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Współczesne uwarunkowania kulturowe wychowania w duchu encykliki Pawła VI Humanae vitae
Contemporary cultural conditions of education in the spirit of the encyclical of Paul VI Humanae vitae
Olbrycht, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
integral vision of a human being
personal values
upbringing to personal values
personal attitudes
integralna wizja człowieka
wartości osobowe
wychowanie do wartości osobowych
postawy osobowe
Tekst podejmuje dwa główne zagadnienia. Pierwsze – to sposób rozumienia wychowania w duchu encykliki Humane Vitae Pawła VI, drugie – to uwarunkowania, jakie dla tak rozumianego wychowania stwarza współczesna kultura. W świetle omawianej Encykliki wychowanie obejmuje wychowanie do zgodnego z zasadami moralnymi przekazywania życia oraz wychowanie oparte na integralnej wizji człowieka i jego rozwoju. Obszary te ściśle się ze sobą łączą i wzajemnie warunkują. W tekście Autorka rozważa drugi z obszarów. Analizując w świetle encykliki HV wychowanie zgodne z integralną wizją człowieka interpretuje je w sposób osobowy. Wyróżnia, obok wychowania do respektowania i realizowania godności ludzkiej oraz wartości z nią związanych, postawy jakie są konieczne do realizacji wartości osobowych (postawę bezinteresowności, odpowiedzialności i służby). Druga część tekstu poświęcona jest ocenie warunków, jakie dzisiejsza kultura stwarza dla wychowania integralnego człowieka. Zakończenie zawiera wnioski dla wychowania w duchu encykliki HV.
The text addresses two main issues. The first is a way of understanding the upbringing in the spirit of Paul VI's Humane Vitae encyclical; the second is the conditions that contemporary culture creates for such education.In the light of the discussed encyclical, education includes upbringing to conveying life in accordance with the moral principles and upbringing based on an integral vision of a human being and his development. These areas are closely interrelated and mutually conditioned.In the text, the author considers the second area. Analyzing education in accordance with the integral vision of a human being, she interprets it in a personal way in the light of the HV encyclical. She distinguishes, next to upbringing to respecting and realizing human dignity and values connected with it, attitudes that are necessary to realize personal values (attitude of selflessness, responsibility and service).The second part of the text is devoted to the assessment of the conditions that contemporary culture creates for upbringing of an integral human being. The final part contains conclusions for education in the spirit of the HV encyclical.
Teologia i moralność; 2018, 13, 2(24); 113-127
Pojawia się w:
Teologia i moralność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Liberty and its distorted vision in the light of the documents of the Catholic Church
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne im. św. Jana Pawła II Diecezji Siedleckiej
wolność wyboru
wizja Boża ludzkiej wolności
wolność w Bogu
freedom of choice
the Divine vision of human free- dom
freedom in God
Liberty and its distorted vision in the light of the documents of the Catholic Church One of the fundamental values in human life is freedom. In order to feel truly free, a lifelong process of education for freedom is needed, which presumes the existence of appropriate foundations and the necessity of the truth about man. The desire to be free is inscribed in the heart of man. The teachings of Catechism of the Catholic Church show that freedom is rooted in the mind and will of man with the possibility to act or not to act, to do something, therefore, to take voluntary action. The fundamental elements in the definition of freedom are external freedom and internal freedom. In the internal aspect, it is simply the power of an individual to make choices and decisions concerning the world of his own beliefs, views, etc. Freedom in this aspect refers to the internal autonomy of the person. The second is the external aspect called external or social freedom. It is choice of actions as part of mans everyday existence, undertaken within the framework of function- ing in society. The third fundamental element of Christian understanding of freedom is good. The core of freedom is not to do what man can do by nature, or do anything, because the real boundaries are defined by good. Man, as he was created with his freedom participating in the freedom of God, should not demand complete moral autonomy separated from the existential reference to the Creator. As a person, man has been blessed with intelligence and free will, and may therefore use these qualities to oppose his Creator claiming complete sovereignty. The problem with freedom of today’s man is frequently connected with the problem of sexuality. In a convenient way man wants to decide what is good and what is bad. He wants to decide how he will use his sexuality. It should also be said that man of- ten wants to use his sexuality and its attributes for narrow purposes, which are in apparent contradiction with the widely held beliefs.
