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Żaroodporne powłoki Al-Si wytworzone metodą zawiesinową
Heat-resisting Al-Si coatings manufactured with the slurry method
Kochmańska, A.
Gawdzińska, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
powłoka żaroodporna
metoda zawiesinowa
korozja wysokotemperaturowa
innovative foundry material
innovative foundry technology
heat resisting coating
slurry method
high temperature corrosion
Podniesienie odporności elementów maszyn i urządzeń na korozję wysokotemperaturową uzyskuje się między innymi stosując powłoki żaroodporne na bazie aluminium. Wytworzenie powłoki dyfuzyjnej o budowie gradientowej sprzyja większej żywotności powłok i jednocześnie elementów zabezpieczanych. Detale bardzo często są odlewane i nie poddawane obróbce mechanicznej. Nałożenie powłoki powinno być możliwe na powierzchni surowego odlewu. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad wytwarzaniem ochronnych powłok aluminiowo-krzemowych nakładanych metodą zawiesinową na żarowytrzymałe staliwo GX30NiCrSi30-20, stop niklu Inconel 617 oraz stop tytanu TiAl6V4. Tą samą metodą wytworzono powłoki na różnych podłożach. W celu uzyskania powłok ochronnych zastosowano metodę zawiesinową. W skład zawiesiny wchodzą proszki metali, spoiwo organiczne oraz topnik. Elementy pokryte zawiesiną o tym samym składzie wygrzewano w piecu w atmosferze powietrza w odpowiednim czasie i temperaturze. Otrzymane powłoki posiadają budowę dwustrefową. Uzyskane powłoki poddano badaniom strukturalnym opisującym: budowę strefową i skład chemiczny. Określono również grubość i mikrotwardość powłok.
Increase in high temperature corrosion resistance is achieved, among other things, by application of heat-resisting, aluminum-based coatings. Production of a diffusion coating of gradient structure favors longer life of both coatings and preserved elements. Parts are very often casted and not subjected to machining. Application of a coating should be possible on the raw surface of the casting. This paper presents results of a study of manufacturing of protective Al-Si coatings, applied using the slurry method on a high-temperature creep resisting cast steel GX30NiCrSi30-20, a nickel alloy-Inconel 617 and a titanium alloy TiAl6V4. The same method was used to apply coatings on different surfaces. To obtain protective coatings, the slurry method was used. The slurry is composed of metal powders, an organic binder and a fusing agent. Elements coated with slurry of the same composition were hold in a furnace in air atmosphere, at an appropriate temperature and for an appropriate time period. Obtained coatings have a bizonal structure. The coatings were subjected to structural testing, describing the zonal structure and the chemical constitution. Thickness and microhardness of the coatings were also determined.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2012, 12, 1s; 107-112
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Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykonywanie odlewów z żeliwa sferoidalnego w formach warstwowych z ekologicznych mas formierskich
Casting ductile iron in layer moulds made from ecological sands
Rączka, M.
Gandurski, K.
Isendorf, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
ochrona środowiska
żeliwo sferoidalne
forma dwuwarstwowa
badania odlewu
innovative foundry material
innovative foundry technology
environment protection
ductile iron
two layer mould
Artykuł zawiera wyniki uzyskane podczas badań wykonywanych w ramach projektu celowego w odlewni Hardtop w Charsznicy. Celem badań było opracowanie technologii wykonania dobrej jakości odlewów z żeliwa sferoidalnego przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu skutecznych technik ochrony środowiska. Przedstawiono badania wykonywania odlewów o masie od 1 do 300 kg z żeliwa sferoidalnego gatunek 400-15, 500-7 z zastosowaniem form dwuwarstwowych, gdzie masę przymodelową i rdzeniową stanowi masa z alkalicznym spoiwem organicznym, a masę wypełniającą – masa ze spoiwem nieorganicznym - geopolimerowym. Zastosowano uproszczoną regenerację masy z możliwością wykorzystania odzyskanego regeneratu do masy wypełniającej. Przeprowadzono dobór metody sferoidyzacji i modyfikacji żeliwa odpowiednich dla warunków odlewni Hardtop. Wykonano serię próbną odlewów i przeprowadzono badania poprawności konstrukcji układów zalewania i zasilania z zastosowaniem otulin egzotermicznych na nadlewy. Badania potwierdziły słuszność przyjętej koncepcji wykonywania odlewów z żeliwa sferoidalnego w formach warstwowych przy zachowaniu maksymalnie 15% udziału mas ze spoiwem organicznym.
