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The evaluation of soil seed bank in two Arrhenatherion meadow habitats in central Poland
Ocena glebowego banku nasion w dwóch siedliskach łąk rajgrasowych w Polsce centralnej
Janicka, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich. Wydawnictwo PB
soil seed bank
Arrhenatheretum elatioris
meadow habitat
soil density
species composition
vertical distribution
Too intensive management by mowing or grazing or cessation of management both lead to the floristic impoverishment of meadow communities. Soil seed bank can play an essential role in the ecological restoration of species-rich semi-natural grasslands. In Poland, little research has been conducted in this area, particularly refers to Arrhenatherion meadows. The aim of the studies was to determine the density and species composition of the soil seed bank of Arrhenatheretum elatioris meadows as well as the distribution of seeds across four soil levels. The studies were carried out in two habitats: Arrhenatheretum elatioris (code 6510-1) and Poa pratensis – Festuca rubra (code 6510-2). Soil samples were collected up to a depth of 20 cm, divided into four levels: 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm 15-20 cm. The size and species composition of the seed bank was determined by extracting seeds from the soil samples. The number of diaspores (seeds and fruits) in the topsoil (0-20 cm) layer was 56,430 seeds·mˉ² (Arrhenatheretum elatioris) and 118,510 seeds·mˉ² (Poa pratensis – Festuca rubra). The soil seed banks were dominated by diaspores of annual dicotyledonous species (above 80%) which were mainly seeds of arable weeds or ruderal plants. The assessed soil seed banks were dominated by Chenopodium album and Stellaria media. In both grasslands, the quantity of Poaceae and Fabaceae diaspores were very low. These results confirmed that most mesic grassland species did not form persistent seed banks and reintroduction of target species seeds is necessary in order to restore the species-rich Arrhenatherion elatioris meadows.
Zarówno zbyt intensywne użytkowanie kośne lub pastwiskowe, jak i zaniechanie użytkowania prowadzą do ubożenia florystycznego zbiorowisk łąkowych. Ważną rolę w odtwarzaniu półnaturalnych łąk może spełniać glebowy bank diaspor. W Polsce badań z tego zakresu jest jednak niewiele, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do łąk rajgrasowych. Celem badań była ocena wielkości i składu gatunkowego zapasu diaspor w wierzchniej warstwie gleby łąki rajgrasowej (Arrhenatheretum elatioris) oraz rozmiesz-czenia diaspor w czterech poziomach. Badania prowadzono w dwóch naturalnych siedliskach łąkowych: Arrhenatheretum elatioris (6510-1) i Poa pratensis – Festuca rubra (6510-2). Próby glebowe pobierano do głębokości 20 cm, a następnie podzielono na 4 poziomy: 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm i 15-20 cm. Wielkość i skład gatunkowy banku nasion w glebie określono metodą ekstrakcji nasion z prób glebowych. Liczba diaspor (nasion i owoców) w wierzchniej (0-20 cm) warstwie gleby wynosiła 56430 szt.·mˉ² (Arrhenatheretum elatioris) i 118,510 seeds·mˉ² (Poa pratensis – Festuca rubra). W glebowym banku diaspor dominowały owoce i nasiona jednorocznych gatunków dwuliściennych (ponad 80%), były to głównie nasiona chwastów pól uprawnych lub roślin ruderalnych. O wielkości ocenianych glebowych zapasów diaspor decydowały przede wszystkim diaspory Chenopodium album. Diaspory tego gatunku oraz Stellaria media (L.) Vill. znajdowały się głównie w dwóch dolnych warstwach gleby (poniżej 10 cm). Niezależnie od siedliska, w glebowym zapasie diaspor bardzo mały udział stanowiły Poaceae i Fabaceae. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników można stwierdzić, że przywrócenie znacznej różnorodności florystycznej łąk rajgrasowych (Arrhenatherion elatioris All.) wymaga wprowadzenia diaspor.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura; 2016, 15, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielkość i jakość plonów z łąk ekstensywnie użytkowanych i koszonych w dwóch terminach
The amount and quality of yields from extensively used meadows mown on two times
Wasilewski, Z.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
łąka trwała
siedlisko łąkowe
sposób użytkowania
termin koszenia
meadow habitat
period of mowing
permanent meadow
ways of utilisation
