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Does place of residence affect patient satisfaction with hospital health care?
Maślach, D.
Karczewska, B.
Szpak, A.
Charkiewicz, A.
Krzyżak, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
patient satisfaction
hospital health care
health care services
care quality
Introduction and objective. Measuring the level of patient satisfaction is a useful tool in delivering quality care that is responsive to consumer preferences. Various socio-demographic factors might be considered as potential predictors of patient satisfaction. The aim of the study was to assess whether place of residence (rural/urban) affects patient satisfaction with hospital health care. Materials and method. Data were obtained using face-to-face questionnaire, administered in five large, urban hospitals in Podlaskie Province, north-eastern Poland, during 2014–2018. The study sample comprised of 1,624 participants (585 rural, 1039 urban) who assessed satisfaction with 28 hospital health care items. The means and standard deviations were presented to compare 28 satisfaction items between the rural and the urban samples. Regression analysis was used to determine whether location difference (rural vs urban) affected patient satisfaction with various domains of hospital health care. Results. The mean results of 28 satisfaction items on the 1–5 scale were similar among the rural and the urban samples, and generally skewed towards positive experiences. In the univariate analysis, significant associations between place of residence and patient satisfaction were identified with regard to three components of inpatient care: 1) hospital settings and staff care, 2) doctors’ professional skills, and 3) hospitalization outcomes. After adjusting for socio-demographic variables, the association remained significant only with respect to satisfaction with hospitalization outcomes (b = 0.121; SE = 0.055; p = 0.028). Conclusions. Some evidence for differences in patient satisfaction by place of residence was found. Study findings may be helpful in implementing care quality improvement programmes.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2020, 27, 1; 86-90
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Responsiveness to the hospital patient needs in Poland
Gromulska, L.
Gorynski, P.
Supranowicz, P.
Wysocki, M.J.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego. Państwowy Zakład Higieny
health care
ABSTRACT Background. The health system responsiveness, defined as non-medical aspect of treatment relating to the protection of the patients’ legitimate rights, is the intrinsic goal of the WHO strategy for 21st century. Objective. To describe the patients’ opinions on treatment they received in hospital, namely: admission to hospital, the role of patient in hospital treatment, course of treatment, medical workforce attitude, hospital environment, contact with family and friends, and the efficacy of hospital treatment in respect to responsiveness to patient’s needs and expectations (dignity, autonomy, confidentiality, communication, prompt attention, social support, basic amenities and choice of provider). Material and methods. The data were collected in 2012 from 998 former patients of the randomly selected 73 hospital in Poland. Results. Dignity: Over 80% of patients experienced kindness, empathy, care and gentleness, and over 90% of them had the sense of security in hospital, met with friendliness during the admission to hospital and never encountered inappropriate comments from medical staff. Autonomy: About 80% of patients accepted the active role of patients in hospital, they perceived they had influence on procedures related to hospitalization and course of treatment, and they felt medical staff responded to their requests and concerns. Over 90 % of them had opportunity to communicate their concerns to medical staff and to discuss the course of treatment. On the other hand, the explanation of the reason for the refusal to meet their requests was given to only 23 % of the patients interested. Confidentiality: 70-80 % of patients declared the respect for privacy and confidentiality during collecting the health information and during medical examinations, and were not examined in presence of other people. Nevertheless, only 23% of patients examined so were asked of their consent. Communication: About 90% of patients declared they trusted their physician, received from him explanation regarding the course of treatment and information about further treatment after discharge from hospital, but physicians devoted the time and attention to only 70% of them. Prompt attention: Over 90% of patients perceived simplicity of the formalities of admission to hospital, and short waiting for treatment and additional tests in hospital (but only 50% received explanation of reason if they waited long). Nevertheless, 10% of them % of them perceived they waited for admission to hospital too long, and over 20% for admission to a ward as long. Social support: The unlimited direct and phone contact with family and friends was declared by 96% of patients. Basic amenities: The high percentage of patients assessed positively the marking in hospital (97%) and cleanliness of linen (89%), followed by the general indoor appearance room in which patient stayed, lack of noise (70-80%), hospital meals, furniture (60-70%), availability of personal hygienic articles (50-60%), cleanliness of hospital room, toilet, showers and bathtubs, and availability of soap (40-50%). Choice of provider: Only 41% of patients declared that they had influence on choice of the hospital. Conclusion. Responsiveness of Polish hospital patient needs is similar to that of the OECD countries of the lowest health system responsiveness. Compared to the Central European countries, the responsiveness in Polish hospitals is lower than that of Czech Republic and only slightly higher of those of Slovenia, Slovakia and Hungary.
