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Badanie wpływu zawartości minerałów ciężkich na naturalną promieniotwórczość skał miocenu zapadliska przedkarpackiego
Study on the impact of heavy minerals to natural radioactivity of the Miocene rocks in the Carpathian Foredeep
Zagórska, Urszula
Sikora, Aleksandra
Łykowska, Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
minerały ciężkie
spektrometria gamma
promieniotwórczość naturalna
separacja frakcji ciężkiej
skały miocenu
zapadliska przedkarpackie
heavy minerals
gamma spectrometry
natural radioactivity
heavy fraction separation
Miocene rocks
Carpathian Foredeep
W skałach miocenu zapadliska przedkarpackiego zauważono zjawisko zawyżania pomiarów promieniotwórczości naturalnej rejestrowanych w otworze wiertniczym dla mułowców. To zjawisko powoduje problemy w rozróżnianiu na podstawie profilowania naturalnej promieniotwórczości tych skał od iłowców, które charakteryzują się gorszymi parametrami petrofizycznymi. W niniejszej pracy badano kolejne możliwe źródło podwyższonej radioaktywności skał mułowcowych, to jest zawartość minerałów ciężkich, które wykazują tendencję do gromadzenia pierwiastków promieniotwórczych – uranu i toru. Minerały ciężkie, należące do grupy minerałów akcesorycznych, takie jak cyrkon, apatyt, monacyt, rutyl, granat i tytanit, charakteryzują się podwyższoną promieniotwórczością ze względu na podstawienia w sieci krystalicznej U i Th. Na testowych próbkach wykonano pomiar naturalnej promieniotwórczości metodą spektrometrii gamma, przy wykorzystaniu aparatu RT-50 firmy Georadis. Następnie z próbek skał wydzielono minerały ciężkie, przy użyciu cieczy ciężkiej, uprzednio rozdzielając próbki na frakcje ziarnowe, w celu ułatwienia separacji frakcji ciężkiej. Poszczególne frakcje ziarnowe pozbawione minerałów ciężkich złączono z powrotem i wykonano ponowny pomiar zawartości uranu, toru i potasu. Wykonano także obserwacje mikroskopowe w celu jakościowej analizy składu mineralogicznego wydzielonej frakcji ciężkiej. W badanych próbkach zidentyfikowano między innymi ziarna cyrkonu, turmalinu, granatu, rutylu, apatytu, chlorytu czy tytanitu. Przeprowadzone wyniki pomiarów naturalnej promieniotwórczości, przed i po wydzieleniu minerałów ciężkich, nie dają jednoznacznej odpowiedzi na postawiony problem zawyżonych wskazań sondy gamma. Konieczne jest zwiększenie ilości analizowanych próbek. Zaobserwowano trend spadku ilości U i Th w próbkach, z których wydzielono frakcję ciężką. Jednak zmiany promieniotwórczości są na tyle niewielkie, że nie pozwalają na wyciągnięcie ostatecznych wniosków. Dodatkowe analizy są potrzebne, aby ocenić wpływ pozostałych źródeł uranu i toru w badanych skałach, takie jak zawartość materii organicznej czy udział toru we frakcji ilastej.
In the Miocene rocks of the Carpathian Foredeep, the occurrence of overestimating the measurements of natural radioactivity logs for mudstones was noticed. This phenomenon causes problems with recognition on the basis of natural radioactivity profiling of these rocks from claystones, characterized by inferior petrophysical parameters. In this study, another possible source of increased radioactivity of mudstone rocks, i.e. the content of heavy minerals that tend to accumulate radioactive elements - uranium and thorium - was investigated. Heavy minerals, belonging to the accessory minerals, such as zircon, apatite, monazite, rutile, garnet and titanite, are characterized by increased radioactivity due to substitutions of U and Th in the crystal lattice. Natural radioactivity of the test samples was measured using the gamma spectrometry method with the RT-50 device from the Georadis company. The heavy minerals were then removed from the rock samples using a heavy liquid, previously separating the samples into grain fractions to facilitate the separation of the heavy fraction. The individual grain fractions deprived of heavy minerals were put back together and the uranium, thorium (and potassium) content was remeasured. Microscopic observations were also made to qualitatively analyze the mineralogical structure of the separated heavy fraction. In the tested samples, among others: zircon, tourmaline, garnet, rutile, apatite, chlorite or titanite grains were identified. The results of the measurements of natural radioactivity, before and after the separation of heavy minerals, do not give a clear answer to the problem of excessive indications of the gamma logs. It is necessary to increase the number of analyzed samples. The trend of decreasing amounts of U and Th in the samples from which the heavy fraction was isolated was observed. However, changes in radioactivity are so small that they do not allow to draw final conclusions. Additional analyzes are needed to assess the impact of other sources of uranium and thorium in analyzed rocks, such as the content of organic matter or Th content in clays.
