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Knowledge base and assumptions for holistic modelling aimed at reducing axial errors of complex machine tools
Jędrzejewski, J.
Kwaśny, W.
Data publikacji:
Wrocławska Rada Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych
holistic model
machine tool
power losses
The paper presents the idea and need for the holistic modelling of machine tools. The complexity of such modelling is illustrated for a 5-axis machining centre. The need to model errors in the controllable axes of machine tools with rotational and linear motion drives is indicated. The physical dependences having a bearing on the state of deformations produced by temperature and dynamic forces, as well as the assumptions and computational modelsof shift generation in the high-speed bearing sets of spindles, and models of the behaviour of the ball screw are presented. Moreover, the results of experimental studies of the thermal behaviour of linear motor sets and guideways with rolling blocks are reported.
Journal of Machine Engineering; 2013, 13, 2; 7-25
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Machine Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Terapia a filozofia. O kilku filozoficznych aspektach nauk o zdrowiu
Nowak, Angelika
Jakubiec, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
health science
biomedical model
holistic model
humanistic model
In this paper, we present some issues linked to therapy that seem important from the philosophical point of view. After some basic remarks concerning the problem of the therapist-patient relationship we discuss the philosophical presuppositions of three models of therapy: biomedical, humanistic and holistic. Each of them is based on different respective philosophical positions. Next, we try to examine whether the deconstruction of these assumptions may be relevant for contemporary representatives of the practical health sciences.
Semina Scientiarum; 2014, 13
Pojawia się w:
Semina Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A holistic approach to mergers and acquisitions in high-tech industries. Does the use of a holistic approach really avoid failure?
Miedziak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
holistic model
intellectual property
intangible assets
model holistyczny
własność intelektualna
wartości niematerialne
Introduction/background: The aim of the article is to check whether the holistic approach in the case of high-tech industries is the optimal solution in the field of M&A process analysis. Aim of the paper: Two research hypotheses were formulated: H1 – It is impossible to create an effective universal holistic model for even a single high-tech industry. H2 – The key element of the process of assessing the validity of M&A processes is the potential use value of the acquired knowledge and/or technology. Materials and methods: A quantitative analysis of articles relating to holistic models and sources relating to the specificity of specific market M&A processes were used. Results and conclusions: The results obtained revealed that the analysis of selected mergers and acquisitions allowed it to be stated that the key aspect determining the success or failure of the M&A process is the value of the acquired knowledge and technology and its applicability within the newly created organisational structures. It was also found that holistic models, apart from being cost-intensive and time-consuming, are also characterised by a lack of standardisation of the model and the lack of assessment at both the level of one industry and within a single branch of the economy. Thus, the creation and application of universal holistic models in high-tech industries may turn out to be ineffective and lead to decision errors at the level of the company's development strategy.
Organizacja i Zarządzanie : kwartalnik naukowy; 2020, nr 4; 69-88
Pojawia się w:
Organizacja i Zarządzanie : kwartalnik naukowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kategoria „zdrowie” i „choroba” i ich implikacje dla zarządzania systemem ochrony zdrowia
Category „Health” and „Disease” and their Implications for a Healthcare System Management
Категории "здоровье" и "болезнь" и их импликация в управлении здравоохранительной системой
Piontek, Barbara
Macha, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
system ochrony zdrowia
biomedyczny model zdrowia
holistyczny model zdrowia
healthcare system
biomedical health model
holistic health model
Podjęty temat jest niezwykle istotny z punktu zmian, jakie zachodzą we współczesnej rzeczywistości. Przede wszystkim należy zauważyć, że, pomimo iż mówimy o niespotykanym dotąd „skoku cywilizacyjnym”, szansie, której nie miały wcześniejsze pokolenia i postępie technologicznym, wciąż borykamy się z fundamentalnymi wyzwaniami w zakresie dostępności do usług wrażliwych, tj. bezpośrednio związanych z ochroną i ratowaniem zdrowia oraz życia. Należy zwrócić uwagę, że zdrowie społeczne jest obszarem strategicznym, a kształtowanie ładu w tym zakresie powinno być branżą strategiczną polityki publicznej. System ochrony zdrowia jest obszarem wyjątkowo trudnym do efektywnego zarządzania, a jednym z pierwszych problemów, który napotykamy, są zmieniające się interpretacje podstawowych dla tego systemu kategorii: „zdrowie” i „choroba”. W szczególności, zmiany te powodują zaburzenia w systemie ochrony zdrowia państwa przyczyniając się do jego niestabilności. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie problemów definicyjnych kategorii „zdrowie” i choroba”, jako kluczowych dla efektywnego zarządzania systemem ochrony zdrowia. W niniejszym artykule przyjmuje się założenie, że postrzeganie, rozumienie i definiowanie kategorii „zdrowie” i „choroba” zawierają przyjęty sposób widzenia rzeczywistości, który determinuje podstawy dla rozwiązań systemowych dla ochrony zdrowia oraz wpływa na możliwości budżetowania systemu ochrony zdrowia.
