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Komizm obsceniczny w trzech odsłonach. Relacje między przekładami Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolfi na języki polski, włoski i angielski
The obscene comic in three contexts. Relations between Polish, Italian and English translation of Dialogus Salominis et Marcolfi
Bąkowska, Nadzieja
Data publikacji:
Associazione Italiana Polonisti (AIP)
Obscene comic
Comparative study
Medieval literature
The article is an attempt to characterize linguistic and cultural relations between three translations of Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolfi from Latin into vernacular languages: Polish, Italian and English. Comparative analysis of the three translations confirms that in the cultural contexts examined, despite some discrepancies concerning the explicitness of language and images, there is the same model of comedy, based on obscene elements. The analysis aims to determine the nature and substrate of differences occurring between texts in terms of the obscene comic, as well as the extent to which various local colours were adopted in the translation process.
Źródło: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi; 2015, 6; 57-71
Pojawia się w: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Parables of Un-freedom: Novels about the Spanish Inquisition in post-1956 People’s Poland
Bates, John
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
the Thaw
independent publishing
historical novel
Polish literature
The article examines three post-1956 novels ostensibly about the Spanish Inquisition’s activities in Spain at the end of the fifteenth century: Jerzy Andrzejewski’s Ciemności kryją ziemię (The Inquisitors, 1957), Julian Stryjkowski’s Przybysz z Narbony (1978), and Jozef Cepik’s Torquemada (1986). These works are placed in a number of broader contexts: the uses of the historical novel in Poland; post-war Polish censorship discourse about the use of historical analogy to address current social and political problems, a practice which the political authorities sought to restrict; the contemporary critical reception where reviews of each novel are seen as articulating the novels’ fundamental concerns albeit subject to the same censorship restrictions; and ultimately the longestablished tradition of Aesopian writing within Polish literature. The analysis demonstrates the expansion of the space for critical public expression particularly in the Thaw years of 1956-57, and its contraction over time up to the mid-1970s. The rise of an independent publishing network at that point paradoxically both facilitates a more open discussion of the potential meanings of literary texts but equally has to observe censorship proprieties to avoid exposing officially published authors to political sanctions. With the growth of underground publishing, the Spanish Inquisition theme gradually declines in relevance, reflected by the critical marginalisation of Cepik’s novel. Ultimately, the article positions the trend within Macherey’s theory of significant silences within literary works, which permits a refinement of the historically contingent screen and marker that have typically defined Aesopian works. The article presents, with their English translations, hitherto unpublished documents from the Polish Party and Censorship archives, including examples of work confiscated by the censors.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica; 2017, 45, 7
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hagiografie v 10. a 11. století
Hagiography in the tenth and eleventh century
Bláhová, Marie
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
medieval literature
history of hagiography
10th century
11th century
In her paper Hagiografie v 10. a 11. Století, Marie Bláhová of Charles University in Prague examines the early history of the development of this genre. First, she discusses what hagiography is and when and under what circumstances this branch of the Latin literature was born. The author points out to the ancient roots of hagiography (the second century). Next to the history and the causes of the emergence of hagiography, the paper presents the development of its forms and changes in the choice of types of holiness, which could be included in such works since the late antiquity until the eleventh century. Marie Bláhová has presented readers with a wide panorama of centers and individuals distinguished in creating and rewriting hagiographic literature, noting their role at the time of birth of a given work and its subsequent dissemination. This panorama is made up of activities of both various centers and literary circles in older Europe, i.e., Empire, England, France, Italy, and in Central Europe, namely Hungary, Czech and Poland.
Historia Slavorum Occidentis; 2014, 1(6); 74-91
Pojawia się w:
Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pochwała wielkiej księżnej włodzimierskiej Marii. Edycja i przekład nieznanego zabytku literatury staroruskiej.
Brzozowska, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Maria Shvarnovna
Vsevolod III the Big Nest
medieval Russia
Old Church Slavonic literature
This paper is devoted to one particular historical source: the praise of the Grand Princess of Vladimir, Maria Shvarnovna, the first wife of Vsevolod III the Big Nest. The text can be found in the Chronicle of Trinity Monastery, compiled in Moscow around 1408. The monument has not survived to our days and we have only a reconstruction of the text by Priselkov. The publication is divided into three parts. The introduction gives background information on Maria Shvarnovna and the text. Secondly, the Old-Church-Slavonic/Old Russian original edition is included. The last and the longest part of the article contains the complete Polish translation. Bible citations and all additional historical information and references can be found in the footnotes.
