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The Enemy and the Victim: Stray Dogs in Poland, 1945–70 (Discourses and Actions)
Jarosz, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
animal studies
People’s Republic of Poland
history of animals
animal shelters
The article argues that two primary roles were prevalently identified for dogs in the period concerned: for one thing, dogs were perceived as objects of human malevolence or at least dislike; this had to do with the dissemination of disease – particularly, rabies, dangerous to humans. For another, the dog was represented as a victim of cruelty. The exchange of arguments between adherents of different solutions to the ‘canine question’ (dog-pounds and culling vs. shelters) grew emotion-imbued, especially in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The press published voices of protest against mass killings of dogs and reinstatement of dogcatcher’s establishments. Eminent scientists, artists, cultural workers sent requests or appeals in these respects to the authorities. This ‘canine campaign’ led to the adoption, in 1961–2, of legal acts designed to make the methods of dealing with homeless animals ‘civilised’, but they did not bring about a breakthrough in the way dogs were treated or dealt with in post-war Poland. The campaign demonstrated that an active group of dog lovers got formed in the People’s Republic. In this sense, it can be said that dogs became an object of human care (the latter topic not having been subject to the research on which the following text is based).
Acta Poloniae Historica; 2019, 120
Pojawia się w:
Acta Poloniae Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Animals in the legal culture of Prussian towns (the 13th–16th centuries): An overview
Modrzyński, Paweł Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
history of animals
history of law
chełmno law
lübeck law
middle ages
animal studies
cultural history
history of animal
history of towns
primateriminal prosecution and capital punishment of animals
Animals were a permanent element in the landscape of medieval towns. Many residents of the then urban centres lived of animal husbandry. In addition to farm animals (e.g. pigs), they kept domestic animals (e.g. dogs and cats) as well as wild animals. The latter often sought food in garbage and suburbs. Such animals were also kept for entertainment. Authorities of Prussian towns regulated many issues related to the functioning of towns, including those concerning animal husbandry. Animals could pose a threat to the health and life of residents. They were also considered to be pests that destroy crops, orchards, and household appliances. The legislation of the period was focused on determining guilt for crimes and offenses committed by animals. Either an animal, treated as an entity responsible for the harmful act, or its owner was blamed for the misconducts. The presence of animals, especially livestock, was considered to be the cause of considerable sanitary problems in towns, mainly due to animal waste. Town authorities regulated issues concerning cattle herding and grazing. The care over the herd was entrusted to urban shepherds whose service was regulated by town legislation. The problem of the perception of animals by the society of that time was also significant. Although seemingly unwanted, they were the only source of income for many residents. For some, animals were pests, and for others, a guarantee of fragile existence. It was also a time when people began to wonder what exactly an animal is, what role it should play in human life, and how to treat it.
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza; 2019, 23; 171-182
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Muzeum (nie)pamięci. Koń a Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego
The Museum of (Non)Remembrance. A Horse and the Warsaw Uprising Museum
Lorenc, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
a “narrative” museum
the Warsaw Uprising Museum
the wartime history of animals
„muzeum narracyjne”
Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego
wojenna historia zwierząt
The permanent exhibition at the Warsaw Uprising Museum, which has been on display since 2004 (continuously since 2005) is a text of culture – a construct that is not free from power and politics. The political nature of the Museum does not, however, determine its value, but rather represents a diagnosis of the social reality where culture is a space of ideological confrontation. The view that the Museum is politically entangled in organisational and ideological terms is neither demeaning nor ennobling for a cultural institution. However, it requires that the Museum surrender its claims of neutrality in a situation where, by decision of its creators, it occupies a defined position in the discourse, as illustrated by the omission of the history of animals – victims of war – in the exhibition. Meanwhile, the new humanities provide the new museum (and also the traditional one) with trends that unmask the author of the narrative and demystify the objective nature of that narrative. They allow us not only to identify and explain the reasons why the WUM left out the wartime history of animals, but also to show how and why those issues should be thought about, discussed and presented in a different way.
Prezentowana od 2004 roku (nieprzerwanie od 2005 roku) wystawa stała w Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego jest tekstem kultury – konstruktem niewolnym od władzy i polityki. Polityczność Muzeum nie przesądza jednak o jego wartości, a jedynie stanowi diagnozę rzeczywistości społecznej,w której kultura jest obszarem konfrontacji ideologicznej. Teza, że Muzeum jest uwikłane politycznie pod względem organizacyjnym i ideologicznym, nie jest deprecjonujące ani nobilitujące dla instytucji kultury. Wymaga jednak od Muzeum rezygnacji z roszczeń do neutralności, w sytuacji w której, decyzją swoich twórców, zajmuje ono w dyskursie określoną pozycję, czego przykładem jest pominięcie na ekspozycji historii zwierząt – ofiar wojny. Tymczasem nowa humanistyka oferuje nowemu muzeum (ale i tradycyjnemu) nurty, które demaskują twórcę narracji i demistyfikują jej obiektywny charakter. Pozwalają one zobaczyć i wyjaśnić powody pominięcia wojennej historii zwierząt w MPW, ale i wskazać, jak można i dlaczego powinno się inaczej o tych kwestiach myśleć, mówić i je pokazywać.
