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The system approach to innovative development of regional foodstuff market in conditions of crisis
Gafarova, Elena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
innovative development
regional foodstuff market
Efficient control of the consumer foodstuff market can be considered a key direction of economic development of Irkutsk region. This market is strategically important for forming human capital of the region, as food is a basis for preservation and maintenance of population’s health.The economic crisis has been negatively reflected in functioning of the market of foodstuff that is caused by the factors having both internal and external character. Increasing the cost of some kinds of food has negatively affected consumers’ demands, as the incomes of the population in the conditions of crisis are decreasing. The structure of production and sells of foodstuff has changed. While retail prices are growing, the wholesale ones (for the peasants) are decreasing. The lack of coordinated communication between manufacturers and consumers interfered with the process of replacing imported goods with domestic products. Due to long procedures of registration for credits and insufficiency or absence of pledge, the possibilities of small businesses were limited in subsidizing programs. In the conditions of economic crisis, the primary task of the enterprises of food-processing industry should be aspiring to innovative development as well as decreasing the expenses for manufacturing and selling competitive products.
Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego; 2011, 17; 38-42
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczno-polityczne uwarunkowania wdrażania strategii „land-use” w Ukrainie
Social and Political Conditions of the Implementation of the „Land-Use” Strategy in Ukraine
Lizakowska, Svitlana
Lazarieva, Olena
Data publikacji:
Fundacja PSC
innovative development model
The Ukrainian agricultural sector is one of the areas of the domestic economy with a positive foreign trade balance. Promising areas of export-oriented agricultural production ensure the deepening of the processing level of agricultural products, raising their quality to European standards, creating conditions for a general increase in agricultural production, improving the export structure, intensifying the regulatory role of the state, and supporting domestic exports. The primary goal of the agricultural land-using development business model is to present a comprehensive picture of both the specific land-use and the agricultural enterprise, and to agree on different points of view on the functioning of the agricultural enterprise. The convergence process will combine elements of systems of different natures, subordinating them to the general goal defined by the subject of management. An example may be the following antagonistic couples, which are controversially perceived by the scientific community and agricultural production practitioners: land use and protection; government regulation and the market; quantity and quality of natural resources, including land resources and agricultural products; right to private ownership of land and right of use; strengthening monopolization (of farms) in the field of agricultural land-use and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises; public and private interests; domestic and foreign markets; formal and informal institutions of land-use and protection; integration with the European Union and the world community.
Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne; 2023, 3(15); 299-315
Pojawia się w:
Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kapitał ludzki – ekonomiczny czynnik aktywności innowacyjnej małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw
Human capital as an economic factor of small and medium enterprise innovative activities
Ziarko, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
human capital
innovative activity
innovative development
development strategies
innovation strategies
In the article, on the background of the general recommendations coming from economic theories on the role of human capital in innovative development of the company, it pointed to the conducive to innovation requirements imposed on companies and to the corresponding skills of employees. It stressed the importance of regional and sub-regional economic development strategies, as well as the possibility of their use for the development of the human capital within their own companies.
Państwo i Społeczeństwo; 2014, 3; 37-62
Pojawia się w:
Państwo i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Innovative development of countries in the context of global economic imbalances
Shkurat, Mariia
Temerbek, Alisa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
innovative activity
economic development
technological and innovative development
Global Competitiveness Index
The paper emphasises the fact that innovation is a driver for development and a leading factor in economic growth and ensuring a high level of competitiveness. The aim of the research is to determine the role of innovative development of a country in its economic development and competitiveness of the national economy. The world’s leading countries now face the challenge of building a competitive economy, so the dynamics of positioning countries in the Global Competitiveness Index and Global Innovation Index has been provided and the view that innovation plays an important role in the country’s development and the formation of its competitiveness confirmed. The authors have distinguished groups of countries by systematising the places they occupy. Furthermore, they have identified features of innovation strategies of the countries in the proposed groups. The paper also suggests integrated assessment of innovation and economic development of countries, which allows to determine their level, trace the dynamics and determine the relationship between innovation and economic development for every country. 
Research Papers in Economics and Finance; 2020, 4, 4; 49-60
Pojawia się w:
Research Papers in Economics and Finance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Development of innovative industries in Russia under unfavourable external environment
Spitsin, Vladislav
Mikhalchuk, Alexander
Chistyakova, Natalia
Spitsyna, Lubov
Pavlova, Irina
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
innovative sector
innovative development
manufacturing industry
Russian regions
efficiency assessment
Research background: Innovative development of industries and regions in Russia during the period 2005-2011 has not brought significant positive results. Innovative activity of regions and industries remained at a low level. After a relatively stable 2012-2013, the Russian economy faced the geopolitical crisis and economic sanctions in 2014-2015. Purpose of the article: The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the innovative development patterns of industrial sectors in selected Russian regions in the years 2012-2015, which include the period of negative external environment (2014-2015) for the national economy. Methods: The study enhances the analysis of statistical data and applies quantitative analysis methods (variance analysis). The research focuses on 14 regions of Russia, members of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR) and 2 specific industries: section D 'Manufacturing' and subsection DL 'Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment' which usually manifest high level of innovative economic activity. Findings & Value added: The research results show that the crisis period of 2014-2015 has not stimulated the increased innovative activities for both industries. The innovative sector (section D) grew faster than the non-innovative one in 2013, but this advantage became insignificant in 2014-2015. Some signs of revival for innovative enterprises in subsection DL were observed during the crises beginning in 2014, but this trend was not retained in 2015. The analysis of structural indicators (proportions) of the innovative sector shows that only a few AIRR regions have values comparable to the leading European countries. Most of the AIRR regions lag behind the leading foreign countries specifically on the 'Share of enterprises engaged in technological innovation' and 'Share of new or significantly improved products' Indicators. The study did not reveal the statistically significant positive dynamics of these indicators in the AIRR regions over the period 2013-2015.
