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Elementy teologii duchowości w „Collectanea Theologica” 1920-2020
Elements of Theology of Spirituality in „Collectanea Theologica” 1920-2020
Tatar, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
duchowość laikatu
teologia duchowości
historia duchowości
duchowość dialogiczna
duchowość sakramentalna
spirituality of laity
theology of spirituality
history of spirituality
dialogical spirituality
sacramental spirituality
The development of theology over the centuries of the Church’s life and activity is accomplished through publications. They express the theologians’ positions, opinions and hypotheses. Among Polish theological journals, “Collectanea Theologica”, which has its origins in Lviv (“Przegląd Teologiczny”), plays a special role. Though it is connected with the Warsaw theological environment, it not only covers Poland but also goes beyond its borders, as evidenced by the foreign publications and foreign-language authors. Undoubtedly, this journal has become a very serious and rich source of and platform for the development of the theology of spirituality. Its existence is connected with the independence of this branch of the theology, and therefore from the beginning of its existence we find in the journal highly valuable and serious materials on spirituality.The analysis of the publications, which are the result of research conducted over a hundred years, allows us to conclude that we are dealing with an unusual and multidirectional wealth. It should be stated that the publications present an interdisciplinary nature of the research conducted. The study outlines the main directions of the development of the theology of spirituality and their documentation. It can be said that these publications reflect theological trends in the universal Church. Both the documents of the Church and of the popes as well as the events became an inspiration for the authors. Historical, social and even political events were not without their significance and influence. Of particular importance is the development of native Polish theology, having its own specificity and contributing richly to the life of the whole universal Church. We define such a achievement as the “Polish school of spirituality”.
Collectanea Theologica; 2020, 90, 2; 181-220
Pojawia się w:
Collectanea Theologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praktyczne wskazania dla życia osobistego i społecznego w wybranych tekstach literatury religijnej XVII – poł. XVIII wieku
Practical Guidance on Personal and Social Life in Selected Texts of Religious Literature of the 17th and Mid 18th Century
Łukarsk, Beata
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
historia duchowości
historia literatury
literatura staropolska
literatura kościelna
literatura ascetyczna
history of spirituality
history of literature
Old Polish literature
ecclesiastical literature
ascetic literature
Tekst jest omówieniem wybranych przekazów źródłowych powstałych u schyłku epoki staropolskiej, to jest od siedemnastego do połowy osiemnastego stulecia. Przywoływane druki należą do tego działu ówczesnej twórczości, który ująć można we wspólnej nazwie piśmiennictwa religijnego. Jest to spuścizna kulturowa licznie reprezentowana zarówno w ilości tytułów, jak i formalnej ich różnorodności. Wśród odnotowanych edycji nie ma jednak traktatów naukowych. W rodzimym planie wydawniczym u schyłku doby staropolskiej spotykamy ich zresztą niewiele. Większość analizowanych zapisów stanowi natomiast literatura o charakterystycznym odziaływaniu duszpasterskim, mianowicie: ascetyka, moralistyka, literatura kaznodziejska. Wpisany w strukturę przekazu większości owych utworów szeroki adres wydawniczy i możliwie najbardziej powszechne ich przeznaczenie determinują zarówno kształt literacki wypowiedzi, jak i sposób komunikowania się z odbiorcami. Poza tym przeważająca część cytowanych w szczegółowych rozważaniach historycznych zapisów nosi wyraźne znamiona formalnego i językowego uproszczenia. Ich cechą charakterystyczną jest wyraźnie perswazyjnie ukierunkowanie. W konsekwencji autorzy ujawniają w sferze czytelnych zamierzeń twórczych obecność programowo potraktowanej tendencji dydaktycznego oddziaływania. Wpisana w historyczny przekaz uniwersalność pouczeń etycznych i moralnych umożliwia ich odczytywanie poza granicami reprezentowanej wspólnoty wyznaniowej. Sytuuje je także poza obecnym w nich horyzontem czasowym. Ich uniwersalizm budują refleksje oparte na wspólnocie powszechnie przyjętego i akceptowanego humanizmu. Pouczenia te definiują takie wartości, jak: prawda, pokora, szczerość. Podejmują istotne dla pojedynczego człowieka i dla całego społeczeństwa zagadnienia: relacji do drugiej osoby, poczucia własnej godności, prawidłowej samooceny, współczującej relacji do innych, objawiającej się w chęci niesienia praktycznej pomocy. Wskazania zawierają także zaakcentowany kontekst religijny, opisując warunki przekonującego świadectwa wyznawanej wiary. W części omawiającej problemy natury społecznej znalazły się teksty odnoszące się do problematyki wartości pracy, sprawiedliwego i uczciwego wynagradzania. W ostatnim rozdziale pouczenia staropolskich pisarzy religijnych odnoszą się do wybranych problemów życia małżeńskiego i rodzinnego.
