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Prevod in svetovna književnost
Literatura światowa a przekład
Translation and World Literature
Juvan, Marko
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
literarni prevod
svetovna književnost
literarni sistemi
primerjalna književnost
Goethe Johann W.
przekład literacki
literatura światowa
systemy literackie
literatura porównawcza
literary translation
world literature
literary systems
comparative literature
Znotraj nacionalnih literarnih sistemov je bila prevodna literatura v primerjavi z izvirno ustvarjalnostjo tradicionalno dojeta kot drugorazredna, čeprav so prav prevodi v te sisteme vnašali najbolj reprezentativna dela svetovne književnosti (Eysteinsson). Ne glede na to, ali svetovno književnost razumemo kot vsoto literatur v jezikih sveta, kanon najboljših literarnih del človeštva ali globalni prostor medliterarnosti, je prevod zanjo konstitutiven. Domnevna univerzalnost svetovne književnosti se namreč v partikularne sisteme vpisuje variantno, predvsem prek perspektiv prevodov, ki so vodilna oblika medkulturnega obtoka literarnih del. Ker je z vidika kulturnega nacionalizma literatura v domačem knjižnem jeziku veljala za kronski dokaz narodne identitete in ustvarjalne samoniklosti, je bila vloga prevoda pogosto razvrednotena in zamejena v kulturno potrošnjo. V prvi polovici 19. stoletja sta kvaliteta in bogastvo prevodnega repertoarja vendarle postala tudi nekakšen mednarodni kriterij za vrednotenje dosežene kulturne ravni naroda in razvitosti njegovega knjižnega jezika. Že postpozitivistična komparativistika je prevod upoštevala kot pomembnega posrednika v mednarodnih literarnih stikih (npr. Ocvirk), a šele sodobna translatologija je refleksijo prevoda proti koncu 20. stoletja povzdignila v teorijo, s katero je utemeljila paradigmatske spremembe metod za obravnavo celotnega sklopa literature, tako v nacionalni kakor primerjalni literarni vedi (Bassnett, Even-Zohar). Na zvišanje vrednosti prevoda v literarni vedi na začetku 21. stoletja odločilno vpliva globalna renesansa Goethejeve Weltliteratur. Dobro desetletje za Ďurišinovo teorijo svetovnega literarnega sistema se z reinterpretacijami Goetheja razvija literarnovedna paradigma, ki skuša preseči nacionalne literarne zgodovine, primerjalno književnost in postkolonialno kritištvo (Lawall, Casanova, Moretti, Damrosch idr.). Toda prevod je bil ključna podlaga že za zgodovinsko genezo izvorne koncepcije Weltliteratur, s katero je Goethe hotel promovirati humanistični estetski kozmopolitizem, ustvarjalno revitalizirati nacionalne literature in uveljaviti nemško književnost kot novo žarišče mednarodnega literarnega življenja. Članek se posveča vprašanju, kako je bila izkušnja s prevodi vpletena v Goethejevi ideji obtoka in refleksije sebstva v drugem in kakšno reinterpretacijo so te koncepcije nedavno doživele pri Damroschu in Thomsenu. Goethe je z bralnim sopostavljanjem del iz evropskih in »orientalskih« književnosti, ki so mu bila dostopna v izvirnikih ali prevodih, motril svojo literarno-kulturno identiteto in odkrival nove plasti estetskega doživljanja. Prevod je nasploh vodilni modus transnacionalnega literarnega obtoka in medkulturnega dialoga, a tudi globalizacije zahodne geokulture in prevlade njenega estetskega diskurza. Prevod je namreč podvržen asimetrijam svetovnih sistemov ekonomije, jezikov, politike in literature. Dostop besedila do obtoka v svetovnem literarnem prostoru je odvisen tudi od tega, ali je bilo to delo ustvarjeno v katerem od »velikih« zahodnih jezikov oziroma ali je bilo v kak globalni jezik prevedeno.