Slavia Antiqua: rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim; 2013, 54; 307-320
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Antiqua: rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mowa Kosmy Prezbitera w Szmaragdzie – nowe dane
Treaty of Kozma Presbyter in Izmaragd – new information
Die Rede von Kosma Presbyter im Izmaragd – neue Angaben
Беседа Козьмы Пресвитера в Измарагде: новые данные
Cistiakova, Marina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie
Medieval polemic literature
Treaty of Kozma Presbyter
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Cyrillic manuscripts cheti collections
Средневековая полемическая литература
Беседа Козьмы Пресвитера
Великое княжество Литовское и Королевство Польское
кириллические рукописные четьи сборники
Izmaragd is a noncalendar collection of instructions, composed in times of Old Rus' on the basis of existing corpus of, translated or written originally in Slavonic, homilies. Three redactions of Izmaragd are known: Old, Basic and Lithuanian. Izmaragd consists of excerpts from “Treatise against the Bogomils”, written in II half of the X century by Bulgarian writer Presbyter Kozma. Research proved that texts from Treatise against the Bogomils in three redactions of Izmaragd are not the result of direct use of Presbyter Kozma’s work. Compilers of the Old redaction of Izmaragd used chetis sbornik with excerpts from Treatise, from where they borrowed two homilies (chapter 28-29). Compilers of the Basic redaction of Izmaragd removed one text of the Old redaction, and the another changed reworded. Compilers of the Lithuanian redaction saved one homily of the Basic redaction of Izmaragd (chapter 3.VI) and added five texts from Prologue (chapter 72.I, 73.I, 74.I, 30.VII, 318.VII). The article is accompanied by three unpublished texts of homilies, form the Lithuanian redaction of Izmaragd (chapters 72.I, 73.I, 74.I), that originated form the Treatise against the Bogomils.
Измарагд, некалендарный сборник поучений, составленный в Древней Руси на основе уже бытовавшего корпуса переводных и оригинальных учительных гомилий и известный в трех редакциях (древнейшей, основной и литовской), содержит выдержки из „Беседы против богомилов“, написанной во второй половине X в. болгарским писателем Козьмой Пресвитером. Исследование показало, что тексты Беседы против богомилов в трех редакциях Измарагда не являются результатом непосредственного обращения к сочинению Козьмы Пресвитера. Составители древнейшей редакции Измарагда воспользовались четьими сборниками с извлечениями из Беседы, откуда заимствовали две гомилии (гл. 28–29); редакторы основной редакции Измарагда устранили один текст древнейшей редакции, а второй сильно переработали (гл. 21); авторы литовской редакции сохранили одно поучение основной редакции Измарагда (гл. 3.VI) и привлекли 5 текстов из Пролога (гл. 72.I, 73.I, 74.I, 30.VII, 318.VII). В конце статьи приведены тексты 3 восходящих к Беседе Козьмы Пресвитера гомилий в составе литовской редакции Измарагда (гл. 72.I, 73.I, 74.I), которые ранее не опубликовались.
Rocznik Teologiczny; 2013, 55, 1-2; 91-100
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Teologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Judas, a Medieval Other? Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Thirteenth-Century Middle English Judas
Czarnowus, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
otherness of medieval literature
medieval texts
poem Judas
representing Jews
Middle English literature
The Siege of Jerusalem
The article commences with a discussion of the otherness of medieval literature in comparison with the texts from other epochs. The topic of otherness also appears in medieval texts. The religious, ethnic, and gender difference of Judas is complemented by that of his “sister”, who similarly to him illustrates the anti-Judaic stereotypes of the epoch. In the thirteenth-century poem Judas, however, remains a universal figure, since he is one of many traitors and sinners, while his “sister” univocally embodies the type known as la juive fatale. Judas’ eeminacy, both psychological and physical, seems to be only one of many diverse aspects of that complex literary construct. The equivocal nature of representing Jews in Middle English literature is best exemplified by the fourteenth-century romance The Siege of Jerusalem, but even this text features the topic of weakness, if not effeminacy, of that ethnic group in their confrontation with the Romans. Judas, a text more complex in that respect from e Siege of Jerusalem, emphasizes religious, ethnic, and gender difference, but also presents the main character as an everyman, allowing its modern readers to explore the sphere of medieval imagination to a greater extent.
