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Nieletni jako sprawca czynu zabronionego – determinanty niedostosowania społecznego
Chylińska, Klaudia
Kękuś, Magdalena
Dudek, Iwona
Szpitalak, Malwina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
social maladjustment
The article covers the issue of juvenile delinquency and social maladjustment. The aim of this paper is to present, on the basis of literature review, a picture of child crime in Poland, as well as to present the psychological determinants of crime and social maladjustment among children. The article discusses the definition of a juvenile in the context of the proceedings for criminal acts and symptoms of social maladjustment. Moreover, it describes the psychological determinants of juvenile delinquency including personality and environmental factors (family, school environment and peers).
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2019, 64(4 (254)); 135-150
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Self-esteem of socially maladjusted adolescents in the context of selected personality and environmental determinants
Karol, Konaszewski,
Tomasz, Sosnowski,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
social maladjustment
social rehabilitation
The article is an analysis of the results of the studies conducted in a group of socially maladjusted youth in whose case the family court applied educational measures, i.e. placed them in a Youth Educational Centre. The aim of the study was to find out the correlations between self-esteem, personality traits of maladjusted adolescents, and the environmental determinants (support factors and limiting factors). A total of 481 juveniles staying in Youth Educational Centres (YEC) participated in the study. The analysis showed that in the model the significant predictors of self-esteem were neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness and negative relations at school. The obtained research results are to be used in designing methodological solutions in order to support social rehabilitation and education activities carried out both in an open environment and in social rehabilitation facilities.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2018, 63(1 (247)); 217-236
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uczony niedostosowany społecznie? O współczesnej roli zawodowej pracownika nauki
A Socially maladjusted scholar? On the contemporary professional role of a scientist
Chmielecki, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
niedostosowanie społeczne
social maladjustment
The article deals with the problem of adaptation of scholars to the changing conditions of academic work. Often, scholars turn out to be socially maladjusted, and thus not suited to mainstream approaches – a modern university providing education for the needs of the economy. The question, however, is whether this state is correct or perhaps requires changes in the mentality of scientists.
Artykuł porusza problem przystosowywania się uczonych do zmieniających się warunków pracy akademickiej. Częstokroć uczeni okazują się niedostosowani społecznie, a więc niepasujący do wymagań głównego nurtu – współczesnego uniwersytetu kształcącego na potrzeby gospodarki. Pytanie jednak, czy ten stan jest właściwy, czy być może wymaga zmian w mentalności ludzi nauki.
Szkoła - Zawód - Praca; 2020, 19; 150-160
Pojawia się w:
Szkoła - Zawód - Praca
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kryteria nieprzystosowania społecznego dzieci i młodzieży
Criteria of children's and youth's social maladjustment
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
social maladjustment
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1972, V; 15-31
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niedostosowanie społeczne nieletnich – przyczyny, skutki, profilaktyka
Social Maladjustment of Minors – Causes, Consequences, Prevention
Antoniak, Jagoda
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
niedostosowanie społeczne
zachowania ryzykowne
socjal maladjustment
risky behaviour
W artykule przedstawiono zjawisko niedostosowania społecznego osób nieletnich. Rozpoczynając analizę pojęcia, podkreślono jego złożoność, jak również różnorodność podejść i rozmaitych koncepcji w zależności od płaszczyzny badawczej. Zaprezentowano szereg definicji opisujących niedostosowanie społeczne. Poruszona została problematyka przyczyn niedostosowania społecznego, wynikających z uwarunkowań środowiska rodzinnego, szkolnego i społecznego. Opisano zachowania ryzykowne, które determinują powstawanie niedostosowania społecznego, oraz omówiono objawy niedostosowania społecznego, wraz z etapami wykolejenia społecznego, jak również realne skutki powstałego zjawiska. Zagadnienie profilaktyki i zapobiegania niedostosowaniu społecznemu młodzieży znalazło swoje odzwierciedlenie w treści artykułu poprzez podział działań profilaktycznych, jak i strategie ukierunkowane na pomoc jednostce społecznej. Wskazano też metody i środki twórczej resocjalizacji w celu kształtowania i formowania dojrzałej osobowości u młodego człowieka.
The article presents the phenomenon of social maladjustment of minors. When starting the analysis of the concept, its complexity was emphasized, as well as the variety of approaches and various concepts depending on the research level. A number of definitions describing social maladjustment were presented. The issues of social maladjustment resulting from the conditions of the family, school and social environment were discussed. Risky behaviors, which determine the emergence of social maladjustment, are described as well. The article presents the symptoms of social maladjustment with the stages of social derailment, as well as the real effects of the phenomenon. The issue of prevention and social maladjustment preventive treatment of youth has been discussed in the article through the division of preventive actions, as well as strategies aimed at helping the social unit. Methods and means of creative rehabilitation were also indicated in order to shape and form a mature personality in a young person.
Roczniki Pedagogiczne; 2019, 11(47), Numer specjalny; 77-94
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Katecheza młodzieży niedostosowanej społecznie
Catechesis of Socially Maladjusted Youth
Łabendowicz, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
niedostosowanie społeczne
social maladjustment
Niedostosowanie społeczne jest zjawiskiem, które występuje zarówno w rodzinie, jak i w szkole, zakładzie pracy oraz środowisku społecznym. Dotyczy wszystkich osób, które zachowują się odmiennie od ogólnie przyjętych norm czy zasad postępowania. Wpływ na takie postępowanie mają zarówno czynniki zewnętrzne – społeczne/środowiskowe (rodzina, szkoła, grupy rówieśnicze, mass media, czynniki ekonomiczno-gospodarcze), jak i wewnętrzne (biologiczne i psychiczne). Zachowania odbiegające od przyjętych reguł przejawiać się mogą wobec: własnej osoby, rodziny, szkoły czy społeczeństwa. To wskazuje na potrzebę katechezy specjalnej oraz indywidualne podejście do każdego katechizowanego. Dlatego też katecheci, wychowawcy, rodzice i opiekunowie są zobowiązani do współpracy i niesienia pomocy osobom niedostosowanym społecznie. Działania katechetyczno-wychowawcze powinny być nastawione na rozwijanie człowieka w jego sferze psychicznej, fizycznej i duchowej. Należy pokazywać im właściwy sposób życia oraz zapobiegać złym wpływom środowiska. W katechizacji młodzieży nieprzystosowanej społecznie sprawdza się zasada tzw. małych kroków, która łączy się z podmiotowym i indywidualnym podejściem do każdej katechizowanej osoby, a także z dostosowywaniem przekazywanych treści do indywidualnych możliwości osoby.
Social maladjustment is a phenomenon that occurs in the family, at school, workplace, as well as in the social environment. It applies to all people who behave differently from generally accepted norms or rules of conduct. Both, external factors – social / environmental (family, school, peer groups, mass-media, socio-economic factors) and internal ones (biological and mental) influence such behaviour. Behaviours deviating from the accepted rules can be manifested against: one's own person, family, school or society. This indicates the need for special catechesis and an individual approach to each catechized. Therefore, catechists, educators, parents and guardians are obliged to cooperate and help socially maladjusted people. Catechetical and educational activities should be focused on the development of a man in his mental, physical and spiritual spheres. We should show them the right way of life and prevent from bad environmental influences. In the catechization of socially maladjusted youth, the principle of the so-called “small steps”, which is combined with a subjective and individual approach to each catechized person, as well as with adapting the transferred content to the individual capabilities of a person.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2018, 65, 11; 89-112
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poczucie winy jako emocja społeczna. Analiza wybranych nurtów badawczych
Feeling Guilty as a Social Emotion. Analysis of Selected Research Perspectives
Bielecka-Prus, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
sociology of emotions
feeling guilty
social maladjustment
Poczucie winy jest jedną z najczęściej wymienianych emocji o społecznych źródłach, jednakże wciąż jeszcze zbyt mało wiadomo na temat procesów tworzenia osobistego i zbiorowego poczucia winy. Celem tego artykułu jest uporządkowanie sposobów ujęcia tego problemu. W pierwszej części artykułu omówione zostaną problemy, jakie wiążą się z definiowaniem pojęcia „poczucie winy” oraz jego sklasyfikowaniem. Następnie omówione zostaną wybrane teorie socjologiczne, które mogą okazać się szczególnie przydatne do analizy tego zespołu emocji, a szczególnie społecznego procesu wzbudzania, podtrzymywania i zarządzania poczuciem winy. W ostatniej części przedstawione zostaną wyniki analizy wywiadów pogłębionych z młodzieżą niedostosowaną społecznie na temat sposobów przeżywania winy w ich osobistym życiu.
Feeling guilty is said to be one of important emotions with the social origin, but still little is known about the process of its construction in individual and collective life. The aim of the article is to show different possibilities of researching the problem. The first part of the text poses the problem of defining and classifying the feeling of guilt. Then, selected research perspectives are analyzed connected with arousing, maintaining, and managing the feeling. The final part presents the result of interviews (IDI) with socially maladjusted boys about their feelings of guilt in personal life.
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej; 2013, 9, 2; 104-127
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niedostosowanie społeczne młodzieży
Krzęcio, Dariusz
Syga, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
social maladjustment
The subject treats the problem of social maladjustment widely. on the basis of research carried out on 195 respondents from secondary and primary schools, answers to a dozen or so questions were received. In the presented research, the survey method was used. questions relate to min. addictions, willingness to learn or relationships between peers. The results of the research give a certain image that characterizes the given age group and gender and indicates in what criteria the given element of social pathology or the problem occurs more often. Analyzing the results of the research it can be concluded that many young people’s needs are not met. They are not motivated in an appropriate way. The problem is too frequent alcohol abuse, fewer cigarettes, while the drug problem is practically non-existent. Thanks to questions with open answers, it can be stated that young people ripen unevenly. in a given peer environment there are people who are more mature with a greater perspective of life, planning their future several years ahead, as well as those with smaller requirements and sometimes very basic and everyday needs.
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2018, 3(24); 149-165
Pojawia się w:
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka nieprzystosowania społecznego młodzieży podsądnej.
The profile of socially maladjusted youth placed under court guardianship.
Zaremba, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych i Resocjalizacji. Instytut Profilaktyki Społecznej i Resocjalizacji
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
nadzór kuratorski
social maladjustment
court guardianship
Głównym celem artykułu jest poznanie obrazu nieprzystosowania społecznego młodzieży podsądnej. Badania empiryczne przeprowadzono w grupie młodzieży, wobec której sądy rodzinne i nieletnich wydały postanowienie o zastosowaniu środka wychowawczego w postaci nadzoru kuratora. Grupę kontrolną stanowili uczniowie z zasadniczych szkół zawodowych. Łącznie uzyskano dane od 317 badanych osób (153 podsądnych i 164 uczniów szkół zawodowych). Okazało się, że grupa podsądna przejawia wyższy poziom nieprzystosowania społecznego w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Obraz ten prezentuje wadliwość funkcjonowania we wszystkich rolach społecznych (dziecka, ucznia, kolegi) odgrywanych przez młodzież w wieku szkolnym oraz szeroki wachlarz zachowań aspołecznych i zachowania nacechowane uciążliwą dla rodziców niesubordynacją.
The main aim of the paper is to outline the image of the youth’s social maladjustment. Our empirical studies were conducted on a group of young people for whom family and juvenile courts had ordered the application of court guardianship as educational measure. The control group consisted of vocational school students. In total, data was gathered from 317 subjects (153 defendants and 164 vocational school students). The findings prove that in comparison with the control group, defendants show a higher level of social maladjustment. This testifies to the impaired functioning across all social roles (child, student, colleague) to be played by school age youth and to a wide variety of antisocial behaviors and of contumacy manifestations, highly bothersome for parents.
Profilaktyka Społeczna i Resocjalizacja; 2015, 27; 7-37
Pojawia się w:
Profilaktyka Społeczna i Resocjalizacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępczość w rejonach uprzemysławianych i zależność dynamiki przestępczości od dynamiki procesów społeczno-gospodarczych (lata 1958-1960 oraz 1964-1966)
Delinquency in regions under intensified industrialization and the relations between the dynamics of delinquency and the dynamics of socio-economic processes (1958-1960 and 1964-1966)
Mościskier, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
social maladjustment
The study consists of two parts. The first part is concerned with the development of delinquency in 4 regions under intensified industrialization programmes, whereas the other part deals with the relationships between the dynamics of socio-economic processes and the dynamics of delinquency, against the background of all the provinces in Poland. The studies discussed in both parts have been based on the police statistics of offences reported on and they embrace two periods: 1958-1960 and, 1964-1966. I. To illustrate a socio-demographical character of the 4 regions under intensified industrialization programmes, in addition to a periodization of the industrialization processes, presented by Professor J. Szczepański, also a scheme of socio-demographic processes in regions under industrialization programmes, prepared by Professor Rajkiewicz, has been taken into account. Stages of industrialization on the regional levels, differentiated by Professor J. Szczepański, are as follows: 1. Planning, which includes only those tasks which are considered indispensable for preparing an all-aspect industrialization plan on the particular region's level. 2. Construction of new industrial objects and substantial auxiliary premises. 3. Initial start of new industrial plants and completion of substantial auxiliary premises. 4. Achievement of stabilization and the new balance of conditions. In Piofessor A. Rajkiewicz's scheme of socio-demografic processes in regions under industrialization programmes, the following components have been differentiated (according to their growing intensification): migration processes, occupational activation of unemployed labour, employment mobility (chiefly consisting in frequent changes of places of employment by unskilled labour), achievement and improvement of occupational skill, crew forming in new places of employment. Empirical indices have been determined for such processes and it has been ascertained at the same time, that both intensification and dynamics of migration processes, activation of unemployed labour and employment mobility, generally speaking, achieved greatest intensity in stages of construction of industrial objects and of initial start of new industrial plants (especially in its primitive phase). On the other hand, the processes of achievement and improvement of occupational skills as well as that of the formation of crews in new places of employment were particularly characteristic for the stage of stabilization and new balance of interhuman relations. Problems of migration processes, occupational activation of unemployed labour as well as the problem of employment mobility, are related with the increased horizontal mobility. Since their nature consists either in mass migration or in frequent changes of places of employment by unskilled labour, therefore, those processes lead to the relaxation of environmental ties and to the slackening of social control over the individuals concerned. Thus, such processes may favour the development of certain forms of social disorganization including the intensification of delinquency. The processes of achievęment and improvement of occupational qualifications by those employed in the national economy or the processes of crew forming in new places of employment substantially consist in achieving a mass advance of individuals within a social structure and create conditions capable of developing stabilized communities with a normally functioning social control. Therefore, such processes may be recognized to be one of the social vertical mobility forms which consists in a mass advance of social nature in the population of the region concerned. Such a phenomenon should exercise some inhibitive influence on any signs of social disorganization and, consequently, on a decrease in delinquency.  The abovementioned hypotheses have been confirmed by the findings obtained from the investigations of the development of delinquency observed in 4 regions under intensified industrialization programmes. To begin with, the total delinquency rates and dynamics in the regions in question were confronted with those in the provinces concerned. As for 1964-1966, it had been found that delinquency rates in the regions under industrialization programmes were considerably higher than those in the provinces. The total delinquency rate per 10 thousand inhabitants of the regions under industrialization programmes was 131.89 while that of the provinces concerned - 104.10. The biggest difference was found in the offences against social property, the rates having been 34.01 and 20.75, respectively; a significant difference was also found in robberies (1.06 against 0.66), clerical offences, very severe and severe bodily injury and offences against private property. Having confronted the delinquency dynamics between 1958-1960 and 1964-1966, it has been established that in the latter period, the rates of delinquency had considerably increased in the regions under industrialization programmes and showed simultaneous decrease in the provinces concerned. The general delinquency rates in the regions increased by 19.9 percent and those in the provinces decreased by 11.4 per cent. In the regions under industrialization programmes, the highest increase was noted in the robbery rate, namely by 165.0 per cent, against that by 46,7 per cent in the provinces; next came offences against social property (an increase in rate by 55.9 per cent in the regions and a decrease by 12.7 per cent in the provinces), finally, offences against private property (an increase in rate by 16.9 in the regions and a decrease by 16.9 per cent in the province). Of particular importance seems to be a finding from that analysis which concludes that the increase in delinquency in the particular regions of intensified industrialization programmes appears to be closely related with the industrialization stages achieved in those particular regions, on the one hand, and with the intensity or-some of the abovediscussed socio-economic processes, on the other. In 1964-1966, out of the four studied regions under intensified industrialization programmes, the first one reached the stage of construction of industrial objects and substantial auxiliary premises, the second and the third - were in the course of the initial start of new industrial plants and the completion of substantial auxiliary premises, and in the fourth one - stabilization and new balance of conditions was partially achieved. At the same time, in the first three regions, one observed considerable intensity of migration processes, occupational activation of unemployed labour and employment mobility which - as has already been mentioned - were connected with the increased social horizontal mobility. However, in the fourth region, the intensity of such processes was already considerably lower though other processes manifested themselves more clearly, namely the processes of achievement and improvement of occupational skills by those employed in the social economy as well as the process of the formation of crews in new places of employment, i.e., those processes which owing to the nature of the mass social advance are one of the forms of social vertical mobility. In 1958-1960 and 1964-1966, in the first three regions of intensified industrialization, there was an apparent increase in delinquency rates, especially in the latter period, in which the regional rates were considerably higher than the provincial ones. But at the same time in the fourth region, there was an evident decrease in delinquency rates and as for 1964-1966, the rates were even lower than in the province concerned. It may then be assumed that it is only two stages of intensified industrialization which might be recognized as those whięh favour an increase in delinquency rates, namely: the stages of construction of new industrial objects and of the initial start of new plants. The most rapid increase in delinquency rates is observed in the course of a few years after capital investments have been commenced, i.e. in the stage of construction of new industrial objects and in the early stage of the initial start of new industrial plants. It should be expected that higher rates of delinquency in the regions of intensified industrialization have a temporary character only, connected with greater social horizontal mobility and will certainly decline in accordance with the intensification of the processes of social advance of the population concerned. II. In the second part of the study, the relationships between the dynamics of socio-economic processes and that of delinquency have been analysed on the basis of the material collected from all the provinces in Poland. 79 variables were used in the analysis, including 15 concerned with delinquency. The rate was defined as a per-cent increase or decrease in the individual variables values in 1964-1966 against 1958-1960 (the value of the variable for 1958-1960 was 100 per cent). A method by J. Perkal, a Polish mathematician, was used, the so called ,,analysis of a set of characteristic" which is a simplification of L. L. Thurstone's multiplefactor analysis. 18 factors, referred to as processes, were obtained. 6 of these are particularly important for the topic of this study. Before we proceed with the discussion of the findings of that analysis mention must be made of the fact that in Poland, as compared with 1958-1960, a general decrease in the number of offences took place in 1964-1966. This is reflected in the formulations, concerning the relationships between the dynamics of socio-economic processes and that of delinquency, where mostly a slower or quicker decease in the number of offences, connected with the given process, is mentioned and not an increase of the delinquency itself. First of all, let us list three essential processes - from the industrialization and urbanization problems point of view - which in the light of the analysis failed to have shown any significant relation with the delinquency dynamics: 1. The rate of the economic development of the provinces (it should be noted, however, that there is a slight dependence between that process and an increase in juvenile delinquency). 2. The rate of the industrialization progress in the provinces. 3. The rate of the increment of the urban population in the provinces (it should be pointed out that recently in Poland, contrary to many other countries, migration to towns, having to a considerable extent been limited and controlled, essentially consists in a migration of experts wanted for the national economy). Let us mention now three socio-economic processes whose relationships with the delinquency dynamics are apparent: 4. A process, clearly marked in certain provinces, characterized by swift increment of the density of population, showing stabilization in a majority of branches of the national economy, (except for an increase in agricultural production), a process which, as compared with other provinces, is connected with a slower decrease in general delinquency, and especially with a decrease in offences against social or private property and in very severe or severe bodily injury. A swift increment of the population number which, except for agriculture, in certain areas was not accompanied by adequately swift economic progress seems to be a factor that might have a disadvantageous effect on the development of delinquency, adding in those areas to a slower decrease in delinquency rates. 5. A process, marked in certain provinces only, in which an increase in the proportion of employees of the lowest education level is observed, is connected, as compared with other provinces, with a slower rate of decrease in the total number of offences, especially of those against social or private property, on one hand, and with a quicker rate of increase in offences against public order officers and in certain offences against the person, on the other. It should be noted that that particular process is approximate in character to one which was dealt with in the first part of this study, typical for intensified industrialization, a process, manifesting itself by increased fluctuations of crews in new employment places, i.e. one of employment mobility. 6. The rate of growth of capital investments in the provinces shows a significant relationship with a quicker rate of housebreaking and a slower decrease in the number of clerical offences. An increase in the number of housebreaking is probably related to increased numbers of unskilled and ill-stabilized labour employed in capital investments. These are, in our opinion, the most important social and economic processes, differentiated as a result of an analysis of the material collected, whose relationships with the delinquency dynamics have already been discussed. First of all, most interesting is the fact that in the reporting provinces and periods of time such processes, as economic development, increased industrialization and increment of the urban population do not reveal any relationships with the delinquency dynamics. General views claiming close relations between,the processes mentioned and delinquency had somehow been shaken thereby. The final findings of our analysis have been confirmed by an undoubtful fact that in the reporting period in the province of Katowice, the most industrialized and urbanized province in Poland, there was the highest decrease in delinquency rates as compared with other provinces, and in 7964-1966, delinquency rates for the province of Katowice were much lower than the average rates for the country as a whole. It may then be assumed that there is no causation between such processes, as economic development, increased industrialization and increment of the urban population and the delinquency dynamics. Should in certain studies the two phenomena be found to appear, this would probably be due to other factors which failed to have been differentiated in the findings of such studies. Having considered the conclusions set forth in points 5 and 6, we believe that one of such factors is the social horizontal mobility which diminishes human environmental ties and limits possibilities for social control of individuals. Let us remember that point 5 was connected with a process characterized, among other things, by increased fluctuations of new plants' crews while point 6 - with a process of increased rates of capital construction where apparently, in that sort of work, poorly stabilized occupational categories are grouped. Simultaneously, both abovementioned processes reveal statistically significant connections with the delinquency dynamics. These remarks were confirmed by the conclusions drawn in the first part of this study, where it had been pointed out that increased rates and growth of delinquency in the regions under intensified industrialization programmes were related to sociodemographic processes characteristic for the social horizontal mobility. The sociodemographic processes, connected with an increased social horizontal mobility, consisting in migration and in frequent changes of employment by unskilled labour in general, are particularly intensified in an early phase of industrialization, i.e. in stages of construction, of new industrial objects and substantial auxiliary premise and of initial start of new industrial plants. But the later industrialization stages, where a phenomenon of a mass social advance of the population is observed, are not connected with increased delinquency rates.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1969, IV; 105-147
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwijanie zdolności uczniów zagrożonych niedostosowaniem społecznym
Developing the abilities of students at risk of social maladjustment
Winiarczyk-Waleniak, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
niedostosowanie społeczne
uczeń zdolny
social maladjustment
gifted student
Rozwijanie zdolności i uzdolnień uczniów jest zarówno zadaniem, jak i wyzwaniem współczesnej edukacji. Kwestia ta jest szczególnie ważna dla uczniów zagrożonych niedostosowaniem społecznym, ponieważ bazowanie na potencjale posiadanym przez tych młodych ludzi może prowadzić do ich szybszego uspołecznienia. W artykule zdefiniowano termin „zdolność” oraz ukazano spektrum zdolności wyróżnionych przez Janinę Uszyńską-Jarmoc, Beatę Kunat i Jerzego Mantura. W dalszej części zaprezentowano sposoby rozwijania poszczególnych rodzajów zdolności wychowanków Młodzieżowego Ośrodka Socjoterapii w Solcu nad Wisłą.
Developing students’ abilities and talents is both a task and a challenge of modern education. This issue is particularly important for students at risk of social maladjustment, because building on the potential possessed by these young people can lead to their faster socialization. The paper presented here defines the term “abilities” and the spectrum of abilities distinguished by Janina Uszynska-Jarmoc, Beata Kutnar and Jerzy Mantur is shown. The fallowing section present ways to develop particular types of abilities of the charges of the Młodzieżowy Ośrodek Socjoterapii w Solcu nad Wisłą were presented.
Państwo i Społeczeństwo; 2023, XXIII, 2; 59-75
Pojawia się w:
Państwo i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Work characteristics and the educational role of the employees in youth educational and sociotherapy centers
Ewa, Sygit-Kowalkowska,
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
youth educational centers
youth sociotherapy centers
social maladjustment
The purpose of youth educational centers and sociotherapy centers is to work with children and young people experiencing functioning disorders of various origins. The special role of these institutions means that working in this field is extremely demanding for employees. Therefore, the aim of the article was to present the characteristics of psychosocial working conditions in educational and sociotherapy centers. Research in this area was reviewed. Potential relationships between the features of the work environment and the performed therapeutic work were shown. The need to continue research in this area as well as to create workplace prevention actions dedicated for this professional group was underlined.
Psychologia Wychowawcza; 2020, 59(17); 195-209
Pojawia się w:
Psychologia Wychowawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielokrotnie karani recydywiści w wieku 26-35 lat w świetle badań kryminologicznych
Persistent Recidivists Aged Between 26 and 35 in the Light of Criminological Research
Archiwum Kryminologii, Redakcja
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
social maladjustment
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1969, IV; 7-10
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Karalność uczniów nieprzystosowanych społecznie
Criminal Cases of Socially Maladjusted Schoolchildren
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Wójcik, Dobrochna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
       1. The study discussed in the present paper is a continuation of the research on extent and determinants of social maladjustment among schoolchildren in Warsaw elementary schools, which was conducted in the years 1976-1979. Over 600 classes (grade III-VIII) were then examined, which makes the total numer of 17,662 children aged 9-16. Teachers indicated children who revealed symptoms of social maladjustment (such as regular truancy, many-hours loitering around the streets without control, running away from home, stealing, frequenting company of demoralized colleagues, drinking alcohol, sexual demoralization, vandalism and frequent aggressive behaviour). 885 boys (which makes 10 per cent of all schoolboys included in the study) and 220 girls (2.7 per cent of all girls) were found to reveal these children, which included information as to the child’s family environment, school situation, school failures, behaviour, health, and symptoms of social maladjustment.        From this general popuration of 885 schoolboys who revealed symptoms of social maladjustment, a group of 262 boys was separated  whose symptoms were particularly intense and cumulated. This group then underwent a detailed individual examination.       As a control group to match this group of 262 boys whose symptoms of social maladjustment were cumulated and intense, 151 boys were drawn by lot from among those of all schoolboys who had not been mentioned by the teachers as children who reveal symptoms of social maladjustment, and who were classmates of the socially maladjusted boys. The control group underwent the same individual examination.       2. At the stage of the study presented in the present paper the aim was to answer the following questions:                                                                                                                                                                      - how many of the schoolchildren indicated by the teachers because of various symptoms of social maladjustment had cases in court before they were included in the study.                                                  – how many of them  had cases in court during the five years of follow-up study.                                       – what was the total number of children who had ever had cases in court and what was the intensity of their criminal careers.                                                                                                                                              –is there any difference between the socially maladjusted schoolchildren who had cases in court and those with a clean record, as regards any features of their  family environment or the kind of symptoms of social maladjustment, which caused  them to be included in the study. Is there any difference between them as regards their school failure or the results of psychological examination.       In order to answer these questions, in mid 1982 it was checked if the children indicated as socially maladjusted had cases in court as juveniles or as young adults (aged 17 and over). The examined persons were then aged 15-23. The cases of persons concerning whom it was impossible to obtain data, as to their criminal record were excluded from the analysis therefore, finally the examined population consisted of 859 boys and 220 girls.        3. At the moment when the examined schoolchildren were indicated by the teachers as revealing symptoms of social maladjustment, 6.9 per cent of the socially maladjusted boys and 3.7 pet cent of  the girls had criminal cases in family courts.  A considerable majority of these children (5.1 per cent of the boys and all girls, 3.7 per cent) had only one case in court. The cases occurred generally at the age 14-16. The number of children who had had cases of care and protection during anamnesis is comparatively large: 5.5 per cent of boys and as many as 16.3 per cent of girls.       The examination of the schoolchildren's further criminal careers during the following 5 years produced the following results:                                                                                                                              - 20.9 per cent of boy  were convicted by courts within that period (10.2 per cent had cases in family courts, 5.7 per cent- in ordinary courts, 5 per cent- both in family and in ordinary courts).                         - 4 per cent of girls were convicted (3.6 per cent by family courts, 0.4 per cent by  ordinary courts).           It should be added that on account of the age, only 629 boys and 178 girls could have had cases in ordinary courts. Among them, 14.8 per cent of boys and one girl were convicted. The percentage is high, as part of those who „could have had cases" were only 17 years old, the probability of their conviction being  thus minimal.           25.7 per cent of boys convicted by ordinary court committed aggressive acts, while 70.7 per cent were convicted only for offences against property.       When the entire examined  period (anamnesis and follow-up period) is discussed together, it appears that every fourth boy (23.4 per cent) and every thirteenth girl among all socially maladjusted children were delinquent. This result certifies to the generally known difference between the extents of delinquency of boys and girls. However,  the represented proportion changes diametrically if one takes into account not only criminal cases, but also those of care and protection. 12.2 per cent of boys and as many as 25.4 per cent of girls had cases of care and  protection in family courts. There were  26.4 per cent  of socially maladjusted boys and 28.6 per cent of girls who had cases in family courts (criminal and care and protection together). The high percentage of girls who had  cases of care and protection may be connected to their worse family  situation which demanded intervention, as well as with the fact, that girls revealed  symptoms of sexual demoralization more frequently than boys (as many as 1/5 of socially maladjusted girls in grade VIII); these  symptoms awoke concern of the adult and may induce them to seek intervention of a court. Such symptoms, not being offences, may only be a reason for instituting tutelar proceedings.       Another problem was also examined, that is of the features of the examined persons and of their  family environment (as revealed by the questionnaires  filled in by the  teachers) which would differentiate the delinquent boys from those who had never been convicted. The delinquent boys were found to live in worse family backgrounds, in which criminality of parents or siblings or alcoholism of the father  occurred more frequently.  Instead, the delinquent boys were not found to live more frequently in broken homes or separately from their  parents. The delinquent boys were more socially maladjusted than those never convicted: they revealed a greater numer of symptoms of social maladjustment, their teachers informed more frequently of threir thefts, drinking, contacts with demoralized colleagues, and truancy. Instead, the delinquent boys were not described by the teachers as fighting with their schoolmates „often” and „very often”  more frequently than those never convicted.  It may be that such a description of a child by the teacher was unreliable;  the boy's aggressive behaviour may have been  a temporary phenomenon, resulting from actual  social situation; aggressiveness revealed at school may have been separate from the entire syndrome of social maladjustment. However, at the present stage of the study we are not in a position to take up any attitude towards these possible explanations. Neither the many-hours loitering around the streets was found to significantly differentiate the delinquent boys from those never convicted. This results from the fact that loitering is a typical way of spending time of the considerable majority of socially maladjusted boys, therefore it does not differentiate those who were convicted from the others.         4. In the group of 262 individually examined boys who revealed intense and cumulated symptoms of social maladjustment, the extent of delinquency appeared to be larger than in the entire population of 885 socially maladjusted schoolboys from which this group has been selected. During anamnesis, 32 per cent of boys had criminal cases in family courts; 78.9 per cent of them had only one case, 18.3 per cent had two cases, and 2.8 per cent -three or more cases. During the follow-up period, 28.2 per cent of the examined boys had cases in court, including 14.1 per cent who had cases in family courts only, 7.6 per cent who had cases in ordinary courts only, and 6.5 per cent who had cases both in family and in ordinary courts. Within the whole of the examined period (both anamnesis and follow-up period), nearly half of the examined boys were convicted: 29.4 per cent  had cases in family courts only, 5.3 per cent- in ordinary courts only, and 14.1 per cent-both in family and in ordinary courts. Therefore, every second  boy from the group with intense and cumulated symptoms of social maladjustment had cases in court within the examined period, while every fourth one from the entire population had been convicted.        Poor material and housing conditions of the family, insufficient care of children, broken home and bad conjugal life of the parents were not found to be significantly connected with the delinquency of the examined boys. Instead, a correlation of statistical significance was found between delinquency and excessive drinking of the fathers, their own criminal records and periods of imprisonment, as well as between the sons' delinquency and the lack of elementary education of the parents.        On the other hand, no difference was found between delinquents and non-delinquents as regards the teachers' estimation of their intelligence level and learning difficulties pointed out by their mothers and themselves. None of the biopsychical variables taken into account in the study was found to differentiate both groups: lowered level of intelligence, eyesight defect, hearing defect,  disturbances of speech, dyslexia, probable past lesions of the central nervous system, troubles with concentration, very slow rate of working. Persisting neurotic symptoms. Indeed, these factors were present rather more frequently among the non-delinquent boys, distinctly connected with their learning problems and school failures. On the other hand, delinquents actually repeated classes more frequently than non-delinquents, got bad marks in various subjects, and their learning progress was estimated as worse by the teachers. Delinquent boys more frequently behaved badly at school beginning from the lowest standards, they played truant from various lessons, were disobedient and disturbed the course of the lessons, had lower marks for behaviour and stated that they did not like school.        The socially maladjusted delinquents used to spend time in company of friends older than themselves more often than the non-delinquent boys; they themselves described those friends as badly behaved and drinking alcohol. They were also substantially more often connected with groups of juvenile delinquents according to the teachers' opinion. They revealed a considerably larger intensity of symptoms of social maladjustment. Among these symptoms, only the frequency of aggressive behaviour failed to differentiate the delinquent and non-delinquent boys, which means that as regards the individually examined group,  the result concerning the entire population was confirmed.         Therefore, the delinquency of the examined persons was related to the greater intensity of their social maladjustment, to their negative family environment and their school situation connected not only with objective learning difficulties but also with the child's reluctant attitude towards school and teachers, and with the teachers' disfavourable opinion of his learning progress and behaviour.        It is also worth mentioning that in the control group of 151 schoolboys who were not indicated by the teachers as revealing symptoms of social maladjustment, only one person was found who had been convicted by court during the entire examined period.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1984, XI; 143-166
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Streszczenie wyników badań i wnioski
Batawia, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
badania kryminologiczne
social maladjustment
criminological research
In the light of the surveys of the 15 - l7-year-olds “out of school and out of work,” it can be seen that a large majority of the subjects are recruited from among boys and girls whose basic problems can be reduced to school maladjustment, serious learning difficulties and inability to adapt to the school curriculum. With most of the subjects social maladjustment is clearly connected with school maladjustment, which is no doubt frequently the anterior process. The lack of detailed psychological and medical tests makes it impossible to say what are the factors chiefly responsible fur such school retardation: what percentage of the subjects are backward children, children with only partial developmental retardation, children with certain congenital defects which are serious obstacles to learning to read and write, or children with personality disorders which interfere considerable with a normal process of education, reduce their capacity for systematic effort, impede concentration, etc. The children whose normal progress at school encounters serious difficulties and cannot cope unaided with their school obligations have a sense of inferiority with regard to the other children in their class, and the conflict situations experienced by them continually and their fear of the consequences of bad results at school make for a hostile attitude to school, truancy, seeking contacts outside school with peers in a similar position, spending much of their time with other maladjusted boys in whose company they can win approval. Children of this kind frequently drop far behind in elementary school and sometimes fail to complete it altogether. Subsequently, they have a very difficult start in life, extremely limited prospects of employment in jobs with a low social status and a sense of personal failure and rejection which frequently helps to develop antisocial attitudes. In dealing with boys and girls of this sort who have already reached an older age bracket, one should realize that their considerable school retardation, their unaccustomedness for systematic study and the development of certain adverse habits militate against progress in the vocational schools to which they are directed. In view of the fact that teaching them a specific trade in combination with practical         in-work training may be of vital importance to their subsequent careers, the syllabus in these special vocational schools should be adjusted to the degree of inability displayed by such boys and girls. Since the boys who have not even completed six or seven grades of elementary school are in a worse position than those who have completed a greater number of grades, the syllabus of the vocational courses for these children should be differentiated to match their achievement level in elementary school. It seems essential therefore, before directing such boys and girls to a vocational school, to submit them to psychological tests to discover their intelligence level and suitability for a specific trade. The findings of these surveys make clear the importance from the point of view not only of the practice of the educational authorities but also of social policy of paying special attention to cases of recurring repetition of elementary school grades and truancy, and of failure to complete elementary school. Problems and failures at school require the early intervention of psychologists and doctors and the extension of special attention to such children in the earliest grades. The elimination and prevention of symptoms of school maladjustment depend on the proper organization of school work to allow for the specific problems of this category of children. It is essential to provide a sufficient number of special classes in the lower years to enable children making poor progress to catch up and also individual coaching of pupils who have special learning problems. The surveys show how important the implementation of the above recommendations could be for prevention of social maladjustment and demoralization among a large proportion of the children subsequently classified as “out of school and out of work”. The fact that among juvenile offenders there is a large incidence of records of serious disturbances in the course of their education from an early age is obvious evidence of the need to pay special attention to school maladjustment with a view to the prevention of juvenile delinquency. Since the surveys have shown that a large proportion of children with serious school failures come from adverse home backgrounds, from broken homes, from homes in which the father is an alcoholic and from homes whose material circumstances are bad, it is essential to put such families under special supervision and also to provide welfare benefits to the mothers of children in such home.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1972, V; 134-149
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Skuza, Aneta
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Przedsiębiorczości w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim
Outdoor Education
kompetencje społeczne
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
social competence
social maladjustment
Pedagogika przeżyć dla wielu pedagogów jest idealną drogą uczenia, zresztą jeśli spojrzy się na korzenie wychowania i uczenia się, łatwo można znaleźć dowody potwierdzające efektywność uczenia się zorientowanego na działanie i przeżycie. Przekraczać granice, przyjmować wyzwania, pokonywać przeszkody, podejmować ryzyko i decyzje, konsekwentnie się ich trzymać, przetrzymać wybraną drogę, znajdować kreatywne rozwiązania – to są kompetencje, których się dziś wymaga i do których kształtowania dąży się podejmując różnorodne formy oddziaływań resocjalizacyjnych
Pedagogy of experiencing for many pedagogues is an ideal way of learning, moreover, if you look at the roots of education and learning, you can easily find evidence of the effectiveness of learning focused on action and survival. Cross borders, take up challenges, overcome obstacles, take risks and decisions, consistently stick to them, survive the chosen path, find creative solutions - these are the competences that are required today and to which shaping is pursued by taking various forms of social rehabilitation interventions.
Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki Humanistyczne, Społeczne i Techniczne; 2018, 12(2)/2018; 367-390
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki Humanistyczne, Społeczne i Techniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyniki badań 432 chłopców “nie uczących się i nie pracujących”
Findings of the Research among Boys
Kołakowska-Przełomiec, Helena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
badania kryminologiczne
social maladjustment
criminological research
The boys examined in the l967/68 school year (the first year in which the educational authorities registered this category of youth) were older than the subjects in the following year. As has been already indicated, 43 per cent of the boys in 1967/68 had passed their 17th birthday, compared to only 23 per cent in 1968/69. It is worth noting, however, that the number of l5-year-olds was small, only 23 and 36 per cent respectively. Since only a third of all the subjects were at least 17 at the time of registration, the question of the employment of these boys in the period preceding their referral to vocational school is not worth entering into. The basic point is connected with the course of their school attendance – the degree to which the process of education at elementary school was disrupted and the length of time these boys had been out of school (among those who had completed the 7th grade and also those who had discontinued attendance at a normal vocational school). The surveys revealed the important fact that only a small percentage of the youth described as “out of school and out of work” had in actual fact been absent from school for a period of more than six months (including the summer holiday): in the two succeeding years the number of boys of this kind was 28 and 21 per cent, while the number who had no breaks in school attendance whatsoever was 33 per cent in the first year and as much as 77 per cent in the next. On the other hand, the process of education had been highly disturbed: among the subjects attending one-year vocational schools only 21 per cent had no record of retardation at elementary school, and barely one per cent in the two-year schools. Among the boys attending the one-year schools 28 and 24 per cent had dropped two years behind, and 11 and 18 per cent three years or more. The boys in the two-year schools who had completed only 4 - 6 grades were of course even more retarded: in 1967/68 retardation of two years was shown by 28 per cent and in 1968/69 by 45 per cent, and three years or more by 52 and 39 per cent respectively. As many as 70 – 80 per cent of all the subjects had been systematically truant from elementary school, and about two-thirds had long-lasting disciplinary difficulties. In considering these boys’ failures at school, attention should be given to the results of tests of their achievement level and of their scores in the Raven’s Progressive Matrices. On the whole the subjects’ achievement level in mathematics differed markedly from that of a comparative sample of children in corresponding grades of elementary school. Bad marks in mathematics were scored by 62 and 64 per cent of the boys in the one-year schools and 83 and 86 per cent of the boys in the two-year schools. There were also considerable differences in achievement in Polish between the subjects and the control group. Particular emphasis should be given to the bad scores recorded in silent reading and comprehension tests not only by many of the boys in the two-year schools who had not completed the 7th grade but also by many of the boys in the one-year schools. This low achievement level in basic subjects was undoubtedly a serious obstacle to learning progress for the majority of the subjects, not only earlier at elementary school, but also at vocational school. Raven’s Progressive Matrices testing, first of all, reasoning ability revealed in 1967/68 a larger percentage of boys with low and very low scores than in the control group. The subjects in the one-year schools had better scores than the subjects in the two-year school. In the following year, 1968/69, however, the percentage with low and very low scores decreased, though it remained higher among the boys attending two-year schools than one-year schools. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices scores do not, however, explain all the reasons for the boys’ great degree of school retardation, since there was a fairly large group which had good and very good scores. Their failure at school must be connected with other factors than low reasoning ability. These may be deficiencies in other mental abilities, personality disorders, neglect at home, etc. In examining the degree of social maladjustment (the criteria were discussed earlier) of the boys surveyed in 1967/68 it was found that: 1) only 28 per cent of the boys could be judged seriously socially maladjusted; they displayed a number of symptoms of marked demoralization and committed offences (theft); 2) 35 per cent could be called moderately maladjusted: they had been out of school or out of work longer than six months, had been frequently truant, and some of them also displayed other symptoms of maladjustment of a less marked order: 3) a relatively large group (36 per cent) were boys who by and large displayed only symptoms of school maladjustment, and symptoms of demoralization only sporadically. It should be added that the number of seriously maladjusted boys was much smaller in the one-year schools (25 per cent) than among those who had not completed the 7th grade and had been placed in the two-year schools (33 per cent). It is worth drawing attention to the fact that boys with various Raven scores and various achievement levels in basic subjects can be found in similar percentages both among the group of boys only  slightly socially maladjusted and the group of boys moderately or seriously maladjusted. However, the more socially maladjusted boys had worse home backgrounds than the others and no doubt suffered from greater personality disorders since they had already earlier caused more serious disciplinary problems. The greater degree of maladjustment among this groups of boys who had made bad progress at school was, therefore, affected by factors connected with personality and home background. It should be noted that 34 per cent of the subjects in 1967/68 and 33 per cent in 1968/69 came from broken homes. Fathers who were excessive drinkers (alcohol addicts among them) constituted 41 per cent of the total, and the number of brothers (over ten years of age) who displayed various symptoms of social maladjustment came to 30 per cent. Bad material conditions were found in almost half the homes of the subjects. The surveys revealed that the percentage of boys “out of school and out of work” who had appeared before juvenile courts was relatively small. Among the total number of subjects (432), only 28.4 per cent had been prosecuted before being directed to vocational school. In the period of attendance to vocational school and later a total of 39 boys were convicted, but only 14 of those had previous convictions. The percentage of boys brought to court rose only very slightly to 31.7 per cent, and it should be emphasized that the percentage of recidivists with three or more cases among the total number convicted came to only 24 per cent (including juvenile court appearances). A large majority of the subjects are therefore boys who were not seriously delinquent even though they displayed a whole series of symptoms of social maladjustment. The careers of the boys after placement in vocational schools are basically contingent on the degree of their social maladjustment, and only this, and not appearance in court, forms the proper criterion for assessing the difficulties encountered by efforts to normalize these boys. Although the subjects’ attendance at the vocational schools was not regular and there was a considerable degree of absenteeism from the practical training periods, while a large percentage (53 and 41 per cent in the two succeeding years) failed to complete the vocational course on time, follow-up studies showed that only a third of the subjects in 1967/68 and a fifth in 1968/69 had not subsequently continued their education or entered employment. These boys, in the case of whom attempts at rehabilitation had been wholly unsuccessful, did not exceed 25 per cent of the total of 432. Virtually all of them came from the group of subjects with serious prior social maladjustment who had long displayed advanced symptoms of demoralization.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1972, V; 32-83
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poczucie koherencji a style radzenia sobie ze stresem w grupie młodzieży nieprzystosowanej społecznie
Sense of Coherence and Stress-Coping Styles in the Group of Maladjusted Youth
Konaszewski, Karol
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
poczucie koherencji
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
sense of coherence
social maladjustment
Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie, czy poziom poczucia koherencji łączy się ze stylami radzenia sobie ze stresem w grupie osób badanych. Założono, że w grupie młodzieży nieprzystosowanej poczucie koherencji będzie korelowało pozytywnie ze strategiami radzenia sobie ze stresem opartymi na rozwiązywaniu problemów oraz poszukiwaniu kontaktów towarzyskich, natomiast negatywnie ze strategiami opartymi na ujawnianiu emocji. W badaniach zastosowano Kwestionariusz Orientacji Życiowej (SoC-29) i Kwestionariusz Radzenia Sobie w Sytuacjach Stresowych (CISS) W grupie młodzieży nieprzystosowanej współczynniki korelacji wskazują na umiarkowany, dodatni związek poczucia koherencji i jego trzech komponentów: poczucia zrozumiałości, poczucia zaradności, poczucia sensowności ze stylem skoncentrowanym na zadaniu. Wystąpiła również korelacja dodatnia pomiędzy ogólnym poczuciem koherencji a poszukiwaniem kontaktów towarzyskich. Istotne statystycznie współczynniki korelacji otrzymano również między stylem skoncentrowanym na emocjach a ogólnym poczuciem koherencji i jego trzema składnikami.
The objective of the article is the answer to the question if the level of the sense of coherence is linked with stress-coping styles in the group of subjects. It was assumed that in the group of maladjusted youth the sense of coherence would positively correlate with stress-coping strategies based on problem-solving and looking for social contacts, whereas negatively with strategies based on emotion display. The research employed the Life Orientation Questionnaire (SOC-29) and the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) Questionnaire. In the group of maladjusted youth, correlation coefficients indicate a moderate, positive relationship of the sense of coherence and its three components: a sense of comprehensibility, a sense of manageability and a sense of meaningfulness with a task-focused style. There was also a positive correlation between the general sense of coherence and looking for social contacts. Statistically significant correlation coefficients were also obtained between the emotion-focused style and the general sense of coherence and its three components.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2016, 12; 163-172
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poziom samooceny wychowanków młodzieżowych ośrodków socjoterapeutycznych
Nowak, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
social maladjustment
niedostosowanie społeczne
Samoocena jest jednym z zasobów osobistych warunkujących funkcjonowanie społeczne jednostki. Jej poziom i adekwatność odgrywają ważną rolę w procesie prawidłowej adaptacji społecznej dorastających. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było określenie poziomu samooceny młodzieży niedostosowanej społecznie. Grupę badawczą stanowiło łącznie 157 wychowanków młodzieżowych ośrodków socjoterapii. Zastosowano Skalę Samooceny Rosenberga (SES) w polskiej adaptacji Dzwonkowskiej i in. Postawiono pytania badawcze dotyczące poziomu samooceny w grupie respondentów ogółem oraz ze względu na oddziaływanie zmiennych socjodemograficznych, takich jak płeć, wiek, miejsce zamieszkania, status ekonomiczny rodziny i czas przebywania w placówce. Wyniki badań wykazały, że ogólny poziom samooceny młodzieży niedostosowanej społecznie jest niski, a w ramach przyjętych zmiennych jej moderatorem był wiek, miejsce zamieszkania i status ekonomiczny rodziny. Stwierdzono, że istotnie statystycznie niższy stopień samooceny cechuje młodzież niedostosowaną społecznie we wczesnym okresie adolescencji, pochodzącą z terenów powiatu i z rodzin o złej sytuacji materialnej. Dane na temat znaczenia poziomu samooceny dla funkcjonowania młodzieży niedostosowanej społecznie są niejednoznaczne, dlatego warto kontynuować badania w tym kierunku. Ich wyniki mogą sprzyjać podejmowaniu adekwatnych działań terapeutycznych i wychowawczo-resocjalizacyjnych w ośrodkach resocjalizacji dla młodzieży.
Self-esteem is one of the personal resources that determine an individual’s social functioning. Its level and adequacy play an important role in the process of proper social adaptation of adolescents. The aim of the study was to examine the level of self-esteem of socially maladjusted youth. The research group consisted of 157 mentees of youth sociotherapeutic centres. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES) was used in the Polish adaptation of Dzwonkowska et al. Research questions were posed regarding the level of self-esteem in the group of respondents in general and in view of the influence of socio-demographic variables such as gender, age, place of residence, family economic status and time spent in the institution. The results of the research showed that the overall level of self-esteem of socially maladjusted youth is low, while within the adopted variables its moderator was age, place of residence and family economic status. It was found that a statistically significantly lower level of self-esteem is characteristic of socially maladjusted socially maladjusted youth in early adolescence, coming from county areas and families with poor financial situation. The data on the significance of the level of self-esteem for the functioning of socially maladjusted youth are inconclusive, hence it is worth continuing research in this direction. Their results may foster adequate therapeutic and upbringing and re-socialisation measures in youth re-socialisation centres.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia; 2022, 35, 3; 171-191
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zachowania antyspołeczne a agresja młodzieży nieprzystosowanej i nieprzejawiającej deficytów zachowania
Sobczak, Sławomir
Zacharuk, Tamara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
anti-social behaviour
zachowania antyspołeczne
Celem badań było określenie różnic ze względu na przystosowanie i płeć oraz zależności pomiędzy zachowaniami antyspołecznymi a agresją. Badania przeprowadzono wśród młodzieży nieprzystosowanej i nieprzejawiającej deficytów w funkcjonowaniu społecznym na próbie 200-osobowej. Do analizy wykorzystano dwa narzędzia badawcze: Self-Report Delinquency Scale (skala wykolejenia) oraz Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (kwestionariusz agresji) w adaptacji polskiej. Badania wykazały, że określony poziom przystosowania społecznego młodzieży oddziałuje zarówno na zachowania antyspołeczne, jak i na agresję, zatem nieprzystosowanie społeczne charakteryzuje się równocześnie dużą częstością występowania zachowań antyspołecznych i wysokim natężeniem agresji. Zjawiska te występują niezależnie od płci – młode kobiety i mężczyźni nieprzystosowani społecznie cechują się tym samym spektrum wykolejenia i agresji, płeć nie różnicuje badanych symptomów nieprzystosowania. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, że im wyższy stopień agresji przejawia młodzież, tym bardziej wzmaga się natężenie zachowania antyspołecznego. Na podstawie estymacji krzywej należy stwierdzić, że niezależnie od tego, jaki stopień natężenia agresji przejawia młodzież, mogą wystąpić zachowania antyspołeczne, a syndrom agresji jedynie podnosi częstość występowania zachowań antyspołecznych (40% zdarzeń), natomiast wykolejenie społeczne młodzieży należy tłumaczyć innymi czynnikami niż agresja (60% zdarzeń).
The aim of the research was to determine differences due to adjustment, gender and dependencies between antisocial behaviours and aggression. The research was conducted on a sample of 200 adolescents who were maladjusted and did not show deficits in social functioning. Two research tools were used for the analysis: Self-Report Delinquency Scale and the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, translated into Polish. Research has shown that the level of adolescents’ social adaptation affects both anti-social behaviour and aggression, which means that social maladjustment is characterised both by a high frequency of antisocial behaviour and high degree of aggression. These phenomena occur irrespective of gender – both young women and men who are socially maladjusted are characterised by the same spectrum of derailment and aggression, i.e. gender does not affect the symptoms of maladjustment that were studied. The analyses show that the higher degree of aggression manifested by adolescents, the more intensified anti-social behaviour is. On the basis of curve estimation, it can be stated that regardless of the degree of aggression, adolescents may display antisocial behaviour and aggression syndrome will only increase the antisocial behaviour rate in 40% of cases, while the remaining 60% of the adolescent social derailment can be explained by factors other than aggression.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia; 2020, 33, 4; 263-290
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Skuza, Aneta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
interakcje, proces socjalizacji, syndrom nie przystosowania
interactions, socialization, social maladjustment
Człowiek rodzi się jako istota biologiczna, dopiero pod wpływem kultury określonego społeczeństwa staje się istotą społeczną. To właśnie kultura stanowi dla człowieka „coś” czego musi się „nauczyć” aby funkcjonować w określonym otoczeniu społecznym, a tym procesem, który „wprowadza” jednostkę w życie społeczne jest właśnie proces socjalizacji. Zatem jest to proces stawania się takim, jakim chce mieć nas nasze otoczenie społeczne. Nie mniej, treści społeczne, jakie przyswajamy sobie w toku procesu socjalizacji rzadko zapewniają funkcjonowanie, które byłoby całkowicie zgodne z wymaganiami społeczeństwa. Lecz samo społeczeństwo ustala też pewien stopień rozbieżności, którego przekraczanie uważa za mniej lub bardziej groźny objaw nieprzystosowania społecznego i zaburzenie procesu socjalizacji.
The man is born as the biological being, only under the influence of the culture of the determined society is becoming a social being. The culture just constitutes it for the man “something” of what they must “to teach” in order to function in determined social environment, but it with process, which “is leading” individual there is exactly a process of the socialization into the social life. And so it is process of happening so, with which our social environment wants to have us. Not less, social contents we are assimilating which in the course of the process rarely provide functioning which would match requirements of the society entirely for the socialization. But very society is also establishing certain degree of the divergence which crossing regards as the more or less dangerous manifestation of the social maladjustment and disturbing the process of the socialization.
Forum Pedagogiczne; 2012, 1; 225-257
Pojawia się w:
Forum Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Objawy i przyczyny zagrożenia niedostosowaniem społecznym dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
Lewandowska, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
niedostosowanie społeczne
pracy z uczniem zagrożonym niedostosowaniem
social maladjustment
methods of working
with a student at risk of maladjustment
Pojawiają się coraz to nowsze formy zaburzeń zachowania u małych dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym. Niektóre z nich mogą świadczyć o zagrożeniu niedostosowaniem społecznym dziecka. Artykuł prezentuje objawy i przyczyny niedostosowania w celu umożliwienia prowadzenia skutecznej profilaktyki niedostosowania społecznego już w placówkach przedszkolnych. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była także ocena poziomu wiedzy nauczycieli przedszkola dotyczącej niedostosowania społecznego małych dzieci. Do przeprowadzenia badań użyto metody sondażu. Nauczyciele udzielili anonimowych odpowiedzi na przygotowanych wcześniej kwestionariuszach. To pozwoliło na zebranie wielu szczerych opinii na temat niedostosowania społecznego małych dzieci. Zebrane informacje pozwoliły dostrzec, że zjawisko niedostosowania społecznego jest coraz powszechniejsze w placówkach przedszkolnych. W przedszkolach wciąż brakuje możliwości poznawania środowiska domowego ucznia, a jest to konieczne, aby móc postawić prawidłową diagnozę. Wielu nauczycieli nie dostrzega w zaburzeniach zachowania dziecka objawów niedostosowania społecznego. Dlatego konieczne jest dalsze badanie tego zjawiska i uświadamianie wychowawcom jego wagi.
More and more new forms of behavioral disorders appear in young preschool children. Some of them may indicate the threat of a child’s social maladjustment. The article presents the symptoms and causes of maladjustment in order to enable effective prevention of social maladjustment in pre-school institutions. The aim of the research was also to measure the level of knowledge of preschool teachers about social maladjustment of young children. The survey method was used to do the research. Teachers gave anonymous answers to previously prepared questionnaires. This allowed to gather a lot of honest opinions about the social maladjustment of young children. The collected information has allowed to see that the phenomenon of social maladjustment is becoming more and more common in kindergarten institutions. Kindergartens still lack the opportunity to explore the student’s home environment, and this is necessary to be able to make the correct diagnosis. Many teachers do not see any signs of social maladjustment in their child’s behavioral disorders. Therefore, further investigation of this phenomenon is necessary and making educators aware of its importance.
Journal of Modern Science; 2021, 46, 1; 175-189
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Honor Stirna: morderstwo, szaleństwo i normy społeczne w osiemnastowiecznym Londynie
Dobrowolski, Paweł T.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Osiemnastowieczny Londyn stawał się miastem wielu mniejszości wyznaniowych i etnicznych. Artykuł na podstawie akt sądowych i relacji prasowych opisuje przypadek niemieckiego imigranta, który popełnił morderstwo, a potem targnął się na własne życie. Narracje poświęcone tej sprawie ukazują wyzwania akulturacji i mechanizmy społecznej alienacji w rynkowo zorientowanym wielkomiejskim środowisku. London of the eighteenth century was becoming a city of confessional and ethnic diversity. Based on court and press reports, this article investigates a case of a German immigrant, who committed murder followed with a suicide. The narratives related to this case speak of aculturation challenges and mechanisms of social alienation, which were played out in a market-oriented urban environment.
Kwartalnik Historyczny; 2017, 124, 3
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Historyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interpretacja wartości i norm społecznych przez młodzież - analiza porównawcza
Florczykiewicz, Janina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
values, social standards, youth, social maladjustment
normy społeczne
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
The issue showed in the text is about social values and standards considered as a social control factor. Their internalization is an expression of the level of moral development. It conditions the observation of social cohabitation rules.        The presented researches show an issue of subjective interpretation of values and standards, comparative analysis declared by socially adapted and unadapted youth values. The results widen the knowledge of the range of youth values system and its connections with Social Maladjustment and show directions of youth educational interactions. 
Podjęta w tekście problematyka dotyczy wartości i norm społecznych rozpatrywanych jako czynniki kontroli społecznej. Ich internalizacja jest wyrazem poziomu rozwoju moralnego, warunkując przestrzeganie zasad współżycia społecznego. W prezentowanych badaniach podjęto problem subiektywnej interpretacji wartości i norm, dokonano analizy porównawczej wartości deklarowanych przez młodzież przystosowaną i nieprzystosowaną społecznie. Otrzymane rezultaty poszerzają wiedzę w zakresie systemu wartości młodzieży i jej powiązań z nieprzystosowaniem społecznym oraz wskazują na kierunki oddziaływań wychowawczych na młodzież.
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny; 2016, 35, 2
Pojawia się w:
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doświadczenia zawodowe osób rozpoczynających studia na kierunkach społecznych Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego w kontekście niedopasowania behawioralnego
Professional experience of people beginning social studies at the University of Zielona Góra in the context of behavioural maladjustment
Nyćkowiak, Justyna
Kołodziej, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
rynek pracy
doświadczenie zawodowe
niedopasowanie behawioralne
labour market
professional experience
behavioural maladjustment
Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie o to, w jakim zakresie osoby dokonujące wyboru kierunku studiów, uwzględniają rzeczywistą sytuację na rynku pracy i jej zmiany. Przedstawione analizy są próbą określenia stopnia niedopasowania behawioralnego rozumianego jako nieumiejętność stosowania, adekwatnych do sytuacji na rynku pracy, strategii działania. Zakłada się, że studenci posiadający doświadczenia zawodowe przed rozpoczęciem studiów skłonni byli dokonywać wyboru kierunku w oparciu o inne kryteria niż studenci, którzy takich doświadczeń nie mieli. Doświadczenia zawodowe z okresu przed podjęciem studiów wyższych mogą sprzyjać sytuacji, w której wybór kierunku studiów jest nieprzemyślany lub wskazuje na nieumiejętność wybrania adekwatnej strategii rozwoju zawodowego. W przypadku wyborów dokonywanych przez studentów kierunków społecznych, umiejętność trafnej oceny sytuacji na rynku pracy może budzić wątpliwości. Badanych studentów pierwszych lat można, na podstawie ich deklaracji o doświadczeniach zawodowych, podzielić na cztery kategorie: (1) posiadających doświadczenia zawodowe przed podjęciem studiów i kontynuujących pracę podczas studiów, (2) posiadających doświadczenia zawodowe przed podjęciem studiów i nie kontynuujących pracy podczas studiów, (3) nie posiadających doświadczeń zawodowych przed podjęciem studiów i podejmujących pracę podczas studiów i (4) nie posiadających doświadczeń zawodowych przed podjęciem studiów i nie podejmujących pracy podczas studiów. Ocena umiejętności wyboru adekwatnej do sytuacji na rynku pracy strategii rozwoju zawodowego będzie różna dla każdej z wyodrębnionych kategorii studentów.
The article is an attempt to answer the question of the extent to which people making the choice of studies take into account the real situation on the labour market and its changes. Presented analyses try to determine the level of behavioural maladjustment understood as inability of applying action strategies which are adequate to the situation on the labour market. It is assumed that the students with prior professional experience were willing to make a choice of studies based on different criteria than the students with no experience. Professional experience from the period prior to university can promote a situation in which the choice of studies is unconsidered or indicates inability of choosing an adequate strategy of professional development. In the case of choices made by the students of social subject areas, the ability of accurate assessment of the situation on the labour market may raise doubts. The examined first year students may be divided, based on their declaration of professional experience, into four categories: (1) those with prior professional experience and continuing to work while studying, (2) those with prior professional experience and not continuing to work while studying, (3) those without prior professional experience and taking up employment while studying and (4) those without prior professional experience and not taking up employment while studying. Evaluation of ability to choose a professional development strategy adequate to the situation on the labour market is different for each identified category of students.
Rocznik Lubuski; 2014, 40, 2a; 137-152
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Lubuski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Kariery małych dewiantów”, czyli fenomen wykluczania dzieci przedszkolnych, zagrożonych niedostosowaniem społecznym na wczesnych etapach edukacji
„Careers of young delinquents”, i.e. the phenomenon of excluding pre-school children who are at risk of social maladjustment during the early stages of education
Michel, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
wykluczenie społeczne
teoria gier
niedostosowanie społeczne
Social exclusion
game theory
social maladjustment
Artykuł zawiera prezentację badań na temat procesu wykluczania społecznego z pierwszego etapu edukacji dzieci zagrożonych niedostosowaniem społecznym. Autorka prezentuje stosowane przez nauczycieli wychowania przedszkolnego strategie wykluczania i taktyki eliminacji dzieci, które sprawiają trudności wychowawcze. Autorka dokonuje analizy danych zgodnie z metodologią teorii ugruntowanej w kontekście teorii gier.
The article presents research on the process of social exclusion from the first stage of the education of children at risk of social maladjustment. The author presents strategies and tactics used by teachers of preschool education to eliminate the exclusion of children who cause educational problems. The author analyzes the data in accordance with the methodology of grounded theory in the context of game theory.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2014, 7; 101-116
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zarys współczesnej koncepcji resocjalizacji – metodyka i ogólne zasady
Outline of the Contemporary Concept of Resocialization – Methodology and General Principles
Brzezińska-Rybicka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
niedostosowanie społeczne
social maladjustment
Nie istnieją uniwersalne i bezwzględnie skuteczne metody resocjalizacji zarówno w odniesieniu do dorosłych sprawców przestępstw, przebywających w zakładach karnych, jak i młodych osób sprawiających problemy wychowawcze. Postępowanie resocjalizacyjne powinno mocno akcentować konieczność działań kreacyjnych, związanych z rozwojowym potencjałem jednostki. Metodyka resocjalizacji stanowi zbiór zasad i reguł procesu wychowawczo-korekcyjnego, związany z dorosłymi sprawcami przestępstw, a także dziećmi i młodzieżą niedostosowaną społecznie lub zagrożoną takim niedostosowaniem, w kontekście uwarunkowań osobowościowych i środowiskowych. Metodyka pracy resocjalizacyjnej mocno powiązana jest z wieloma dyscyplinami nauki, takimi jak psychologia, socjologia, medycyna i prawo. Integralną częścią metodycznego podejścia do resocjalizacji jest przestrzeganie fundamentalnych zasad wychowania resocjalizującego.
There are no universal and absolutely effective methods of resocialization, both in relation to adult perpetrators of crimes, staying in prisons, as well as young people who cause educational problems. Social rehabilitation should strongly emphasize the need for creative activities related to the developmental potential of the individual. Methodology of resocialization is a set of principles and rules of the educational-corrective process, associated with adult perpetrators of crimes, as well as children and young people who are socially maladjusted or endangered by such maladjustment, in the context of personality and environmental conditions. Methodology of resocialization work is strongly associated with many fields of science, such as: psychology, sociology, medicine and law. An integral part of the methodological approach to resocialization is the observance of the fundamental principles of resocialization education.
Roczniki Pedagogiczne; 2019, 11(47), Numer specjalny; 109-130
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyniki badań 110 dziewcząt “nie uczących się i nie pracujących”
Findings of the Research among Girls
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Kossowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
badania kryminologiczne
social maladjustment
criminological research
The publication presents the findings of an inquiry conducted among 110 girls aged 15 - 17 who had been directed, on the grounds of being “out of school and out of work”, to two one-year vocational schools in Warsaw (catering and clothing). All the girls enrolled in these schools were the subjects of the study. The first point to be established was whether the girls classified as “out of school and out of work” had in fact not been attending school or gainfully employed for a longer period of time prior to admission. In point of fact the job question did not really enter the picture since almost all the subjects had never yet been employed, partly on account of their age: only 31 per cent of them had reached their 17th birthday at the time of the inquiry. Most of them had previously been attending school, while the period of idleness was as a rule very short: as many as 70 per cent had been in attendance until the end of the preceding school year and had found themselves without a place at the beginning of the new one. The number which had quit or interrupted school attendance in the course of the preceding school year came to 24 per cent; only 6 per cent had longer breaks in schooling of a year or more. However, if we forego this formal criterion of non-attendance and take into account not only failure to enroll in a school, but also systematic truancy, it turns out that the number not attending school is much larger: two-thirds of the subjects had either left school or, though nominally in attendance had in fact been systematically truant in the course of the preceding school year. The question of the criteria employed to classify young people as “out of school and out of work” merits special emphasis because, as we shall see, it was systematic staying away from school though nominally enrolled rather than brief official breaks in attendance which proved bad prediction for subsequent adjustment in the one-year vocational school. Two-thirds of the girl subjects had fallen behind in elementary school, and among 46 per cent this retardation came to at least two years. The school retardation of the subjects was not only much greater than the general rate among children in the higher grades of elementary school in Poland, but also greater than among boy subjects attending analogous one-year vocational schools. So large a degree of school retardation prompts the question whether poor progress was not due to the diminished intelligence level of the subjects. This point was examined with the help of Raven’s Progressive Matrices, tests of achievement in basic subjects, and the opinions obtained from teachers at the schools which the subjects had previously attended. A large percentage of the girls (41 per cent) had low and very low Raven scores (under 25 percentiles). Girls attending one-year vocational schools had far worse scores than average school children, and worse ones than boys attending one-year vocational schools and even than boys attending two-year vocational schools. These Raven scores must be put into the context of data obtained by other means. As had been said, tests were made of the level of achievement in basic subjects (Polish and mathematics). The percentage of subjects who displayed a very low level of achievement was greater than the percentage with low and very low Raven scores. The girls attending one-year vocational schools differed markedly in level of achievement from the control group of elementary school children. Additional information on the abilities of the subjects was obtained from questionnaires answered by teachers at the schools which these girls had previously attended. On this evidence, more of them were found to be “dull” than had been suggested by their Raven scores. The variations in the data obtained from different sources require clarification. Raven’s Progressive Matrices test only certain abilities (reasoning visual perception) important to learning. But there are also a number of other abilities which play a part in progress at school (e.g. memory, audial perception, verbal abilities) and deficiencies where these are concerned might have contributed to the low scores of the subjects in the tests of achievement and to the teachers’ estimates of their abilities. The failures or difficulties of a part of the subjects at school might have been connected with disturbances in these particular learning abilities. But they might equally well have been due to personality factors or – and this seems especially important given the evidence obtained in interviews – to considerable neglect at home. The school retardation of the subjects, their achievement level, their low Raven scores and the teachers’ opinions of their poor abilities are all signs that their being “out of school and out of work” was clearly bound up with failures at school and objective difficulties with learning. The next question was the degree of social maladjustment of the subjects. Only a small number of the girls (18 per cent) had no record of considerable school retardation, presented no particular problems of conduct at school, and displayed no symptoms of social maladjustment. The biggest quantitative problem among the subjects were the girls (almost half) who only manifested evidence of maladjustment as regards school work, i.e. retardation of two or more years, systematic truancy, and repeated discontinuance of school attendance. Only a third of the girls were found, however, to have other symptoms of social maladjustment: keeping demoralized company, running away from home, excessive drinking, stealing and suspected sexual promiscuity. It was only these girls in whom the relevant symptom or symptoms had occurred frequently or jointly that were classified as socially maladjusted. It should be added, however, that only three of the girls had been previously convicted, only 10 per cent were found to have committed thefts and only 10 per cent were suspected of sexual promiscuity. These percentages are insignificant when compared to those found in girls brought before the courts. However, for a third of the girls to reveal evidence of social maladjustment constitutes a relatively large proportion if it is compared with the degree of social maladjustment found in an average schoolgirl population. In the inquiry a comparison was made of the girls who displayed only symptoms of maladjustment at school (notably considerable school retardation) with those whose behaviour indicated evidence of social maladjustment as well. It was found that the subjects in the latter category tended indeed to come more frequently from adverse home environments and were more often described by school teachers as excitable, restless and aggressive. Although systematic truancy has in this study been placed under the heading of maladjustment at school, it proved in fact to be more frequent among the socially maladjusted girls than those who displayed only school maladjustment. This fact, as well as evidence of a connection between social maladjustment and certain personality features, suggest that it is not difficulties and failures at school as such, but the modes of reaction to them that lead to major maladjustment. The next point tackled by the inquiry related to the environmental, health and personality factors behind the subjects’ non-attendance of school and lack of employment. Here the data was obtained by means of background interviews and interviews with 62 of the girls who qualified most obviously for the designation of “out of school and out of work” on account of interrupted school attendance and systematic truancy. Of these 62 girts, as many as 44 per cent came from broken homes. Among their families there was a high incidence (47 per cent) of excessive drinking by the father. A third of the fathers had criminal convictions and in 30 per cent of the families there were brothers with convictions. This data indicates that the girls who were “out of school and out of work” had frequently been brought up in homes which constituted socially negative educative environments and got their children off to a bad start in life. Health data showed that 29 per cent of the girls “out of school and out of work” had suffered various protracted illnesses resulting in long absences from school which could have led to low achievement level. Hospital or sanatorium treatment had been prescribed at some time for 44 per cent. The interviews afforded grounds for suspecting that 23 per cent had suffered brain damage. These are all factors which interfere with progress at school. But they are obstacles which could have been more easily overcome if the girls could have counted on the help and care of their families; in the home environment in which many of the subjects grew up, on the other hand, they formed serious barriers to normal results at school. Finally progress at school has been analysed in 110 pupils attending one-year schools as well as their accomplishment in a successive year. A total of 40 per cent of the subjects attended the one-year vocational schools very irregularly, cutting over a quarter of the days of instruction. This poor attendance record had a statistically significant interdependence with systematic truancy in the preceding school year (though insignificant with the break in school attendance prior to enrolment in the one-year vocational school). This indicates that truancy schould be regarded by schools as a particularly urgent warning to pay greater attention to the children involved. Irregular attendance of the one-year vocational schools was also connected with social maladjustment in the period preceding admission. The girls with the greatest degree of social maladjustment were the ones who found it hardest to adapt in the vocational schools. A year after the end of the school year in which the inquiry was conducted, follow-up interviews were made in order to see if the former pupils of the one year vocational schools were still attending school or gainfully employed. It was found that almost half the girls were continuing their education and 29 per cent were working (half of them in jobs matching their vocational qualifications); only about a fifth were “out of school and out of work”. The reasons they gave for this varied and in certain cases the fact that they were neither attending school nor working was clearly justified by special circumstances.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1972, V; 84-117
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozmiary nieprzystosowania społecznego uczniów warszawskich szkół podstawowych
The extent of social maladjustment among children of Warsaw elementary schools
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
szkoła podstawowa
uczniowie warszawscy
nieprzystosowanie szkolne
spożywanie alkoholu
social maladjustment
primary school
Warsaw students
school maladjustment
alcohol consumption
In the school year 1976/77 the Department of Criminology, Institute of State and Law, Polish Academy of Sciences, began research whose object was - among others - to ascertain the extent of social maladjustment among children from Warsaw elementary schools. As socially maladjusted were recognized children, whose behavior was characterized by a complex of comparatively persistent symptoms pointing to inobservance by those children of fundamental rules of behavior obligatory for the youth of this age (that is, truancy, hour-long gallivating round the streets without control, keeping company of demoralized colleagues, thefts, running away from home, drinking, taking drugs, sexual demoralization, vandalism, aggression). In the study were included all children of 3rd- 8th grades of 50 elementary schools in Warsaw: it was a random sample from all schools of this type in the city. There were over 600 classes included in the study, with the total of 17,662 children aged 9- 15.             The main object of the study was to find out how many children with the symptoms of social maladjustment there are among the pupils of grades 3- 8. It was to be achieved by obtaining information from the teachers about those among their pupils whose behavior covered by the definition of social maladjustment as presented above.             The extent of social maladjustment among the children of Warsaw elementary schools was found to be substantial, as there were 6.5% of socially maladjusted children in the classes examined (10% of the boys and 2.7% of the girls). The extent is greater in the higher grades (there were as many as 15.4% of socially maladjusted boys and 4.4% of such girls in the 8th grade), and lower in the lower grades (respectively 7.4% of boys and 1.4% of girls in the 3rd grade). From the 7th grade an exceptionally distinct increase is pronounced.             The percentage of boys revealing symptoms of social maladjustment is 3,7 times higher than that of girls. Among girls, there is a more pronounced increase in the extent of social maladjustment in higher grades as compared with lower grades, than it is the case among boys. Among the eldest girls the symptoms of social maladjustment intensified than among the eldest boys.             The study revealed also large differences in the extent of social maladjustment among different schools. The percentage of socially maladjusted children ranged from 2.3% in the ’’best” school to 17% in the "worst" one. The classes in the "worsts" schools were found to be smaller than those in the “best” ones where the disclosure of a smaller number of socially maladjustment children could have been connected with the poorer acquaintance of the teachers with their pupils in larger classes. The districts of the “worst” schools were also often defined by the head-masters as "difficult”, that is inhabited by families estimated by them as unfavorable educational environment.             The definition of social maladjustment assumed in the study revealed first of all the children who: gallivanted (77% of socially maladjusted boys and 75% of girls), played truant (70% of boys and 79% of girls), kept company of demoralized colleagues (55 and 44% respectively). The next most frequently occurring type of behavior was stealing (1/3 of boys and 1/5 of girls), while it was seldom that the children with the symptoms of social maladjustment were considered as drinking alcohol (merely 16% of boys and 14% of girls), which result not only from the fact that the children start drinking in the higher grades, but also from the teachers being only poorly informed as to the extent of drinking among their pupils. Running away from home occurs seldom among the socially maladjusted children (13% of boys and 15% of girls), as well as the symptoms of sexual demoralization (which were, however, found in as many as 20% of socially maladjusted girls from the highest grade, and in only 5% of boys from this grade); the teachers gave no information whatever as to the taking of drugs by socially maladjusted children.             In the obtained picture of social maladjustment among school children there was a variety of the types of behavior regarded as symptoms of maladjustment; the intercorrelations between separate symptoms were not strong. Connections between these symptoms are more frequent and stronger in the case of children from higher grades, in whom the process of social maladjustment is more intense. The child from the 3rd grade defined as socially maladjusted is first of all a neglected child: gallivanting, playing truant, keeping company of demoralized colleagues, often behaving aggressively. Among the 8th grade children a larger cumulation of various types of behavior was found and also other symptoms were noted much more frequently. In the lower grades, truancy is the behavior which initiates and intensifies the process of social maladjustment: among those playing truant the cumulation of other symptoms can be found much more often than among other children. In the case of older boys, it is the company of demoralized colleagues that acquires the initiating and intensifying role in the process of social maladjustment.. It increases and shapes aggressive attitudes, provides patterns and encouragement to drinking alcohol, and is also conducive to gallivanting, stealing and sexual demoralization.             According to the teachers, the majority (over 2/3) of the socially maladjusted children had severe learning problems, which had distinct repercussion on their unsatisfactory school progress. Such children were termed maladjusted to school education. Apart from the socially maladjusted children, the teachers also named 6,2% of boys and 3,5% of girls from the examined classes as revealing symptoms of school maladjustment. Every sixth boy from the classes included in the study was socially maladjusted or maladjusted to school, and every sixteenth girl. As the children grew up, there was a trend to cumulation of the symptoms of social and school maladjustment in them. Among the socially maladjusted boys from the lowest grades, an essential dependence was found between their reading and writing problems and their truancy, which - as stated above - initiates the process of social maladjustment in these grades. When asked about the causes of the child’s learning problems, which occur among the half of socially maladjusted children, the teachers indicated the insufficient care at home and bad family situation as the cause. Among boys, this cause is particularly important in the case of socially maladjusted children from lower grades (2/3 of all cases), and diminishes in the higher grades when - according to the teachers - it is the child himself who is to blame, particularly for his laziness.             According to the teachers, among the families of socially maladjusted children those are prevailing who - for various reasons - are incapable of coping with their protective and educational tasks. Among the socially maladjusted children, the contribution of those from incomplete families (approximately 1/3 of the families of socially maladjusted boys and as many as 42.2% of the families of girls) and those brought up by mothers alone (approximately 1/4 of boys and 1/3 of girls) is much greater than in the average population. The degree of education of the parents is usually low with physical workers prevailing, and while the fathers usually have some professional training, the majority of mothers have no profession at all. In the families examined both parents usually work out of home (which is typical of a Polish urban family).             In the families of over 1/3 of maladjusted boys and nearly 1/2 of girls, there are conditions that decided about their distinct socially deprived character as educational environment. According to the teachers, alcoholism or excessive drinking of one of the parent accurs in over 1/3 of these families. The family background of socially maladjusted girls is more socially negative than this of boys. The intensity of negative characteristics of the environment was particularly explicit among the children whose social and school maladjustment symptoms were cumulated.             The majority of socially maladjusted children had learning problems concerning at least two school subjects. The majority had also problems in learning to read and write and were still below the level of their grade at the time of the study as regards their command of these skills which are essential for school education.             Protective and educational activities undertaken by schools in respect of socially maladjusted children are minimal as compared with the needs. Only 10% of boys and 15% of girls visit day-rooms or day stay-in schools. As few as 11% of boys and 8% of girls attend youth clubs in the culture clubs. While the day-rooms and day stay-in schools are visited by children from worse family environment, usually those taken better care of in their families attend youth clubs.             A large part (approximately 2/3) of socially maladjusted children were included in the "summer holiday action” and participated in holiday camps. Also, regarding a large part of them psychologists and educators were consulted; however, the teachers await assistance of guidance centre not only in the form of diagnosis but also of a long-term treatment of maladjusted child and his family.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1982, VIII-IX; 191-231
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Matusek, Beata
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas
niedostosowanie społeczne,
zagrożenie niedostosowaniem społecznym,
kształcenie specjalne,
orzeczenie o potrzebie kształcenia specjalnego
social maladjustment,
the threat of social maladjustment,
special education,
a certificate of special education
Opracowanie porusza zagadnienia związane z pracą z uczniem zagrożonym niedostosowaniem społecznym w szkole podstawowej. W publikacji wskazano różnice pomiędzy niedostosowaniem społecznym a zagrożeniem niedostosowania społecznego, symptomy niedostosowania społecznego, zasady organizowania pomocy psychologiczno- -pedagogicznej uczniom zagrożonym niedostosowaniem społecznym na terenie szkoły, poruszono kwestię działalności poradni psychologiczno-pedagogicznych oraz orzecznictwa, dokonano przeglądu testów diagnostycznych stosowanych w poradniach, wskazano cele i zadania zajęć o charakterze socjoterapeutycznym. Opracowanie uzupełnia zagadnienie współpracy szkoły z instytucjami i placówkami oświatowymi, podejmowanej w celu niwelowania zagrożenia niedostosowaniem społecznym.
