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The near-surface ice thermal structure of the Waldemarbreen, Svalbard
Sobota, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
ice temperature
thermal regime
Polish Polar Research; 2009, 30, 4; 317-338
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Preservation of fresh grapes at ice-temperature-high-humidity
Min, Z.
Chunli, L.
Yanjun, H.
Qian, T.
Haiou, W.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
biochemical change
International Agrophysics; 2001, 15, 2
Pojawia się w:
International Agrophysics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zlodzenie Hornsundu i wód przyległych (Spitsbergen) w sezonie zimowym 2010-2011
Ice conditions in Hornsund and adjacent waters (Spitsbergen) during winter season 2010-2011
Kruszewski, G.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
lód morski
temperatura wody morskiej
sea ice
ice season
sea surface temperature
Sezon lodowy 2010/2011 zaczął się w połowie października. Pierwsze postacie autochtonicz-nego lodu morskiego zaobserwowano w strefie brzegowej Isbjornhamny 15.10. po spadku dobowej temperatury powietrza poniżej poziomu temperatury zamarzania wody morskiej. Zbliżone do średnich wieloletnich wartości temperatury powietrza okresu listopad – styczeń sprzyjały tworzeniu się lodu w strefie brzegowej Hornsundu. Lód morski o zwartości do 4/10 pojawił się w Hornsundzie w końcu października i utrzymywał w listopadzie. Prze-bieg warunków lodowych w rejonie południowego Spitsbergenu – zbliżony do normalnego z wielolecia – umoż-liwiał napływ lodu do fiordu z zewnątrz od połowy grudnia. W tym też okresie w wewnętrznych partiach fiordu zaczął się formować lód stały brzegowy, którego pokrywa w sposób ciągły występowała w N części Brepollen do końca drugiej dekady lipca 2011 (około 7 miesięcy). W okresie maksymalnego rozwoju (druga dekada lutego) lód stały lub całkowicie zwarty pokrywał około 2/3 powierzchni fiordu.
This paper presents the ice conditions in the Hornsund Fjord (Svalbard) during expedition season 2010/2011. Sea ice season started in the mid of October, after clear air temperature drop (Fig. 2). Since this time forms of locally formed ice were present, mainly in coastal zone. To the end of November concentration of ice did not exceed 4/10 (very open drift ice). Close to mean thermal conditions in Hornsund area during winter months (Fig.1, Tab. 1) were favourable for ice development in this region. Theoretical sea ice thickness at the end of the Year 2010 could reach about 50 cm, and close to 1 m at the end of ice season. Close and very close pack ice (7-10/10) drifting outside the fjord were present since December (Fig. 7). Easternmost inner part of the Hornsund was covered by fast (consolidated) ice since mid of December to the mid of July 2011. During its maximum development in February fast ice covered over 70% of Hornsund area. Close and very close pack ice were present at Hornsund waters in January, February, three weeks of March, second half of April and first week of May – all together over three and half months. Periods of time with smaller ice concentration were connected with strong easterly air circulation. In May and June ice concentration in SW Svalbard area decrease significantly. Last two episodes the very close ice pack flowed into the Hornsund took place in first days and in second half of July 2011 (Fig. 8).
