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„Geolog w terenie... czyli lata 20., lata 30. na archiwalnych fotografiach Profesora Zdzisława Pazdry” : wystawa w Muzeum Geologicznym im. S. J. Thugutta naWydziale Geologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
"A geologist in the field... the 1920s and 1930s in archival photos of Professor Zdzisław Pazdro collection" : exhibition at the S. J. Thugutt Geological Museum of the Faculty of Geology (University of Warsaw)
Barczyk, G.
Niechwedowicz, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
history of Polish geology
old photographs
historia polskiej geologii
stare fotografie
This paper presents a collection of archival photographs taken by Zdzis³aw and Olga Pazdro. The collection was purchased by the S. J. Thugutt Geological Muzeum (Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw). The set of vintage photographs consists of a few hundred previously unknown large-format glass plates, celluloid negatives and prints dated 1926–1939. This unique collection documents Professor's scientific fieldwork, excavations, fieldtrips and daily life scenes.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2013, 61, 12; 742--745
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Losy Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego w czasie II wojny światowej – wspominając tych, którzy odeszli
The fate of the Polish Geological Institute during World War II – remembering those who have gone
Graniczny, M.
Miecznik, J. B.
Urban, H.
Wołkowicz, K.
Wołkowicz, S.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny
II wojna światowa
historia polskiej geologii
Polish Geological Institute
World War II
history of Polish geology
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny w czasie II wojny światowej został zreorganizowany i przemianowany na Amt für Bodenforschung, stając się częścią niemieckiej służby geologicznej. W tym czasie zatrudnieni geolodzy polscy wykonywali prace głównie z zakresu geologii stosowanej, a badania naukowe zostały znacznie ograniczone. W okresie poprzedzającym wybuch Powstania Warszawskiego najcenniejsze materiały zostały w tajemnicy przed okupantem zakopane, niemniej część dokumentów wywieziono w głąb Niemiec. W czasie okupacji część pracowników PIG brała czynny udział w ruchu oporu, specjalizując się głównie w dostarczaniu materiałów kartograficznych oraz planów niemieckich fortyfikacji wojskowych. Sposób kierowania Instytutem przez prof. R. Brinkmanna spowodował, że w tym czasie, poza przypadkiem L. Horowitza, właściwie nie było aresztowań pracowników. Niemniej straty osobowe były dość znaczne. Pracownicy i współpracownicy Instytut ginęli w obozach zagłady w pierwszym okresie wojny, w czasie Powstania Warszawskiego, wskutek przeżyć wojennych lub, jak B. Bujalski, zostali zamordowani przez NKWD.
Polish Geological Institute was reorganized during Word War II renamed for Amt für Bodenforschung and included in the German geological survey. At that time, Polish geologists employed in “Amt” were performing mainly applied geological studies and scientific investigations were very restricted. Before the Warsaw Uprising most precious materials had been secretly hidden. Unfortunately, some of the documents were carried away to Germany. During occupation, part of the PGI staff was actively engaged in underground resistance. It specialized in delivery of cartographic materials and plans of the German military constructions to the underground army. German director of the Amt, Prof. R. Brinkmann behaved in such a way no employee was arrested, besides the case of L. Horwitz. Nevertheless, the personal losses were significant. Many employees and collaborators of the Institute perished in concentration camps, during the Warsaw Uprising, due to the hard conditions of the war or were murdered by the Nazi or, like B. Bujalski, by Soviet occupants.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2012, 448 (2); 479--493
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Saga rodu Zuberów
The Zuber family saga
Chowaniec, J.
Graniczny, M.