Wprowadzenie. Wrażliwość systemu opieki zdrowotnej na potrzeby pacjenta, definiowana jako niemedyczny aspekt leczenia odnoszący się do ochrony praw należnych pacjentom, stanowi samoistny cel strategii Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia na 21-szy wiek. Cel badań. Zebranie i przedstawienie opinii pacjentów o leczeniu, które zapewniono im w szpitalu, mianowicie: przyjęcie do szpitala, rola pacjenta w czasie leczenia szpitalnego, przebieg leczenia, postawa personelu medycznego, środowisko szpitalne, kontakt z rodziną i znajomymi oraz skuteczność leczenia szpitalnego, w odniesieniu do wrażliwości na potrzeby i oczekiwania pacjenta (godność, autonomia, poufność, komunikacja, niezwłoczna pomoc, wsparcie społeczne i wybór szpitala). Materiał i metody. Dane zebrano od 998 byłych pacjentów z losowo wybranych 73 szpitali w Polsce. Wyniki. Szacunek: Ponad 80% pacjentów dostrzegało życzliwość, współczucie, troskę i delikatność, a ponad 90% miało poczucie bezpieczeństwa, spotkało się z uprzejmością podczas przyjęcia do szpitala i nie spotkało się z niewłaściwymi uwagami ze strony personelu medycznego. Autonomia: Około 80% pacjentów akceptowało aktywną rolę pacjenta w szpitalu, postrzegało, że mają wpływ na działania związane z pobytem w szpitalu i przebiegiem leczenia i reagowanie przez personel medyczny na ich prośby i wątpliwości. Ponad 90 % miało możliwość przekazywania personelowi medycznemu swoich wątpliwości i omawiać przebieg leczenia z lekarzem. Z drugiej strony, wyjaśnienie powodów odmowy spełnienia ich próśb przekazało tylko 23% zainteresowanych pacjentów. Poufność: Chociaż 70-80% pacjentów deklarowało respektowanie prywatności i poufności w czasie zbierania informacji o zdrowiu i w czasie badań medycznych, a także nie byli oni badani w obecności innych osób, jednakże o zgodę proszono tylko 23% pacjentów badanych w ten sposób. Komunikacja: Prawie 90% pacjentów odczuwało zaufanie do lekarza, otrzymywało od niego wyjaśnienia o przebiegu leczenia i informacje o dalszym leczeniu po wypisaniu ze szpitala, ale lekarz poświęcał swój czas i uwagę tylko 70% z nich. Szybka pomoc: Chociaż ponad 90% pacjentów postrzegało łatwość załatwiania formalności związanych z przyjęciem do szpitala i czas czekania na zabiegi i dodatkowe badania postrzegało jako krótki (ale jeśli długo czekali, to tylko 50% otrzymywało wyjaśnienia o przyczynie), jednakże prawie 10% czekających na przyjęcie do szpitala i ponad 20% czekających na przyjęcie na oddział postrzegało czas oczekiwania jako długi. Wsparcie społeczne: Brak ograniczeń w kontaktowaniu się z rodziną i znajomymi poprzez wizyty i rozmowy deklarowało 96% pacjentów. Podstawowe udogodnienia: Wysoki odsetek pacjentów ocenił pozytywnie oznakowania w szpitalu (97%) i czystość pościeli (89%), a w następnej kolejności: wygląd wnętrza szpitala, salę w której przebywa pacjent, brak hałasu (70-80%), posiłki, mebli (60-70%), zapewnienie papieru toaletowego, ręczników papierowych i suszarek do rąk (50-60%), czystość sali szpitalnej, toalet, pryszniców i wanien oraz dostępność mydła (40- 50%). Wybór usługodawcy: 41% pacjentów zadeklarowało, że mieli możliwość wyboru szpitala. Wnioski. Wrażliwość na potrzeby pacjentów szpitalnych w Polsce jest podobna do notowanej w państwach OECD o najniższej wrażliwości systemu zdrowia. W porównaniu do państw Europy Środkowej wrażliwość jest niższa niż w Republice Czeskiej i tylko nieco wyższa niż w Słowenii, na Słowacji i na Węgrzech.