Nafta-Gaz; 2019, 75, 2; 77-82
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bio- and lithostratigraphical investigations of eemian fluviolacustrine sediments and tills from the lower Peene valley (Ne Germany)
Meng, S.
Börner, A.
Strahl, J.
Thieke, H. U.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
glina lodowcowa
minerały ciężkie
analiza pyłkowa
facje rzeczno-jeziorne
mięczaki słodkowodne
Marstoniopsis scholzi
Theodoxus fluviatilis
interglacjał eemski
heavy minerals
pollen analysis
fluviolacustrine facies
freshwater molluscs
Eemian Interglacial
Badania biostratygraficzne i litologiczne wykazały, że odwiercone osady interglacjału eemskiego powstały w jeziorze przepływowym występującym w dolinie rzecznej. Przeanalizowana fauna mięczaków ma znaczenie ponadregionalne i zawiera wiele gatunków charakterystycznych dla interglacjalnych warunków rzeczno-jeziornych. Na korelację piasków z interglacjałem eemskim wskazuje obecność gatunku Theodoxus fluviatilis. Stwierdzono obecność Marstoniopsis scholzi, który dotychczas nie był znany z osadów plejstoceńskich w Niemczech. Mało zróżnicowane spektrum pyłkowe dowodzi szybkiej sedymentacji w interglacjale eemskim podczas 4. i na początku 5. poziomu pyłkowego (por. Erd, 1973). Zwiększająca się zawartość amfibolu w osadach wskazuje na wietrzenie w pierwszej części interglacjału. Otaczająca wysoczyzna polodowcowa jest pokryta jednym pokładem gliny lodowcowej (faza meklemburska, qW3), która w dolnym odcinku doliny Peene bezpośrednio przykrywa eemskie osady rzeczne. Glina lodowcowa młodszego stadiału zlodowacenia Soławy (Warthian, qS2) podściela eemskie piaski rzeczne, natomiast niżej występująca glina lodowcowa została zakwalifikowana do starszego stadiału zlodowacenia Soławy (Drenthian, qS1). Eemskie osady rzeczne współczesnego dolnego odcinka doliny Peene wskazują na istnienie doliny rzecznej starszej od ostatniego zlodowacenia.
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 2009, 25; 37-48
Pojawia się w:
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka jakościowo-ilościowa czarnych osadów z przedpola eksploatacji kopalni Osiecznica (Dolny Śląsk)
Characteristics of quality and quantity of black sediments from the foreground of the mining operations Osiecznica (Lower Silesia, Poland)
Muszer, A.
Data publikacji:
Poltegor-Instytut Instytut Górnictwa Odkrywkowego
piaski szklarskie
minerały ciężkie
glass sand
heavy minerals
gravity concentration
deposit of glass sand
W pracy scharakteryzowano czarny osad obecny w złożu wysoko wysortowanych piasków szklarskich z Osiecznicy. Czarny osad występujący na przedpolu eksploatacji w kopalni Osiecznica jest ekwiwalentem piasków szklarskich. W badanych koncentratach występują głównie tlenki tytanu (rutyl, anataz), cyrkon, śladowe ilości magnetytu z hematytem, tlenki i wodorotlenki manganu (psylomelan, piroluzyt) oraz materiał organiczny. Zawartość minerałów ciężkich w czarnym osadzie wynosi 2,87 % obj. Piaski szklarskie są silnie zanieczyszczone materią organiczną. Barwa czarna (brunatno-czarna) związana jest z obecności w szczelinach i pęknięciach w ziarnach kwarcu związków żelaza (hematytu), manganu (psylomelan, piroluzyt) oraz materiału organicznego.