Urban, H.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Zuber Stanisław
Zuber Andrzej
poszukiwania węglowodorów
historia polskiej geologii
Zuber Rudolf
hydrocarbon exploration
history of Polish geology
Artykuł obejmuje krótkie biografie trzech wybitnych polskich geologów, naukowców, podróżników i patriotów z rodziny Zuberów – Rudolfa, Stanisława i Andrzeja, czyli ojca, syna i wnuka. Głównym przedmiotem zainteresowania oraz zajęciem Rudolfa było poszukiwanie ropy naftowej. Jego doświadczenia były znaczące dla wielu krajów i przyczyniły się do rozwoju przemysłu naftowego. W trakcie swoich ekspedycji badawczych prowadził prace na wszystkich kontynentach, oprócz Australii. Odkrył również w Krynicy unikatową wodę – szczawę chlorkową, zaliczaną dziś do najsilniejszych szczaw w Europie. Jest także autorem fundamentalnego dzieła Flisz i nafta, będącego jedną z klasycznych prac geologicznych epoki. Jego syn Stanisław rozpoczął karierę zawodową od uczestnictwa w poszukiwaniach ropy naftowej w Baku (Azerbejdżan) i na Wschodnim Kaukazie. Prowadząc prace poszukiwawcze w Albanii, przyczynił się do odkrycia największych złóż ropy naftowej w tym kraju – Kuçova–Lushnja, Murriz–Pekisht oraz Patos–Cakran–Selenica. Jest obecnie uważany w Albanii za „ojca nowoczesnej geologii". Andrzej Zuber, syn Kazimierza, brata Stanisława oraz wnuk Rudolfa był również zaangażowany w wiele przedsięwzięć poza granicami kraju – Kenia, Brazylia, Meksyk, Tajlandia, Indie. Jego główne zainteresowania naukowe były związane z badaniami znaczników środowiskowych wód zwykłych, mineralnych i termalnych. Wśród wielu problemów hydrogeologicznych, jakimi zajmował się Andrzej Zuber, poczesne miejsce zajmuje określenie genezy i obszarów zasilania wód mineralnych Krynicy. Można to uznać za kontynuację prac dziadka Rudolfa. Historia zatoczyła krąg.
The paper contains short biographies of three prominent Polish geologists, scientists, travellers and patriots of the Zuber family – Rudolf, Stanisław and Andrzej, father, son and grandson. Main occupation of Rudolf was exploration of oil deposits. His experience was of high value for many oil companies and countries that made their development dependent on the oil industry. On his scientific journeys he reached every inhabited part of the world, excluding Australia. In Krynica, he discovered a unique water that is among the strongest alkaline acidic waters in Europe. He is also the author of a fundamental publication, titled Flysh and crude oil which was an important and classical geological work of those times. His son, Stanislaw Zuber, started his professional career from participation in oil exploration in the Baku (Azerbaijan) and East Caucasus regions. His exploratory work in Albania resulted in the discovery of the main oil fields in this country – Kuçova–Lushnja, Murriz–Pekisht and Patos–Cakran–Selenica. He is presently regarded as the father of modern geology of Albania. Andrzej Zuber, son of Kazimierz, Stanislaw’s brother and grandson of Rudolf was also involved in several activities abroad (Kenya, Brazil, Mexico, Thailand, India). His main interests were connected with investigations of the environmental logograms of the common, mineral and thermal waters. Among different hydrogeological problems, he put special attention to determination of the genesis and recharge areas of the Krynica mineral waters. It could be considered as the continuation of his grandfather’s work.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2012, 448 (2); 495--505
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oddział Świętokrzyski Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego : historia, ludzie i ich dokonania naukowe
The Holy Cross Branch of the Polish Geological Institute : history, people and their scientific achievements
Szczepanik, Zbigniew
Giełżecka-Mądry, Dorota
Wieczorek, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny
Oddziały regionalne PGI
historia geologii
Polish Geological Institute
PGI regional branches
history of geology
Kielce is a city situated in the centre of the Holy Cross Mountains, one of the most interesting geological areas in Europe. For this reason, institutions related to mining and geology have been operating here for over 200years. After the establishment of the Polish Geological Institute in 1919 in Warsaw, one of its founders, Jan Czarnocki, took steps to establish a regional branch of the Institute in Kielce, whose aim was to conduct scientific and exploratory research in the Holy Cross Mountains area. These activities were successfully completed in 1937, and since then, with a short break due to the Second World War, a branch of the Polish Geological Institute has been operating in Kielce. Since 1961, its headquarters have been located in a modern building, designed entirely for its needs, which has recently been modernized and expanded. Several dozen people employed in the Holy Cross Branch of the PGI-NRI carry out tasks in the field of applied geology and scientific research, focused on the study of an almost complete succession of Phanerozoic rocks in this region - from the Cambrian the history of the Holy Cross Branch of the PGI-NRI, and to present the most important to the Quaternary. The aim of this article is to provide a brief introduction to data related to the research and accomplishments of the geologists working in Kielce.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2020, 68, 5; 404--413
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historia Oddziału Gdańskiego Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego
History of the Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Geological Society
Kramarska, Regina
Kozerski, Bohdan
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Gdański Oddział PTG
historia geologii
Polish Geological Society
Gdańsk Branch of the PGS
history of geology
The Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Geological Society was established in 1962. Earlier, geologists from Gdańsk were active within the framework of the Kraków Branch. The number of members of the branch varied over time -from about 30 to over 100 people. The Gdańsk Branch plays an important role in integrating the geological community of the Tri-City. Over 180 lectures were delivered at regular meetings of the branch members. The Gdańsk Branch was also the organizer of several annual meetings of the Society - in 1958,1990 and2002 in Gdańsk, and in 1972 in Cetniewo. The first annual meeting at the seaside took place in 1935 in Gdynia, before the creation of the Gdańsk Branch. The research results presented at the annual meetings showed a continuous progress in geological exploration of the Pomerania region and the Baltic Sea bottom.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2022, 70, 4; 329--333
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny jako państwowa służba geologiczna : sto lat w służbie Niepodległej
Polish Geological Institute as the national geological survey : hundred years at the service for Poland
Peryt, Tadeusz M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Polski Przegląd Geologiczny
prawo geologiczne i górnicze
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny
historia geologii
Polish Geological Survey
geological and mining law
Polish Geological Institute
history of geology
The Polish Geological Institute was established in 1919 as the national geological survey within the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The initiative of a group of parliament members to appoint the Polish Geological Institute was supported by the Polish Parliament on May 30, 1919, and the official opening of the Institute took place on May 7, 1919. Two years later the PGI status and budget were accepted by the Polish government and Józef Morozewicz has received director’s nomination from the Head of State Józef Piłsudski. In March 1938, the President of Poland accepted a new decree concerning geological survey of Poland which was composed of the Polish Geological Institute and the State Geological Council. The role of the PGI grew and the budget substantially increased, but this positive trend was stopped due to the beginning of World War II. During the first post-war years, regional and basic studies made it possible to establish a geological model of Poland leading to great discoveries of mineral deposits in the fifties. The decree of October 8, 1951 adjusted the organization forms of the geological survey to the system of central planning and the domination of state property, and the institute (with the name changed to the Geological Institute) became a scientific institution. During the first years the institute experienced good conditions of development, and a great progress in the knowledge of geology of Poland combined with the basic and regional studies that led to significant discoveries and documentation of mineral deposits. However, already in the seventies the first signs of crisis in geology became evident. In 1985, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Mineral Resources was established, the Central Board of Geology was disbanded, and many tasks of geological survey returned to the institute, hence this turned out to be appropriate to return to the historical name, Polish Geological Institute, which took place on June 19, 1987. Since January 1, 2012, the Polish Geological Institute has served as the Polish geological survey on the basis of the Act of June 9, 2011, and earlier, since January 1, 2002, legally specified tasks of the Polish geological survey has been assigned to the PGI. On February 24, 2009 the Council of Ministers gave the PGI a status of National Research Institute, and this implied the adding this new status to the name of the Polish Geological Institute. For the century the Polish Geological Institute has successfully fulfilled all the basic responsibilities and commitments that are conventionally assigned to national geological surveys, and is a model example of modern national geological survey of very wide expertise.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2019, 67, 7; 519--534
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stanisław Krajewski : geolog karpacki i naftowy, redaktor i historyk geologii
Stanisław Krajewski : Carpathian and petroleum geologist, publishing editor and geological historian
Miecznik, Jerzy B.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
geologia naftowa
Stacja geologiczna w Borysławiu
Polski Instytut Geologiczny w Warszawie
historia nauk geologicznych
petroleum geology
Geological Station at Borysław
Polish Geological Institute in Warsaw
history of geological sciences
Polish geologist, Dr. Stanisław Krajewski (1890-1968), studied geology and geography at the Jan Kazimierz University of Lwów (Lviv) and geology at the University of Lausanne under the guidance of Professor Maurice Lugeon. He participated in World War I as a Polish Legion soldier. After the war, Stanisław Krajewski worked as a petroleum geologist at Borysław (Boryslav), which was the major petroleum mining center in the Polish Carpathians. He also conducted research on the geological structure of the Flysch Carpathians in terms ofprospecting for crude oil and natural gas occurrences. In 1931, Stanisław Krajewski was employed at the Polish Geological Institute (PGI) in Warsaw for editing and publishing jobs, while not abandoning seasonal geological investigations in the Carpathians, which he continued until the outbreak of World War II in 1939 and later during the wartime. In 1945, he returned to work as a publishing editor at the PGI, and participated in the post-war reorganization of the Polish geology. In the period of 1951-1961, Stanisław Krajewski was a lecturer at the Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw. In 1953, he became the Editorin-Chief of the newly formed Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, in which he worked until his death, dealing with the history and popularization ofgeological sciences.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2019, 67, 4; 227--234
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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