Artykuł rozpoczyna się tezę o odmienności (otherness) literatury średniowiecznej na tle innych epok, która to inność jest również tematem niektórych utworów średnioangielskich. Judasz, odmienny pod względem religijnym, etnicznym i płciowym, ma w tym utworze także „siostrę”, która tak jak on ilustruje antyżydowskie stereotypy epoki. Judasz jest jednak w tym utworze także postacią uniwersalną, jednym z licznych zdrajców i grzeszników otaczających Jezusa, podczas gdy jego „siostra” jednoznacznie uosabia typ postaci znany jako la juive fatale. Zniewieścienie Judasza (psychiczne, ale może również fizyczne) wydaje się tylko jedną stroną tej złożonej konstrukcji literackiej. Typowy dla innych utworów średnioangielskich brak jednoznaczności w przedstawianiu Żydów dobrze ilustruje czternastowieczny romans Oblężenie Jeruzalem (The Siege of Jerusalem), ale nawet tam pojawia się motyw nie tyle zniewieścienia, co słabości tej grupy społecznej w konfrontacji z Rzymianami. Judasz, tekst bardziej skomplikowany od Oblężenia, uwypukla różnice religijne, etniczne i te dotyczące płci kulturowej, ale też pokazuje główna postać jako rodzaj everymana, pozwalając współczesnym czytelnikom głębiej wniknąć w sferę średniowiecznej wyobraźni.
Terminus; 2011, 13, 24; 15-30
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Textually Invisible? Emporia on the Southern Shore of the Baltic in Scandinavian Medieval Sources
Damm, Carina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
early medieval trade
Viking Age
Old Norse literature
handel wczesnośredniowieczny
epoka wikingów
literatura staronordycka
Niniejszy artykuł jest poświęcony wczesnośredniowiecznym rynkom, tak zwanym emporiom, położonym na południowym brzegu Bałtyku na obecnych terytoriach Szlezwiku, Meklemburgii i Pomorza, oraz ich obecności w źródłach skandynawskich. Jest intrygujące, że spośród szesnastu zidentyfikowanych archeologicznie emporiów tylko dwa są poświadczone w średniowiecznych tekstach z Islandii: Hedeby (st. nord. Heiðabýr/Heiðabœr) i Wolin (st. nord. Jómsborg). Analiza tych tekstów pokazuje, że Hedeby było ważnym przystankiem na Austrvegr (“wschodniej drodze”) dla kupców, wojowników czy pielgrzymów – nawet jeżeli jego znaczenie nie było wyjątkowe w skali świata skandynawskiego. Źródła pisane również wskazują, że literacka pamięć o Bałtyku była ograniczona do X–XII w. Możemy zatem podejrzewać, że pamięć i tradycje pisane o Bałtyku są związane z formującym się królestwem Danii, jak na to wskazują liczne przekazy o Haraldzie Gormssonie i jego synu Swenie Widłobrodym, i o ich obecności w obu wspomnianych emporiach. Końcowa część artykułu poświęcona jest funkcjom także tych emporiów, które są poświadczone archeologicznie, ale są nieobecne w źródłach pisanych.
The present study focuses on early medieval trading places, so-called emporia, along the south- ern Baltic coast in today’s territories of Schleswig, Mecklenburg, and Pomorze, and their prominence in Old Norse literature. Intriguingly, from the archaeologically identified sixteen places, only two are attested in the high-medieval textual sources from Iceland, namely Hedeby (ON Heiðabýr/Heiðabœr) and Wolin (ON Jómsborg). A close text-based analysis on the former highlights Hedeby as a crucial station for commercially, militarily and religiously motivated expeditions along the Austrvegr (“the Eastern way”) – albeit not unique in its importance for mobile Scandinavians among numerous other places in the Viking world. The textual sources also suggest that the literary memory of the Baltic is restricted to the tenth to twelfth centuries. Hence, we can assume that writing and memory was attached to the emerging Danish royal power as is evidenced in the numerous narratives on Haraldr Gormsson and his son Sveinn tjúguskegg and their presence in the two trading places. Eventually, the article serves as a case study for the functions of the numerous emporia that are archaeologically, but not textually visible.
