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Społeczne i prawne aspekty przestępstwa porzucenia (art. 210 § 1 i 2 k.k.)
Borowicka, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
Problematyka porzucenia, jako kategoria zachowania karalnego nie stanowi zagadnienia bogato opracowanego. Pomimo pozornej jednoznaczności, wnikliwa analiza zjawiska, ujawnia szereg problemów natury interpretacyjnej jak i praktycznej. Trudności przysparza już sama ocena konkretnego zachowania i jego kwalifikacja, jako przestępstwa ale także szczegółowe oznaczenie przedmiotu ochrony przestępstwa porzucenia, wskazanie jego źródła, czy ostatecznie prawidłowa ocena typu kwalifikowanego przestępstwa, ujętego w treści art. 210 § 2 k.k. Porzucenie, jako zjawisko społeczne, jest zauważone przez instytucje społeczno-państwowe, które oferują pomoc i wsparcie w postaci inicjatyw, zapewniających pomoc dla potrzebujących. Niski wskaźnik przestępczości, z jednej strony informuje, że porzucenie ma charakter marginalny, z drugiej strony jego złożoność i mała wykrywalność nie pozwala jednoznacznie ocenić zjawiska.
The issue of abandonment as a category of punishable behavior is not a well-developed. Thorough analysis of the phenomenon reveals a number of problems of both interpretation and practical nature. Difficulties are caused by the very assessment of a specific behavior and its qualification as a crime, but also by the thorough determination of the subject of protection of the crime of abandonment, indicating its source, or finally the proper assessment of the type of qualified crime included in art. 210 § 2 C.C. Abandonment as a social phenomenon is noticed by social and state institutions that offer help and support in the form of initiatives that provide assistance to those in need. On the one hand, a low crime rate indicates that abandonment is of a marginal nature, on the other hand, the awareness of the existence of a high dark number does not allow it to be unequivocally assessed.
Veritas Iuris; 2023, 6, 2; 44-60
Pojawia się w:
Veritas Iuris
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The analysis of psychometric properties of the slovak version of Mini-Mac Helpless-Hopeless subscale in a sample of 420 cancer patients
Analiza właściwości psychometrycznych słowackiej wersji podskali Helpless-Hopeless kwestionariusza Mini-Mac na próbie 420 pacjentów onkologicznych
Naništová, Eva
Dědová, Mária
Nešťáková, Lucia
Data publikacji:
Niepaństwowa Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Białymstoku
Helpless – Hopeless
psychometric properties
kwestionariusz Mini-MAC
właściwości psychometryczne
The aim of the study is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Helpless-Hopeless subscale from the Mini-MAC questionnaire. The authors based the study on a sample of 420 patients (men = 85; women = 335) aged 19 to 87 years, who were diagnosed with various types of cancer. The internal subscale consistency (α = 0.870) was very good, consistent with the results of most foreign studies. Gender-related differences showed significantly higher intensity of subjective helplessness and physical and mental discomfort in oncological patients undergoing treatment.
Celem badania jest analiza właściwości psychometrycznych podskali Helpless–Hopeless z kwestionariusza Mini-MAC. Autorki przeprowadziły badania na próbie 420 pacjentów (mężczyźni = 85; kobiety = 335) w wieku od 19 do 87 lat, u których zdiagnozowano różne choroby onkologiczne. Wewnętrzna spójność podskali (α = 0,870) była bardzo dobra, zgodna z wynikami większości badań zagranicznych. Różnice między płciami wykazywały istotnie większą intensywność subiektywnej bezradności–beznadziejności oraz dyskomfortu fizycznego i psychicznego u pacjentów onkologicznych, będących w trakcie leczenia.
Zagadnienia społeczne; 2019, 2, 12; 7-21
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Osoba nieporadna jako pokrzywdzona przestępstwem znęcania się
Habrat, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
prawo karne
znęcanie się
osoba nieporadna
criminal law
helpless person
W artykule analizie poddano kwestię dotyczącą zakresu szczególnej ochrony osób nieporadnych ze względu na stan psychiczny i fizyczny jako pokrzywdzonych przestępstwem znęcania się. Celem analizy przedstawionej w artykule było określenie poziomu ochrony osób nieporadnych w związku z nowelizacją kodeksu karnego z dnia 23 marca 2017 r. oraz ocena trafności modyfikacji i kierunku wprowadzonych zmian. Wskazano problemy interpretacyjne związane z pojęciem „osoba nieporadna”. Badaniu podlegał również zakres ochrony osób nieporadnych w kontekście obowiązującej w prawie karnym zasady proporcjonalności. W badaniach podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy obecnie obowiązujący przepis art. 207 k.k. zapewnia dostateczną ochronę osób nieporadnych w sytuacji zaistnienia przestępstwa znęcania się. Artykuł stanowi prawno-dogmatyczną analizę problematyki dotyczącej osoby nieporadnej jako ofiary przestępstwa znęcania się.