The composition of the black sediment from the glass sand in Osiecznica (Lower Silesia, SW Poland) was described. The Black sediment that occurs in the foreland of the mine operation is equivalent to Osiecznica glass sand. The studied concentrates consist mainly of titanium oxides (rutile, anatase), zirconium, small quantity of magnetite with hematite, manganese oxides and hydroxides (psylomelan, pyrolusite) and the organic material. The content of heavy minerals in the black sediment is 2.87% by volume. Glass sands are heavily contaminated with organic material. The black color (brownish-black) is related to the presence of perforation and cracks in the quartz of iron (hematite), manganese (psylomelan, pyrolusite) and organic material.
Górnictwo Odkrywkowe; 2013, 54, 5-6; 233-239
Pojawia się w:
Górnictwo Odkrywkowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Conventional and high-resolution heavy mineral analyses applied to flysch deposits : comparative provenance studies of the Ropianka (Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene) and Menilite (Oligocene) formations (Skole Nappe, Polish Carpathians)
Salata, D.
Uchman, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
heavy minerals
sedimentary provenance
Outer Carpathians
Skole Nappe
Conventional and high-resolution analyses of heavy minerals from the gravity flow-deposited sandstones of the Campanian–Maastrichtian interval of the Ropianka (Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene) and Menilite (Oligocene) formations of the Polish Carpathians display similar compositions in terms of mineral species. Zircon, tourmaline, rutile, garnet, staurolite and kyanite belong to the main constituents in both formations. Apatite is common in the Ropianka Fm., while the Menilite Fm. almost lacks this mineral. Furthermore, individual hornblende grains were found in the Ropianka Fm., while andalusite is present only in the Menilite Fm. The Ropianka Fm. is relatively richer in zircon, tourmaline, garnet and apatite, while the Menilite Fm. contains more staurolite and kyanite. Zircon and tourmaline colour and morphological varieties are similar in both formations. The similarities of the heavy mineral assemblages studied suggest origin of these minerals from lithologically similar rocks. Negative correlations between the zircon + tourmaline + rutile (ZTR) values and the content of garnet and staurolite in the Ropianka Fm. may indicate, to a large extent, first-cycle delivery of garnet and staurolite to the formation. Negative, but low, correlation valid only for ZTR and garnet and positive correlations for ZTR and staurolite and kyanite in the Menilite Fm. suggest delivery of these minerals from sedimentary rocks or/and palimpsest sediments. The data obtained on mineral relationships and their morphology suggest mixed first-cycle and recycled provenance of the heavy minerals studied. Additionally, the first-cycle material input seems to be larger during the Ropianka Fm. sedimentation, while during the deposition of Menilite Fm. the contribution of material delivered from erosion of recycled sediments appears more prominent. The heavy mineral evidence suggests a change at the northern margin of the Skole Basin from an immature passive margin with a high relief during sedimentation of the Campanian–Maastrichtian part of the Ropianka Fm. to a mature passive margin with a low relief during sedimentation of the Menilite Fm.
Geological Quarterly; 2013, 57, 4; 649--664
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Depositional conditions of the Upper Younger Loess during the Last Glacial Maximum in central and eastern Europe
Dzierżek, Jan
Lindner, Leszek
Chlebowski, Roman
Szymanek, Marcin
Bogucki, Andriy
Tomeniuk, Olena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
North European Loess Belt
Vistulian glaciation
aeolian processes
palaeowind circulation
heavy minerals
północnoeuropejski pas lessowy
zlodowacenie Wisły
procesy eoliczne
minerały ciężkie
This paper is a summary of the results of research on the accumulation conditions of the Upper Younger Loess (LMg) in Poland and Bug loess (bg) in Ukraine from the maximum stage (MIS 2) of the Vistulian (Weichselian) Glaciation in central and eastern Europe. These studies included an analysis of the morphological (topographic) situation of the loess cover, its grain size and heavy mineral composition, the preserved structures of loess sedimentation as well as mollusc and pollen analyses of this loess. They revealed that the accumulation of Upper Younger Loess (UYL) might have been more dependent on the prevailing moisture conditions than previously thought. These conditions could have been caused by cold air masses from an ice sheet and warm air masses from the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic coming together in the Carpathians and the Holy Cross Mountains and favouring the formation of dust storms and precipitation. In this process, a loading of loess dust (formed from local rocks weathering in periglacial conditions) by atmospheric moisture particles was especially significant. The moist substrate not only favoured the periodic development of vegetation and molluscs but also enabled the interception of dust and the accumulation of an increasingly thick loess cover. Westerly and south-westerly winds predominated in the UYL as indicated by the topographic position of loess patches and the mineral composition of the studied loess. Periodically an increased air circulation from the east and northeast occurred.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2022, 72, 4; 369--389
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Determination of nutritional and chemical composition of some edible wild plants used in herby cheese
Eryigit, T.
