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Does inflow of water river shape the nutrient content of lake sediments?
Potasznik, A.
Szymczyk, S.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
bottom sediment
river-lake system
nutrient content
lake sediment
This study evaluated the influence of the Symsarna River on the spatial distribution of organic matter, Kjeldahl nitrogen (NK) and total phosphorus in the surface layer of bottom sediments. The analyzed site was Symsar Lake in the Olsztyn Lakeland (north-eastern Poland) and the inflows. The results of this study indicate that the lake’s morphology and inflowing streams were largely responsible for the variations in the nutrient content of bottom deposits in the flow-through Symsar Lake. The NK content was significantly correlated with the lake’s depth, whereas TOC levels were determined mainly by the location in the lake. The surface layers of bottom sediments in Lake Symsar were characterized by an average organic matter content of 171.2 g kg-1 and near-neutral pH (6.78-7.77). The average contents of components in the analyzed sediments were determined at 62.01 gTOC kg-1 d.m., 6.08 gNK kg-1d.m. and 2.18 gTP kg-1d.m. Converted to fresh mass, the above contents expressed per square meter of the lake’s sediment reached 3.95 kgTOC m-2 f.m., 0.42 kgNK m-2 f.m. and 0.18 kgTP m-2 f.m. In turn, the average concentrations of components in sediments from the streams, likewise per square meter, equalled 12.4 gTOC m-2 d.m., 0.93 gNK m-2 d.m. and 0.9 gTP m-2 d.m. The highest contents of the analyzed components were observed in bottom sediments near the outflow of a river from the lake and in the lake’s region intersected by the river. The Symsarna River was responsible for the transport of and variability in the deposition of mineral fractions, and for the nutrient accumulation in the surface layer of bottom sediments. A flow-through water body in a river-lake system can contribute to retention in periods when it exerts a negative impact on the trophic status of a lake. From a broader, ecological viewpoint, it can inhibit the transport of pollutants outside the catchment.
Journal of Elementology; 2016, 21, 2
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variation of Cs-137 deposition in soil and lakes in the north-east region of Poland
Zalewski, M.
Kapała, J.
Mnich, Z.
Zalewski, P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
Chernobyl accident
environment contamination
lake sediment
The aim of this work is to assess the current deposits of Cs-137 in soil and in lakes in the Poland's north-eastern lake district (12-14 years after Chernobyl accident) a dozen or so years after the Chernobyl disaster. Caesium content in soil and sediment was determined by gamma spectrometry (in 79 soil samples and 136 sediment samples). The soil samples were collected in summer 1998-2000. The sediment from 29 lakes were sampled in May 2000. The highest surface activity was found in soil with the arithmetic mean (AM) 3.13 kBq m-2 and median (M) 2.37 kBq m-2. For lakes, the respective values were 1.89 kBq m-2 and 1.5 kBq m-2. In the case of the soil samples collected from forests, fields, lake shores and arable lands, the mean values of caesium deposition were: 4.37, 2.56, 3.42 and 1.52 kBq m-2, respectively. The mean surface activity of sedimentary samples (AM) from oligotrophic, mesotrophic and eutrophics lakes was found to have different values, viz. 1.48, 2.23 and 1.86 kBq m-2, respectively.
Nukleonika; 2002, 47, 2; 75-78
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lead concentration and the content of selected macroelements in lake sediments in Poland
Zależność między zawartością ołowiu a zawartością wybranych pierwiastków głównych w osadach jezior Polski
Bojakowska, I.
Krasuska, J.
Retka, J.