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2012, 22; 69-82
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zlodzenie Hornsundu (Spitsbergen) w sezonie zimowym 2009-2010 (SW Spitsbergen)
Ice conditions in Hornsund (Spitsbergen) during winter season 2009-2010 (SW Spitsbergen
Kruszewski, G.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
lód morski
sezon lodowy
temperatura wody morskiej
sea ice
ice season
sea surface temperature
Sezon lodowy 2009/2010 zaczął się pod koniec października. Pierwsze postacie autochtonicznego lodu morskiego zaobserwowano w strefie brzegowej Isbjornhamny dopiero 26 października. Spadki dobowej temperatury powietrza poniżej zera sporadycznie notowano od połowy września, jednak dopiero w końcu października obniżyła się ona do poziomu temperatury zamarzania wody morskiej. Wyraźnie wyższe od średnich wieloletnich wartości temperatury powietrza okresu październik - luty nie sprzyjały tworzeniu się lodu. Wyjątkowo łagodne warunki lodowe w rejonie południowego Spitsbergenu uniemożliwiały napływ lodu z zewnątrz aż do początków stycznia 2010. Lód morski o większej zwartości pojawił się w Hornsundzie w zasadzie dopiero po wyraźnym spadku temperatury w marcu. Dochodziło wtedy do całkowitego pokrycia fiordu lodem, włącznie z tworzeniem się w zatokach wewnętrznych lodu stałego. Pokrywa lodu stałego utrzymywała się we wschodniej części fiordu, w fazie maksymalnego rozwoju (od połowy marca do połowy kwietnia) pokrywając od połowy do blisko całej jego powierzchni. W skrajnie wschodniej partii fiordu pod Brepollen przetrwała do końca czerwca.
This article presents the sea ice development in the waters of Hornsund Fjord during winter season 2009/2010. Due to long lasting (November-February) high air temperatures (Fig. 1-2) during autumn 2009 mainly brash glacier ice, growlers and bergy bits were present in Hornsund, especially along the coast. Since end of October forms of new ice were observed in coastal zone of Isbjornhamna. In beginning of January first allochtonic drifting ice entered western part of the fjord. First in situ formed pancake ice was observed in coastal zone in February (Fig. 4). During this month young coastal ice was formed in inner bays of the fjord. Significant decrease in air temperature observed in March was connected with ice development (Fig. 5) on whole fjord area. In eastern part the 'autochtonic' fast ice was formed, in western consolidation of drifting ice occurred. The whole area of Hornsund was covered with fast ice for about two weeks. In eastern part of the fjord (Brepollen, Burgerbukta, Samarinvagen) fast ice existed even in June, with maximum thickness 70-80 cm. Last forms of fast ice was destroyed in first days of July in NE part of Brepollen. In April and May close pack ice drifting outside the Hornsund entered few times the central parts of the fjord, but because of mild temperature conditions consolidation did not start. Usually concentration of ice in central part of the fjord was smaller than outside and do not exceed 4-6/10 (open drift), because of prevailing easterly winds, blowing the ice outside. Such a situation existed since end of March for next six weeks. The last short episode the strips of allochtonic ice entered central part of the fjord took place in beginning of May (Fig. 7).
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2011, 21; 229-239
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zlodzenie Hornsundu (Spitsbergen) w sezonie zimowym 2008/2009
Ice conditions in Hornsund (Spitsbergen) during winter season 2008-2009
Kruszewski, G.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
lód morski
sezon lodowy
temperatura wody morskiej
sea ice
ice season
sea surface temperature
Sezon lodowy 2008/2009 zaczął się w trzeciej dekadzie października, przy czym spadki temperatury powietrza poniżej zera notowano od końca września. Na wodach fiordu w okresie lipiec – wrzesień odnotowywano jedynie postacie lodu lodowcowego. Dopiero spadki temperatury w listopadzie umożliwiły two-rzenie się lodu autochtonicznego w strefie brzegowej. W tym samym czasie do fiordu zaczął okresowo napływać także lód dryfujący z Prądem Sorkapskim. Pokrycie fiordu lodem o dużej zwartości wystąpiło w kilku epizodach, przerywanych kilkudniowymi aktami przynajmniej częściowego odpływania lodu z Hornsundu. Zwarty i bardzo zwarty lód występowała na praktycznie całej powierzchni fiordu w drugiej dekadzie grudnia, pierwszej i drugiej stycznia, lutym, marcu, pierwszej połowie kwietnia i przez kilka dni w maju. Stała pokrywa lodowa utworzyła się poza Isbjornhamną jedynie w skrajnie wschodniej części fiordu, gdzie pod Brepollen przetrwała do pierwszych dni lipca.
