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Vladimir Nabokov jako wykładowca literatury
Vladimir Nabokov as Literature Professor
Grygiel, Monika
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
literatura rosyjska
literatura europejska
Russian literature
European literature
Vladimir Nabokov podjął pracę wykładowcy akademickiego po wyjeździe do Stanów Zjednoczonych, gdzie wykładał na Wellesley College i Uniwersytecie Cornella literaturę europejską i literaturę rosyjską. W swoich wykładach pisarz zaprezentował kategoryczne i kontrowersyjne opinie na temat literatury, podzielił ją na arcydzieła i utwory, jego zdaniem mierne, stworzył hierarchię literacką, wynikającą z osobistych autorskich przekonań i upodobań. W literaturze rosyjskiej zachwalał twórczość M. Gogola, L. Tołstoja i A. Czechowa, negatywnie ocenił dorobek F. Dostojewskiego i M. Gorkiego. Z literatury europejskiej wyróżnił wybrane dzieła M. Prousta, J. Joyce’a i G. Flauberta, w każdym wypadku wskazywał na wartości kluczowe dla swojego dorobku, metody znamienne dla całej swojej prozy. Wykłady Nabokova stanowią nierozerwalną część jego dokonań literackich, są wykładnią literackiej filozofii pisarza. Владимир Набоков – профессор литературы Владимир Набоков стал преподавателем литературы после переезда в США, где читал лекции в колледже Уэлсли и Корнеллском университете по русской и зарубежной литературах. В своих лекциях писатель представил твердые и спорные суждения на литературу, разделяя ее на шедевры, и, по его мнению, посредственные произведения, сочинил литературную иерархию как результат собственных авторских взглядов и симпатий. В русской литературе восхищался творчеством Н. Гоголя, Л. Толстого и А. Чехова, отрицательно высказывался на тему достижений Ф. Достоевского и М. Горького. В зарубежной европейской литературе подчеркивал значение выбранных произведений М. Пруста, Д. Джойса и Г. Флобера, в каждом случае определяя ключевые ценности и значительные методы для своего прозаического творчества. Лекции Набокова составляют неотделимую часть его творческого наследия, являются интерпретацией литературной философии писателя.
When he arrived to the United States Vladimir Nabokov took a job as the university lecturer at Wellesley College and Cornell University. He taught Russian and European literature. In his lectures he presented a categorical and controversial opinions on literature, he divided it into masterpieces and works. In his opinion he created a hierarchy of literary resulted from his personal beliefs and preferences. In Russian literature, he praised works of M. Gogol, L. Tolstoy and Chekhov. He negatively assessed the achievements of F. Dostoevsky and M. Gorky. In the European literature he singled selected works of Marcel Proust, Joyce J. and G. Flaubert. In any case he pointed to the key values for his Works and methods characteristic of all his prose. Nabokov's lectures are the integral part of his literary achievements and they are writer’s literary philosophy.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2016, 64, 7; 137-147
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Theory of Relativity of the Literary Translation: Literary Criticism Projections
Lanovik, Mar’âna Bogdanìvna (Mar’âna Lanovik)
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
writing work
literary criticism paradigm methodology
literary translation
foreign literature
literary theory
theory of literary translation comparative studies
European literature
Ukrainian research school
dzieło literackie
paradygmat literaturoznawstwa metodologia
przekład literacki
literatura piękna
teoria literatury
teoria przekładu literackiego studia porównawcze
literatura europejska
ukraińska szkoła badawcza
The research of Mariana Lanovyk deals with the Literary Criticism problems of translation. In the situation when the plurality of approaches in the Contemporary Literary Criticism can be overwhelming Ukrainian scholars have to work on the adaptation of foreign paradigms in the Ukrainian Criticism space to create solid foundation for the future studies in the fields of the Comparative Literature and Literary Theory. This research is the first attempt in Ukraine to present the integral outlook upon the problems of Literary Translation from the perspectives of the concepts and ideas of different Literary Paradigms of the 19-20th centuries beginning with the Romanticism epoch. Romanticism was chosen as the starting point because in the aesthetic concept of Romanticism there new theoretical approach to the problems of literary translation in the author – language – epoch – nation contexts was outworked. Philosophic, artistic and literary concepts of that time were developed in all modern literary paradigms. The first chapter of the book deals with the psychological and cultural approaches to the problems of the Literary Translation. The author gives short outlook of the genesis of new theoretical background in the aesthetic concept of Romanticism as the source of contemporary theories of translation and the continuation of the ideas in psycholinguistic studies of the Western Europe and in Ukraine, especially in the Potebnja’s literary criticism works. The main attention is concerned on the problem of correlation between thinking process and language, thought and image. The influence of the ideas of 19th century upon the psychoanalysis and their transformation in this paradigm is considered. The author studies the phenomena of consciousness, self consciousness and sub consciousness in the process of reading, understanding and translation as well as the peculiarities of different gender reading, interpretation and translation different elements of the writing works. The differences of literature translation in the realms of biological, linguistic, psychoanalytic and cultural paradigms are considered. The author examines the role of individual and national, historical, cultural memory in literary texts and the possible ways of their transfer. Contemporary approach to the national problem in translation studies development is connected with the key points of national images in literature texts. This idea is rooted in the spectrum of the East-West