Wilkomirski, B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
lead concentration
macroelement content
lake sediment
heavy metal
Lead has been used extensively for thousands of years. Once introduced into the environment, like any other heavy metal, lead accumulates in soil and sediments. High lead concentrations in river and lake sediments can be harmful to aquatic organisms. At present, uncontaminated water sediments in the northern and central parts of Poland contain below 9 mg of lead per kg. The lakes located within the following lake districts: Greater Poland, Pomeranian and Masurian, provided 409 samples of surface sediments from deep spots (the profundal zone). All the samples were tested for the content of Pb and other selected macroelements. The content of Ca, Mg, Fe, K, Mn, Na, P, Pb and S was determined by ICP-OES and the total organic carbon (TOC) was evaluated by the coulometric titration method. The observed range of lead concentration was from below 3 to 222 mg kg-1. The average content was 37 mg kg-1, the geometric mean 30 mg kg-1, and the median 33 mg kg-1. In the majority of samples, the lead concentration was higher than the geochemical background. Only in 5.77% of the samples, the lead content was lower than 10 mg kg-1. The lead concentration in the sediments was relatively well correlated with the total organic carbon (r = 0.59), aluminium (r = 0.45) and sulphur (r = 0.47), moderately correlated with iron (r = 0.26) and potassium (r = 0.28), very weakly correlated with phosphorus (r = 0.12) and negatively correlated with the calcium concentration (r = -0.28). No correlation was observed for manganese (r = -0.05), magnesium (r = 0.07) and sodium (r = -0.07). Factor analysis revealed the presence of two factors that together accounted for nearly 45% of variation. The first factor included aluminium, potassium and magnesium, and the second one - sulphur and organic carbon. The lead share was low in the first factor (0.343), but very high in the second factor (0.757). Based on the results of the factor analysis, it can be assumed that lead in the organic matter-rich sediments of the profundal zone is deposited mainly in the form of sulphides. Lead concentration varied among the sediments obtained from various lake districts; it was lower in the lakes located within the Pomeranian Lake District than in those from Greater Poland and Masurian Lakes.
Ołów jest wykorzystywany powszechnie od tysięcy lat. Uruchomiony do środowiska, podobnie jak inne metale ciężkie, podlega akumulacji w glebach i osadach wodnych. W osadach rzecznych i jeziornych duża zawartość Pb może szkodliwie oddziaływać na organizmy wodne. We współczesnych niezanieczyszczonych osadach wodnych na obszarze północnej i środkowej części Polski zawartość ołowiu wynosi poniżej 9 mg kg-1. Z jezior Pojezierzy: Wielkopolskiego, Pomorskiego i Mazurskiego pobrano 409 próbek powierzchniowych osadów z głęboczków jezior (strefa profundalna). We wszystkich próbkach określono zawartość Pb oraz wybranych pierwiastków głównych. Zawartość Ca, Mg, Fe, K, Mn, Na, P, Pb i S określono metodą ICP-OES, a zawartość węgla organicznego (TOC) – metodą kulometrycznego miareczkowania. Stężenie ołowiu wynosiło od <3 do 222 mg kg-1, średnia zawartość – 37 mg kg-1, średnia geometryczna – 30 mg kg-1, a mediana – 33 mg kg-1. W większości zbadanych próbek zawartość ołowiu była podwyższona w stosunku do wartości tła geochemicznego. Jedynie w 5,77% próbek zawartość ołowiu była niższa niż 10 mg kg-1. Stężenie ołowiu w osadach wykazuje stosunkowo wysoką korelację z zawartością węgla organicznego (r = 0,59), glinu (r = 0,45) i siarki (r = 0,47), słabą – ze stężeniem żelaza (r = 0,26) i potasu (r = 0,28), bardzo słabą – ze stężeniem fosforu (r = 0,12), ujemną – z zawartością wapnia (r = -0,28) oraz brak korelacji ze stężeniem manganu (r = -0,05), magnezu (r = 0,07) i sodu (r = -0,07). Analiza czynnikowa wykazała obecność 2 czynników, które łącznie wyjaśniają blisko 45% zmienności. Pierwszy czynnik grupuje glin, potas i magnez, drugi – siarkę i węgiel organiczny. Udział ołowiu w czynniku pierwszym jest niski (0,343), a w drugim – bardzo wysoki – 0,757. Na podstawie wyników analizy czynnikowej można przyjąć, że w bogatych w materię organiczną osadach strefy profundalnej jezior ołów występuje przede wszystkim w formie siarczków. Zaobserwowano zróżnicowanie w zawartości ołowiu w osadach różnych pojezierzy; osady jezior Pojezierza Pomorskiego zawierają mniej Pb niż osady jezior Pojezierzy Wielkopolskiego i Mazurskiego.