The text is an attempt to describe selected source materials produced at the end of the Old Polish period, that is from the 17th and mid 18th century. However, among original records there are no treatises of a scientific nature. The list of historical publications described as religious literature includes all titles. The publications attracted a wide circle of readers and in particular determined their universal purpose as both literary forms and as ways of communicating with readers. Most of them exhibit clear formal and linguistic simplifications. Moreover, the widespread educational dimension is a characteristic feature of the Polish Baroque literature under discussion. When it becomes part of a historical tradition, the universality of ethical and moral advice enables us to read the recommendations of church writers of the time in a wider perspective than that of the represented religious community (universal values based on a commonly accepted foundation of humanity, independent of a religious affiliation and time perspective). The advice of Polish Baroque writers emphasizes such values as truth, humility and honesty. They raise issues of importance to both the individual and to society, such as relationships with other people, the sense of one’s own dignity, appropriate self-esteem, and a compassionate attitude to others manifested by a desire to help them. They also provide some recommendations in the religious context, describing the conditions of a convincing proof of one’s practised faith. In the section discussing issues of a social nature, texts referring to questions of the value of work and the matter of fair and honest remuneration are considered. In the last section the advice of Old Polish religious writers on selected problems of marriage and family life is discussed.
Studia Gdańskie; 2015, 36; 205-218
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tytuły maryjne w wybranych utworach literatury religijnej polskiego baroku
Marian titles in the chosen texts of the Polish baroque religious literature
Łukarska, Beata
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
literatura staropolska
historia duchowości
obrazy maryjne
kaznodziejstwo barokowe
literatura kościelna
ecclesiastical literature
history of spirituality
Marian paintings
Old-Polish literature
Tekst odwołuje się do wiedzy o tradycjach religijnych historycznej Polski. W sposób szczególny skupia się na historycznych aspektach kultu maryjnego, a dokładnie takich jego elementach jak: kult obrazów i cudownych maryjnych miejsc, narodowy patronat Najświętszej Maryi Panny oraz praktyka tzw. maryjnego niewolnictwa. Od strony literackiej, prezentowany temat odnosi się do podstawowej charakterystyki piśmiennictwa baroku. Posługiwanie się bowiem obrazowym lub symbolicznym sposobem opisu osoby albo przedmiotu było w tym czasie, tj. w XVII i XVIII w., zasadniczym wymogiem artystyczności dzieł literackich. Wśród źródeł przywołano: teksty kaznodziejskie, traktaty ascetyczne oraz fragmenty poetyckie. Artykuł składa się z kilku części. W części pierwszej zebrane zostały tytuły wyrażające chwałę Najświętszej Maryi Panny. Część druga zawiera obrazy ilustrujące relację Maryi do Boga i Chrystusa. Część trzecia obrazuje maryjną opiekę nad człowiekiem. Ostatnia, czwarta, zbiera tytuły wyrażające opiekę Maryi nad historyczną społecznością Polaków.