This paper presents the sea ice development in the waters of Hornsund Fjord during winter season 2008/2009. In autumn 2008 only brash glacier ice, growlers and bergy bits were present in Hornsund, especially along the coast. Sea ice season started at end of October. Since this time forms of new ice were formed in coastal zone of Isbjornhamna. Because of mild thermal conditions in November and December (Fig. 2, 3) the maximum theoretical ice thickness in inner parts of the fjord could reach 43 cm at the end of the year 2008 (Table 1). In January young coastal ice was formed in Isbjornhamna. Consolidation of close pack ice coming from outside the Hornsund was interrupted few times by increase in air temperature and strong easterly winds, blowing the ice outside again. In the inner bays consolidation of pack ice started probably at end of February. Eastern part of the Hornsund was covered by fast ice since mid of March to the end of June 2009 (Brepollen, Samarinvagen). For over 16 weeks close and very close young pack ice drifted in the Hornsund waters. At the end of April ice concentration in fjord and outside decrease significantly and part of fast ice was broken and removed too. Last episode the Hornsund was covered by very close pack ice drifting from outside took place from 15th till 25th May.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2010, 20; 187-196
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An attempt to assess the modern and the Little Ice Age climatic snowline altitude in the Tatra Mountains
Zasadni, J.
Kłapyta, P.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
climatic snowline
temperature-precipitation ELA
Little Ice Age
Tatra Mts.
An empirical glacio-climatic relation (Ohmura et al., 1992) and meteorological data (temperature and precipitation) are employed to provide the elevation in the Tatra Mts. climate model, where conditions are suitable for hypothetical glacierisation (temperature-precipitation ELA). During the Little Ice Age (LIA) it is to have been 1.5 centigrade colder than during the warmest decades of the 20th century (Niedźwiedź, 2004); however, some scenarios are used to define precipitation amounts related to the vertical distribution in climate model and temporal variability. The results indicate that during both considered periods - the warmest decades of the 20th century and the coolest period of LIA - the climatic snowline (cSL) was placed in most cases above the highest Tatra Mts. summits and crests. However, its spatial arrangement was unequal. In the vicinity of Kasprowy Wierch, the modern cSL is assessed to be at ca. 2,450-2,650 m a.s.l. and that during LIA at ca. 2,300-2,450 m a.s.l. In the case of Lomnicky Štit (2,634 m) it was at the level of ca. 2,700–2,800 m a.s.l. (modern times) and ca. 2,600–2,700 m a.s.l. (LIA). The discrepancies in the cSL altitude between these two locations can be explained in part by exposition to the prevailing moisture transport and orographically-induced precipitation.
Landform Analysis; 2009, 10; 124-133
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of treated wastewater from the Lodz city agglomeration on the ice regime and water temperature of the Ner river
Bartnik, Adam
Jokiel, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych
Lodz (Łódź)
Human impact
ice phenomena
river regime
river water temperature
The study attempts to answer the following question: Does human impact contribute to changes recorded in the Ner river ice regime? In replying to this question, data on water consumption in Lodz (Łódź) (a city in central Poland) in 1951-2017 were used, as well as observations of ice cover and all ice phenomena for the same period. The ice regime and water temperature of the river have changed over the past 70 years. The changes result not only from changes caused by global warming but also from additional fluctuations in this temperature as determined by changes in the quantity and quality of wastewater discharged into the river from the Lodz city agglomeration. The frequency of ice phenomena in the river decreased, and their duration dropped by almost half. This tendency was compounded by a decrease in number of days with ice phenomena, which in turn was caused by a rapid increase in the amount of waste and thermally polluted waters supplied from Lodz. The river water temperature has now stopped increasing. The course of the river ice regime now resembles that of a natural watercourse again.
Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development; 2021, 25, 3; 194-203
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Temperature and ice regimes of waterbodies under the impacts of global warming and a hydropower plant
Vyshnevskyi, Viktor Ivanovych
Data publikacji:
Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
water temperature
ice cover
Kyivska HPP
remote sensing data
Based on the results of regular monitoring and remote sensing data the patterns of water temperature and ice regime of the Dnipro River within Kyiv, as affected by global warming and a hydropower plant, were identified. The characteristic features of this stretch of the river are increasing water temperature, and the decreasing thickness and duration of ice cover. The largest water temperature increase is in summer, with a somewhat smaller increase in autumn. The increase of water temperature in spring is much less than the increase in air temperature. In summer, the gradient of water temperature increase is a little bit less than that of air temperature. In autumn, the gradient of water temperature increase is larger than the gradient of air temperature increase. From April to August the lowest water temperature is usually observed near the Kyivska hydropower plant (HPP), which is located upstream. During this period the water temperature downstream from HPP increases. The uneven daily operation of HPP causes the alternation of areas with different temperature along the Dnipro River. In the cold season the water temperature in the Dnipro River is usually higher than in other nearby urban water bodies. Freezing of the water area usually starts from the small and shallow lakes and ponds. The main branch of the Dnipro River freezes last. On the whole, the sequence of ice melting on the waterbodies is the reverse of the freezing process. The longest ice cover duration in spring is observed in the bays with small water exchange, mainly located at a large distance from Kyivska HPP.
Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management. Research and Operational Applications; 2020, 8, 2; 38-45
Pojawia się w:
Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management. Research and Operational Applications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trends and fluctuations of river ice regimes in the Prypiat Basin, within Ukraine
Gorbachova, Liudmyla
Afteniuk, Oleksandr
Khrystiuk, Borys
Lobodzinskyi, Oleksandr
Data publikacji:
Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
ice phenomena
air temperature
Prypiat River
cyclic fluctuations
Information about the formation, destruction, and duration of river ice regimes is especially important for hydropower, shipping, fisheries, etc. Research into modern trends in river ice regimes and their spatial and temporal fluctuations is essential, especially in a changing climate. This study examines the trends and fluctuations of air temperature and ice regimes based on series of observations in the Prypiat River basin within Ukraine. Air temperature data from 17 meteorological stations and ice data from 29 water gauges were analyzed. A complex analytical approach involving statistical and graphical methods was employed. The Mann-Kendall statistical test, mass curve, residual mass curve, and combined graphs were used in the study. In the Prypiat River basin within Ukraine, observations of mean monthly air temperature, ice occurrence, freeze-up, and their duration are homogeneous (quasi-homogeneous) and stationary (quasi-stationary). The quasi-homogeneous and quasi-stationary characteristics are explained by the presence in the observation series of only increasing and decreasing phases of long-term cyclical fluctuations, which are incomplete. The trends of air temperature and ice regime correspond strongly, indicating the defining role of air temperature in the formation of ice occurrence and freeze-up. Since the end of the 1990s, the warming phase of air temperature in the autumn-winter period determines the appearance of ice and freeze-up later in the year. In March, the warming trend in air temperature, which began after 1988, determines the freezeup, break-up, and disappearance of ice earlier in the year. Thus, the duration of ice and freeze-up on the rivers has decreased.
Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management. Research and Operational Applications; 2023, 11, 1; 1--14
Pojawia się w:
Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management. Research and Operational Applications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Climatic change on King George Island in the years 1948–2011
Kejna, Marek
Araźny, Andrzej
Sobota, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
South Shetland Islands
air temperature
air pressure
sea surface temperature
Polish Polar Research; 2013, 2; 213-235
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oddziaływanie termiczne strugi wodno-lodowej podczas usuwania powłok lakierniczych
Thermal impact of the water-ice jet during the removal of varnish coats
Chomka, G.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy "SPATIUM"
struga wodno-lodowa
powłoka lakiernicza
współczynnik wyrównania temperatury
water-ice jet
varnish coat
temperature alignment coefficient
W artykule omówiono oddziaływanie termiczne, jakie wywiera wysokociśnieniowa struga wodnolodowa na powłokę lakierniczą oraz materiał podłoża. Rozpatrzono kierunek rozchodzenia się ciepła zgodny z posuwem strugi oraz występujący w głąb materiału.