The issue under research is essentially important considering changes in modern reality. First of all it must be pointed out that although we experience a unique civilization change, take a chance that was unachievable for earlier generations and observe technological progress, we still struggle with fundamental challenges specified by accessibility of services which are directly connected with healthcare and life preservation. It must be stressed that social health constitutes a strategic field, and creation of right order in the field should be treated as strategic aim of public policy. Healthcare system constitutes a field that is very difficult to be efficiently managed, and changing interpretation of basic categories for the system: “health” and “disease” are one of the first met problems. Especially, these changes result in troubles in a state healthcare system by increasing its instability. An aim of the study is to indicate problems in defining categories “health” and “disease” as the essential ones to efficiently manage a healthcare system. In the study we make an assumption that perception, understanding and defining categories “health” and “disease” contain a way of perceiving reality which determines basics to systemic solutions for healthcare and influence ability to finance a healthcare system.
Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy; 2016, 48; 230-245
Pojawia się w:
Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The implementation of “The St. Gallen Model for Destination Management (SGDM)” in the Polish Carpathians: A case study of six Bieszczady communes
Klimek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
mountain destination
holistic tourism development
SGDM model
The Bieszczady mountains are one of the ranges of the Polish Carpathians. Their natural and cultural amenities attract thousands of Polish and international tourists each year. Despite many protected zones existing in this area (e.g. Bieszczadzki National Park, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and Nature 2000 areas), the Bieszczady mountains face various environmental and social problems which have arisen from their dynamic but often chaotic tourism development. The lack of a common vision of long-term tourism development (on communal and regional levels) is one of the main challenging issues which public and private bodies are confronted with. The paper presents the results of the implementation of an innovative approach, i.e. the St. Gallen Model for Destination Management (SGDM), in selected Bieszczady communes. This method offers a clear advantage for key destination actors by allowing them to enter a process of holistic destination management. The article is the first attempt at SGDM application in Poland.
Turyzm; 2019, 29, 2; 55-67
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The relative input of payoffs and probabilities into risk judgment
Michalaszek, Agata
Sokolowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
risk perception
risk judgment
holistic judgment
dimensional model
The study was designed to investigate the relative input of payoffs and probabilities into risk judgment on the basis of the analysis of information search pattern. The modified version of MouselabWeb software ( was used as an investigative tool. The amount, the kind and the order of information accessed by subjects to evaluate risk was collected from ordinary respondents and respondents trained in mathematics and statistics. In the latter group were 75 students and young researchers working at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The ordinary subjects were 67 Polish students of social sciences. As expected, the NASA group considered more information than ordinary students and searched for more information about probabilities. However, the ratio of information about payoffs to probabilities was close to 1 in both groups. Moreover, average risk rates were similar in both groups. It was also observed that risk rates were positively related with the amount of information about probabilities considered by subjects.