The text relates to the knowledge of religious traditions in the history of Poland. It focuses especially on historical aspects of Marian cult, in particular on such aspects as paintings cult, miraculous Marian places, State patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as on the practice of the so called Marian slavery. From the literary point of view, the topic refers to the basic characteristic of the Baroque writing. Use of illustrative and symbolic manner to describe a person or an object was then, that is in 17th and 18th century, fundamental requirement for artistic literary writings. Sources refer to preacher texts, ascetic treatises and fragments of the poems. The article consists of few parts. The first part covers titles referring to the glory of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The second part consists of paintings illustrating Mary’s attitude to God and Christ. The third part re;ects the Marian care for a human being. The last, fourth part consists of titles referring to Mary’s care for the Polish historical community.
Studia Gdańskie; 2012, 31; 389-399
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rosyjska diaspora religijna w Paryżu
The Russian Religious Diaspora in Paris
Русская религозная эмиграция в Париже
Kucy, Aleksy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
diaspora rosyjska
odrodzenie religijne
historia rosyjskiej duchowości
Russian diaspora
religious revival
history of the Russian spirituality
The Russian diaspora played an important role in the 20th century religious and spiritual revival. The French capital was the main centre of the Russian religious and cultural renaissance of in the 1920s and 1930s. In Paris, there were dozens of Orthodox churches and chapels. Religious life flourished, accompanied by intellectual revival. This led to the rise of what can be legitimately called a separate Orthodox, emigrational school of theology.
Русская диаспора в изгнании сыграла важную роль в возрождении русской духовности XX века. Столица Франции в этом процессе являлась ключевым центром религиозной и культурной жизни россиян, ведь здесь в 20е и 30е годы функционировало несколько десятков православных церквей и часовен. Религиозная жизнь развивалась в паре с интеллектуальной, благодаря которой сегодня можно уже говорить об отдельной богословской и исторической школе, возникшей в эмиграции.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2013, 61, 7; 161-175
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kategoria duchowości - ślady obecności w tekstach J.J. Rousseau, J.H. Pestalozziego i J.F. Herbarta
Znaniecka, Marta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
history of pedagogy
This article provides an analysis of the category of spirituality found in the texts of classical pedagogues such as: J.J. Rousseau, J.H. Pestalozzi and J.F. Herbart. Spirituality appears in these texts in the sense of morality and its varieties such as the heart, the inner life, but also the mental horizon. This way of understanding spirituality traditionally has belonged to religious context and is particularly visible in herbartian pedagogy. In the texts of Rousseau and Pestalozzi there is a belief that institutionalized religion called to be representative of morality is not fulfilling its role properly. Therefore, they establish the higher instance of religion - noninstitutional, personal, internal, involving an independent search for meaning in life. What attracts particular attention is the fact that despite the high rank given to the thread of morality/spirituality by presented here authors, this issue remains the “fuzzy” concept and lacks of detailed indications as to the ways of its implementation. This ambiguity, which operates poetic language and the lack of specific references of a practical nature, seems to be one of the causes acting on behalf of the exclusion of spirituality from the educational impact. This analysis is the first stage of the theoretical description of spirituality, which in the field of pedagogy is very fragmented, ambiguous, and thus difficult to undergo pedagogical reflection. It is also a step towards “disenchantment” of the analyzed category, by which I mean the process of rational and critical overview of spirituality; this in turn paves the way for realizing the sense that I find in making the category of spirituality useful for pedagogy: undergoing reflection and being translated into educational practice.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2015, 3(109); 72-91
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“The Sacred” and “Spirituality” in Polish Literary Research
Kudyba, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
methodology of literary criticism
history of literary criticism