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy; 2018, 13, 3; 467-485
Pojawia się w:
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie struktur organizacyjnych w innowacyjnym i twórczym rozwoju przedsiębiorstw
The importance of organizational structures in innovative and creative development of enterprises
Machnik-Słomka, J.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
struktury organizacyjne
innowacyjny rozwój
twórczy rozwój
organizational structures
innovative development
creative development
W artykule zaprezentowano zagadnienia związane z innowacyjnym i twórczym rozwojem przedsiębiorstw w kontekście kształtowania odpowiednich struktur organizacyjnych. Omówiono w szczególności ewolucje i znaczenie struktur organizacyjnych w rozwoju innowacyjnej i twórczej organizacji. Artykuł prezentuje również wyniki badań, które ukierunkowane były na identyfikacje cech struktur organizacyjnych, posiadających walory sprzyjające jej zachowaniom twórczym, wspierające twórczość i innowacyjność. Podmiotem badań były przedsiębiorstwa branży lotniczej w Polsce.
The article presents issues related to innovative and creative development of enterprises in the context of shaping appropriate organizational structures. In particular, the evolution and importance of organizational structures in the development of innovative and creative organization are discussed. The article also gives the results of the research, which were focused on identifying the features of organizational structures, possessing values conducive to its creative behavior, supporting creativity and innovation. The subjects of the research were aviation industry enterprises in Poland.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2018, 132; 407-417
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integrated Evaluation of Innovative Development of the New EU Member States and Other EU Countries
Zintegrowana ocena innowacyjnego rozwoju nowych państw członkowskich UE i innych krajów UE
Dovgal, Olena
Goncharenko, Nataliia
Karp, Viktoriia
Revyakin, Georgij
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
rozwój innowacyjny
zdolność do absorpcji informacji
innowacyjna orientacja
efektywność synergii
zintegrowany wskaźnik rozwoju innowacyjnego
innovative development
information adaptability
innovative orientation
synergetic efficiency
integrated indicator of innovative development
This study investigates the problem of estimating various aspects and qualitative features of innovative development. A new methodological approach to comprehensively assessing the polystructural nature of modern innovative development in the new EU member states and other EU countries is proposed, which allows us to identify growth points and promising areas to increase their innovative development. Aspects such as information adaptability, innovative orientation, and synergetic efficiency are considered. The analysis is based on a logical evaluation of indicators that characterize science, technology, and the digital society in accordance with the data presented in the public domain, from which the main indicators that characterize these three aspects of the EU’s innovative development were selected. According to the algorithm of the matrix method for the new EU member states and other EU countries, the maximum (reference) value was chosen for each indicator and the coefficient of compliance with the reference value of a particular indicator was calculated. As a result, integrated indicators of assessing information adaptability, innovative orientation, and synergetic efficiency and the integrated indicator of innovative development of the EU countries were calculated, which allowed us to rate them. The innovative development of the economies of the EU countries differs significantly in some indicators and aspects. The assessment and comparison of innovative development at the national level depends on many factors but is primarily determined by public policy and national priorities of a particular country. That is why a promising direction of increasing the innovative development of all EU countries should be, first of all, the further development of their mutual exchange of technologies based on the existing integration scientific and technical potential.
W niniejszym opracowaniu poruszono problem szacowania różnych aspektów i cech jakościowych rozwoju innowacyjnego. Zaproponowano nowe podejście metodologiczne do kompleksowej oceny polistrukturalnego charakteru nowoczesnego rozwoju innowacyjnego w nowych państwach członkowskich UE i pozostałych państwach członkowskich UE. To pozwoliło na identyfikację punktów wzrostu i obiecujących obszarów umożliwiających zwiększanie ich innowacyjnego rozwoju. Przeanalizowano takie aspekty jak zdolność do absorpcji informacji, innowacyjna orientacja i efektywność synergii. Analiza opiera się na logicznej ocenie wskaźników charakteryzujących naukę, technologię i społeczeństwo cyfrowe w oparciu o dane dostępne publicznie, z których wybrano główne wskaźniki charakteryzujące te trzy aspekty innowacyjnego rozwoju UE. Według algorytmu metody macierzowej dla nowych państw członkowskich UE i pozostałych państw UE dla każdego wskaźnika wybrano wartość maksymalną (referencyjną) i obliczono współczynnik zgodności z wartością referencyjną danego wskaźnika. W efekcie obliczono zintegrowane wskaźniki oceny zdolności do absorpcji informacji, innowacyjnej orientacji i efektywności synergii oraz zintegrowany wskaźnik rozwoju innowacyjnego krajów UE, co pozwoliło na ich ocenę. Innowacyjny rozwój gospodarek krajów UE różni się znacznie w odniesieniu do niektórych wskaźników i aspektów. Ocena i porównanie rozwoju innowacyjnego na poziomie krajowym zależą od wielu czynników, ale są determinowane przede wszystkim polityką państwa i priorytetami danego kraju. Dlatego obiecującym kierunkiem zwiększania innowacyjności wszystkich krajów UE powinien być przede wszystkim dalszy rozwój wzajemnej wymiany technologii w oparciu o istniejący naukowo‑techniczny potencjał integracji.
Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe; 2022, 25, 2; 117-136
Pojawia się w:
Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Creating a Strategy for Intellectual-innovative Development of the National Economy
Maksymenko, Zhanna
Komandrovska, Veronika
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
organizational and economic mechanism
human potential
innovative development
Achieving high competitiveness of Ukraine and ensuring a decent living standard is only possible if a flexible intellectual-innovation strategy development and effective mechanism for its implementation are developed. Today, the definition of strategic goals and objectives of innovative development of Ukraine becomes especially relevant. The innovation model of development should focus on instrumental support for the implementation of the intellectual potential of innovative resident enterprises. The purpose of the article is to define priority directions and improve the strategy of intellectual-innovative development of the national economy, and build an innovative development model for achieving high scientific and technical competitiveness of Ukraine. The structural and logical scheme of the research is determined, the methods of economic research used allowed to sufficiently characterize the strategy of intellectual-innovative development of the national economy on the basis of economic analysis, data comparison, and modeling. The article describes the directions, tasks, and goals of intellectual-innovative development. The dynamics of 2015-2019 scientific-technological and innovative development indicators of the national economy is analyzed. Peculiarities of innovative development and the main restraining factors of regional development are singled out. The analysis of normative-legal acts of scientific-technological and innovative development allowed the authors to single out intellectu-ally innovative vectors of the national economy development. A long-term strategy of intellectual-innovative development of Ukraine is proposed. The innovative model of development of national economy, methods, means, direct and indirect organizational-administrative and financial-credit levers of influence on innovative development of Ukraine are schematically described.
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Częstochowskiej. Zarządzanie; 2021, 42; 19-33
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Częstochowskiej. Zarządzanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of innovative solutions and risks of development in the construction industry
Osnovina, Larisa
Maltsevich, Ilya
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
rozwój innowacyjny
construction industry
innovative development
The directions of development of innovative activity in the field of industrial and civil construction are considered, the main innovative approaches that are most popular at the present stage of digitalization of the economy are presented. The analysis of innovative solutions and risks associated with the implementation of digital transformation in construction organizations is presented.
Budownictwo o Zoptymalizowanym Potencjale Energetycznym; 2021, 10, 2; 7--14
Pojawia się w:
Budownictwo o Zoptymalizowanym Potencjale Energetycznym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The conceptual model of essential expression of innovative activity adaptive planning mechanism at the mechanical engineering enterprises
Zaharchyn, G.
Andreychuk, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Oddział w Lublinie PAN
mechanical engineering
innovative activity
adaptive planning
factors which activate adaptiv mechanisms
phases of innovative development
In this article we analyzed the recent state and the perspectives of the Ukrainian mechanical engineering complex, characterized main ways to improve the efficiency of this economy sector. Here are determined new quality characteristics of the mechanical engineering enterprise's operational environment. We proposed the classification of existing methods that explain the phenomenon of adaptation and opened their gist. We pointed out the main groups of factors which activate the adaptive planning mechanisms of the innovative activity at the mechanical engineering enterprises. We proposed the definition of "adaptive planning mechanisms of the innovative activity". Here are characterized the components of the adaptive planning mechanisms of the innovative activity at the mechanical engineering enterprises and their influence on its development. We also made prognosis on how enterprises can alternatively demonstrate their adaptive properties, characterized the main phases of mechanical engineering enterprise's development. In this paper we proposed conceptual model of essential expression of innovative activity adaptive planning mechanism at the mechanical engineering enterprises depending on factors which influence it.
ECONTECHMOD : An International Quarterly Journal on Economics of Technology and Modelling Processes; 2015, 4, 1; 97-103
Pojawia się w:
ECONTECHMOD : An International Quarterly Journal on Economics of Technology and Modelling Processes
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oksana, Polinkevych,
Data publikacji:
Kujawsko-Pomorska Szkoła Wyższa w Bydgoszczy
service sector
Global Index of Innovative Development
behavioral economy
Objectives of the article were defining factors the role of the services sector in the innovation development in Ukraine and Poland, determining the impact of new trends in behavioral economy on areas of innovative development of service sector in Ukraine and Poland. This sector of economy employs more than half of workers. It produces more than half of gross value added in the country. The author of this paper worked on materials that are tangent to the development of Polish and Ukrainian economy in 2000-2015 years. The author noted that the trend of innovative development have not changed significantly in both countries in service sector. This assumption is based on results of SWOT-analysis, comparative analysis. The article describes the essence of service sector in Ukraine and Poland, presents comparative analysis of global dynamics of innovation index, shows the influence of service sector on innovation development of economy of Ukraine and Poland, define factors of innovative development of enterprise in service sector of Poland and Ukraine. Conclusions and recommendations were made regarding to possibilities of using Polish experience in the innovative development of enterprises in service sector of Ukraine. It was established that the most important mechanism for the development of innovative service sector is establishing a contact between the consumer and the seller. It was established that this contact must be based on culture and high level of education on both sides. It was also established that factors that contribute to the innovative development of service sector in Poland and Ukraine have both common and distinctive features. The development of Poland and Ukraine should be based on activities of domestic enterprises, savings, the use of EU funds and know-hows of other companies in Poland and Ukraine.
