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Particle concentrations in a church during different weather conditions – a case study
Polednik, B.
Polednik, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
church microclimate
incense burning
mass attendant
particle exposure
The purpose of this study is to report particle number (PN) and particle mass (PM) concentration changes in the church during three 60-minute Masses held on a cloudy, sunny and rainy day. At each Mass with a similar number of participants the same number of candles was lit and incense was burned. The highest average PN1 and PM1 concentrations of submicrometer particles which respectively amounted to 23.9 pt/cm3 and 241.1 µg/m3 were obtained for the Mass held on a rainy day. During that Mass the maximum PN1 and PM1 concentrations (amounting to 59.4×103pt/cm3 and 632 µg/m3) were respectively about 15 and 39 times higher than the church background levels. The greatest number of submicrometer particles (about 18.5×109) was inhaled by an average participant of the Mass held on a sunny day and it was approximately 7 times higher than the number that would have been inhaled at the same time outdoors. The greatest mass of such particles (about 195.4 µg) was inhaled by an average participant of the Mass held on a rainy day and it was approximately 8 times higher than the mass of particles that would have been inhaled outdoors during the same time.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2016, 17, 5; 173-185
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The incense distribution scene from TT 39 – redistribution of economic goods to Deir el-Bahari and other locations in Western Thebes
Trello Espada, Jesus
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
TT 39
Deir el-Bahari
Incense was an essential part of temple rituals during the New Kingdom. A relief scene of redistribution of this economic good, carved in the hall of the Theban tomb of Puimra (TT 39), a Second Priest of Amun in the early Eighteenth Dynasty, helps to understand how incense traveled from abroad to the royal treasury and temple estates to be then redistributed among the different temples in Amun’s domain. The data is compared with evidence from other contemporary tombs, shedding light on the redistribution of goods in a centralized economy.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean; 2021, 30(1); 157-185
Pojawia się w:
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Two Terracotta Incense Burners with ‘Horns’ and Vine Scroll Decoration from Tell Atrib (Egypt)
Tybulewicz, Rozalia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Kultur Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych PAN
Tell Atrib
Greco-Roman Egypt
incense burner
domestic cult
vine scroll motif
Among terracottas found in Tell Atrib in the Nile Delta by the Polish-Egyptian archaeological mission, there are two incense burners with ‘horns’ and vine scroll decoration. Both objects were made from a double mould. The first one, found in 1989 (TA 89/166), is almost fully preserved; the second one, discovered in 1978 (TA 87/41), is just a small fragment of a similar object. Archaeological context allows to date the artifacts to the Ptolemaic or Roman period. The closest analogies are known from necropoleis in Alexandria, but similar objects are also attested outside Egypt. The soot traces visible on the better preserved specimen (TA 89/166) confirm that it was used for incense burning. The find context suggests that both objects could have been rather intended for domestic cult than for official religious practice or funerary rituals. The form of the burners, and the horn-shaped projections in particular, suggest their connection to the cult of Egyptian gods.
Études et Travaux (Institut des Cultures Méditerranéennes et Orientales de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences); 2015, 28; 191-200
Pojawia się w:
Études et Travaux (Institut des Cultures Méditerranéennes et Orientales de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences)
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
L’incenso nella liturgia.Appunti per una lettura ermeneutica della ritualità cristiana
Incense in the Liturgy. Notes for a hermeneutic reading of the Christian rituality
Kadzidło w liturgii. Uwagi do hermeneutycznej lektury rytuału chrześcijańskiego
Celiński, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne im. św. Jana Pawła II Diecezji Siedleckiej
historia religii
język niewerbalny w liturgii
history of religion
non-verbal language in the liturgy
Uno dei principi fondamentali della riforma liturgica promossa dal Concilio Vaticano II fu quello della partecipazione attiva dei fedeli alla celebrazione. Secondo il dettato della Costituzione liturgica Sacrosanctum Concilium questa partecipazione avviene per mezzo dei riti e delle preghiere (cf. SC 48). Ciò ricorda che l’azione rituale si serve di un doppio tipo di linguaggio: quello verbale e quello non verbale. Lo studio della liturgia, di conseguenza, non può essere ridotto alla sola ricerca riguardante i testi usati nella celebrazione bensì, deve comprendere anche lo studio dei riti. Il presente contributo, senza alcuna pretesa di essere esaustivo, intende ad offre alcuni spunti per una lettura ermeneutica della ritualità cristiana, in base all’esempio concreto dell’uso dell’incenso nella liturgia.
One of the fundamental principles of the liturgical reform promoted by the Second Vat-ican Council was that of the active participation of the faithful in the celebration. According to the liturgical constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, this participation takes place through the rites and prayers (cf. SC 48). This reminds us that ritual action makes use of a double type of language: both the verbal and the non-verbal one. The study of the liturgy, therefore, cannot be reduced to research only on the texts used in the celebration, but must also include the study of the rites. The present contribution, without any pretension of being exhaustive, intends to offer some hints for a hermeneutic reading of Christian rituality, on the basis of the concrete example of the use of incense in the liturgy.
Jedną z podstawowych zasad reformy liturgicznej promowanej przez Sobór Watykański II był czynny udział wiernych w celebracji. Zgodnie z konstytucją liturgiczną Sacrosanctum Concilium, uczestnictwo takie dokonuje się poprzez obrzędy i modlitwy (por. KL 48). Przypomina nam to, że działanie rytualne posługuje się podwójnym rodzajem języka: werbalnym i niewerbalnym. Studiowanie liturgii nie może zatem ograniczać się wyłącznie do badania tekstów używanych podczas celebracji, ale musi obejmować także studium obrzędów. Niniejsze opracowanie, nie pretendujące w żadnej mierze do bycia wyczerpującym, ma na celu zaproponowanie pewnych kryteriów hermeneutycznej lektury chrześcijańskiej rytualności, w oparciu o konkretny przykład użycia kadzidła w liturgii.