The article was devoted to the methodology of research on the relationship between literature-religion. Its aim is a critical reflection on the use of the category of ‘the sacred’ in the research. In Poland, in 70. of the last century, ‘the sacred’ has become the vital category for reflections on the religious aspects of literature (eliminating such terms as ‘catholic literature’ and ‘religious literature’). The historiographical method is used in the article. The author presents the steps of the presence of the category ‘the sacred’ in the humanities, especially in the Polish literature studies. The main results of the analysis: sacrological research had prepared us to meet study of literature and cultural studies. Many factors point to the fact that sacral research was one of the first attempts to build a bond between literary and cultural studies. The term ‘the sacred’ did not have classification or typological aim (such function was sometimes assigned to ‘religious literature’ term). Its wide range allowed activities that led to identification of the religious profile of the literary work. Its primary context was not any ideology or religious doctrine, but cultural anthropology, so it demanded culture studies competence more than being involved in world outlook. The wide range of the notion – completely natural and desirable in the anthropology of culture – did not have to be something obvious in the research of separate literary works, at times evoking the image of the world strictly connected with particular religion, or even particular worship. The answer to this was Stefan Sawicki’s offer to replace ‘the sacred’ category when analysing such works with other terms. Organizational measures undertaken by the founder of Lublin school of sacral research were soon verified by the reality of academic discussion – subject, as each discussion, to the rules of terminology fashion. ‘The sacred’ became fashionable term for some time – used and overused, perhaps. It became the key-word to open all possible references to religious sphere in literary works. It was applied not only where the layer of religious meaning remained generalized in the text, but also in those which were distinctly involved in the symbolic world of a specific religion. There were of course attempts to introduce new notion where the context demanded it. Taken in the article analyzes the concept of the sacred in literary studies have been limited mainly to the area of Polish literary criticism. The text encourages further research. It has practical significance. It explains the methods, can serve students and other readers (such as teachers or students) to acquire the skills to interpret literary texts. The author is not only critically discusses the use of the sacred in the research literature, but also proposes a new research tools in the form of the category of “spirituality”.
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 1(1); 41-57
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwój duchowy dziecka w pedagogice Janusza Korczaka
Children’s Spiritual Development in the Pedagogy of Janusz Korczak
Sieradzka-Baziur, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Janusz Korczak
historia wychowania
rozwój duchowy
history of education
spiritual development
CEL NAUKOWY: Celem artykułu jest pokazanie rzadziej podejmowanego w pedagogice zagadnienia, jakim jest rozwój duchowy wychowanka. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Problem podjęty w artykule ma formę dwóch pytań: Jakie sposoby opisywania duchowości i jej wyrażania wykorzystał w swoich tekstach Korczak? Jakie podejmował działania, aby wychować uduchowione dziecko? Metoda przyjęta w pracy to analiza semantyczna wybranych tekstów wielkiego pedagoga, wspomnień jego wychowanków i innych osób, z którymi pozostawał w bliskich relacjach, oraz opracowań naukowych na temat jego życia i twórczości. PROCES WYWODU: W artykule zostało zaprezentowane zagadnienie opisywania i wyrażania duchowości przez Korczaka w jego tekstach, a także jego działania podejmowane w celu wychowania uduchowionego dziecka. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Z analizy tekstów Korczaka na temat duchowości i podejmowanych przez niego działań wynika, że jednym z celów, jakie sobie stawiał, było to, aby uczynić swoje życie i życie swoich wychowanków bardziej uduchowionym. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Podjęte zagadnienie wymaga dalszych studiów nad językiem religijnym Korczaka oraz przeprowadzenie całościowej analizy semantycznej wszystkich wspomnień wychowanków wielkiego pedagoga.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to show the less frequently discussed issue in pedagogy, which is the spiritual development of the pupil.  THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The problem in the paper is taken up in the form of two questions: What methods of describing spirituality and its expression did Korczak use in his texts? What steps did he take to raise a spiritual child? The method adopted in the work is a semantic analysis of selected texts of the great educator, the memories of his pupils and other people with whom he was in close relations, as well as scientfic studies on his life and work.  THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article presents the issue of describing and expressing spirituality by Janusz in his texts, as well as his activities to raise a spiritual child. RESEARCH RESULTS: The analysis of Korczak’s texts on spirituality and the activities he undertook shows that one of the goals he set for himself was to make his life and the lives of his pupils more spritual.  CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDTIONS: The undertaken issue requires further studies on the religious language of Korczak and conducting a comprehensive semantic analysis of all the memories of the pupils of the great educator.