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny; 2014, 65, 2
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Human Resources Management in Polish Hospital
Murawska, Aleksandra Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
health care
human resources
Human capital in the hospital plays a very important role. It is therefore justified to address this topic. The aim of this article is to draw attention to the problems in managing human capital in the health service and pay attention to the problems of modern health care
World Scientific News; 2017, 78; 233-239
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Commercialization as a recommended approach to hospital restructuring. Case study of Łańcut Medical Center
Patena, Wiktor
Kaszyk, Bartłomiej
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w Rzeszowie
health care system
hospital restructuring commercialization
hospital operational performance
Our society is on the brink of health care system reorganization and implementation of new medical technology. Hospitals have to be a core component of the medical revolution so they have to be prepared for the upcoming leap in their development. If Poland wants to be a pioneer in providing new medical solutions, the current ineffective system has to be changed. The necessary action should be taken to deal with the financial problems Polish hospitals have faced for over 20 years. The current structure of hospitals - SPZOZ, is old-fashioned and cannot adapt to a turbulent social and economic environment. The hospitals should be commercialized and restructured. Being capitalized companies will give incentives and new tools to deal with financial problems. The article presents an example of the commercialized hospital in Łańcut. We make the observations that commercialization increases: a hospital’s profitability, its employment productivity, its capital investment spending and leverage. The case proves that the transformation of hospitals to capital companies proposed by the Ministry of Health may be an appropriate approach and it does work once a reasonable management board is in charge. However, the legal structure alteration should be treated as the first step in the overall restructuring process. The article highlights the problem of managers of Polish hospitals who do not only struggle with financial shortages, but barely know which business model they should follow after commercialization to successfully run the restructuring process. Having examined the LMC the authors are crafting a prelude to the overall research on already commercialized hospitals to find an appropriate business model.
Finansowy Kwartalnik Internetowy e-Finanse; 2015, 11, 2; 32-46
Pojawia się w:
Finansowy Kwartalnik Internetowy e-Finanse
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of the health care system functioning in Poland in light of the analysis of the indicators of the hospital emergency department (ED) and primary health care (PHC) – proposals for systemic solutions
Szwamel, Katarzyna
Kurpas, Donata
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Medycyny Rodzinnej i Lekarzy Rodzinnych
delivery of health care
comprehensive health care
professional practice gaps
primary health care emergency service
has dramatically increased. The number of visits to EDs can be an important indicator of the quality of primary health care. Objectives. To analyse: 1) the frequency of admissions to EDs, 2) the type and number of medical procedures performed in EDs, and 3) the type and number of services provided by PHC in the Kedzierzyn-Kozle district. Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of the statistical data regarding services provided by PHC in the Kedzierzyn-Kozle district within the National Health Fund (NHF) and data from the hospital emergency department in Kedzierzyn-Kozle (Opole Province, Poland). Results. The results showed an annual increase in the number of hospitalisations (13,815 – 2012, 14,192 – 2013, 15,123 – 2014) and the number of medical procedures performed in the ED (mainly those from I–III categories), as well as the low rate of admission from the ED to ICU (Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care). There was an increase in the overall number of consultations given by a primary health care doctor and the total number of healthcare services provided at night and during holidays. Conclusions. Reducing the number of non-urgent visits to EDs can be achieved by making efforts to meet the needs of patients at the level of primary health care, in particular through better coordination of services provided by EDs and PHC and better motivation of primary care doctors to perform the role of gatekeeper to the health care system
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review; 2019, 2; 164-173
Pojawia się w:
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krytyczna analiza polityki zdrowotnej w zakresie przekształcania szpitali publicznych w spółki prawa handlowego
Critical analysis of health policies concerning transformation of public hospitals into commercial law companies
Szetela, Artur
Lichwa, Katarzyna
Korniejenko, Kinga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
health care policy
The following paper critically evaluates the health care system in Poland, including the market reform of the Polish healthcare system between 1999 and 2010. The article presents the process of ownership transformation, including the scale and dynamics of the introduced reform. Apart from analysing the core assumptions and aims of the long-term programme entitled „Wsparcie jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w działaniach stabilizujących system ochrony zdrowia” (Support for Local Authorities in Healthcare System Stabilization) the paper analyses proposed solutions based on the so called „health acts package” including the health care activity bill. The main aim of this paper is to critically evaluate the health care system reform in Poland, mainly focusing on the process of commercialisation of public hospitals. As a conclusion it is suggested that the introduced reform does not solve the most important problems of the Polish healthcare system in a comprehensive and suffi cient manner.
