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Toneta Pretnarja prevod sonetov Jana Nepomucena Kamińskega
Sonety Jana Nepomucena Kamińskiego w przekładzie Tonego Pretnara
Translation of the sonnets of Jan Nepomucen Kamiński by Tone Pretnar
Šurla, Andrej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Jan Nepomucen Kamiński
Tone Pretnar
France Prešeren
literarni prevod, sonet
literary translation
V bogatem prevodnem opusu Toneta Pretnarja je tudi 14 sonetov Jana Nepomucena Kamińskega, pomembnega organizatorja poljskega gledališkega in kulturnega življenja v Lvovu v 1. polovici 19. stoletja. Leta 1827 napisane sonete je tedanja kritika zavrnila, večje pozornosti pa jim ne namenja niti poznejša literarna zgodovina. Pretnar se je za njihov prevod odločil (po lastni izjavi) zaradi avtorjevih tesnih zvez z Matijem Čopom, pomembno osebnostjo slovenske intelektualne in umetniške scene istega obdobja. A medtem ko so bile Kamińskemu očitane (poleg kompozicijskih težav) tudi jezikovne slabosti, so Pretnarjevi prevodi jezikovno čisti in lepo tekoči. Pozornost pritegnejo 'prešernizmi': citati in aluzije na pesniški jezik največjega slovenskega ro‑ mantika Franceta Prešerna. Z njimi je prevajalec svoj prevod uspešno umestil v čas, v katerega je (kljub nekaterim poznejšim poskusom oživitve zanimanja) ostal zaprt original. Ni pa izključeno (čeprav ostane bralcu, ki ozadij literarne zgodovine ne pozna, skrito), da so 'prešernizmi' tudi genialna prevajalčeva rešitev, kako v prevodu realizirati to, kar so nekateri kritiki videli (ali hoteli videti) v originalu: parodijo lirike najpomembnejšega poljskega pesnika dobe, Adama Mickiewicza.
The extensive translation work of Tone Pretnar includes within it the fourteen sonnets of Jan Nepomucen Kamiński, an important organiser of the Polish theatre and cultural life in Lvov in the first half of the nineteenth century. The sonnets, which were written in 1827, were rejected by critics of the period, and were not afforded any greater attention by later literary historians. According to his own account, Pretnar decided to undertake the translation of these works due to the author’s close links with Matija Čop, an important figure in the intellectual and artistic scene of that time. While Kamiński’s works were criticised for their linguistic and compositional fail‑ ings, Pretnar’s translations are linguistically pure and flow with inherent beauty. Attention is often focused on those elements within them that are reminiscent of Prešeren — namely quotations and allusions to the poetic language of the greatest Slovene romantic poet, France Prešeren. With these elements, the translator succeeded in firmly placing his translation in a time, interest in which (apart from some subsequent attempts to revitalise interest) remained, like the sonnets themselves, restricted and confined. Nor can it be ruled out (even though for the reader who is unaware of the literary and historical background it may not be immediately apparent) that those elements that are reminiscent of Prešeren also in fact represent the translator’s ingenious solution to the problem as to how best realise in translation the very elements which some critics had seen (or wanted to see) in the original: namely, a lyric parody of the greatest Polish poet of that period, Adam Mickiewicz.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2016, 7, 1; 271-285
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podwójne życie tłumacza
Translator’s Double Life
Dvojno zivljenje prevajalca
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Bernard Lahire
Pierre Bourdieu
literary field
Roger Caillois
literary translation
literarno polje
literarni prevod
Nacin delovanja (poljskih) prevajalcev juznoslovanskih literatur v druzbenem polju je v prispevku obravnavan kot primer „multiplicirane druzbene ude- lezbe” (B. Lahire), saj prevajalci najpogosteje vzporedno funkcionirajo v t. i. primarnem (poklicnem) polju, ki je povezano z njihovo zaposlitvijo, ter v literarnem polju/preva- jalskem subpolju. Udelezba v slednjem je bolj odgovor na notranji imperativ, na globljo potrebo po ustvarjanju/prevajanju, in pogosto ni pogojena s pridobivanjem financnih/ma- terialnih koristi. Gre za primer udelezbe v „igri”, ki je neposredno povezana z illusio (P. Bourdieu), torej s smislom, ki ga posameznik vidi v prevajanju literature. Razlago pojma „igra” kot enega osnovnih gonil za dosego pomembnih kulturnih dosezkov avtorica navaja za j. Huizingo in R. caillois ter jo uporablja za opis polozaja literarnih prevajalcev. Ti so udelezeni v „prevajalski igri”, ki jo dojemajo kot drazljaj kulturnega, intelektualnega in moralnega razvoja v individualni in druzbeni razseznosti. Obenem verjamejo v po- membno vlogo medkulturne komunikacije, kar je njihova glavna motivacija za prevajanje (zlasti v primeru t. i. manjśih literatur).
