing it with embarrassment and discomfort when evaluating translation practice.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2016, 7, 1; 34-48
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-2 z 2

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