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Multi-word Lexical Items and the Advanced Foreign Language User: Awareness Raising in the Context of Oral and Written Translation Training
Alisa, Mitchel-Masiejczyk,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
foreign language learning
translator training
oral translator training
multi-word units
interlanguage development
The paper has two main objectives: the first is to present an overview of the phenomenon of multi-word items in English, and discuss their prevalence in native speaker usage. The second is to discuss how proficient non-native speakers of English, and in particular those who are training to become translators, may benefit from classroom training that increases awareness of the primary role of chunks and other multiword units in native-like speech. It is argued that classroom training may tend to emphasise grammar rules and lexis over building a repertoire of multi-word items; more practise in this area may improve fluency, conserve energy, and enhance long-term language learning among adult foreign language users with nuanced foreign language performance goals.
Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies; 2020, 29/2; 151-164
Pojawia się w:
Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Improving intercultural pragmatic competencies in online L2 Spanish classrooms through task-supported learning
Bachelor, Jeremy W.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
interlanguage pragmatics
intercultural communication
online learning
task-based language teaching
Learners of a second language often have limited access to the native culture of that language in an authentic way, resulting in them committing linguistic and intercultural mistakes. One of the main advantages of task-based learning is that it can expose students to real-world circumstances, which makes learning a language more meaningful and inclusive of appropriate language behaviour. Task-based learning has become an accepted method for learning a language in face-to-face classroom environments, but its applicability to online learning is largely unaddressed. The author proposed well-organised online role-plays based on a task-based approach involving native speakers, which helped students interact in an authentic way and demonstrate their understanding of culture. The author conducted the research to increase intercultural pragmatic competencies in online L2 classrooms regarding common pragmatic speech acts as to not only increase their pragmatic competency but to also motivate students. The students from the online experimental group who were exposed to task-supported role-plays performed better than the online control group of students; however, student motivation was only mildly impacted. Thus, pragmatics and interculturality can be effectively taught in online L2 classrooms through task-supported learning, though motivation may require longer interventions.
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie; 2022, 94, 2; 19-27
Pojawia się w:
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The role of feedback and examples of techniques leading to its successful use
Bojar, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Chełmie
informacja zwrotna
interferencja językowa
This paper displays the definition of feedback, its role in the learning process and presents different modes of how feedback may be organised in classroom conditions. The first issue presented in the article is related to types of mistakes and their sources. The following points are devoted to the matter of who makes corrections. To be more precise, three of them: teacher – student correction, student – student correction and self-correction are discussed and supported with appropriate techniques which lead to a successful accomplishment of feedback.
Poniższy artykuł ma za zadanie wyjaśnić co to jest informacja zwrotna, ukazać rolę jaką pełni w procesie nauczania oraz przedstawić różne sposoby jej wdrożenia w pracy z uczniami. Pierwszym aspektem poruszonym w tym artykule jest opis rodzajów błędów oraz wskazanie ich pochodzenia. Kolejne punkty dotyczą kwestii kto inicjuje i kto dokonuje poprawy błędów. Wymienione zostały trzy możliwości: nauczyciel – uczeń, uczeń – uczeń oraz autokorekta, które zostały dokładnie opisane oraz podparte odpowiednimi technikami będącymi kluczem do sukcesu w obrębie omawianego tematu.
Language. Culture. Politics. International Journal; 2018, 1; 47-60
Pojawia się w:
Language. Culture. Politics. International Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Psycholingwistyczne przyczyny fosylizacji w nauce języka angielskiego
Psycholinguistic factors of fossilization in the english language learning
Borecka, Violetta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
language error
error stabilization
learning strategies
language transfer
Fossilization as a unique feature of interlanguage systems manifests itself in the cessation of the development of certain linguistic phenomena that remain unchanged in relation to the target language. Although the vast majority of students’ errors evolve towards normal structures and then disappear, some of them stabilize permanently. The purpose of this paper is to try to find the answer to the question: are there any features of persistent fossilization of lexical-grammatical structures in the interlanguage of Polish students learning English? The research material was provided by a study conducted on a group of 15 secondary school students in the years 2013–2016. The four-year study consisted of a systematic analysis of language errors that kept appearing in the students’ written tasks, regardless of the type and quantity of teaching material provided, the length of the study period, the age of the students and the exposure to a variety of teaching techniques. The author attempts to present the phenomenon of fossilization and its main psycholinguistic factors.