The article covers a thermal impact of a high-pressure water-ice jet on the varnish coat and the base material. The direction was considered of the propagation of heat that is compliant with the jet feed and the one that occurs inside the material.
Autobusy : technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe; 2012, 13, 5; 94-101
Pojawia się w:
Autobusy : technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pronounced anomalies of air, water, ice conditions in the Barents and Kara Seas, and the Sea of Azov
Matishov, G.G.
Dzhenyuk, S.L.
Moiseev, D.V.
Zhichkin, A.P.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
water temperature
air temperature
sea ice
Barents Sea
Kara Sea
Azov Sea
hydrographic condition
winter condition
Oceanologia; 2014, 56, 3
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zlodzenie Hornsundu i jego przedpola (SW Spitsbergen) w sezonie zimowym 2006/2007
Sea-ice cover in Hornsund and its foreshore (SW Spitsbergen) during winter season 2006/2007
Styszyńska, A.
Rozwadowska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
lód morski
sezon lodowy
sea ice
winter season
sea water temperature
W sezonie zimowym 2006/2007 przebieg zlodzenia Hornsundu był odmienny od przeciętnego. Od listopada do marca średnia miesięczna temperatura powietrza była o 3.6–6.3 deg wyższa od średniej klima-tycznej (1978–2006). Ujemna temperatura wody powierzchniowej przy brzegu Isbjornhamny występowała od 28 IX 2006 do 27 V 2007 r. Najniższe wartości temperatury wody mierzono w drugiej i trzeciej dekadzie października (–1.8°C). Latem i jesienią 2006 r. dochodziło do bardzo intensywnego obłamywania się lodu lodowcowego, który okresowo tworzył zwarte skupienia wzdłuż brzegu. Rozwój lodu morskiego w Isbjornhamnie cechuje się stadial-nością. Pierwszy okres tworzenia się lodu morskiego miał miejsce między 6 października a 3 listopada, drugi – od połowy stycznia. W tym samym czasie dryfujący lód allochtoniczny pojawił się również na przedpolu fiordu. Od trzeciej dekady lutego do drugiej dekady kwietnia prawie cała powierzchnia Hornsundu pokryta była lodem dryfu-jącym o zmiennej zwartości. Na osiowej partii fiordu lód morski zanikł po 25 kwietnia, a w Brepollen – w trzeciej dekadzie czerwca 2007 r. Maksymalna wysokość wału lodu nabrzegowego w Isbjornhamnie osiągnęła 2.5 m.
This article presents the development of sea ice cover in the waters of central and western part of the Hornsund Fjord, as well as in its foreshore during winter season 2006–2007. Due to long lasting (November-March) high air temperatures (Fig. 1) the sea ice cover development of Hornsund was different from the average one. Significant decrease in air temperature was observed only in April (mean monthly –8.7°C). In such thermal conditions the maximum thickness of sea ice which might have been formed in the outer, sheltered from high seas areas of the fjord, estimated with the help of Zubov formula, could reach 47cm in January, 58cm in February, 66cm in March, up to 77–80cm in the period from April to May 2007 (Tab.1). In summer and autumn 2006 only brash glacier ice and small icebergs broken off the glaciers endings on the sea in Hornsund drifted in the waters of the fjord. At this time brash glacier ice and growlers broken off the Hans Glacier periodically concentrated densely along the coast of Isbjorhamna. The first forms of new ice (slush and grease ice as well as shuga) were observed close to the west coast of Isbjornhamna from 6th October till 3rd November. The second period of sea ice formation started on 7th December. However, the ice disappeared quickly because of strong winds. Not sooner than in the middle of January when severe frost was noted, a permanent ice cover was formed (young ice). But also this ice was broken and diverged in most part of the fjord. Fast ice was only observed in the internal waters of Hornsund, in the Brepollen, Burgerbukta and Samarinvagen bays. From the third decade of February till the end of April the ice cover of Hornsund experienced large fluctuations. During that period the entire area of Hornsund was covered with sea ice a few times. This phenomenon was noted when the allochtonic ice drifting in the waters of the Sorkapp Current entered western and central part of the