Roczniki Ekonomiczne Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Bydgoszczy; 2018, -(11); 337-358
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Ekonomiczne Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Bydgoszczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tax audit in innovative development of the energy sector of the economy: Gobal trends
Sembiyeva, Lyazzat
Serikova, Madina
Satymbekova, Katira
Tulegenova, Zhanat
Nurmaganbetova, Begzat
Zhagyparova, Aida
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
fuel energy
innovative development
institutional features
integration process
state tax audit
tax administration
As part of the study, world fuel and energy were analysed. A model for the development of state tax audit in the framework of innovative economic development is proposed. As a methodological base, general scientific research methods were used, first of all, systems and integrated analysis methods to substantiate the essence of the state tax audit, to develop approaches to the analysis of its results, and also to determine development trends. The importance of modernizing the system based on the identified relationship between the level of innovative development and the volume of tax revenues is substantiated. The developed model is based on the assumption that the tax gap will be minimized by encouraging taxpayers to voluntarily fulfil their tax obligations. The necessity of creating a supranational body of state audit within the framework of integration processes is substantiated. The prospects for the development of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in the context of globalization have been outlined, including the creation of territorial standards for a state audit of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2021, 48; 70-80
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Управління інноваційними процесами та розвиток космічної галузі України
Management of innovation processes and development of space industry of Ukraine
Sazonets, I. L.
Sukhodolskyi, I.A.
Data publikacji:
Dnieprowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Ołesia Honczara
космічна діяльність
інноваційний розвиток
космічна галузь
space activities
innovative development
The importance of space activities in the innovation development of economy was revealed and the possibility of innovative development of space industry of Ukraine wasconsidered. The analysis of promising a trend was presented of innovation development of Ukraine’s space industry was given
Розкрито значення космічної діяльності в інноваційному розвитку економікидержави та розглянуто можливості інноваційного розвитку космічної галузі України. Проведено аналіз перспективних тенденцій інноваційного розвитку космічної галузі України.
European Journal of Management Issues; 2013, 2; 16-24
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Management Issues
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unification of Medical Legal Norms and Criminal Liability in the Context of Globalization of Clinical Research
Karpushyna, Maria
Veresha, Roman
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
medical worker
innovative development
criminal liability
clinical trial protocol
personal data
The relevance of the article is attributed to the swift evolution of the social and state system. With the advancement of the political, economic, and social dimensions of existence, there is a growing need to consider public opinion and enhance public legal awareness in the medical domain. The purpose of the study is to apply correlation analysis in comparing legal sciences and medical sciences, combining them, and subsequently utilizing applied legal dialectics within the realm of medical law knowledge. To achieve this goal, dialectical and logical methods, as well as general scientific methods such as observation and generalization, were employed. Globalization processes are supranational in nature, and under conditions of driving factors are subject to constant development. The medical field is not an exception and is influenced by other sciences, including legal doctrine, informatics, and economics. Clinical research in the medical field is subject to international influence and development, unification and legal regulation. Internationalization processes are making innovative adjustments to the development of medical science, introducing advancements such as artificial intelligence, personalized medicine, predictive medicine, preventive medicine, participatory medicine, and precision medicine. Consequently, personalized patient data is designated as sensitive and necessitates additional legal regulation. Additional attention is paid to the issue of criminal liability of medical workers as special subjects of professional activity. The results of research are reflected in the established search routes of the possibility of improving legal awareness of medical personnel in the context of practical professional activity. Such practical ways can serve as: the creation of informative material of legal content, adapted to the understanding of persons who are not specialists in the field of law, instead, they are professionals of high intellectual level of medical services. The practical importance of the results of creating information and legal content of the medical industry can be reflected in the results of advanced training by medical personnel, in addition, in the elements of self-education of doctors – researchers, private doctors – specialists, etc. Analytical study of the statistical informative material of the medical industry is reflected in legislative and normative legal acts, taken into account in the case law of the national level, taking into account the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.
Copernicus Political and Legal Studies; 2023, 2, 2; 110-118
Pojawia się w:
Copernicus Political and Legal Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integration of TRIZ into quality function deployment
Tursch, P.
Goldmann, C.
Woll, R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
innovative product development
quality function deployment
Purpose: The objective of successful companies is the integration of customer requirements in the development process of a new product. Therefore, the Quality Function Deployment method has proven useful several times. The customer requirements often contain contradictions, which are mostly solved by compromises. The aim should be to integrate all customers’ demands and wishes into future products. Methodology: The theory of inventive problem solving can be applied to eliminate compromises in the product development. The method’s different tools enable a goal-oriented and systematic conflict resolution and may help to uncover trends. This paper displays an approach where individual tools of TRIZ are integrated into the Quality Function Deployment. Results: The result of this work is the presentation of the resulting benefits from combining the two methods. For this reason, individual tools of TRIZ are used in different points of the QFD process. The paper shows examples of starting points. Value of paper: In the context of this paper, the benefits from the interaction of QFD and TRIZ are presented. These are particularly evident in the initial phase of project implementation. In this phase the goal of the QFD process is to succeed in translating the voice of the customer for the company and then integrating it into the product development.
Management and Production Engineering Review; 2015, 6, 2; 56-62
Pojawia się w:
Management and Production Engineering Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konsumpcja w innowacyjnej gospodarce
Consumption in the Innovative Economy
Olejniczuk-Merta, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polski Instytut Ekonomiczny
rozwój innowacyjnej gospodarki
innovative economy development
Artykuł ma charakter teoretycznych rozważań na temat wzajemnych powiązań i zależności pomiędzy współczesną innowacyjną gospodarką i konsumpcją. Myśl przewodnia, wokół której koncentrują się rozważania, zawarta jest w sformułowaniu: innowacyjna gospodarka sprzyja rozwojowi konsumpcji, w tym innowacyjnej, która staje się siłą napędową dalszych innowacji. Prowadzona analiza pokazuje, na tle rozwoju polskiej gospodarki, szybki rozwój konsumpcji i jej nowe role. Jednocześnie ilustruje wzajemne zależności pomiędzy rozwojem gospodarki innowacyjnej i konsumpcji, wskazując uwarunkowania rozwoju obu tych zjawisk oraz korzyści i niepożądane zjawiska. Artykuł stanowi podstawę do podjęcia empirycznej weryfikacji głównego wątku rozważań teoretycznych z tego zakresu.