Journal of Elementology; 2014, 19, 3
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reconstruction of postglacial paleoproductivity in Long Lake, King George Island, West Antarctica
Yoon, Ho-Il
Khim, Boo-Keun
Lee, Kyung
Park, Yu-Hyeon
Yoo, Kyu-Cheul
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
lake sediment
organic carbon
carbon isotopes
Polish Polar Research; 2006, 27, 3; 189-206
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geochemistry of surface sediments of a coastal Lake Sarbsko (northern Poland)
Woszczyk, Michał
Cieśliński, Roman
Spychalski, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
coastal lake
lake sediment geochemistry
Gardno-Łeba Coastal Plain
southern Baltic
The main goal of the pre sented re search was to in ves ti gate spa tial dis tri bu tion of sur face sed i ments and to rec og nize re la tion ships be tween chem i cal com po si tion of wa ter and sed i ments in a coastal Lake Sarbsko (north ern Po land). The Lake Sarbsko is a fresh wa ter ba sin. The wa ter col umn is well ox y gen ated and wa ters ex hibit only mi nor spa tial vari - abil ity of chem i cal com po si tion in di cat ing rapid and good mix ing. Sur face sed i ments of Lake Sarbsko are strongly di - ver si fied with re spect to chem i cal com po si tion. The sed i ments of Lake Sarbsko are char ac ter ized by el e vated con tent of terrigenous sil ica in di cat ing en hanced in put of clastic ma te rial from the wa ter shed and/or in creased dy nam ics of the lake wa ters. More over, SiO2ter is strongly neg a - tively cor re lated with SiO2biog, or ganic mat ter and el e ment con tents, which ar gues for di lut ing ef fect of the for mer to - wards authigenic com po nents of sed i ments. Ba si cally, terrigenous sil ica (quartz) con tent is high est in the lake shores and de clines to wards the lake cen ter. Biogenic sil ica, or ganic mat ter and most of el e ments dis play re versed ten dency. CaCO3 was en coun tered in three iso lated ar eas, where it co-oc curs with FeS. It is an tic i pated that pre cip i ta tion of cal - cite in Lake Sarbsko re sulted from postdepositional pro cesses. Spa tial dis tri bu tion of Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, Na and K in Lake Sarbsko is also gov erned by their geo chem i cal af fin i ties to or ganic mat ter (Fe), Fe/Mn ox ides (Fe, Mn), sulphides (Fe), clay min er als (Na, K, Mg, Mn) and car bon ates (Ca, Mn).
Studia Quaternaria; 2009, 26; 41-53
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages and Biotopes in a Coastal Lake: the Case Study of Lake Varano (Southern Italy)
Frontalini, Fabrizio
Margaritelli, Giulia
Francescangeli, Fabio
Rettori, Roberto
Du Châtelet, Eric Armynot
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
benthic foraminifera, biotopes, sediment, Lake Varano, Italy
The benthic foraminiferal assemblages in Lake Varano (southern Italy) have been investigated in detail. Statistical analyses enable us to recognize two main biotopes and five sub-biotopes that reflect different ecological and environmental conditions. The assemblages mainly seem to be influenced by the hydrological (namely salinity) and sediment conditions in the lake. These biotopes are characterized by specific sub-assemblages and variations in relative species’ abundances. The Outer Lake Biotope is affected by marine influence and is dominated by the foraminiferal species Ammonia beccarii, Ammonia parkinsoniana and Aubignyna perlucida, which are more common in open water environments. In contrast, the Inner-Marginal Lake Biotope reflects more restricted conditions where low salinity values and sand are associated with high numbers of miliolids. These two main biotopes are thus subjected to different degrees of confinement and water residence times, both of which are related to the water exchange time of the lake with the Adriatic Sea. In addition five sub-biotopes (Intermediate Marine, Mixing, “Urban”, Marginal, and Innermost) represented by particular foraminiferal assemblages are identified that characterize particular sub-environments. These sub-biotopes are, to some extent, separated by salinity gradients as well as the grain-size and the organic matter of sediments.