This work presents issues connected with the work with students who are at risk of social maladjustment in primary school. The publication pointed out the differences between social maladjustment and the threat of it, paid attention to the symptoms of social maladjustment, discussed the principles of organizing the psychological and pedagogical help for students at risk of social maladjustment in their schools, described the work of psychological and pedagogical clinics. Diagnostic tests used in clinics were examined, tests and goals of socio-therapeutic activities were established. There is also some information about the cooperation between schools and other educational institutions undertaken to help reduce the risk of social maladjustment.
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Humanitas. Pedagogika; 2015, 10; 145-157
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Humanitas. Pedagogika
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Symptoms of youth social maladjustment. New tendencies
Kamiński, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
social maladjustment
social changes
posts for juveniles
disorder of behavioral disorder
The contemporary socioeconomic transformations in a fundamental way impinge on the shift of displaying social maladjustment among young people. The forms of social activities of, the adolescents undergo a transformation along with dynamics of the current social progress. Some youth, as a consequence of their behaviour and state of demoralization, become subjects of judicial proceedings and sanctions, such as residential rehabilitation or correctional centers. In order to capture the tendencies of youth’s social maladjustment a behavior research was carried out among 120 pupils sentenced by court to a youth care center. The author has undertaken a research indicating, the evolving modes of the youth’s social functioning and the diagnosed symptoms of their social maladjustment have been captured and researched by the author of this paper.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2016, 7, 2; 189-198
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Factors Reducing the Risk of Social Maladjustment: A Narrative Approach to Adolescent Identity Formation
Haertlé, Izabella
Oleś, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
narrative approach
identity processing styles
life story interview
self-confrontation method
The research aimed to check if the construction of narrative identity by adolescents at risk of maladjustment contributes to their adaptive social functioning. It also aimed to identify factors related to identity on which the adjustment of adolescents at risk of social maladjustment depends. A natural experiment was conducted in Poland among youths from sociotherapy centres (n = 60, aged 18–20 years, 33 women and 27 men). A group of graduates at these centres (n = 31, aged 21–24 years, 17 women and 14 men) was included in the exploratory study and compared with the group of students in terms of maladjustment, ego-resiliency, and identity. The experiment shows that the construction of a narrative identity through a life story interview contributes to better social adaptation, which means a lower risk of maladjustment. The diffuse-avoidant identity style predisposes to maladjustment, whereas ego-resiliency is associated with a higher level of adjustment. Thus the narrative interview method can find application in the therapy of adolescents at risk of maladjustment.
Roczniki Psychologiczne; 2023, 26, 1; 47-65
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Psychologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fenomen resilience u młodzieży zagrożonej niedostosowaniem społecznym a aktywne uczestnictwo w procesie arteterapii w dobie XXI w. – na przykładzie projektu szkolnej telewizji
Chrzanowski, Bartłomiej
Prajzner, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
art therapy
film therapy
social maladjustment
niedostosowanie społeczne
Artykuł dotyczy formy arteterapii, która jest stosowana w pracy z młodzieżą zagrożoną niedostosowaniem społecznym. Umieszczenie rozważań w koncepcji rezyliencji umożliwiło wychwycenie i scharakteryzowanie wychowanków zainteresowanych udziałem w filmoterapii od wychowanków niezainteresowanych uczestnictwem w zajęciach terapeutycznych. Badania przeprowadzono w paradygmacie ilościowym metodą sondażu diagnostycznego i techniką ankiety. Mając na uwadze obraną metodologię badań użyto Kwestionariusz Nastawień Intrapersonalnych, Interpersonalnych i Nastawień wobec Świata. W oparciu o wykorzystane do badań narzędzie sformułowano dwa pytania badawcze. Pierwsze z nich odnosiło się do istnienia różnic w nasileniu relacji ze światem, samym sobą i innymi ludźmi między wychowankami podejmującymi i niepodejmującymi aktywności w zajęciach z arteterapii filmowej. Drugie pytanie badawcze dotyczyło istniejących interkorelacji w obszarach relacji ze światem, samym sobą i innymi ludźmi w grupach wychowanków podejmujących i niepodejmujących aktywności w zajęciach z arteterapii. Otrzymane rezultaty wskazują na większe poczucie zaradności życiowej, satysfakcjonujące funkcjonowanie społeczne i wyższy poziom atrakcyjności fizycznej. Odnotowana w badaniach agresja nie przekładała się w sposób negatywny na uczestnictwo w terapii.
The article concerns a form of art therapy, which has found its application in work with young people at risk of social maladjustment. Putting the considerations into the concept of resilience made it possible to capture and characterize traits in youth participating in film therapy from youth not interested in participating in therapeutic classes. The research was conducted in the quantitative paradigm using the diagnostic survey method and the questionnaire technique. The Questionnaire on Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Attitudes and those Towards the World has been applied. The research was based on two questions. The first of them referred to the existence of differences in the intensity of relations with the world, oneself and other people between pupils undertaking and not taking up activity in film art therapy classes. The second research question concerned the existing intercorrelations in the areas of relations with the world, with oneself and other people in groups of charges undertaking and not undertaking activities in art therapy classes. The obtained results indicate a greater sense of resourcefulness in life, satisfactory social functioning and a higher level of physical attractiveness. The aggression noted in the research did not negatively translate into participation in the therapy.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia; 2022, 35, 3; 193-208
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Psychospołeczne uwarunkowania ucieczek z domu w grupie młodzieży objętej opiniowaniem sądowo-psychologicznym
Psychosocial determinants of running away from home in the group of adolescents undergoing psychological assessment in the court proceedings
Błażek, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej. Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych
social maladjustment
runaway youth
juvenile delinquency
niedostosowanie społeczne
ucieczki z domu
przestępczość nieletnich
Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie funkcjonowania społecznego i psychologicznego młodzieży dokonującej ucieczek z domu, której celem było głębsze zrozumienie tego zjawiska w warunkach polskich w odniesieniu do grupy młodzieży objętej postępowaniem sądowym. Ucieczki z domu są wymieniane wśród czynników zwiększających ryzyko utrwalenia zaburzeń zachowania, a ich konsekwencje obejmują negatywne doświadczenia emocjonalne, zaburzenia rozwoju osobowościowego, kontakt ze środowiskiem osób niedostosowanych społecznie, popadanie w uzależnienia od środków psychoaktywnych, narażenie na przemoc itp. Badaniu poddano grupę 151 młodych ludzi opiniowanych sądowo-psychologicznie w wieku od 11 do 18 lat (M = 15,42, SD = 1,36), w której dziewczęta stanowiły 62,3% (n = 94), a chłopcy 37,7% (n = 57). Analizę psychospołecznych uwarunkowań ucieczek z domu prowadzono z uwzględnieniem płci i wieku badanych w obszarze przejawów niedostosowania społecznego, relacji społecznych, charakterystyki środowiska rodzinnego, w tym narażenia na przemoc. Wyniki wskazują na istnienie szeregu intersujących zależności i wieloczynnikowe uwarunkowanie ucieczek z domu. Czynniki kontrolowane w badaniu mogą stanowić podstawę formułowania programów prewencyjnych ukierunkowanych na młodzież szczególnie zagrożoną ucieczkami.
The article presents the analysis of social and psychological functioning of young people who run away from home. The aim of this analysis was deeper understanding of this phenomenon in the group of young Polish people undergoing psychological court assessment. Runs away from home are mentioned among the factors increasing the risk of persistence of behavioral disorders, and their consequences include negative emotional experiences, personality development disorders, contact with the environment of socially maladjusted people, becoming addicted to psychoactive substances, exposure to violence, etc. The study involved a group of 151 young people subjected to forensic psychological assessment at the age from 11 to 18 years (M = 15.42, SD = 1.36), with n = 94 (62,3%) girls, and n = 57 (37,7%) boys. The analysis of the psychosocial characteristic was carried out taking into account the gender and age of the respondents in the area of symptoms of social maladjustment, social relations, characteristics of the family environment, including exposure to violence. The results indicate the existence of a number of interesting relationships and multi-factor conditioning of escapes from home. The factors controlled in the study may form the basis for the formulation of preventive programs targeting young people particularly at risk of running away.
Colloquium; 2020, 12, 4; 5-24
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka pasożytnictwa społecznego: aspekty kryminologiczne
Problems of "social parasitism": criminological aspects
Kossowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
aspekty kryminologiczne
social parasitism
criminological aspects
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1985, XII; 113-118
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zniekształcenia poznawcze i ich restrukturyzacja w procesie resocjalizacji młodzieży nieprzystosowanej społecznie
Cognitive Distortions and their Restructuring in the Social Rehabilitation Process of Socially Maladjusted Adolescents
Mudrecka, Irena
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
zniekształcenia poznawcze
restrukturyzacja poznawcza
social maladjustment of youth
cognitive distortions
cognitive restructurization
W świetle koncepcji poznawczych istotną przyczyną problemów przystosowawczych są dezadaptacyjne zniekształcenia poznawcze, polegające na przypisywaniu swoim doświadczeniom znaczenia w sposób niedokładny lub skrzywiony. Identyfikacja zniekształceń poznawczych u jednostek nieprzystosowanych społecznie umożliwia wychowawcom resocjalizacyjnym rozpoznanie przyczyn ich problemów w procesie przystosowania się do warunków środowiskowych oraz zrozumienie specyfiki ich funkcjonowania społecznego. Jednocześnie pozwala na dostosowanie metod oddziaływania resocjalizującego do popełnianych zniekształceń.
In the light of the cognitive concepts significant cause of adaptation problems are maladaptive cognitive distortions consisting in assigning significance your experience as inaccurate or skewed. Identification of cognitive distortions in unsocial individuals allows resocialization educators identify the causes of their problems in the process of adaptation to environmental conditions and to understand the nature of their social functioning. At the same time allows you to adjust the methods of resocialization influence for committed distortion.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2015, 9; 13-25
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wartości chrześcijańskie a przystosowanie i niedostosowanie społeczne współczesnego młodego pokolenia
Christian Values in Relation to Social adjustment and Maladjustment of the Contemporary Youth
Jusiak, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
wartości chrześcijańskie
przystosowanie społeczne
niedostosowanie społeczne
Christian values
social adjustment
social maladjustment
Wartości odgrywają ważną rolę w życiu każdego człowieka, przy czym ważną sprawą jest, jakie wartości człowiek przyjmuje oraz jaką ma ich hierarchię. W chrześcijaństwie u podstaw przyjmowania wartości leży zrozumienie ich treści oraz znaczenia dla integralnego rozwoju osobowego i tworzenia dobra wspólnego. Należy więc zwrócić szczególną uwagę, aby młode pokolenie świadomie przyjmowało wartości chrześcijańskie, ukazując ich walor i mądrość oraz korzyści indywidualne i społeczne z ich przyjęcia (akceptacji) i praktycznego wcielania wżycie. Młodość jest szczególnym okresem życia i należy zmierzać, aby ona świadomie akceptowała wartości chrześcijańskie, tłumacząc ich sens, wyjaśniając znaczenie i uzasadniając życiowym doświadczeniem. Ważne jest, aby młodzi ludzie samodzielnie uznawali ewangeliczne wartości, przyjmowali je i czynili z nich cząstkę swojej osobowości. Takie postępowanie ułatwi młodym ludziom przystosowanie społeczne do wartościowych społeczności i ochroni od niedostosowania społecznego.
Values are important in everyone's life. It is equally important to choose one's values and build their hierarchy for personal growth. In the Christian optics, the motivation for the choice of values lies in understanding them and in recognizing their role in integral personal and social development. It is of utmost importance to make the youth consciously accept Christian values by revealing their merits for personal and social growth. It is important to show the merits of accepting the values and of their practical application in life. Youth is a period of life when Christian values should be promoted by explaining their sense and supporting it by real life experiences. It is vital that young people learn to recognize evangelical values on their own, accept them and make them inherent in their personality. This kind of approach can help young people become members of valuable communities, preventing their social maladjustement.
Roczniki Pedagogiczne; 2014, 6(42), 4; 7-31
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stopień akceptacji norm prawnych i moralnych przez młodzież przystosowaną i nieprzystosowaną społecznie
Acceptance of legal and moral norms among socially adjusted and socially maladjusted youth
Skomiał, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
social adjustment
social maladjustment
przystosowanie społeczne
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
Przedmiot przeprowadzonych badań stanowił stopień akceptacji norm prawnych i norm moralnych wśród młodzieży przystosowanej i nieprzystosowanej społecznie. W wyniku badań uzyskano wykaz zjawisk potępianych przez mężczyzn przystosowanych i nieprzystosowanych społecznie oraz taki sam wykaz dla kobiet. Przystosowane kobiety charakteryzują się większym liberalizmem niż nieprzystosowane kobiety, gdyż kobiety znajdujące się w grupie kontrolnej nie potępiły w najwyższym stopniu żadnego z badanych zjawisk. Natomiast kobiety z grupy eksperymentalnej w najwyższym stopniu potępiły13 badanych zjawisk. Badani mężczyźni zarówno z grupy kontrolnej jak i eksperymentalnej charakteryzują się znacznym radykalizmem zarówno prawnym jak i moralnym. Prawie wszystkie zawarte w skali zjawiska zostały przez nich w znacznym stopniu potępione. Nie potępione zostały tylko trzy zjawiska, do których należą fałszowanie pieniędzy, współżyciebez ślubu oraz sadyzm i masochizm seksualny.
The object of the study was the degree of acceptance of legal norms and moral standards among socially adjusted and socially maladjusted youth. The result of the research was the list of controversial issues unaccepted by men and women from both groups. According to the, socially adjusted women are more liberal than maladjusted ones. Women in the control group did not condemn any of the thirteen issues proposed; in contrast, women from the experimental group behaved in an exact opposite way. The men, both in the control group and experimental are highly radical, both legally and morally, and they declared all instances of controversial issues as unacceptable. The only exception from this rule regards counterfeiting, extramarital sex and sexual sadism and masochism.
Student Niepełnosprawny. Szkice i rozprawy; 2011, 11(4); 47-68
Pojawia się w:
Student Niepełnosprawny. Szkice i rozprawy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Perspektywa efektywności w resocjalizacji
The Perspective of Effectiveness in Resocialization
Sztuka, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
adaptacja społeczna
niedostosowanie społeczne
social adaptation
social maladjustment
Weryfikacja podejmowanych działań jest najistotniejszym etapem procesu zmian. Dzieje się tak również w procesie resocjalizacji, którego celem jest powrót resocjalizowanej jednostki do społeczeństwa oraz uzyskanie takich zmian w jej zachowaniu, aby przestrzegała ona obowiązujących w nim zasad i norm oraz właściwie wypełniała przypisane jej role społeczne. Taka perspektywa zakłada szereg systemowych oraz zindywidualizowanych działań zmierzających do wyposażenia osoby resocjalizowanej w umiejętność autostymulacji do samorozwoju oraz rozwiązywania sytuacji problemowych innowacyjnie i odmiennie od dotychczasowych sposobów. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą prezentacji bogatego dorobku opracowań oraz różnorodności podejmowanych perspektyw badawczych efektywności, która od lat stanowi przedmiot interdyscyplinarnego zainteresowania, mobilizując pedagogów do poszukiwania kryteriów ustalania jej poziomu, determinantów oraz wyjaśniania znaczenia samego pojęcia.
Verification of activities undertaken is the most significant phase of the process of change. This is also applicable to the resocialization process, aimed at returning a resocialized individual to society and changing the individual’s behavior in a way to make the person observe social norms and regulations and correctly fulfill one’s social role. Such a perspective assumes the use of numerous systemic and individualized activities aimed at equipping a resocialized person with the ability to stimulate self-development and solve problematic situations in an innovative way. The following article is an attempt to present the richness of a prolific scientific study on the topic of effectiveness, which has been an object of interdisciplinary interests for years, mobilizing scholars to search for criteria that could be used to determine the level of effectiveness, its determining factors and clarify the meaning of the term itself.
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana; 2018, 21, 1; 85-105
Pojawia się w:
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Młodzież zagrożona wykluczeniem w wolontariacie hospicyjnym
Young People Threatened by Exclusion in the Hospice Volunteering
Krakowiak, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
niedostosowanie społeczne
young people
voluntary work
social maladjustment
Opieka paliatywno-hospicyjna jest związana z ostatnim etapem życia ludzkiego i bywa proponowana w postaci opieki domowej lub stacjonarnej wtedy, gdy chory cierpi na zaawansowaną, nieuleczalna chorobę przewlekłą, głównie nowotworową. Ciężka choroba, umieranie, śmierć oraz przeżywanie straty i żałoby są elementami wpisanymi w misję opieki paliatywno-hospicyjnej i związanego z nią w Polsce i na świecie wolontariatu. Ochotnicze zaangażowanie wiąże się głównie z pomocą osób o właściwych postawach moralnych, w tym młodzieży z „dobrych szkół” czy środowisk o ukształtowanej duchowości i dobrych wzorcach z życia rodzinnego i społecznego. Czy jest możliwe, by tego rodzaju sytuacje graniczne o dużym ładunku emocjonalnym mogły być pozytywnymi i rozwojowymi doświadczeniami dla kształtującej się struktury psychofizycznej młodego człowieka zagrożonego wykluczeniem? Czy można przygotować nauczycieli i wychowawców, by poprzez tematy związane z końcem ludzkiego życia mogli wpływać na emocjonalny rozwój swoich podopiecznych, szczególnie w sytuacjach kryzysowych? Prezentując podstawowe informacje o opiece paliatywno-hospicyjnej i wolontariacie hospicyjnym, ukazane zostały w tym artykule przykłady udanej współpracy hospicjum i szkoły w psychopedagogicznym oddziaływaniu na młodzież z grupy zagrożonej wykluczeniem. Odniesienia do propozycji wydawniczych Biblioteki Fundacji Hospicyjnej, będących pomocą dla wychowawców, katechetów i innych osób pracujących z tak zwaną trudną młodzieżą kończą ten artykuł oparty na praktycznym działaniu i społecznej edukacji na temat końca ludzkiego życia i wolontariatu.
Hospice-palliative care is related to the last stage of human life and is sometimes proposed as a home or stationary care when patient is suffering from advanced, incurable chronic disease, especially cancer. Serious illness, dying, and death as well as experience of loss and bereavement are described in the mission of end-of-life care which is related in Poland with volunteering. Volunteer involvement is associated mainly with the help of people with good moral attitudes, including young people from “good schools” or environments with shaped spirituality and good practices of family and social life. Is it possible that this type of boundary situations with high emotional charge can be positive and developmental experiences for psychophysical structure emerging young person at risk of exclusion? Is it possible to prepare teachers and educators, which through the topics related to the end of life care could affect the emotional development of students, especially in crisis situations? Presenting basic information about hospice care in Poland and hospice volunteering examples of successful cooperation between hospice and school has been shown, especially its impact on young people at risk of exclusion from a group. References to publishing proposals from Hospice Foundation Library, which were prepared as help to educators, catechists and others working with so-called difficult youth ends this article based on practical action and social education about the end of life and volunteering.
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana; 2014, 17; 161-180
Pojawia się w:
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podnoszenie wiedzy nauczycieli w efektywnej diagnozie i profilaktyce niedostosowania społecznego wśród dzieci i młodzieży
Improving teachers’ knowledge in effective diagnosis and prevention of social maladjustment among children and adolescents
Wawryk, Lidia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
teachers’ competences
diagnosis of social maladjustment
social prevention
diagnoza niedostosowania społecznego
profilaktyka społeczna
kompetencje nauczycieli
The article presents the theoretical assumptions concerning the improvement of teachers’ competences in the scope of effective diagnosis and prevention of social maladjustment among children and adolescents. The text deals with the theoretical assumptions of the basic typology of manifestations of social maladjustment and provides information on social prevention necessary in improving teachers’ competences in diagnostic and preventive work at school.
W artykule zaprezentowano założenia teoretyczne dotyczące podnoszenia wiedzy i kompetencji nauczycieli w zakresie efektywnej diagnozy i profilaktyki niedostosowania społecznego wśród dzieci i młodzieży. Przedstawiono założenia teoretyczne podstawowych typologii przejawów niedostosowania społecznego oraz zaprezentowano informacje z zakresu profilaktyki społecznej niezbędne w podnoszeniu kompetencji nauczycieli w pracy diagnostycznej i profilaktycznej w szkole.
Relacje. Studia z nauk społecznych; 2018, 5; 51-63
Pojawia się w:
Relacje. Studia z nauk społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Realizacja zadań rozwojowych przez młodzież nieprzystosowaną społecznie
Implementation of developmental tasks by socially maladjusted youth
Porembska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
zadania rozwojowe
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
developmental task
socially maladjusted youth
social maladjustment
Problematyka artykułu koncentruje się wokół realizacji zadań rozwojowych, przez młodzież nieprzystosowaną społecznie. Zgodnie z koncepcją Roberta J. Havighursta człowiek, osiągając określony wiek życia, ma do spełnienia konkretne zadania rozwojowe. Opanowanie zadań rozwojowych oznacza osiągnięcie właściwego dla danej fazy życia przystosowania społecznego i psychicznego. Natomiast trudności w poradzeniu sobie z jakimś zadaniem rozwojowym, wskazują, że jednostka odstaje od wzorów i norm, a to może prowadzić do nasilenia się symptomów nieprzystosowania. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych dotyczące deklarowanej przez młodzież nieprzystosowaną społecznie realizacji zadań rozwojowych.
The subject of this article focuses on the implementation of development tasks by socially maladjusted youth. According to the concept of Robert J. Havighurst, a person reaching a certain age of life has specific development tasks to fulfill. Mastering developmental tasks means achieving social and mental adaptation appropriate for a given phase of life. On the other hand, difficulties in coping with a developmental task indicate that the individual deviates from patterns and norms, and this may lead to an increase in the symptoms of maladjustment. The article presents the results of own research on the implementation of development tasks declared by socially maladjusted youth
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze; 2019, 584(9); 63-75
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Samodzielność i nieśmiałość młodzieży zagrożonej niedostosowaniem społecznym w procesie działań teatroterapeutycznych
Self-reliance and shyness of young people at risk of social maladjustment in the process of drama therapy activities
Masłowska, Monika
Aondo-Akaa, Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
zagrożenie niedostosowaniem społecznym
theatre therapy
risk of social maladjustment
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi refleksję nad rolą teatru w pracy socjoterapeutycznej z młodzieżą zagrożoną niedostosowaniem społecznym. Ukazuje projekt teatroterapeutyczny „Młody Książę” realizowany w Krakowie w roku szkolnym 2016/2017. W artykule przedstawiono także rolę projektu w poszerzaniu autonomii i niwelowaniu nieśmiałości adolescentów zagrożonych niedostosowaniem społecznym oraz zaprezentowano wyniki badań prowadzonych w obszarze tychże czynników.
This article is a reflection on the role of theater in sociotherapeutic work with young people at risk of social maladjustment. “The Young Prince” theater-therapy project is being implemented in Krakow from October 2016 to June 2017. The article also presents the role of the project in extending autonomy and eliminating the shyness of adolescents at risk of social maladjustment, as well as the results of research conducted in the area of these factors.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura; 2019, 11, 2 "Teatr w edukacji, terapii i profilaktyce"; 139-151
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Młodzież bez Facebooka – dojrzałość czy niedostosowanie?
Youth without Facebook – Maturity or Maladjustment
Kupiński, Michał
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
nieużytkownicy Facebooka
dojrzałość młodzieży
niedostosowanie młodzieży
Facebook non-user
maturity of youth
maladjustment of youth
Facebook jest obecnie najbardziej popularnym portalem społecznościowym na świecie. Posiadanie konta na Facebooku stało się dla wielu ludzi, a szczególnie dla ludzi młodych, oczywiste. Jednak, wbrew trendowi, część społeczeństwa, także młodzież, decyduje się na to, by nie używać Facebooka. Czy jest to przejaw dojrzałości czy niedostosowania? Artykuł ma na celu próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o dojrzałość młodzieży nieposiadającej aktywnego konta na Facebooku.