The article has the nature of theoretical deliberations on the mutual relations and interrelations between the contemporary innovative economy and consumption. The key note, around which there are focused deliberations, is in the formulation: the innovative economy contributes to development of consumption, inclusive of that innovative, which becomes a driving force for further innovations. The carried out analysis shows, against the background of Polish economy, a quick growth of consumption and its new roles. At the same time, it illustrates mutual correlations between the innovative economy development and consumption, pointing out to the determinants of development of these both phenomena, advantages and unfavourable phenomena. The article is a basis for undertaking an empirical verification of the main thread of theoretical deliberations in this area.
Konsumpcja i Rozwój; 2011, 1; 26-37
Pojawia się w:
Konsumpcja i Rozwój
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eco-innovations under conditions of glocalization of economic and sustainable development of the regional economy
Hetman, Olena
Iermakova, Olga
Laiko, Oleksandr
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
ecologization of innovative development
ecological innovation
ekologizacja innowacyjnego rozwoju
innowacja ekologiczna
The aim of the study is to indicate the essence and increasing importance of the ecologization of innovative development in the glocalization of economic processes as well as the potential benefits of eco-innovation for long-term objectives of regions development. The study systematize the knowledge on this topic, and indicate the necessity of their continuous development. The applied methodology is based on an analysis of scientific literature European countries. The research methodology is systematization of approaches to the direction of innovation processes for the development, creation and implementation of innovations in the form of new products, technology, method, form of production organization, etc., which directly or indirectly contributes to reducing the environmentally destructive effects of production and consumption on the environment and solving environmental problems. The authors hypothesis is that the glocalization on the basis of the implementation of environmental innovations will contribute to the sustainable development of the economy of the regions. This is a new way of looking at the region development, i.e. that looks at how ecologization of innovative development should be used for strategic advantage of region and how processes of ecologization of innovative development of the region can be a catalyst for the processes of market glocalization and promote sustainable development of the regional economy.
Ekonomia i Środowisko; 2019, 4; 69-82
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia i Środowisko
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Managing of responsible consumption and sustainable production enterprises in the glocalization conditions
Tepliuk, Mariia
Sahaidak, Mykhailo
Petrishyna, Tetiana
Fokina-Mezentseva, Katerina
Fomenko, Boris
Vasyliev, Igor
Data publikacji:
Centrum Badań i Innowacji Pro-Akademia
managing innovative development
responsible consumption
sustainable production
decoupling factor
zarządzanie innowacyjnym rozwojem
odpowiedzialna konsumpcja
zrównoważona produkcja
The article discusses important issues related to lean production and consumption, providing the author's perspective on the factors and initiatives necessary for their implementation. The paper emphasizes the importance of each stakeholder's role in sustainable development. The agricultural market is analysed, and general steps for implementing a Sustainable Development Strategy are proposed, including simulations of sales and pricing policies after the introduction of sustainable development aspects. With the world's population growing and resources declining, there is a need to meet increasing demand while also conserving water resources, agricultural land, and promoting environmentally friendly labour practices. To achieve this, countries must adopt innovative approaches to responsible consumption and sustainable production, particularly in light of the socio-economic impact of COVID-19. Therefore, it is essential to develop an innovative model of sustainable consumption and production. COVID-19 has become a catalyst for socio-economic change, highlighting the adaptability of countries to change and the necessity for effective restoration and implementation of sustainable production and consumption models. This article explores the management of responsible consumption and sustainable production enterprises in the context of glocalization. It analyses the impact of global trends and local contexts on businesses striving for sustainable development. The article emphasizes the role of leadership, strategic planning, and the implementation of effective management practices in achieving these goals. The authors examine various models and approaches to managing responsible consumption and sustainable production, including concepts of green manufacturing, circular economy, and corporate social responsibility. They consider advanced practices and initiatives in these areas that are already successfully implemented by large and small enterprises. The article also investigates the influence of glocalization on enterprise management. Glocalization is defined as the convergence of global and local factors influencing businesses. It highlights the need for enterprises to adapt their strategies and operations to the specific cultural, social, and environmental contexts in which they operate, while also addressing global challenges related to responsible consumption and sustainable production.
Acta Innovations; 2023, 48; 75--91
Pojawia się w:
Acta Innovations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ukraina w drodze do innowacyjnego rozwoju
Ukraine during the transition to innovative development model
Petryna, M.
Tarajewska, L.
Werbowśka, L.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Poznańska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej
innowacyjna gospodarka
innowacyjna polityka
innovative economy
innovative policy development
Zakończenie pierwszego i początek drugiego etapu przemian transformacyjnych w gospodarce Ukrainy zbiegły się w czasie z rozpowszechnieniem i pogłębieniem globalnych tendencji, które charakteryzują się wzrostem roli człowieka i ekonomii poprzez intensyfikację działalności innowacyjnej. Nowe odkrycia, wynalazki, technologie, nowe produkty tworzą się nie sporadycznie, a systematycznie i stają się stałą składową ekonomicznych procesów w ramach międzynarodowej współpracy. Ze względu na to, że branże wysokich technologii zajmują coraz większą część w światowej gospodarce, rosnąca konkurencja wymaga wszechstronnego podwyższenia jakości nowych towarów, wskutek wyższych wymagań kwalifikacyjnych człowieka.