Badania prowadzono w latach 2010–2012 na łąkach trwałych położonych w następujących siedliskach: grąd właściwy (A), łąka pobagienna właściwa (B) i łąka pobagienna łęgowiejąca (C). Oceniano wielkość plonów z łąk różnie użytkowanych: koszenie + zbiór biomasy (stanowisko 1. i 5.), koszenie + pozostawienie biomasy na pokosach (stan. 2. i 6.), koszenie, rozdrobnienie i pozostawienie na łące (stan. 3. i 7.). Łąki koszono jednorazowo w ciągu sezonu latem – w lipcu (stanowiska 1., 2. i 3.) lub jesienią – we wrześniu lub październiku (stanowiska 5., 6. i 7.). Łąki nie były nawożone. Warunki wilgotnościowe siedlisk określono metodą fitoindykacji na podstawie wskaźników opracowanych przez OŚWITA [1992] i zakwalifikowano je do: suchego okresowo nawilżanego (A), silnie wilgotnego (B) i silnie wilgotnego i mokrego (C). Wielkość plonów określano wagowo. Zawartość białka ogólnego i włókna surowego oznaczono metodą spektroskopii w bliskiej podczerwieni NIRS za pomocą aparatu NIRFlex N-500. Natomiast koncentrację energii netto w j.o. obliczono z równania wg OSTROWSKIEGO [1982]. Koncentrację energii netto wyrażoną w MJ obliczono, mnożąc zawartość j.o. przez współczynnik 5,9 [MINAKOWSKI 1983]. Badania wykazały, że koszenie i pozostawianie biomasy na łąkach w tak zróżnicowanych warunkach siedliskowych w niewielkim stopniu różnicowało ich plonowanie. Większe plony w siedlisku grądowym oznaczano, kosząc ruń latem, natomiast w siedliskach pobagiennych jesienią. W związku z tym, że łąki koszono w terminach znacznie odbiegających od optymalnych, zalecanych dla łąk produkcyjnych, z góry założono, iż skoszona biomasa nie będzie spełniała kryterium przydatności jako pasza.
Studies were carried out in the years 2010–2012 on permanent meadows situated in the following habitats: proper dry ground (A), post-bog proper meadow (B) and post-bog meadow turning marsh (C). Yielding was evaluated in meadows of various use: mowing + biomass harvesting (sites 1 and 5), mowing + leaving biomass on swath (sites 2 and 6) and mowing + leaving fragmented biomass on meadow (sites 3 and 7). Meadows were mown once in July (sites 1, 2 and 3) or in the autumn (September/ October – sites 5, 6 and 7). Meadows were not fertilised. The study showed that mowing and leaving biomass on meadows in so diverse habitat conditions differentiated their yielding to a small degree. Higher yields in dry ground habitat were obtained by mowing in summer and in post-bog habitats – in autumn. Moisture conditions determined with the phytoindication method based on indices elaborated by OŚWIT [1992] were classified as dry, periodically wetted (A), heavily moist (B) and heavily moist and wet (C). Yielding was determined by weight. Total protein and crude fibre contents were determined with the near infrared spectroscopy using NIRFlex N-500 apparatus. The concentration of net energy was calculated from OSTROWSKI’S [1982] equation and expressed in MJ by multiplying its content by a factor of 5.9 [MINAKOWSKI 1983]. Since meadows were mown in times largely departing from the optimum recommended for productive meadows, is was assumed that the harvested biomass would not meet the criteria for fodder.
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie; 2014, 14, 1; 101-109
Pojawia się w:
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New records of Pupilla pratensis (Clessin, 1871) in Western Poland
Ksiazkiewicz, Z.
Goldyn, B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika. Wydział Biologii i Ochrony Środowiska. Stowarzyszenie Malakologów Polskich
land snail
new record
Pupilla pratensis
sedge meadow
Western Poland
Two localities of Pupilla pratensis were found in the environs of Gubin and Stęszew, W. Poland. Only one recent record of the species, earlier regarded as an ecotype of the widespread P. muscorum, was known from Poland. Consequently, the distribution and conservation status of the species are not well known. Our data indicate that P. pratensis is rare and has specific habitat requirements. In our study area it was found in only two out of 71 examined localities of a very similar habitat type and sampled on the same occasions. The two localities are wet meadows covered by sedges (mostly Carex acutiforis) growing on a calcareous peat substratum of lacustrine origin; the species is accompanied by two rare and legally protected vertiginids: Vertigo angustior and V. moulinsiana.