Facebook is currently the most popular social network site in the world. Hav-ing accounts on Facebook has become obvious for a lot of people, especially for teenagers. However, contrary to this trend a part of the society, including young-sters, decide not to use Facebook. Is this a sign of maturity or maladjustment? The purpose of this paper is to provide an answer to the question about the maturity of those teenagers who do not have an active account on Facebook.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2017, 38, 1; 137-150
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępczość na terenie Warszawy. Analiza ekologiczna
Delinquency in the Warsaw Area. Ecological Analysis
Kossowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
patologia społeczna
klasy społeczne
social maladjustment
social pathology
social classes
This work is devoted to an analysis of the territorial differentiation of crime and delinquency in Warsaw and the establishment of the factors, conditioning it from the socio-economic and demographic point of view. The various Polish studies on the problem of delinquency in a big city milieu (differing substantially from one another, regarding the range of the phenomenon studied as well as the research methods used) point to the differentiation of the terrain of the big cities, subjected to studies, as to the degree of intensification of delinquency. One often comes across opinions that Warsaw, because of its war and post-war history, is not a typical city, where there could exist conditions for an unhampered influence of general ecological laws. During the Second World War Warsaw was utterly destroyed and efforts were made, when the city was being rebuilt, so that the various regions of the city would be uniform from the social point of view. The general balance of losses amounted in 1945 to approximately 70% of the city's buildings, and almost 100% of the most valuable complexes of buildings of the mid-town had been destroyed. Before the outbreak of the war in 1939 Warsaw had 1,282,000 inhabitants and when the city was liberated in 1945 only 162,000 people inhabited the capital, of whom 22,000 lives on the left bank of the river (mainly in the suburbs); in 1975 Warsaw had 1,300,000 inhabitants. According to estimates 700,000 Warsaw residents were killed and the remaining inhabitants were after the collapse of the Warsaw Uprising tin 1944 driven out of the city. Due to this deportation the Varsovians scattered all over the country and only part of them returned in 1944 to Warsaw. It is estimated that the main wave of return to Warsaw of its prewar inhabitants took place up to the year 1950, when the number of prewar Varsovians in Warsaw amounted to 500,000 (out of a total of 750,000). Thus, the remaining part of the residents of Poland's capital was a population either made up of migrants  or due to the natural increase in population, or because new territories  were incorporated into Warsaw. A stop was put to the initial spontaneous migration movement of the population from other regions to Warsaw in 1954 through the introduction of registration restrictions; this was caused by the fact that the building of new houses could not cope with the rate of growth of the population. The introduction of restrictions, checking the migration movement was not combined with putting the brake to the increase in employment, which brought in its wake an enormous, steady growth of the number of people daily commuting to work in Warsaw, sometimes from quite distant regions.   Summing up, one could say that contemporary Warsaw is a city, which after almost complete destruction during the war has at a rapid rate been rebuilt, remodelled and markedly expanded as compared with its prewar shape. In principle, with the exception of relatively small parts of the city, present-day Warsaw cannot be compared with prewar Warsaw. It is being emphasized in studies, that a typical feature of postwar Warsaw is the lack of territorial segregation of the newcomers among the population, something which could be noticed in the city before the Second World War and is true today also of cities in Western Europe, America or other continents. In this city there are now no districts of traditional Varsovians and districts of the new-comers, especially from the countryside. The social changes in postwar Warsaw find their expression in the levelling of class and economic divisions between the population in the various residential areas. Social differences between the various districts also disappear at a rapid rate. It was the aim of the new social policy to shuffle the inhabitants from the social point of view, but partial studies conducted and observations revealed not only remnants of prewar aspects but also processes of some sort of selection, at the root of which lie once again economic reasons, as well as more complex psychological reasons. One of the factors differentiating the city as a whole, is the phenomenon of delinquency. This is being revealed by partial studies, of the delinquency in Warsaw, conducted during the course of the past 20 years, and concerning the various groups of offenders (mainly juvenile delinquents). The studies, to which this work is devoted, concentrate on the intensity of delinquency in the various regions of Warsaw. We have in mind here the differentiation of the city from the point of view of the intensity of various kinds of offences as well as the intensity of the number of delinquents inhabiting the various districts. Discussing the differentiation existing in the city in regard to delinquency we shall base ourselves on the administrative division of the city into districts, taking into account smaller regions, too i.e. what is called town planners’ regions. The table illustrates some of the characteristic features of these districts. These districts differ substantially from the point of view of socioeconomic features. And thus Praga North (VI) and Wola (IV) are the districts, with the biggest concentration of industry while the largest number of people employed in industry live in Praga North and Praga South (VII). The population of the various districts also differs in regard to their educational level: the highest percentage of people with at least secondary school education lives in Mid-town (district I), that with the lowest educational level in Praga North (VI). To this short characteristic should still be added that both Praga districts, situated on the right bank of the Vistula River were least destroyed during the war and there are more prewar Varsovians living there than in other districts. Especially in Praga North (VI) can be found regions which remained unchanged almost till now and which before the war were inhabited by the “lumpenproletariat” and a relatively large percentage of delinquent elements. The second division of the city used here was that into 79 town planners’ regions. This division was arranged for purposes of town planning and made it possible to set apart areas which were homogeneous from the urban and economic point of view. In our analysis this made it possible for us to set apart within each district some smaller regions,  marked by a special intensification of delinquency.   This study is based on statistical material of a dual type. We deal here with the official police statistics (containing data on the cleared up offences) for the various years between 1953-1973 (and in some cases also data from court records) as well as data especially collected by the Department of Criminology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, concerning almost all the offences reported to the police or which were revealed during investigations in 1968. This research was initiated in 1971, but material concerning the year 1969 could not be taken into consideration because of the amnesty nor that of 1970, which was the first year when the new penal code had become binding. During the course of the research- data were registered on special questionnaires, taken from the police investigation records, regarding offences committed in the area of Warsaw reported to the police in 1968 as well as the addresses of people, suspected of having committed them. When gathering these data certain types of offences of a specific nature were not taken into consideration, such as traffic, or fiscal offences or malfeasances in office. The analysis finally covered 82.4% of all the offences reported to the police in Warsaw in 1968, i.e. a total of 20,960 offences. The number of suspected individuals amounted to 12,257. Before the presentation of the results of the studies it should be recalled that, as is generally known, statistical data do not reflect the real extent of delinquency, not all the information about some the committed offences as being reported to the police and the officials entitled to prosecute. The dark number of offences that remain unrevealed, is everywhere a serious problem when examining the dimensions of delinquency. Presenting data regarding delinquency in Warsaw we want to start with a short comparison between delinquency in Warsaw and that of other cities in Poland.  The intensity of offences committed in the area of Warsaw has markedly surpassed the average figure for delinquency in the whole of Poland. During the postwar period the gap between the figure for Warsaw and that of the whole of Poland was greater than before. While in 1938 there were 219.6 registered offences per 10,000 inhabitants of Warsaw (168.7 for the whole country), in the years 1965-1967 this coefficient amounted to 247.7 (142.3 for the whole country). The greater difference between the intensity of delinquency in Warsaw and the entire country can be explained mainly as being due to the large migration, following the almost complete destruction of Warsaw during the war. But for a number of years already, there is no longer a noticeable tendency for an increase in the difference of the dimensions of delinquency between Warsaw and the rest of the country. Comparing with other cities in Poland the number of reported offences in Warsaw is rather high, though it is by no means the highest (Warsaw is the largest city in Poland, the only one that has over one million inhabitants). The delinquency rates (i.e. the number of offences in relation to that of the inhabitants) as well as its structure are in Warsaw similar to an entire group of cities, with over 200,000 inhabitants. It should be emphasized that there are only slight differences between big and small towns as regards the intensity of delinquency, though there can be noticed a distinct difference in the structure of delinquency. While Warsaw - just as the remaining cities in Poland - is marked by a considerable number of offences against property, offences against the person are distinctly much more frequent in small towns. The above-mentioned facts are related to offences registered in police records. The situation is different if one takes into account the number of people convicted for offences committed in the area of Warsaw. But in this case one should separately discuss convictions of people above 17 and of juveniles (between 10 .and 16, i.e. who are under age). Criminality of persons above the age of 17, who constitute approximately 82% of the total of persons convicted for offences, is relatively low as compared with other towns. Thus in the years 1971-1973 there 72.8 of the convicted offenders per every ten thousand of inhabit-years were ants above 17, while this coefficient for all the cities and towns in Poland amounted to 85.1. However, juvenile delinquency adopts in Warsaw especially large dimensions. In the years 1971-1973 the coefficient of convictions of juvenile delinquents amounted in Warsaw to 128.6 per 10,000 inhabitants between 10 and 16 years, while the average every coefficient of all the towns amounted to 89.5. The general picture of delinquency in Warsaw as compared with other towns in Poland is as follows: a large (though not the largest) number of offences committed, a very large number of convictions of juveniles and a small number of convictions of adults. Striking in this picture are the remarkable differences between indices related to reported offences on the one hand and indices of convictions of adults on the other hand, which is not noticed to such an extent in other cities and towns. Not taking into account here the problem of the dark number of unrevealed offences, one has to reckon with the probability of a larger average number of offences committed on an average by the individual perpetrator from city areas than is the case with those from other areas, due to the anonymity in a city crowd. We start our analysis of the differences regarding the dimensions of delinquency in the Warsaw area with a presentation of the intensity of this phenomenon in all seven administrative districts of the city, taking into account the place where the offence was committed. Use was made of police records from the years 1965, 1968 and 1971. These data reveal that only two districts differed as to the intensity of delinquency, while delinquency in the remaining districts was on an even level. Thus, the highest coefficients of registered offences per 10,000 inhabitants were found in the Mid-town district (the average coefficient of the three above-mentioned years was 377.3) and the Praga North district (average coefficient 325.4). However, in the remaining five districts the average coefficients of delinquency remained in a relatively narrow range from 159.0 to 218.4. Also from the point of view of the structure of the offences committed, only the two above-mentioned districts Mid-town and Praga North were marked by specific features. The Mid-town district is characterized by a particularly high percentage of offences against individual property and by petty offences against the person, as a rule committed under the influence of alcohol. Praga North distinguishes itself by the especially great extent of offences against the socialized property and by the more serious offences against the person. All Warsaw districts are large administrative units, each one of which is inhabited by approximately 200,000 people and they perform simultaneously various 'socio-economic functions; nevertheless Praga North and Mid-town districts reveal in this respect quite separate features, which is undoubtedly connected with the larger dimensions of delinquency. The Mid-town district situated in the centre of the city, is the only one that has no suburban areas, occupies the smallest area and has decidedly the greatest density of population. From the functional point of view it is the commercial, entertainment and transportation centre of Warsaw. In this area are the largest department stores, cinemas and other entertainment places, there also cross the urban and suburban transportation and traffic routes. The Praga North district on the other hand distinguishes itself from other districts neither by the size of its territory nor the density of population, it also has suburban areas. But part of it performs nevertheless the role of a commercial and entertainment as well as transportation centre for that part of the city, which is situated on the opposite bank of the river than the Mid-town district. In addition to this the Praga North district was one of the two districts of Warsaw that were least destroyed during the last war and retained part of the old buildings of a low standard, inhabited by the former residents, mainly by workers. Not without significance, too, is the fact that the Praga North district includes one of the most industrialized territories of Warsaw. The statements made above are related to large territorial units, namely the administrative districts of the city. Studied, too, were differentiations in the intensity of offences committed within each district, on the basis, as mentioned before, of the division of the city into town planned regions. It turned out, that the coefficients of delinquency in the various regions as well as the absolute figures of offences reported, make one reach unanimous conclusions. The largest extent of reported delinquency was found in two types of regions: in the central regions of the entire city or of particular districts as well as in regions with a concentrated industry. However, the smallest dimensions of this phenomenon are noted in suburban regions, which perform above all the functions of residential and recreational areas. Mention was made above of the differences in intensity of delinquency in Warsaw as the place where the offences were committed.. Now we wish to pass over to a discussion of the place of residence of people suspected of having committed offences. Analyzing data on the intensity of delinquency in relation to place of residence (the number of the perpetrators of offences in relation to the number of inhabitants of a given area, in the respective age groups), for the various districts, regarding juvenile delinquents (from 10 to 16 years), young adults (17-20) and adults (21 and above), it was found that the largest number of offenders live in Praga North. The sequence of other districts arranged according to the intensity of delinquency depends on the given age group. In the case of juveniles, Zoliborz takes second place and the Mid-town third. Note, that as far as young adults and adults are concerned the Mid-town has the smallest number of them living there. An illustration of these statements are the coefficients of suspected inhabitants of a given district, in the given age groups as compared with the total population of that age. Thus, the coefficients pointing to the number of juvenile, young adult and adult delinquents domiciled in the given area, are the highest for Praga North, amounting in this district, respectively to: 20.1, 25.1 and 9.1 (per 1,000 inhabitants of the given age groups). In the Mid-town district are much lower coefficients than those mentioned before: 11.3 for young adults and 4.8 for adults. Thus we see, that the Mid-town, which as far as the place where the offence was committed, belonged, together with Praga North, to the districts where the number of offences committed was highest. Nevertheless the Mid-town has the lowest number of young adult and adult delinquents living there. Thus the number of juvenile delinquents living there is rather high in the Mid-town district, but this is understandable, if one takes into account the fact that juvenile delinquents as a rule commit offences in the direct neighbourhood of their place of residence. On the other hand, it should be stressed that in Praga North, which distinguishes itself also by a high number of offences committed and outdistances even more the remaining districts as regards the number of offenders who have their domicile in this district. The difference found in the number of offenders with domicile in the various districts as compared with the differentiation of these districts regarding the offences committed there can also be noticed when one takes into account the structure of delinquency. For the sake of simplicity in this analysis offences have been divided into five categories: against the person, against the authorities and public offices, against the property, robberies and “others”. When we compare the coefficients regarding the number of offenders with domicile in a given district the number of offenders living there per the total number of inhabitants of the district in the age group 10 years and more (ratio 1:1,000), it has been revealed that most persons suspected of having committed robbery and offences against property can be found in Praga North. In the case of those who committed offences against the person first place is taken by Żoliborz. An analysis of the structure of delinquency of persons in various age groups indicates that a larger percentage of juveniles suspected of having committed offences against the person are living in the Mid-town than in other districts, and that a high percentage of persons suspected of having committed offences against property among young adults and adults live in Praga North. Striking in all the age groups is the particularly high percentage of persons suspected of offences against property among those living outside Warsaw. The next problem that has to be dealt with in the ecological analysis of delinquency is that of the “mobility” of the offenders living in the various districts of Warsaw. In other words, to what extent the offenders living in a given district commit offences in this district and to what in other districts. It is known that juveniles as a rule commit offences in the direct neighbourhood of their domicile, and that is why in their case one may not expect special “spatial mobility”. Despite this, though 75-90% of the juvenile delinquents living in each district commit offences there (excluding the Mid-town where this percentage is higher), nevertheless it can be clearly noticed that juveniles, committing offences not in their own district do that most frequently in the Mid-town district. This is true especially of that part of Warsaw situated on the left bank of the Vistula; in both districts Praga North and Praga South on the other bank of the river a slightly larger percentage of “wandering” juveniles commit offences in the district on the same side of the river than in  Mid-town. But 'the differences in this case are minimal and do not blur the general picture of the Mid-town as a district with the largest centration of delinquency committed there by juveniles inhabiting other districts. This is true especially if one takes into account juveniles from outside of Warsaw, of whom as many as 27.5% commit offences in Mid-town. As to young adults, the same conclusions may be drawn, regarding their “delinquent mobility” as in regard to juveniles, but with two exceptions. First, young adults more frequently than juveniles commit offences outside the district where they live, secondly, almost the same percentage of young adults living outside Warsaw commit offences in Praga North (22%) as in the Mid-town (21.3%). In other districts these percentages are markedly lower. As far as delinquency of adults is concerned, the Mid-town is marked by the greatest concentration of offences committed outside the place of residence, while Praga North is the site where most frequently offences are committed by adults, living outside Warsaw. It seems that the latter phenomenon is connected with the fact that in this district there are two large railway stations. The concentrating role of the Mid-town and to a lesser extent of Praga North - can also be noticed if one takes into account the various types of offences. Those living in various districts who commit offences against the person, against authorities and public offices, as well as offences against property, if they commit these offences outside the district of their domicile, do that most frequently in the Mid-town (in the case of offences against property this concerns left-bank part of Warsaw). Note, that the perpetrators of robbery do it mainly in the district where they live and in the case of this category of offenders no concentrating role of the Mid-town is being observed. Note the interesting ecological phenomenon that the Vistula River constitutes some sort of barrier, cutting through the channel of “delinquency mobility”. While offenders living in the five districts of Warsaw, situated on the left bank of the river most frequently committed offences in the Mid-town (in cases when such offences were committed outside the district of their domicile), those who lived in the two districts on the right bank more often committed offences in the neighbouring district, situated on the same bank of the river and not in the Mid-town. The data presented above on the place of residence of certain categories of offenders in the various districts and their “mobility” in connection with the offences committed by them, lead to the unequivocal conclusion, that the differentiation of Warsaw districts from the point of view discussed here makes it possible to divide them into two groups. The first group are the Mid-town and Praga North, each one of which has its clearly defined specific features, while the second group is made up of the remaining districts, which as a rule are similar regarding delinquency. The further part of this work discusses the connections between the demographic and socio-economic character of 'the various districts and the extent of delinquency on their territory approached from the point of view of the site where the offences were committed as well as the domicile of the perpetrators studied with the use of factor analysis. Taken into account in this analysis were 7 variables related to delinquency and 19 variables defining the above-mentioned characteristic features of the district. As a result of the analysis two independent factors were set apart. The first of them defines the district in the following way: a large number of adults living in this district who are suspected of having committed offences, the extent of alcoholism among the residents, a population earning their living in industry, a large percentage of the population with a low educational level, higher infant mortality than somewhere else, the concentration of industry in this district and a lower housing standard than elsewhere. The second factor defines the district in the following way: a high concentration of delinquency in general, juvenile delinquency and that of adults (here it is a question of the site where the offences were committed and not of the domicile of the offenders), a large number of juveniles living there, suspected of having committed offences, high sales figures of alcohol, concentration of trade, better access to social services rendered to the population.  Thus we see that factor I defines city regions, characterized by remnants of the past social and urban neglect. It is striking that precisely those regions where there is a concentration of the features making up an undoubtedly negative milieu (alcoholism, low housing standard, higher infant mortality than elsewhere) are simultaneously inhabited by a majority of young adults and adult offenders. However, at the same time those regions in which juveniles are residing and offences are being committed (by adults and juveniles) are of a different character.  These latter regions are defined by factor II, regarding the Mid-town  district with its features of commercial and entertainment centre. To the syndrome of variables, making up this factor, do not belong any traits which could characterize unfavourable environmental conditions (as an urban milieu). Nevertheless, precisely with this factor in connected the concentration of delinquency committed by adults and juveniles as well as the concentration of juvenile delinquents’ domicile. Among those Warsaw districts which are being defined by factor I, first comes Praga North and the last place is occupied by the Mid-town district. The order in which districts are arranged as defined by factor II is: first comes the Mid-town and then Praga North. Thus one notes a certain duality as regards Praga North, which being a commercial and entertainment centre of 'that part of the city, situated on the rigiht bank of the river, is characterized by the appearance, side by side, of terrains with modern big city buildings and regions with a very low standard of housing, and frequently one and the other are in closest neighbourhood. Connected with this is also a substantial differentiation as regards the population from the point of view of socio-demographic features. Undoubtedly it is precisely the dual nature of this district which explains the high place occupied by it among districts which come under the above-mentioned factors. Note also the fact that - in contradistinction to the case of adults - both aspects of juvenile delinquency, i.e. the domicile of the juveniles as well as the site where they commit the offences, are connected with the same “mid-town” factor. While the fact that the majority of offences are being committed in mid-town regions which are the commercial and entertainment centres of the city, seems understandable, due to the greater influx of people, the anonymity of the human crowd, etc., it may be surprising, that it is the domicile of the majority of the juvenile delinquents and not the regions marked by the remnants of social and urban backwardness, as is the case with adults offenders. But it should be borne in mind, that we are realing here with all the reported juvenile delinquents, irrespective of the degree of their demoralization. One may assume, that juveniles with a high degree of demoralization live in the same regions as the adult delinquents. In turn juveniles who are less demoralized have undoubtedly, in case their domicile is close to the commercial and entertainment centres, more opportunities to avoid the control of the adults, which is also connected with more convenient conditions for the committment of petty offences against property, typical of juvenile delinquents.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1976, VII; 141-263
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyniki badań poziomu wiadomości szkolnych młodzieży „nie uczącej się i nie pracującej”
The results of research into the school knowledge level of ‘not learning and not working’ youth
Marek, Maria
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
badania socjologiczne
poziom wiedzy
sociological research
social maladjustment
knowledge level
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1972, V; 118-133
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Relationship between an Individual and a Society: Adjustment Disorders of John Steinbeck’s Characters
Zaburzenia w procesie adaptacji do społeczeństwa na przykładzie bohaterów wybranych powieści Johna Steinbecka
Niewiadomska-Flis, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
wadliwa adaptacja
zaburzenia osobowościowe
powieści Johna Steibecka
personality disorders
John Steinbeck’s fiction
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie typologii postaci z zaburzeniami osobowościowymi w powieściach Johna Steibecka Myszy i ludzie, Pastwiska Niebieskie, Tortilla Flat i Cannery Row. Elementem kluczowym w analizie literackiej bohaterów jest zastosowanie teorii psychologicznych oraz socjologicznych. W przypadku omawianych postaci nieudolność procesu adaptacji jest częściej wynikiem zaburzeń osobowościowych jednostek niż negatywnego wpływu społeczeństwa. Unikanie rzeczywistości jest pierwszym etapem nieprzystosowania – osoby z wadliwym rozwojem osobowym (socjopatia, narcyzm, natręctwa myślowe, osobowości pasywno-‑agresywne) zniekształcają rzeczywistość tak, aby pasowała ona do ich potrzeb. Bohaterowie z osobowościami neurotycznymi lub paranoidalnymi nie utrzymują dostatecznego kontaktu z rzeczywistością, a ich wypaczone postrzeganie świata jest spowodowane lękiem i niechęcią do zmiany. Gdy unikanie prawdy jest niewystarczające, postaci muszą zbudować swój iluzoryczny świat, w którym czują się bezpiecznie. Bohaterowie ze skłonnościami psychopatycznymi uciekają do świata fantazji, popychani ekstremalnymi nastrojami. Jednakże rzeczą jednoczącą wszystkich analizowanych bohaterów jest zastosowanie przez nich mechanizmów obronnych, takich jak racjonalizacja, projekcja czy represja, pozwalających na manipulacje otoczeniem w celu uzyskania konkretnych korzyści.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2005, 53, 5; 49-65
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura rodziny a proces niedostosowania społecznego nieletnich
Family structure and the process of social maladjustment of juveniles
Wirkus, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
struktura rodziny
niedostosowanie społeczne
kuratorzy sądowi
family structure
social maladjustment
probation officers
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań dotyczących funkcjonowania adolescentów z rodzin pełnych i rozbitych oraz przedstawiono ich związek z wybranymi symptomamidemoralizacji. Dokonano przeglądu badań międzynarodowych na temat zależności pomiędzy niedostosowaniem społecznym a sytuacją i strukturą rodziny oraz przedstawiono dotychczasowe ustalenia empiryczne w tym temacie. Podjęte rozważania pokazują jednoznacznie, że efektywna prewencja niedostosowania społecznego jest ściśle związana ze strategią systemowego wsparcia rodziny przy aktywnym współuczestnictwie sądu rodzinnego i kuratorskiej służby sądowej.
In the article I presented the results of the research on functioning of adolescents from full and broken families and presented their relationship with selected symptoms of demoralization. I reviewed international research on the relationship between social maladjustment and the family situation as well as its structure and presented the hitherto empirical findings on this topic. The considerations undertaken clearly show that effective prevention of social maladjustment is closely related to the strategy of systemic family support with the active participation of the family court and court probation service.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2020, 20; 267-281
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konformizm jako mechanizm wpływający na procesy relacyjne i adaptacyjne w grupie rówieśniczej. Analiza porównawcza wśród dostosowanych i niedostosowanych społecznie adolescentów – pełno- i niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie
Conformism as a mechanism affecting relational and adaptive processes in a peer group
Michel, Małgorzata
Opozda-Suder, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
relacje rówieśnicze
niedostosowanie społeczne
niepełnosprawność intelektualna
peer relations
social maladjustment
intellectual disability
Poruszona w artykule tematyka koncentruje się wokół problemu konformizmu. Konformizacja zachowań została ujęta jako swoisty mechanizm adaptacyjny związany z predyspozycją do bezrefleksyjnego odtwarzania wzorców narzuconych przez grupę uczestnictwa społecznego, warunkowany potrzebami afiliacyjnymi i obawą przed odrzuceniem rówieśniczym. Tym samym przedmiot prowadzonych analiz dotyczy skłonności do przyjmowania postawy konformistycznej przez badanych z trzech grup porównawczych, zróżnicowanych ze względu na poziom rozwoju intelektualnego i problem niedostosowania społecznego. Cechy te stanowią dodatkowe czynniki ryzyka uruchomienia tendencji konformistycznych, mając znaczenie dla powodzenia procesu integracji grupowej. Wnioskowanie przeprowadzono w schemacie porównawczym na trzech grupach: grupa A – niedostosowani w normie intelektualnej (n = 57); grupa B – niedostosowani z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną (n = 57); grupa C – dostosowani społecznie (n = 60). Łącznie wielkość próby: 174 badanych w wieku 16–19 lat. W badaniach wykorzystano autorskie narzędzie o zadawalających właściwościach psychometrycznych – Skala Postaw Konformistycznych (SPK). Otrzymane wyniki pozwalają stwierdzić, że porównywane grupy wyraźnie różnicuje poziom tendencji konformistycznych. Dodatkowo konformizm, w każdej z porównywanych grup, ogniskuje się wokół różnych atrybutów wyzwalających.
The subject matter discussed in the article focuses on the problem of conformism. Behavioral conformism has been presented as a kind of adaptive mechanism connected with the predisposition to a thoughtless reproduction of patterns imposed by the group of social participation, conditioned by the needs of affiliation and the fear of peer rejection. Thus, the subject of the conducted analyses concerns the tendency to adopt a conformist attitude by respondents from three comparative groups, differentiated in terms of the level of intellectual development and the problem of social maladjustment. These features constitute additional risk factors for triggering conformist tendencies and are important for the success of the group integration process. The conclusions were drawn in a comparative diagram for three groups: group A – the maladjusted in without intellectual disabilities (n = 57); group B – the maladjusted with intellectual disabilities (n = 57); group C – the socially adjusted (n = 60). Total sample size: 174 respondents aged 16–19 years. The research utilized an author’s original tool with The results obtained allow us to conclude that the groups compared clearly differentiate in terms of conformist tendencies. Additionally, conformism, in each of the compared groups, focuses around different triggering attributes.satisfactory psychometric properties – the Scale of Conformist Attitudes (SCA).
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2019, 18; 129-148
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poziom wyobraźni twórczej u nieprzystosowanej społecznie młodzieży męskiej w wieku 13-16 lat
The level of creative imagination in socially maladjusted boys aged 13-16 years
Skomiał, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
social rehabilitation
social maladjustment
creative imagination
divergent thinking
pedagogika resocjalizacyjna
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
wyobraźnia twórcza
myślenie dywergencyjne
W aspektach pedagogiki resocjalizacyjnej brak jest badań empirycznych dotyczących pomiaru poziomu wyobraźni twórczej u osób nieprzystosowanych. W celu sprawdzenia założeń teoretycznych, które sygnalizują, że potencjał wyobraźni twórczej u młodzieży nieprzystosowanej jest niższy niż ich rówieśników, którzy są przystosowani społecznie, postanowiono określić istotność różnic w poziomie wyobraźni twórczej pomiędzy młodzieżą męską w wieku 13-16 lat nieprzystosowaną społecznie a niemanifestującą takich symptomów. Przeprowadzone badania bazują na teorii twórczości J.P. Guilforda, opartej na myśleniu dywergencyjnym. W badaniach posłużono się metodą sondażu diagnostycznego, techniką psychometryczną, jako narzędzie wykorzystano Test Wyobraźni Twórczej (TWT) i Test Kółek (TK). W analizie statystycznej zastosowano test t-Studenta. Zebrany materiał statystyczny pozwolił stwierdzić, że nieprzystosowana społecznie młodzież męska w wieku 13-16 lat wykazała się mniejszym poziomem wyobraźni twórczej niż ich rówieśnicy nieposiadający takich symptomów. Wyniki niniejszych badań wskazują na konieczność podjęcia działań wychowawczych w celu pobudzania dyspozycji twórczych (myślenia dywergencyjnego, kreowania funkcji kompensacyjnej, dojrzałości emocjonalnej) wśród młodzieży nieprzystosowanej społecznie.
In aspects of social rehabilitation there is a lack of empirical research concerning the measurement of the level of creative imagination in people who are socially maladjusted. In order to verify the theoretical assumptions, which indicate that maladjusted youth has lower potential of creative imagination than socially adapted adolescents, it was decided to determine the significance of differences in the level of creative imagination among socially adapted and socially maladjusted boys aged 13-16 years. The study is based on the theory of creativity developed by J.P. Guilford. This theory refer to divergent thinking. In the study, the method of diagnostic survey and psychometric technique have been used. As research tools the following tests have been used: Test of Creative Imagination (TCI) and Torrance's Circles Test. During the statistical analysis were used Student's t-test. The analysis of the collected statistical material allowed to say that socially maladjusted boys aged 13-16 years showed a lower level of creative imagination than their peers who are socially adapted. The results of this study indicate the need to take educational activities in order to stimulate creative disposition (divergent thinking, creating compensatory function, emotional maturity) among socially maladjusted youth.
Student Niepełnosprawny. Szkice i rozprawy; 2016, 16, 9; 309-327
Pojawia się w:
Student Niepełnosprawny. Szkice i rozprawy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pojęcie resocjalizacji (treatment, social rehabilitation) w perspektywie międzynarodowej i interdyscyplinarnej
The Concept of Social Rehabilitation from the International and Interdisciplinary Perspective
Bernasiewicz, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
niedostosowanie społeczne
zaburzenie w zachowaniu
pedagogika resocjalizacyjna
social maladjustment
conduct disorder
rehabilitation pedagogy
social rehabilitation
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę przekładalności pojęć i międzynarodowej kompatybilności terminów związanych z obszarem badań nad przestępczością oraz procesami resocjalizacji (zdefiniowano terminy: niedostosowanie społeczne, zaburzenia w zachowaniu, resocjalizacja, resocjalizator). Intencją autora jest określenie miejsca pedagogiki resocjalizacyjnej w obszarze subdyscyplin pedagogicznych.
The article discusses the issues of the translatability of notions and the international compatibility of terms connected with the area of research on crime and the rehabilitation processes (the following notions were defined: social maladjustment, conduct disorder, rehabilitation, rehabilitation counselor). The intention of the author is determining the place of rehabilitation pedagogy in the area of pedagogy-related subdisciplines.
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne; 2015, 1, 1; 155-165
Pojawia się w:
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stygmatyzacja nieprzystosowanych społecznie. Determinanty w pracy resocjalizacyjnej będące efektami piętna w Młodzieżowym Ośrodku Wychowawczym w Jaworku
The stigmatization of not socially adapted. Determinants in resocialization work as a result of stigma in the Youth Education Center in Jaworek
Dobijański, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
social rehabilitation pedagogy
social maladjustment
social inclusion
pedagogika resocjalizacyjna
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
włączanie społeczne
Niedostosowani społecznie, szczególnie dzieci i młodzież, trafiający do instytucji resocjalizacyjnych to osoby, które obok ewidentnych deficytów rozwojowych przekładających się na upośledzenie ich umiejętności i woli właściwego funkcjonowania w społeczeństwie, przeżywają określone emocje. Skutki tych emocji mają istotny wpływ na samoocenę i sposób myślenia o sobie wychowanków placówki. Młodzi ludzie, którzy w swoim krótkim życiu bardzo często spotykali się z negacją własnej osoby, doświadczali różnego rodzaju porażek i niepowodzeń, mają olbrzymie problemy z akceptacją własnej osoby, a także z akceptacją (lub co najmniej wolnego od uprzedzeń) przez niechętne im społeczeństwo. Proces resocjalizacji, któremu poddawani są nieprzystosowani społecznie, wymaga korekty deficytów, podjęcia działań rozwojowych i socjalizujących w taki sposób, by młodzi ludzie potrafili zrozumieć otaczający ich świat i nauczyć się w nim funkcjonować. Skuteczność tego procesu wymaga także likwidacji uprzedzeń i stereotypów stygmatyzujących osoby niedostosowane społecznie, które uniemożliwiają im efektywny powrót na łono społeczne.
The socially maladjusted, especially children and adolescents who attend social rehabilitation institutions, are those who, experience certain emotions. It happens apart from evident developmental deficits that translate into the impairment of their skills and the desire to function properly in the society. The effects of these emotions have a significant impact on selfesteem and the way they think about themselves. Young people who have encountered negativity in their short lives, who have experienced a variety of failure and setbacks, have enormous problems with their own acceptance, and acceptance of reluctant to them (or at least prejudicefree) society. The social rehabilitation process directed to socially maladjusted young people, requires correction of their deficits and through the developmental and socialistic activities, it can help them to understand the world around and learn them how to work in it. The effectiveness of this process also requires the elimination of stereotypes and stigmatization of socially maladjusted, that prevent them from effective returning to the social sphere.
Student Niepełnosprawny. Szkice i rozprawy; 2017, 17, 10; 205-216
Pojawia się w:
Student Niepełnosprawny. Szkice i rozprawy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w resocjalizacji nieletnich – szanse i zagrożenia
The Application of Information and Communication Technologies in the Education Juvenile Offenders – Chances and Risks
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
niedostosowanie społeczne
technologie komunikacyjne i informacyjne
resocjalizacja nieletnich
social maladjustment communication and information technologies
resocialization of minors
Technologie komunikacyjne i informacyjne mogą odegrać istotną rolę w reintegracji społecznej osób przebywających w placówkach resocjalizacyjnych. Celem opracowania jest zaprezentowanie dotychczasowej praktyki oraz wskazanie możliwości wykorzystania nowoczesnych technologii w kształceniu, wychowaniu i terapii nieletnich niedostosowanych społecznie.
Communication and information technologies can play an important role in the social reinte-gration of people residing in the resocialisation centres. The aim of the study is to present the current practice and to indicate the possibilities of using modern technologies in the education and treatment of socially maladjusted minors.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2018, 9, 1; 243-248
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The axiological contexts of resocialization education
Pierzchała, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
axiology, social maladjustment, resocialization, criminal, foster child, resocialization education
aksjologia, niedostosowanie społeczne, resocjalizacja, przestępca, wychowanek, wychowanie resocjalizacyjne
The purpose of the article is to present the basic axiological issues of resocialization contexts. The method used is: material development and critical edition. Rehabilitation is an unprecedented process in society, because it not only allows for maintaining a specific balance between adjusted and socially maladjusted persons, but also hinders the total destruction of a human being that can cause a long stay in a penitentiary institution. The proces of resocialisation is undoubtedly a hope that the system of justice is not only a soulless tool directed at socially maladjusted individuals, but it will also shape appropriate scales of values and norms in these people.
Zadaniem artykułu jest przedstawienie zasadniczych zagadnień aksjologicznych kontekstów wychowania resocjalizacyjnego. Zastosowaną metodą jest opracowanie materiałów oraz edycja krytyczna. Przedmiotem niniejszej publikacji jest próba analizy ogólnie pojętych zagadnień aksjologicznych w kontekście procesu wychowania resocjalizacyjnego, zagadnień zdaniem autora wiodących, wymagających wyjaśnienia, aby czytelnik mógł odnaleźć propozycje ich rozwiązania lub też samodzielnie mógł odkrywać nowe możliwości i konstruować własne kategorie opisu i analizy złożonych współczesnych kwestii wychowawczych oraz stawiać własne pytania i twórczo poszukiwać dróg odpowiedzi, przy okazji przekraczając ograniczenia i bariery.
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny; 2020, 39, 2
Pojawia się w:
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zaburzenia procesu socjalizacji. Wykolejenie i nieprzystosowanie społeczne młodzieży w ujęciu psychologicznym, społecznym i pedagogicznym
Defects in the Process of Socialization. Derailment and social maladjustment of young people in terms of psychological, social and educational context
Gajewski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
niedostosowanie społeczne
wykolejenie społeczne
wykolejenie obyczajowe
wykolejenie przestępcze
social maladjustment
social derailment
moral derailment
criminal derailment
Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje kwestie związane z wadliwym procesem socjalizacji młodzieży. Ukazuje ponadto widoczne w literaturze wśród licznych autorów ogromne zróżnicowanie terminologiczne. Ponadto przy okazji analizy różnych stanowisk teoretycznych w tekście omówiono liczne zmienne środowiskowe i psychologiczne warunkujące proces wykolejenia i nieprzystosowania społecznego dorastającej młodzieży. Nie bez znaczenia dla skutecznej resocjalizacji i terapii jest pedagogiczny aspekt zjawiska nieprzystosowania społecznego. W artykule przedstawiono więc obok psychologicznych i socjologicznych koncepcji społecznego wykolejenia również pedagogiczne rozumienie tego procesu.
This article takes on issues related to faulty societal process in terms of deranged adolescents. It is also evident in various literatures among the many authors with diversified terminology. In addition, given the opportunity to analyze various theories, a number of texts address social groups and the process of psychological aberration and maladjustment of juveniles. Of utmost significance for effective rehabilitation (re-socialization) and therapy is the pedagogical aspect of social aberration. Besides the psychological and sociological concept of social aberration, this article also articulates pedagogical understanding of this process.
Rocznik Wydziału Pedagogicznego Akademii Ignatianum; 2013, 16; 35-60
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Wydziału Pedagogicznego Akademii Ignatianum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social maladjustment and its prevention among secondary school students in the perspective of their professional education and professional activity
Niedostosowanie społeczne oraz jego profilaktyka wśród uczniów szkół ponadpodstawowych w perspektywie ich edukacji zawodowej i aktywności zawodowej
Reterska-Tkaczyk, Sandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
niedostosowanie społeczne
szkoła ponadpodstawowa
zjawisko przestępczości
edukacja zawodowa
aktywność zawodowa
social maladjustment
secondary school
crime phenomenon
Over the last decade, the number of all punishable offences committedby juvenile delinquents, including secondary school students, has exceeded60 000. Social maladjustment is a major problem for contemporary parents,teachers, and society. Prevention is one of the ways of responding to those socialphenomena that are considered as undesirable and harmful. Fighting juveniledelinquency requires not only an appropriate approach, but also proper skillsof teachers and educators.
W ciągu ostatnich dziesięciu lat liczba wszystkich czynów karalnych,które dokonywane były przez osoby nieletnie, w tym także uczniów szkółponadpodstawowych, zaczynała się od 60 tys. Niedostosowanie społeczne jestsporym problemem dla rodziców, nauczycieli, współczesnego społeczeństwa.Profilaktyka stanowi jeden ze sposobów reagowania na takie zjawiska społeczne,które powszechnie uważane są za niepożądane i szkodliwe. Zwalczanie przestępczości wśród młodych ludzi wymaga bowiem nie tylko odpowiedniego podejścia, ale także odpowiednich predyspozycji nauczycieli i wychowawców. Zjawisko niedostosowania społecznego ma także istotne znaczenie w perspektywie edukacji zawodowej i aktywności zawodowej uczniów, ponieważ wpływa to na ich sytuację społeczną, walory własne, przynależność do różnych grup – formalnych i nieformalnych, a także elementy kulturowe. Praca i aktywność zawodowa młodych ludzi z trudną przeszłością generuje różne zadania wychowawcze i resocjalizujące względem nich, jak chociażby kształtowanie w procesie pracy norm moralnych wobec innych ludzi, wdrażanie do myślenia w kategoriach poszanowania dobra wspólnego, nauka umiejętności pracy w zespole itp. Bardzo często jednak młodzież niedostosowana społecznie posiada przeważnie negatywny wzorzec pracy, co jest przede wszystkim wypadkową wadliwej socjalizacji. Zadanie ukształtowania prawidłowego wzorca pracy i jej roli w życiu ludzkim spoczywa na kadrze pedagogicznej np. placówek resocjalizacyjnych. To właśnie ona ma pomóc w likwidowaniu niewłaściwych zachowań kompensacyjnych wobec obowiązku pracy, ale również w należytym przygotowaniu wychowanków do zawodowej samodzielności.
Szkoła - Zawód - Praca; 2021, 22; 79-88
Pojawia się w:
Szkoła - Zawód - Praca
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nieprzystosowanie społeczne jako wyraz negatywnych ustosunkowań wobec norm
Social maladjustment as an expression of negative attitudes towards norms
Pytka, Lesław
Florczykiewicz, Janina
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
młodzież nieprzystosowana społecznie
negatywne ustosunkowania wobec norm
social maladjustment
socially maladjusted youth
negative attitudes towards norms
Celem badań było określenie ustosunkowań wobec norm młodzieży nieprzystosowanej społecznie. Odwołano się do twierdzenia C. Czapówa, że nieprzystosowanie społeczne jest wynikiem negatywnych ustosunkowań jednostki, rozumianych jako niechęć do podejmowania zachowań zgodnych z normami. Badaniom sondażowym poddano 132 wychowanków zakładów poprawczych i młodzieżowych ośrodków wychowawczych. Potwierdzono założenie o występowaniu u młodzieży nieprzystosowanej społecznie negatywnych ustosunkowań wobec badanych norm i niskim stopniu ich internalizacji. Ustalono, że młodzież wiąże stosowanie norm prawnych, religijnych, moralnych z wartościami, jednak poglądy te nie korespondują z ich przestrzeganiem. Uzyskane rezultaty wyznaczają implikacje dla praktyki resocjalizacyjnej – wskazują na konieczność wzmożenia wysiłków wychowawczych w zakresie wspomagania rozwoju moralnego jednostek nieprzystosowanych społecznie.
The aim of the study was to determine attitudes towards the norms of socially maladjusted youth. Reference was made to C. Czapów‘s claim that social maladjustment is the result ofan individual‘s negative attitudes, understood as a reluctance to engage in compliance with standards. A diagnostic survey was used.132 wards of juvenile detention centers and youtheducational centers took part in the study. Confirmed was the assumption that socially maladjusted adolescents had negative attitudes towards the tested standards and a low degree of internalization. It was established that young people associate the application of legal, religious and moral norms with values, but these views do not correspond to their observance. The results obtained determine the implications for the rehabilitation practice – they indicate the need to intensify educational efforts in supporting the moral development of socially maladapted individuals.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2020, 19; 245-257
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcjonowanie w rodzinie nieletnich z ośrodków kuratorskich
Functioning in a family of minors from probation centers
Huczuk-Kapluk, Sylwia
Pytka, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
funkcjonowanie nieletnich w rodzinie
środowisko wychowawcze
functioning of minors in family
educational environment
Dom rodzinny powinien być miejscem, do którego dzieci i młodzież chce wracać, a rodzice powinni być osobami, do których zawsze mogą zwrócić się o pomoc. Brak właściwych relacji z rodzicami niekorzystnie wpływa szczególnie na młodzież. Dlatego celem przeprowadzonych badań było określenie, jak nieletni z ośrodków kuratorskich funkcjonują w środowisku rodzinnym. Badania zostały przeprowadzone wśród nieletnich z ośrodków kuratorskich funkcjonujących przy Sądzie Okręgowym w Lublinie. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że badani nieletni nie mają poprawnych relacji z rodzicami i konieczne jest w ich przypadku prowadzenie działań profilaktyczno-wychowawczych, zarówno dla nich jak i ich rodziców.
The family home should be the place where children and youth want to return, and parents should be people to whom they can always turn to for help. Lack of proper relationships with parents in particular adversely affects youth. Therefore, the aim of the research was to determine how minors from probation centers function in a family environment. The study was conducted among minors from probation centers operating at the District Court in Lublin. The results obtained show that the examined minors do not have appropriate relationships with parents and it is necessary in their case to carry out preventive and educational activities both for them and their parents.
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze; 2019, 585(10); 23-34
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niedostosowanie społeczne dzieci i młodzieży a potencjał socjalizacyjno-terapeutyczny środowiska szkolnego
Herapeutic and Socialization Potential of School in Prevention of Children and Youth Social Maladjustment
Zdziech, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
niedostosowanie społeczne
wzorce społeczne
social maladjustment
social patterns
Celem artykułu było zaprezentowanie praktycznego, zintegrowanego modelu wychowawczo-terapeutycznego pracy z dziećmi i młodzieżą zagrożoną niedostosowaniem społecznym i niedostosowanych społecznie w środowisku szkolnym. Szczegółowymi celami były: poszerzenie rozumienia procesu kształtowania się niedostosowania społecznego o perspektywę psychologiczną, systemową, relacyjną i komunikacyjną oraz omówienie różnych oddziaływań terapeutycznych pomocnych zarówno w profilaktyce niedostosowania, jak i w aspekcie jego niwelowania. Autor przedstawił metarefleksję nad zjawiskiem profilaktyki niedostosowania społecznego, uwzględniającą perspektywą podmiotową, teorię więzi i przywiązania, motywację pozytywną i aksjologiczny wymiar relacji osób dorosłych z dziećmi i młodzieżą oraz ich rodzinami. Autor przedstawił także praktyczne pomysły na wykorzystanie technik psychoterapeutycznych w profilaktyce i korekcji niedostosowania społecznego w postaci modelu pracy edukacyjno-terapeutycznej w środowisku szkolnym.
The aim of this paper is to broaden the understanding of the process of shaping the social maladjustment from the systemic, relational and communication perspective and to discuss the various impacts of therapeutic methods on the prevention of the problem and coping with it when fully developed. Author presents important issues such as potential of family and education environment to create bonds and ties with children and adolescents, bonds-making behavior modelling and communication, the role of the teacher as the provider of socialization and personality patterns, therapeutic dialogue as special container for their internal conflicts and support for development of identity process. Author shows general meta-perspective on the social maladjustment prevention that takes into account personalistic approach perspective, attachment theory, positive motivation to change and axiological dimension of the children and adolescents bonds, ties and relationships with the social world. Also author shows general, practical model of therapeutic work in school environment that aims at prevention of social maladjustment.