The first stage of transformational changes in the economy of Ukraine and the beginning of the second coincided with the spread and deepening of the global trends that are characterized by an increase in the role of man, celebrities and protected? Ieczeniem intensification of economic growth at the expense of innovative activity. New discoveries, inventions, technologies, new products generally do not make a cameo appearance as a systematic and become a permanent component of economic processes in the context of international cooperation. And due to the fact that high-tech industries are a growing sovereign high importance in the global economy, increasing competition requires a comprehensive improve the quality of new products, as a result, more high requirements for professional human capabilities, its preparation and qualifications, educational level generally.
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Poznańskiej. Organizacja i Zarządzanie; 2015, 66; 113-122
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Poznańskiej. Organizacja i Zarządzanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ilchuk, Pavlo
Kots, Olha
Vorobei, Yuliia
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka – Edukacja – Rozwój w Warszawie
bank innovations market
innovative development
rynek innowacji bankowych
rozwój innowacji
The article contains a study of banking innovations and the current state of innovative development of banks. The separate attention is focused on the analysis of innovations and their implementation tendencies in Ukrainian banks. It was analyzed the performance of the company, producing and selling banking innovation. There are analyzed the activity indicators of the companies, which produce and implement bank innovations. Innovation products, which could be implemented into the activity of Ukrainian banks today, are singled out. During the research the detailed attention is concentrated upon the analysis of the most popular bank innovations as long as the tendencies of bank innovative devel-opment worldwide. Also, there is argued that the implementation of the new technologies and development of the existing ones will increase the efficiency of banks activity.
Artykuł zawiera analizę innowacji bankowych i obecnego stanu rozwoju innowacyjności banków. Szczególna uwaga skupiona jest na analizie innowacji w ukraińskich bankach i trendach ich realizacji. Analizowane są wskaźniki firm, które produkują i wdrażają innowacje bankowe. Prezentowane są innowacyjne produkty, które można dziś wprowadzić do działalności ukraińskich banków. Szczególną uwagę podczas badania skupiono na analizie najpopularniejszych innowacji bankowych i trendów innowacyjnego rozwoju banków na świecie. Ponadto argumentuje się, że wdrożenie nowych technologii i rozwój już istniejących zwiększy efektywność działania banków.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences; 2018, 8(2); 209-220
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska u progu drugiej fazy modernizacji, czyli jak jednocześnie doganiać i uciekać
Poland at the threshold of the second stage of modernisation: how to concurrently catch up with and run away
Drozdowski, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
centrally implemented modernisation
imitative transformation
entrepreneurial state
innovative society
barriers to innovative development
odgórna modernizacja
imitacyjna transformacja
przedsiębiorcze państwo
społeczeństwo innowacyjne
bariery innowacyjnego rozwoju
The starting point of this paper is a thesis that in future years modernisation of Poland will (still) be centrally implemented. It will continue to be initiated, co-ordinated and supervised by the state. The author of this paper focuses on two issues: (i) the social, political and economic threats which centrally planned modernisation may bring about, and (ii) the conditions that must be fulfilled to ensure that centrally implemented modernisation does not maintain and reinforce the existing social, political and economic problems, and/or generate new ones.
Punktem wyjścia artykułu jest teza, że modernizacja Polski mieć będzie w nadchodzących latach (w dalszym ciągu) odgórny charakter. Będzie ona więc nadal inicjowana, koordynowana i nadzorowana przez państwo. Autor artykułu koncentruje się – w dalszej jego części – na dwóch kwestiach. Po pierwsze, na społecznych, politycznych i ekonomicznych zagrożeniach, jakie niesie ze sobą odgórna modernizacja. Po drugie, na warunkach, jakie muszą zostać spełnione, by ta odgórnie prowadzona modernizacja nie pogłębiła starych społecznych, ekonomicznych oraz politycznych problemów ani nie zaowocowała nowymi.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2014, 76, 2; 77-88
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of development level of different generations on innovative development
Wpływ poziomu rozwoju różnych pokoleń na rozwój innowacyjny
Konys, Zhanar
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
developed generation
human capital
innovative development
national innovation system
rozwinięte pokolenie
kapitał ludzki
rozwój innowacyjny
krajowy system innowacji
This paper discusses the influence of development level of generations on innovative development of a country in case of Kazakhstan. Parameters which influence the development level of human capital and innovative development level of a region were determined. Direct influence of human capital on innovative development of a region is proved and the results generalized on national level. Consequently, based on the performed analysis, country’s population was divided into three generations. Using official statistics, the influence of the development level of generation on innovative development of the country was proved.
W niniejszym artykule omówiono wpływ poziomu rozwoju pokoleń na rozwój innowacyjny na przykładzie Kazachstanu. Określono parametry oddziałujące na poziom rozwoju kapitału ludzkiego oraz rozwój innowacyjny regionu. Dowiedziono, że kapitał ludzki bezpośrednio wpływa na rozwój innowacyjny regionu, a następnie uogólniono ten wniosek na skalę krajową. Konsekwentnie, na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy, podzielono populacje kraju na trzy pokolenia. Wykorzystując oficjalne dane statystyczne, udowodniono, że poziom rozwoju pokoleń oddziałuje na rozwój innowacyjny kraju.