Folia Malacologica; 2013, 21, 4
Pojawia się w:
Folia Malacologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vegetation of oat-grass meadows in Central Poland
Kucharski, L.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
oat-grass meadow
Arrhenatherum elatius
plant community
Arrhenatheretum elatioris
semi-natural habitat
Tanaceto-Arrhenatheretum elatioris alliance
ruderal habitat
Pastinaca sativa
Knautia arvensis
Tragopogon pratensis
Central Poland
Nature 2000 network
Communities of hay meadows with Arrhenatherum elatius form phytocenoses of at least two plant communities: Arrhenatheretum elatioris – semi-natural habitats, and Tanaceto-Arrhenatheretum elatioris – ruderal habitats. The communities of tall oat-grass include approximately 150 species of vascular plants. In central Poland Tanaceto-Arrhenatheretum is the main habitat for many species characteristic of the Arrhenatherion alliance, including: Pastinaca sativa, Knautia arvensis, Tragopogon pratensis. Hay meadows are vulnerable (VU) components of vegetation of the characterized region. There is a need to verify syntaxonomic units within the Arrhenatherion alliance and phytosociological identifiers of Natura 2000 habitats – extensively used hay lowland meadows (6510).
Steciana; 2014, 18, 3
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany składu gatunkowego runi w warunkach wieloletniego użytkowania łąk pobagiennych w rejonie kanału Wieprz-Krzna
Changes in species composition of the sward in long used postbog meadows in the Wieprz-Krzna Channel region
Baryła, R.
Kulik, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
siedlisko pobagienne
zmiany składu gatunkowego
changes in species composition
post-bog habitat
Celem pracy jest ocena zmian składu gatunkowego runi łąkowej na tle zmieniających się warunków wilgotnościowych, przeprowadzona na podstawie wieloletnich badań w latach 1965-2010 na jednej z kwater łąkowych w Stacji Dydaktyczno-Badawczej w Sosnowicy. Po wybudowaniu kanału Wieprz-Krzna (1963-1964), kompleks torfowiska niskiego został zmeliorowany i wykonano zagospodarowanie pomelioracyjne łąk. W okresie badawczym notowano dużą zmienność warunków klimatycznych, zwłaszcza opadów w okresie wegetacyjnym, które wpływały na poziom wody gruntowej. Poziom ten kształtował się od -106 cm do zalewu powierzchniowego (+2 cm) i miał wpływ na wilgotność gleby. W mieszance, którą obsiano kwatery łąkowe w 1965 r., przeważały trawy wysokie (62,2%), z dominacją Festuca pratensis Huds. Po 7-letnim okresie użytkowania kośnego stwierdzono duży udział traw wysokich (83,4%), z dominacją Phleum pratense L. (59,2%). Po kolejnych 7 latach stwierdzono ustępowanie traw wysokich (18,5%), a w runi przeważała Poa pratensis L. (59,6%). W latach 1983-1991 obserwowano sukcesywne zwiększanie się udziału Alopecurus pratensis L. (32,9%) a zmniejszanie Poa pratensis L. (45,2%). Alopecurus pratensis L. zmniejszył udział w latach 1996-2010, a pojawiły się wówczas Phalaris arundinacea L. (0,1-7,6%) oraz Holcus lanatus L. (6,4-37,8%).
The aim of this study was to estimate changes in the species composition of meadow sward in relation to changing moisture conditions based on the results of long-term studies carried out between 1965 and 2010 in one of the meadow plots at Didactic-Research Station in Sosnowica. After the construction of the Wieprz-Krzna Channel in 1963-64, the fen complex was drained and reclaimed for meadow use. Climatic conditions varied considerably during the study period. Rainfalls were particularly variable in the vegetative season, which influenced the groundwater level ranging from -106 cm to surface flooding (+2 cm), and affected soil moisture. High grasses dominated by Festuca pratensis Huds. prevailed (62.2%) in the seed mixture sown on meadows in 1965. After 7-year-long mowing, an increased share of tall grasses was found (83.4%), with the predominance of Phleum pratense L. (59.2%). After the next 7 years, tall grasses had a smaller share (18.5%), and Poa pratensis L. dominated in the sward (59.6%). In the years 1983-1991, the share of Alopecurus pratensis L. successively increased (32.9%), while that of Poa pratensis L. decreased (45.2%). The share of Alopecurus pratensis L. was reduced in the years 1996-2010, while Phalaris arundinacea L. (0.1-7.6%) and Holcus lanatus L. (6.4-37.8%) appeared in the same time.