Acta Protozoologica; 2013, 52, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Protozoologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The adsorption of pendimethalin by peats and lakes bottom sediments
Ocena stopnia zanieczyszczenia gleb oraz warzyw korzeniowych pierwiastkami śladowymi
Bejger, R.
Włodarczyk, M.
Waszak, M.
Mielnik, L.
Nicia, P.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
lake bottom sediment
osady denne jezior
The paper presents results of an experimental research on the influence of the adsorbent type on the adsorption of pendimethalin and water/peat index and water/bottom sediment index (Kd and KOC). The research was carried out in a laboratory using samples of bottom sediment and peat of various organic carbon contents. The experiment involved herbicide of Panida 330 EC containing 330 g of pendimethalin in 1 dm3 of preparation. According to the research, there is a strong relationship between adsorption and time emulsion of pesticide remains in contact with peat and bottom sediment samples. Additionally, results indicate that adsorption of pendimethalin involves two phases. The first phase is fast and non-linear, whereas the second one slow and linear. The 24 hour contact and 10 hour contact in the case of an increased content of adsorbent by 150 % between herbicide emulsion and peat/bottom sediment samples enabled to reach an adsorption equilibrium in the active substance. The content of organic carbon in peat and bottom sediment samples was decisive as regards time of non-linear phase of pendimethalin adsorption.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych nad wpływem rodzaju adsorbentu na szybkość adsorpcji pendimetaliny oraz wartość współczynników podziału woda/torf oraz woda/osad denny (Kd i KOC). Badania przeprowadzono w warunkach laboratoryjnych z zastosowaniem próbek osadów dennych i torfów o różnej zawartości węgla organicznego. W doświadczeniu wykorzystano herbicyd Panida 330 EC zawieraj ący 330 g pendimetaliny w 1 dm3 preparatu. Badania wykazały, że istnieje ścisła zależność adsorpcji od czasu kontaktu emulsji pestycydu z próbkami torfów i osadów dennych. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują ponadto, że adsorpcja pendimetaliny zachodzi w dwóch etapach. Pierwszy etap jest szybki – nieliniowy, drugi wolny – liniowy. 24-godzinny czas kontaktu, a w przypadku zwiększenia ilości adsorbentu o 150 %, 10-godzinny czas kontaktu emulsji herbicydu z próbkami torfów/osadów dennych umożliwił osiągnięcie stanu równowagi adsorpcyjnej badanej substancji aktywnej. Zawartość węgla organicznego w próbkach torfowych i osadów dennych miała decydujący wpływ na czas trwania nieliniowego etapu adsorpcji pendimetaliny.
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A; 2014, 21, 1; 79-86
Pojawia się w:
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the radiocesium behavior in a small humic lake (Lithuania)
Tarasiuk, N.
Moisejenkova, A.
Koviazina, E.
Karpicz, R.