Roczniki Pedagogiczne; 2016, 8(44), 3; 83-99
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sposoby pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej dzieciom z zaburzeniami zachowania i emocji
Behavioral and emotional disorders in children and psychological and pedagogical assistance
Czuba, Barbara
Król, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Ekonomiczna im. ks. Bronisława Markiewicza w Jarosławiu
behavioral and emotional disorders
social maladjustment
psychological and pedagogical help
zaburzenia zachowania i emocji
niedostosowanie społeczne
pomoc psychologiczno-pedagogiczna
Artykuł dotyczy problematyki zaburzeń zachowania i emocji u dzieci i młodzieży oraz pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej udzielanej w szkole w świetle aktualnych przepisów prawa. Zaburzenia zachowania i emocji mogą prowadzić do niedostosowania społecznego, dlatego tak ważne jest rozpoznawanie trudności i deficytów u dzieci i młodzieży, a potem adekwatne działania nauczycieli oraz specjalistów poprzez zastosowanie odpowiednich form pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej.
The article concerns the issues of behavioral and emotional disorders in children and adolescents as well as psychological and pedagogical assistance provided at school in the light of current legal regulations. Behavioral and emotional disorders can lead to social maladjustment, which is why it is so important to recognize difficulties and deficits in children and adolescents, and then adequate actions of teachers and specialists through the use of appropriate forms of psychological and pedagogical assistance.
Edukacja • Terapia • Opieka; 2020, 2; 198-210
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja • Terapia • Opieka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sytuacja wychowawcza w nowych typach rodzin a zagrożenie niedostosowaniem społecznym
Educational situation in the new types of families and the threat of social maladjustment
Dybich, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
niedostosowanie społeczne
sytuacja wychowawcza
formy życia rodzinnego
social maladjustment
educational situation
forms of family life
Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu omówienie niestandardowych form życia rodzinnego i wynikającego z odejścia od tradycyjnego modelu rodziny zagrożenia niedostosowaniem społecznym. Zagrożenie to pojawiło się u współczesnej młodzieży na skutek zmian w strukturze społecznej i wyodrębnienia się nowych typów rodzin, borykających się z licznymi problemami wychowawczymi, osłabieniem roli rodziny i autorytetu rodzica w procesie wychowawczym młodego człowieka.
This paper aims to discuss non-standard forms of family life and the threat of social maladjustment resulting from departure from the traditional model of family. The threat in question has emerged among the youth of today as a result of some changes. One of them is violation of the social structure by creating new types of families, which face numerous behavioural problems. Another factor that influences social maladjustment is the fact that the role of family and the authority of parents in the educational process of young people is continuously diminishing.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2016, 87; 77-91
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cechy pracy a wypełnianie roli wychowawczej pracowników młodzieżowych ośrodków wychowawczych i socjoterapii
Work characteristics and the educational role of the employees in youth educational and sociotherapy centers
Ewa, Sygit-Kowalkowska
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
młodzieżowe ośrodki wychowawcze
młodzieżowe ośrodki socjoterapii
niedostosowanie społeczne
youth educational centers
youth sociotherapy centers
social maladjustment
Przeznaczeniem młodzieżowych ośrodków wychowawczych (MOW) i ośrodków socjoterapii (MOS) jest praca z dziećmi i młodzieżą doświadczającymi zaburzeń prawidłowego funkcjonowania o różnej etiologii. Szczególna rola tych instytucji powoduje, że praca z wychowankami ośrodków jest niezwykle wymagająca. Wobec tego przyjęto za cel zaprezentowanie charakterystyki psychospołecznych warunków pracy w ośrodkach wychowawczych i socjoterapii. Dokonano przeglądu badań w tym zakresie. Ukazano potencjalne zależności między cechami środowiska pracy a wykonywaną pracą terapeutyczną. Wskazano zarówno na potrzebę kontynuacji badań w tym zakresie, jak i działań profilaktycznych skierowanych do tej grupy zawodowej.
The purpose of youth educational centers and sociotherapy centers is to work with children and young people experiencing functioning disorders of various origins. The special role of these institutions means that working in this field is extremely demanding for employees. Therefore, the aim of the article was to present the characteristics of psychosocial working conditions in educational and sociotherapy centers. Research in this area was reviewed. Potential relationships between the features of the work environment and the performed therapeutic work were shown. The need to continue research in this area as well as to create workplace prevention actions dedicated for this professional group was underlined.
Psychologia Wychowawcza; 2020, 59(17); 195-209
Pojawia się w:
Psychologia Wychowawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielokrotni recydywiści o wczesnym i późnym początku karalności
Persistent recidivits with early and late criminal records
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
kara pozbawienia wolności
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
social maladjustment
This part of the work presents an analysis of the process of social degradation regarding prisoners, persistent recidivists (convicted not less than four times and imprisoned for at least the fourth time), aged between 26 and 35. The investigations embraced 220 prisoners whose delinquency was closely examined. This work however takes particular note of those, who relatively late (only after 21) had their first trial in the Court of Justice. First of all, it was important to determine whether they were less socially maladjusted in their childhood than the recidivists whose trials began earlier (between 17 and 20), what were the origins of their delinquency and what factors influenced the etiology of their recidivism. Those recidivists whose first trials began at 21 or later constitute a relatively small group of 29,6%, among the 220 recidivists investigated. The remaining recidivists of 26-35 years of age had their first trials earlier. 1. On the basis of the interviews and after a check in Juvenile Courts it has been established that among the late recidivists (convicted for the first time at the age of 21 at least) only about one third (30,7%) were those who committed offences (thefts as a rule) as juveniles (under 17). Among the early recidivists (convicted for the first time at the age of 17-20) such subjects constituted 60,0%. In general, among the late recidivists, those who stole or committed other offences as juveniles constituted 33,8% while among the early recidivists such subjects constituted as many as 65,1%. These figures show that more of the early recidivists than of the latę recidivists committed offences (thefts as a rule) as juveniles. There is a statistically significant correlation between the perpetration of offences by the subjects when they were juveniles and the early beginning of their trials after they were 17 (dependence at the level of significance 0,001). Thefts committed by the late recidivists in their juvenility were in general less frequent and less serious than those committed at that period by the early recidivists. Only 43,8% of the late recidivists of whom it was possible to obtain some data relating to the places of thefts they had committed as juveniles, were stealing outside their homes and schools. Among the early recidivists such persons constitute as many as 80%. 24,5% of the early recidivists were tried at least twice in Juvenile Courts while among the late recidivists such persons constituted merely 6,1%. The division of the subjects into two groups according to the age at which they were first tried after they were 17 is then justified by the ascertainments of the actual beginnings of their delinquency when they were juveniles. Among the late recidivists, the subjects who started committing offences as juveniles and continued to do so until their first trial when they were at least 21, constitute only 13,8%. The remaining late recidivists, who committed offences as juveniles (20%), did so only sporadically or altogether stopped to commit them but recommenced in connection with their later abuse of alcohol. 2. The fact that despite a late, in general, beginning of their actual delinquency the late recidivists were repeatedly convicted and repeatedly imprisoned, may be connected with the circumstance that the subjects who were socially maladjusted already as juveniles constituted two thirds of the total. However, the late recidivists manifested social maladjustment in their juvenility less often than early recidivists, among whom as many as 90,8% were socially maladjusted at that time. (Social maladjustment was established in 83% of cases of the total of the investigated persistent recidivists). These late recidivists who did not display any symptoms of social maladjustment in their juvenility began, in general, to commit offences in connection with their abuse of alcohol, and their entire delinquency as adults is connected with alcoholism: they commit chiefly aggressive offences in the state of inebriety, also thefts, the proceeds of which are immediately spent on alcohol. 3. The childhood of the subjects was characterized by considerable disturbances of their study at school. Only 43,6% of the investigated (47,7% of the late recidivists and 42,5% of the early recidivists) finished the 7-grade elementary school. The education of the investigated recidivists is lower than that of the total of prisoners. 16,5% of the subjects finished three grades, at most. Those who did not reach the sixth grade of the elementary school constitute 41,4% of the total of recidivists (40,0% among the late recidivists and 42,5% among the early recidivists). Similar gaps in elementary education have also been established through investigations on juvenile recidivists, previously conducted by the Department of Criminology. It has been established that the subjects did not finish the elementary school on account of their having been brought up in a negative family environment, lower of their intelligence, social maladjustment in their juvenile years and war-time difficulties of some part of the subjects. About two thirds of the subjects repeated some grades. Truancy was systematically practised by 54,6%, of the investigated (40,4% of the late recidivists and 60,4% of the early recidivists). In 60% of cases the subjects stated that teachers had often complained of their bad behaviour at school. About half of the subjects declared that they had considerable difficulties at school. 50,6% of the subjects drank liquor as juveniles at least once a month or wine at least once a week. (36,5% of the late recidivists and 57,0% of the early recidivists). 41,1% of the subjects ran away from home (21,5% of the late recidivists and 49% of the early recidivists). The subjects (60,0%) often kept company, as adolescents, with friends who committed thefts (38,6% of the late recidivists and as many as 68% of the early recidivists). In this way, the late recidivists less often than the early recidivists displayed as adolescents particular symptoms of social maladjustment. 4. The subjects' family environments revealed in majority of cases a syndrome of factors which were negative from thę educational point of view. Family environments, evaluated negatively because of alcoholism in the family, lack of systematic work of the father or delinquency, constituted no less than 60,3% (50% among late recidivists and 64,4% among early recidivists). Systematic abuse of alcohol by fathers was often (52,4%) established in the families of the investigated (46% of the fathers of the late recidivists and 61,4% of the fathers of the early recidivists). The percentage of fathers who systematically abused of alcohol even before birth of the investigated is also considerable and amounts to 43%. (35% of the late recidivists and 48,3%, of the early recidivists). Alcoholism was established in a fairly considerable percentage of families of parents of the investigated, namely their fathers or brothers (55,6%). The late recidivists were for the most part brought up in only one educational environment, i.e. they had only one home and were under constant care of at least' one and the same person (73,8% of the late recidivists). During the childhood of the early recidivists, changes of their educational environments were established more often (45,5% of cases). Nearly one third of the early recidivists were brought up in at least three educational environments while such frequent changes of educational environments regarding the late recidivists were established in only 13% of cases. Family homes of the late recidivists were educationally more advantageous than those of the early recidivists. Educationally negative factors such as alcoholism or delinquency of fathers were established less often. Similarly, changes of educational environments during their childhood were less frequent. 5. The percentage of those subjects who came from large families was considerable: 36,4% of the investigated had three or more brothers or sisters. Brothers and sisters of the investigated either displayed similar lacks in elementary education but some of them were on a much higher educational level. In 36,4% of cases the investigated had brothers or sisters who did not finish elementary school. As many as 28,5% of the investigated had somęone in the family who graduated from a vocational school. Higher education appeared in families of the investigated in 7,2% of cases. In many families there were brothers without any professional qualifications whatever (53,7 % of cases). It is significar that many persistent recidivists had brothers who displayed symptoms of social maladjustment' committed offencęs or were judicially convicted. Social maladjustment of at least one brother was established in two-thirds of cases, 44,7% of the investigated had someone in their families who committed unrevealed thefts or was tried by Juvenile Courts or Courts of Law for thefts and other offences. Percentages of the late recidivists with socially maladjusted siblings did not differ from similar percentages of the early recidivists. 6. At the time of the investigations 41,8% of the investigated were bachelors, which constitutes a percentage twice higher than the established percentage of the total of men in Poland aged between 25 and 34. Bachelors appeared more often among the early recidivists (45,8%) than among the late recidivists (32,3%). However, most marriages contracted by the late recidivists were subsequently broken (54,5%). In the period preceding their arrest only 28,6% of the investigated stayed with their wives. 19,5% lived outside their family circle at that time. Wives of the investigated often came from the ranks of socially maladjusted women. 28,8% of them were abusing of alcohol. 18% were convicted by Courts of Law. 8% of the wives of the late recidivists and 17,5% of the wives of the early recidivists were suspected to practice prostitution. In two thirds of cases within the family backgrounds of the wives there could be found brothers or fathers who were abusing of alcohol. A relatively good family life of the actually married recidivists was established only in 36,3%, of cases. In the remaining families there occurred constant quarrels and rows, mostly provoked by the investigated in the state of inebriety. It has been established, that as many as 57% of late recidivists and 52,9% of early recidivists were aggressive to their families in the state of inebriety. 46% of late recidivists and 31,6% of early recidivists took things and money from their homes and spent them on alcohol. 21,5% of the late recidivists and 10,3% of early recidivists were tried at least once for maltreating their families in state of inebriety. The situation of children brought up in such families is certainly very unfavourable. 63% of late recidivists and 50% of early recidivists had children and relatively often they presented serious educational difficulties, had difficulties at school or displayed neurotic symptoms. Appearance of any of these symptoms was established in 58,6% of the families of the late recidivists in children over 7 and in 70% of the families of the early recidivists in children of the same age. 7. One of the most important questions which revealed itself at the examination of the social adjustment of the investigated during the period when they were over 17 was the course of their professional work and particularly the appearancę among them of individuals who either did not work at all or worked only by snatches. Most of the investigated did not have any profession at all (56,1%), not even such, which could be acquired at a short course or at work. Only few of the investigated had professional qualifications acquired at vocational schools (8,2%-13,8% among the late recidivists and 6% among the early recidivists). The late recidivists more often had a profession (55,4%) than the early recidivists (40,4%). Many late recidivists however, who had some professional qualifications had with time stopped working in that profession (58,4% already did not work in their profession at the time preceding their last arrest). Usually, it was due to a degradation caused by the abuse of alcohol. Since the investigated recidivists were of different age and spent different periods of time in prison, it was ascertained, that it would be best to compare the duration of their respective work by means of percentages (the duration of work done in their life beginning at 17 - in relation to the whole period during which the investigated were at liberty and were able to work). Already at the time when the investigated were 17 -20 a distinct difference in the duration of work of the early and the late recidivists has become manifest. Among the late recidivists, more frequent are cases of such subjects who at the age of 17 - 20 worked longer than half the time in which they were able to work while among the early recidivists, more frequent were cases of working less than half that time (statistical dependence significant on significance level 0,001). Differences in the duration of work of the early and the late recidivists become evident also at the examination of the entire period of their life, beginning at 17. The investigated who worked more than half of the time in which they were able to work, constituted 30% of the total of the investigated recidivists (27% among early recidivists and nearly half of late recidivists). Only few recidivists worked longer than three-quarters of the time in which they were able to work (merely 11,5%). In this way, a considerable majority of the investigated recidivists worked only unsystematically or did not work at all. As many as 35% of the investigated worked only less than one-fourth of the time in which they were able to work. The irregular character of their work was due to their early social maladjustment. Those investigated who worked very little in their life were more often maladjusted as juveniles than those who worked for longer periods (dependence statistically significant on the significance level 0,001). Besides, in the origins of the subjects' attitude to work, the absence of vocational training, connected with the unfinished elementary school and the lowered intellectual level, constituted the essential element. This lack of professional qualifications was an obstacle in getting a job of a certain social status. To simple, physical work, demanding considerable physical effort, the majority of the investigated had a decidedly negative attitude. Systematic abuse of alcohol was another factor which contributed to the irregular character of their work. For instance, according to the evidence given by their employers, the subjects often drank alcohol during working hours. Only for 16,4% of the investigated their wages constituted their sole source of maintenance. However, the investigated whose sources of maintenance were exclusively legal (wages or help of the family) constituted 34,1%. Living on various sorts of offences exclusively (i.e. besides thefts also other offences against property, cheating at hazardous gams, illegal trade, etc.) was established only with 17,7%, of the investigated; recidivists living exclusively on committing offences appeared more often among early recidivists 20,6%) than among late recidivists (10,7%). The percentage of persistent recidivists living only on thefts was merely 8,6% of the total. The fact, that a relatively large percentage (36,8%) was supported, even partly, by parents or wives deserves consideration. 8. Among the investigated persistent recidivists an immense majority constitute men, who systematically abuse of alcohol (89,5%) whilst more than a half of the investigated (53,2%) are alcohol addicts. 50,6% of the investigated, already as juveniles, began drinking wine at least once a week or vodka at least once a month. 51,3% of the investigated drank at least a quarter-liter of vodka three times a week or more, before they were 21. Similarly, the investigated persistent recidivists early displayed first symptoms of alcoholism (61% of recidivists, who were alcohol addicts displayed distinct symptoms of alcoholism already under 28). A distinct abstinence syndrome was established in regard to 76% of alcoholic recidivists; it became evident already at the age of 27. The investigated who already suffered from alcoholic psychosis, delirium tremens for the most part, constitute among alcoholic recidivists a percentage as high as 21,4%. The average age of the subjects showing first symptoms of alcoholism is very young, much younger than that established in various investigations of alcohol addicts. 40% of the investigated alcohol addicts were treated at least once, usually under pressure of their families, in out-patients clinics, but very soon they interrupted the treatment and did not return to the clinic any more. The long process of systematic drinking of alcoholic beverages beginning almost at the time of their juvenility doubtlessly strengthened the symptoms of social maladjustment and personality deviations displayed by persistent recidivists. Data relating to the beginnings of the abuse of alcohol show that late recidivists began drinking alcoholic beverages later than early recidivists and they did it less often as juveniles (36,4% of late recidivists and 57,5% of early recidivists abused of alcohol as juveniles). However there is no difference in percentage of alcohol addicts among late recidivists and early recidivists. Regarding late recidivists the systematic abuse of alcohol plays, despite its later beginnings, a much more important role in the etiology of their delinquency than with the early recidivists. In general, in case of early recidivists, perpetration of offences preceded their systematic drinking of alcoholic beverages. On the other hand, in case of late recidivists, systematic drinking of alcohol and subsequent alcoholism constitute factors of the greatest importance regarding the origins of their persistent recidivism. It is fitting to mention, that considerable percentages of offenders systematically drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities were already established by investigations previously conducted by the Department of Criminology, on juvenile and young recidivists (57% and 75%). In this connection, the creation of special institutions for treatment of alcoholic offenders should be acknowledged as an urgent social demand. 9. Over 17, the delinquency of late recidivists is less serious than that of early recidivists. There are more perpetrators of small thefts among late recidivists who seldom steal objects of greater value. Also there are less perpetrators of robberies among late recidivists (20%) than among early recidivists (34,8%). Late recidivists represent an altogether different type of offender than early recidivists. There are less “professional” (24,6%) offenders among them while such offenders constitute as high a percentage as 44,6% among early recidivists. Offenders, committing thefts in connection with their alcoholism, appear more often among late recidivists as well as offenders committing almost exclusively offences of the so-called hooligan character: against persons or public officers (mostly the insulting or attacking of the policemen). The subjects belonging to those two groups constitute 53,8% of the late and only 24,4% of the early recidivists. The difference in the gravity of offences committed by late and early recidivists is made evident also by penalties which were imposed upon them. There are more investigated among late recidivists sentenced exclusively to less than two years of prison (50,7%), whilst among early recidivists they constitute merely 20%. 10. When discussing the problem of juvenile delinquency we cannot bypass the subjects' personality disorders dating in many of them as early as their childhood. These disorders are made evident by biographies of the investigated and by dimensions of their social maladjustment as well as by a characteristic structure of offences, among which prevail offences against property, relatively unimportant, while offences connected with aggression constitute a considerable percentage. They are also shown by the fact, that a relatively considerable percentage of the investigated recidivists stayed in prison longer than at liberty. This work does not examine in detail problems of personality disorders (it will be the subject of a separate work). Nevertheless, certain matters should be touched upon. It has been ascertained on the basis of interviews that in 18,3% of cases there existed a justified suspicion that the investigated had a brain injury at birth. Besides, it was often ascertained that the investigated displayed neurotic symptoms in their childhood (in 66,2% of cases), particularly enuresis (24% of the investigated) and stuttering (15%). On the basis of the information supplied by the mothers and by the investigated themselves who confirmed that they had frequent fights at school and were pestering their siblings at home, it has been established that 44,9% were aggressive during their childhood. This aggressiveness had been found to be more frequent in cases of the early recidivists than in cases of the late recidivists. (The correlation between the early age at the first trial and the aggressiveness in childhood was statistically significant at the significance level 0.01). The percentage of those subjects who had ever suffered from illnesses in the central nervous system or who had suffered concussion of the brain was relatively considerable and amounted to 28,6%. The psychiatric expert evidence found in the records of 76 investigated, contained diagnosis of encephalopathy in regard to 20% of recidivists. In connection with the fact that many investigated were tried for committing aggressive offences, the problem of aggressiveness of persistent recidivists was given particular attention. In the first place those investigated were considered aggressive, whose behaviour was often aggressive (physical aggression) as well as those, who showed evident hostility to their environment. The investigated considered aggressive, constituted a considerable percentage (60%); moreover, 14,8% were aggressive only in the state of inebriety. Late recidivists were less often aggressive (45,1%) than early recidivists (66,4%). 50,3% of aggressive recidivists committed acts of self-aggression. The correIation between committing self-aggression and aggressiveness was statistically significant (on significance level 0,001). It is remarkable that various acts of self-aggression were established with 43,2% of the investigated (49,7% of early recidivists and, 27,7% of late recidivists). As many as 34,1% of the total of the investigated recidivists committed self-aggression when they were at liberty. Low professional qualifications of the investigated and non-graduation of the majority of them from elementary schools were partly connected with a relatively large percentage, in the investigated group, of men with a lowered level of intelligence. 44,1% of them, tested by Wechsler-Bellevue scale attained intelligence quotients below 91, while 17,1% were below 80. Examining these results it is necessary to take into consideration the fact, that the investigated group displayed a marked mental deterioration (the deterioration of over 20% was established in cases of 42,8% of the investigated). This may be connected with alcoholism of the investigated.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1969, IV; 59-104
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nieprzystosowanie społeczne i środowiska rodzinne młodzieży systematycznie nadużywającej alkoholu
The Social Maladjustment and Family Background of Young Heavy Drinkers
Mościskier, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
nadużywanie alkoholu
środowisko rodzinne
social maladjustment
alcohol abuse
family environment
The present paper is a report on the studies conducted in the years 1975-77, dealing with a group of young regularly excessively drinking men aged 18-25. The population from which the sample was randomly drawn consisted of men aged 18-25 inhabiting 4 of the 7 districts of Warsaw and reported by the district constables of the police as persons regularly excessively drinking (that is, getting drunk more frequently than once a week). The district constables reported the total of 1,273 men meeting the above criteria, which makes about 3% of the number of all men of this age living in these districts. In reality, the percentage of men of this age regularly excessively drinking is probably much higher, as a considerable number of constables stated that they worked in their districts for too short a period to know all the persons living there who would qualify for the study. From the mentioned population, 331 persons were randomly drawn for the study. The materials employed consist of interviews with the mothers of the examined persons and of information from official sources court records, prison files, documents of juvenile courts and detoxication centres. The similar data were gathered as regards all brothers of the examined persons who were also aged 18-25. When beginning the study, it was acknowledged that considering the criteria for the selection of the population, first of all persons with negative family background would be selected and that this very environmental  characteristic would be the main determinant of differentiating the main group from the control group, where the family background - as it was easy to foresee - would be of a more favourable character. It was thus decided to eliminate the influence of family background variable in the selection of the control group, so as to render possible the protrusion - of other characteristics which differentiate the persons regularly excessively drinking from those of the control group. Considering this, the control group was made of all brothers of the examined persons who were also aged 18-25 but were not reported by the district constables as regularly excessively drinking. There were 111 brothers meeting these criteria, and they make the control group in the present study. The first part of the study was to verify if the family background of the examined persons and those included in the control group was indeed as negative as presumed. In this case, the hypnothesis was fully confirmed. Among the 311 families of those examined as many as 166 (53,3%) were one-parent or broken families which dated back to the time when the persons under examination had been minors. The families were in general numerous, average being 3 children per family, while there were 88 (28.3%) families with 4 or more children. For the further characterization of the families the data regarding fathers were employed. It turned out that 158 (50.8%) fathers were regularly excessively drinking; in fact in the majority of cases they were alcoholics. At least 98 (31.5%) fathers were convicted by courts and 91 (29.3%) by the Penal Administrative Commissions. Taking all these three characteristics together, it was stated that as many as 194 (62,4%) fathers were regularly excessively drinking or had criminal records. These data point to the large intensity of pathological phenomena in the families of persons under examination and their brothers from the control group. And yet on the other hand, taking into account the social and professional status (education and profession) of the fathers, their situation in this respect was found better than supposed, though they belonged to the lower social classes. The second part of the study deals with the extent of social maladjustment of persons under examination and their brothers from the control group. Apart from the fact that - according to the principles of sample selection - all the persons should have been regular heavy drinkers, the gathered data were verified in respect of their confirmation of this fact. As regularly excessively drinking the persons were recognized who - according to their mother’s statements - got drunk more often than once a week or had been taken into the detoxication entre. There were 253 (76.4%) such persons in the main group and 44 (40%) in the control group. Also, a category of persons who drank most frequently was distinguished, those who were probably alcoholics. In this category there were included persons who - according to their mothers’ statements - got drunk at least twice a week or had been taken into the Detoxication Centre at least three times. There were 122 (37%) such persons in the main group, and 17 (16%) in the control group. As to the symptoms of social maladjustment, they were decidedly greater in the main group than in the control group, which dated back as far as their childhood. And so, for instance, severe school problems (uncompleted elementary education or repeating classes) were found in 60.7% of the examined persons and in 42.3% of their brothers from the control group. 57.1% of the examined persons and 30.6% of their brothers from control group  committed thefts outside their home and respectively 23.9% and 10.8% were placed in reformatories in consequence of their stealing. The differences in the extent of social maladjustment among both groups increased with age, and grew particularly large in the age of adulthood. And so, as many as 57.1% of the examined persons stayed out of work or worked irregularly as compared with 21.6% of their brothers from the control group. Suicidal attempts and self-injuries were performed by 29.3% of persons under scrutiny and by 9% of their brothers from the control group. There are also obvious differences as to the extent of delinquency in both groups. 42% of the persons examined and only 17.1% of their brothers had action brought against them in Penal Administrative Commissions and 60.1% of the persons examined and 28.8% of their brothers were convicted by court. Taking into account those convicted by court only, the percentage of recidivists was 50.8% in the test group and 46.9% in the control group, whereas the character of delinquency was similar in both groups, the majority being violent offences. Considering the fact that the control group consisted of brothers of the examined persons who were also aged 18-25, the great difference in the occurrence of the symptoms of social maladjustment between the two groups should be emphasized. Considering the decidedly negative character of the family background of both the persons examined and their brothers from the control group, the extent of social maladjustment in both groups could have been expected to be similar. On the other hand, it could be assumed that from the very criterion of selection to the main group - that is, from the information that the person in question regularly drank excessively, while there was no such information as to the brothers from the control group - it appears that alcohol is the factor that causes the larger extent of social maladjustment among the persons examined as compared with their brothers from the control group. However, this argument seems doubtful in the light of the data as to the social maladjustment during childhood, when drinking did not as yet come into question. As early as in the childhood, the persons examined manifested symptoms of social maladjustment to a decidedly higher degree than their brothers from the control group. In thus seems more probable that the larger intensity both of drunkness, and of other symptoms of social maladjustment is based on the personality characteristics, which are revealed in the early childhood. It is, however, beyond the limits of the present study to supply documentary evidence for this argument or to point out - on the basis of the empirical data - some individualistic characteristics influencing the subsequent social maladjustment; it will be accomplished in another study. This problem was, however, worthy of attention, being important for the theory as well as for practice, all the more so as the trend now prevails to take into account first of all the environmental factors in preventive and corrective treatment. The material presented above seems to suggest that the extent of social maladjustment among different persons with equally negative family backgrounds is influenced at least to the same and perhaps even greater degree by individual psychological than by environmental factors.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1982, VIII-IX; 339-362
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Orientacje zawodowe młodzieży niedostosowanej społecznie wobec kariery zawodowej
Orientations of socially maladjusted young people towards their careers
Kukla, Daniel
Mielczarek, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
kariera zawodowa
orientacja zawodowa
niedostosowanie społeczne
młodzież niedostosowana społecznie
professional career
professional orientation
social maladjustment
socially maladjusted youth
W opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki badań, których celem było poznanie odpowiedzi na problem główny zawarty w pytaniu: jakie orientacje zawodowe przejawia młodzież niedostosowana społecznie płci męskiej umieszczona w Młodzieżowym Ośrodku Wychowawczym? Placówka, w której zrealizowano badania, jest przeznaczona dla chłopców niedostosowanych społecznie w wieku 13–18 lat będących w normie intelektualnej. W postępowaniu badawczym została przyjęta strategia ilościowa, która wpisała się w paradygmat pozytywistyczny. Badania przeprowadzono za pomocą metody indywidualnych przypadków, do której dobrano technikę testu. Narzędzie badawcze stanowił wystandaryzowany kwestionariusz „Moja kariera”. Otrzymane wyniki badań pozwoliły poznać orientacje na karierę zawodową wśród grupy nieletnich.
The study presents the results of the research, the aim of which was to get to know the answer to the main problem included in the question: what kind of professional orientation present maladjusted youth placed in the Youth Educational Center? The institution where the research was carried out is intended for socially maladjusted boys aged 13–18 who are in the intellectual norm. A quantitative strategy was adopted in the research procedure, that became part of the positivist paradigm. The research was carried out using the individual case method, to which the test technique was selected. The research tool was a standardized questionnaire „My Career”. The obtained results of the research allowed to know the orientations for a professional career among the group of minors.