background as well as national values in the literature systems. The outlook of the multiculturalism and intercultural communication in literature is offered through the review of the artistic nature of the mythological thinking. The wide spectrum of different points of view upon the problem (E.Cassirer, K.G.Jung, E.Noimann, N.Frye) is given. The second chapter of the research deals with the translation criticism ideas in the light of the main concepts of formalism and structuralism. The possible ways of translation analysis as the dissolving problems of form transformation and constructing the literary text by means of the foreign language in foreign literature system are suggested. The concepts of R.Jakobson, J.Tynianov, J.Mukarzevsky, especially the concepts of hierarchy and dominants in literary work, inner structuring and organization of the meaning, functioning of text and its components as the whole are outlined. As the foundation of the research logic of the semiotic analyses was chosen Lotman’s dynamic model of semiotic system, that was proved with adjoining studies of the foreign scholars such as K.Levi-Strauss, J.Mukharzovsky, J.Derrida. Among the narratological questions of fiction translation are discussed such questions as voice authority and correlation of the voices in translated texts; the possibilities of study of different narrative instances of interpreter. In the third chapter the problems of the text reading, realization, interpretation are discussed. The main paradigms involved here are hermeneutics, phenomenology, receptive aesthetics, intuitivism and other irrational approaches to the text interpretation (such as game theory, metaphorology, imagology, relativism theory, discourse analyses). Among the problems of translation from the point of view of hermeneutic approach the main attention is concerned upon the stages of reception, understanding and interpretation as well as the different horizons of reading. The phenomenon of movement of horizons and connected difficulties of fusions of horizons in acts of reception, interpretation and translation are analyzed. The author tries to answer the questions about different points of view and the problem of partial reception and reproducibility; as well as the question of subjectivity in the process of translation. She gives the consideration of the ideas of Ukrainian (A.Potebnja, O.Biletsky) and foreign (F.D.Shleiermaher, V.Dilthey, M.Husserl, H.-G.Gadamer) scholars and examines the possible ways of their application to the translation studies. The thoughts of the phenomenology paradigm are based upon the ideas of E.Husserl, R.Ingarden, P.Ricouer. The main attention is drawn to the spectrum of potential of possible readings and translations of every text from the different time and space perspectives such as different epochs, individual and national experience; historical, cultural and artistic systems. In this way phenomenology of translation reveals new ideas about the text existence and its possible measures. They are connected with the problems of modeling and reflection of the world as the specific author’s vision. New tendencies of resolving of subjectivity of literary texts interpretation coursed with the post structuralism and deconstructivism tendencies are outlined in the key of the hermeneutic concept where the author’s position is dominant in the process of translation. Modern realization of the author’s perspective concept in the works of E.D.Hirsh, J.P.Sartre, U.Eco, N.Frye and others opens rational approach to the problem of resolving of ‘conflict of interpretations’ not only in the dimension of interpretative schemes of literary studies but in the system of translation studies too. On the basis of Relativism theory foundation the author tries to find both the way of synchronizing coordinate systems of original texts and its interpretations and the possible way of synchronizing the systems of interpretative paradigms in contemporary literary studies. In the conclusion the author underlines that shifts of the literary theories paradigms of the 19-20th centuries course the shifts in translation studies thinking; and together they create the common space of semiotic sphere of translation and interpretation. The question of the main importance is to consider the differences of methods of the paradigms as well as their mutual relation, influence and interaction.
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 4(4); 219-224
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Romantyzm krańców Europy. Portugalia, Polska i Chrystus narodów
Romanticism at the far ends of Europe. Portugal, Poland, and the Christ of Nations
Łukaszyk, Ewa A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
romantyzm europejski
literatura portugalska
polsko-portugalskie związki literackie
tożsamość europejska
European Romanticism
Portuguese literature
Polish-Portuguese relations in literature
European identity
This article tentatively provides acomparative outlook on Polish and Portuguese Romanticism. Taking as a starting point the famous parallel between the opposite ends of Europe sketched by the 19th-century historian Joachim Lelewel, the author claims that Polish and Portuguese literature, although they had almost no direct contact with each other, participated in the same system of cultural coordinates established by European Romanticism. At the same time, both nations had some sort of dispute or clash with Europe, developing syndromes of inferiority, as well as megalomaniac visions of their moral superiority. Almeida Garrett and Alexandre Herculano tried to provide a solution, harmonising their country with its European context. The conclusion accentuates the uttermost victory of this harmonising vision, presenting the contemporary Portuguese culture as fully Europeanised and contrasting it with the doubts concerning European identity that may be observed in contemporary Poland.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria; 2021, 21; 87-99
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska - Unia Europejska - Niemcy w reakcji wybranych tygodników polskich styczeń 2003 - czerwiec 2003
Frauenfelder, Anna.
Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej we Włocławku. Rozprawy Humanistyczne 2004, T. 2, s. 27-44
Data publikacji:
Unia Europejska (UE)
Literatura polska
Tematy i motywy
Czasopismo polskie
Czasopismo polityczne
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Orzeszkowej dialogi z tradycją: europejska literatura dawna
Orzeszkowa’s dialogues with tradition: old European literature
Sikora, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Wydział Humanistyczny
Eliza Orzeszkowa
old European literature
dawna literatura europejska
Syntetyczne studium przynosi rezultaty wnikliwej analizy listów Elizy Orzeszkowej (zebranych i opublikowanych przez Edwarda Jankowskiego w dziewięciu tomach), zawierających dane o lekturowych jej doświadczeniach. Jak się okazuje, czytała wiele i oczywiście znała sporo wyróżniających się arcydzieł literackich czy filozoficznych. Jej korespondencja stanowi trwały dowód czytelniczej pasji. Orzeszkowa miała w rękach teksty spisane w połowie pierwszego millenium. Wypowiedziane przez nią słowa dokumentują, że znała Wyznania Augustyna z Hippony, a także słynne Listy Abelarda i Heloizy scholastycznego filozofa. Studiowała Kwiatki Franciszka z Asyżu i Tomasza à Kempis O naśladowaniu Chrystusa. Jej dydaktyczne zajęcia ujawniają, że pragnęła wzbogacić edukacyjny program o Eddę poetycką czy Pieśń o Nibelungach. Autorka Nad Niemnem wysoko ceniła Boską komedię Dantego Alighieri. Orzeszkowa pamiętała biografię i prace Torquata Tassa. Co więcej, przekładała na język polski Historię literatury angielskiej Hipolita Taine’a, dlatego też nie może dziwić obecność Williama Shakespeare’a w jej epistolografii. Powszechnie znane „być albo nie być” czy „źle dzieje się w państwie duńskim” zjawiają się w jej tekstach. Interesowała się także literaturą francuską i przyswoiła między innymi komedie Molièra, Gargantuę i Pantagruela Françoisa Rabelais’ego czy Bajki Jeana de la Fontaine’a. Artykuł wydaje się ważnym przyczynkiem do naszej wiedzy o lekturach Orzeszkowej oraz jej erudycji.
The synthetic study brings effects of thorough analysis of Eliza Orzeszkowa’s letters (gathered and published by Edward Jankowski in nine volumes) containing information on her reading experiences. As it appears, she read a lot and of course she was familiar with many outstanding literary or philosophical masterpieces. Her correspondences become a durable proof of reading passion. Orzeszkowa had in her hands texts written in the middle of the first millenium. Her own words document she knew Augustine’s of Hippo Coneffesiones and scholastic philosopher’s fameous Letters of Abelardto Heloise. She studied Francis’ of Assisi Fioretti and Thomas à Kempis’s The imitation of Christ. Her didactic activities reveal she wanted to enrich the educational programme with Poetic Edda or The Nibelungenlied (The song of Nibelungs). La Divina Commedia by Dante Alighieri was highly valued by the authoress of On The Niemen. Orzeszkowa remembered biography and works of Torquato Tasso. What is more, she even translated into Polish Hyppolyte Taine’s Histoire de la littérature anglaise (History of English literature), therefore the presence of William Shakespeare in her epistolography cannot be surprising. Commonly known “to be or not to be” or “something is rotten in the state of Denmark” may be found in some of her texts. She was also interested in French literature and acquainted with i.a. Molière’s plays and François Rabelais’ Gargantua and Pantagruelor Fables by Jean de La Fontaine. The article seems to be an important contribution to our knowledge on Orzeszkowa readings and her erudition.
Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego; 2018, 4; 67-86
Pojawia się w:
Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ortensio Lando i francuska wersja jego Paradoksów
Ortensio Lando and the French Version of His Paradoxes
Salawa, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
włoska literatura renesansowa
europejska recepcja kultury włoskiego renesansu
Ortensio Lando
Italian Renaissance literature
European reception of the Italian Renaissance
Ortensio Lando was an Italian promoter of the thought of Erasmus of Rotterdam and he translated Thomas Moore's Utopia into Italian. Also, he was author of a provocative set of paradoxes (Paradossi, Lyon 1532) that were before long translated into French (Paradoxes, translated by Charles Estienne, Paris 1553), and then into English (The Defence of Contraries, translated by Anthony Munday, London 1593). A contrastive analysis of one of the paradoxes („Better to be a fool than a scholar”) in its original and its French translation displays interesting aspects of text reception. The French translator of the text engages into an intellectual play based on the use of rhetorical devices. The translation is purposefully devoid of any veiled and alluded content of ideological nature, whose presence is deducible in the Italian text.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2012, 60, 1; 19-30
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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