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie; 2019, XVI/16; 73-85
Pojawia się w:
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wizja człowieka ponowoczesnego a tomistyczna teoria osoby
The vision of postmodern man and Thomistic theory of the person
Wolska, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
człowiek ponowoczesny
ujęcie osobowe
tomistyczne ujęcie
ochrona osób
post-modernism hopelessness
postmodern man
human vision
personal approach
Thomistic approach
persons protection
The Article tries to extract from the available literature a postmodern vision of man, understand him and his efforts to search for identity in an ever-changing world. It is first and foremost the manifestation of that specific antidote for the disease post-modernism convenience or, in the words of Giovanni Reale, ills and “evil afflicting modern man”, that we’ll find in the Thomistic theory of the person. The work includes an introduction, four parts and a conclusion. The first part, Human vision in postmodernism opens with an introduction to postmodernism. Shown are different personalities postmodern and a single phenomenon, as an expression of the glorification of individuality and the freedom of individuals. In the second part, Negative phenomena afflicting human postmodern, we show details about the adverse human phenomena of the world around us. It shows the source and the main issues, such as nihilism, scientism, human identity crisis, the infantile culture and human civilization, excess and lack of civilization and the problem of deteriorating human spiritual condition postmodern. The main emphasis on problems related to materialize, utilitarianism and fragmentation resulting in loneliness, loss of security, loss, anxiety and meaninglessness of life aimlessly, losing any value, negating the difference between good and bad, and true and false. As well as the exclusion of the poor and broken interpersonal relationships in families and social groups, the enslavement of man by the infantile culture, lack of confidence and identity, anti-humanism and spirituality skipping. Emphasized the impact of these phenomena on the health and condition of the human spirit as well as the helplessness of the human person in society risks and also breaking relationships within families and social groups, anti-humanism and skipping spirituality. In the third part, The vision of man as a person is shown Thomistic definitions of the person and the problems associated with the Thomistic vision of man as a person, such as the existence, subjectivity, autonomy and dignity of the person, the personal relations, community of people, a person as a creator of culture and the culture of protecting people. Fourth part, The man recognized as the person in the face of postmodern vision of man, analyzed contents from the second and third part, and confronted them with the Thomistic theory of the person. All this is to show that the Thomistic shot of a man as a person can be helpful in reducing the negative effects of post-modernism and all ills postmodern.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2015, 4; 191-214
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiedza wlana Chrystusa
The Infused Science of Christ
White, Thomas Joseph
Data publikacji:
Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
Christ’s self-understanding
acquired knowledge
supernatural insight
Thomas Aquinas
Christ’s beatific vision
human mind
Chalcedonian Christology
infused science/knowledge
samoświadomość Chrystusa
wiedza nabyta Chrystusa
poznanie profetyczne Chrystusa
Tomasz z Akwinu
widzenie uszczęśliwiające Chrystusa
ludzki umysł Chrystusa
chalcedońska doktryna chrystologiczn
wiedza wlana Chrystusa
Contemporary theological debate about the historical human knowledge and self-understanding of Christ is wide ranging. In this essay I explore Aquinas’ account of the relationship between the ordinary acquired knowledge of Christ and his “infused science” or supernatural understanding and prophetic insight. Iargue that Aquinas’ account of the acquired learning of Christ can provide helpful resources for the consideration of Jesus’ communication and self-understanding when considered in its historical and cultural linguistic context. However, this emphasis on his ordinary human situatedness is rightly complemented by the acknowledgement of his graced understanding of his own identity, mission, and soteriological significance. Aquinas’ treatment of the infused science of Christ allows us to acknowledge a habitual capacity for prophetic insight in Jesus, such that he would know all he needed to for the sake of his mission. At the end of the essay I explore ways that the affirmation of this latter infused science is also compatible with the traditional Catholic claim that Christ did not have the theological virtue of faith but instead possessed an economic mode of the beatific vision. I consider why one might hold to a distinction and compatibility of infused science and immediate, beatific intuition in the human mind of Christ.