Polish Psychological Bulletin; 2010, 41, 2; 46-51
Pojawia się w:
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Multiple criteria ranking decision support
Chmielewski, M.
Kaliszewski, I.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN
multiple criteria ranking
interactive multiple criteria decision making
holistic preferences
atomistic preferences
model building
We propose a methodology to support decisions on how to construct rankings of objects which account for decision makers' preferences. As it is not always so that objects to be ranked are known upfront, the methodology is focused on constructing ranking algorithms rather than rankings themselves. The methodology builds on Multiple Criteria Decision Making paradigms. To operationalize it we provide a consistent interactive framework which allows the decision maker to express his preferences with respect to objects directly, with respect to the criteria selection process (multiple criteria model building), and with respect to attributes resulting from the selected criteria. The methodology is illustrated by a numerical example of municipality rankings.
Control and Cybernetics; 2011, 40, 4; 1161-1187
Pojawia się w:
Control and Cybernetics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Renewed MER model of integral management
Model MER zintegrowanego zarządzania
Belak, J.
Duh, M
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki
MER model
holistic approach
model MER
podejście holistyczne do zarządzania
podejście holistyczne do kierowania
zarządzanie zintegrowane
Background: The research work on entrepreneurship, enterprise's policy and management, which started in 1992, successfully continued in the following years. Between 1992 and 2011, more than 400 academics and other researchers have participated in research work (MER research program) whose main orientation has been the creation of their own model of integral management. Results: In past years, academics (researchers and authors of published papers) from Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Byelorussia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the US have cooperated in MER programs, coming from more than fifty institutions. Thus, scientific doctrines of different universities influenced the development of the MER model which is based on both horizontal and vertical integration of the enterprises' governance and management processes, instruments and institutions into a consistently operating unit. Conclusions: The presented MER model is based on the multi-layer integration of governance and management with an enterprise and its environment, considering the fundamental desires for the enterprises' existence and, thus, their quantitative as well as qualitative changes. The process, instrumental, and institutional integrity of the governance and management is also the initial condition for the implementation of all other integration factors.
Wstęp: Prace badawcze nad przedsiębiorczością, polityką przedsiębiorstw oraz zarządzania, rozpoczęte w 1992, były z sukcesem kontynuowane w kolejnych latach. W okresie od 1992 do 2011, ponad 400 pracowników naukowych brało udział w projekcie badawczym (program badawczy MER), którego głównym celem było stworzenie własnego modelu zarządzania zintegrowanego. Wyniki: W ostatnich latach, w programach MER brali udział pracownicy naukowi (biorący udział w badaniach oraz autorzy publikowanych prac), którzy pochodzi z ponad 50 instytucji z Austrii, Belgii, Bośni i Hercegowiny, Bułgarii, Białorusi, Kanady, Czech, Chorwacji, Estonii, Francji, Niemiec, Węgier, Włoch, Polski, Rumunii, Rosji, Słowacji, Słowenii, Szwajcarii, Ukrainy i Stanów Zjednoczonych. W wyniku tego, doktryny naukowe różnych uniwersytetów miały wpływ na rozwój modelu MER, który to opiera się zarówno na horyzontalnej jak i wertykalnej integracji zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem, procesów zarządzania, instrumentów oraz instytucji w jeden spójny operacyjny organizm. Wnioski: Prezentowany model MER jest oparty na wielopoziomowej integracji zarządzania i kierowania przedsiębiorstwem oraz jego otoczeniem, uwzględniając podstawowe dążenia przedsiębiorstwa do jego istnienia, jak również jego ilościowych i jakościowych zmian. Proces instrumentalnego oraz instytucjonalnego zintegrowania zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem jest także wstępnym warunkiem wdrożenia innych czynników integracji.