The manner of functioning of South Slavic literature (Polish) translators in the social field is presented in the article as a case of “multiplied social participation” (B. Lahire), because they usually participate collaterally in the so-called primary (profes¬sional) field, which is related to their paid work and also in the literary field / translation subfield. Participation in it is rather a response to an internal imperative, a profound need to create / translate, and is basically not conditioned by financial / material bene- fits. It is a case of participation in the “game” which has a direct connection with illusio (P. Bourdieu), that is, with a sense of meaning they see in the translation of literature. Understanding the notion of “game”, as one of the main drivers of the highest cultural achievements, the author quotes J. Huizinga and R. Caillois, using them to describe the situation of translators. Translators, taking part in the “game of translation”, treat it as an incentive for cultural, intellectual and moral development in the individual and social dimension. They believe in the value of intercultural communication, which is the main motivation of translations (especially in the case of so-called smaller literatures). Here you may also use the term of peripheral literature.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2018, 9, 1; 59-73
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podwojony dialog — przekładu i twórczości własnej — ujęcie komparatystyczne?
Dvojni dialog: dialog prevoda in lastne ustvarjalnosti — komparativistični pogled?
Doubled dialogue of the translation and own artistic work — comparative perspective?
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
przekład literacki
Adam Wiedeman
Primož Čučnik
literarni prevod
Adam Wiedemann
literary translation
comparative study
Prispevek obravnava problematiko prevoda, kadar je prevajalec sicer tudi sam pisec literature. V takšnem primeru sta pomembna tako dialog poetike avtorja primarnega besedila s poetiko prevajalčeve lastne literarne ustvarjalnosti, kot tudi relacije, v katere se zapleta konkretni prevod s prevajalčevimi (lastnimi) literarnimi besedili. Ti vprašanji odpirata široko področje prevodoslovnih in komparativističnih raziskav. Prevajanje in prevod, razumljen kot interpretacija, sta tu obravnavana v skladu s postulati sodobne komparativistike, torej kot dialog kultur, dialog literatur, ki vodi v nadaljnje dialoške odnose v okviru ciljne kulture in prevajalčeve lastne literarne ustvarjalnosti. Na Poljskem je to vprašanje mdr. aktualno v ustvarjalnosti (avtorski in prevajalski) Stanisława Barańczaka, Juliana Tuwima in Czesława Miłosza. Če gre za prevajanje slovenske literature na Poljskem in poljske v Sloveniji (po letu 1990), je glede tega zanimivo vzajemno prevajanje dveh pesnikov — Adama Wiedemanna in Primoža Čučnika. Funkcija njunih prevodov je bolj dopolnjujoča kot polemična. Pesnika eksplicitno opozarjata na medbesedilne relacije med svojimi teksti. Podobnost njunih avtorskih poetik in izbori besedil, ki (si) jih prevajata, pa pričajo o idejni, svetovnonazorski in estetski sorodnosti.
The subject of this article is concerning the area of translation created by an author, a writer. In such case not only the dialogue between poetics of an author’s primary texts and the poetics of self-translated texts is at importance. The relation in which particular translation is involved with the original author’s passages also cannot be diminished. Those problems open a wide space for the translation and comparative studies research. The translation is perceived as an interpretation seen accordingly to the postulates of modern comparative studies — so as an intercultural dialogue, the dialogue of literature, opening itself for further relations in the sphere of ultimate culture and the own artwork of the author of the translation. In Poland it applies to works (original and translational) of — among others — Stanisław Barańczak, Julian Tuwim or Czesław Miłosz. In reference to the translations of Slovenian literature in Poland and Polish literature in Slovenia (after year 1990) one of the fascinating phenomenon in this context would be mutual translation of their own texts of two poets — Adam Wiedemann and Primož Čučnik. Their translations function as a complement rather than polemic factor. The authors explicitly point to initiating the intertextual relations between their texts. The resemblance of the poetics and choices made in the scope of translation unveil the relationship in terms of an idea, outlook on the world and aesthetics.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 5, 1; 200-214
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prevod in svetovna književnost
Literatura światowa a przekład
Translation and World Literature
Juvan, Marko
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
literarni prevod
svetovna književnost
literarni sistemi
primerjalna književnost
Goethe Johann W.