Astrauskiene, N.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
Peculiarities of radiocesium contamination of a small humic lake, which became meromictic some thirty-five years ago due to the inflow of a large amount of humic water, are presented. The lake consists of two separate water layers, which do not intermix. A lower water layer of the lake below some 3-m depth is stagnant and anaerobic, and radiocesium load of the sediments is mainly caused by nuclear weapons fallout. The radiocesium load of the sediments of the upper monomictic water layer is significantly larger due to additional contamination after the Chernobyl accident. Radiocesium activity concentrations in lake water increase with depth, and even in the surface layer, they are commonly the largest among the neighboring lakes with transparent water. It is shown that bottom areas of the monomictic part of the lake with the elevated radiocesium deepening into sediments are related to the favorite sites of the tench (Tinca tinca) winter torpor. Sediment bioturbation and redistribution due to tench activities distort naturally formed radiocesium vertical profiles and they cannot be used for estimations of sedimentation rates and sediment chronology. The studied lake can be useful as an analogous model in analyzing structural and radiological consequences of humic water inflows to closed lakes. Concerning extreme radiological situations in closed humic lakes related to their specific vertical structure, they may be treated as critical objects in assessing the risk to humans after radionuclide deposition events.
Nukleonika; 2009, 54, 3; 211-220
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bottom Deposits of Stratified, Seepage, Urban Lake (On the Example of Tyrsko Lake, Poland) as a Factor Potentially Shaping Lake Water Quality
Augustyniak, R.
Neugebauer, M.
Kowalska, J.
Szymański, D.
Wiśniewski, G.
Filipkowska, Z.
Grochowska, J.
Łopata, M.
Parszuto, K.
Tandyrak, R.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
urban lake
bottom sediment
internal loading
The object of the study was Tyrsko Lake (area 18.6 ha, max. depth 30.4 m), located in the western part of Olsztyn (Olsztyn Lakeland). This lake is one of the clear water lakes in Olsztyn, but the progressive deterioration of water quality has been observed during recent years. The phosphorus concentration in the water-sediment interface, phosphorus fractions quantity and the amount of components which can bind this element was investigated in the upper (0–5 cm) layer of deposits. The aim of study was to analyze the potential influence of bottom sediment on the lake water quality. The obtained results revealed that the bottom sediment of Tyrsko Lake can be classified as mixed, silica-organic type, with a relatively high content of iron (over 4% Fe in d.w.). The total phosphorus content was ca. 3.5 mg P g,-1 d.w. on average. Phosphorus in the bottom sediment was bound mainly with organic matter (NaOH-nrP fraction), which had over 50% share in TP. Highly mobile fractions (NH4-Cl-P and BD-P) together only included ca. 5% to 7% TP. The obtained results show that the bottom sediment of Tyrsko Lake can bind phosphorus quite effectively. The calculated internal mineral phosphorus loading during summer stagnation period was 10.9 kg and it was lower that the assessed annual external phosphorus load (22.6 kg). The assessed annual phosphorus loading from both sources was still lower than the critical load according to Vollenweider criteria. However, due to the fact that the internal loading phenomenon is occurring in the lake, it should be taken into consideration that the lake water quality can deteriorate gradually during the longer time perspective. These findings should be accounted for in the future if the potential protection and restoration procedures will be developed.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2017, 18, 5; 55-62
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Estimating long term sediment yields from sediment core analysis
Oszacowanie dlugookresowej dostawy rumowiska na podstawie analizy rdzeniowej
Kennie, P
Bogen, J.