Współczesna debata teologiczna szeroko omawia ludzkie poznanie i samozrozumienie Chrystusa w kontekście historycznym. W niniejszym artykule analizowane jest rozróżnienie dokonane przez Akwinatę między zwykłą nabytą wiedzą Chrystusa a Jego „wiedzą wlaną” lub nadprzyrodzonym zrozumieniem i poznaniem profetycznym. To rozróżnienie w odniesieniu do nabytej wiedzy Chrystusa dostarcza materiału do rozważań na temat przekazu i samozrozumienia Jezusa rozpatrywanych w historycznym i kulturowym kontekście językowym. Nacisk na zwykłe ludzkie uwarunkowania Chrystusa jest jednakże słusznie uzupełniony o wynikające z łaski zrozumienie własnej tożsamości, misji i soteriologicznego znaczenia. Święty Tomasz z Akwinu traktuje o wiedzy wlanej Chrystusa w taki sposób, aby umożliwić nam uznanie w Jezusie habitualnej zdolności do profetycznego poznania, dzięki której wiedziałby on wszystko, czego potrzebował dla dobra swojej misji. Ostatnia część artykułu jest poświęcona badaniu, w jaki sposób afirmacja wiedzy wlanej jest również zgodna z tradycyjnym katolickim twierdzeniem, że Chrystus nie miał teologicznej cnoty wiary, tylko w pewnym stopniu widzenie uszczęśliwiające. Końcowe rozważania dotyczą rozróżnienia i kompatybilności wiedzy wlanej oraz bezpośredniej, uszczęśliwiającej intuicji w ludzkim umyśle Chrystusa.
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny; 2021, 29, 2; 93-119
Pojawia się w:
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vision-based biomechanical markerless motion classification
Liew, Yu Liang
Chin, Jeng Feng
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Instytut Informatyki Technicznej
single camera
stick model
human motion
motion classification
data mining
This study used stick model augmentation on single-camera motion video to create a markerless motion classification model of manual operations. All videos were augmented with a stick model composed of keypoints and lines by using the programming model, which later incorporated the COCO dataset, OpenCV and OpenPose modules to estimate the coordinates and body joints. The stick model data included the initial velocity, cumulative velocity, and acceleration for each body joint. The extracted motion vector data were normalized using three different techniques, and the resulting datasets were subjected to eight classifiers. The experiment involved four distinct motion sequences performed by eight participants. The random forest classifier performed the best in terms of accuracy in recorded data classification in its min-max normalized dataset. This classifier also obtained a score of 81.80% for the dataset before random subsampling and a score of 92.37% for the resampled dataset. Meanwhile, the random subsampling method dramatically improved classification accuracy by removing noise data and replacing them with replicated instances to balance the class. This research advances methodological and applied knowledge on the capture and classification of human motion using a single camera view.
Machine Graphics & Vision; 2023, 32, 1; 3--24
Pojawia się w:
Machine Graphics & Vision
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tracking Exercise Motions of Older Adults Using Contours
Havens, T C
Alexanderson, G L
Abbott, C C
Keller, J M
Skubic, M
Rantz, M
Data publikacji:
Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Łodzi
Computer vision
human factors
human motion capture
swarm optimization
contour extraction
In this paper we describe the development of a novel markerless motion capture system and explore its use in documenting elder exercise routines in a health club. This system uses image contour tracking and swarm intelligence methods to track the location of the spine and shoulders during three exercises — treadmill, exercise bike, and overhead lateral pull-down. Validation results show that our method has a mean error of approximately 2 degrees when measuring the angle of the spine or shoulders relative to the horizontal. Qualitative study results demonstrate that our system is capable of providing important feedback about the posture and stability of elders while they are performing exercises. Study participants indicated that feedback from our system would add value to their exercise routines.
Journal of Applied Computer Science Methods; 2009, 1 No. 2; 21-42
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Applied Computer Science Methods
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The use of digital image correlation in the study of Achilles tendon strain field
Zastosowanie cyfrowej korelacji obrazów w badaniach pola odkształceń ścięgna Achillesa
Holak, K.
Kohut, P.
Młyniec, A.
Ekiert, M.
Tomaszewski, K.
Uhl, T.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
vision systems
digital image correlation
biomechanical measurements
human Achilles tendon
systemy wizyjne
cyfrowa korelacja obrazów
pomiary biomechaniczne
ludzkie ścięgno Achillesa
This paper presents an application of a vision-based measurement method in the experimental mechanics of biological materials. The displacement and strain fields of a human Achilles tendon specimen under a tensile test were computed using the digital image correlation method. Different software applications, both commercial and open source, were compared. The performance of algorithms was tested based on a referential measurement earned out by commercial software with the affine model of deformation implemented. The root mean square error of the difference between strain obtained using the reference measurement and each of the analyzed programs was computed. Additionally, an example of a full-field computation of displacement and strain field was presented.