In paper, the issue regarding the scope of special protection against mistreatment of helpless people due to mental and physical state was analyzed. The aim of the research was to determine the level of protection of helpless people in connection with the amendment of the penal code of 23 March 2017 and the assessment of the accuracy of modifications and direction of introduced changes. The interpretational problems associated with the term “helpless person” were pointed out. The scope of protection of helpless people in the context of the principle of proportionality applicable in criminal law was also subject to research. The research answer the question whether the art. 207 k.k. provides sufficient protection to helpless people in the case of mistreatment. The studies are the legal-dogmatic analysis of the subject of a helpless person as a victim of mistreatment.
Studia Prawnicze; 2018, 2 (214); 115-130
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępstwo wykorzystania seksualnego osób bezbronnych w Kościele katolickim. Analiza karno-kanoniczna z uwzględnieniem wybranych elementów psychologicznych
The Crime of Sexual Abuse of Vulnerable Persons in the Catholic Church. Penal-canonical Analysis and its Selected Psychological Elements
Kiełpiński, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
osoby bezradne
kanoniczne prawo karne
molestowanie seksualne
ochrona osób bezradnych w Kościele katolickim
prawo kanoniczne
helpless persons
canonical criminal law
sexual abuse
protection of helpless persons in the Catholic Church
canon law
W 2019 r. w prawie kanonicznym prawodawca umieścił termin „osoby bezradne” i uwzględnił go w systemie prawnym Kościoła katolickiego dopiero w tymże roku. Ustawodawca określił jego definicję legalną. Interesujący termin wskazuje na osoby, którym zapewniono ochronę przed przestępstwem wykorzystania seksualnego. Badania realizują podwójny cel. Celem pierwszorzędnym jest pokazanie w społeczności kościelnej osób, do których odnosi się termin „osoba bezradna”. Drugorzędnym celem jest ukazanie na podstawie analizy przepisów prawa kanonicznego zakresu ochrony „osób bezradnych” wobec przestępstwa wykorzystania seksualnego. Do przeprowadzenia badań wykorzystano odpowiednie metody badawcze. Należą do nich: metoda dogmatyczno-prawna, historyczna, filologiczna, porównawcza oraz metody analityczne wykorzystywane w naukach psychologicznych oraz kryminologicznych. Narracja stworzona w artykule pokazała, że do kategorii „osób bezbronnych” zalicza się różne osoby dzieci, młodzież, osoby niepełnosprawne, osoby starsze, kobiety i mężczyzn uzależnionych od alkoholu lub środków psychoaktywnych, pensjonariuszy domów opieki i sanatoriów oraz ludzi, którzy nie potrafią oprzeć się agresji sprawcy. Obecne przepisy prawa kanonicznego kompleksowo chronią powyższe osoby przed przestępstwem wykorzystania seksualnego. W związku z tym ustawodawca wraz z podległymi mu organami powinni stale obserwować zjawisko wykorzystania seksualnego i dostosowywać przepisy, aby zapewniały nadal wolność, bezpieczeństwo i ochronę osobom bezradnym oraz karały odpowiednimi sankcjami sprawców.
The legislator has placed the term ‘helpless persons’ in canon law. It was placed in the legal system of the Catholic Church only in 2019. The legislator has set out its legal definition. The term indicates persons who have been given protection from the crime of sexual abuse. The research has a dual purpose. The primary objective is to present people in the Church community to whom the term ‘helpless persons“ refers. The secondary objective is to show, on the basis of an analysis of canon law, the extent of protection of ‘helpless persons’ against the crime of sexual abuse. Appropriate research methods were used to conduct the study. These include the dogmatic-legal method, the historical method, the philological method, the comparative method and the analytical methods used in psychological and criminological sciences. The narrative created in the article showed that the category of ‘vulnerable persons’ includes a variety of people including children, adolescents, people with disabilities, the elderly, women and men addicted to alcohol or psychoactive drugs, residents of nursing homes and sanatoriums, and people who are unable to resist the aggression of the perpetrator. The current provisions of canon law comprehensively protect the above persons from the crime of sexual abuse. Therefore, the legislator, together with the bodies subordinate to it, should constantly observe the phenomenon of sexual exploitation and adapt the laws so that they continue to ensure the freedom, safety and protection of helpless people and punish perpetrators with appropriate criminal sanctions.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 2; 455-483
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępstwa uprowadzenia lub zatrzymania małoletniego lub osoby nieporadnej (art. 188 K.K.)