Olsen, H.C.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
sediment yield
core analysis
glacial river
sediment transport
Lake Nigardsvatn
Sediment cores from lakes and reservoirs can be used to estimate sediment yields. In proglacial lakes, the bed sediment typically accumulates as varves, reflecting changes in seasonal and annual sedimentation. This report compares the results from two different methods of measuring suspended sediment transport in a Norwegian glacial river and lake. Sediment yields obtained from a study of sediment cores in the proglacial lake Nigardsvatn along with measurements of the delta topset were compared with a 25-year record of sediment transport based on automatic water sampling and water discharge measurements at a monitoring station at the inflowing river. During the period from 1980 to 2005, analyses of sediment cores taken from the lake bed along with measurements and grain size distribution analysis of the delta indicated that a volume of 175,670 to 202,697 m3 was deposited in the lake Nigardsvatn and corresponding river delta. The year 1980 was selected as a convenient starting point because a large-magnitude flood with a 100-year recurrence interval occurred at the end of 1979, leaving an easily recognizable sediment layer and accurate reference point. Sediment cores were taken at a total of 24 locations throughout the lake and 25 locations in the delta. The densities of the sediment cores were found to vary between 1.3 and 1.5 g/cm3 during the period examined in this study, giving a total suspended sediment load of between 175,670 and 202,697 tons. The measurements carried out at the sediment station in the glacier melt-water river gave a value of 294,800 tons during the same period. A final value of 211,100 tons is calculated from the monitoring station results after deduction of the sediment fraction which passes through the lake without being deposited. This gives a discrepancy between the two methods of 8,403 to 35,430 tons (4–20%). This can be partially attributed to the difficulties of measuring the water discharge in the unstable glacier meltwater river. In conclusion, sediment cores may be used to extrapolate or correct measurements from sediment monitoring stations over longer periods but caution should be made when considering single years.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań prowadzonych według dwóch różnych metod pomiaru ilości rumowiska unoszonego, dostarczonego w latach 1980–2005 do jeziora Nigardsvatn w Norwegii, które zasilane jest wodami roztopowymi z lodowca Jostedalsbreen. Wielkość dostawy rumowiska, określoną na podstawie analizy rdzeniowej z sondowania geologicznego osadów dennych jeziora, porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi na podstawie danych z 25-cio letniego ciągu pomiarów zmącenia w rzece zasilającej jezioro. Stwierdzono, że różnica w wielkości dostawy rumowiska do jeziora określona dwiema metodami wynosi 4–20%, przy czym mniejsze wartości uzyskano na podstawie analizy rdzeniowej osadów. Autorzy uważają, że metoda ta może być stosowana do oszacowania lub korygowania wyników pomiarów zmącenia w rzekach zasilających jeziora i zbiorniki wodne w dostatecznie długich okresach.
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Land Reclamation; 2010, 42, 1; 115-126
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Land Reclamation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigation of Microplastic Contamination in Sediments, Water and Aquatic Biota in Lake Beratan, Tabanan Regency, Bali Province – Indonesia
Watiniasih, Ni Luh
Hendrawan, I. Gede
Nuarsa, I. Wayan
Wiradana, Putu Angga
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
freshwater contamination
Beratan Lake
Microplastics (MPs) has become a very serious global threat, especially to the health of animals, humans and the environment. In this study we aim to investigate the contamination of MPs in sediment, air, and aquatic biota collected from the waters of Lake Beratan in Bali Province, Indonesia. Lake Beratan is one of the strategic areas that continues to develop as a tourist destination, agriculture and fisheries, as well as a source of water for daily needs. Sediment, water, and aquatic biota samples were collected from 4 stations that represent the Beratan Lake area. Each sample obtained was then followed by the pre-treatment stage using 5 M NaCl solution. Furthermore, the extraction process for each sample used wet oxidation peroxidation (WPO) with the addition of Fe (II) catalyst. The highest average weight of MPs in the sediment samples was obtained at the 1st sampling point of 2.53% which was dominated by soft fragments. The percentage of MPs weight in the water samples was varied at each sampling point with the highest obtained at the 4th point of 99.2% and was dominated by hard-shaped fragments at all sampling points. The collected aquatic biota was also contaminated by MPs of 68% in fish and 36.40% in shrimp. The types of MPs found in the digestive tract of aquatic biota are in the form of fragments, filaments, films and foam. These results indicate that the aquatic environment of Lake Beratan, Bali has MPs content that varies in sediment, water and aquatic biota which are often consumed by the local community. This must be of particular concern and further investigation, especially regarding the environmental management of the lake area and the relevant authorities in formulating regulations to reduce the harmful effects of MPs contamination.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2023, 24, 3; 323--332
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Total alkaline phosphatase activity in bottom sediments of Rusalka lake in the city of Szczecin
Daniszewski, P.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
total alkaline phosphatase activity
bottom sediment
Rusalka lake
Have studied lake close to neutral pH 7.75 to 7.62. Aquatic waters are order - phosphorus and nitrogen compounds. Level of activity alkaline phosphatase (APA) has an important impact on the chemical and biological processes taking place in the aquatic environment. APA belongs to a group of indicators, who tells us about the extent limitations to development of biomass in the tank water. Water of Rusalka lake were the subjects of 2008-2012 (July – September). Total alkaline phosphatase activity was determined seven times a year in these environments. A study of seasonal fluctuations showed that a maximum total alkaline phosphatase activity, both in the bottom sediment, occurred in spring (May) and summer (July, August).