The article contains the results of tests performed under the target project in Hardtop Foundry Charsznica. The objective of the tests and studies was to develop a technology of making high-quality ductile iron castings, combined with effective means of environmental protection. The studies presented in this article related to castings weighing from 1 to 300 kg made from ductile iron of grades 400-15 and 500-7, using two-layer moulds, where the facing and core sand was the sand with an alkaline organic binder, while backing sand was the sand with an inorganic geopolymer binder. A simplified method of sand reclamation was applied with possible reuse of the reclaim as an addition to the backing sand. The cast iron spheroidising treatment and inoculation were selected taking into account the specific conditions of Hardtop Foundry. A pilot batch of castings was made, testing the gating and feeding systems and using exothermic sleeves on risers. The study confirmed the validity of the adopted concept of making ductile iron castings in layer moulds, while maintaining the content of sand with an organic binder at a level of maximum 15%.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2012, 12, 1s; 163-168
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Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ rodzaju, grubości pokrycia ceramicznego oraz gęstości zespołu modelowego na stopień zagazowania odlewu
The Effect of the Type, the Ceramic Coating Thickness and the Pattern Set Density on the Degree of Gas Porosity in Casting
Buczkowska, K.
Just, P.
Świniarska, J.
Pacyniak, T.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
tracona piana
pokrycie ceramiczne
pokrycie ogniotrwałe
spienione tworzywo wielkocząsteczkowe
zagazowanie odlewu
innovative foundry material
innovative foundry technology
lost foam process
ceramic coating
gas porosity
W pracy poruszone zostały zagadnienia związane z technologią lost foam. Zbadano wpływ rodzaju oraz grubości pokrycia ceramicznego a także gęstości zespołu modelowego na stopień zagazowania odlewu. Badania przeprowadzono dla dwóch rodzajów pokryć ceramicznych Disopast 4805/3 oraz Disopast 7759, które nakładano na modele ze spienionego polistyrenu w jednej, dwóch i trzech warstwach. Tak przygotowane modele wykorzystano do wytworzenia odlewów ze stopu AlSi11 w technologii lost foam. Otrzymane odlewy zbadano pod kątem stopnia ich zagazowania. Zaprezentowane badania wykazały zależności pomiędzy gęstością modelu, rodzajem i grubością zastosowanych powłok ceramicznych, a stopieniem zagazowania odlewów. Wykazano, że badane właściwości mają istotny wpływ na stopień zagazowania odlewu, jego porowatość oraz liczbę gazową. Poprzez odpowiedni dobór pokrycia, jego grubości, gęstości modelu, możliwe jest zminimalizowanie stopnia zagazowania odlewu.
The study addressed the issues associated with lost foam casting technology. The effect of the type and thickness of the ceramic coating and the density of the pattern set of the degree of gas porosity in casting. The study was conducted for two types of ceramic coatings Disopast 4805/3 and Disopast 7759, which was applied to patterns with expanded polystyrene in one, two and three layers. Thus prepared patterns were used to produce castings alloy AlSi11 lost foam technology. The resulting castings were tested for their level of gas porosity. Presented studies have shown the relationship between the density of the polystyrene pattern, type and thickness of the applied ceramic coatings gas porosity and casting melt. It has been shown that investigated the properties have a significant impact on the degree of gas porosity in cast, its porosity and the gaseous number. Through an appropriate choice of coating, its thickness, density model, it is possible to minimize the degree of gassing casting.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2015, 15, 2 spec.; 7-12
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Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ geometrii powierzchni zewnętrznych modeli woskowych na kinetykę wysychania form ceramicznych
Influence of the External Surface of Wax Pattern on the Kinetics of Drying of Ceramic Molds
Zych, J.