Abductons or Detention of Minor or a Helpless Person (Art. 188 of the Polish Penal Code)
Kołakowska-Przełomiec, Helena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
osoba nieporadna
kodeks karny
detention of minor
helpless person
penal code
The present article contains a detailed description and results of analysis of cases of abduction and detention sentenced in Poland in 1979. The total of these cases was 9.       Abduction or detention, specified in Art. 188 of the Polish Penal Code, belongs to the group of offences against the family.      Art. 188 of the Penal Code provides, that "whoever contrary to the will of the person appointed to take care or to supervise, abducts or detains a minor or a person who is helpless by reason of this mental or physical condition, shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty for from 6 months to 5 years”.        Theoretical studies and commentaries to the Penal Code stress the fact that the subject of legal protection in Art. 188 of the Penal Code is the institution of care and supervision. Art. 188 is turned against lawless one-sided alterations in the relation, directly determined or adjudicated by court, of care or supervision of a person specified in this Article. It is also indicated that this Article aims at protecting the child from the lawlessness of this quarrelling parents or other persons. It is also characteristic that the commentaries stress the fact that the motives from which the perpetrator acted are unessential as regards the existence of an offence specified in Art. 188.      A small number of persons sentenced for abduction or detention does not mean that offences of this kind are of little social significance. The real extent of this phenomenon is much greater than indicated by the small number of sentenced persons. As the common knowledge shows, the cases of lawless taking away of the children by quarrelling parents or relatives are frequent. Thus it could have been expected that the cases of abduction or detention which had been investigated by court as offences might be particularly drastic of nature. Yet the analysis of all cases failed to confirm this supposition. Among the 9 cases, there were 4 cases of "abdcution" and 5 cases of "detention'' of minors. None of the cases concerned a helpless person. In as few as 2 cases the minors were strangers unrelated to the perpetrator. In four cases, the minors were sons of the perpetrators, in one  case the minor was the perpetrator's  daughter, in one case – granddaughter;  also in one case, the minor was the perpetrator’s cousion. Among the perpetrators of „abduction" or  „detention” there were six men and three women.       The analysis of all criminal cases specified in Art. 188 reveals two sides of this type of offence: a) the aspect of family, care, and education, b) the criminal aspect.  However, these two sides are not closely connected with one another.       The cases of "abduction and detention" as represented in the paper reveal the background on which it comes to various forms of behaviour of parents towards children and towards each other. In the majority of cases,  an intervention of guardianship authorities in the life of parents and children has already taken place and various provisions have been made. However, they failed to eliminate the existing conflicts, what is more,  they increased them. The further execution of these decisions lacks additional supervision which would ensure a free contact with the child for the parent with whom the child does, not reside permanently, and, on the other hand, which would limit the lawlessness of mothers who do not allow the fathers to contact the children they care for. Therefore, in the examined cases we  deal with "abduction'' or "detention'' of a child by his father who is faced with difficulties on the mother's  part when he wants to see his child. The analysed cases are not drastic in character as regards  the conduct of perpetrators and the circumstances of their offence. On the other hand,  they are generally most drastic as regards legal proceedings  in such cases  and sentences. The examined fathers, mother, grandmother, and cousin are treated as offenders: persecuted, charged, tried, and sentenced for acts which, even if they disturbed the institution of care, could be treated as family and care cases. Generally it seems that the criminal character of the analysed cases is independent and separate, so to say, from the entire aspect of family, care, and education of these cases. It may be assumed that this situation is to a certain degree conditioned by the dogmatic and formalistic approach in the proceedings and sentencing in these  cases, which is  based on the formulation found in commentaries, that the perpetrator’s  motives are unrelevant to the existence of the offence, and that the subject of legal protection in Art. 188 is the institution of care and supervision, not the interest of the abducted person.       In the final part of the present paper it is stressed that while protecting the institution of care, one should still take into consideration first of all the interest of the child for whom this institution is to function. It is also in the child's interest that his parents and close relations do not become criminals because of him. The cases of „abduction and detention of a minor” should be examined as cases of family and care, penal law proceedings instituted only in cases of actual abduction of a minor, first of all that committed by strangers.