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie; 2011, 11, 4; 7-18
Pojawia się w:
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Increasing in the Floristic Diversity of the Abandoned Arrhenatherion Elatioris Meadows by Dicotyledonous Species Oversowing
Janicka, Maria
Pawluśkiewicz, Bogumiła
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
meadow restoration
species introduction
tall herbs
Arrhenatherion elatioris
habitat code 6510
central Poland
The paper presents the research on the increasing in the floristic diversity of abandoned Arrhenatherion elatioris meadows through the introduction of three dicotyledonous species: Achillea millefolium, Daucus carota and Leucanthemum vulgare and the re-management. They were carried out in the meadows of the landscape reserve “The Ursynów Escarpment” (“Skarpa Ursynowska”) in 2016-2018. The studies were aimed at restoring natural values of these meadows, especially their landscape and aesthetic functions. The experiment was designed in the community of Arrhenatherum elatius + Bromus inermis, as a randomised complete block, with eight replications, on the plots of 2 m2. In each plot the diaspores (collected in The Lower Pilica Valley) were sown close to the centre of the plot, within an area of 0.5×0.5 m. In the sowing year two top-cuttings and one productive one were made. In the following years the meadows were mowed once or twice. The following features were estimated: the abundance of sown species populations, the seedling density, the heights of the sown species, the height of the resident vegetation, the total ground cover, the species composition of the sward and the species richness. The improvement of the landscape and aesthetic functions of the reserve due to increasing in the species richness from 10 to 38 species and significant decreasing in Urtica dioica share was achieved. The species diversity, described with the Shannon-Wiener index, enlarged of 53% in the first year after oversowing. The introduced species decided also about the improvement of the total ground cover. Fast and lasting effect was obtained especially on the area over-sown with L. vulgare. The good effects in the first two years were obtained also in the plots with D. carota (biennial species). A. millefolium was characterised by significantly fewer number of seedlings but its population abundance was increasing gradually during the following years. The impact of high grasses (A. elatius, B. inermis) on the soil coverage by the plants of sown species and their heights was shown. The studies also proved that in the conditions of summer drought the resident vegetation may protect the seedlings against the temperature and evapotranspiration.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2020, 21, 1; 168-179
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka florystyczna runi oraz ocena fitoindykacyjna warunków siedliskowych wybranych łąk śródleśnych
Floristic characterization of sward and phytoindicative valorisation of habitats conditions of selected forest meadows
Szydłowska, J.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
ocena fitoindykacyjna
łąki śródleśne
gatunki roślin
warunki siedliskowe
rating phytoindicative
forest meadow
plant species
habitat conditions
Łąki śródleśne charakteryzują się dużą różnorodnością gatunkową i pełnią wiele ważnych funkcji w przyrodzie [3]. Na ich terenie występuje znaczne urozmaicenie warunków edaficznych i wodnych oraz specyficzny mikroklimat [4], na co wpływa bliskość lasu, który decyduje zarówno o układzie warunków siedliskowych, jak i składzie florystycznym tych łąk [2, 4]. Poszczególne gatunki roślin obecne w runi użytków zielonych są często wskaźnikami określonych warunków siedliskowych panujących na danym terenie [11]. Dokładnej określić można warunki siedliskowe poddając bioindykacji całe zespoły roślinne [12]. Metoda fitoidykacji jest metodą obiektywną, a zarazem tańszą i prostszą w wykonaniu niż tradycyjne badania chemiczne [15]. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest scharakteryzowanie szaty ro-ślinnej porastającej wybrane łąki śródleśne oraz określenie, na podstawie wskaźników roślinnych, panujących w ich obrębie niektórych warunków siedliskowych.