Kolczyk, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
szybkość wysychania
spoiwo koloidalne
kształt modelu
czynniki technologiczne
innovative foundry material
innovative foundry technology
colloidal binder
technological factors
W przedstawionej pracy, stosując metodę grawimetryczną wyznaczono przebieg wysychania poszczególnych warstw ciekłej mieszanki ceramicznej (CMC), naniesionej na modele woskowe w technologii wytapianych modeli, tworzących tym samym wielowarstwową formę ceramiczną. Stwierdzono, że każda kolejno naniesiona warstwa o podobnej grubości wysycha dłużej, od poprzedniej. Czas wysychania warstw tworzących zamknięte przestrzenie wydłuża się wielokrotnie w porównaniu z wysychaniem powierzchni otwartych (zewnętrznych).
The influence of selected factors on drying ceramic moulds applied in the investment casting technology was determined by the gravimetric method. It was found that each successive layer, of a similar thickness, is drying longer than the previous one. The drying time of layers forming closed spaces is several times longer as compared with drying open surfaces (external).
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2013, 13, 3 spec.; 197-202
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Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ charakteru chemicznego osnowy i spoiwa na właściwości mas ze spoiwami organicznymi
Influence of the chemical character of a sand grains and binder on properties of moulding sands with organic binding agents
Holtzer, M.
Drożyński, D.
Bobrowski, A.
Mazur, M.
Isendorf, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
masa sypka
masa samoutwardzalna
żywica furfurylowa
innovative foundry material
innovative foundry technology
self hardening sand
furan resin
W artykule zamieszczono wyniki badań wpływu rodzaju osnowy piaskowej (piasek kwarcowy, chromitowy i oliwinowy) na właściwości mas (wytrzymałość [...], ścieralność S, przepuszczalność Pu oraz żywotność Ż) przy zastosowaniu spoiw organicznych o charakterze kwaśnym i zasadowym. Najkorzystniejsze właściwości miały masy, w których osnowa i spoiwo miały najbardziej zbliżony charakter chemiczny (piasek kwarcowy i żywica furanowa). Natomiast w miarę wzrostu różnicy charakteru chemicznego osnowy i żywicy właściwości mas znacznie pogarszały się i w skrajnym przypadku, jakim był układ piasek oliwinowi – żywica furanowa masa nie uzyskiwała nawet minimalnych wymaganych parametrów.
The results of investigations of the kind of the sand grains (high-silica, chromite and olivine sand) on moulding sands properties when organic binding agents of an acidic and basic character were applied, are given in the paper. Moulding sands, in which a sand grains and binding agent were of a similar chemical character (high-silica sand and furan resin), exhibited the best qualities. As the difference of the chemical character of the sand grains and binder was increasing the properties of moulding sands significantly worsened. In the extreme case, which constituted the system: olivine sand and furan resin the moulding sand did not reach even the minimum of the required parameters values.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2012, 12, 1s; 69-74
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Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wear resistance of nodular cast iron with carbides
Gumienny, G.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
innovative foundry technology
innovative foundry material
nodular cast iron
abrasive wear resistance
adhesive wear resistance
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
żeliwo sferoidalne
odporność na ścieranie
In this paper results of abrasive and adhesive wear resistance of selected grades of nodular cast iron with carbides are presented. It was demonstrated, that the maximum wear resistance has got nodular cast iron with the microstructure of upper bainite, lower bainite and carbides. This cast iron with hardened steel and sulfonitrided steel is the most advantageous friction pair during adhesive wear testing. It was found, that the least advantageous friction pair is pearlitic nodular cast iron with carbides and normalized steel.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2011, 11, 3 spec.; 81-88
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Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Use Thermal Analysis (TG/DTG/DSC) in the Study of Stability (Bio)Polymer Binder
Analiza termiczna (TG/DTG/DSC) w badaniach stabilności spoiw (bio)polimerowych
Grabowska, B.
Grabowski, G.