Horyzonty Wychowania; 2022, 21, 58; 11-21
Pojawia się w:
Horyzonty Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sacrum i „duchowość” w polskich badaniach literackich
Kudyba, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
metodologia badań literackich
historia badań literackich
methodology of literary criticism
history of literary criticism
The article was devoted to the methodology of research on the relationship between literature-religion. Its aim is a critical reflection on the use of the category of the sacred in the research. In Poland, in 70. of the last century, sacred has become the vital category for reflections on the religious aspects of literature (eliminating such terms as ‘catholic literature’ and ‘religious literature’). The historiographical method is used in the article. The author presents the steps of the presence of the category sacred in the humanities, especially in the Polish literature studies. The main results of the analysis: sacrological research had prepared us to meet study of literature and cultural studies. Many factors point to the fact that sacral research was one of the first attempts to build a bond between literary and cultural studies. The term sacrum did not have classification or typological aim (such function was sometimes assigned to ‘religious literature’ term). Its wide range allowed activities that led to identification of the religious profile of the literary work. Its primary context was not any ideology or religious doctrine, but cultural anthropology, so it demanded culture studies competence more than being involved in world outlook. The wide range of the notion – completely natural and desirable in the anthropology of culture – did not have to be something obvious in the research of separate literary works, at times evoking the image of the world strictly connected with particular religion, or even particular worship. The answer to this was Stefan Sawicki’s offer to replace the sacrum category when analysing such works with other terms. Organizational measures undertaken by the founder of Lublin school of sacral research were soon verified by the reality of academic discussion – subject, as each discussion, to the rules of terminology fashion. Sacrum became fashionable term for some time – used and overused, perhaps. It became the key-word to open all possible references to religious sphere in literary works. It was applied not only where the layer of religious meaning remained generalized in the text, but also in those which were distinctly involved in the symbolic world of a specific religion. There were of course attempts to introduce new notion where the context demanded it. Taken in the article analyzes the concept of the sacred in literary studies have been limited mainly to the area of Polish literary criticism. The text encourages further research. It has practical significance. It explains the methods, can serve students and other readers (such as teachers or students) to acquire the skills to interpret literary texts. The author is not only critically discusses the use of the sacred in the research literature, but also proposes a new research tools in the form of the category of "spirituality" .
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 1(1); 59-77
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Svatý Jan pod Skalou: The Sacred Place and Conflicted Traditions
Święty Jan pod Skałą: święte miejsce i jego skonfliktowane tradycje
Sosnowska, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
przewodnik turystyczny
filozofia dziejów Czech
Święty Jan pod Skałą
tourist guide
philosophy of Czech history
Saint John under the Rock
The author explores the ideologization of human space on the example of the place known as Saint John under the Rock in Czechia. This place has a long and rich tradition, also written one, and is tightly bound with Czech identity, not only local but also national. The oldest mentions about the place appear in medieval manuscripts that describe it as one of the most mysterious and sacred. Religious tradition connected with the place serves as an example of the diversity of Czech approaches to faith. For the history of the place was extremely turbulent and its owners usually used it as a tool of cultural appropriation and ideological interest, Saint John under the Rock proves how desired traditions were shaped. To discuss Czech tradition, the author employs the metaphor of “geological layers.” Although all the layers − the Christian, the secular, and even the communist tradition − compose Czech identity, their interpreters analyze them in separation. They detach the layer of tradition that does not fit their perspective. Hence, the place under analysis reveals a battle for identities that aims to establish the dominant layer of tradition. In this article, I seek to unveil the game of contradicting narratives to show how a place so deeply plunged in Czech tradition is abused to represent only a part of the “right” tradition.
Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo; 2019, 9(12) cz.1; 97-110
Pojawia się w:
Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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