Artykuł przedstawia zastosowanie pomiarów wizyjnych w mechanice eksperymentalnej badającej właściwości materiałów biologicznych. Pole przemieszczeń i odkształceń ludzkiego ścięgna Achillesa uzyskane podczas statycznej próby rozciągania zostało wyznaczone za pomocą algorytmu cyfrowej korelacji obrazów. Porównano kilka wybranych programów komputerowych, zarówno komercyjnych, jak i darmowych, realizujących pomiar za pomocą metody korelacji Skuteczność algorytmów była testowana na podstawie wyników referencyjnych, otrzymanych z komercyjnego programu, w którym została zaimplementowana korelacja oparta na deformowalnym modelu afinicznym. Wyznaczono błędy średniokwadratowe różnicy pomiędzy danymi referencyjnymi a danymi otrzymanymi z każdego z testowanych programów. Dodatkowo pokazano przykład uzyskanego pola przemieszczeń i odkształceń na całej powierzchni testowanej próbki.
Mechanics and Control; 2015, 34, 1; 19-26
Pojawia się w:
Mechanics and Control
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cathey, Alexandra
Data publikacji:
International Étienne Gilson Society
Gospel vision for women
Feminine Genius
culture of life
authentic human relationships
spiritual motherhood
The spiritual impoverishment of humanity is directly tied to the marginalization of women that has prevented them from fully expressing their feminine genius in both the home and in society. What is need to remove obstacles to the feminine genius is the adoption of the Gospel vision for women and the espousal of Jesus Christ’s attitude toward women. By showing openness, respect, acceptance, and tenderness towards women, the feminine gifts will make an indispensable contribution to the growth of a culture that promotes a culture worthy of persons, a world in which human relationships are more honest and authentic. Women, beginning with their daily relationships with people, offer to humanity the richness of their sensitivity, intuitiveness, generosity, and fidelity. The family and society, as John Paul II noted, direly need the maternal and healing embrace of women.
Studia Gilsoniana; 2017, 6, 4; 511-526
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gilsoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Crisis of Social Ties as a Challenge for the Christian Vision of Social Life
Głąbiński, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
social life
a human being
Christian vision of social life
The author of this article analyses the crisis of social ties as a huge challenge for the Christian vision of social life. Firstly, he refers to the moral and religious crisis of the post-modern era, and the depreciation of the social status of the human. Then, he presents the uniqueness of human being as well as potentiality. According to the Christian integral anthropology, presented by personalism, man remains a spiritual and material coexistence. In the last part, the author underlines the Christian idea that a society should acknowledge the dignity of each of its members, as well as guarantee the optimal functioning of human communities. Consequently, social procedures and institutions should be preceded by a consensus assuring the ethical minimum. If a society does not accept the fundamental values like: the dignity of every human being, the protection of their life, justice, equality, solidarity, it cannot function, at least not as a community of persons.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2018, 8, 2
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The application of digital image correlation to investigate the heterogeneity of Achilles tendon deformation and determine its material parameters
Kohut, Piotr
Holak, Krzysztof
Ekiert, Martyna
Młyniec, Andrzej
Tomaszewski, Krzysztof A.
Uhl, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Mechaniki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej
digital image correlation
full-field displacement
strain measurement
vision systems
human Achilles tendon
Young’s modulus
The challenge for researchers is to develop measurement techniques that can deal with biological specimens (e.g. the human Achilles tendon) characterized by high deformation during examination. The relevant quantity which has to be investigated in laboratory experiments is the deformation or strain field of the specimen subjected to a given load. In experimental mechanics, the most remarkable technique used for strain field computation is the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) method. In the paper, the DIC method is employed to study biomaterial parameters of human Achilles tendons (AT) subjected to tensile uniaxial loadings. The application of DIC allows the heterogeneity of tendon deformation to be taken into consideration. Young’s modulus of AT based on the strain field obtained from a vision-based measurement is estimated and the results are discussed. A map of Young’s modulus (YM) is demonstrated as well.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 2021, 59, 1; 43-52
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stereovision Safety System for Identifying Workers’ Presence: Results of Tests
Grabowski, A.
Jankowski, J.
Dźwiarek, M.
Kosiński, R. A.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
human-machine interaction
neural networks
safety control
vision-based protective devices
interfejs człowiek-maszyna
kontrola bezpieczeństwa pracy
interakcja człowiek-maszyna
sieci neuronowe
This article presents the results of extensive tests of a stereovision safety system performed using real and artificial images. A vision based protective device (VBPD) analyses images from 2 cameras to calculate the position of a worker and moving parts of a machine (e.g., an industrial robot’s arm). Experiments show that the stereovision safety system works properly in real time even when subjected to rapid changes in illumination level. Experiments performed with a functional model of an industrial robot indicate that this safety system can be used to detect dangerous situations at workstations equipped with a robot, in human–robot cooperation. Computer-generated artificial images of a workplace simplify and accelerate testing procedures, and make it possible to compare the effectiveness of VBPDs and other protective devices at no additional cost.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2014, 20, 1; 103-109
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spectral sensitivity of human vision to the light pulses
Czułość widmowa wzroku ludzkiego na impulsy światła
Brailovsky, V.