Zarządzanie Publiczne; 2011, 1(13); 49-64
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Publiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Patient aggression towards health care professionals
Mroczek, B.
Mormul, J.
Kotwas, A.
Szkup, M.
Kurpas, D.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Health care professionals
workplace aggression
psychiatric hospital
Purpose: To estimate the frequency of aggressive behaviors in health care institutions, and determine their influence on emotional reactions of medical workers. Materials and methods: The study involved 201 health care professionals from the regions of Lower Silesia and Opole in Poland. The authors employed the exposure to patient aggression inventory, based on the questionnaires of Merecz and Nowicka & Kolasa; this inventory divides patient aggression towards medical workers into seven different forms. Results: In over 90% of cases, health care professionals fell victim to patient aggression in a workplace. It mostly took forms of verbal aggression, a raised voice and shouting. A physical attack was reported by 45.6% of the surveyed; it resulted in physical injuries in 27.9% of psychiatric hospital workers and 24.7% of general hospital workers. As a reaction to patients’ verbal aggression, medical workers usually calmly explained that such behavior was improper. Violence and aggressive behaviors of patients evoked workers’ anger, fear, a feeling of resignation and the loss of their sense of safety. In most case's victims of patient aggression either coped with the problem themselves or asked their co-workers and superiors for help. Conclusions: Aggressive behaviors of patients arouse in medical staff, mostly anger. Medical workers usually cope with patient aggression themselves; nurses more often than other health care professionals ask their superiors and co-workers for help. It is necessary to conduct further research into the problem of patient aggression towards medical staff so that actions ensuring safety for workers can be taken.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2014, 4, 2; 67-74
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Role of quality in healthcare service provision process
Olkiewicz, M.
Bober, B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Quality Management System
Hospital staff
health care
Introduction: The role of quality in achieving, improving, maintaining repeatable processes, service level guarantee patient satisfaction, determinants of hospitals.Objective:Identification of the mechanisms consistent quality in the provision of services in the public hospitals.Materials and methods:The study was conducted on a random sample of 104 public hospitals in the provinces of A, B, C. Author's questionnaire was distributed among 8975 participants of the medical staff. An analysis of the operating environment and documents, query literature. Was conducted individual in-depth interview with 540 medical experts from January 2007 to December 2011.Results: Diagnosed public hospitals network problems in the implementation phase of quality management system for medical services: interpretation of the requirements of the standards, development of implementation documentation, knowledge of procedures, standards. The work confirmed the theory that managers/Medical is responsible for the good/bad its functioning.Conclusions: Building on the paradigms of science organization and management expanded the scope of the study on the analysis of the factors determining the quality management of medical services based on a family of ISO standards. Factors focused on human capital and structural describing the quality of intellectual capital, supplemented by a layer of organizational and functional entities. This made it possible to get an answer in terms of phenomena, which in the area of quality in the network of public hospitals can be observed. And suggests practical solutions. Indicated tools and capabilities to implement the principles of quality in shaping the satisfaction of stakeholders.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2015, 5, 2; 41-53
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Efektywność w szpitalach publicznych
Efficiency in the Public Hospital
Cholewa-Wiktor, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Opieka zdrowotna
Health care
Hospital service
The aim of this article is to present the main issues of assessing the effectiveness of hospital management. Basing on the literature review, selected definitions and categories of efficiency in health care were presented. The criteria and measures assessing the effectiveness of health care organization based on the idea of its multidimensionality were discussed.(
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2014, 180 cz 2; 44-54
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Forced prolonged hospital stays as a manifestation of the dysfunction of the Polish long-term care system
Furtak-Pobrotyn, Joanna
Pobrotyn, Piotr
Rypicz, Łukasz
Susło, Robert
Drobnik, Jarosław
Witczak, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Medycyny Rodzinnej i Lekarzy Rodzinnych
ong-term care
patient care management
case management
delivery of health care.