      The present article contains a detailed description and results of analysis of cases of abduction and detention sentenced in Poland in 1979. The total of these cases was 9.       Abduction or detention, specified in Art. 188 of the Polish Penal Code, belongs to the group of offences against the family.      Art. 188 of the Penal Code provides, that "whoever contrary to the will of the person appointed to take care or to supervise, abducts or detains a minor or a person who is helpless by reason of this mental or physical condition, shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty for from 6 months to 5 years”.        Theoretical studies and commentaries to the Penal Code stress the fact that the subject of legal protection in Art. 188 of the Penal Code is the institution of care and supervision. Art. 188 is turned against lawless one-sided alterations in the relation, directly determined or adjudicated by court, of care or supervision of a person specified in this Article. It is also indicated that this Article aims at protecting the child from the lawlessness of this quarrelling parents or other persons. It is also characteristic that the commentaries stress the fact that the motives from which the perpetrator acted are unessential as regards the existence of an offence specified in Art. 188.      A small number of persons sentenced for abduction or detention does not mean that offences of this kind are of little social significance. The real extent of this phenomenon is much greater than indicated by the small number of sentenced persons. As the common knowledge shows, the cases of lawless taking away of the children by quarrelling parents or relatives are frequent. Thus it could have been expected that the cases of abduction or detention which had been investigated by court as offences might be particularly drastic of nature. Yet the analysis of all cases failed to confirm this supposition. Among the 9 cases, there were 4 cases of "abdcution" and 5 cases of "detention'' of minors. None of the cases concerned a helpless person. In as few as 2 cases the minors were strangers unrelated to the perpetrator. In four cases, the minors were sons of the perpetrators, in one  case the minor was the perpetrator's  daughter, in one case – granddaughter;  also in one case, the minor was the perpetrator’s cousion. Among the perpetrators of „abduction" or  „detention” there were six men and three women.       The analysis of all criminal cases specified in Art. 188 reveals two sides of this type of offence: a) the aspect of family, care, and education, b) the criminal aspect.  However, these two sides are not closely connected with one another.       The cases of "abduction and detention" as represented in the paper reveal the background on which it comes to various forms of behaviour of parents towards children and towards each other. In the majority of cases,  an intervention of guardianship authorities in the life of parents and children has already taken place and various provisions have been made. However, they failed to eliminate the existing conflicts, what is more,  they increased them. The further execution of these decisions lacks additional supervision which would ensure a free contact with the child for the parent with whom the child does, not reside permanently, and, on the other hand, which would limit the lawlessness of mothers who do not allow the fathers to contact the children they care for. Therefore, in the examined cases we  deal with "abduction'' or "detention'' of a child by his father who is faced with difficulties on the mother's  part when he wants to see his child. The analysed cases are not drastic in character as regards  the conduct of perpetrators and the circumstances of their offence. On the other hand,  they are generally most drastic as regards legal proceedings  in such cases  and sentences. The examined fathers, mother, grandmother, and cousin are treated as offenders: persecuted, charged, tried, and sentenced for acts which, even if they disturbed the institution of care, could be treated as family and care cases. Generally it seems that the criminal character of the analysed cases is independent and separate, so to say, from the entire aspect of family, care, and education of these cases. It may be assumed that this situation is to a certain degree conditioned by the dogmatic and formalistic approach in the proceedings and sentencing in these  cases, which is  based on the formulation found in commentaries, that the perpetrator’s  motives are unrelevant to the existence of the offence, and that the subject of legal protection in Art. 188 is the institution of care and supervision, not the interest of the abducted person.       In the final part of the present paper it is stressed that while protecting the institution of care, one should still take into consideration first of all the interest of the child for whom this institution is to function. It is also in the child's interest that his parents and close relations do not become criminals because of him. The cases of „abduction and detention of a minor” should be examined as cases of family and care, penal law proceedings instituted only in cases of actual abduction of a minor, first of all that committed by strangers.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1984, XI; 227-244
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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