Tuncturk, M.
Tuncturk, R.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
herby cheese
heavy metals
nutritional minerals
Same as in many parts of the world, many edible weeds belonging to different families that have not been cultured in Turkey are traditionally used in the making of many foods. In this study, minerals and nutrients of six edible wild plant species belonging to the Liliaceae family, which are currently used in the production of herby cheese in the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey, were determined. The determination of these macro- and micro-minerals was performed on ICP-AES and UV Visible spectrophotometers. As a result of the study, major differences were discovered between these plant species in terms of the mineral content (Na, Mg, K, s, Ca, P, Fr, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr, and Co) and nutrient properties (total ash, crude fibre, pH, N, and crude protein). Except for the Allium schoenoprasum species, all plant samples were found to be rich in many important minerals, such as Fe, Cu, Ca, K, Mn, and Zn, which are known to be vital for human health. The concentrations of these minerals and a few heavy metals in plant samples were found in the following ranges: 17.25 - 25.47 mg kg-1 for copper, 18.45 - 34.14 mg kg-1 for zinc, 33.42 - 98.42 mg kg-1 for manganese, 0.12 - 0.54 mg kg-1 for chromium, 0.31 - 1.61 mg kg-1 cobalt. Many significant correlations were found among the parameters analysed. The study presents essential results on the availability of some vital minerals that could be useful or harmful to consumers, in order to provide dietary information for designing value-added foods.
Journal of Elementology; 2020, 25, 3; 1127-1139
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Detrital garnets from the Upper Cretaceous-Palaeocene sandstones of the Polish part of the Magura Nappe and the Pieniny Klippen Belt: chemical constraints
Detrytyczne granaty z górnokredowo-paleoceńskich piaskowców polskiej części płaszczowiny magurskiej i pienińskiego pasa skałkowego: wnioski uzyskane na podstawie ich składu chemicznego
Salata, D.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
heavy minerals
source rocks
Magura Nappe
Polish Carpathians
Heavy mineral assemblages of the Upper Cretaceous-Palaeocene sandstones of the Polish part of the Magura Nappe and the Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB) were studied. They consist mainly of stable minerals, such as zircon, tourmaline and rutile, but in many assemblages significant amounts of garnets are also present. To describe the provenance of the main heavy mineral groups their chemical composition was analysed. This article deals with the garnets group. Heavy minerals, including garnets, were derived to the Magura Basin from two opposite source areas: the north-west (northern) and the south-east. In the chemical composition of the analysed garnets, FeO and the almandine molecule are definitely dominant, but garnets with a raised MgO and pyrope molecule content were also found. Proportions among the main elements occurring in garnets indicate that they were formed under low- to medium grade metamorphic conditions in the southeastern source area, and medium- to high-grade conditions in the northern one.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2004, 74, No 3; 351-364
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evolution of Early Pleistocene fluvial systems in central Poland prior to the first ice sheet advance – a case study from the Bełchatów lignite mine
Goździk, J.
Zieliński, T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
fluvial-aeolian interaction
heavy minerals
quartz grain morphology
minerały ciężkie
morfologia ziarna kwarcu
Deposits formed between the Neogene/Pleistocene transition and into the Early Pleistocene have been studied, mainly on the basis of drillings and at rare, small outcrops in the lowland part of Polish territory. At the Bełchatów lignite mine (Kleszczów Graben, central Poland), one of the largest opencast pits in Europe, strata of this age have long been exposed in extensive outcrops. The present paper is based on our field studies and laboratory analyses, as well as on research data presented by other authors. For that reason, it can be seen as an overview of current knowledge of lowermost Pleistocene deposits at Bełchatów, where exploitation of the Quaternary overburden has just been completed. The results of cartographic work, sedimentological, mineralogical and palynological analyses as well as assessment of sand grain morphology have been considered. All of these studies have allowed the distinction of three Lower Pleistocene series, i.e., the Łękińsko, Faustynów and Krzaki series. These were laid down in fluvial environments between the end of the Pliocene up to the advance of the first Scandinavian ice sheet on central Poland. The following environmental features have been interpreted: phases of river incision and aggradation, changes of river channel patterns, source sediments for alluvia, rates of aeolian supply to rivers and roles of fluvial systems in morphological and geological development of the area. The two older series studied, i.e., Łękińsko and Faustynów, share common characteristics. They were formed by sinuous rivers in boreal forest and open forest environments. The Neogene substratum was the source of the alluvium. The younger series (Krzaki) formed mainly in a braided river setting, under conditions of progressive climatic cooling. Over time, a gradual increase of aeolian supply to the fluvial system can be noted; initially, silt and sand were laid down, followed by sand only during cold desert conditions. These fluvio-periglacial conditions are identified in the foreground of the advance of the oldest ice sheet into this part of central Poland. The series studied have been compared with other fluvial successions which accumulated in the Kleszczów Graben during subsequent glaciations so as to document general changes in fluvial systems as reactions to climatic evolution. Thus, a palaeoenvironmental scenario has emerged which could be considered to be characteristic of central Poland during the Early Pleistocene.