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review; 2018, 3; 218-221
Pojawia się w:
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lean thinking in a healthcare system - innovative roles
Cooper, R.G.
Mohabeersingh, C.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
lean thinking
health care system
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research; 2008, 02, 2
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kontrola państwowa w systemie ochrony zdrowia - Inwestycje i wykorzystanie aparatury medycznej
State Auditing in the Health Protection System – Investments and Use of Medical Equipment
Wasilewski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
forming of NIK
health care
medical equipment
medical care
hospital facilities
specialist medical equipment
Kontrola Państwowa; 2019, 64, 1/I (384); 137- 152
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przyczyny restrukturyzacji samodzielnych publicznych zakładów opieki zdrowotnej
Reasons for the restructuring of public hospitals
Wielicka-Gańczarczyk, K.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
szpital publiczny
zakład opieki zdrowotnej
public hospital
health care institution
W artykule scharakteryzowano czynniki makrootoczenia wpływające na konieczność przeprowadzenia restrukturyzacji w szpitalach oraz podjęto próbę scharakteryzowania kolejnych zmian w sposobie funkcjonowania szpitali. Artykuł wzbogacono o wybrane wyniki badań, które przeprowadzono wśród szpitali publicznych i podmiotów tworzących. Uzyskane odpowiedzi dotyczyły przyczyn, dla których planuje się wdrożyć lub wdrożono działania restrukturyzacyjne. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie wyników badań odnoszących się do powodów, dla których szpitale decydowały się na wdrożenie działań restrukturyzacyjnych.
The article describes the macro factors which have a negligible effect on the need for restructuring public hospitals. This article attempts to predict subsequent changes in the future in the way of hospitals functioning. Article enriched with selected results of the research, which conducted among public hospitals and forming entities. The responses concerned the reasons why plans to implement or implemented restructuring acts. The aim of the article is to present the results of studies relating to the reasons why the hospital decided to implement restructuring process.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2016, 89; 539-550
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Istota innowacji w publicznych szpitalach
The Nature of Innovation in the Public Hospitals
Jończyk, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Innowacje w usługach
Ochrona zdrowia
Rynek usług zdrowotnych
Health care protection
Health care services market
Hospital service
Innovations in services
In this publication the review of the literature points to the four main directions of research relating to innovation in their organizations. They are mainly of interest in the economic and technological aspect, treating hospitals as providers of information systems and comprehensive medical services. At the same time the importance of nontechnological innovation category was pointed out, such as organizational, social, management, and services and relational. It was emphasized that in today's world you cannot make the proper development of the health sector, one of the most modern in medical technology, but also should take into account other types of innovation. Such an approach seems to be best to continue the modernization of the current state of health care, improve the quality of life and increase the availability of new treatments to patients that respond to their needs.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2013, 169; 42-51
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwarunkowania funkcjonowania szpitali we współczesnej Europie ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zasobów kadrowych
The European hospitals’ functioning determinants with special emphasis on the human resources issue
Dubas, Katarzyna
Domagała, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
koszty opieki zdrowotnej
reforma opieki zdrowotnej
usługi szpitalne
zasoby ludzkie systemu zdrowotnego
health care costs
health care reform
hospital services
human resources for health
The aim of the article is to present the scope of determinants influencing hospitals’ functioning in contemporary Europe with emphasize put on the health sector human recourses issue. Multiplicity of the functions realized by the hospitals units relates to the plurality of determinants which influence their present situation as well as long-term transformation processes. The determinants can be categorized into three main groups: these related to the demand side of the hospital services, their supply and determinants being the results of the social and economic changes. Regardless of the differences existing between health systems in specific countries – all European countries are facing similar problems of increasing health care costs, strong need of efficiency improvement and deficits of medical staff. In case of the hospital sector the key issue is number of beds reduction and transformation of the hospitals’ organizational form
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie; 2012, 10, 3; 143-153
Pojawia się w:
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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