fjord and when the central and inner parts were covered with ice formed in situ. This sea ice cover was several times destroyed by very strong east winds causing that most of ice was moved outside the fjord. At the beginning of May very strong E and SE winds caused ice removal from the axial part of Hornsund. Later, apart from two short episodes (19-29 May and 22-23 June) when open strips of allochtonic ice entered west and central part of the fjord, only single floes of broken-off the fast ice from Brepollen, Burgerbukta and Samarinvagen drifted in the waters of Hornsund. The ice season 2006/2007 ended on 19th July when the last floes of very rotten ice were observed drifting from the inside of the fjord with the tidal stream to its foreshore.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2008, 18; 141-160
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza struktury i czasu trwania zjawisk lodowych na Warcie na tle warunków termicznych w okresie 1991-2010
The analysis of the structure and duration of ice phenomena on the Warta river in relation to thermic conditions in the years 1991–2010
Graf, R.
Łukaszewicz, J.
Jawgiel, K.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
pokrywa lodowa
rzeka Warta
temperatura powietrza
termika wód
zjawiska lodowe
air temperature
ice cover
ice phenomena
Warta River
water thermal conditions
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy struktury i czasu trwania zjawisk lodowych na Warcie w latach 1991–2010. Przebieg zjawisk lodowych został opisany na tle zmian temperatury powietrza i wody oraz wskaźnika Oscylacji Północnoatlantyckiej (NAO). Określono formy zjawisk lodowych występujących na Warcie w poszczególnych cyklach jej zlodzenia. Zinterpretowano również zmienność temperatury wody w okresie zimowym i jej wpływ na liczbę dni ze zjawiskami lodowymi. W analizie zjawisk lodowych uwzględniono: charakter odcinka rzeki, na którym prowadzono obserwacje oraz stopień antropopresji, wyrażający się przekształceniem koryta rzecznego, wpływem urbanizacji w strefach większych ośrodków miejskich oraz oddziaływaniem zbiornika Jeziorsko. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wyznaczono ogólną tendencję w zmienności zjawisk lodowych występujących na rzece, a także określono przyczyny zróżnicowania struktury zjawisk w ujęciu regionalnym. Stwierdzono związek pomiędzy przebiegiem i częstością zjawisk lodowych a warunkami termicznymi i fazami NAO.
The article presents the results of the analysis of the structure and duration of ice phenomena on the Warta River. The course of ice phenomena has been described against the background of air and water temperature, and North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) changes including. The forms of ice phenomena, exist on the Warta River in particular cycles of its icing, were determined. The variability of the water temperature in winter and its impact on the number of days with ice phenomena on the river has been taken into consideration. The analysis of ice phenomena has taken into account the nature of the section of the river on which observations were made, the scale of anthropopressure affecting the transformation of the riverbed, the impact of urbanization in the zones of larger urban centers and the influence of the Jeziorsko Reservoir. On the basis of the conducted research, a general tendency was determined for the variability of ice phenomena occurring on the river. Reasons for the differentiation of the structure of ice phenomena on a regional basis were determined. The results show in detail the connection between the course and frequency of ice phenomena and other hand thermal conditions and NAO phases.
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie; 2018, 18, 4; 5-28
Pojawia się w:
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice system COSMO-CLM/NEMO: assessing air temperature sensitivity over the North and Baltic Seas
Van Pham, T.
Brauch, J.
Dieterich, C.
Frueh, B.
Ahrens, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice system
temperature sensitivity
air temperature
Baltic Sea
North Sea
regional climate modelling
Oceanologia; 2014, 56, 2
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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