Economic and Environmental Studies; 2016, 16, 4(40); 763-774
Pojawia się w:
Economic and Environmental Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The governance of innovation in industrial enterprises
Zarządzanie innowacjami w przedsiębiorstwach przemysłowych
Mustafin, Askar Nailevich
Kotenkova, Svetlana Nikolaevna
Shlyakhtin, Alexander Evgenyevich
Kotulič, Rastislav
Kravčáková Vozárová, Ivana
Benková, Eva
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
innovative development
industrial enterprises
innovation inputs
innovation outputs
integrated analysis
rozwój innowacyjny
przedsiębiorstwa przemysłowe
wkład innowacyjny
produkt innowacyjny
zintegrowana analiza
Innovations become the basis for the competitiveness of enterprises, lead to greater efficiency, better quality of products and services. The process of innovative activity requires enterprises to develop and implement a mechanism for managing innovation activities which is adequate to the requirements of a market economy. Moreover, for the process of implementation of innovative technologies in the enterprise, it is necessary to have a clearly formulated strategy for the development of innovation activity at the level of a country, region, industry and enterprise. Taking into account all the above, it can be noted that a competent policy in the field of innovation is not only a problem of a country, but also a problem of every enterprise, the basis of competitive advantages of which should be the implementation of innovative technologies and application of the results of scientific and technological progress. Scientific and technological progress also means the development of information and communication technologies in the economic sectors. The aim of this study is to consider innovation management systems, analyze and describe the types of innovations and creating recommendations for improving the competitiveness of enterprises in tough innovative competition.
Innowacje stają się podstawą konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw, prowadzą do większej wydajności, lepszej jakości produktów i usług. Proces działalności innowacyjnej wymaga od przedsiębiorstw opracowania i wdrożenia mechanizmu zarządzania działaniami innowacyjnymi, który byłby adekwatny do wymagań gospodarki rynkowej. Ponadto w procesie wdrażania innowacyjnych technologii w przedsiębiorstwie konieczna jest jasno sformułowana strategia rozwoju działalności innowacyjnej na poziomie kraju, regionu, przemysłu i przedsiębiorstwa. Biorąc pod uwagę wszystkie powyższe, można zauważyć, że kompetentna polityka w dziedzinie innowacji to nie tylko problem kraju, ale także problem każdego przedsiębiorstwa, którego podstawą przewagi konkurencyjnej powinno być wdrożenie innowacji technologie i zastosowanie wyników postępu naukowego i technologicznego. Postęp naukowy i technologiczny oznacza także rozwój technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych w sektorach gospodarki. Celem tego badania jest rozważenie systemów zarządzania innowacjami, analiza i opisanie rodzajów innowacji oraz opracowanie zaleceń dotyczących poprawy konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw w trudnej konkurencji innowacyjnej.
Polish Journal of Management Studies; 2019, 20, 1; 318-331
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Management Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Методичні підходи до оцінки інноваційного потенціалу підприємства сфери послуг
Methodological approaches to assessing innovative potential services
Методические подходы к оценке инновационного потенциала предприятия сферы услуг
Yefimova, S. A.
Grynko, Tatyana V.
Data publikacji:
Dnieprowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Ołesia Honczara
інноваційний потенціал
методичні підходи
управління інноваційним потенціалом
інноваційний розвиток
инновационный потенциал
методические подходы
управление инновационным потенциалом
инновационное развитие
innovation potential
methodical approaches and management of innovative potential
innovative development
Сформулированы задачи инновационного управления. Предложен методический подход к оценке инновационного потенциала для управления им. Определены основные направления стимулирования развития инновационного потенциала предприятия
The relevance of the study is due to the especially sharp of late issue of the competition in world markets, which requires strengthening of innovation component from the economy of any country, including Ukraine. Ukrainian enterprises with innovation activity are able to maintain high growth rate in the long term. The main component in the effectiveness and efficiency of carrying out innovative processes at an enterprise is its innovation potential, including professional staff that is quite difficult to estimate given the rapid changes of the fulfilled tasks. The purpose of writing this article is the analysis of existing approaches to the evaluation of the innovative potential of enterprises and their improvement taking into account the peculiarities of service enterprises, the formulation of the task of innovation management and the main directions of development of innovation potential of an enterprise. We applied system approach, methods of analysis and synthesis and the method of modeling when carrying out research. The task of innovation management of an enterprise was formulated. A methodological approach to the evaluation of the innovation potential of enterprises in the sphere of services is attached. This approach will allow the heads of the enterprises in the sphere of services to monitor creativity and collective intelligence of the employees, to assess an enterprise on innovation and make timely decisions to eliminate the deficiencies. It was stressed that special measurements, quantitative evaluation of the intellectual, professional, educational, and other qualitative characteristics of the potential of employees is quite a difficult task, to perform which the expert methods are used based on interviews, surveys of executives, business owners and prominent managers. The main directions of stimulating the development of the innovation potential of an enterprise were formulated. A conclusion was made that under current conditions, in the absence of perfect methods of evaluation of innovation potential of the services industry, review and comprehensive application of different methods proposed in economic literature will allow obtaining more reliable information for justified management decision–making regarding the management of the innovation potential of an enterprise, introducing relevant changes into the components of the innovation potential to ensure its adequacy to the set innovation goals and increasing a general level of competitiveness in the given industry and in the global market as a whole. The scientific novelty of the research lies in improving the methodological approach to the evaluation of the innovation potential of an enterprise on the basis of the complex of main indicators specific to services and consideration, during the evaluation of personnel, of the innovation potential of an enterprise. The proposed approach allows analyzing the level of innovation potential of enterprises in the different spheres of activity: production, services, state government, commercial and others, where the innovation potential acts not only as a set of available and adequately allocated resources, but also as approved management decision or immaterial object. Since under modern conditions we tackle dynamic market of goods and services and the businesses need to respond quickly to these variable factors of influence, further studies might be directed to determining the capacity and speed of the enterprises to respond to these changes, in particular the ability of the staff to work efficiently and to realize the innovation potential under these conditions.