Forest meadows are characterized by high species diversity and serve many important functions in nature. On their area, there is a considerable variety of aquatic and edaphic conditions and unique microclimate, which is affected by closeness of a forest, which determines both system of habitat conditions and floristic composition of those meadows. Individual plant species present in the grasslands sward are often indicators of specific habitat conditions in the area. It can be specified more exactly site conditions using bioindication for the whole plant associations. Fitoidication method is a objective, yet cheaper and simpler in implementation method than the traditional chemical examinations. The aim of studies was to fix floristic composition of forest meadows' sward and on this basis lay down conditions of their habitats. Investigated forest grasslands were surrendered by mixed forest, situated on north of Klodawa (Lubuskie Province). There were made botanic-gravimetric analyses to stipulate floristic composition of sward and used ecological indicators values of vascular plants acc. to Zarzycki et al. [14] to appraise habitat's conditions. Estimated moisture of habitat (W), trophic status of soil (Tr), soil acidity and light conditions in communities. On this area there were floristic types with domination of Carex riparia, Phalaris arundinacea, Phalaris arundinacea with Alopecurus pratensis, Alopecurus pratensis, Arrhenatherum elatius with Festuca rubra, Arrhenatherum elatius with Holcus lanatus, Arrhenatherum elatius, Festuca ovina. On a basis of indicator species there found out that the most various were moisture conditions, characterized as from wet to dry. Soils of the largest area of investigated meadows were eutrophic with neutral to slightly alkaline pH, only soils estimated as dry were oligotrophic, and species occurred there had distinctive soil pH tolerance. There were moderate light conditions in investigated plant communities, only in community with domination of sedges recorded few species which were tolerant to partial shade.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2010, Tom 12; 299-312
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alluvial meadows of Cnidion dubii Bal.-Tul. 1966 in the middle Oder River valley (Natura 2000 site “Legi Odrzanskie”, SW Poland)
Kazun, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
alluvial habitat
Cnidion dubii
Odra River
Odra valley
Natura 2000 area
Legi Odrzanskie area
The paper contains a phytosociological description and evaluation of alluvial meadows of Cnidion dubii Bal.-Tul. 1966 at the Natura 2000 site “Łęgi Odrzańskie”, the middle Oder river valley, presented in relation to local water conditions and grassland management. Phytosociological data of the C. dubii alliance from Poland and the Czech Republic have also been presented.
Steciana; 2014, 18, 2
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ różnych warunków siedliskowych na zawartość makro- i mikroelementów w roślinności łąkowej gleb organicznych
The effect of different habitat conditions on the content of macro- and microelemnts in meadow plants on organic soils
Stępień, A.
Pawluczuk, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
gleby organiczne
makro- i mikroelementy
rośliny łąkowe
warunki siedliskowe
habitat conditions
macro- microelements
meadow plants
organic soils
Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2008-2010 na obiekcie łąkowym o powierzchni 10 ha, położonym na glebach gytiowych, w dolinie rzeki Giławka, w miejscowościach Pęglity i Łajsy. Na wytypowanych, reprezentatywnych powierzchniach, w pełni wegetacji pobrano próbki materiału roślinnego i gleby. W próbkach roślinności oznaczono zawartość makro- i mikroelementów, a w glebie podstawowe właściwości fizyczne i zawartość makro- i mikroelementów. Celem pracy było określenie wpływu różnych warunków siedliskowych, w jakich położone są gleby gytiowo-murszowe, na tle ich właściwości fizycznych oraz zasobności w składniki mineralne na zawartość makro- i mikroelementów w roślinności łąkowej. W runi łąkowej porastającej gleby gytiowe o różnym stopniu przeobrażenia, położonych w zróżnicowanych warunkach siedliskowych, wystąpiły istotne różnice w zawartości azotu, fosforu, potasu i żelaza, natomiast nieistotna była różnica zawartości w materiale roślinnym magnezu, wapnia sodu, miedzi, manganu cynku. Najwięcej azotu mineralnego, fosforu i potasu kumulowało się w roślinach na glebach gytiowych, gdzie przebiegała intensywna mineralizacja materii organicznej gleb hydrogenicznych oraz występowała większa liczba gatunków roślin w runi łąkowej.