Studia Maritima; 2023, 36; 49-67
Pojawia się w:
Studia Maritima
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Павловићево читање народне и старе српске поезије
Pavlović’s Reading of Folk and Old Serbian Poetry
Despić, Đorđe M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Miodrag Pavlović
folk lirics
Serbian medieval literature
У раду се аналитичким методом указује на домете и импликације Павловићевог проучавања српске усмене и средњовековне књижевности. Притом, текст настоји да овај сегмент његове есејистике представи и у контексту ширег Павловићевог есејистичког, али и песничког опуса, истичући њихово плодно и разноврсно кореспондирање. Његови есеји у функцији су смисаоног и вредносног осветљавања наших најстаријих књижевних слојева, чиме се до краја уобличава представа о књижевно-историјском распону српске поезије и искуство јединственог духовног континуитета. Павловићеви Огледи о народној и старој српској поезији представљају пример како ширина интересовања, импресиван интелект, ерудитна компетенција, отворен и откривалачки дух, али и незаобилазан уметнички сензибилитет и неретко поетска експресија, постају замајац нових читања и тумачења, сасвим сигурно драгоцених за будуће генерације читалаца и изучавалаца.
Using the analytical method, the paper points to the extents and implications of Pavlović’s research of Serbian verbal folk and medieval literature. Along with this, the paper tries to present this segment of his essayistic work in the context of the wider Pavlović’s essayistic and poetic opus as well, emphasizing their prolific and versatile corresponding. His essays are in a function of thoughtful and evaluating reflections of our oldest literature strata, which eventually shapes up the image about literature and historical span of Serbian poetry and the experience of a unique spiritual continuity. Pavlović’s Essays on Folk and Old Serbian Poetry (orig. Ogledi o narodnoj i staroj srpskoj poeziji) represent an example of how broadness of interests, an impressive intelect, erudite competency, an open and explorative spirit, but also inevitable artistic sensibility and frequent poetic expression become a trigger for new readings and interpretations surely valuable for new generations of readers and researchers.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2021, 21; 265-278
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kto, kiedy i gdzie w Żywocie św. Konstantyna-Cyryla – klucz do lektury
Vita Constantini: Who, When, Where
Długosz, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Vita Constantini
medieval hagiographic literature
Slavic studies
reference book
didactic aspect
This review is a short presentation and an analysis of the book Кой, кога, къде в простарнното житие на св. Константин-Кирил (Vita Constantini: who, when, where) by Maya Ivanova and Tsvetomira Danova, published in 2021 in Sofia. The book consists of two main parts. The first and most extensive part is a kind of lexicon with 177 entries: personal name and by-names of actual historical figures; biblical and mythological characters; names of ethnonyms, tribes and languages; geographic names (including names of sacred objects), difficult and archaic words. Part II contains the text of the Vita. The book is a handbook intended for a wide groupof lay audiences, including Bulgarian Studies scholars abroad. This handbook is a coherent and well-thought-out entity. The study combines the condition of scientific credibility with the feature of accessibility. There is a need for similar teaching aids in the didactic process of students of Slavic studies.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2022, 23; 331-340
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przedunijne nadzieje i obawy kryjące się za obrazem średniowiecznych władców zawartym w Rozmowie Polaka z Litwinem (1564)
Gacka, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Renaissance literature
Stanislaus Orichovius
Augustine Mieleski Rotundus
political dialogue
medieval history
union between Poland and Lithuania
kings of Poland
German emperors
literatura renesansowa
Stanisław Orzechowski
Augustyn Mieleski Rotundus
dialog polityczny
historia średniowiecza
unia polsko-litewska
królowie Polski
cesarze niemieccy