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2017, 2; 205-216
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sytuacja prawna zwierząt w majątku beneficjalnym w okresie międzywojennym – wybrane problemy
The legal situation of animals in the benefices in the interwar period in Poland. Selected problems
Dzikowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
historia weterynarii
historia prawa
history of veterinary medicine
legal history
The study examines and presents veterinary and legal (including canonical) aspects of livestock in the benefice institutions. Selected features of the legal status of animals in the beneficiary property of the parish priest, in the land of the diocese of Tarnów (Poland) were examined and described. In the period 1918–1939 in Poland, the parish benefice was, both from the factual and legal point of view, an important component of the exercise of RC offices, with animals being one of the most important – though not unproblematic – elements of the living. It was revealed, that these problems provided a basis for adopting synodal resolutions at the local, national and common levels, which focused on the concept of proper agricultural and economic use of animals as the farm components.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2022, 31, 4; 21-36
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Grounded Theory and Serendipity. Natural history of a Research
Konecki, Krzysztof Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Grounded theory
Qualitative sociology
Field research
Natural history of research
Sociology of interaction
Social world
Human-animals – non-human animals interactions
Anthropomorphization of animals
The paper deals with the issue of “serendipity” (which constitutes the context of discovery) in field research and the analysis of data by using the grounded theory methodology. The thesis of the paper is: the methodology of grounded theory is naturally associated with serendipity. We describe two aspects of serendipity in grounded theory: 1. substantive, and 2. theoretical. We present in the paper serendipity phenomenon by using the case of research on the “social world of pet owners”. We show how the research is developed by a sequence of decisions being made by researchers. The process of emergence of the main analytical category, subcategories and the whole theoretical construction during the long time of the field research and theoretical group analysis is presented, as well as the procedure of coming to unanticipated theoretical conclusions. It was all possible because of the interactional character of serendipity happening during the research in grounded theory style of investigation.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2008, 4, 1; 171-188
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Faunal remains from the fortified settlement around the church at Banganarti in Sudan
Osypińska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
African livestock
history of Nubia
meat consumption
animal breeding
African cattle
Christian kingdoms in Nubia
The assemblage of faunal remains from Banganarti subjected to archaeozoological examination counted 4178 bones and fragments of bones. They represented contexts recorded within the fortified settlement around the church in Banganarti, attributed to two different chronological phases: 7th–10th century AD (Early Makuria) and 11th–12th century AD (Classic Makuria). Species identified among the 1066 osteological remains from the first phase included mammals, fishes and mollusks. Domestic ruminants dominated this group: sheep/goat (42.77%) and cattle (41.08%); pig was also frequently recorded (12.38%). Bones from the second phase (1513 identified remains) were identified most frequently as cattle (43.75%), sheep/goat (32.78%) and pig (19.69%). Trace remains of donkey, dromedary, dog and bush pig were observed. The analysis gave rise to the first ever characteristic of breeding and meat consumption models for a settlement in the Kingdom of Makuria, outside the capital located at Old Dongola. Beef and pork proved to have a growing importance in consumption patterns in Banganarti over the ages. A study of animal morphology allowed breeds to be established.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean; 2015, 24(1); 411-424
Pojawia się w:
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
En France la police n’y est pas si exacte que parmy les Romains... – odpowiedzialność z tytułu rękojmi za ukryte wady fizyczne zwierząt w prawie francuskim do końca XIX wieku
En France la police n’y est pas si exacte que parmy les Romains... – warranty responsibility for hidden animal defects in French law until the end of the 19th century
Dzikowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
civil law
contract of sale
legal history
veterinary forensic medicine
prawo cywilne
umowa sprzedaży
historia prawa
medycyna sądowa weterynaryjna
Analizie i interpretacji poddane zostały źródła prawa dotyczące odpowiedzialności za wady fizyczne zwierząt w prawie francuskim przedrewolucyjnym i XIX-wiecznym – w tym lokalne prawa zwyczajowe, droit commun oraz późniejsze akty normatywne – jak również piśmiennictwo z zakresu nauk weterynaryjnych. Wykazano, że lokalne prawa zwyczajowe dotyczące rękojmi za wady główne wybranych gatunków zwierząt (przede wszystkim koni, a także innych zwierząt koniowatych, bydła, owiec) istniały na obszarze całej Francji i były uwzględniane też w ramach tzw. pays de droit écrit. Uprawnienia kupujących były nieproporcjonalnie ograniczone, przede wszystkim przez istnienie katalogu wad, krótkich terminów, wyłączenie możliwości obniżenia ceny i limitowanie redhibicji. Wyróżniano jedynie kilka wad ukrytych, których nazwy i zakres, a także reguły temporalne były nieracjonalne, anachroniczne i niezgodne ze stanem wiedzy lekarsko-weterynaryjnej. Regulacje te były stosowane (contra legem) w praktyce sądowniczej po wejściu w życie kodeksu Napoleona, a następnie zostały – niemalże bez zmiany – przejęte przez późniejsze ustawodawstwo.