The study was carried out in 2008-2010 in a 10 ha meadow object situated on gyttia soils in the valley of the Giławka River, in the localities of Pęglity and Łajsy. Samples of plant material and soil were taken from selected, representative areas. The content of macro- and microelements was determined in plant samples and physical and chemical properties were analysed in soil samples. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of different habitat condition and physical properties offered by specific gyttia mucky soils on the content of macro- and microelements in meadow plants. The examined soils differed in physico-chemical properties. Significant differences in the concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and iron were found among meadow sward overgrowing variously transformed gyttia soils located in different habitat conditions, while the differences in magnesium, calcium, sodium, copper, manganese and zinc content in the plant material were insignificant. The largest amounts of mineral nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium accumulated in plants growing on gyttia soils with intensive mineralization of organic matter and accompanied by a higher number of plant species in the meadow sward.
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie; 2011, 11, 4; 197-208
Pojawia się w:
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variation in stage structure and fitness traits between road verge and meadow populations of Colchicum autumnale [Liliaceae]: effects of habitat quality
Mroz, L
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
perennial plant
stage structure
fitness trait
road verge
plant population
Colchicum autumnale
habitat quality
The frequency distribution and density of three life stages as well as fitness components of the perennial plant Colchicum autumnale growing in the unmanaged road verges and in the extensive mown and grazed meadows in the Sudeten Mts. were studied. Furthermore, investigated were the effects of population size and plant size (measured as number of flowers) on reproductive success and explored if variation in reproductive and vegetative traits of adults could be associated with soil characteristics. The t-test indicated that proportions of subadults and reproductive adults were significantly lower in verge than in meadow populations, and of vegetative adults significantly higher. The plant density of reproductive adults and the reproductive adults to all adults ratio were significantly lower in verge populations compared to meadow populations. Although habitat type accounted for significant variation in stage structure, no significant difference was found between vegetative and reproductive traits in adult plants, except for the number of flowers. In verge populations the number of flowers was significantly lower as compared to meadow populations. The traits related to reproduction were not significantly influenced by population size. However, the proportion of flowers setting fruit decreased significantly with increasing number of flowers. The stepwise multiple regression revealed significant relationships between soil characteristics and number of fruits per plant, fruit set, number seeds per plant and number of leaves in vegetative adults. The results suggest that the creation of the low and relatively open vegetation cover could increase the chance of persistence of C. autumnale living in verge habitats by promoting of seed germination, seedling establishment and flowering, and they also show that the reproductive success and vegetative components of fitness are most likely influenced by habitat quality.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2006, 75, 1; 69-78
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in vegetation and soil seed bank of meadow after waterlogging caused by Castor fiber
Franczak, M.
Czarnecka, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
vegetation change
soil seed bank
water logging
Castor fiber
habitat moisture
abiotic stress
species composition
quantitative change
qualitative change
Soil waterlogging is among abiotic stresses that influence species composition and productivity in numerous plant communities. The aim of the study was to find answer to the question of how waterlogging caused by beavers’ activity induces quantitative and qualitative changes of vegetation and soil seed bank levels of variable-moist meadows. An immediate effect of the waterlogging at the level of vegetation was the decline in species richness and a decrease in the values of the biodiversity index. Water stress inhibited growth and development of plants already present and, primarily, impeded recruitment of new individuals of species characteristic of variable-moist meadows, e.g. Cirsium rivulare, Filipendula ulmaria and Lythrum salicaria, which were replaced by Carex acutiformis. Prolonged waterlogging did not induce equally substantial changes in the soil seed bank as in the vegetation. Both in the waterlogged and control patches, slightly decreased species richness and biodiversity index were recorded. After waterlogging withdrawal, the reserves of the soil seed bank were slightly higher than the initial values. The differences were not statistically significant. In the waterlogged patch, the qualitative floristic similarity between taxa identified in the soil seed bank and vegetation cover declined, which was evidenced by the value of Jaccard’s index decreasing from 0.46 to 0.36. A reverse relationship was found in control patch, where the value of the similarity index slightly increased from 0.41 to 0.48.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2015, 84, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Habitat occurrence and nutrition value of Achillea millefolium L. in grasslands
Warunki siedliskowe i wartosc pokarmowa Achillea millefolium L. na uzytkach zielonych
Alberski, J
Grzegorczyk, S.
Kozikowski, A.