Conversation of a Pole with a Lithuanian, written by Augustine Mieleski Rotundus in July or August 1564, was an answer to the political dialogue titled Quincunx. The dialogue was authored by Stanislaus Orzechowski. In his work he ordered Lithuanians to enter the union with Poland, but in the same work he named them slaves and people deprived of freedom. He also expressed the view that only citizens of kingdoms are free and Lithuanians as inhabitants of a duchy have no liberty. Augustine Rotundus replied to him that not all kingdoms enjoy freedom: citizens are free if they have a good ruler.The present paper consists of two parts. In the first part, I present participants of polemics of 1564 and their dialogues, which are written according to ancient rules. In the second part, I quote the medieval threads from Conversation, in which Rotundus talks about rulers of Poland and emperors of Germany. He proves that Polish kings were not always good rulers. Sometimes dukes were better than kings. Therefore the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is not worse than the Kingdom of Poland. Medieval threads also exhibit preunion hopes and fears of the Lithuanians. We find here the picture of the state and the portrait of the ruler which wanted by them. The state should have a Christian character and law which is well constructed. Furtherly, the ruler should be wise, willing to cooperate with the Church, independent of his wife and free of excessive ambition.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2019, 14, 9; 116-143
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gegenwart und Zukunft der älteren deutschen Literatur in der polnischen Germanistik
Górecka, Marzena
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Germanistów Polskich
Medieval German literature, Poland, presence and future of early German literature, academic curricula
The German literary heritage from the period between Middle Ages and Modern Times (8th-17th cc.) has an unquestionably high status in German Studies in the German-speaking countries. Hence, German Medieval Studies are widely acknowledged as an indisputably vital research domain. Austrian, German and Swiss academic institutions recognize German Medieval Studies as one of the three main autonomous components in German Studies – the other two being modern German Literature and Linguistics. This division is also mirrored in the academic curricula and the regulations concerning the scope of academic examinations. German Medieval Studies have a completely different status in countries other than the above, including Poland. In Poland, there can be no mention of institutional equality between the three components listed above. As can be inferred from the changes affecting the majority of programmes offered by the Institutes of German all around Poland, academic curricula seem to increasingly marginalize the early German literary legacy. The knowledge about the Medieval, Modern or Baroque texts is presented mostly, and sometimes exclusively, through curricular lectures. In some academic programmes, literature starts with the 18th century texts onward. This marginalized status of German Medieval Studies in the Polish Academia manifests itself correspondingly in the two branches of research: specializations and publications. Drawing upon the relevant German and English-language literature, the author of this paper would like to convince the Polish milieus of the specialists in German Studies of how important Old German literature is. The author also puts forward a postulate that in both the scientific and the didactic discourse within German Studies, the early German literary legacy should be given the position it rightly deserves.
Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten; 2015, 4, 4
Pojawia się w:
Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Diabeł straszniejszy niż go malują. Lęk przed diabłem w XIII-wiecznym zbiorze Vie des peres
Fear of Devil in 13th Century’s Collection of Vie des peres
La peur du diable dans Vie des peres (XIIIe siècle)
Gorecka-Kalita, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
littérature médiévale
contes pieux
Vie des peres
medieval literature
pious tales
L’article analyse la vision du diable dans les contes choisis de la Vie des peres, recueil de contes pieux du XIIIe siècle, librement inspiré de la littérature patristique et des exempla médiévaux. La période de la rédaction du recueil, le treizième siècle, marque la transition entre le haut et le bas Moyen Âge : c’est une époque où la perception du diable évolue et où celui-ci devient de plus en plus redouté. L’analyse se focalise surtout sur quatre récits dans lesquels le diable est au centre de l’histoire, et où son image même est source de peur et élément clé du récit : « Gueule du diable », « Vision de diables » et deux versions d’« Image du diable ». La vision du diable dans ces histoires coïncide avec la vision tératologique qui domine dans l’iconographie, à laquelle les histoires citées font d’ailleurs directement allusion. Le message de ces histoires est généralement positif : les protagonistes parviennent presque toujours à surmonter leurs peurs et à se libérer du pouvoir du diable. Les auteurs évitent ainsi le piège du manichéisme : le diable, malgré sa ruse et sa sophistication, n’est finalement qu’une caricature d’ange, incapable de s’opposer efficacement à Dieu. La peur du diable apparaît à plusieurs reprises sur les pages de la Vie des peres, mais c’est le message d’espoir qui domine.