Sources of law concerning liability for physical defects of animals in pre-revolutionary and 19th French law – including local customary laws, droit commun, and subsequent normative acts – as well as the literature in the field of veterinary sciences were analyzed and interpreted. It was ascertained that the local customary laws which pertained to the warranty for major defects of selected animal species (primarily horses as well as other equidae, cattle, sheep) had existed throughout France and had also been included in the so-called pays de droit écrit. Buyers’ rights were disproportionately limited, primarily by the existence of a closed catalogue of defects, short deadlines, exclusion of the possibility of price reduction, and the limitation of redhibition. Only a few latent defects were distinguished whose numerous names and scope, as well as the temporal rules, were irrational, anachronistic, and incompatible with the veterinary knowledge. These regulations were applied (contra legem) in judicial practice after the Napoleonic Code came into force, and they were subsequently adopted, virtually unchanged, by later legislation.
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne; 2022, 74, 1; 53-100
Pojawia się w:
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znak Jonasza. Refleksja nad aktualnością kontrowersyjnego proroka
The Sign of Jonah: Topicality of the Book of the Controversial Prophet
Jankowski, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
Prorocy ST,
historia Izraela
krytyka literacka
Prophets ST
history of Israel
literary critic
The Book of Jonah raises the question whether the Gentiles are entitled to the hope of salvation enjoyed by the Jews. The protagonist of the history illustrating this problem, is prophet Jonah, who denied them this right and was, therefore, convinced that Ninevites would reject his appeal to conversion. However, the city was converted and Jonah blamed God for the fact that history did not go his way. That story, actually a novella with satirical overtones, stigmatizes the narrow-mindedness of thinking characterizing the author’s contemporaries who adhered to the rigorous separatism of Judeans and pagans. The problem was undoubtedly relevant in the days of Christ, since it was recalled by Him in the polemic with the Pharisees. The early Church interpreted this book in the light of Resurrection. In the present article, it is argued that the Book of Jonah as a call to personal conversion not only from sins, but also from the narrowness of thinking as regards different believers, because salvation can only be ensured “the sign of Jonah”, i.e. the Paschal Mystery.
Księga Jonasza porusza ważny w środowisku judaistycznym problem prawa również pogan do nadziei zbawienia, jakim cieszą się Żydzi. Protagonistą historii ilustrującej ten ciągle aktualny problem jest prorok imieniem Jonasz, którego Bóg obarczył misją głoszenia Niniwitom konieczności nawrócenia jako warunku ocalenia. Próba Jonasza uchylenia się od tej misji – nie wierzył, by Niniwici wzięli sobie do serca jego apel – się nie powiodła. Ponieważ miasto się nawróciło, a Jonasz miał to za złe Bogu, że historia toczy się nie po jego myśli, Bóg posłużył się krzewem rycynusu, aby przekonać niesfornego proroka, że Jego intencją jest, aby grzesznik – czy Żyd, czy poganin – się nawrócił i żył. Historia Jonasza, właściwie nowela o wydźwięku satyrycznym, piętnuje ciasnotę myślenia współczesnych autorowi rodaków, którzy – być może pod wpływem reformy Ezdrasza-Nehemiasza – wyznawali rygorystyczny separatyzm Judejczyków i pogan. Problem był aktualny i w czasach Chrystusa, skoro w swojej polemice z faryzeuszami przywołał On postać Jonasza. Pierwotny Kościół odczytywał tę księgę już w świetle zmartwychwstania Jezusa, podczas gdy wyznawcy judaizmu nie chcieli jej uznać jako dowodu boskiej i mesjańskiej Jego misji. W świetle wypowiedzi Jezusa Księga Jonasza jest wezwaniem do kierowania się przesłankami wiary zawartymi w historii zbawienia, do osobistego nawrócenia nie tylko od grzechów, ale i od ciasnoty myślenia, wreszcie, że ocalenie/zbawienie może zapewnić dopiero uznanie Go jako Zbawiciela, czego rękojmią jest „znak Jonasza” czyli Misterium Paschalne.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2019, 40, 2; 11-23
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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