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe; 2017, 17; 13-31
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza błędów językowych w praktyce glottodydaktycznej (na przykładzie języka angielskiego w szkole ponadgimnazjalnej)
Error analysis in glottodidactics on the example of the English language in secondary education
Borecka, Violetta Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
linguistic error
error identification
error classification
foreign language learning
error description
language transfer
The aim of the article is to draw attention to the problems of error analysis in terms of its suitability for glottodidactics. Error analysis from a conventional perspective consists of successive stages of error identification, description, explication and evaluation. Carrying out these activities in the procedural order enables implementation of the last phase of analysis – error therapy, which is also its goal. In a broader perspective, error prevention is also taken into account. However, it turns out that in pedagogical practice proper conduct of the processes of identifying, describing, and classifying errors may be complicated. The article briefly presents the technique of error analysis in foreign language teaching in theoretical terms and also shows problematic examples taken from research material in the form of written tasks in English of Polish secondary school students. A few reflections have been formulated to help teachers understand processes of linguistic difficulties and take appropriate decisions concerning the methodology of prevention and treatment of language errors.
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe; 2016, 16; 41-56
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Błędy interferencji zewnętrznej w interjęzyku ucznia
Interlingual Interference Errors in Learner’s Interlanguage
Borecka, Violetta Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
error analysis
contrastive analysis
language transfer
analiza błędu
analiza kontrastywna
tansfer językowy
Błąd językowy jest jednym z najistotniejszych problemów współczesnej glottodydaktyki. Przyczyny powstawania błędów są wielopłaszczyznowe i wynikają ze złożonych czynników. Niewystarczająca kompetencja językowa wyzwala mechanizm interferencji, polegający na transferze nawyków nabytych w języku ojczystym do języka obcego. Celem publikacji jest zwrócenie uwagi na różnorodność błędów językowych wynikających z oddziaływania międzyjęzykowego w interjęzyku ucznia. Materiał badawczy stanowią wypowiedzi pisemne w języku angielskim 116 uczniów białostockich szkół ponadgimnazjalnych. Dokonana analiza wyekscerpowanych z tego korpusu błędów doprowadziła do powstania klasyfikacji błędów interferencyjnych w płaszczyźnie leksykalnej oraz gramatycznej wraz z komentarzem glottodydaktycznym. Zastosowanie wyników badań w praktyce pedagogicznej może pomóc nauczycielom zrozumieć procesy powstawania błędów oraz podjąć stosowne decyzje metodyczne dotyczące profilaktyki i terapii błędów.
A linguistic error is one of the most fundamental problems of modern language teaching. Causes of errors are complex and result from different factors. Insufficient language competence triggers the mechanism of interference, involving the transfer of habits acquired in a native language to a foreign language. The aim of the publication is to highlight the diversity of linguistic errors resulting from crosslinguistic influence in a learner’s interlanguage system. The research material consists of written tasks performed in English by 116 students of secondary schools in Bialystok. The analysis of the errors excerpted from the corpus led to the classification of interlingual interference errors of lexical and grammatical categories along with linguistic commentary. The application of the research results in teaching practice can help teachers understand the nature of errors and take appropriate methodological decisions concerning prevention and treatment procedures.
Linguodidactica; 2016, 20; 25-40
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pour une correction phonétique personnalisée en FLE ou de la remédiation « sur mesure »
« Custom made » error correction of pronunciation in French as a foreign language
Dańko, Magdalena
Hamm, Dominique
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
didactics of phonetics of the French language
French pronunciation teaching
contrastive phonetics
Polish-speaking learners
Herein we would like to rise up a concern of the error correction of pronunciation in French as a Foreign Language. The results of the experimental acoustic analysis (concerning the values of acoustic vowel formants F1 and F2) enabled to precisely specify the difficulties of the experiment’s participants in a field of French vocal system. In relation to the differences of vocal systems of French and Polish language we suggest custom solutions on a didactic level. Based on verbo-tonal method for phonetic integration the error correction activities had been individually elaborated for each participant.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia; 2017, 44, 2; 175-193
Pojawia się w:
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Entwicklung der Verbstellung beim fortgeschrittenen Erwerb des Deutschen als Fremdsprache
Development of verb placement in acquisition of German as a foreign language
Długosz, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Deutsch als Fremdsprache
verb placement
German as a foreign language
foreign language learning
interlanguage grammar
This article investigates the acquisition of verb placement in German as a foreign language at an advanced stage of development. The main objective of the investigation is to analyse written and spoken language production in terms of the use of subject-verb-inversion, verbal bracket, and verb-final placement in subordinate clauses. The results reveal a discrepancy between written and spoken language production with respect to correct usage of the verb placement rules. While correctness in the written production task exceeded 97% for all phenomena, the oral translation task generated less correct sentences, but only for inversion and verb-final placement. The non-target usage of inversion and verb-final pattern in spoken production points to processing problems when translating from Polish into German, which are further confirmed by lower accuracy for these two phenomena. At the moment of testing, the verbal bracket has already been acquired, which is in line with the universal developmental sequence in the acquisition of German syntax.