Geologos; 2017, 23, 2; 89-107
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evolution of the Bystrej Valley caves (Tatra Mts, Poland) based on corrosive forms, clastic deposits and U-series speleothem dating
Kicińska, D.
Hercman, H.
Najdek, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
cave evolution
heavy minerals
U-series speleothem dating
Tatra Mts.
The origin and age of cave deposits, as well as palaeogeographical changes in the Bystrej catchment during the last ca. 250 ka, were reconstructed in Magurska, Kasprowa Niżnia, Goryczkowa, Kalacka and Bystrej caves (the Bystrej Valley). The reconstruction is based on the study of corrosive forms, heavy mineral analyses and U-series dating of speleothems. Two generations of palaeoflows were distinguished by observations of scallops and heavy mineral analyses. In the older stage, now abandoned caves drained massifs surrounding the Bystrej Valley and part of an adjacent valley. The direction of palaeoflow changed as a result of the water capture after Kasprowa Niżnia Cave came into being. In the later stages, the evolution of cave systems was controlled by glaciation-deglaciation cycles. Probably at this time, some caves located in the lowest parts of the massifs also started to be formed. U-series speleothem dating allows the determination of five phases of speleothem deposition: ca. 220–150 ka, ca. 135–105 ka, ca. 95–70 ka, ca. 40–23 ka and during the Holocene.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2017, 87, 1; 101-119
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Factors controlling sedimentation in the Toruń-Eberswalde ice-marginal valley during the Pomeranian phase of the Weichselian glaciation: an overview
Pisarska-Jamroży, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
depositional mechanisms
heavy minerals
mechanizmy depozycyjne
minerały ciężkie
During the Pleistocene the Scandinavian ice sheet drained huge quantities of sediment-laden meltwaters. These meltwaters supplied ice-marginal valleys that formed parallel to the front of the ice sheet. Not without significance was the supply of ice-marginal valleys from extraglacial rivers in the south. Moreover, periglacial conditions during and after sedimentation in ice-marginal valleys, the morphology of valley bedrocks, and erosion of older sediments played important roles in the depositional scenarios, and in the mineralogical composition of the sediments. The mechanisms that controlled the supply and deposition in ice-marginal valleys were analysed on the basis of a Pleistocene ice-marginal valley that was supplied by northern and southern source areas in the immediate vicinity. Investigations were conducted in one of the largest ice-marginal valleys of the Polish-German lowlands, i.e., the Toruń-Eberswalde ice-marginal valley, in sandurs (Drawa and Gwda) supplied sediments and waters from the north into this valley, and on extraglacial river terraces (pre-Noteć and pre-Warta rivers), formed simultaneously with the sandurs and ice-marginal valley (Pomeranian phase of Weichselian glaciation) supplied sediments and waters from the south into this valley. A much debated question is how similar, or different, depositional processes and sediments were that contributed to the formation of the Toruń-Eberswalde ice-marginal valley, and whether or not it is possible to differentiate mostly rapidly aggraded sandur sediments from ice-marginal valley sediments. Another question addresses the contribution of extraglacial feeding of the Toruń-Eberswalde ice-marginal valley. These matters were addressed by a wide range of analyses: sediment texture and structure, architectural elements of sediments, frequency of sedimentary successions, heavy-mineral analysis (both transparent and opaque heavy minerals), analysis of rounding and frosting of quartz grains, and palaeohydrological calculations. Additionally, a statistical analysis was used. The specific depositional conditions of distribution of sediments in ice-marginal valley allow to distinguish new environment of ice-marginal valley braided river. The spectrum of depositional conditions in the Toruń-Eberswalde ice-marginal valley and their specific palaeohydraulic parameters allow to distinguish three coexisting zones in the ice-marginal valley braided-river system: (1) deep gravel-bed braided channel zone with extensive scours, (2) deep sand-bed braided channel zone with transverse bars, and (3) marginal sand-bed and gravel-bed braided channel zone with diamicton and breccia deposition, which were characterised in detail. Some of the results have been published previously, which is why they are discussed in the present paper within the context of new data.