Pyslar, I.
Rozhdestvenska, M.
Michalska, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Lubelska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Lubelskiej
light puls
human vision
information system
dioda RGB LED
impuls świetlny
ludzki wzrok
system informacyjny
In the paper we represent experimental results of the research of human vision sensitivity to pulsed radiation of discrete light emitting diodes (LEDs) of different colors when their dissipated electrical power was the same. We used color components of RGB LED matrix and determined the values of the dissipated power at which resultant LED radiation was perceived as white light. These power values were used to investigate sensitivity of human eye to radiation of each color of RGB matrix. Spectral characteristic of RGB LED under investigation was checked for presence of additional spectral components. The results we obtained give the possibility to develop information systems with concealment of the data transfer process using white light which color components are informative.
W artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki badań eksperymentalnych czułości wzroku ludzkiego na promieniowanie impulsowe diod LED o różnych kolorach światła przy jednakowych rozpraszanych na nich mocach elektrycznych. Za pomocą macierzy RGB określa się wielkości mocy rozpraszanej na diodach LED macierzy, przy których wynikające promieniowanie diod LED jest odbierane jako białe. W tak określonych mocach elektrycznych została zbadana czułość ludzkiego widzenia na pulsacyjne promieniowanie każdej z diod LED matrycy RGB. Charakterystyka widmowa badanej diody RGB LED została sprawdzona pod kątem obecności dodatkowych składowych widmowych. Uzyskane wyniki umożliwią opracowanie systemów ukrytej transmisji informacji za pomocą światła białego, którego składowe widmowe mają charakter informacyjny.
Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska; 2018, 8, 1; 32-35
Pojawia się w:
Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Small batch size robot programming with human in the loop
Takarics, B.
Sziebig, G.
Korondi, P.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
robot programming
vision system
sme robots
human-machine communication
Robot programming methodologies are moving from the traditional to more human friendly, rapid and flexible programming alternatives. In this paper a new robot programming methodology is introduced. The proposed programming methodology physically disconnects the robot programmer from the robot itself. Applications of the proposed methodology in grinding and welding operations with experimental results as well are presented.
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems; 2009, 3, 4; 228-231
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Single web camera robust interactive eye-gaze tracking method
Wojciechowski, A.
Fornalczyk, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
eye-gaze tracking
computer vision
human-computer interaction
real-time tracking
wizja komputerowa
interakcja człowiek-komputer
śledzenie w czasie rzeczywistym
Eye-gaze tracking is an aspect of human-computer interaction still growing in popularity,. Tracking human gaze point can help control user interfaces and may help evaluate graphical user interfaces. At the same time professional eye-trackers are very expensive and thus unavailable for most of user interface researchers and small companies. The paper presents very effective, low cost, computer vision based, interactive eye-gaze tracking method. On contrary to other authors results the method achieves very high precision (about 1.5 deg horizontally and 2.5 deg vertically) at 20 fps performance, exploiting a simple HD web camera with reasonable environment restrictions. The paper describes the algorithms used in the eye-gaze tracking method and results of experimental tests, both static absolute point of interest estimation, and dynamic functional gaze controlled cursor steering.
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences; 2015, 63, 4; 879-886
Pojawia się w:
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozpoznawanie gestów rąk w układzie wizyjnym
Vision-based hand gesture recognition
Kapuściński, T.
Marnik, J.
Wysocki, M.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
wizja komputerowa
komunikacja człowiek-maszyna
rozpoznawanie gestów rąk
computer vision
human-computer interface
hand gesture recognition
Przedstawiono wyniki prac autorów, dotyczące rozpoznawania kształtu dłoni, wskazań obiektów oraz gestów dynamicznych, przydatnych w robotyce.
The paper considers vision-based hand gesture interfaces. Results obtained by the authors, concerning recognition of hand posture, pointing direction, and some dynamic gestures useful in robotics are presented.
Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola; 2005, R. 51, nr 1, 1; 56-59
Pojawia się w:
Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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