przekład literacki
literatura światowa
systemy literackie
literatura porównawcza
literary translation
world literature
literary systems
comparative literature
Znotraj nacionalnih literarnih sistemov je bila prevodna literatura v primerjavi z izvirno ustvarjalnostjo tradicionalno dojeta kot drugorazredna, čeprav so prav prevodi v te sisteme vnašali najbolj reprezentativna dela svetovne književnosti (Eysteinsson). Ne glede na to, ali svetovno književnost razumemo kot vsoto literatur v jezikih sveta, kanon najboljših literarnih del človeštva ali globalni prostor medliterarnosti, je prevod zanjo konstitutiven. Domnevna univerzalnost svetovne književnosti se namreč v partikularne sisteme vpisuje variantno, predvsem prek perspektiv prevodov, ki so vodilna oblika medkulturnega obtoka literarnih del. Ker je z vidika kulturnega nacionalizma literatura v domačem knjižnem jeziku veljala za kronski dokaz narodne identitete in ustvarjalne samoniklosti, je bila vloga prevoda pogosto razvrednotena in zamejena v kulturno potrošnjo. V prvi polovici 19. stoletja sta kvaliteta in bogastvo prevodnega repertoarja vendarle postala tudi nekakšen mednarodni kriterij za vrednotenje dosežene kulturne ravni naroda in razvitosti njegovega knjižnega jezika. Že postpozitivistična komparativistika je prevod upoštevala kot pomembnega posrednika v mednarodnih literarnih stikih (npr. Ocvirk), a šele sodobna translatologija je refleksijo prevoda proti koncu 20. stoletja povzdignila v teorijo, s katero je utemeljila paradigmatske spremembe metod za obravnavo celotnega sklopa literature, tako v nacionalni kakor primerjalni literarni vedi (Bassnett, Even-Zohar). Na zvišanje vrednosti prevoda v literarni vedi na začetku 21. stoletja odločilno vpliva globalna renesansa Goethejeve Weltliteratur. Dobro desetletje za Ďurišinovo teorijo svetovnega literarnega sistema se z reinterpretacijami Goetheja razvija literarnovedna paradigma, ki skuša preseči nacionalne literarne zgodovine, primerjalno književnost in postkolonialno kritištvo (Lawall, Casanova, Moretti, Damrosch idr.). Toda prevod je bil ključna podlaga že za zgodovinsko genezo izvorne koncepcije Weltliteratur, s katero je Goethe hotel promovirati humanistični estetski kozmopolitizem, ustvarjalno revitalizirati nacionalne literature in uveljaviti nemško književnost kot novo žarišče mednarodnega literarnega življenja. Članek se posveča vprašanju, kako je bila izkušnja s prevodi vpletena v Goethejevi ideji obtoka in refleksije sebstva v drugem in kakšno reinterpretacijo so te koncepcije nedavno doživele pri Damroschu in Thomsenu. Goethe je z bralnim sopostavljanjem del iz evropskih in »orientalskih« književnosti, ki so mu bila dostopna v izvirnikih ali prevodih, motril svojo literarno-kulturno identiteto in odkrival nove plasti estetskega doživljanja. Prevod je nasploh vodilni modus transnacionalnega literarnega obtoka in medkulturnega dialoga, a tudi globalizacije zahodne geokulture in prevlade njenega estetskega diskurza. Prevod je namreč podvržen asimetrijam svetovnih sistemov ekonomije, jezikov, politike in literature. Dostop besedila do obtoka v svetovnem literarnem prostoru je odvisen tudi od tega, ali je bilo to delo ustvarjeno v katerem od »velikih« zahodnih jezikov oziroma ali je bilo v kak globalni jezik prevedeno.