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy; 2013, 7, 1; 67-72
Pojawia się w:
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Total alkaline phosphatase activity in bottom sediments of Szmaragdowe lake in the city of Szczecin (North-West Poland)
Daniszewski, P.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
total alkaline phosphatase activity
bottom sediment
Szmaragdowe Lake
Level of activity alkaline phosphatase (APA) has an important impact on the chemical and biological processes taking place in the aquatic environment. APA belongs to a group of indicators, who tells us about the extent limitations to development of biomass in the tank water. Water of Szmaragdowe lake were the subjects of 2008-2012 (July - September). Total alkaline phosphatase activity was determined seven times a year in these environments. A study of seasonal fluctuations showed that a maximum total alkaline phosphatase activity, both in the bottom sediment, occurred in spring (May) and summer (July, August). Total alkaline phosphatase activity in the bottom sediment of Szmaragdowe lake over the five-year period of study oscillated between 764.1 to 7938.7 nmol PO4źdm-3źh -1. In the littoral it ranged from 3107.4 to 7938.7 nmol PO4źdm-3źh -1, and in sublittoral from 764.1 to 3429.5 nmol PO4źdm-3źh -1.
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy; 2013, 8, 2; 182-187
Pojawia się w:
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sorption of cations by bottom sediments of Lake Wicko
Trojanowski, J.
Trojanowska, C.
Moczulska, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
cation sorption
bottom sediment
Lake Wicko
sorption complex
physical analysis
chemical analysis
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline; 1998, 02
Pojawia się w:
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bioecological and statistical risk assessment of toxic metals in sediments of a worldwide important wetland : Gala Lake National Park (Turkey)
Tokatli, C.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Gala Lake
sediment quality
statistical evaluation
bioecological indices
Gala Lake National Park that has an international importance is one of the most important wetland ecosystems for Turkey. As same as many aquatic habitats, Gala Lake is under a significant anthropogenic pressure originated from agricultural activities conducted around the lake and from industrial discharges by means of Ergene River. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sediment quality of Gala Lake and Irrigation Canal by investigating some toxic element accumulations (As, B, Ni, Cr, Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu) from a statistical perspective. Pearson Correlation Index (PCI) and Factor Analysis (FA) were applied to detected data in order to determine the associated contaminants and effective factors on the system. Potential Ecological Risk Index (RI) and Biological Risk Index based sediment quality guidelines (mERM-Q) applied to detected data in order to assess the ecological and biological risks of heavy metals in the ecosystem. Also Geographic Information System (GIS) technology was used to make visual explanations by presenting distribution maps of investigated elements. According to the results of PCI, significant positive correlations were recorded among the investigated toxic elements at 0.01 significance level. According to the results of FA, two factors, which were named as “Agricultural Factor” and “Industrial Factor”, explained 86.6% of the total variance. According to the results of Potential Ecological Risk Index, cadmium was found to be the highest risk factor and according to results of Biological Risk Index, nickel and chromium were found to be the highest risk factors for Gala Lake and Irrigation Canal. As a result of the present study, it was also determined that heavy metal contents in sediments of Gala Lake National Park reached to critical levels and the system is intensively under effect of agricultural and industrial originated pollution.
Archives of Environmental Protection; 2017, 43, 1; 34-47
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Environmental Protection
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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