Szkoła - Zawód - Praca; 2019, 17; 259-274
Pojawia się w:
Szkoła - Zawód - Praca
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielokrotni recydywiści w świetle badań kryminologicznych i psychologicznych
Persistent Recidivists in the Light of Criminological and Psychological Resaearch
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
klasy społeczne
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
badania kryminologiczne
badania psychologiczne
social classes
social maladjustment
criminological resaearch
psychological research
This work presents the findings of studies of offenders, whose offences were time and again revealed, who had been frequently tried and many times been imprisoned. Studies were made of prisoners, convicted at least four times and who found themselves in prison at least for the fourth time, being of the age between 26-35 (the average age being 31). Studies were conducted in 1965-1966 in the Warsaw Central Prison. Selected from among the 440 prisoners there at that time, whose age and recidivism was in accordance with the above mentioned criteria, were those, who had domiciles in Warsaw or the voivodship of Warsaw and who possessed closest family members (as a rule father or mother), who could supply information about them. Making the successsive selection for studies, efforts were nevertheless made to take into account in the studied group those persistent recidivists who were convicted of robbery; this was due to the intention to take into account all the cases of recidivism, involving more serious offences. In connection with this departure from the principle of random samples, this group contained considerably more offenders convicted of robbery than was the case in the remaining group of persistent recidivists which was not subject to thorough investigation. The subject of thorough studies were half of the persistent recidivists, which at the time under discussion, were inmates of the Warsaw Central Prison, namely 220 prisoners. Studies concentrated on: collection of data about the convictions of the offenders, checking at the juvenile court records, whether they had been brought before a court while they were minors, collection of extracts from court records (regarding the most recent as well as prior convictions), efforts to obtain, by means of interviews and questionnaires, information about the work of the studied persons in various enterprises, where they had been employed, the drawing up of extracts from prison records, collection of medical documents of those prisoners who had received treatment in psychiatric outpatient clinics, in anti-alcoholic outpatient clinics or who had been in psychiatric hospitals; interviews conducted with the closest family members of the offenders, psychological examinations conducted with the prisoners of the group selected for studies (psychological interviews, the Wechsler-Bellevue scale, Sachs’s and Levy’s Sentence Completion Test, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Buss-Durkee inventory). In addition to this 60 recidivists underwent psychiatric examinations. The studies were conducted by a team with the participation of Professor S. Batawia, who also headed the entire research; in the work of the team participated in addition to the author of this article: M. Kiezun- Majewska, S. Szelhaus and D. Wojcik. ; The average number of convictions per recidivist amounted to 6.5; the average number of stays in prison to 6.0. A persistent recidivist committed on an average 10.1 offences for which he was convicted, of these: 6.8 offences against property, 3.0 offences against the health or public authorities and offices as well as 1.3 other offences. One of the striking features of the offences committed by multiple recidivists was the variety of their offences: as many as two-thirds were convicted of offences of various types, only 27% were convicted exclusively of offences against property and a mere 9% were convicted exclusively of offences against the health as well as against the authorities and public offices. What is striking even in the case of those who were convicted exclusively of offences against property, is the heterogeneous nature of their offences and the lack of specialization in this respect. Violent offences (against the health or public authorities and offices) were committed by the overwhelming majority of those studied (71%). Almost all of the offences, and also the majority of the robberies were committed while they were intoxicated. Persistent recidivists are relatively rarely convicted of serious offences. Only 12.5% of those investigated could be considered dangerous because of frequent serious violent offences (including also robbery) and besides this only 12% could be qualified as people causing serious material damage. According to statistics concerning the whole of Poland every twenty-fifth persistent recidivist only was in 1973 convicted of an offence qualified according to the penal code as a felony (statutory minimum of punishment - 3 years).   According to this study, a typical persistent recidivist is a person whose offences have caused not only social damage, but also serious damage to the perpetrators themselves, because the offences committed as a rule did not bring him any greater material advantages, but gave rise to consequences, due to which he spent a considerable part of his life in prison: 69% spent after the age of 17 more time in prison than out of prison. Almost half of them were less than a year at liberty between two successive convictions. These studies aimed at obtaining the possibly most allround information about the persistent recidivists and about their life histories. Special stress was laid on the problem of the early maladjustment of these people and the age when their first offences were committed, their professional work and attitude to their family, on the very essential problem of habital excessive drinking on their part, and also on personality disorders. Information on the family milieu from which the prisoners indicates that the majority of their fathers (77%) worked systematically (mainly as unskilled workers) and a mere convicted. However, fathers drinking to excess were a serious problem in the families of the sampled prisoners. When the prisoners were children approximately 27% of the fathers were heavy drinkers, in addition 25% were alcoholics. It is also interesting that alcoholism was found with almost half of the families of the parents of the investigated prisoners, involving their fathers or brothers. The social behaviour of the mothers of the sampled group was more positive. While half of the fathers were considered socially negative (due to excessive drinking, frequent convictions or unsystematic work), only 16% of the mothers deserved such an opinion. About 10% of the mothers drank systematically to excess, 6% had been convicted and 3% were suspected of being prostitutes. Only 41% of the recidivists lived, while being minors, within a complete family, in the cases of 48% of the families one of the parents had died (most frequently the father); in half of the cases the family was broken up when the studied prisoners were below 15 years. Connected with a disturbed family structure were changes regarding the educational milieu. 40% of the group changed their homes in their childhood, in the case of about one-fourth of them many changes were found: they brought up at least in three different homes. The marital relations of the prisoners’ parents were often (50%) very bad. The frequent breaking up of the family and work of the mothers to earn a living was often combined with the neglect of the children, found in as many as two-thirds of the families of the recidivists. On the basis of statements made by the studied group and their mothers the material conditions during their childhood were in 55% of the families very difficult, preventing the satisfaction of the most basic needs. The sampled recidivists relatively frequently came from families with many children: in 38% of the cases these were families with at least four children, in 21% these were families with three children. The brothers and sisters of the recidivists often, just as the latter themselves, had gaps in their primary school education (in 39% of the families there are found among the brothers and sisters persons who have not finished primary school education) and also had similar shortcomings regarding professional skills (over half the brothers had no vocational training at all). But the recidivists who were studied also had (though only in few cases) brothers and sisters by far outdistancing them as regards education. In as many as two-thirds of the families it was found that there were socially maladjusted brothers; in 44.5% of the families somebody from among the siblings had committed theft, had been brought before a court, while still being a minor, or had been convicted after having reached the age of 17; in as many as one-third of the families brothers were recidivists. The negative educational ditions in the families of the recidivists thus found their reflection in substantial social maladjustment of their brothers and sisters. The intensification of this maladjustment was, however, with the sampled group higher than was the case with their brothers, only one-fifth were families where all the brothers were recidivists.  Studying the extent to which the sampled individuals were socially maladjusted While being juveniles, questions were asked during interviews regarding their early childhood. According to data obtained from mothers, neurotic symptoms could be noticed in many of the sampled recidivists (two-thirds). Though the percentage of those who showed such symptoms during the school period was slightly smaller (58%), there nevertheless were still many with such symptoms as bed-wetting (13%) and stuttering (17%). Half of the studied group of recidivists, who showed neurotic symptoms in school, displayed a number of such symptoms. During the investigation in prison 58% of the respondents admitted some neurotic symptoms, mainly disturbances of sleep and special fears. Striking was the frequent fact of stuttering (16.5%), found during inations in prison (on the basis of observation). A large group of persistent recidivists revealed a striking durability of neurotic symptoms from their childhood on till adulthood. Half of the recidivists of this group were defined by their mothers as ‘’difficult to bring up” during childhood (very disobedient and stubborn), while 44% were much more aggressive than the other children in the family.  The childhood of the recidivists was marked by considerable disturbances at school: 16% of them finished no more than 3 grades of primary school, 25% -4-5 grades and 15% - 6 grades. A total of as many 56% did not finish primary school education. These shortcomings in primary school education were found especially often with those individuals among the group who had a lower IQ (IQ below 91), and those who had been brought up in negative family milieux, as well as those whose school years were during the war period and those who had revealed early social maladjustment.   Two-thirds of this group of recidivists repeated the same class in school, 44% systematically played truant, in many cases (60%) it was found that the teachers had complained about their behaviour in school.  While still being minors 41% of them had run away from home. Two-thirds maintained that during their childhood they spent much time outside their home, running the streets in the company of colleagues, who were stealing and drinking alcohol. Worth special attention is the fact, that close to half of the sampled group (46.8%) began already as minors to drink alcohol to excess, and there is information regarding 22%, indicating that when being barely 13-14 years old, they already were drinking wine or vodka at least once a week. On the basis of interviews and information obtained from juvenile court records, it was found that at least 36.2% of the recidivists from this group faced courts at an age below 17, while 21.3% were sent to approved schools. Taking into account also additional information regarding theft that was not found out, it has appeared that as many as at least 57% of the persistent recidivists were stealing or brought before a court while they were still under age. They belong to the category of former juvenile delinquents who are recidivists and whose offences are of a most persistent nature. Those recidivists whose delinquency started while they were still adolescents, more frequently than the remaining ones, came from negative family milieux. In interviews and tests results more frequently data found among them testifying to personality maladjustment: aggressiveness during school attendence and aggressiveness during the period when these studies were conducted (found on the basis of the opinions of psychologists and questionnaires according to the Buss-Durkee inventory, MMPI profiles with a markedly raised F scale). In addition to those of the group who committed offences while minors, there were still 53 (25%) of them who, though they had, as it was found, not committed offences at that time, nevertheless revealed considerable social maladjustment.  Only in the case of 17% of the recidivists studied, no such symptoms were found. These recidivists were during the period when the studies were conducted in many respects better than the remaining ones: they more often possessed professional skills, had worked more systematically, more rarely been in prison and had longer intervals between the successive convictions. The first convictions of these individuals after the age of 17 started later, more among them had their first trials only after the age of 21. But as regards alcohol drinking they did not differ from the other recidivists. This is a very important fact, since in the genesis of offences committed by recidivists who as minors had not shown symptoms of social maladjustment, drinking of alcohol in excess played a larger role than was the case with the remaining recidivists and the entire character of the offences committed by them later was connected with habitual drinking of alcohol. Recidivists in whom no symptoms of social maladjustment were found while they were adolescents, nevertheless came, just like the remaining recidivists, relatively frequently from negative family milieux and often data were found concerning them, which pointed to early personality disorders; thus they were especially susceptible to unfavourable social conditions. In the life histories of these recidivists can be clearly noticed the significance of unfavourable situations for the genesis of their delinquency; the lasting aspect of this delinquency is later combined with alcoholism and difficulties encountered in the social functioning of individuals, who have already been in prison. Data from the juvenile period of persistent recidivists indicate that they entered adult society already with substantial gaps in their education, without the habit of systematic work and without any vocational training. Only three from among the studied group had finished vocational school, and at the time the study took place 55% had no professional qualifications whatsoever. This lack of vocational skill was especially often typical of those, who in connection with their lower intelligence quotient had objective difficulties at school, were lacking sufficient motivation to learn a trade and those, who had stayed at liberty only for a very short period. The studied group started to work at an early age (41% already below 16), which was connected with their difficult material conditions and the early dropping out from school. When being young adults half of the sampled group had worked relatively systematically (at least during half the period they stayed at liberty and were able to work). Later in their life can be noticed a distinct decline in systematic work. During their last stay at liberty 43% did not work at all; among the remaining individuals, 40% of those who started to work, were longer without work than with work. During the entire period since they reached the age of 17 only one-third of them worked more than half the time they actually could have worked, while the majority worked very little, of these 35% less than 25% of the time they would have worked. Unsystematic work was often combined with certain* personality traits of these individuals, such as agressiveness and inability to submit to discipline combined with a lack of professional qualifications and also with social derailment. In 30% of the recidivists degradation in the performance of their professional work found expression not only in the decrease of systematic work, but also in the shifting from work, requiring certain professional skill, to unskilled labour. This was partly connected with a complete lack of interest in the trade they had learned and above all with degradation due to alcoholism. Not without significance were undoubtedly also difficulties in obtaining a job, connected with prior stays in prison. Those recidivists to whom offences were almost the only source of maintenance, accounted for 17.7%. As many as 19% earned their living partly by committing offences and partly by getting help from their families. Thus, a 'total of over one-third were recidivists who lived above all from offences and work was not their source of income. 29% of the recidivists got the means to cover their expenses through work and by committing offences against property. For 34% of the studied individuals delinquency was most probably not the main source of their income: either they earned their living only through work (16%) or through work and by partly being kept by the family (10%) or they were exclusively maintained by the family (8%). The data gathered indicate that the recidivists studied here were frequently a burden for their families, that many of them had not established a family of their own, those who were married frequently did not perform their duties in regard to their families, and many of the marriages broke up. Their behaviour and relations with the family were characterized by substantial maladjustment to the requirements of family life. The percentage of bachelors among the sampled group was twice as high as is the case with their age group in the whole of Poland’s population of men and amounted to 40%. As many as 20% were divorced and 40% married. But only 20% lived during the period before their last arrest together with their wives; as many as 44% lived with their parents (mainly with their mothers). More than half of the married couples were marked by marital discord. Very bad relations with the wife were often connected with frequent imprisonment of the recidivists, with alcoholism and also the fact that their wives often were women whose personality and mode of life could contribute to the unstability of their married life.  The majority of the recidivists completely neglected their children, one-third carried various objects out of the house and afterwards sold them to buy vodka. 18% were convicted of offences harmful to the family. Almost half of them received material help from their families. After release from prison only one-fourths of the studied group can live with their wives. Over half counted on living with their parents and on material help from them, the remaining 25% could not count on anybody's material help, 17% of them even had nowhere to live after their release. While they were at liberty the recidivists studied here drank alcohol as a rule to excess, much more than the average of men does in the towns of Poland. Almost 88% drank at least a quarter of a litre of vodka three times and more a week. The systematic drinking of alcohol to excess was typical not only of the persistent recidivists, of the studied sample, but also of other populations of recidivists studied in Poland. It was found that among this group of recidivists there were many individuals, who were alcoholics already at an advanced stage. In the case of 117 of them (53%) a syndrome of symptoms was found, typical of alcoholism. With the majority of them the abstinence syndrome could be established, 21% had gone through an alcohol psychosis. The recidivists started to drink alcohol to excess very early, half of them already before they were 17 years old, 20% at the age of 17-18, 10% from 19-20 years and only 15% - at the age of 21 or later. Combined with the early drinking of alcohol to excess, were distinct symptoms of alcoholism appearing at an early age. They could be noticed with the majority of the alcoholics after at least eight years from the time they had started systematically to drink alcohol to excess. However, this period would be shorter, if one took into consideration the periods of imprisonment, which were for the recidivists enforced breaks in their systematic drinking. In 25% of the recidivists, who were alcoholics, distinct symptoms of alcoholism appeared already at an age below 25 years, 36% - it started between 25 and 27. Symptoms testifying to an advanced stage decreased tolerance and abstinence syndrome appeared according to the recidivists around the age of 27. Systematic drinking of alcohol to excess already at a very early age thus led to early appearance of symptoms of alcoholism. The genesis of the progressive process of demoralization and delinquency, as a rule, had its source not in the abuse of alcohol. Drinking of alcohol to excess usually began already when people started to go astray or to commit offences. Those of the recidivists who drank alcohol to excess from the -time they were still under age, were already at such an early period more socially maladjusted than the remaining recidivists and 'drinking alcohol to excess was at that time one of the elements of their mode of life within a group of demoralized adolescents. For those who started to drink alcohol to excess as young adults (as a rule being also socially maladjusted while still under age), the beginning of abuse of alcohol was often combined with work to earn a living and opportunities to drink at work. Though abuse of alcohol did not play an essential role in the genesis of the process of social maladjustment in the case of this group of persistent recidivists and in the genesis of their delinquency, it nevertheless exerted a distinct influence on the intensification and nature of their further offences. This influence can be noticed in the heterogenity of the offences committed by them and also in the fact that there are only few among the persistent recidivists who have committed offences exclusively against property; connected with the abuse of alcohol is the considerable percentage among the recidivists of those who have committed violent offences. Connected with drinking alcohol to excess are also short periods of being at liberty between the successive convictions.  Two categories can be distinguished among the persistent recidivists, where systematic drinking alcohol to excess played a major role regarding their delinquency; this was the group of 41 recidivists, convicted almost exclusively for violent offences in a state of drunkenness and a group of 33 individuals who committed theft while drunk, the motive being as a rule to obtain in this way money to buy alcohol. In the case of the investigated from these two groups, as a rule abuse of alcohol precedes substantially the beginning of delinquency; there are more skilled workers among them, who first used , to work systematically, but later degradation in professional work sets in; among these groups are more recidivists who were first convicted at a later age (above 20 years). Among those who committed petty theft connected with alcoholism, a type of alcoholic already in an advanced stage of alcoholism can be often noticed. He is passive, with a low educational level and a lowered intelligence quotient. Those who commit assaultive offences while drunk,  are especially often characterized by bad tolerance of alcohol; an analysis of the individual cases reveals that the patterns of demoralization of these offenders are most varied. Though 40% of the recidivists who are alcoholics started treatment against alcoholism, while at liberty, they usually gave it up again after a few visits at the outpatient clinics. Only 10% of the alcoholics were treated in psychiatric hospitals in connection with alcoholism; they were sent there because of symptoms of alcoholic psychosis. Dealing with the problem of personality disorders of this group of recidivists the research concentrated on finding answers to the following problems: - whether and in what respect results of the psychological examinations of persistent recidivists differ from the results obtained through studies of the average population and studies of prisoners who are not persistent recidivists. Differences were taken into account in the intelligence level tested with the Wechsler-Bellevue scale and in the personality measured by the MMPI; - what the findings of psychiatric examinations were (examinations to which 59% of the recidivists were subjected); - the setting apart and analysis, on the basis of the entire material, of some of the personality determinants in behavioural deviations of these individuals. The Wechsler-Bellevue scale was administered to 211 of the persistent recidivists. The results obtained testify to the fact that they markedly differ from 'the average population and the level of their intelligence belongs to the lowest as compared with the results of various other studies of prisoners. As many as 44% of -them had a lower IQ (IQ below 91), 27% were dull (IQ 80-90), 11.8% of boderline intelligence (IQ 66-79) and 5.2% were mentally deficient. The percentage of individuals with the above average intelligence was among those studied here small (9.0%). Though the level of education and the acquired professional qualifications were as a rule very low in the group under investigation, they were particularly low in the case of those recidivists, who had a lowered IQ. The lowered level of intelligence thus made it for many of the recidivists difficult to obtain primary education and to learn a trade. The majority of those with a low level of intelligence were individuals who had not even graduated from primary school, who had learned no trade and revealed substantial shortcomings in reading and writing. (As many as 44.5% of those investigated were rather bad in reading and writing).  The results obtained through intelligence tests also make one reach the conclusion, that most probably the deterioration of certain intellectual functions noticed with the recidivists under investigation were connected with their alcoholism. Though it was not established (which is in accordance with the results of a number of studies) that the recidivists who revealed symptoms of alcoholism and a lower IQ than the remaining prisoners, it nevertheless was found in the case of alcoholics that more frequently the verbal scale outdistanced the performance scale; besides, tests of alcoholics revealed more frequently profiles with symptoms, according to Wechsler, typical of alcoholics in an advanced stage of alcoholism. No significant differences in intelligence level were found between recidivists, depending on the 'type of offences committed by them. But it was found, that recidivists, who were for the first time convicted when already older than 20 years, revealed a lower IQ than recidivists, who had prior convictions at an earlier age. Among recidivists with a later start of convictions is a particularly large number in the genesis of whose delinquency alcoholism played a role and their inability independently to perform the basic tasks in life, which may be connected also with their low IQ. MMPI was administered to 148 recidivists serving according to its authors’ intentions to evaluate the most important personality traits, influencing the personal and social adjustment. The results obtained indicated marked personality disorders in the case of persistent recidivists as compared with other groups of people, studied with the same inventory, who did not commit offences and did not reveal mental disorders, and also in comparison with prisoners with a lesser degree of social degradation. Among the profiles obtained from these recidivists very frequently high-ranging profiles could be found (48%), where at least one scale reached 81-100 points.High profiles were rarely found in other Polish research. The average profile of the recidivists studied here shows a predominance of scale 6 (Pa) and 4 (Pd) and high too are scales 8 (Sc) and 2 (D), pointing to considerable hostility on the part of the sampled individuals, their suspicious attitude to and lack of confidence in their environment, irritability, shallowness of emotional reactions, alienation, lack of positive family ties and defiance of moral norms. Typical of this group is also a considerable moodiness, low self-esteem, lack of belief in one’s own possibilities and mental demobilization. The average profile of this group is similar to a psychopatic profile, but (as is the case in certain other Polish studies of prisoners) with a substantial paranoid and schizoid component. The results obtained point to greater personality disorders in recidivists, revealing symptoms of alcoholism than in those, where such symptoms were not found. Alcoholics obtained higher scores than non-alcoholics in all the clinical scales. There were, however, found no differences in the shape of the mean profile, which in both compared groups is similar and characterized by elevation of the same scales. Alcoholics revealed higher scores in all the scales; the differences noticed reached a level of statistical significance in all the scales with the exception of scales 4 (Pd) and 2 (D). This result is interesting, because in various foreign studies on alcoholics it was found that precisely these two scales differentiated in a statistically significant manner in the case of alcoholics and non-alcoholics. But in the population of persistent recidivists, characterized in general by marked psycho-social maladjustment, dating back to childhood, and alcoholism of some of them has its roots in this maladjustment, it was found, that alcoholics failed to differ significantly from non-alcoholics in scale 4 (Pd). The life situation of all the recidivists studied (within prison walls because of convictions) undoubtedly exerted its influence on the scores in scale 2 (D), in the case of alcoholics as well as non-alcoholics. Expert psychiatric opinions (regarding various periods of the life of the persistent recidivists) and/or results of psychiatric examinations conducted during this survey were collected for 60% of the cases. These data show that only in 10% of the examined recidivists neither personality disorders nor any other mental disorders were found. In as many as 70% of the recidivists, subjected to psychiatric expert examination, personality disorders of various etiology were discovered: psychopathy in 48%, encephalopathy in 22%; in 40% alcoholism was found, appearing as such or jointly with other disorders. Data regarding the remaining recidivists, not embraced by psychiatric examinations, indicate, that the majority (as many as 63%) of them were marked by advanced alcoholism, or had suffered from brain damage or psychological examinations revealed mental deficiency. After having studied data related to the remaining 37% of cases not subjected to psychiatric examination, it turned out, that though the above mentioned disorders were not found, nevertheless the majority of them were people, whose behaviour was marked by considerable agressiveness as well as self-aggression and only in 9% of the recidivists, not subjected to psychiatric examinations, no such behaviour patterns were found. The entire information about all the prisoners who were persistent recidivists - those who underwent psychiatric examinations as well as those who did not - indicates that individuals who revealed no distinct psychopathological symptoms are rare among them, amounting according to estimates to around 10% (taking into account the established percentage among those who underwent psychiatric examinations), and to 20%, if one would take into consideration also data about recidivists who underwent no psychiatric examinations, taking into account their mental deficiency, alcoholism and brain damage. The last mentioned percentage (20%) would, however, decrease markedly, if one would take into account data about certain behavioural disturbances of the recidivists, above all about their aggressiveness and self-aggression.   When discussing the entire material special attention should be drawn to the fact that in one-fifth of the group encephalopathy (disturbances connected with brain damage) was diagnosed and in another 9% encephalopathy was suspected, since it was 'to a considerable degree justified by the entire aspect of the data stemming from the interview. In additional 25% it was found during interviews that they had suffered from concussions of the skull, combined with loss of consciousness. But in these cases (there nevertheless, was a lack of sufficient data, confirming this information. Data regarding the age at which the recidivists suffered from brain damage or diseases of the central nervous system indicate, that in the case of 40% of them such diseases took place during the earlier period of their - life (complications of delivery, traumas or meningitis at preschool age), with only one-third it occurred when they were already young adults or adults. Those recidivists who suffered from brain damage, frequently distinguished themselves by substantial impulsiveness, they were aggressive, committed acts of self-aggression and badly adjusted to prison conditions. Thus, those who had suffered from brain damage obviously had difficulties in social adjustment. However, with approximately half of those who had suffered such damage, the process of social maladjustment had already begun before they had suffered such damage. On the basis of the entire aspect of data about the behaviour of the recidivists during various periods of their life - in prison as well as at liberty - a psychopathological characteristic outline was drawn up for each one of them. Included in this characteristic outline were those personality traits appearing with special intensity, which according to the psychologists, conducting the survey in prison, were of special significance for social maladjustment in each case. A comparison of the above-mentioned characteristic traits yielded a picture, similar to that obtained in surveys conducted with MMPI. The majority of the recidivists were defined as touchy, quick-tempered, incapable to make systematic efforts, with insufficient resistance to cope with the difficulties of life. They often revealed a deep conviction of having been wronged and in connection with this strong resentment, directed against their environment. As many as 45% of the recidivists were defined as showing substantial disturbances in their emotional attitude towards their surroundings: of these 29% - as being unable to establish lasting, positive emotional ties with their milieu, 16% had completely broken all ties with their nearest family, due to intensified conflicts with them. Relatively frequently (52%) could be isolated a type of a passive recidivist whose passivity was partly being explained by his constant lack of achievements, not only in the sphere of approved social activity, but also in the sphere of delinquency. 59% revealed marked impulsiveness; these were individuals, whose behaviour was characterized by shortrange activity, without any more distant goals, lack of giving any thought to the consequences of their own conduct, an attitude aimed at getting temporary, immediate pleasure out of it. The impulsiveness was particulary striking in two types of behaviour patterns: in aggression and self -aggression. Three-fourths of the recidivists were defined as aggressive (such who time and again, in various situations and in regard to various individuals had behaved aggressively and those who revealed generalized, great hostility). Among the aggressive ones one-third were those, who behaved aggressively only when /not sober. In the case of a considerable part of the aggressive individuals information about their aggressiveness was from a period, when they were still of school age. More frequently aggressive were those who showed symptoms of alcoholism than those who did not. Frequently, acts of self-aggression were sombined with aggressiveness. Acts of self-aggression were committed by 56%. Many of such acts were not some specific reaction to prison situations, the majority of the perpetrators had committed acts of self-aggression while at liberty (28% of them committed self-aggression only when at liberty, 41% - while at liberty and in prison, too). More frequently alcoholics committed acts of self -aggression than those who showed no symptoms of alcoholism. The biographies of recidivists indicate that significant for the genesis and the deepening of their social maladjustment was a negative family milieu, during their childhood as well as personality disorders revealed by them, which grew in intensity in connection with later experiences in life and also with their alcoholism. A comparison of persistent recidivists, coming from families, evaluated as negative, with the remaining persistent recidivists, revealed a number of essential differences among them. Recidivists from negative family milieux began more frequently to commit theft while still under age, more frequently revealed aggressiveness during their school period, more often did not graduate primary school, began at an especially early age to drink alcohol to excess. In individuals brought up in a negative atmosphere and deprived of care, the early symptoms of maladjustment revealed considerable durability. Alcoholism - having its roots in the social maladjustment of the recidivists studied here - deepened existing disorders, proof of which are the results, presented above, pointing to lowering of certain intellectual functions with some of them and personality disorders in the case of those recidivists who showed symptoms of alcoholism. This testifies to the fact that alcoholics were more frequently marked by passivity, impulsiveness in action, aggressiveness and self-aggression. The data collected indicate that multiple stays in prison intensified the alienation of the recidivists and hampered their attempts at social readjustment.  Imprisonment weakened the anyhow already weak ties with the family and limited their social contacts to other prisoners only. In regard to the prison officers the recidivists revealed considerable hostility, which, as it seems, could not remain without an influence on their attitude towards other people representing the authorities. Though terms meant for 'the persistent recidivists a compulsory break in prison drinking, this, however, did not prevent, as results from their statements, the further drinking of alcohol to excess immediately after their release from prison. These studies reveal that persistent recidivists are not a homogeneous population. There could be noticed distinct differences between those among them (who account for 70.4%) who had early convictions after the age of 17, when still being young adults and those (29.6%) who had their first conviction at a later age, when 21 years old and more. Those “late” recidivists are less socially degraded, they committed rather petty offences, most frequently connected with drinking alcohol to excess.Though the “late” recidivists do not suffer substantially from the “early” recidivists as regards the number of those showing symptoms of alcoholism and though they started later th&n the “early” offenders to drink too much alcohol, there nevertheless are more individuals among them, whose delinquency is already of a secondary nature, making its appearance in their life later than systematic abuse of alcohol. In the case of “late” recidivists it was found more often than in that of “early” ones that they had a lower IQ, but there were among them fewer individuals considered aggressive and more rarely individuals guilty of self-aggresion. The data presented before, point to the heterogeneity of the offences committed by persistent recidivists. First of all there should be set apart among the recidivists those (approximately one-fourth of the total) who, on the basis of the offences committed by them may be listed as “serious” and the remaining ones who should rather be considered perpetrators of petty offences. In addition to this there can be set apart 27% of the perpetrators of offences exclusively against property and 9% of recidivists who were exclusively guilty of offences against the person. The majority of the recidivists were, however, the perpetrators or a variety of offences, which was undoubtedly due to drinking alcohol to excess. Those who committed theft, under 'the influence of alcohol committed assaults, some of those who committed offences against the person started in connection with their growing habit of drinking alcohol to excess, to steal, in order to obtain the money needed for alcohol. Though the abuse of alcohol effaced the differences of delinquency of the various categories of recidivists, it was possible to establish that those among them, who committed exclusively or mainly offences against the person (27.6%) more frequently had in the past suffered from brain damage. Those individuals studied, who were almost exclusively perpetrators of offences of an assaultive nature (18.7%), differed from the remaining ones by an essentially smaller degree of social maladjustment, the later start of delinquency (more often only above the age of 20), by more systematic work at 'the time they were still adolescents, and the fact that more often they had learned a trade and spent less time in prison. Often poor alcohol tolerance was found with these individuals. Proof of the heterogeneous nature of the population of persistent recidivists are the results, pointing to the significant differences among those of them, who were convicted for the first time when above twenty years old and those, who were brought before a court and convicted much earlier, between the perpetrators of offences against the person and the remaining persistent recidivists. To the heterogenous features of the examined population point also the previously mentioned results, indicating significant differences among recidivists, revealing symptoms of alcoholism and those where such symptoms were not found.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1976, VII; 7-139
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zachowania dewiacyjne młodzieży w Warszawie w 1993 r. (badania typu self-report)
Deviant Behavior n Warsaw Youth in 1993
Kossowska, Anna
Krawczyk, Jacek
Rzeplińska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
zachowania dewiacyjne
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
badania typu self-report
deviant behavior
social maladjustment
self-report study
1. The findings discussed in the paper have been obtained within an international research project aimed at comparing the extent of self-reported deviant behavior of youth 11 West-European countries (Finland, England, Nord Ireland the Netherland, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, portugal, Greece, Spain and Italy), the United States and New Zealand. The questionnaire ultimately used in all countries participating in the project resulted from long negotiations and was in fact a compromise. It contained questions about both the respondents’ deviant behavior and their social situation with consideration to variables of importance from the viewpoint of the theory of social control. Deviant behavior was divided into the following six groups: l) behavior manifesting social maladjustment (as.e.g. truancy or stealing rides); 2) destruction of objects (vandalism); 3) appropriation of another person’s property; 4) aggressive behavior; 5) alcohol consumption; and 6) drug taking and selling.  Examined were young people from Warsaw, born in the years 197l‒1978; the sample consisted of 701 persons aged 14‒21 at the time of the survey. At the moment of the interview, 80.5 % of respondents either had a job or went to school.  Most respondents (65.9%) stated they were on good terms with their father. Even a greater proportion of 88.5% were on good terms with their mother. Ten percent of the sample had no contacts whatever with their father, and a much smaller proportion (2.3%) ‒ with their mother.  Apart from 42 persons, respondents stated they had real friends; over a half had one to three such friends. The rest mentioned larger groups as their friends. Forty-seven percent had a girl- or boyfriend; two-thirds would like the relationship to last. Of the examined 363 boys, 84.8% had played truant from school at least once for one day. The proportion tended to grow bigger with respondents’ age. It showed a regular upward trend from 50% among the14-year-olds to 100% among boys of 23. Of the examined 383 girls, played truant, with the proportion reaching its peak value of l00% among the 2l-year-olds, and showing an upward trend from 33.3% among the 14-year-olds to  97.4% among girls of 19. Another widespread phenomenon was stealing rides on city buses, trolley buses, or trams. Those who had stolen a ride at least once constituted 95.9% of the boys and 89.3% of the girls. Stealing rides on trains or intercity buses was much less widespread. It was admitted by 35.8% of the boys and 22% of the girls. Driving a car or motorcycle without a license or a motorbike without a bicycle permit was admitted by 52.6% of the boys and 29.9% of the girls. A further act we inquired about was painting or spraying walls, buses, bus seats and stops, etc. Such acts were admitted by 22.9% of the boys and 12.7% of the girls. Still another group of acts qualified as vandalism includes acts that result in destruction of or damage to property. The largest group of both boyg and girls tend to vandalise school furniture (22.3% of the boys and 13% of the girls), as well as trees, bushes and flowers in parks and squares (18.2 and 10.1% respectively). Asked whether they had ever carried any weapon, such as a knife, club, knuckle-duster, or gas pistol, 43.3% of the boys and 26.6% of the girls answered in the affirmative.             Relatively large were the proportions of boys (25.9%) and girls (10.7%) who had ever participated in brawls or group disturbances in a public place.             A proportion of 7.2% of the boys and 1.8% of the girls admitted having beaten a stranger. Cases of beating a family member were occasional: they were admitted by 1.4% of the boys and 0.6% of the girls. Also a small proportion of 3.3% of the boys and 1.3% of the girls admitted having wounded another person with a knife, club or another weapon. Intentional arson was admitted by 5.5% of the boys and 1.2% of the girls. Offenses against property or acts consisting in appropriation of property without the knowledge or consent of its owner were related frequent in the sample.             Of the 702 young persons, 55.1% had committed at least one of the listed fourteen categories of acts. This proportion is rather big the fact considered that average young people were examined. Of the 14 categories of acts against property consisting in its appropriation, the youth most often admitted shoplifting, purchasing stolen property, breaking and entering, and thefts at school. Questions relating to drugs concerned two points: the taking of drugs and their selling by respondents. The drugs inquired about were divided into two categories, each of them asked about separately: marihuana and hashish (the first category); and home-made poppy straw brew, heroin, cocaine and LSD (the second category). A proportion of 16.5% admitted having ever taken marihuana or hashish. Boys admitted this behawior more often than girls (with proportions of boys and girls balanced in the sample): every fifth boy and every eighth girl had experiences with this category of drugs. A much smaller proportion of 2% admitted having ever taken the second category of drugs. Answers stating that the respondent had ever taken marihuana or hashish were evenly distributed in the sample and tended to become more frequent with age. The declared use of the second category of drugs was very rare and evenly distributed in age groups from 16 to 21. Ten persons,  among them 9 boys, admitted having sold marihuana or hashish. Most were aged 16‒18, that is still went to school. They stated that the police had never learned about their doings. Four persons admitted having sold the second category of drugs. They had sold amphetamine, cocaine, or psychedelic drugs in their neighborhood. None had been caught at the act. Asked, “Have you ever drunk beer, wine, vodka or another alcoholic beverage?”, nearly the entire sample (95.9% of the boys and 94.7% of the girls) answered in the affirmative. Asked about the age of their first contact with alcohol, 3.7% mentioned the age of under ten; 19.8% ‒10‒14; 48.3% ‒ 14‒16; and 17.l% ‒ 17‒21. The proportion of respondents who had happened to get drunk at least once was 56.3%. Asked about drinking during the year preceding the survey, 93.6% said they had drunk in that period; 50.3% admitted having drunk on up to 10 occasions, 18.1%  ‒  on ll‒24 occasions, 10.6% ‒ on 25‒50 occasions, and 20.9% ‒ on over 50 occasions. The last time before the survey, the respondents drank: beer (43.8%), vodka (35.6%), wine (27.6%), and long drinks (10%). A majority of 86.5% drank in the company of others; under 10% had one companion, two-thirds of the rest drank in a group of 2‒10 persons, and the remaining ‒ in a larger company. In the international survey, national samples were examined in four countries (Switzerland, England and Wales, Portugal, and the Netherlands). In Spain, the survey concerned a large national urban sample. Examined in further two countries (Germany and North Ireland) were random samples from specific cities (Mannheim and Belfast respectively). Four other countries decided to examine a random sample of school youth from a specific city (Helsinki; three ltalian cities: Genova, Messina and Siena; Liege). The United States and New Zealand were left out from comparisons. Thus in principle the findings to be compared were not necessarily comparable. Yet it seems advisable to discuss the general trends shown in national surveys. What, therefore, are the similarities and dissimilarities between Poland and Western Europe? As regards the incidence of delinquency, considerable similarities can be noticed between findings of all national surveys but the English one. In surveys of city samples (those of school youth included), significant similarity can be noticed in the extent of delinquent acts “ever committed” by the young of Warsaw, Helsinki, and Athens. As regards the extent of acts committed “during last year”, the findings obtained in Warsaw are highly similar to those for Helsinki. In Athens, instead, the greatest extent of juvenile delinquency of all examined cities was found. A comparison of acts committed “during last year” indicates a similar intensity of offenses against property among the youth of Warsaw, Belfast, and Liege; as compared to Warsaw, a much greater extent of there offences is found in Helsinki and of Swiss youth, and a decidedly smaller one - in the English and Italian sample. Submitting offenses against property to a closer analysis, one notices that the Polish youth relatively more often commit acts consisting in “breaking and entering” as compared c.g. to young people in England, the Netherlands, or Finland: this type of act was committed at least once by 20.7% of the Polish sample, by 14.9% of the youth of Helsinki, by 3.4% of the English youth, and by 6.9% of the young Dutch. The extent of acts related to drugs (taking and trafficking), among Warsaw youth is similar to that among the young of Portugal and Helsinki, somewhat lower than among the Dutch and Spanish youth, much lower than among the English, Swiss, and Belfast young people, but higher than among the youth of Mannheim, Liege, Athens and the three Italian cities.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1995, XXI; 81-103
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relacje pomiędzy nieprzystosowaniem społecznym a agresywnością, poczuciem napięcia oraz samoskutecznością w grupie uczniów w wieku dorastania(The relationships between the social maladjustment and the aggressiveness, the senseof strain, the self-efficacy among adolescent pupils group)
Czerwińska-Jakimiuk, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
ogólna teoria napięcia
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
uczniowie płci męskiej
general strain theory
social maladjustment
male pupils
This paper concerns social maladjustment youth and his personality and situational correlates. The paper refers to Robert Agnew’s general strain theory (GST). The main objective of the empirical research is to understand the relationship between the social maladjustment and the sense of strain, aggression, self-efficacy in the group of male pupils. The hypotheses were tested on 142 pupils. The results confirmed most of the assumed relationships between variables.