The article analyses the vision of the devil in the selected tales of the Vie des peres, a collection of pious tales from the thirteenth century, freely inspired by patristic literature and medieval exempla. The period in which the collection was written, the thirteenth century, bridges the gap between the early and late Middle Ages: it is a time when the perception of the devil is changing, and he is becoming increasingly feared. The analysis focuses mainly on four stories in which the devil is at the centre of the story, and in which his very image is a source of fear and a key element of the story: ‘Devil’s Mouth’, ‘Devils Vision’ and two versions of ‘Devil’s Image’. The vision of the devil in these stories coincides with the teratological vision that is dominant in the iconography, to which the stories directly allude. The message of these stories is generally positive: the protagonists almost always manage to overcome their fears and free themselves from the power of the devil. In this way, the authors avoid the trap of Manichaeism: the devil, despite his cunning and sophistication, is in the end only a caricature of an angel, unable to oppose God effectively. The fear of the devil appears several times on the pages of Vie des peres, but it is the message of hope that dominates.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica; 2022, 17, 2; 63-77
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Le Spill de Jaume Roig ou l’impossibilité du bon mariage
Jaume Roig’s Espill, or the impossibility of a good marriage
Gregori, Alfons
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Jaume Roig
Medieval Catalan literature
marriage studies
gender studies
exegetical reading
Jaume Roig’s Espill constitutes one of the masterpieces in the history of Catalan literature. On the pages of the present article the attention will be put on one of its main thematic subjects, that is marriage, treated on the basis of a large perspective, whose goal will be to integrate the results of interdisciplinary analyses from the fields of anthropology, theology or cultural studies, in order to project an all-embracing view that will allow to configure the Spill’s signifiers polyhedron, which relies on its precious and singular textual ambiguity. In this frame and around the marriage’s core, the textual presence of sexuality marks, family relations and amor hereos will be analyzed in detail, for finally presenting a reading proposal of the main character’s matrimonial episodes from an exegetical sight.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia; 2015, 42, 3; 39-57
Pojawia się w:
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The topos of the ages of the world and man in the first sermon on Dominica Septuagesimae of Mikołaj of Błonie
Grzybowska, Lidia
Data publikacji:
Associazione Italiana Polonisti (AIP)
medieval preaching
Polish medieval literature
the ages of the world
medieval conception of time
medieval sermon
This article aims to investigate how Mikołaj of Błonie, a Polish preacher from the first half of the fifteenth century, employs the motif of the ages of the world and man in the first sermon on Dominica Septuagesimae from his collection de tempore. In order to determine its function in respect to the medieval text and its role in religious instruction, this study identifies the sources of this theme and how it was adapted by the preacher according to the requirements of the sermon genre. A comprehensive analysis of Mikołaj of Błonie’s sermon demonstrates that the preacher employs the topos of the ages of the world and man as a persuasive literary device carrying a powerful, charismatic exhortation, in line with the didactic and moralizing nature of the sermon as a rhetorical genre. I will argue that the preacher exerted meticulous care in selecting and adapting source materials to make it relevant and appealing to his audience.
Źródło: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi; 2023, 14; 83-102
Pojawia się w: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tolkien w oczach mediewisty
Tolkien Through the Eyes of a Mediaevalist
Honegger, Thomas
Data publikacji:
Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta
English literature
Medieval literature
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
fantasy fiction
Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings, ever since its publication, has been something of a nuisance to traditional literary critics and has been maligned often and with zest. The main reason for these strong—and often irrational—reactions are primarily due to the fact that The Lord of the Rings does not fit into the literary mainstream and challenges standard critical assumptions about what a work of twentieth-century fiction should be like. The standard tool-kit of the literary critic seems utterly inadequate. Mediaevalists, in contrast, have often taken a more sympathetic view of Tolkien’s work. Honegger’s article Tolkien Through the Eyes of a Mediaevalist will therefore present several ‘mediaeval’ approaches towards Tolkien, evaluate their critical value and discuss their contribution towards a more adequate understanding of Tolkien’s literary work.
Creatio Fantastica; 2017, 2(57); 7-23
Pojawia się w:
Creatio Fantastica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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