LogForum; 2015, 11, 4; 315-327
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Developing students’ transversal competences through cultivation of health literacy competence
Borova, Tatyana
Petrenko, Viktoriia
Ved, Tetiana
Pyvovarov, Vasyl
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Lotnictwa
transversal competences
health literacy competence
subject-based competences
holistic approach
competence-based education
qualimetric model
The recognition that transversal competences are increasingly needed to face the challenges of the ever-changing world has given rise to work examining students' development of transversal competences (TVCs) during their university time. This approach argues in favor of embedding transversal competences as well as health literacy competence and subject-based competences in curricula. The mini-study presented herein first posits a logical model for the integration of transversal competences in university curricula, supplemented with a qualimetric model comprising 6 factors associated with transversal competences. The resulting tools for transversal competence evaluation and self-assessment were next applied in a pilot questionnaire study of a small group of management students at a local university. Overall, the findings support the claim that students' TVC development requires a new educational paradigm based on a holistic approach to competence-based learning that involves the harmonious development of a person's TVCs and subject-based competences. Moreover, the results may serve as a reference for future studies on transversal competences and health literacy in particular, as well as for teachers and researchers in related fields.
Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych; 2021, 40, 2; 35-52
Pojawia się w:
Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Manufacturing powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics and the importance of conventional and additive technologies for products manufacturing in Industry 4.0 stage
Dobrzański, L. A.
Dobrzański, L. B.
Dobrzańska-Danikiewicz, A. D.
Kraszewska, M.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Komputerowej Nauki o Materiałach i Inżynierii Powierzchni w Gliwicach
powder engineering
powders manufacturing methods
manufacturing technologies using powders
dendrological matrix of the technologies potential and attractiveness
holistic augmented Industry 4.0 model
inżynieria proszkowa
metody wytwarzania proszków
technologie wytwarzania z użyciem proszków
Purpose: The paper is a literature review indicating the importance of powder engineering in the modern stage of Industry 4.0 development. 47 technologies for the manufacturing and use the powders of metal and their alloys and ceramic in the manufacturing of products are indicated. All those technologies were compared in terms of their potential and attractiveness, pointing to their development trends. The focus was solely on powder production methods. Other technologies will be discussed in other papers in the powder engineering cycle. Design/methodology/approach: The authors' considerations are based on an extensive literature study and the results of the authors' previous studies and empirical work. In order to compare the analyzed technologies, the methodology of knowledge engineering are used, including the own method of contextual matrices for comparative analysis of a large set of technologies by presenting them on a dendrological matrix. Findings: The most interesting intellectual achievements contained in the paper include presentations of the authors' original concepts regarding the augmentation of the Industry 4.0 model. Material processing technologies occupy an important place in it, among them powder engineering technologies, both conventional and additive. The most attractive and promising development technologies in powder engineering are identified. Originality/value: The originality of the paper is associated with the novelty of the approach to analysing powder engineering, an indication of its importance for the development of the Industry 4.0 idea, where progress does not depend only on the development of IT technologies. It is also not true that from among technologies only additive technologies play a key role. Using avant-garde analyses in the field of knowledge engineering, the most avant-garde technologies of powder engineering are pointed out.
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering; 2020, 102, 1; 13--41
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Manufacturing technologies thick-layer coatings on various substrates and manufacturing gradient materials using powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics
Dobrzański, L. A.
Dobrzański, L. B.
Dobrzańska-Danikiewicz, A. D.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Komputerowej Nauki o Materiałach i Inżynierii Powierzchni w Gliwicach
powder engineering
manufacturing of powder products
manufacturing technologies thick-layer coatings using powders
dendrological matrix of the technologies potential and attractiveness
holistic augmented Industry 4.0 model
inżynieria proszkowa
produkcja produktów proszkowych
technologie wytwarzania
powłoka grubowarstwowa
matryca dendrologiczna
przemysł 4.0
Purpose: The paper is a comprehensive review of the literature on manufacturing technologies thick-layer coatings on various substrates and manufacturing gradient materials using powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics. Design/methodology/approach: Extensive literature studies on manufacturing technologies thick-layer coatings on various substrates and manufacturing gradient materials using powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics have been carried out. The paper is illustrated with examples of various structure images obtained as part of research of engineering materials made by authors with powders. By using knowledge engineering methods, development perspectives of individual technologies were indicated. Findings: The manufacturing technologies thick-layer coatings on various substrates and manufacturing gradient materials using powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics as the advanced digital production (ADP) technologies are proves the highest possible potential and relatively good attractiveness, as well as their fully exploited attractiveness or substantial development opportunities in this respect. Originality/value: According to augmented holistic Industry 4.0 model, many materials processing technologies and among them manufacturing technologies thick-layer coatings on various substrates and manufacturing gradient materials using powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics are becoming very important among product manufacturing technologies. They are an essential part of powder engineering.