Compared to the original production within national literary systems, literary translations are traditionally regarded of lesser importance, although it is through translating that the representative works of world literature have been introduced into these very systems (Eysteinsson). The translation is constitutive of world literature, be it understood either as an aggregate of literatures expressed in all the languages of the globe, the canon of “eternal” artworks of humankind, or as the global space of inter-literary relations. The presumed universality of world literature is always already inscribed in particular literary systems through different variants and perspectives articulated by translations, the latter representing the most prominent form of cross -cultural circulation of literature. Since cultural nationalism saw literature in the standard mother tongue as the pillar of national identity and the main evidence of the nation’s creative originality, literary translations were often discarded as mere derivatives restricted to the realm of cultural consumption. In the first half of the 19 th century, however, the quality and richness of the translation repertoire began to figure also as quasi-international standards for evaluating to what degree the particular “national” language and culture were developed. As early as post-positivist comparatistics, the translation was treated as an important factor of international literary mediation (e.g. Ocvirk), but it is only the late twentieth-century translation studies that raised the reflection on translation to the level of theory enabling to ground a paradigmatic shift of methods for the entire study of literature, in national and comparative literary studies alike (Bassnett, Even-Zohar). The valorization of translation that is going on since the beginning of the 21st century has been decisively influenced by the global renaissance of Goethe’s Weltliteratur. More than a decade after Ďurišin’s theory of the world literary system and based on the reinterpretations of Goethe’s notion of world literature, a new scholarly paradigm is in full swing that attempts to transcend national literary history, comparative literature, and postcolonialism (Lawall, Casanova, Moretti, Damrosch, etc.). However, the translation was of key importance already in the historical beginnings of the conception of Weltliteratur, with which Goethe aimed at promoting humanist aesthetic cosmopolitanism, creatively reviving national literature and establishing German literature as a new hub of international literary life. The present article focuses on how experiencing translations had formed Goethe’s ideas of circulation and the self-reflection through otherness and how these ideas were recently reinterpreted by Damrosch and Thomsen. Juxtaposing works of various European and “Oriental” literatures (either in the original or in translation), Goethe reflected on his literary and cultural identity and discovered new qualities of his aesthetic experience. Generally speaking, the translation — because of its position within the asymmetries of the world systems of economy, languages, and literatures — is not only the primary mode of transnational literary circulation and cross-cultural dialogism, but also the relay for the global spread of Western geo-culture and the hegemony of its aesthetic discourse. The possibility of a particular literary text to gain access to the global literary circulation depends, among other factors, on the fact whether the work in question has been produced in a “major” Western language or has been translated in a global language.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 5, 1; 15-51
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Literary realism in the shaping of slovak culture
Kendra, Milan
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
Literary realism
Realist fictional world
Social systems
Autopoietic system
National revival
Ideal realism
Aim. The aim of the study is to clarify the internal complexity of the Slovak literary realist discourse and its diverse relations to the heterogeneous artistic, cultural and ideological discourses of the last third of the 19th century. Attention is focused on the appropriation and adaptation of stimuli from other social systems, as well as on the specific literary operations that modify literary realism as an artistic discourse constructing an intelligible world in a cultural sense. Methods. As a theoretical concept, realism is defined as a type of representation or representation technique associated with a set of textual conventions, complex referential and self-referential figures. As a literary-historical discourse and event situated in a particular moment of history, realism is governed by period-specific principles (operating in the mechanism of culture) of selection, evaluating and connecting the phenomena of reality. Only with this dichotomy the multiplicity of paradoxes, syncretism and heterogeneous character of Slovak literary realism can be captured. The theory of social systems (N. Luhmann) allows for a more complex view of realist literature as an autopoietic system in the context of modern society as a system of communications differentiated into a network of separate social subsystems interrelated by the medium of language. Finally, the theory of fictional worlds proposes selective and formative operations that explicate the construction of realist fictional world and the stratification of its functions (B. Fořt). Results. Among the configurational relations of Slovak literary realism, the concept of ideal realism is highlighted as a model of literary aesthetics that flexibly interacted with the discourse of national revival to provide an adequate expression of contemporary Slovak cultural and national interests. Two literary-aesthetic modifications of ideal realism (creative and voluntarist, originated by Svetozár Hurban Vajanský, and deterministic, represented in the prose works of Martin Kukučín) are analysed in detail in order to show the inner complexity of the literary-realist discourse and to manifest its semantic multidimensionality in the 1880s.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2021, 12, 2; 455-468
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Цифрові довідкові ресурси сучасного літературознавства
Digital information resources of the modern literary studies
Демська-Будзуляк, Леся
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of Encyclopedic Research
цифрова гуманітаристика, електронна ресурс-бібліотека
мультимедійна електронна система
мультимедійна енциклопедична база українська літературна енциклопедія
digital Humanities
digital library resources
multimedia systems
multimedia encyclopedic database
Ukrainian Literary Encyclopedia
This article discusses the characteristics of various reference digital resources of the modern humanities. We have identified three main digital resources: a digital library resource, a multimedia digital system, and a multimedia encyclopedic database. These important resources are involved in creating a modern information society. In this context, the Ukrainian Literary Encyclopedia of the Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the creation of an independent multimedia encyclopedic database are considered.
У статті схарактеризовано різні типи цифрових довідникових ресурсів, що ними послуговується сучасна гуманітаристика, зокрема літературознавство. Виділено три основні з них, зокрема електронну ресурс-бібліотеку, мультимедійну електронну систему й мультимедійну енциклопедичну базу. З’ясовано важливість довідникових електронних ресурсів у процесах формування сучасного інформаційного суспільства. Окрему увагу звернено на проект видання «Української літературної енциклопедії» Інституту літератури імені Т. Г. Шевченка НАН України та необхідність створення окремої мультимедійної енциклопедичної бази літературної енциклопедії України.
Енциклопедичний вісник України; 2020, 12
Pojawia się w:
Енциклопедичний вісник України
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-3 z 3

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