Kaczmarska, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
innovative foundry material
innovative foundry technology
polymer binder
foundry sand
thermal analysis
thermal degradation
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
spoiwo polimerowe
masa formierskia
analiza termiczna
degradacja termiczna
The fragment of investigations related to the thermal stability of new foundry polymer binders with biopolymer fractions is hereby presented. A sample of the foundry binding agent BioCo1, in a form of two-component polymer composition consisting of a modified biopolymer (polysaccharide) and a synthetic polymer (acrylic polymer), was subjected to the thermal analysis. Methods of thermal analyses (TG/DTG/DSC) were applied in investigations in order to perform the thermal degradation process of the tested BioCo1 binder sample by establishing thermal effects of transformations, structural changes and masses - occurring during its heating. Examinations were performed in the temperature range: -100–600 °C. It was found that the degradation process starts at a temperature app. 130 °C. The binding agent behaviour at increased temperatures is important in relation to the process of the moulding sand mould (with BioCo1 fraction) pouring with liquid metal.
Przedstawiono wycinek badań związanych z określeniem termicznej stabilności nowych odlewniczych spoiw polimerowych z udziałem biopolimerów. Poddano analizie termicznej próbkę spoiwa odlewniczego BioCo1 w postaci dwuskładnikowej kompozycji polimerowej złożonej z modyfikowanego biopolimeru (polisacharydu) i polimeru syntetycznego (polimeru akrylowego). W badaniach wykorzystano metody analizy termicznej (TG/DTG/DSC) w celu przeprowadzenia procesu degradacji termicznej badanej próbki spoiwa BioCo1 poprzez ustalenie efektów cieplnych przemian zachodzących podczas jego ogrzewania, zmian strukturalnych oraz masy. Badania prowadzono w zakresie temperatury -100 – 600 °C. Ustalono, że proces degradacji rozpoczyna się od temperatury 130 °C. Przeprowadzona analiza termiczna spoiwa ma istotne znaczenie w odniesieniu do procesu zalewania ciekłym metalem formy z masy odlewniczej wiązanej spoiwem BioCo1.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2013, 13, 3 spec.; 31-34
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Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Production of Plaster Molds with Patternless Process Technology
Pastirčák, R.
Sládek, A.
Kucharčíková, E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
innovative foundry technology
innovative foundry material
automation in foundry
robotics in foundry
Patternless process technology
plaster thermomold
aluminium alloy
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
automatyka w odlewnictwie
robotyka w odlewnictwie
technologia Patternless
stop aluminium
The work deals with technology Patternless process that combines 3 manufacturing process mold by using rapid prototyping technology, conventional sand formation and 3D milling. It's unconventional technology that has been developed to produce large-sized and heavy duty castings weighing up to several tons. It is used mainly in prototype and small batch production, because eliminating production of models. The work deals with the production of blocks for making molds of gypsum and gypsum drying process technology Thermomold. Into blocks, where were made cavities by milling were casted test castings from AlSi10MgMn alloy by gravity casting. At machining of the mold cavity was varied feed rate of tool of cemented carbide. Evaluated was the surface roughness of test castings, that was to 5 micrometers with feed from 900 to 1300 mm/min. The dimensional accuracy of castings was high at feed rate of 1000 and 1500 mm/min did not exceed 0.025 mm.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2015, 15, 2; 91-94
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Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Influence of Sand Grains Properties on Electrical Properties of Moulding Sand with Inorganic Binder
Opyd, B.
