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Application of state referential data and corine land cover database to estimation of landscape structure variety in selected protected areas in Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship
Kunz, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
landscape indices
CORINE Land Cover
protection areas
referential data
Knowledge of a land cover is very essential to understand and know relations between a man and an environment. The land cover is closely related to the rest elements of geographic environment. It also illustrates the variety of the structure of geographic environment. Till the end of the last century, there were no data representing full, reliable and covering the whole country information about the land cover. Maps and studies over this element of landscape were based on other methods of mappings, various scales and spatial ranges. This fact made it impossible to make comparison analysis and to have proper conclusions concerning processes that were taking place. The realization of National Geographic Information Systems (NSIG) and works connected with the creation of CORINE Land Cover (CLC) is a big help in this field. It was impossible without the development of spatial imagery, universality of the application of spatial information systems, and the use of army materials in the civilian, formal cases. Source spatial data used on the paper, mutually supplement and cover one another. Research connected with the analysis of a landscape structure was done in the chosen protected areas in Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship. All (8) landscape parks were in the Voivodeship. Total area of the preserved territories is almost 12% of the total Voivodeship area, and represent various types of a natural landscape. The structure of the landscape in landscape parks was analyzed with the application of landscape indices. The following indices describing the structure of landscape were calculated and compared: a number of land cover classes, a number of patches, total length of the edge, a shape index, a fractal dimension, and Shannon’s diversity index. Comparisons of indices among parks were done in relation to various scales of source materials.
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego; 2008, 8; 207-215
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pokrycie terenu jako kryterium zróżnicowania struktury krajobrazu wybranych obszarów chronionych Pomorza
Land cover as the criterion of landscape structure diversity in selected protected areas of Pomerania
Kunz, M.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geodetów Polskich
pokrycie terenu
miary krajobrazu
obszar chroniony
land cover
landscape indices
protected area
Strukturę krajobrazu można analizować biorąc pod uwagę różne kryteria, metody badawcze czy dane źródłowe. Pokrycie terenu jest tym komponentem krajobrazu, który jest kartowany i określany od stuleci. Jego znajomość jest bardzo istotnym czynnikiem w zrozumieniu i poznaniu relacji zachodzących pomiędzy człowiekiem a środowiskiem. Wykorzystane w opracowaniu referencyjne zasoby danych przestrzennych (BDO 250k i CLC 2000) wzajemnie się uzupełniają lub pokrywają. Prace badawcze związane z analizą struktury krajobrazu prowadzono na wybranych obszarach chronionych Pomorza. Obszarami tymi były wszystkie parki narodowe (4) i parki krajobrazowe (15) tego obszaru. Analizowane powierzchnie chronione reprezentują różne typy krajobrazów naturalnych. Strukturę krajobrazu obszarów chronionych analizowano z wykorzystaniem miar krajobrazowych. Obliczono i porównano następujące wskaźniki opisujące strukturą krajobrazu: liczbę klas pokrycia, liczbę płatów, łączną długość krawędzi, indeks kształtu, wymiar fraktalny oraz wskaźnik różnorodności Shannon’a. Porównań wskaźników między parkami dokonano w odniesieniu do różnych materiałów źródłowych.
Knowledge of land cover is essential for understanding and exploration of relations between Man and the environment. The land cover is closely related to the remaining elements of the geographical environment. It also illustrates the structural diversity of the geographic environment. Until the end of the last century, there had been no data representing full and reliable information about the land cover for the whole country. Maps and research on land cover as an element of the landscape were based on different mapping methods, various scales, and spatial ranges. Because of that, it was impossible to analytically compare and conclude on processes that were taking place. The implementation of the National Geographic Information Systems and activities related to the development of the CORINE Land Cover is a big step forward. It was aided by developing spatial imagery, by the universality of application of spatial information systems, and by the use of army data in civilian, formal cases. Source spatial data used in the paper complement each other and overlap. The research involving the analysis of a landscape structure was conducted in some protected areas (national and landscape parks) in Pomerania. The landscape structure in landscape parks was analyzed with landscape indices. The following indices describing the structure of landscape were calculated and compared: number of land cover classes; number of patches; circumference; shape index; fractal dimension; and Shannon’s diversity index. The indices were compared between the parks in relation to various scales of source materials.
Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji; 2008, 18a; 313-321
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienność wzorca przestrzennego krajobrazu w świetle interpretacji dostępnych materiałów kartograficznych i teledetekcyjnych
The variation of spatial landscape pattern based on cartographic and remote sensing data
Kunz, M.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geodetów Polskich
miary krajobrazu
pokrycie terenu
użytkowanie terenu
integracja danych
ekologia krajobrazu
landscape indices
land use
land cover
data integration
landscape ecology
Analizowano zmienność wzorca przestrzennego krajobrazu trzech poligonów badawczych zlokalizowanych w Zaborskim Parku Krajobrazowym. Na każdym z wybranych poligonów w ciągu ostatnich 210 lat gospodarka leśna realizowana była z odmienną intensywnością. Zmienność struktury krajobrazu, wynikająca ze zmian technologicznych w leśnictwie oraz z różnego użytkowania poszczególnych powierzchni, określona została na podstawie dostępnych materiałów kartograficznych, topograficznych i teledetekcyjnych z lat 1796-2000. Przeanalizowano 6 stanów czasowych na podstawie interpretacji map topograficznych, 6 stanów na podstawie interpretacji map przeglądowych drzewostanów i zdjęć lotniczych oraz 7 stanów na bazie interpretacji zobrazowań satelitarnych. Dla przeprowadzenia porównań powierzchni badawczych obliczono wybrane miary i wskaźniki wzorca przestrzennego krajobrazu. Obliczeń dokonano zarówno na poziomie krajobrazu, jak i poszczególnych kategorii użytkowania terenu. Większość etapów postępowania badawczego zrealizowano z zastosowaniem technologii Systemów Informacji Geograficznej.
The contemporary structure of the spatial landscape is the result of all activities and processes which took place in the analysed area in the past. Almost every activity of man is reflected in the landscape pattern in the creation of various forms of land use. In this paper, the variation of the landscape pattern of the Zabory Landscape Park is analyzed on three sample plots. The forest economy has been taking place with different activity on each of these sample plots for the previous 210 years. The landscape pattern changes as a result of technological changes were analyzed on the basis of cartographical, topographical maps and remote sensing data from 1796-2000. Six time states were analyzed on the basis of the interpretation of topographical maps, six states on the basis of interpretation of forest review maps of tree stands and aerial photographs, and seven states on the basis of interpretation of satellite imageries. The following source materials are used in the paper: Schrötter-Engelhardt maps (1796-1802), Prussian topographic maps – Messtischblätter (1874), WIG topographic maps (1936), topographic maps in scheme 1942 (1954) and topographic maps in scheme 1965 (1985) and maps revising treestands from: 1911, 1945, 1952-54, 1966, 1976, 1987-88, 1999-2000. To complement revising the maps of treestands panchromatic and colour aerial photographs from 1951, 1964, 1975, 1986 and 1997 were also used. To characterize changes in the landscape structure, the chosen indices of landscape spatial pattern were calculated. The following landscape indices were used: patch density and size metrics, edge metrics, shape metrics (within a fractal dimension and NSCP index), diversity metrics and fragmentation of basic subsections. Calculations were made on the level of a landscape as well as separate categories of land-use. Most of the research goals were achieved with the use of Geographical Information Systems technology. Comparative analysis of the studied sample plots show differences in the landscape structure of these places. Structural differences between the chosen sample plots are shown by using all measurements of indices for landscape mosaic, among others: density and sizes of patches, length of edges, shapes and variations estimated according to cartographic and spatial imagery interpretations. The cause of the strongest transformations in the landscape structure which took place in the sample plots in the 19th century were changes in land use connected with the introduction of the forestry industry. In two sample plots situated in the northern part of Zabory Landscape Park, there was an especially important change from a non-forest to a forest landscape. It took place in the last decade of 19th century. Later, the forest area expanded, but its range and rate of growth was much lower. Cleardifferences between sample plots also took place based on satellite data interpretation. From a comparison of ranges and average values of standardized vegetation index in each area and historical cartographic data, it was concluded that NDVI values in the present satellite images are determined by the way the area was used in the past.
Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji; 2006, 16; 373-384
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany lesistości Pomorza Zachodniego w ostatnich 400 latach
The Changes in Woodiness of West Pomerania During the last 400 years
Kunz, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Informacji Przestrzennej
pokrycie terenu
użytkowanie terenu
wskaźniki krajobrazowe
Pomorze Zachodnie
land cover
land use
landscape indices
West Pomerania
Powierzchnia leśna Pomorza Zachodniego zmieniała się w minionych wiekach dość intensywnie, jednak największe zmiany zaszły na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Celem pracy była analiza zmian lesistości Pomorza Zachodniego w latach 1618–2006 w oparciu o dostępne serie historycznych i współczesnych map topograficznych oraz istniejących urzędowych bazy danych przestrzennych wykonanych w podobnej skali. Zmiany powierzchni leśnej rozpatrywano w granicach obszaru Pomorza Zachodniego uwzględnionego na pierwszym analizowanym zasobie historycznym – Mapie Eilharda Lubinusa (1618). Dla wszystkich opracowanych stanów zasięgu lasów analizowano także strukturę powierzchni leśnej z wykorzystaniem wybranych miar krajobrazowych: liczby płatów (NumP), łącznej długości krawędzi (TE), indeksu kształtu (MSI) oraz wymiar fraktalnego (FD). Całość wykonano w technologii GIS z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania ESRI.
Forest area in West Pomerania has been changing intensively during last centuries. However, the biggest changes took place at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The goal of the study is the analysis of the changes in woodiness in West Pomerania in the years 1618-2006 on the basis of available series of historical and contemporary topographic maps and existing official basis of spatial data created with the use of similar scale. Forest area changes were examined within the borders of West Pomerania defined in the first analysed historical material – Eilhard Lubinus Map (1618). For all elaborated states of forest ranges forest surface structure were also analyzed with the application of selected landscape indices: the number of patches (NumP), total edge length (TE), mean shape index (MSI) and fractal dimension (FD). The whole study was performed in GIS technology with the application of ESRI software.
Roczniki Geomatyki; 2012, 10, 4; 145-155
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Geomatyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienność przestrzenna NDVI i wskaźników tekstury Zaborskiego Parku Krajobrazowego w zależności od gospodarczego oddziaływania człowieka
Spatial variability of NDVI and texture indices for the Zaborski Landscape Park in the gradient of economic influence of man
Kunz, M.
Nienartowicz, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
zmienność przestrzenna
park krajobrazowy
działalność człowieka
spatial variability
landscape park
human activity
The landscape structure can be analysed in different ways while using different methods, research tools and initial data. One of the effective research methods is remote sensing together with satellite imageries obtained by this method. This technology used to be successfully applied in ecology, e.g. for evaluation of forest landscape structure modifi ed by economic activity of man. In the studies carried out by remote sensing methods, it was found that the current landscape structure results from its previous states and is shaped both by man and by natural processes. Having the above statements as a starting point, an analysis of forest landscape structure was performed in the territory of the Zaborski Landscape Park, based on Landsat satellite imageries from the period 1975-2003. The NDVI was calculated for the entire park as well as for three research plots situated within the park. Squares were set up as research plots, with a side of 5040 m long. Each square encompassed 28 224 pixels of dimensions 30 x 30 m. The squares were set up in areas of different intensity of forestry and different share of secondary forests on formerly arable soils. On the basis of generated images presenting the spatial diversifi cation of NDVI, the following texture parameters were defi ned for each research plot: diversity (H), fragmentation (F), fractal dimension (FD). In calculations of the diversity index and fragmentation, the size of the matrix window amounted to 5x5 pixels. The fractal dimension was calculated with the triangular prism method described by Altobelli et al. (2001). The NDVI was also calculated for three sets, each comprising 24 or 25 test areas distributed within each research plot. Test areas were squares with a side of 300x300 metre long representing all age classes of tree stands in the habitat of fresh and dry pine forest. The completed database on subdivisions of the surface area division as well as the course of the process of deforestation and afforestation of the region during the period 1796-2003, allowed the detailed analysis of the obtained results with reference to land use history in this area. In the comparative analysis of three research plots on the basis of structure indices, the graphic method of Jentys-Szaferowa (1948) was applied and methods of numerical taxonomy. On the basis of the performed analyses, it was concluded that together with the increased human pressure on the nature, the average value of NDVI decreased together with the simultaneous increase of indices expressing the diversity, fragmentation and fractal dimension of the landscape.
Teledetekcja Środowiska; 2007, 37; 51-60
Pojawia się w:
Teledetekcja Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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