Compared to the original production within national literary systems, literary translations are traditionally regarded of lesser importance, although it is through translating that the representative works of world literature have been introduced into these very systems (Eysteinsson). The translation is constitutive of world literature, be it understood either as an aggregate of literatures expressed in all the languages of the globe, the canon of “eternal” artworks of humankind, or as the global space of inter-literary relations. The presumed universality of world literature is always already inscribed in particular literary systems through different variants and perspectives articulated by translations, the latter representing the most prominent form of cross -cultural circulation of literature. Since cultural nationalism saw literature in the standard mother tongue as the pillar of national identity and the main evidence of the nation’s creative originality, literary translations were often discarded as mere derivatives restricted to the realm of cultural consumption. In the first half of the 19 th century, however, the quality and richness of the translation repertoire began to figure also as quasi-international standards for evaluating to what degree the particular “national” language and culture were developed. As early as post-positivist comparatistics, the translation was treated as an important factor of international literary mediation (e.g. Ocvirk), but it is only the late twentieth-century translation studies that raised the reflection on translation to the level of theory enabling to ground a paradigmatic shift of methods for the entire study of literature, in national and comparative literary studies alike (Bassnett, Even-Zohar). The valorization of translation that is going on since the beginning of the 21st century has been decisively influenced by the global renaissance of Goethe’s Weltliteratur. More than a decade after Ďurišin’s theory of the world literary system and based on the reinterpretations of Goethe’s notion of world literature, a new scholarly paradigm is in full swing that attempts to transcend national literary history, comparative literature, and postcolonialism (Lawall, Casanova, Moretti, Damrosch, etc.). However, the translation was of key importance already in the historical beginnings of the conception of Weltliteratur, with which Goethe aimed at promoting humanist aesthetic cosmopolitanism, creatively reviving national literature and establishing German literature as a new hub of international literary life. The present article focuses on how experiencing translations had formed Goethe’s ideas of circulation and the self-reflection through otherness and how these ideas were recently reinterpreted by Damrosch and Thomsen. Juxtaposing works of various European and “Oriental” literatures (either in the original or in translation), Goethe reflected on his literary and cultural identity and discovered new qualities of his aesthetic experience. Generally speaking, the translation — because of its position within the asymmetries of the world systems of economy, languages, and literatures — is not only the primary mode of transnational literary circulation and cross-cultural dialogism, but also the relay for the global spread of Western geo-culture and the hegemony of its aesthetic discourse. The possibility of a particular literary text to gain access to the global literary circulation depends, among other factors, on the fact whether the work in question has been produced in a “major” Western language or has been translated in a global language.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 5, 1; 15-51
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Słoweńskie tłumaczenia literatury polskiej w latach 2019 i 2020
Slovenian Translations of Polish Literature in 2019 and 2020
Slovenski prevodi poljske književnosti v letih 2019 in 2020
Rezoničnik, Lidija
Borowy, Joanna
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
literary translation
Polish-Slovenian translations in 2019 and 2020
literary critiques
reception of Polish literature
literarni prevod
prevodi poljske književnosti v letih 2019 in 2020 v slovenščino
literarna kritika
recepcija poljske književnosti
The article provides an overview of Slovenian translations of Polish literature in the 2019’s and 2020’s and reviewers’ responses to these works. A total of 23 translations of books were published in 2019, including five literary works (three collections of poetry and two novels). Among the 13 published translations of the following year there were eight literary works (one drama, a collection of short stories, three novels and three collections of poetry). The publishing of e-books also increased significantly in 2020. The published translations give Slovenian readers access to familiar, mostly world-renowned authors such as O. Tokarczuk, Z. Herbert, W. Szymborska, C. Miłosz, I. Karpowicz, while works by I. Ostachowicz, B. Nowicka, A. Kulisiewicz, J. Małecki, R. Franczak, and K. Dąbrowska were translated into Slovenian for the first time. With the exception of J. Kochanowski’s drama, all of the literary works translated were from the second half of the 20th century or the 21st century.
Pregled prevodov poljske književnosti v slovenščino kaže, da je bilo v letu 2019 izdanih 23 knjižnih prevodov, med njimi pet leposlovnih del, tj. tri zbirke poezije in dva romana (poleg tega še 15 otroških/mladinskih knjig in prevodi treh neleposlovnih del). V letu 2020 je opazno pospešeno izdajanje elektronskih knjig, ki je najverjetneje posledica omejene dostopnosti knjižnic in knjigarn v času epidemije koronavirusne bolezni. Izšlo je osem elektronskih knjig, ki so bile v preteklih letih že izdane v fizični obliki, in 13 tiskanih knjig novo prevedenih del. Poleg treh otroških in dveh neleposlovnih, je bilo prevedenih osem leposlovnih del: ena drama, trije romani, ena zbirka kratkih zgodb in tri zbirke poezije. Prevodi prinašajo dela slovenskim bralcem že znanih in večinoma svetovno prepoznavnih avtoric in avtorjev, kot so O. Tokarczuk, Z. Herbert, W. Szymborska, C. Miłosz, I.Karpowicz, prvič pa so bila v slovenščino prevedena dela I. Ostachowicza, B. Nowicke, A.Kulisiewicza, J. Małeckega, R. Franczak in K. Dąbrowske. Z izjemo drame J.Kochanowskega gre za prevode književnosti druge polovice 20.stoletja oz. 21.stoletja, ki so v slovenskih medijih večinoma doživeli recepcijski odziv (z izjemo Kochanowskega in Miłosza), ta je skoraj v vseh primerih zelo pozitiven. Avtorji prevodov leposlovnih del so uveljavljeni prevajalci: J. Unuk, N. Jež, K. Šalamun-Biedrzycka, K. Pisk, med njimi pa se pojavljajo tudi nova imena, kot je J. Snoj. Pomemben medij za objavo prevodov (fragmentov) del v Sloveniji manj prepoznavnih avtoric in avtorjev ter za prve objave mladih prevajalcev so bile tudi v letih 2019 in 2020 tiskane in spletne revije.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2022, 12; 1-20
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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