Granat, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
innovative foundry technology
innovative foundry material
moulding sand
sand grain
water glass
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
masa formierska
osnowa piaskowa
szkło wodne
The paper presents the results of basic research on the influence of the properties of sand grains on electrical properties of water glass moulding sands. It shows electrical properties of the main component – sand grains, crucial to the kinetics of moulding sands heating, such as permittivity εr and loss factor tgδ. Measurements were carried out with the use of the perturbation method for silica, chromite and olivine sands of different mineral, chemical composition and particle size distribution, as well as for moulding sands with water glass grade 145. Analysis of the results of measurements of electrical properties shows that all moulding sands are characterized by a similar permittivity εr and loss factor tgδ. It was found that the electrical properties and the quantity and quality of other components may have a decisive influence on the effectiveness and efficiency of the microwave heating of moulding sands with sand grains. In determining the ability to efficiently absorb the microwave radiation for mixtures which moulding sands are, the impact of all components influencing their individual technological parameters should be taken into account.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2015, 15, 3; 43-46
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Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Impact of Microwave Penetration Depth on the Process of Heating the Moulding Sand with Sodium Silicate
Nowak, D.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
innovative foundry material
innovative foundry technology
penetration depth
electrical permittivity
moulding sand
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
głębokość wnikania
przenikalność elektryczna
masa formierska
This paper presents the impact of microwave penetration depth on the process of heating the moulding sand with sodium silicate. For each material it is affected by: the wavelength in vacuum and the real and imaginary components of the relative complex electrical permittivity εr for a selected measurement frequency. Since the components are not constant values and they change depending on the electrical parameters of materials and the frequency of the electromagnetic wave, it is indispensable to carry out laboratory measurements to determine them. Moreover, the electrical parameters of materials are also affected by: temperature, packing degree, humidity and conductivity. The measurements of the dielectric properties of moulding sand with sodium silicate was carried out using the perturbation method on a stand of waveguide resonance cavity. The real and imaginary components of the relative complex electrical permittivity was determined for moulding sand at various contents of sodium silicate and at various packing degrees of the samples. On the basis of the results the microwave penetration depth of moulding sand with sodium silicate was established. Relative literature contains no such data that would be essential to predicting an effective process of microwave heating of moulding sand with sodium silicate. Both the packing degree and the amount of sodium silicate in moulding sand turned out to affect the penetration depth, which directly translates into microwave power density distribution in the process of microwave heating of moulding sand with sodium silicate.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2017, 17, 4; 115-118
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Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The framework of agent-based negotiation platform for foundries cooperating in supply chain
Kluska-Nawarecka, S.
Regulski, K.
Rojek, G.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
information technology
foundry industry
innovative foundry technologies
innovative foundry materials
agent technology
production support
technologia informacyjna
przemysł odlewniczy
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
technologia agentowa
wspomaganie produkcji
This paper concerns the domain of contracts in the metallurgy and heavy industry, that are the form of deals making between cooperating companies being suppliers and consumers of some goods. From a general point of view cooperation enables for small companies to realize orders that are too large for an individual producer, but contract negotiations, further scheduling and support of production are usually too difficult and complicated. This paper presents a proposition of an information system, that should make cooperation between companies more available. Such system should be distributed among cooperating producers, what is the reason for choosing of the agent technology as the main software paradigm. This system should also support interchanging of information in many norms and technical standards, what results in the use of ontology concerning metallurgy and heavy industry.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2013, 13, 4; 73-78
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Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Flexibility of Pusher Furnace Grate
Słowik, J. A.
Drotlew, A.
Piekarski, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
innovative foundry technology
innovative foundry material
heat treatment plant
pusher furnace
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
obróbka cieplna
piec przepychowy
The lifetime of guide grates in pusher furnaces for heat treatment could be increased by raising the flexibility of their structure through, for example, the replacement of straight ribs, parallel to the direction of grate movement, with more flexible segments. The deformability of grates with flexible segments arranged in two orientations, i.e. crosswise (perpendicular to the direction of compression) and lengthwise (parallel to the direction of compression), was examined. The compression process was simulated using SolidWorks Simulation program. Relevant regression equations were also derived describing the dependence of force inducing the grate deformation by 0.25 mm ‒ modulus of grate elasticity ‒ on the number of flexible segments in established orientations. These calculations were made in Statistica and Scilab programs. It has been demonstrated that, with the same number of segments, the crosswise orientation of flexible segments increases the grate structure flexibility in a more efficient way than the lengthwise orientation. It has also been proved that a crucial effect on the grate flexibility has only the quantity and orientation of segments (crosswise / lengthwise), while the exact position of segments changes the grate flexibility by less than 1%.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2016, 16, 4; 137-140
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Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Effect of Temperature on the Result of Complex Modification of IN-713C Superalloy Castings
Binczyk, F.