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics; 2020, 47, 2; 83-101
Pojawia się w:
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transfererscheinungen zu Beginn des L3-Erwerbs: Evidenz aus der schriftlichen Sprachproduktion mehrsprachiger Deutschlerner
Długosz, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
language transfer
third language acquisition
cross-linguistic influence
behaviorism vs. nativism
transfer międzyjęzykowy
akwizycja języka trzeciego
wpływy międzyjęzykowe
behawioryzm vs. natywizm
This paper investigates the phenomenon of language transfer at the initial state of third language acquisition by adult Polish learners of English (L2) and German (L3). First, the controversy between two conflicting theories of language acquisition, behaviorism and nativism, is discussed with regard to cross-linguistic interactions. Second, some influential models of third language acquisition are presented. The participants’ written production data from 122 essays was analyzed and interpreted in terms of language transfer. Evidence for both L1 and L2 transfer could be found. The results show, however, that the influence of L2 is more robust and primarily affects the lexicon. Finally, the present paper emphasizes the fact that language transfer should not be perceived as a source of errors, but rather as an inevitable result of the third language acquisition process.
Wpływy międzyjęzykowe są nieodłącznym elementem procesu przyswajania języków drugich i kolejnych, ale także zarządzania nimi w umyśle wielojęzycznym. Niniejszy artykuł koncentruje się na różnych typach transferu międzyjęzykowego, który ma miejsce na samym początku akwizycji języka trzeciego, w tym przypadku niemieckiego. W pierwszej części autor zestawia dwie teorie akwizycji języka, natywistyczną i behawiorystyczną, które wyraźnie różnią się w sposobie ujmowania transferu językowego, oraz przedstawia wybrane modele akwizycji języka trzeciego. W ramach badania analizie zarówno ilościowej, jak i jakościowej zostały poddane 122 wypracowania studentów lingwistyki stosowanej, których L1 jest język polski a L2 język angielski. Wyniki wskazują na transfer zarówno z L1, jak i L2, natomiast wpływ L2 jest znacznie mocniejszy, w szczególności w zakresie wiedzy leksykalnej. Finalnie autor podkreśla fakt, że transfer językowy jest pozytywnym zjawiskiem wynikającym z aktywnego procesu nabywania języka, dlatego nie powinien być odbierany negatywnie jako źródło błędów.
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny; 2018, 4; 633-648
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Radosław Kaleta, Białorusko-polska homonimia międzyjęzykowa, Warszawa: Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy, 2014, 167 ss.
Duszkin, Maksim
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Belarusian-Polish dictionary of interlanguage homonyms
interlanguage homonyms in Slavic languages
The text is a presentation of R. Kaleta's book Białorusko-polska homonimia międzyjęzykowa published in 2014 by the Slavic Publishing Centre of the Institute of Slavic Studies PAS. The monograph includes an analysis of source literature and some theoretical reflections on a phenomenon of the so-called interlanguage homonymy. The book also includes a brief vocabulary of selected Belarusian-Polish interlanguage homonyms.
W recenzji przedstawiono wydaną w 2014 r. w Slawistycznym Ośrodku Wydawniczym Instytutu Slawistyki PAN książkę R. Kalety Białorusko-polska homonimia międzyjęzykowa. Monografia zawiera między innymi opis literatury przedmiotu oraz rozważania teoretyczne, dotyczące zjawiska tzw. hominimii międzyjęzykowej. Znaleźć w niej można również słowniczek wybranych białorusko-polskich hominimów międzyjęzykowych.