Rocznik Komisji Nauk Pedagogicznych; 2016, LXIX; 51-62
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Komisji Nauk Pedagogicznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozmiary nieprzystosowania społecznego młodzieży "nie uczącej się i nie pracującej" badanej w latach 1967/1968 i 1968/1969
The extent of social maladjustment among yough aged 15-17 "out of school and out of work"
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Kołakowska-Przełomiec, Helena
Batawia, Stanisław
Kossowska, Anna
Marek, Maria
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
młodzież nie ucząca się i nie pracująca
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
boys and girls out of school and out of work
social maladjustment
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1972, V; 7-149
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępczość nieletnich w Polsce w latach 1961-1967 (rozmiary, struktura przestępczości, orzeczone środki)
Juvenile delinquency in Poland 1961-1967 (extent, structure, adjudicated means)
Jerzy, Jasiński
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
kara pozbawienia wolności
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
zakład poprawczy
social maladjustment
juvenile detention center
1. Problems related to juvenile delinquency have always been a subject of vivid interest of both scientific circles and the community at large. Consequently, juvenile delinquency has probably become a criminological problem given a most profound consideration and any studies which concern that type of delinquency get a vivid response also outside a nanow expert community. Among such studies, modest though and certainly not foreground place is occupied by analyses of statistical materials. Since the results of the analyses mentioned “grow old” much quicker than do the results of individual, more advanced studies, it seems purposeful, therefore, to make efforts in the direction of bringing them more up-to-date. At least one problem seems to demand such up-dating most specificaliy, i.e., the problem of the assessment of the general data obtained from the police and judicary statistics since such data can be one of juvenile the bases for determining the extent of delinquency. Having considered that within the meaning of the criminal law juveniles and adults are, in an arbitrary manner, demarcated merely by age limit (before or after 17 years of age at the moment an offence was committed) whose artificiality is somehow shocking from the criminological point of view, it seemed also advisable to-include in this study other questions related to the extent of delinquency of young adults as well as to consider its situation against the background of the adult population. Another group of questions discussed is connected with the structure of delinquency; also special attention has been paid to questions of place the suspects or those found guilty (and young adults, too) herd among the total numbers of suspected or convicted adults. Finally, there is the third group of questions given special consideration in this study, namely the educative and correctional means adjudicated upon juveniles. Although there is a good deal of information on that particular topic as well as more or less detailed papers concerning the analysis of these kind of data nevertheless the material in question has not so far been analysed in terms of an adequately long period of time which would permit to seize certain clearly-cut tendencies in adjudication of particular kinds of means, especially against the background of various fluctuations of numbers of juveniles appearing in the court. In that chapter of this essay, the studies have been considerably extended to include 1951-1967 instead of 1961-1967 as in the remaining ones. 2. 1. In analysing various kinds of contexts in which, particular authors mention the range of juvenile delinquency - especially when they are alarmed by its increase or whenever they are pleased to note its stabilization or decrease - one may easily see that the authors usually have different things in mind. Sometimes their opinions are based on more and sometimes on less founded assumptions or estimations concerning the number of juvenile offenders themselves, sometimes on the number of their offences, the importance of such deeds or their frequency rate, the degree of social depravity in juveniles appearing in courts, and finally, together - on a series of the abovementioned instances (and also on ones not mentioned there). Anyway, always where one or another adequately justified opinion on the extent of juvenile delinquency is found, the reader is able either to know at once or to trace back what in ęach particular case was the measure of the extent in question. The purpose of the present study is to show different ways for the determination of the detected extent of juvenile delinquency and to present certain groups of data which might serve as the most appropriate criteria for the evaluation of the dimensions of delinquency; furthermore, the intention of the present author is to show that at least some of the criteria are by no means of competitive nature but that they rather permit us to grasp different aspects of the problem of juvenile delinquency. It would be difficult therefore to forejudge about the superiority of one criterion over another as they concern different aspects of the samę problem and as such may have a different impact for our analyses, depedent on the line of our research. 2. A relatively large number of juveniles found among the total number of suspected or convicted individuals may sometimes incline us towards making certain far-reaching statements concerning the extent of juvenile delinquency. Some people hold the opinion that whenever juveniles (or sometimes juveniles and young adults) constituted a considerable portion of the total number of offenders, the range of their delinquency should be recognized as significant, if only on account of their share in delinquency. The author is doubtful about the rightfulness of such an opinion if it were only for a specific character of the juvenile delinquency structure, the importance of offences or also for other than in the case of adults, aims of prosecution (in the broadest meaning of that word). It does not mean, however, that it would not be worth while what is the place the known now in Poland juvenile offenders hold among the total number of individuals convicted. In 1961-1967, juveniles under 13 years of age constituted merely 2-3 per cent of the total number of individuals convicted (similar percentage was noted in the last decade 1951-1960). Together with 13-16 year-old offenders, the juveniles constituted only a group of several per cent - and in recent years - a dozen-or-so per cent group. The number of very young and young that had been found guilty (i.e., juveniles and young adults) was bigger but stin did not exceed 1/5-¼ of the total number of the individuals convicted out of which half were almost 30 or older at the time they committed the offences. It is fitting to note at this point that in a number of countries, persons under 21 years of age constitute 1/2 and sometimes 2/3 of the total number of the individuals convicted or suspected. It may then be said that from the point of view of a relative quantity of juveniles found in the total number of the individuals convicted, that juvenile delinquency in poland may still be estimated as a highly moderate one. 3. Out of all the available methods that can be employed for the evaluation of the extent of juvenile delinquency the simplest one is that which bases on the statistical data concerning the number of juveniles found guilty, or more broadly juvenile adjudgments, or even still more broadly - the number of cases in which a juvenile was suspected of an offence. The limitations involved in the use of such a criterion are quite evident since in applying such a criterion we fail to consider any consequences of the fact that the number of adjudgements or findings of guilt is hardly synonymous with the number of juveniles adjudicated or found guilty (which could after all be justified), but - and this is less acceptable - such a number does not bear any relation to the wider population - events or individuals - against whose background it occurs. However, from one point of view this criterion is important, namely it provides relatively accurate information about one of the quantitative aspects of risks faced by the police and the court of law, involved with the conduct of proceedings and with the adjudication upon the offences committed by juveniles. This criterion becomes particularly important whenever we tackle with organizational problems of courts for juveniles, or the needs for staff or institutions. For the last seven years, the total number of adjudgements increased from about 47 thousand to 71 thousand (i.e. by 52 pet cent). As compared with 1951 (abo 26 thousand), the total number of the adjudgements in 1967 was almost threefold. Close to the latter was the number of juveniles suspected by the police of offending the law (for the last four years past, it was 53 to 70 thousand a year). Out of the total number of the adjudgements, the findings of guilt held similar place (54 to 56 per cent) slightly lower than in 1951-1960 when the proportion was about 56 to 61 per cent. In the seven-year period discussed, the proportion of discontinuations of legal proceedings evidently increased: at the present moment, 33 to 34 per cent of juvenile cases are dismissed, in 1951-1960 on the other hand, the proportion having been 20 to 30 per cent. Various categories of juveniles are involved therein. Acquittals are a particular category of adjudgements; the absolute number of acquittals was on an approximate level (2,300-2,800) but owing to the simultaneous increase in the total number of adjudgements, the percentage of acquittals decreased to 4 per cent. Perhaps it is worth while remembering that acquittals were as many as 11 per cent of adjudgements in 1951, but already in 1952 and onwards, the proportion had been stabilized on the 6 to 7 per cent level. The fact that it is so low now should perhaps be recognized as a positive phenomenon; it seems to give evidence that magistrates, who but certainly conduct also preparatory proceedings, do not send cases too hastily for hearing where the juvenile's guilt seems insufficiently made probable to them. It may be asked upon how many juvenile suspects educative-or correctional means are adjudicated following a finding of guilt. A summary of the data obtained from the police or court statistics may supply an answer. As was said before, cases of almost 60 per cent of suspected juveniles end up with a finding of guilt, that proportion being slightly lower in boys than in girls and in lower age groups rather than in older. Very few suspects of 7 to 9 years of age are found guilty (7 per cent). Those proportions increase rapidly already in 10 year-old suspects (47 per cent) and grow up to 13 yearsage-group (62 per cent) showing then a stabilization on a similar level. According to the information mentioned, in 1961-1967 annual numbers of findings of guilt were 27 to 38 thousand. Those numbers included, of course, a majority of findings of guilt by juvenile courts and also sentences of ordinary courts. The latter were concerned with cases when a juvenile was 17 years of age prior to the beginning of the hearing or when he or she acted together with an adult  and when according to the prosecution's decision “for the benefit of the administration of justice” their case should not be transferred to the juvenile court. The proportion of findings of guilt by ordinary courts of law was about 9 to 11 per cent in 1961-1967, having been slightly lower than in 1951-1960 when sometimes it reached even 13 per cent. This is probably connected with some lowering of the mean age of juveniles found guilty for the last few years as compared with that observed in 1951-1960. 4. The number of juveniles upon whom judicial.educative or correctional means had been executed provide information about another side of the quantitative aspect of work facing the juvenile courts. The number of juveniles under court control due to a committed offence increased from 34,520 in 1951 to 58,005 in 1967 and that is by 68 per cent. This seems to be an effect of not only an increase in the number of juveniles found guilty but also of a prolonged average duration of execution of means. That considerable number of juveniles upon whom means were executed should perhaps be further increased. So, for instance, in 1965 45.055 children and youth were placed under juvenile court control, established according to civil proceedings, and under ordinary court control there were another 23,699. As for some portion of the number of such juveniles, court control was certainly connected with manifestations of their social maladjustment, with behavioural disturbances not varying in nature from those for which other juveniles were found guilty. Also in some of those cases, the way of carrying out the control did not differ significantly from the means usually applied, such as supervision order, probation or approved school. 5. Since in the hitherto discussed ways of understanding the range of the detected juvenile delinquency the main stress was laid on absolute numbers, in the present analysis of the standards some attention may be paid to relative numbers resulting from a reference of the number of findings of guilt to some population of individuals concerned or of the number of juveniles found guilty to some broader population of which they were a portion. The objective of such an analysis is to illustrate the degree to which the phenomena of delinquency have been spread throughout the juvenile population. This will lead to quite a different manner of appreciating the juvenile delinquency range. It will not be considered weighty e.g., when the number of findings of guilt will reach some definite level but when the number of juvenile offenders in the juvenile population will be sufficiently high. The most common standard of that kind is represented by delinquency which, if applied for analysing data of court statistics with regard to juvenile delinquency, is represented by the number of findings of guilt as one pro mille of the entire juvenile population. As compared with absolute numbers, the above listed rates give the following picture: between 1961 and 1965, a slight (a few-per-cent) increase in the number of findings of guilt was observed, however, considering that this was accompanied by a much higher increase in the number of i0-16 year-old juveniles, the rates showed a decrease. During the following two years; there was a significant change of that situation, the increase in the number of findings of guilt was then so high that it brought about also an increase in rate values which in 1967 became 15 per cent higher than those in 1961.  The increase in rates was by no means equal in all age groups of juveniles concerned, some were not involved at all. The rates in all age groups of girls were found on similar level as in 1956-1960. Thus, the increase in the number of findings of guilt in girls was proportional to the increase in the total population of 10-16 year-old girls. The annual average was one finding of guilt per 1,000 girls in that particular age group. With boys, the situation was different; here we had to deal with a general increase in rates as compared with that observed in the preceding five-year period. The increase in rates was very high in 14-16 year-old boys (by 19-23 per cent), approximate level was maintained in12-73 year-old boys and a decrease was observed in 10-11 year-old ones (by 5-10 per cent). An average rate of 196l-1967 for the total population of boys was 12,2 and showed that an annual average in the discussed seven-year period was one finding of guilt per 82 boys between 10 and 16 years of age. In our earlier discussion of the rank that the findings of guilt in juveniles held among the total number of such findings in 1961-1967, also young adults were mentioned. There were more findings of guilt in young adults although the latter belong only to four age groups (17, 18, 19 and 20) while the juveniles - to seven age groups at least. The above listed findings show first of all a systematic decrease in numbers of convictions in young adults (1961 -1964) followed, as compared with the 1961 level, by an increase (1965-1967) by 9 per cent in made and by 2 per cent in female offenders. This movement of absolute numbers of convictions in young adults was accompanied by simultaneous but considerable decrease in rates which although failing to increase after 1964, have maintained thę level of that year. Consequently, the relevant rates, as compared with 1961, were in 1967 - 30 per cent lower in men and 33 per cent in women. These changes were caused by a few independent agents whose effects were partially accumulated. Therefore it must be said that the rates in young men and women in 1961-1963 were on an approximate level. Its rapid decrease took place in 1964, which was undoubtedly connected with the Act of Amnesty of 20th July 1964 whose bearing on the number of convictions was certainly felt in 1965, too. At the same time, the effect of another diminishing agent was felt: according to the Decree of 28th March 1963, a certain number of young adults ceased to be subject to ordinary court proceedings since the conscription age limit was lowered to be 19 instead of 20 Years of age. In 1967, a successive agent appeared on the scene to have a bearing on the number of convictions in that category of individuals concerned (as well as of the adult population, too). Namely, in accordance with the provisions of the Decree of 17th June 1967, a series of minor offences were classified as non-indictable offences having at the same time become subject of administrative and not judicial proceedings; minor speculations or theft had been involved. As far as the rates were concerned, an additional element started functioning; it was a process of leaving the young adult age group by individuals born during the war (law quantity year groups) on one hand and of entering into that particular age of very numerous year groups of those born after the war, on the other. Prospectives for an extent of young adult convictions for the next few years to come should perhaps be worth while mentioning now. As a result of a thorough analysis of the young adult conviction rate in 1961-1965, of legislative changes and of foreseen changes in numbers of the total young adult population (which will still be increasing for another few years) - the author had drawn the following conclusion. In 1970, the number of convictions of male young adults will probably be about 38 thousand while the rate will reach about 28.0; the relevant figures for females will be 5.5 thousand and 4.0 respectively. In closing our remarks on an evaluation of juvenile and young adult known delinquency extent, made in terms of rates, it might be said that analogically to earlier rates based on the numbers of convictions, also other ,,rates" might be established, where data on numbers of juveniles on whom educative or correctional means had been executed by juvenile courts, could be utilized. A reference of the number of such juveniles to the total number of 10-16 year old ones would lead to the following findings: in 1961, they were 8.7 pro mille of all juveniles of 10-16 years of age but after 7 years - they were 11.8. Thus, as per 31st December 1967, out of each 86 juveniles of 10-16 years of age group, one was under a juvenile court control a subject of executed educative or correctional means. 6. So far, analyses of a degree, to which known juvenile delinquency had spread among youth, were based on information about findings of guilt, however, there is also a possibility to define it by reference to the number of juveniles found guilty. To do so, one has to know how many juveniles, out of those born during one calendar year were found guilty for offences committed by them at thęir juvenile age, exclusively between 11th and 17th years of age. By making use of the data on findings of guilt in 1950- 1960, one could see that for each year group of juveniles born in 1941, 1942, 1943 or 1944, the number of individuals found guilty were 14.1 to 14.9 thousand; their percentage, related to the total number of those born in the said year groups' was 3.5 to 3.8 per cent (for boys only - 6.3 to 6.8 per cent). Thanks to the fact that complete data on findings of guilt have now been available for 1961-1967, an extention of the analysis with respect to few further year groups could be possible. As it may be seen, the numbers of juveniles found guilty, born in the successive years just after the war, increased rapidly (from about 15 to 28 thousand). That increase, however, took place with a simultaneous considerable increase in general quantities of those particular year groups. In the entire population of those of 17 years old, the percentage of juveniles found guilty was approximately on similar level (on a slightly.higher levęl than in the case of those born during the war). Although such a percentage was low in girls, in boys it grew up as high as 6,7 to 7,5 per cent. This means that approximately every thirteenth - fourteenth young adult of 17 years of age born between 1945 and 1951 had already been found guilty for an offence committed at his juvenile age. Analogical attempts to define the number of found guilty within some longer period of time, where findings of guilt could be referred to not only to one but to a sequency of years - in young adults - are more difficult than in juveniles. It is because of relevant shortage of statistics in Poland. By way of analysing data on convictions in 1951 -1963, I had defined some approximate number of young adults, born in 1939, 1940, 1941 and 1942, covicted, at whatever moment of the entire four-year period when they were young adults (between I7 and 20 years of age). In the population of 21 year-old men (born in the above mentioned years) there were about 15 per cent of those who had once been found guilty at their young adult age. This means that approximately every seventh man at that particular age had been convicted at his young adult age. Should the entire eleven-year period between 10th and 21st year of age be taken into account, one would have to accept that every sixth had been found guilty. The above mentioned figures seem very high, indeed. This calls for a thought to be given as to whether or not the penalization extent in this country is not too much expanded or whether or not penal means are too hastily applied when - without prejudice or even to some purpose - they could be given up. 7. So far, data of twofold nature were used for defining standards of known juvenile delinquency extent: numbers of individuals (found guilty) or numbers of events, such as findings of guilt, adjudgements or cases in which a juvenile was a suspect. Let us mention another type of dates which in its character is approximate to the latter category: numbers of offences where juveniles were suspects. Relevant information is provided for by police statistics. According to data of that kind, numbers of offences where juveniles were suspects were 99,588 in 1956 and 110,892 in 1967. 8. Also various ways of interpretation of known juvenile delinquency extents as well as various standards of such extents were discussed. In dealing with legal order endangered by juveniles, attention will first of all be paid to the numbers of offences where juveniles were suspects, especially, so if that standard would adequately be enriched by data concerning the kind or importance of such offences. If interest is taken in quantitative aspects of tasks facing ouf courts of law, the juvenile delinquency extent will be looked at through a prism of the number of adjudgements (especially - of findings of guilt) as well as of the number of subjects under the juvenile court control due to execution of educative or correctional means adjudicated. In that particular area, the extent of juvenile delinquency for the recent seven-year period considerably increased, what might to a certain degree be related to a general increase of the youth population in this country in that period. If one wants to know the degree to which manifestations of known to the police major juvenile depravity has bęen spread, delinquency rates should be used or - what even allows for a broader look at that problem - the percentage of those found guilty for offences committed at their juvenile age in relation to the young adult population born in particular year groups. The abovementioned rates as well as - though to a minor extent - the percentages seem to show that the known juvenile delinquency in this country increased, especially for the last few years. 3. A definition of the delinquency structure is usually understood to include the elements delinquency is composed of and the numerical ratio of delinquency groups differentiated either from delinquency as a whole or from its particular categories. If so understood, in analysing the delinquency structure it is only natural to use a body of information in which offence is a unity. This may be data on the total number of offences committed in a selected area at a certain definite time, irrespective of the method of its evaluation; this may also be a body of data on known offences, on offences where a suspect had been determined in the course of preparatory proceedings or, finally, a body of information about offences where offenders had lawfully been convicted or found guilty. In most cases no such data are available (except perhaps for the second of the mentioned bodies of information which is a fundamental section of police statistics). However, where interest is taken in the delinquency structure, related to a definite category of offenders - to juveniles, the analyser is as a rule compulsed to search for material of different kind. Such material would usually include data on findings of guilt, enriched as they are with information about the nature of offences concerned. An analysis of such data leads to the following conclusions: A considerable increase in the number of findings of guilt in 1961-1967 failed to produce any substantial changes of the juvenile delinquency structure. It is still offences against property (86 to 89 per cent) which are dominant in juvenile delinquency - mostly including theft of things of minor value. Besides, a somewhat numerous group embraced offences against the person (5 to 7 per cent), in which slight bodily harm (about 1/3 of cases), assault (1/5 of cases) and battery or grievous bodily harm dominated. Annually, there were 5 to 11 juveniles found guilty for murder and 21 to 35 for manslaughter. In 7967,614 juveniles were found guilty for sexual offences (1.7 per cent of the total number of findings of guilt in that very year); rape was found in more than a half of cases, the remaining ones having been fornication with juveniles below 15 years of age. About one per cent of cases included offences against public order officers. Offenders of other categories were few. A higher than average increase in the number of findings of guilt for housebreaking or burglary, for damage done to property, a series of offences against the person and for rape has been noted since 1961. This was accompanied by an increase of the mean age of juveniles found guilty annually - from 13,8 years in 1961 to 14,3 years in 1967. It is no wonder then that first of all an increase in the proportion of offences committed by juveniles of older year groups has been observed. A peculiarity of the.juvenile delinquency structure becomes clearly-cut, indeed, when compared with the young adult and adult delinquency structures. Differentiation of only 4 delinquency groups (against property, against the person, sexual offences and those against public order officers) is sufficient to embrace a) almost the entire juvenile delinquency (93 to 96 per cent), b) a considerable proportion of young adult ddlinquency and c) but only below 60 per cent of adult delinquency. The fact that a great majority of juvenile delinquency are related to offences against property (chiefly theft) of minor importance must by no means stipulate that such a delinquency should be neglected. On the contrary, the effects of commitments of various, often slight, offences turn out too often to be serious. This may not be clear when only single cases are considered but when the developing process of juvenile social depravation is taken into account whose that sort of offerences are but a fragment only. According to findings of individual studies, the extent of juvenile offenders demoralization shows either a slight or no connection with the objectively evaluated specific gravity of offences ascribed to juveniles. 4. The activities of juvenile courts or of ordinary courts of law with regard to the adjudication of educative or correctional means upon juveniles in 1951-1967 was the last question discussed in the study. A salient feature of the adjudication by our courts upon juveniles is their very considerable caution in applying means connected with separation of a juvenile from his or her familial community and sending them to an institution. The percentage of juveniles upon whom approved school or borstal had been adjucated was between 10 and 14 per cent, in recent years having been stabilized as l0 to 11 per cent. From that fact a conclusion can hardly be drawn that it was only every 9th or 10th juvenile upon whom an institutional order was considered necessary. Because it should always be remembered that the adjudication in that particular subject is influenced not only by an evaluation of the degree of juvenile social depravity, of educational valours represented by the juveniles' environment, of needs of the juvenile's himself, but also by the realistic possibility of execution of such an adjudication since there is chronic lack of placements in approved schools and very often felt lack of placements in borstals. With respect to further 15 to 24 per cent of juveniles found guilty, eventual need for applying institutional treatment must have been felt by the courts since executions of relevant adjustications had been suspended and 3/4 of cases were placed on probation. Probation was the most frequently applied means with respect to juveniles. That particular means was applied almost in 1/3 of all juveniles found guilty, the proportion of such adjudications having considerably increased in 1951-1967, i.e from 23.2 per cent to 32.2 per cent, so that the yearly number of juveniles placed on probation augmented threefold. Supervision order is another kind of means which used to be more frequently adjudicated early in the fifties and now it is adjudicated upon every 4th-5th juvenile. Most probably, the observed changes regarding preference of adjudication of probation is caused by development of such services enabling probation of increased numbers of juveniles found guilty. Admonition was a mean whose application seemed to be decreasing (it was adjudicated upon 23 per cent of juveniles in 1951 and only upon 14 per cent in 1967). A rapid decrease in the number of juveniles upon whom the courts were satisfied by applying that particular single act a few years after 1951, was probably due to a simultaneous rapid growth of the mean juvenile defendant age progressing according to a rise of the age limit of juvenile responsibility from 7 to 10 years of age (1954). On the other hand, the recently observed considerable decrease in proportion of such adjudications is undoubtedly closely connected with advising the courts in terms of limitation of means to be adjudicated upon juveniles of younger year groups. The choice of adequate educative or correctional means was no doubt influenced not only by the court having been convinced as to which was the best mean for the juvenile's re-education but also what were the realistic possibilities to get the mean executed. An open question is to what extent the changes of the structure of adjudicated means are a result of changes in categories of juveniles appearing at the courts.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1969, IV; 149-202
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzieci z 200 rodzin alkoholików i alkoholiczek
Children from 200 Families of Alcoholic Mothers and Fathers
Strzembosz, Adam
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
patologia społeczna
klasy społeczne
przymusowe leczenie alkoholików
social maladjustment
social pathology
social classes
compulsory treatment of alcoholics
1.  Subject of discussion will be such families of alcoholics (involving mothers and fathers) from the area of Warsaw, where the necessity arose to curtail, or suspend parental authority or deprive parents of such rights completely. The families investigated can be divided into the following categories: families where only the father was an alcoholic - 95 families (49.5%), families in which the father as well as the mother were alcoholics 64 families (33.3%) and families where only the mother was an alcoholic 33 familes (17.2%).* Note in the material studied here that as many as 54.5% of the mothers were considered to be alcoholics, and in this case 46% of these mothers-, alcoholics were registered as prostitutes. The mothers who were alcoholics had in 39% of the cases been convicted by courts (those who were not alcoholics in about 20% of the cases). Data regarding fathers who were alcoholics, whose average age in 1973 was 44 years, testify to the fact that the majority of them had no prior convictions or were only once convicted (57%): those with multiple convictions (four times and more) accounted for 20%. In the delinquency structure of the fathers was a predominance of violent offences committed when intoxicated. The majority of the fathers (57%) did not work or worked only on and off . The material conditions in these families of alcoholics were very unfavourable. 68% of these families lived in misery and want. Complete neglect of the children was found as regards the overwhelming majority of the fathers (62%) and a large number of mothers (41%). Especially adverse was the situation in families where the mothers were alcoholics and where misery and want was found in as many as 80%, complete neglect of the children by mothers in two-thirds of the families. As results from the above-mentioned data the situation of children in the families examined (especially in families where the mothers were alcoholics) was very bad; the criminality on the part of the fathers was, however, not a special problem here. 2. In 200 of the families of alcoholics, surveyed here, 487 children below the age- of 18 were brought up - 258 boys and 229 girls. Among these children, 20% were of pre-school age, 39.8% between 7 and 12, 38.2% between 13 and 17 years. The follow-up period was studied, regarding 487 children and juveniles from these families until the oldest among them (being at the beginning of the study above 10 years old) had reached the average age of 20 years. It should, however, be borne in mind that during the follow-up period only those data were at the disposal which could be obtained from official records, which contained information about cases brought before a court and arrests of these individuals by the police. Thus, an essential shortcoming, connected with the impossibility to conduct environmental interviews, is the lack of information about other facts, besides those in the records, such as symptoms of social maladjustment or whether the investigated individuals possessed professional qualifications and whether they had worked, in which milieu they had lived, whether they had systematically drunk alcohol to excess, etc. But data found in the records of the guardianship court, regarding the school period of the juveniles exactly characterize the extent of their social maladjustment. Significant is above all the fact that the sons of alcoholics (fathers and mothers) were often delayed in their studies at school. Among the boys below ten years one-third were already delayed in their studies: at the age between 10 and 12 half of them, however above 12 three- fourths. Among the latter there were 63% delayed by two or more years. Among girls below 10 years 14% were delayed, at the age between 10 and 12-44%, and above 12 - as many as 69%. Among girls aged above 12-43% were delayed by two and more years. Among older boys as well as older girls approximately half were children, systematically playing truant. Note data, pointing to the fact that as many, as 35% of the girls between 14 and 17 showed symptoms of sexual demoralization. In 1975 when 270 boys and girls were already above 18 years old, and their average age amounted to 20 years, it turned out that 22% of the boys had already been tried by juvenile courts, 18% had been brought before juvenile courts as well as the ordinary court and 16% only before an ordinary court. Thus generally speaking, those who faced trials during their juvenility or were convicted after having reached the age of 17, accounted for as' much as 55%. Those convicted when over 17 accounted for 34%, in addition to this 12% were indicted, which gives a total of 45% of young adults who committed offences that were reported when they were over 17 years of age. The percentage given above (55%) of those who were tried when still juveniles or convicted after the age of 17, should be considered as a high one. But the degree of delinquency disclosed is small (62% of the convicted individuals were convicted only once); it should, however, be borne in mind that only three years divided them from the age of amenability to law. To the above mentioned data should be added information regardin arrests by polic because of intoxication - as many as 61% of those convicted (or tried) had already been arrested before because of insobriety, and among those without court records - 12%. However, information regarding the delinquency of daughters of the investigated families testifies to the fact that only 15% of them had court appearances (taking into account also the period when they were juveniles). None of the girls was registered as a prostitute. Worth emphasis is the fact that children brought up in families where the mothers are alcoholics were not more frequently convicted or. arrested because of intoxication, than those where only the father was an alcoholic. The entire aspect of data related to the follow-up period of children from families of alcoholics up to the time when they were on an average 20 years old indicates that approximately half of the boys (45%) were neither convicted nor arrested by the police because of intoxication and that 79% of the girls were neither convicted nor arrested by the police. These data, due to the lack of detailed environmental interviews, as already mentioned before, do not permit identification of this category of juveniles with young adults showing no symptoms of social maladjustment. Examining the entire aspect of the studies under discussion it would be worth while to mention the results of research, conducted under the guidance of Professor Swięcicki in the years 1967-1968 on children of families of alcoholics, who underwent treatment in several outpatient clinics to cure their drinking habit, results which showed, that in these families there were twice as many pupils repeating the same grade in school and young persons between 18 and 27, maladjusted to life in society, than in families of control groups from the same social milieu. Simultaneously a significant fact was noted, namely that in families belonging to the category with the worst expectations a considerable part of children did not reveal symptoms of social maladjustment. One may assume that to a considerable extent this depends on the biogenetic and psychogenetic features of the children partly being modified by sociogenetic factors, be noticed themselves, which are only in our studies, too, could a considerable group of young adults, not convicted arrested in an inebriate state by the police, youngsters who perhaps did not reveal symptoms of social maladjustment, something which could, however, be established only on the basis of detailed studies of the milieu.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1976, VII; 265-286
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relacje rodzinne nieletnich sprawców czynów zabronionych i młodzieży nieprzestępczej. Wybrane obszary problemowe i wyniki badań
Family Relations of Juvenile Delinquents and Non-Delinquent Youth. Selected Problem Areas and Research Results
Wach, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
ekskluzja społeczna
relacje rodzinne
niedostosowanie społeczne
czyny zabronione
szanse wychowawcze
social exclusion
family relations
the juvenile
social maladjustment
prohibited acts
educational chances
In the article selected results of studies of groups of juvenile delinquents and of secondary school youths are discussed. A comparison of the two studied groups allows expressing conclusions and recommendations concerning the directions of rehabilitation activities towards social misfits, which should be started. In the article the significance of the quality of the family circle's functioning for proper rehabilitation of adolescents is pointed to, and negative significance of dysfunctions on the area of adolescents' relations with their parents is stressed. Also the need of constant monitoring education of the youth by psychologists is suggested, especially of those of them who violate the law. Particular directions for such analyses are shown. The article is a presentation of a fragment of broader studies concerning the discussed problem area.
Roczniki Pedagogiczne; 2010, 2(38); 143-158
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Batawia, Stanisław
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
młodzież nie ucząca się i nie pracująca
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
boys and girls out of school and out of work
social maladjustment
    The paper discusses the findings of research conducted by the Department of Criminology of the Polish Academy Sciences’ Institute of Legal Sciences among Warsaw 15 - 17 years-olds who left school but were not gainfully employed, and were subject to the requirement of compulsory vocational training. The problem of this category of youth is of considerable social importance since it is closely connected with the problem of delinquent or socially at risk youth. In 1967 and 1968 the educational authorities in Warsaw registered 5,749 boys and 2,477 girls aged 15 - 17 who were “out of school and out of work”. The Department’s surveys embraced a sample of only a proportion of the youth subject to registration, but it included in all probability a large majority of the boys and girls whose normal education had suffered the greatest disturbances: 1) ones who had completed only four, five or six grades of elementary school and had been directed to newly organized two-year vocational schools; and 2) ones who had completed the 7th grade but had failed to qualify for admission to the 8th grade or to a normal vocational school and had been directed to newly organized one-year vocational schools. The object of organizing these one- and two-year vocational schools was to give the kind of children who drop out of the normal educational stream the chance of learning a trade and also those attending the two-year schools the possibility of continuing their elementary education. It should be noted that in the one-year schools classes are held only twice a week, and in the two-year schools three times a week. The remaining days are given over to practical in-work training. In the 1967/68 school year the Department’s inquiry was conducted among boys attending one- and two-year building and electrical schools and a one-year motor mechanics school; they accounted for 52 per cent of the boys with the greatest degree of school retardation. In the following year, 1968/69, the subjects were boys attending one- and two-year building and electrical schools, to which 60 per cent of boys in this category had been directed. In 1967 a sample for each school was drawn from a complete list of the pupils in attendance, providing a sample of 180 boys. In 1968 the survey embraced all the boys (a total of 252) at these two schools. In 1968/69 the inquiry was extended to include girls as well: the subjects were all the girls enrolled at a one-year catering school (70) and a one-year clothing school (40). As regards the age of the boys assigned to these vocational courses, 43 per cent were over 17 in the first survey, and 23 per cent in the second; the remainder were aged 15 and 16. Girls over 17 formed 31 per cent of the sample. The selection for the Department’s survey of pupils whose normal education had probably suffered the most serious disruptions made it reasonable to suppose that distinct symptoms of social maladjustment would be found among them. To ascertain the incidence of such symptoms and the size of the category of youth with clearly delinquent tendencies or records was one of the chief objects of the inquiry. However, the working hypothesis was that 15 - I7-year-olds “out of school and out of work” were recruited from among the sort of boys and girls who had in the first place had serious problems with the elementary school course and that these difficulties had played a large part in their social maladjustment. As regards the degree of their social maladjustment it seemed likely that they were far less demoralized than the majority of juveniles with criminal convictions and tendencies to recidivism. In the inquiry whose findings are discussed below the following breaches of the fundamental rules of society or the standards of behaviour expected of children and youth were considered evidence of maladjustment: 1) persistent truancy; 2) staying out of school and out of work; 3) keeping demoralized company; 4) running away from home; 5) excessive drinking; 6) delinquency; 7) sexual promiscuity among the girls. Account was further taken of symptoms indicating serious school maladjustment: considerable school retardation and frequent commencement and discontinuance of attendance at different schools. Only those subjects of the inquiry were classified as maladjusted in the case of whom evidence was obtained that they were given to conduct of a certain type and that they regularly displayed a combination of deviational symptoms and not only a single isolated one. It should be indicated that in view of the impossibility of conducting medical and psychological examinations crucial aspects of the genesis and mechanism of difficulties at school and behaviour disorders could not be properly investigated. The inquiry had necessarily to be restricted to symptomatic and not etiological criteria of maladjustment. These were, however, enough to identify on the basis of the degree of neglect of school work and specific behaviour certain boys and girls as being socially maladjusted to some extent or another ‒ which was the main purpose of the research undertaken among this category of youth and made it largely possible to single out the children in need of care and attention. Recourse was had in the inquiry to opinions about the subjects collected from their elementary and vocational schools and from the work-places in which they underwent practical training, to court and police records, etc. Tn addition, in 1967/68 background interviews were conducted in the homes of the subjects. Both in the first and second survey tests were made of their level of achievement in Polish and mathematics at schools and of their intelligence on the Raven’s Progressive Matrices. The inquiry was supplemented by follow-up studies which for the boys in each of the successive years embraced a period of 2 2/3 years and l 2/3 years (including the period of vocational school attendance). The paper in question runs to 140 pp. of print and consists of a number of contributions: Introduction; Section 1, devoted chiefly to the criteria of social maladjustment among children and youth (written by Z. Ostrihanska); Section 2, discussing the findings of the studies of 432 boys (written by H. Kołakowska-Przełomiec); Section 3, reporting on the studies of 110 girls (written by Z. Ostrihanska, in association with A. Kossowska); Section 4, containing the results of the tests of the boys’ and girls’ achievements in Polish and mathematics (written by M. Marek); and a resume of the results of all the research and the conclusions to be drawn from it (written by S. Batawia).
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1972, V; 8-14
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Влияние дерматологического заболевания на процесс адаптации личности
Influence of dermatological disease on the process of adaptation of personality
Onishchenko, I.V.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
адаптация личности
дерматологическое заболевание
виды дезадаптации
общий адаптационный синдром
adaptation of the personality
dermatologic disease
types of
the general adaptation syndrome
В данной статье идёт речь об особенностях нарушений адаптации среди людей, которые страдают дерматологическими заболеваниями. Состояние кожи не только находится в тесной взаимосвязи с нервной системой человека, но и оказывает прямое и не посредственное влияние на его психологическое состояние и определяет его отношение к себе, как к части социума, который его окружает. Знание и учет влияния дерматологических заболеваний на процесс адаптации личности может способствовать выбору наиболее точно направленных способов лечебного воздействия и повышению его эффективности.
This article deals with the peculiarities of adaptation disorders among people who suffer from dermatological diseases. The skin condition is not only in close connection with the human nervous system, but also has a direct and not mediocre impact on his psychological condition and determines its relation to, as part of the society that surrounds him. Knowledge and consideration of the effect of dermatological diseases on the adaptation process can contribute to the selection of the person most closely directed therapeutic effects and ways to improve its effectiveness.
Journal of Health Sciences; 2014, 4, 1; 349-356
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Systemowe uwarunkowania postaw nieletnich wobec wymiaru sprawiedliwości – raport z badań
The Key Conditions of Attitudes of Juvenile Delinquents Towards the Justice System: Considering Empirical Data From a Study Research
Kusztal, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
przestępczość nieletnich
wymiar sprawiedliwości
niedostosowanie społeczne
instytucje kontroli formalnej
juvenile delinquency
justice system
juveniles’ social maladjustment
institutions of formal control in Poland
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań własnych, dotyczących uwarunkowań postaw nieletnich wobec instytucji wymiaru sprawiedliwości i instytucji kontroli formalno-prawnej w Polsce. Uzasadnienie do podjęcia badań stanowi szeroko rozumiany kontekst uczenia się, którego integralnym elementem jest postawa wobec jakiegoś obiektu lub zdarzenia, manifestowana jako trwały sposób zachowania wynikający z przyjętych przekonań. Wśród wielu uwarunkowań negatywnych postaw nieletnich wobec wymiaru sprawiedliwości szczególne znaczenie ma obszar działania instytucji wymiaru sprawiedliwości i uczestników postępowania w sprawach nieletnich, takich jak sąd, obrońca oraz instytucji kontroli formalno-prawnej czyli Policji.
The aim of the article is to present the results of my own research concerning the key conditions of attitudes of youth (referred to as juveniles or juvenile delinquents) towards institutions of the justice system and institutions of formal control in Poland. The rationale behind conducting the study lies in a broadly understood concept of learning, an integral element of which is the attitude towards a certain object or event manifesting itself as a persistent behaviour resulting from accepted beliefs. Among the many conditions of juveniles’ negative attitudes to the justice system, especially important is the area of the functioning of institutions of the justice system and participators in juvenile delinquency proceedings, such as the court or defender, and institutions of formal control, that is, the police.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2015, 10; 149-163
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rodziny wieloproblemowe – charakterystyka 222 rodzin z dzielnicy Praga-Północ
Multi-problem Families - the Characteristics of 222 Families From the Warsaw District Praga-North
Kossowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
rodzina wieloproblemowa
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
typologia rodzin
multi-problem family
social maladjustment
family typology
The object of the study initiated in 1975 in the Department of Criminology of the Polish Academy of Sciences was to get acquainted with the extent of social maladjustment in the families known to be characterised by the cumulation of socially negative factors. They were, called multi-problem families. In on study primary criteria for the selection of families were alcoholism and excessive drinking, which was based on the assumption, proved by many criminological studies, that alcoholism causes the most severe disturbances in the functioning of the family. Other symptoms of social maladjustment, such as crime, prostitution, child neglect, were recognized as the derivatives of alcoholism. 222 families living in the Warsaw district Praga-North were examined, in which at least 2 adult membres were known to the police as regular excessive drinkers. Data about the families examined were gathered by means of interviews with the district constables of the police. On the grounds of the interview a questionnaire was filled in, including such data on all members of the family who were living together, as: regular excessive drinking and behavior related to it, delinquency, trouble-making and threat to the safety of their family and neighbours, attitude towards work, performance of parental duties, prostitution and other symptoms of social maladjustment. They were supplemented by the data from other official sources, among other: court records, registers of the detoxication centres, data from the juvenile section of the police regarding the state of care of the children and their social maladjustment. The majority of the multi-problem families examined inhabit poorly planned areas. The houses are mainly old, neglected, assigned for demolition (and thus not repaired). There are no bathrooms nor WCs. Many of the tenements lack running water. The housing conditions of these families as regards the density of their tenements is considerably poorer than the average of the remaining part of the district and of the entire city. The financial standing of the families, according to the police constables, is “poor” or” very poor” in over a half of the examined cases. The social and professional status of the members is low. 70% of men and 90% of women lack any vocational training. At the time of research, the examined population of 222 families consisted of 437 men and 360 women aged over 17 and 233 children aged 0-16 (over a half of them were small children aged up to 10). The extent of social maladjustment of the entire adult population is as follows: As few as 9% of the men and 37% of the women do not drink excessively. The remaining regularly drink excessively or are alcoholics. It is interesting that a substantial intensity of excessive drinking was found even among the youngest group of the examined adult males, that is those aged 17 - 20. Only 15% of the men in this age group do not drink excessively. The excessive drinking of the persons examined is connected with other symptoms of “problem drinking”. Over 57% of the men and 17% of the women were detained at the detoxication centre more than 3 times. The persons under examination also frequently have cases brought against them in the Penal Administrative Commissions because of breaking of peace when intoxicated. Over 40% of the men had such cases brought against them at least 3 times. More than a half of the men in the multi-problem families are the so-called “persons dangerous to other members of the family when drunk”. This stands for behavior such as making rows at home, beating their wives or other members of the family, turning them into the street, demolishing their flats. The population of the men is also characterized by an improper attitude towards work. Approximately 45% of them do not work though they could. On the basis of the obtained information it can be stated that they either are provided for by the others, or they live on illegal business or various odd jobs, or they profit by illegal means. In the light of the data mentioned above as to the drinking habits of the members of the families examined the question arises if any relationship can be found between their excessive drinking and their staying out of work. Approximately 92% of the men who are known to stay out of work without any reasonable cause can be recognized as alcoholics. The extent of crime in the multi-problem families is significant, with 57% of the men having been convicted at least once, and 32% - 4 times or more.  There were also 20% of the women with criminal records. Contrary to expectation, in the structure of crime of the examined population violent offences balance those against property. Among the population of the women from the problem families, 1/5 are suspected of prostitution. When discussing the social maladjustment of the women, the problem of performing maternal duties cannot possibly be ignored. 70% of the mothers of small children do not secure the care for them, and in some cases the child neglect becomes more flagrant. Only about 1/5 of the entire population of the adult members of the families examined reveal none of the symptoms mentioned above, the percentage in the case of men being as low as less than 9%. In the second part of the study an attempt is made to characterize the families from the point of view of the intensity of social maladjustment in the entire family. Among the 222 families there were 39, the members of which had no criminal record, that is, in over 80% of the families there occurs the co-existence of alcoholism and crime. In more than half of the families not even one adult member could be recognized as positive - that is, not drinking excessively, with a clear court record and regularly working. There is one such person in 54 families, 2 such persons in 36 families, and in only 15 families 3 persons were recognized as favourably meeting the above criteria. On the basis of the proceedings employed to define the degree of social maladjustment of each of the families, nearly 1/3 of them were found to reveal a very high intensity of cumulated symptoms of social maladjustment. Such families create a serious social problem to the still greater extent than the others. Analysing the educational situation in the families on the basis of their classification as regards their structure, the situation in question is found particularly unfavorable in the families where the mother regularly drinks excessively or is a prostitute. This applies particularly to the situation of small children. In nearly all the families with small children the sometimes flagrant negligence of the children was found. The mothers did not care for their children, left them without any care, did not secure for them any sufficient food nor clothing, the children having in many cases no other source of assistance. As the children grow up, their neglect and the influence of negative social patterns in the family repeatedly lead to the symptoms of social maladjustment, which increase gradually sometimes reaching very grave forms. Multi-problem families require special care and assistance of the qualified social services. This applies particularly to children who are brought up in exceptionally unfavourable conditions. An early intervention in the situation of those children is vital. It should lead to neutralizing the negative influence of family milieu, which in a great part of the cases requires the isolation of the children by placing them in a children's home. The assistance applied towards the family should also consist in financial and medical aid (including the treatment of early stages of alcoholism).