Актуальність дослідження обумовлено особливо гострим в останній час питанням конкуренції на світових ринках, що потребує від економіки будь-якої країни, в тому числі й України, посилення інноваційного складника. Підприємства України з інноваційною діяльністю здатні забезпечувати високі темпи зростання в довгостроковій перспективі. Основною компонентою в ефективності й результативності проведення інноваційних процесів на підприємстві є його інноваційний потенціал, зокрема професійно-кадровий склад, який досить складно оцінити з урахуванням швидкої зміни сформованих завдань. Мета написання статті – аналіз існуючих підходів до оцінки інноваційного потенціалу підприємства та їх удосконалення з урахуванням особливостей діяльності підприємства сфери послуг, формулювання завдання інноваційного управління й основних напрямків стимулювання розвитку інноваційного потенціалу підприємства. Під час дослідження застосовано системний підхід, методи аналізу та синтезу, метод моделювання. Сформульовано завдання інноваційного управління підприємством. Наведено методичний підхід до оцінки інноваційного потенціалу підприємств сфери послуг. Такий підхід дозволить керівникам підприємств сфери послуг здійснювати моніторинг креативності й колективного інтелекту персоналу, оцінювати підприємства щодо інноваційного розвитку та своєчасно ухвалювати рішення з усунення недоліків. Наголошено, що вимірювання, кількісна оцінка інтелектуального, професійного, освітнього та інших якісних характеристик потенціалу персоналу є досить складне завдання, для виконання якого застосовують експертні методи на основі інтерв’ю, анкетування керівників, власників підприємств та провідних менеджерів. Сформульовано основні напрямки стимулювання розвитку інноваційного потенціалу підприємства. Зроблено висновок, що в сучасних умовах, за відсутності досконалої методики оцінки інноваційного потенціалу сфери послуг, розгляд і комплексне застосування різних методів, запропонованих в економічній літературі, з урахуванням специфіки підприємств дозволить отримати більш достовірну інформацію для обґрунтованого прийняття управлінських рішень щодо управління інноваційним потенціалом підприємства, внесення відповідних змін у складники інноваційного потенціалу для забезпечення його адекватності поставленим інноваційним цілям та підвищення загального рівня конкурентоспроможності у своїй галузі й на світовому ринку в цілому. Наукова новизна дослідження полягає в удосконаленні методичного підходу до оцінки інноваційного потенціалу підприємства на підставі комплексу основних показників, специфічних для сфери послуг, та врахування під час оцінки впливу персоналу на інноваційний потенціал підприємства. Запропонований підхід дає змогу аналізувати рівень інноваційного потенціалу підприємств різних сфер діяльності: виробничої, сфери послуг, державного урядування, комерційної та інших, де інноваційний потенціал виступає не тільки як набір наявних та правильно розміщених ресурсів, а і як ухвалене управлінське рішення або нематеріальний об’єкт. Оскільки за сучасних умов ми маємо справу з динамічним ринком товарів та послуг і підприємствам необхідно швидко реагувати на такі змінні фактори впливу, подальші дослідження можуть спрямовуватися на визначення здатності й швидкості підприємств реагувати на ці зміни, зокрема здатності персоналу продуктивно працювати та реалізовувати інноваційний потенціал у цих умовах. Табл. 2. Бібл. 13.
European Journal of Management Issues; 2015, 5; 30-37
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Management Issues
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Knowledge management at Ukrainian industrial enterprises in the context of innovative development
Illiashenko, Sergii
Shypulina, Yuliia
Illiashenko, Nataliia
Gryshchenko, Olena
Derykolenko, Anna
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Białostocka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej
knowledge production
knowledge commercialisation
knowledge management in industrial enterprises
innovative development
knowledge economy
produkcja wiedzy
komercjalizacja wiedzy
innowacyjny rozwój
gospodarka oparta na wiedzy
The research aimed to identify promising areas and outline problems associated with the transition of Ukrainian industrial enterprises towards advanced innovative development based on information and knowledge and to formulate recommendations for improving the knowledge management and commercialisation at these enterprises. The study used several methods for analysis, including a literature review; system, structural and statistical analyses; SWOT analysis; the inference method; and interpretation. The research efforts resulted in systemised major sources of knowledge in an enterprise and types of their utilisation. The performed analysis found the key ways to obtain and commercialise knowledge used by Ukrainian industrial enterprises. The results were compared with data of the EU countries. The analysis produced strengths and weaknesses of the existing knowledge management system used in Ukrainian enterprises. Strengths: growth in the number of enterprises producing new knowledge and implementing marketing and organisational innovations; intensified patent activity; and a rational structure of innovation-active enterprises by their size. Weaknesses: the new knowledge structure does not meet the needs of enterprises; an insignificant and unstable share of innovation-active enterprises in the total number of firms; and insignificant sales volumes of patents. The research revealed that Ukrainian enterprises had the potential ability to produce and commercialise new knowledge effectively and to use it as the basis to form, strengthen and implement relative competitive advantages, which would contribute to the innovative growth of the Ukrainian economy as a whole. Recommendations were designed for the formation of prerequisites necessary to improve the efficiency of knowledge management in the context of conditions required for the innovative development of domestic enterprises. The obtained results can be used as an information base for evaluating the system of knowledge production and commercialisation at Ukrainian enterprises to enhance the management and identify promising areas for innovative development.
Engineering Management in Production and Services; 2020, 12, 3; 43--56
Pojawia się w:
Engineering Management in Production and Services
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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