Olszewska, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
natural grassland
soil category
plant community
Achillea millefolium
nutritive value
crude fibre
crude protein
meadow-pasture community
In 1998-2000, in the area of Olsztyn Lake District, 33 plant communities on seminatural grasslands with a high percentage of Achillea millefolium L. were analyzed. The analyzed objects were located on very light, light, medium and heavy mineral soils. The species composition was evaluated with Braun-Blanquet method. Soil samples were collected for chemicals analyses. In dry matter of Achillea millefolium L. the content of crude protein, crude fibre, crude ash and macroelements was determined. Meadow-pasture communities with high percentage of Achillea millefolium L. in sward are floristically very valuable, particularly those located on light and medium soils. Irrespective of soil type, Achillea millefolium L. was accompanied by Poa pratensis, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra, Trifolium repens, Vicia cracca, Heracleum sibiricum and Taraxacum officinale. The heavy soils had a higher content of P, K, Mg, Ca and Na, whereas very light soils contained more humus. Achillea millefolium L. contained 110-121 g⋅kg-1 crude protein, 249- -309 g⋅kg-1 crude fibre and 97-123 g⋅kg-1crude ash, much P, K and Ca irrespective of soil type and much Mg (3.1 g⋅kg-1) on very light soils.
W latach 1998-2000, na terenie Pojezierza Olsztyńskiego, objęto badaniami 33 zbiorowiska roślinne na półnaturalnych użytkach zielonych ze znacznym udziałem Achillea millefolium. Badane obiekty były zlokalizowane na bardzo lekkich, lekkich, średnich i ciężkich glebach mineralnych. Skład gatunkowy runi wyceniono metodą Braun-Blanqueta. Pobrano próbki glebowe do analiz chemicznych. W materiale rooelinnym Achillea millefolium określono zawartość białka ogólnego, włókna surowego, popiołu surowego oraz makro- i mikroelementów. Zbiorowiska łąkowo-pastwiskowe ze znacznym udziałem Achillea millefolium w runi są bardzo cenne florystycznie, szczególnie te zlokalizowane na glebach lekkich i średnich. Niezależnie od kategorii agronomicznej gleby, Achillea millefolium towarzyszyły: Poa pratensis, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra, Trifolium repens, Vicia cracca, Heracleum sibiricum i Taraxacum officinale. Gleby ciężkie zawierały więcej P, K, Mg, Ca i Na, natomiast lekkie więcej próchnicy glebowej. Achillea millefolium L. zawierał: 110- -121 g⋅kg-1 białka ogólnego, 249-309 g⋅kg-1 włókna surowego, 97-123 g⋅kg-1 popiołu surowego, duże ilości P, K i Ca niezależnie od kategorii agronomicznej gleby oraz więcej Mg (3,1 g⋅kg-1) na glebach bardzo lekkich.
Journal of Elementology; 2009, 14, 3; 429-436
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Current state, habitat and potential invasiveness of Montia linearis (Douglas ex Hook.) Greene in Poland
Dembicz, I.
Kozub, L.
Zaniewski, P.T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
present state
biological invasion
Montia linearis
narrowleaf miner's lettuce
weed dispersal
intensive agriculture
animal breeding
non-native species
Montia linearis is a vascular plant originating from western North America. The expansion of this species has been observed for several decades. For the first time M. linearis was found in Europe in 1989. Further six populations were documented by 2004 within the continent: three in Poland, two in Denmark and one in Hungary. Apart from discovering a new population of M. linearis, we confirmed two out of the three previously known localities of the species in Poland. All the currently known populations of M. linearis occupied predominantly meadow habitats, especially intensively managed sites. Some individuals were also found in disturbed sites with bare soil. The studied species inhabited soils of various types with broad range of fertility as well as humidity. Montia linearis populations reached densities up to 87 individuals per 0.04 m2. The number of seeds produced by an individual was between 10 and 55 in 90% of the studied specimens, however much more fertile specimens were also observed. As the previously presented hypothesis of M. linearis dispersal with rail transport seemed not to be well supported, the connection between the M. linearis presence and cattle husbandry is considered. It is possible that the species can be transferred with living animals or manure. The species was able to survive for at least 26 years within once inhabited site. Further spread of M. linearis within Europe is highly probable. The aim of the study is to: (i) describe the current state of populations of M. linearis in Poland, (ii) provide information on habitat preferences and biology of the species, (iii) assess the invasiveness potential of M. linearis in Poland.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2015, 84, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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