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1982, VIII-IX; 291-337
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rodzinne czynniki ryzyka nieprzystosowania społecznego dzieci i młodzieży
Family risk factors of social maladjustment in children and young persons
Wojnarska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
system rodziny
patologie rodzinne
wsparcie rodziny
czynniki ryzyka nieprzystosowania społecznego
family system
pathology of family
support for family
risk factors of social maladjustment
Cel: Celem artykułu jest dokonanie przeglądu rodzinnych czynników ryzyka nieprzystosowania społecznego, które mają charakter złożony i dynamiczny i dlatego powinny być analizowane w ujęciu ekologicznym (systemowym). Metody: Artykuł ma charakter przeglądu teoretycznego w oparciu o literaturę polską i światową. Wyniki: W mikrosystemie rodzinnym do czynników tych należą zaburzenia w kształtowaniu przywiązania, nieprawidłowe postawy i metody wychowawcze, niestabilna struktura rodziny oraz zjawiska patologiczne, takie jak: alkoholizm, przestępczość, niski status socjoekonomiczny. W mezosystemie czynnikami zagrożenia są słabe relacje rodziny z osobami i instytucjami mogącymi wspierać ja w kryzysie, natomiast w egzosystemie ważną rolę odgrywa środowisko lokalne, miejsce pracy, pomoc socjalna. W makrosystemie duże znaczenie w genezie nieprzystosowania mają rozwiązania prawne, poziom gospodarczy społeczeństwa, polityka społeczna i zmiany obyczajowe. Wnioski: Analiza rodzinnych czynników ryzyka powinna być zatem interakcyjna i oparta na modelach korelacyjno-regresyjnych, uwzględniających modyfikującą rolę predyspozycji osobowych dzieci i młodzieży.
Aim: The aim of the paper is thereview of family risk factors which are complex and dynamic, therefore they should be analysed in the ecological (systematic) approach. Methods: The paper is a theoretical review on thebasis of Polish and internationalliterature. Results: In the family microsystem there are several risk factors such asdisturbance in forming attachment, incorrect parental attitudes and methods of upbringing, an unstable family structure and pathological phenomena such as: alcoholism, delinquency, low socioeconomic status. In the mesosystem risk factors include weak family relationswith persons and institutions which could support the family in a crisis, whereas in the exosystem the key factors are: local environment, place of work, social assistance. In the macrosystem law, the economic level of society, social politicsand changesin morals have considerable importance in maladjustment. Conclusions: The analysis of the family’s risk factors should be interactive and based on correlation and regression models including the modifying role of personal predispositions of children and youth.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2018, XVIII, (2/2018); 361-378
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evidence-Based Program Databases: A Tool for Modern Risk Behavior Prevention and Rehabilitation
Bazy programów opartych na dowodach jako narzędzie nowoczesnej profilaktyki zachowań ryzykownych i resocjalizacji
Barczykowska, Agnieszka Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
The evidence-based program
program database
social maladjustment
prevention science
Program oparty na dowodach
baza programów
oddziaływania profilaktyczne
niedostosowanie społeczne
Introduction: The search for effective methods of conducting preventive and rehabilitation interventions is one of the main tasks for educators and other professionals working in this practice area today. One of the tools that can help achieve this goal is the databases of evidence-based programs. They are a reservoir of research-proven proposals for the conduct of activities. They are also becoming an essential space for the exchange of experiences and a source of change. However, they are not free of dysfunctions and problems. Research Aim: The aim of the research undertaken is, on the one hand, to popularise the idea of evidence-based prevention program bases and, on the other hand, to reflect on their functioning with an analysis of their risks and potentials. The text also attempts to answer how to change program bases and programs to make them as reliable and effective as possible. Evidence-based Facts: Research on evidence-based program bases and the programs has a history of almost thirty years. This research has proven to be a kind of 'milestone,' which is not to say that it has not revealed all sorts of problems. There is an ongoing discussion in the literat ure in this area relating to the databases' content and functionality.  Summary: Raising awareness of the importance of evidence-based measures, popularising the bases of scientifically verified programs, and improving their functionality are becoming key phrases for rehabilitation and prevention educators today.
Wprowadzenie: Poszukiwanie skutecznych metod prowadzenia oddziaływań profilaktycznych i resocjalizacyjnych stanowi dziś jedno z podstawowych  zadań dla pedagogów i innych specjalistów zajmujących się tym obszarem praktyki. Jednym z narzędzi, które ten cel może pomóc osiągnąć są bazy programów opartych na dowodach naukowych. Stanowią one rezerwuar sprawdzonych w badaniach propozycji prowadzenia działań, stają się również ważną przestrzenią wymiany doświadczeń, ale również źródłem zmiany. Nie są jednak wolne od dysfunkcji i problemów. Cel badań: Celem podjętych badań jest z jednej strony popularyzacja idei baz programów profilaktycznych opartych na dowodach, a z drugiej refleksja nad ich funkcjonowaniem wraz z analizą ryzyka oraz potencjałów w nich tkwiących. Tekst jest również próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak zmieniać bazy programów i same programy, by były one jak najbardziej rzetelne i efektywne w działaniach. Stan wiedzy: Badania nad bazami programów opartych na dowodach naukowych, jak i samymi programami mają już niemal trzydziestoletnią tradycję. Badania te dowiodły, że można je uznać za swego rodzaju „kamienie milowe”, co nie znaczy, że nie ujawniły one różnego rodzaju problemów. W literaturze przedmiotu trwa w tym obszarze dyskusja, odnosząca się zarówno do treści baz, jak i ich funkcjonalności. Podsumowanie: Podniesienie świadomości znaczenia działań opartych na dowodach naukowych, popularyzacja baz programów zweryfikowanych empirycznie, usprawnienie ich funkcjonalności, staje się dziś kluczowym zdaniem dla pedagogów resocjalizacyjnych i profilaktyków.
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny; 2023, 42, 4; 193-206
Pojawia się w:
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wychowanie religijne w biografiach młodzieży zagrożonej niedostosowaniem społecznym – prezentacja wyników badań
Religious upbringing in biographies of young people at risk of social maladjustment - presentation of research results
Okraska, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
wychowanie religijne
wychowanie w nauczaniu Kościoła Katolickiego
młodzież zagrożona niedostosowaniem społecznym
religious upbringing
upbringing in the teaching of the Catholic Church
youth’s at risk of social maladjustment
social rehabilitation
Poniższa praca jest prezentacją wyników badań zrealizowanych na potrzeby pracy magisterskiej. Przedmiotem badania było wychowanie religijne młodzieży zagrożonej niedostosowaniem społecznym, a proces badawczy poświęcony był diagnozie stanu wychowania religijnego oraz opisowi przebiegu tego wychowania. Badanie było przeprowadzone w oparciu o metodę biograficzną z wykorzystaniem techniki wywiadu swobodnego. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że wychowanie religijne badanej młodzieży jest ograniczone w swoich przejawach oraz wystąpiło głównie w okresie edukacji początkowej.
The following paper is a presentation of the results of the research carried out for the Master's thesis. The subject of the study was the religious upbringing of young people at risk of social maladjustment, where the research process was devoted to the diagnosis of the state of religious upbringing and the description of the course of this upbringing. The authors chose the biographical method research with the use of the unstructured interview technique. The conducted research shows that religious upbringing of the examined youth is limited in its manifestations and occurred mainly in the period of early education.
Forum Pedagogiczne; 2021, 11, 1; 345-361
Pojawia się w:
Forum Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Komunikacja niewerbalna młodzieży nieprzystosowanej społecznie
Wojnarska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
nonverbal communication
nonverbal communication codes and maladjustment
restricted code
compensatory role of nonverbal communication in linguistic communication
komunikacja niewerbalna
kody komunikacji niewerbalnej a nieprzystosowanie
kod ograniczony
kompensująca rola komunikacji niewerbalnej w komunikacji językowej
The article is an overview of problems concerning nonverbal communication and its importance in identifying the symptoms of social maladjustment among young people. Different nonverbal codes were analyzed using the classification devised by Bożydar Kaczmarek (1998) and pointing out their characteristic manifestations among young people with socialization difficulties. Specificity of these behaviors that may indicate the attitude of rejection of adult norms was shown. The study emphasized the importance of nonverbal codes in compensating for deficiencies in linguistic communication because maladjusted youth commonly use a restricted code.
Artykuł zawiera przegląd zagadnień dotyczących komunikacji niewerbalnej i jej znaczenia w rozpoznawaniu symptomów nieprzystosowania społecznego u młodzieży. Dokonano analizy poszczególnych kodów niewerbalnych, posługując się klasyfikacją B. Kaczmarka (1998) i zwracając uwagę na ich specyficzne przejawy u młodzieży z trudnościami w socjalizacji. Wskazano na specyfikę tych zachowań, które mogą wskazywać na postawę odrzucenia norm osób dorosłych. Podkreślono rangę KNW w kompensowaniu niedostatków komunikacji językowej ze względu na powszechność posługiwania się przez młodzież nieprzystosowaną kodem ograniczonym.
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny; 2013, 32
Pojawia się w:
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przyczyny sieroctwa rodzinnego w świetle badań ogólnopolskich
The Causes of Family Orphanhood
Janowska, Halina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
sieroctwo społeczne
sieroctwo rodzinne
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
emocjonalna patologia
dzieci i młodzież
placówka opiekuńcza
social orphanage
family orphanage
social maladjustment
emotional pathology
, children and youth
guardianship facility
The study contains the results of an empirical research carried out in Poland devoted to the macro- and microsocial conditions of family orphanhood. In the first stage (1978), 97% of the population of all children’s homes, inhabited at the time of the study by 24,000 persons, were examined, and in the second stage (1980), 2.1% of this population were examined (520 persons, which made the sample representative of the country).                 The notion of family orphanhood was introduced in the study to describe the situation of children who are under care of State institutions due to the lack of care in their own families. The notion of social orphanhood is thus limited - in this formulation - to the situation when the State, in spite of negligence of basic parental duties by the parents, has not yet taken over the care of the child.                 The extent of social orphanhood in Poland is rated at approximately 10% of the population of children and young people aged 0-17. The extent of family orphanhood is rated at approximately 5 promile in the age group 4-18. The growth of family orphanhood shows the triple increase of the phenomenon during the last 20 years.                 At the time of the study, 58% of family orphans were in State; children's homes. From the point of view of the research tasks, this group of children and young persons was considered the most representative, as the principles of placing children under other forms of care (that is, for instance, foster homes, family children's homes, centres for school education and special educational institutions for socially maladjusted children and young people) are based on particular criteria of selection.                 Below a summary of the results of the study is presented. The greatest intensity of family orphanhood and crime can be found in the western and northern regions of Poland. As revealed by the statistical analysis, the intensity of these phenomena in various parts of the country is significantly correlated. Their joint source are the by-products of social changes. In the social conditions promoting the phenomenon of anomy, the group patterns of deviant behavior may reach broader social circles; the tendency to perceive that behavior as contradictory to the norms diminishes then. This tendency concerns criminal behavior to a much greater extent than the behavior from which the family orphanhood results. Thus the growth of social orphanhood measured indirectly (for instance, by the rate of care and protection cases in courts), seems to be more diagnostic as a ratio of increase of pathogenic social phenomena than as an index of reported crime. The growth of pathogenic social phenomena can be studied indirectly by means of a structure analysis of attributes of the population selected in a particular way. The structure of particular attributes of the population of institutions for children and juveniles varies significantly according to the intensity of the pathogenic social  phenomena in different parts of the country. In the voivodships where this intensity is greater, a higher percentage of children under psychiatric care or those whose parents have been deprived of their parental rights, is to be found significantly more frequently; the distributions of frequency in the separate age groups are random in the examined population. In the voivodships where the ratio of pathogenic social phenomena is lower, the most numerous age group is that of 13-15, which means that - more often than in the remaining voivodships - the important reason for sending children to institutions are their educational problems connected with puberty, and not a generally worse situation of the families which would cause sending children to institutions regardless of their age. On the microsocial scale, the main cause of family orphanhood is the disorganization of the family related to the individual and social characteristics of the parents. Taking into account the level of disorders in the social behavior and that of disturbances in emotional relations between the members of the family, 4 categories of families were distinguished in the population examined. The majority are the families disturbed both in their social functions and in emotional relations; there were as many as 78.2% of them among 5200 families. The families which, however undisturbed, were educationally inefficient for other objective reasons (financial problems, housing problems, illness, disability, death of one parent were 7.1% of the cases. There were also 8.5% of the families with only emotional relations disturbed, and 6.3% of those with only social behavior disturbed. Thus the majority, that is, as much as 84.5% of the children were brought up in criminogenic environment. 75.3% of fathers and 55% of mothers were regularly drinking excessively; alcoholism was found in 55.6% of fathers and 19.6% of mothers; 66.6% of the mothers’ friends who lived together with the family were heavy drinkers. The high percentage of drinking  mothers in those families should be noted.                 Lack of a permanent employment was found among 27.6% of fathers and 41% of mothers. Due to their alcoholism and poor professional training, a considerable part of the children's guardians found it difficult to obtain and keep a job.                 Until the time of the study, 15% of fathers and 6% of mothers had already been imprisioned; no reliable information was gathered as to their previous criminal records.                 Professional prostitution was found among 12% of mothers, while sexual promiscuity among as many as 40%.                 The instability of emotional bonds is a striking feature of the families examined. Only 1/3 of the parents are married. In 53% of the cases, the parents admittedly live together, but one of them is temporarily absent due to imprisonment or stay in a mental hospital, which are the most frequent reasons.                 73% of the families live in very difficult financial conditions, 61% have serious housing problems.                 A very poor state of health (serious chronic diseases) was found in 18% of fathers and 23% of mothers. Health and physical development of children and youths in children’s homes are distinctly worse than the average in the country. Their height in 49,3% of the cases does not reach the age norm, the respective percentage in the case of weight being 42%. A half of the children had suffered from serious diseases, as shown by 48.6% of the cases of hospitalization. In as much as 17% of the children the past or present diseases are connected with damages of the central nervous system or with functional changes which reflect on their mental functions (cerebral concussion, epilepsy, acute neuroses). 17% of the ailments and diseases are immediately related to grave neglect (untreated advanced form of tuberculosis, effects of accidents). Congenital defects are found in 5% of cases. In the group of family orphans, the types of mental deficiency and personality disorders which impede the normal social functions can be found more frequently than in the entire population of children and young people.                 Only 56% of the children came within the limits of the normal intelligence level. The symptoms of nervousness - more or less intense - were observed among as many as 90% of them. There were only 13% of the children without any disturbances of behavior (that is, inhibition, increased kinetic restlessness, timidity, emotional sensitivity, aggressiveness etc.).                 Developmental deficiencies were found in as many as 84% of the children; the most frequent were those in the sphere of the development of visual (34.5%) and auditory (22.3%) functions, the least frequent were the disturbances of speech (13.8%). Deviant behavior is more frequent among the concerned population than in the entire population of children and youths in respective age groups. The following three types of behavior proving the threat of demoralization were found: behavior connected with school maladjustment, with environmental maladjustment against the background of defective emotional relations (excluding the one based on emotional disorders of the passive type, like inhibition, timidity, etc.) and delinquent behavior or that pointing to disturbed socialization. The most frequent are the types of behavior revealing school, maladjustment (41.4%), those revealing distrubances of emotional relations (28%), and the least frequent are types of behavior of deliquent character or pointing to disturbed socialization.                 It is worthy of notice that the intensity of behavior of the first and third types markedly decreases in the children’s homes, while in the case: of the second type, that is of behavior revealing disturbances of the emotional sphere, the decrease is much less visible. In the conditions of the children’s home the emotional compensation, which is an important problem, is difficult to solve.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1982, VIII-IX; 233-270
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dezorganizacja społeczna a przestępczość
Social disorganization and crime
Kossowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
dezorganizacja społeczna
kontrola społeczna
podkultura młodzieżowa
przestępstwo przeciwko życiu
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
social disorganization
social control
youth subculture
crime against life
social maladjustment
The notion of social disorganization, rather seldom used in sociology today, used to have a broad application in the American sociology of the 1920-1940s, in particular in the analysis of effects of such social processes as mass migrations, urbanization and industralization. The term of social disorganization was given to the negative effects of social changes related to these processes. Presently, this term is sometimes used in the analysis of the contemporary highly developed societes when discussing the stability of their cultural systems and the functioning of their basic social institutions.             There are also in sociology many definitions of social disorganization; generally, it may be defined as the state of a disturbed social balance resulting from a social change first and foremost. What is the value of this term for a criminologist? Irrespective of the type of definition of social disorganization applied, one of its basic determinants is considered to be crime both as a mass phenomenon and as an individual act. Therefore this term is used in sociology since a long time to designate social phenomena that are rather varied for that matter.             Traditionally, the term "social disorganization’’ meant in criminology social situation f und in the so-called delinquency areas which emerged in the period of vehement development of American cities as a result of mass migrations in search of livelihood. In traditional handbooks of criminology, a generalization of experimental findings concerning the processes that take place in delinquency areas is usually called the theory of social disorganization.             Not long ago, a work by R. Kornhauser was published which is an attempt at a new approach to the development of the sociological theory of crime. In the work, two basic analytic models of investigation of crime conditions are distinguished. One of them is the model of social disorganization interpreted as a relative lack of a formulated system of values in a given  culture and as a disturbed relationship between culture and the social structure. Two theoretical approaches can be distinguished here which are derived from the notion of social disorganization. They are: the model of social control and the model of strain. According to the first of them, disorganization results in the weakening of social control which manifests itself in disturbances either of the process of socialization or of the functioning of the basic social institutions, being thus conductive to the emergence of a delinquent or otherwise deviant behaviour. Acording to the second of the above-mantioned approaches, social disorganization brings about the rise of pressure towards delinquent behaviour, the strain resulting from the divergence between the socially formed aspirations and the expectations as to their realization. According to the authors of this classification, the main representatives of the social control trend are Thrasher as well as Shaw and McKay, and of the strain one-Merton, Cohen who derived his theoretical discussion from Merton's conception of anomy, and Cloward and Ohlin. The notion of social disorganization is also referred to in works of other theoreticians of criminology, such as for instance Sutherland and Sellin. They both refer to the results of the societies's cultural differentiation, that of the structure of norms in particular. Cultural diffrentiation, which is one of the effects of social disorganization, may sometimes - in extreme cases – assume the form of a conflict of cultures, i.e. of a state of fundamental conflict between the systems of norms and values of the separate social groups.             Social disorganization cannot be treated as an explicitly defined and measurable social phenomenon. Instead, we can measure some situational determinants of disorganization which can be applied in studies of such social processes as migrations, vehement urbanization, rapid industrial development of regions with no industrial traditions, socio-economic crises, etc., on the one hand, and in studies of a disturbed functioning of social institutions that are particularly important for the society (the family in particular) on the other hand. In Poland, there is quite a rich tradition of investigating some aspects of social disorganization, as for instance studies of the effect urbanization and industrialization have on crime, of the symptoms of disorganization in urban environment, and above all of various aspects of family disorganization and their connection with delinquency.             The notion of social disorganization, though susceptible of various interpretations, nevertheless seems useful in criminology as it makes it possible to combine into a syndrome the various traits of certain social situations that are conductive to delinquent behaviour.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1988, XV; 9-32
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Importance of the Diagnoses of Advisory Teams of Court Experts in Cases of Minors Addicted to the Internet and Computer Games and Showing Signs of Social Maladjustment
Znaczenie diagnozy Opiniodawczych Zespołów Sądowych Specjalistów w sprawach nieletnich uzależnionych od internetu i gier komputerowych oraz ujawniających cechy nieprzystosowania społecznego
Wawryk, Lidia
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
social maladjustment
Internet addiction
computer game addiction
system of resocialization of minors
Advisory Teams of Court Experts
diagnosis of minors
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
uzależnienie od internetu
uzależnienie od gier komputerowych
system resocjalizacji nieletnich
opiniodawczy zespół sadowych specjalistów
diagnoza nieletnich
W artykule podjęto analizy dotyczące znaczenia diagnozy Opiniodawczych Zespołów Sądowych Specjalistów (OZSS) wobec nieletnich uzależnionych od internetu oraz gier komputerowych i ujawniających cechy nieprzystosowania społecznego. Celem artykułu jest ocena znaczenia diagnozy dokonywanej w OZSS w przypadku nieletnich ujawniających takie symptomy. Badania oparto na metodzie indywidualnych przypadków – do analizy wybrano dwie opinie spośród nielicznych w tej tematyce. Zastosowano technikę analizy dokumentów – opinii OZSS. Głównym problemem było rozpoznanie roli OZSS w dokonywaniu diagnozy i projektowaniu oddziaływań wobec nieletnich z przejawami demoralizacji i nakładającego się uzależnienia od internetu i gier komputerowych. Dokonane analizy pozwoliły rozpoznać przyczyny nieprawidłowego zachowania nieletnich, wychwycić mechanizmy zaburzeń oraz dobrać wobec nich adekwatne środki.
The article analyzes the significance of the diagnoses of Advisory Teams of Court Experts (ATCE) against minors addicted to the Internet and computer games and showing signs of social maladjustment. The purpose of the article is to assess the importance of the ATCE diagnoses in cases of minors revealing such symptoms. The research was based on the method of individual cases; two opinions were selected for analysis from among the few available. The technique of document analysis was used on the ATCE opinions. The main problem was to identify the role of the ATCE in diagnosing and designing interventions for minors with signs  of maladjustment and delinquency and overlapping addiction to the Internet and computer games. The analysis revealed the causes of abnormal behavior in minors and the mechanisms of disorders and made it possible to select adequate measures against them.
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana; 2023, 26, 2; 41-64 (eng); 41-66 (pol)
Pojawia się w:
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana
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Biblioteka Nauki
Rozmiary przestępczości wśród dawnych podopiecznych sądu opiekuńczego – dzieci rodziców z ograniczoną władzą rodzicielską
Extent of Crime Among Former Juveniles Whose Parents Were Limited in Their Parental Authority, and Who Were Under the Care of Juvenile and Civil Courts
Strzembosz, Adam
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
sąd opiekuńczy
ograniczona władza rodzicielska
władza rodzicielska
warunki rodzinne
zaburzenia w zachowaniu
rozmiary przestępczości
niedostosowanie społeczne
guardianship court
limited parental responsibility
parental authority
family conditions
behavioral disorders
extent of crime
social maladjustment
The reported research is a continuation of the studies on families under court’s supervision in consequence of the limitation of parental authority. The former studies were conducted on the sample of such families representative of the entire country, which consisted of 757 families with the  total of 1,436 children in whose interest protection proceedings has been instituted in 1973. While in that phase of research an attempt was made to characterize the families and the children that came within the above proceedings and to describe the action of the court and the efficiency of the measures adjudicated by the court, in the present studies the further fates have been studied of 330 boys and 252 girls - formerly under the care of the court - who were aged at least 19 on September 1, 1980 (they were aged 19 - 24, mean age being 22). During the research, it was found that among the persons under examination - after coming up to the age of 17 (upper limit of minority) - there were 27% of men and 7% of women with criminal records (12% of men and 2% of women had been convicted at least twice). This percentage was three times higher as regards the convicted men and 8 times higher as regards the convicted women in comparison with the extent of crime measured by the number of convictions among men and women aged 21. Among the convicted men there were as many as 49% convicted for larceny, 19% for robbery, and 13% convicted for offences against person. As many as 84% of men were convicted for offences against property only, or for these offences as well as for others. The structure of crime of the persons under scrutiny differs from that of the whole of young adult offenders (aged 17 - 20) as regards the high percentage of those convicted for larceny. In this respect it resembles the structure of crime of the juveniles formerly under care of juvenile courts in, the cases pertaining to parental rights in Warsaw, but only as regards the sons of alcoholics (also aged 22 on the average), as the sons of non-alcoholics were in a much higher percentage convicted for offences against person, characterized by a large intensity of aggressiveness. The offences of the persons under examination resemble juvenile delinquency in the eldest age groups, though the harmfulness of their offences is much greater. 50% of the convicted men had been sentenced to immediate imprisonment already in their first case, 95% - in their second case, and all of the convicted men –in  their third case. An attempt was made to differentiate the category of the investigated sons who would be characterized by a higher extent of crime when aged over 17; however, no increase in offending was found both among children from broken homes and among those whose parents revealedconsiderable social demoralization. Even the percentage of socially demoralized mothers whose sons had criminal records when aged over 17 was only slightly higher than that of socially adjusted mothers of the convicted men. On the other hand, the men coming from towns were considerably more frequently convicted as compared with those coming from the rural areas, which seems to shake the now established opinion about the small differences between the intensity of crime in the town and the country, if we take into account the offender’s place of residence and not the place where the given offence has been committed. In spite of the confirmation by the present study of the well known regularity that there is a higher percentage of persons convicted when aged over 17 among those who revealed early behavior disorders, and in spite of the fact that there is a correlation between the improvement in the minor’s behavior accomplished by the probation officer during his supervision and the subsequent clear record of his former probationer - no correlation was found between the way in which the supervision had been performed and the criminal records of the men when aged over 17. Such a correlation was not revealed even by comparing the most highly estimated supervision with this actually not performed at all. This proves the  predominating role of factors other than probation officer’s supervision in the process of forming social attitudes of the youth. Since even those of the probation officers, who perform their supervision reliably and efficiently, are not in approximately one half of the cases able to cause improvement of their probationer’s behavior, then the role of other factors independent of the officer’s action is immense and their further negative or favourable influence may - in course of time - wholly destroy the impact of the methods of supervision. Therefore not only the probation officer’s efforts should be supported by creating the actual possibilities for him to organize the proper educational environment for his probationer but also these social processes should be strenghtened which promote the internalization by children and youths of favourable patterns of behavior and moral standards.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1982, VIII-IX; 271-290
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Młodociani recydywiści
Young adult recidivists
Szelhaus, Stanisław
Baucz-Straszewicz, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
młodociani recydywiści
przestępczość młodocianych recydywistów
Zakład Kryminologii Państwowej Akademii Nauk
wykolejenie społeczne
young adults recidivists
delinquency of young adults recidivists
Department of Criminology at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Science
young adult
social maladjustment
young adult recidivists
delinquency of young adult recidivists
Investigation has covered 100 recidivists between the ages of 18 and 21, serving their term in jail; its purpose was to bring to light the scope of social misfitting and delinquency of the individuals with whom delinquency and recidivism seem to be of recent origin. Investigation has covered the individuals domiciled in Warsaw, who have been punished for at least the second time after having reached the age when penal responsibility begins (i.e. their seventeenth year of age) and have gone to jail for at least the second time. The investigation, started at the end of 1956 and finished in the middle of 1958, was conducted in two Warsaw jails and three provincial ones. All young adult recidivists with a condemning sentence who were at that time in jail were investigated, without making any selection of the cases, apart from the criteria enumerated above. The investigation, however, has taken into consideration data from judicial records and prison records, as well as from the Convicts, Register. Talks with the mothers of the convicts have provided material concerning the family home, the diseases which the convicted person had gone through, his pre-school and school days, way of life, etc. Psychological and medical examination has also been carried out. Young adult recidivists have been examined on an average, from four to five times within a few hours. In the case of those of the investigated who have been released from prison before December 1st , 1958, follow-up studies were carried out, to comprise a period of from six months to one year. 1. In investigating 100 young adult recidivists past record it was established that as many as 79 of them had been previously tried by a juvenile court (even though the law-court which tried them after they had completed the seventeenth year of age knew about that in a mere 23 cases). Apart from that, another 12 had committed thefts during their minority without being prosecuted before the law-courts. Consequently a mere 9 of all the investigated began to commit criminal offences after they were 16. The beginnings of delinquency took place in 19 per cent of the cases before the tenth year of their rives, and in 68 per cent before the thirteenth; it is highly probable however, that in reality the beginnings of their delinquency were earlier than that. Investigation into the further destinies of 79 investigated persons who had been tried while still minors has established the fact that 85 per cent of their number found themselves in jail before the lapse of two years from the moment of being released from a house of correction, or from their last trial before a juvenile court. As far as the 43 investigated. persons are concerned who had previously been in institutions for delinquent boys (training schools), as many as 27 were arrested before the lapse of six months from their release from such an institution, 12 remained at large for periods ranging from six months to one year and only 4 from one year to two years. The total of the data concerning the number of trials before both juvenile and ordinary courts looked as follows: out of 100 recidivists 13 had been tried twice, 20 - 3 times, 29 – 4 times, 17 - 5 times, 11 - 6 times, 10 - 7 or more times. Consequently 67 per cent of the investigated had already been tried 4 or more times, and every fifth one of them - 6 or more times. As far as their first term in jail is concerned, 16 of the investigated found themselves in jail before having attained the age of criminal responsibility, as a rule owing to their having given false birthdata at the time of their arrest, 55 at the age of 17, 26 at the age of 18 and a mere 3 at 19 years of age. Nearly one half of the recidivists had spent more time in jail than at large (from the moment of having reached the age of criminal responsibility), while the longest spell at large between one arrest and the next amounted to: below six months with 49 per cent of the investigated, from six months to one year with 33 per cent, while it was more than one year with a mere 18 per cent. Taking into consideration the kind of offences committed, we may divide the material under investigation into the following groups: A. Young adult recidivists punished exclusively for offences against property (as a rule, thefts) - 39 cases. B. Young adult recidivists punished exclusively for offences against life and health (grievous injury to the body, and slight bodily harm, brawls, infringement of bodily inviolability as well as for insulting a functionary of the police). There were only 10 offenders who committed such offences out of ,,hooligan" motives only, among all those investigated. C. Young adult recidivists punished for offences against property as well as for grievous injury to the body and slight bodily harm, brawls, infringement of bodily inviolability and insult to police functionaries - 51 cases. A. As for the persons investigated who had been punished only for offences against property (nearly exclusively for theft), they began to commit offences at the age of from 9 to 12 years, i.e. earlier than the rest. The first thefts, as a rule, took place in the family home. The majority of the perpetrators had been punished several times for theft by a juvenile court; one half of these, recidivists are criminals whose principal source of income are thefts, and, all of them had spent more time in jail than at large. It should be emphasized that both recidivists belonging to this group and the remaining ones had, in an overwhelming majority of cases (91 per cent), lived in their parents', or else their mothers’, homes, and were able to have their meals at home (70 per cent). B. The beginnings of delinquency with the persons investigated who have been punished only for infringement of bodily inviolability, damage to the body, brawls and insults to police functionaries are considerably later and take place about the thirteenth to the sixteenth year of age. Similarly, the rate of penalties inflicted is smaller, and the spells of liberty much longer than with the thief group. Nearly all such acts (accosting and beating up a passer-by in the street, insult by word of mouth or beating up a policeman, etc.) were committed while under the influence of drink. Nearly All of the investigated who belong to this group systematically abuse alcohol, and their delinquency is closely connected with their drunkenness. C. The most numerous group of persons convicted, those punished both for theft and for damage to the body, brawls, infringement of bodily inviolability and insult to a policemen, may be divided into two sub-groups: Sub-Group One, 30 strong, consists of individuals who commit more thefts then other offences. They do not fundamentally differ from the individuals who belong to the thief group, either as to the objects of theft and their value, or as to the method of committing their crime. Here, too, we have to do with individuals for whom thefts constitute their principal source of income. Sub-Group Two, 27 strong, is composed of the individuals who commit more offences of injury to the body, insulting policemen and similar offences commited out of so-called hooligan motives, than thefts. This group approaches the individuals discussed in point B. It is characteristic of them that 11 (out of a total of 15 recorded in our materials) of perpetrators of robbery are to be found in this group. In the material investigated by us robbery goes hand in hand almost exclusively with offences committed from hooligan motives. When we evaluate the general degree of social misfitting of 100 of the investigated we may state that as many as 82 per cent of them belong to the category of manifold recidivists, who, as a rule, work only, if at all, by fits and starts, and are in close connection with the criminal environment. Particularly bad in this respect was the case of 35 of the investigated. 2. In so far as the family environment of young adult recidivists is concerned, we meet with a large percentage (53 per cent) of half-orphans; out of that number in 39 cases it was the mother who took care of the person investigated, in 5 cases - the father, while in the remaining 9 cases there was a stepfather or stepmother. 79 of the fathers were workers (of which 34 unskilled ones), 16 – clerical workers, 5 had their own artisan workshops. The majority of the mothers also earned their living, as a rule, as unskilled workers. The extent of alcoholism in the families under investigation is very considerable: 38 of the fathers can be considered drunkards - for many years they have been systematically drinking, they get drunk several times a week, spend their wages on drink. In the remaining families 29 fathers drink, on the average, from twice to three times a week, while 32 drink only sporadically and do not get drunk. Taking into consideration the educational atmosphere of the home, as well as the state of care and control in the environment during the period of the minority of the persons investigated, it was established that in 58 families the whole set of educationally definitely harmful factors was present. 3. The data obtained during the investigation concerning the personality of young recidivists speak in favor of the view that the latter are characterized by features which prove their low psychical maturity, and, in particular, a domination of impulsive reactions, a considerable and uncontrollable thoughtlessness, acting in the wake of motives responsible for the desire to make the most of life, in the form of continual entertainments and adventures, and a desire to impose on one’s coevals. A striking thing here is a lack of planning, absence of reflections on their future life, as well as of any more serious considerations for work, which, with them, is not identified with the idea of any definite trade; there is also a failure to appreciate critically the effects of one's own behavior. As far as the level of intelligence is concerned, only 11 of the investigated showed signs of mental deficiency. There were 18 individuals of more than average intelligence. A psychological and psychopathological analysis of the investigated shows that 39 of those recidivists are to be included in the category of persons with personality disorders, who are usually described by the name of psychopaths. Yet it does not seem possible, on the basis of the investigation, to delimit the cases which could be diagnosed as psychopathic from such in which the normal development of the personality has suffered serious disturbances, mostly as a result of serious psychical shocks and psychical conflicts during their childhood. There can be no doubt, however, that the psychical qualities of the investigated cannot be squeezed within the framework of even a broad norm adopted, that their personality has pathological traits which exert an essential influence upon their behavior. In comparison with this most numerous group of 39 of the investigated, who are usually approached from the point of view of psychopathy, other pathological cases are not numerous in the material under investigation: with 6 of the investigated we have to do with encephalopathy after skull lesions, with 4 - with psychical changes after an 3 encephalitis, while 3 of the investigated suffer from epilepsy. In analyzing the abnormal personality traits with these 39 recidivists, the following re-occurring psychical qualities and reaction attitudes (incidentally mentioned in conversation by the investigated themselves) have been met with: a great irritability, lack of self-control, a tendency to provoke conflicts owing to an impulsive pattern of behavior, considerable difficulties in trying to subordinate oneself to various kinds of discipline, frequent states of depression and bad feeling, o tension and anxiety. It ought to be emphasized that out of 39 recidivists with serious personality disorders there were as many as 30 cases of very bad family environment in childhood. Besides, in all this material in which the family home so frequently assumes a negative outlook, it is noteworthy how many of young adult recidivists showed no emotional attachment whatsoever to their parents, including a large percentage of individuals of a very aggressive attitude. Among 47 young adults of a definitely aggressive attitude there were 30 lacking any emotional ties with the family home, and among the others there were only 10 free from an aggressive attitude. It is a significant thing that it is precisely with those of the investigated, revealing clear tendencies to aggression, over-impulsive, uncontrolled, that, in comparison with the other investigated, the various emotional conflicts appear much more conspicuously conflicts going back to childhood days, caused by an atmosphere in the family home (a feeling of loneliness due to the lack of manifestations of any tenderer feeling on the part of the mother, jealousy of a brother or sister, because the father liked them better, experiences of fear evoked by the brutality of a drunken father and an ambivalent attitude towards him, etc.) 4. As far as their mode of life was, concerned, only 16 of the investigated, who worked systematically, led a life similar to that of the generality of young people of the same age and of similar social environment. With the remaining ones we find a definitely negative attitude to work, while 32 of them worked very unsystematically, and 52 did but odd jobs or did not work at all. An overwhelming majority of the investigated spent most of their time strolling about the town, sitting in restaurants or nighthouses etc. Alcoholism reached big proportions with 56 of the investigated. They drink at least four or five times per week and frequently get drunk, while the majority of this group drink, and get drunk, every day. All the sons of alcohol addicts belong to this group. 27 of the investigated drink alcohol from once to three times per week, and it is only of 17 of them that it can be said that they either do not drink at all, or else drink only on rare occasions. 5. In our investigation, problems concerning the penalty and prison have been taken into consideration, first and foremost, under two of their aspects: whether or not, and if so, to what extent, the penalty of imprisonment does act, as a deterrent upon the persons investigated, according to their own opinion, and what influence a spell in prison had previously exerted upon them. Nearly all of them (70 answers have been obtained) believe that a penalty of imprisonment can act as a deterrent only on those who have not been in prison yet. Afterwards, that deterrent action ceases, since the prisoner comes to the conclusion that ,,you can get used to anything and bear any conditions". All the investigated also think that a spell in prison, so far from favouring their reformation, derailed them even further. Questioned whether after serving their present penalty they would go on committing criminal offences, 45 of the investigated answered indecisively, while admitting the possibility of their further committing offences, 15 declared bluntly that they would go on stealing, and a more 10 asserted that they would never again appear in the dock (their previous offences had, as a rule, to do with alcoholism). After the investigation was terminated, the further destinies of the 100 young adult recidivists who had been investigated were checked and it appeared. That 42 of them still served prison sentences, 29 had been released and remained at large, while another 29 had been once more arrested after their release for the commission of a new crime. Of the latter group, 17 remained free less than six months, 9 - from six months to one year, and only 3 for more than one year. It ought to be emphasized that out of the 29 investigated persons who were not arrested again after having been released from prison, 10 had been free for only about six months at the time of the last follow-up study. The results of the investigation bear witness to the fact that 80 per cent of young adult recidivists systematically commit criminal offences and belong to the category of the socially entirely depraved. The fundamental conclusion boils down to the following questions: The prophylaxis of young adults recidivism is closely connected with the problem of the recidivism of juvenile delinquents and with the problem of the earliest possible interception of the process of the juvenile's demoralization. With regard to recidivists aged from 17 to 20 the imprisonment penalty ought to be altogether eliminated and long-term educational-cum-correctional methods applied, similar to those used with older juveniles with a high minimum term (two years). Young adult recidivists ought to be submitted to detailed psychological and psychiatrical examination in order to find and apply the appropriate, individualized methods of re-education.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1960, I; 165-214
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
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Biblioteka Nauki
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