Geologos; 2015, 21, 1; 1-29
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fasetowane ziarna granatów z pstrego piaskowca monokliny przedsudeckiej okolicy Głogowa (SW Polska)
Faceted garnets from the sandstones of the Buntsandstein on the Fore-Sudetic Monocline (Głogów area, SW Poland)
Muszyński, M.
Gaweł, A.
Skowroński, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
fasetowane granaty
minerały ciężkie
pstry piaskowiec
monoklina przedsudecka
faced garnets
heavy minerals
Fore Sudetic Monocline
Przeprowadzono badania (mikroskopia optyczna, SEM/EDS, XRD, IR) tzw. fasetowanych ziarn granatów, napotkanych we frakcjach minerałów ciężkich wydzielonych z piaskowców pstrego piaskowca monokliny przedsudeckiej. Stwierdzono, że reprezentują one człony szeregu almandyn-pirop o przewadze cząsteczki almandynowej i zawierają na ogół podrzędną domieszkę cząsteczki grossularowej, natomiast pozbawione są spessartynowej. Obszarem alimentacyjnym dla tych minerałów były zapewne Sudety, gdzie w obecnie odsłoniętych skałach metamorficznych facji eklogitowej i granulitowej stwierdzono granaty o zbliżonym chemizmie. Przyjęto, zgodnie z przeważającymi aktualnie poglądami, że "fasetowane" ziarna granatów (współwystępujące z obtoczonymi ziarnami cyrkonu, turmalinu, rutylu, apatytu, a nawet blaszkami mik), ukształtowały się w wyniku diagenetycznego wyługowania przez roztwory porowe. Proces ten przebiegał przypuszczalnie powoli, w alkalicznym lub ewentualnie obojętnym środowisku (świadectwem obecność niewyługowanego apatytu oraz dominacja smektytów w spoiwie piaskowców), w warunkach bliskich chemicznej równowagi między granatami a roztworami porowymi.
The authors studied (optical microscopy, SEM/EDS, XRD, IR) the so-called faceted garnets found in heavy mineral fractions, separated out from the sandstones of the Buntsandstein on the Fore-Sudetic Monocline. The garnets represent almandine members of the almandine-pyrope series (almandine prevails over pyrope) and usually contain a subordinate admixture of the grossular member, whereas are devoid of the spessartine member. An alimentation area of these minerals was probably situated in the Sudetes, where garnets with a similar composition occur in some exposed rocks of the eclogite and granulite facies. The authors agree with currently prevailing opinions that the faceted garnets (co-occurring with rounded grains of zircon, tourmaline, rutile, apatite, and even mica flakes) were formed due to their selective diagenetic leaching by porous solutions. The process must have proceeded slowly in an alkaline or, possibly, neutral environment (it is proved by the presence of unleached apatite and domination of smectites in the bounding mass of the sandstones), under conditions approaching chemical equilibrium between garnets and the porous solutions.
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie; 2007, 33, 1; 51-68
Pojawia się w:
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Forms of heavy metals (Zn, Pb, Cd) occuring in rhizospheres from the areas of former and contemporary Zn-Pb ore mining
Rożek, D.
Nadłonek, W.