Gradoń, P.
Mańka, M.
Findziński, R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Innovative casting material
innovative casting technology
nickel alloy IN-713C
cobalt aluminate
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
stop niklu IN-713C
glinek kobaltu
The paper presents the results of research on the determination of the effect of pouring temperature on the macrostructure of the castings subjected to complex (surface and volume) modification and double filtration. Tested castings were made of post-production scrap (gating system parts) of IN-713C superalloy. Tests included the evaluation of the number of grains per 1 mm2, mean grain surface area, shape factor and tensile strength. Casting temperature below 1470 °C positively influenced the modification effect. The grains were finer and the mechanical properties increased, especially for castings with thicker walls. On the other hand, manufacture of thin walled castings of high quality require pouring temperature above 1480 °C.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2015, 15, 4; 13-16
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Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The deformation of wax patterns and castings in investment casting technology
Herman, A.
Česal, M.
Mikeš, P.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
technologia informatyczna
przemysł odlewniczy
innowacyjne technologie odlewnicze
innowacyjne materiały odlewnicze
odlewanie precyzyjne
model odlewniczy
information technology
foundry industry
innovative foundry technologies
innovative foundry material
investment casting
wax patterns
The dimensional accuracy of the final casting of Inconel alloy 738 LC is affected by many aspects. One of them is the choice of method and time of cooling wax model for precision investment casting. The main objective was to study the initial deformation of the complex shape of the casting of the rotor blades. Various approaches have been tested for cooling wax pattern. When wax models are cooling on the air, without clamping in jig for cooling, deviations from the ideal shape of the casting are very noticeable (up to 8 mm) and most are in extreme positions of the model. When blade is cooled in fixing jig in water environment, the resulting deviations compared with cooling in air are significantly larger, sometimes up to 10 mm. This itself does not mean that the final shape of the casting is dimensionally more accurate with usage of wax models, which have deviations from the ideal position smaller. Another deformation occurs when shell mould is produced around wax pattern and furthermore deformations emerge while casting of blade is cooling. This paper demonstrates first steps in describing complex process of deformations of Inconel alloy blades produced with investment casting technology by comparing results from thermal imagery, simulations in foundry simulation software ProCAST 2010 and measurements from CNC scanning system Carl Zeiss MC 850. Conclusions are so far not groundbreaking, but it seems deformations of wax pattern and deformations of castings do in some cases cancel each other by having opposite directions. Describing entirely whole process of deformations will help increase precision of blade castings so that models at the beginning and blades in the end are the same.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2012, 12, 1; 37-42
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Compositions: Biodegradable Material – Synthetic Resins as Moulding Sands Binders
Major-Gabryś, K.
Grabarczyk, A.
Dobosz, S. M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
environment protection
innovative foundry technology
innovative foundry material
moulding sand
furfuryl resin
biodegradable material
ochrona środowiska
innowacyjna technologia odlewnicza
innowacyjny materiał odlewniczy
masa formierska
żywica furfurylowa
materiał biodegradowalny
Growing emission requirements are forcing the foundry industry to seek new, more environmentally friendly solutions. One of the solutions may be the technologies of preparing moulding and core sands using organic biodegradable materials as binders. However, not only environmental requirements grow but also those related to the technological properties of moulding sand. Advancing automation and mechanization of the foundry industry brings new challenges related to the moulding sands. Low elasticity may cause defects during assembly of cores or moulds by the manipulators. The paper presents the study of flexibility in the room temperature according to new method and resistance to thermal deformation of self-hardening moulding sands with furfuryl resin, containing biodegradable material PCL. The task of the new additive is to reduce the moulding sands harmfulness to the environment and increase its flexibility in the room temperature. The impact of the additive and the effect of the amount of binder on the properties of mentioned moulding sands were analysed. Studies have shown that the use of 5% of PCL does not change the nature of the thermal deformation curve, improves the bending strength of tested moulding mixtures and increases their flexibility at room temperature.
Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2016, 16, 4; 75-78
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Foundry Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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