Acta Baltico-Slavica; 2015, 39; 294-296
Pojawia się w:
Acta Baltico-Slavica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transposition of Onomastic Elements of Slavic Languages into the Belarusian Language
Transpozycja elementów onomastycznych języków słowiańskich w języku białoruskim
Haponienka, Iryna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
interlanguage transposition
Belarusian language
Slavic languages
onomastic standardization
transpozycja międzyjęzykowa
język białoruski
języki słowiańskie
standaryzacja onomastyczna
міжмоўная трансляцыя
беларуская мова
славянскія мовы
анамастычная стандартызацыя
In the article, the methods of transposition of onomastic units from Slavic languages into Belarusian are investigated. The relevance of this study is due to the investigation of the issues of transmission of proper names of one language by means of another against the background of the modern expansion of the processes of cultural and economic communication. When working on the topic, we proceeded from the assumption that presently the general principles of transposition of Slavic onyms in the Belarusian onomastic practice have been clearly defined, and the algorithms of their application to a specific language material are still under development. The applicability of the existing principles of interlingual transposition (translation, transcription, transliteration) to the onomastic vocabulary is shown, the objective difficulties ofinclusion of the foreign onyms in the Belarusian language context are analyzed. The results of the work carried out by the Belarusian onomasts and state services on normalization and standardization of written registration of various types of Slavic onyms in the Belarusian language system was reviewed. The relevant normative documents regulating this sphere of onomastics were listed. The undeveloped aspects of the problem of Slavic-Belarusian onomastic contacts were analysed. This paper uses the descriptive, comparative, review-analytical methods, as well as the method of analogy. In conclusion, the performed analysis revealed the exceptional importance of the regulation of the principles and rules of the Slavic-Belarusian transposition of onyms. Based on the results of the study, the main directions of promising activities in this area are suggested in the improvement of the existing normative documentation and the creation of new instructions that would cover all the Slavic languages and the maximum number of onymic varieties
W artykule analizowane są sposoby transpozycji jednostek onomastycznych z języków słowiańskich do języka białoruskiego. Znaczenie takich badań jest związane z intensyfikacją problemów przeniesienia nazw własnych jednego języka za pomocą środków innego na tle współczesnego rozszerzenia procesów komunikacji kulturowej i ekonomicznej. Podczas pracy nad tematem autorka wychodziła z założenia, że obecnie w białoruskiej praktyce onomastycznej zostały wyraźnie określone ogólne zasady transponowania onimów słowiańskich, a algorytmy ich zastosowania do konkretnego materiału językowego znajdują się na razie w fazie opracowania. Przedstawiono przydatność dla leksyki onomastycznej istniejących zasad międzyjęzykowej transpozycji (tłumaczenie, transkrypcja, transliteracja), poddano analizie obiektywne trudności włączenia obcojęzycznych onimów w białoruski kontekst językowy. Dokonano przeglądu wyników prac przeprowadzonych przez onomastów białoruskich i służby państwowe, dotyczących normalizacji i standaryzacji pisemnego opracowania różnych rodzajów słowiańskich onimów w systemie języka białoruskiego. Wymienione zostały odpowiednie przepisy regulujące tę sferę onomastyki. Przeanalizowano nieopracowane aspekty problematyki słowiańsko-białoruskich kontaktów onomastycznych. W pracy wykorzystano metodę opisową, porównawczą, przeglądowo-analityczną oraz metodę analogii. W sumie analiza wykazała, jak istotne znaczenie ma uregulowanie zasad i reguł słowiańsko-białoruskiego przeniesienia onimów. Uwzględnienie wyników badań pozwala usytuować główne kierunki przyszłych działań w tej dziedzinie w obrębie doskonalenia obowiązującej normy w dokumentacji i tworzenia nowych instrukcji, które obejmowałyby wszystkie języki słowiańskie i maksymalną ilość wariantów onimicznych.