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering; 2020, 99, 1; 14-41
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Overview of conventional technologies using the powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics in Industry 4.0 stage
Dobrzański, L. A.
Dobrzański, L. B.
Dobrzańska-Danikiewicz, A. D.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Komputerowej Nauki o Materiałach i Inżynierii Powierzchni w Gliwicach
powder engineering
conventional powders manufacturing methods
powder metallurgy
liquid phase sintering
in solid-state sintering
manufacturing of powder products
holistic augmented Industry 4.0 model
inżynieria proszkowa
konwencjonalne metody wytwarzania proszków
metalurgia proszków
faza ciekła spiekania
spiekanie w fazie stałej
produkcja produktów proszkowych
przemysł 4.0
Purpose: Among the technologies that play a crucial role in the current stage of development of Industry 4.0 conventional powder engineering technologies are of great importance. Based on a comprehensive literature review, conventional technologies using the powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics are described. Development perspectives of the most widespread among them were indicated. Design/methodology/approach: Extensive literature studies on conventional powder engineering technologies have been carried out. By using knowledge engineering methods, development perspectives of individual technologies were indicated. Findings: In addition to the presentation of conventional sintering technological methods, sintering mechanisms in solid-state and liquid phase sintering which accounts for 90% of the commercial value of sintered products are presented. Originality/value: According to augmented holistic Industry 4.0 model, many materials processing technologies and among them conventional powder engineering technologies play a key role in current industry development. For this reason, these technologies have been characterized in detail on the basis of available literature sources.
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering; 2020, 98, 2; 56-85
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Additive and hybrid technologies for products manufacturing using powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics
Dobrzański, L. A.
Dobrzański, L. B.
Dobrzańska-Danikiewicz, A. D.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Komputerowej Nauki o Materiałach i Inżynierii Powierzchni w Gliwicach
powder engineering
manufacturing of powder products
hybrid technologies using powders
additive manufacturing technologies using powders
dendrological matrix of the technologies potential and attractiveness
holistic augmented Industry 4.0 model
inżynieria proszkowa
produkcja wyrobów proszkowych
technologie hybrydowe z wykorzystaniem proszków
technologie wytwarzania przyrostowego z wykorzystaniem proszków
Purpose: The paper is a comprehensive review of the literature on additive and hybrid technologies for products manufacturing using powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics. Design/methodology/approach: Extensive literature studies on conventional powder engineering technologies have been carried out. By using knowledge engineering methods, development perspectives of individual technologies were indicated. Findings: The additive and hybrid technologies for products manufacturing using powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics as the advanced digital production (ADP) technologies are located in the two-quarters of the dendrological matrix of technologies "wide-stretching oak" and "rooted dwarf mountain pine" respectively. It proves their highest possible potential and attractiveness, as well as their fully exploited attractiveness or substantial development opportunities in this respect. Originality/value: According to augmented holistic Industry 4.0 model, many materials processing technologies and among them additive and hybrid technologies for products manufacturing using powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics are becoming very important among product manufacturing technologies. They are an essential part not only of powder engineering but also of the manufacturing development according to the concept of Industry 4.0.
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering; 2020, 102, 2; 59--85
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-13 z 13

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