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie; 2021, Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie XVIII (2021) 18; 47-59
Pojawia się w:
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
[...] Odores, quos tener e terra divite mittit Arabs. Funkcja motywu wyperfumowanego i zamożnego Araba oraz wonnej i zasobnej Arabii w twórczości poetów rzymskich okresu augustowskiego
[...] Odores, quos tener e terra divite mittit Arabs. The Function of the Motif of the Perfumed and Wealthy Arab and Fragrant and Rich Arabia in the Works of Roman Poets of the Augustan Period
Libowski, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Instytut Literaturoznawstwa
motyw literacki
literary motif
The purpose of this article is to determine the function of one of the minor literary motifs present in the Roman literature of the Augustan period, i.e., the motif of the perfumed and wealthy Arab and fragrant and rich Arabia. This goal is achieved here in two steps: first, the appropriate source material is compiled, and then the material is analysed and the conclusions are formulated. The source material in this case is seventeen extracts from Virgil, Horace, Tibullus, Pseudo-Tibullus, Propercius and Ovid. These fragments were divided into those, in which the respective fragrance motif was embedded in the axiological context (sixteen fragments), and those, in which the motif appears in the neutral context (one fragment). Among the first there were separated those, in which the positive axiological context is dealt with (ten fragments), and those, in which the negative axiological context is dealt with (six fragments). The fragments of the first type mention the value of a woman (four fragments), religious activities (three fragments), the Roman land (two fragments) and peace (one fragment), while the fragments of the second type express the worthlessness of wealth (five fragments) and remoteness from the loved person (one fragment). In turn, the analysis was carried out in two steps. First, it was found that Latin poets and writers of the Augustan period use the fragrance motif when they value, whether positively or negatively, people or things or situations, or activities, and that these writers use the motif discussed here to build images that appeal to the public. Secondly, it was established that the Arabic motif is expressed at the same time in a lot of different words, should all the fragments in which it appears, be taken together, and in few words, should each of the fragments should be considered separately.
Littera Antiqua; 2019, 14; 5-29
Pojawia się w:
Littera Antiqua
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teologia znaków i postaw w obrzędzie wystawienia i adoracji Najświętszego Sakramentu
Theology of signs and positions in the rite of exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Il significato teologico dei segni, gesti e posizioni nel rito dell’esposizione e dell’adorazione del Santissimo Sacramento
Kwiatkowski, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Najświętszy Sakrament
światło – świece
postawa klęcząca
postawa stojąca
Blessed Sacrament
light – candles
kneeling (position)
standing (position)
Il culto eucaristico non si limita solamente alla celebrazione della S. Messa, ma va oltre la stessa celebrazione del Sacrificio Eucaristico e riempie tutta la vita della Chiesa. La partecipazione nel Mistero dell’Eucaristia costituisce il più gran tesoro per i discepoli di Cristo. Il buon culto eucaristico dipende dalla consapevolezza della triplice dimensione del Sacramento dell’Eucaristia quale l’offerta, banchetto e la presenza e dal giusto equilibrio tra di loro. L’adorazione e l’esposizione del Santissimo Sacramento sono le più importanti forme del culto dell’Eucaristia, oltre alla stessa celebrazione della S. Messa. Il rinnovato rito dell’esposizione e dell’adorazione di Cristo, presente nell’Eucaristia, è ricco di segni, gesti e posizioni liturgici. L’uomo che adora Cristo vuole farlo in vari modi, esprimendo così il suo grande amore per il Salvatore, presente nel segno del pane. L’articolo spiega il significato teologico dei segni, gesti e posizioni liturgici adoperati nel rito, che è stato rinnovato dopo il Concilio Vaticano II. Nella suddetta esposizione sono stati sottolineati i seguenti temi: il Pane Eucaristico, il tabernacolo, l’ostensorio, l’incenso, le candele, la posizione in piedi e in ginocchio. Il rito dell’esposizione e dell’adorazione del Santissimo Sacramento, grazie alla ricchezza di vari segni, posizioni e gesti, aiuta il credente a vivere profondamente ed intimamente la presenza di Cristo nel segno del Pane. Il segno liturgico diventa importante quando è correttamente capito e poi interpretato. La simbologia dei singoli segni, posizioni e gesti – adoperati nel rito – porta i credenti alla stessa persona di Cristo. In questo modo Lui diventa vicino al suo popolo nel segno del Pane. Tutti segni liturgici del rito indicano la Sua vera e reale presenza che conduce l’uomo a contemplare l’amore di Dio che si rivela nei semplici e leggibili segni. Questa presenza, inoltre, predispone l’uomo per la preghiera dell’adorazione e del ringraziamento, dal quale nasce anche umile richiesta e fiducia nell’infinito amore di Dio, rivelato nel Gesù Cristo. Nell’analisi dei singoli segni, posizioni e gesti, che fanno parte del suddetto rito, ci colpisce la loro semplicità e chiarezza. Non troviamo in esso le cose inutili o superficiali, ma che tutti elementi portano a Cristo, presente nel Pane, e per questo il rito dell’adorazione aiuta la comunità, radunata intorno a Cristo, nel raccoglimento e nella preghiera.
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne; 2009, 1; 239-256
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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