У артыкуле даследаваны спосабы трансляцыі анамастычных адзінак са славянскіх моў у беларускую мову. Актуальнасць такога даследавання абумоўлена абвастрэннем пытанняў перадачы ўласных імёнаў адной мовы сродкамі другой на фоне сучаснага пашырэння працэсаў культурнай і эканамічнай камунікацыі. Пры працы над тэмай мы зыходзілі з меркавання, што на сённяшні дзень у беларускай анамастычнай практыцы дакладна вызначаны агульныя прынцыпы трансляцыі славянскіх онімаў, а алгарытмы іх прымянення да канкрэтнага моўнага матэрыялу пакуль знаходзяцца на стадыі распрацоўкі. Паказана магчымасць прымянення да анамастычнай лексікі існуючых прынцыпаў міжмоўнай трансляцыі (пераклад, транскрыпцыя, транслітарацыя), праналізаваны аб'ектыўныя складанасці пры ўключэнні іншамоўных онімаў у беларускі моўны кантэкст. Зроблены агляд вынікаў праведзенай беларускімі анамастамі і дзяржаўнымі службамі работы па нармалізацыі і стандартызацыі пісьмовага афармлення розных відаў славянскіх онімаў у сістэме беларускай мовы. Пералічаны адпаведныя нарматыўныя дакументы, якія рэгулююць гэтую сферу анамастыкі. Разгледжаны нераспрацаваныя аспекты праблемы славянска-беларускіх анамастычных кантактаў. У рабоце прымяняліся апісальны, супастаўляльны, аглядна-аналітычны метады, а таксама метад аналогіі. У цэлым аналіз паказаў выключную важнасць урэгулявання прынцыпаў і правіл славянска-беларускай трансляцыі онімаў. Зыходзячы з вынікаў даследавання, асноўныя кірункі перспектыўнай дзейнасці ў гэтай галіне бачацца ва ўдасканаленні дзеючай нарматыўнай дакументацыі і стварэнні новых інструкцый, якія б ахоплівалі ўсе славянскія мовы і максімальную колькасць онімных разўнавіднасцей.
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2020, 14; 297-312
Pojawia się w:
Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Why is Spanish not used as an interlanguage in the Phillipines?
Dlaczego hiszpański nie odgrywa roli języka pomocniczego na Filipinach?
Jiménez Lobo, Félix Manuel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Spanish in the Philippines
język hiszpański na Filipinach
język pomocniczy
This article examines the reasons for the disappearance of Spanish as an interlanguage in the Philippines (both as an official language and as a means of communication between speakers of different languages) after the change of colonial power at the end of the 19th century. First, the author explains the geographic, ethno-linguistic and historical context of the country, summarizes the evolution of Spanish in the Philippines from the beginning of the Spanish colonial period until the present day with special attention being given to the appearance of the creole Chavacano, and presents the traditional explanations for the disappearance of the language. Later he compares the evolution of Spanish in the Philippines with other former Spanish colonies. He concludes that Spanish disappeared through a combination of unique historical circumstances which did not occur in other territories of the former Spanish Empire.
Artykuł omawia przyczyny zniknięcia hiszpańskiego jako języka pomocniczego na Filipinach po zmianie władzy kolonialnej pod koniec XIX wieku. Autor wyjaśnia najpierw kontekst geograficzny, etnograficzny i historyczny wysp, podsumowuje ewolucję języka od początku kolonizacji aż po dzień dzisiejszy ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem pojawienia się języka kreolskiego chavacano oraz przedstawia tradycyjnie podawane przyczyny zniknięcia języka. Następnie porównuje ewolucję języka hiszpańskiego na Filipinach z innymi hiszpańskimi koloniami a w końcu stwierdza, że hiszpański zniknął z powodu połączenia wyjątkowych okoliczności historycznych, które nie miały miejsca na innych terytoriach byłego imperium hiszpańskiego.
Język. Komunikacja. Informacja; 2017, 12; 88-102
Pojawia się w:
Język. Komunikacja. Informacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Combinatoire collocationnelle et linguistique de corpus dans l’apprentissage lexical du FLE
Collocational Combinatorics and Corpus Linguistics in Lexical Learning in French as a Foreign Language
Kazlauskienė, Vitalija
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk we Wrocławiu
lexical competence
L2 French
language corpora
learner’ corpora
The importance of stereotypical uses of language, especially in the area of collocational combinatorics, is decisive in language teaching and learning. This type of lexical relationship is difficult for non-native learners to acquire because of its complexity, not only in terms of lexical use, but also in terms of particular linguistic awareness. Learners’ collective corpora can be revealing in describing their transitional competence. The diagnostic of interlanguage specific difficulties makes it possible to evaluate the progression of a target language, to describe it, to identify its hegemonic variety and to create the most effective activities. In this article, we will discuss the issue of interlanguage in the learner corpora and language corpora for use in lexical learning in French as a foreign language lessons. We address questions that a learner of L2 French has, which are sometimes difficult to find answers to in scholarly grammars or L2 French workbooks.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2023, 20; 95-106
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Semantics, contrastive linguistics and parallel corpora
Koseska, Violetta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
contrastive studies
online dictionary
parallel corpora
direct approach to semantics
semantic interlanguage
Petri nets
semantic annotation
Semantics, contrastive linguistics and parallel corporaIn view of the ambiguity of the term “semantics”, the author shows the differences between the traditional lexical semantics and the contemporary semantics in the light of various semantic schools. She examines semantics differently in connection with contrastive studies where the description must necessary go from the meaning towards the linguistic form, whereas in traditional contrastive studies the description proceeded from the form towards the meaning. This requirement regarding theoretical contrastive studies necessitates construction of a semantic interlanguage, rather than only singling out universal semantic categories expressed with various language means. Such studies can be strongly supported by parallel corpora. However, in order to make them useful for linguists in manual and computer translations, as well as in the development of dictionaries, including online ones, we need not only formal, often automatic, annotation of texts, but also semantic annotation - which is unfortunately manual. In the article we focus on semantic annotation concerning time, aspect and quantification of names and predicates in the whole semantic structure of the sentence on the example of the “Polish-Bulgarian-Russian parallel corpus”.
Cognitive Studies; 2014, 14
Pojawia się w:
Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Form, its meaning, and dictionary entries
Koseska-Toszewa, Violetta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
language form
meaning of a form aspect and tense
semantic category of definiteness/indefiniteness
contrastive studies
semantic interlanguage
terminological dictionary
contrastive description leading from meaning to form
Form, its meaning, and dictionary entriesAs we know, a language form is a unit which plays a specific form in the language, e.g. a semantic or syntactical one. We establish the function of a form based on its use (occurrence), i.e. its relation with the meanings of other forms in speech or in a text. The meaning of a form is the value of its function. In the traditional grammar, form is opposed to its meaning. However, various grammar schools have big problems with distinguishingbetween a form and its function. For example, the present tense form has a number of basic temporal meanings in Bulgarian as well as in Polish and Russian, and in none of those languages this is only the present time, (see past, future and habituality expressed using the present tense form). It is a big mistake not to distinguish between the meanings of article in article languages. For example, in Bulgarian the same form of article canexpress both uniqueness and universality (or, respectively: definiteness and indefiniteness). In the quoted book (Koseska-Toszewa 1982), I put forward a hypothesis on the development of the meaning of Bulgarian article. In my opinion, initially the article expressed uniqueness of an element (object), and then started to express also uniqueness of a set, which later, due to equalling two completely different semantically-logical structures, i.e. structures with universal and unique quantification, lead to a homonymy and to the article expressing also universality, i.e. indefiniteness. Similarly in English, French, Rumanian or Albanian, where the same form of article can express either uniqueness or universality. This proves that the above homonymy is of a general rather than typological (e.g. Balkan) character. Naturally, in the above languages the definite article form can also express uniqueness of an object or a set, so it also expresses definiteness. Ambiguity of the definite article form is a phenomenon exceeding the area of Balkan languages, and the only Balkanism is the position of the article - speaking more precisely,its postpositiveness (postpositive position). However, that position gives us no right to treat it differently than the English or French article. In Bulgarian, Rumanian and Albanian the postpositive article is written together with the name its concerns, but it is neither a unit belonging to the root of the word nor the ending of the word.The above observations, based first of all on the semantically-logical aspects of the definiteness category, have been confirmed by the language material from the Suprasl Code, where Bulgarian article does not occur in universally quantified nominal structures, but in uniquely quantified nominal expressions, denoting satisfaction of the predicate either by one element of the sentence or by the whole set treated as the only one.It is worth stressing that distinguishing between the form and its meaning in comparing the material 6 languages belonging to three different groups of Slavic languages (as is the case in the MONDILEX Project) will allow us to avoid numeorus substantiva mistakes and erroneous conclusions. Hence dictionary entries should be verified and made uniform in that respect before they are “digitalized”... Distinction between the form and its meaning in a dictionary entry is fully possible, as shown by works of Z. Saloni (2002) and A.Przepiórkowski (2008).
Cognitive Studies; 2010, 10
Pojawia się w:
Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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