Cabała, J.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Wydział Geoinżynierii, Górnictwa i Geologii. Instytut Górnictwa
heavy metals
Zn-Pb secondary minerals
Olkusz Zn-Pb mining region
historical mining
The research areas were selected in the regions heavily polluted by wastes from the former washing plant, flotation waste dump and by non-sulphide Zn-Pb ores from open pit mining in the Olkusz region. The submicroscopic phases occurring in the surface of plant roots and in the rhizospheres were investigated by XRD and SEM/EDS methods. Morphology of submicroscopic metalliferous phases and their manner of occurrence were the subject of study. The analysis of EDS spectra enabled to identify phases and mineral aggregates including Zn, Pb, Fe, Mn, Cd in their structure. The soils from the washing plant and areas of open pit exploitation are contaminated by diverse complexes of minerals. The occurrence of unstable Fe, Pb, Ca sulphates indicate that these wastes are still intensively geochemically active.
Mining Science; 2015, 22, Special Issue 2; 125-138
Pojawia się w:
Mining Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geologiczno-geofizyczna ocena perspektyw złożowych pierwotnych i wietrzeniowych minerałów tytanowych w rejonie ofiolitowego masywu Ślęży w Sudetach (SW Polska)
Geologic and geophysical estimation of the prospect for ore deposit of the occurrences of primary and placer titanium minerals in the Ślęża Massif ophiolite, area, the Sudetes Mts (SW Poland)
Wiszniewska, J.
Petecki, Z.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
masyw Ślęży
minerały ciężkie
złoża rud tytanu
anomalia magnetyczna
anomalia grawimetryczna
Ophiolite Ślęża Massif
placer heavy minerals
titanium ore deposits
magnetic anomaly
gravimetric anomaly
Miocene aged heavy mineral (HMin) alluvial cones and regolith sands above ore-bearing gabbro and amphibolite/diabase rock zone were considered as a prospective metallotect in the area of Devonian ophiolite Ślęża Massif in the Sudets (SW Poland). The available research data from the Sobótka region indicated that the ultramafic gabbro intrusion has an interesting titanium ore enrichment with minerals such as ilmenite and titanomagnetite in the Strzegomiany-Kunów primary ultramafic rocks. The mean composition of ore gabbro samples taken from the surface contained eg; Fe -14.21%, TiO2 - 4.92%, V2O5 - 0,15. Conducted geophysical surveys in the vicinity of the presumed gabbroic rocks at thin Quaternary sediments cover, suggested the variable content ofa primary mineralization, which could be related to the increased content of heavy minerals fractions over the bed in the form of regolith or as a secondary deposit. Titanium minerals such as ilmenite, sphene, were enriched during the oxidation process and created secondary bed, where the concentrates of titanium oxides: rutile, leucoxene or oxidized ilmenite may have a high titanium content as high as 70-90%. Placer HMin sands are at present a major source of titanium deposits worldwide and the largest industrial value due to their large resources, simplicity and purity of exploitation and the ability to yield concentrates of HMin: ilmenite, rutile, pseudobrookite, anatase and leucoxene, sometimes in the company of valuable zircon, monazite or garnet. These deposits in the world are mainly used in metallurgical and chemical industries, eg; the production ofpaints and pigments used in the pharmacy, paper and paint industry. Similar observations have been reported from the region of Spain, Portugal, western Australia andfrom the south of India. Preliminary results of presented study indicate that the Strzegomiany-Kunów region can be considered as prospective not only because of the presence ofprimary titanium mineralization in gabbro, especially in diallage gabbro, amphibolite (diabase) and serpentinite, but also a presence of enriched titanium mineralization in regolith over gabbro and in clastic sediments on the foreland of Ślęża Massif.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2016, 64, 9; 650--656
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hazardous radioactivity levels and heavy mineral concentrations in beach sediments of Lake Peipsi, northeastern Estonia
Järvelill, J.-I.
Koch, R.
Raukas, A.
Vaasma, T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
elevated radioactivity
risk management
beach sediments
heavy minerals
Baltic States
podwyższona radioaktywność
zarządzanie ryzykiem
osady plażowe
minerały ciężkie
kraje nadbałtyckie
The present study discusses results of heavy mineral analyses and radioactivity of beach sediments of Lake Peipsi. Such analyses are commonly done globally, but had not yet been conducted for the fourth largest lake in Europe. The average heavy mineral content in Lake Peipsi beach sediments along the northern and western coast is higher than usual for Estonian coastal and Quaternary sediments. Concomitantly, elevated radioactivity levels have been measured in several places, with the highest concentrations observed at Alajõe (1885.5 Bq/kg), which is over five times more than the recommended limit. The aim of the present study is to find sites with higher radioactivity levels, because the northern coast of Lake Peipsi is a well-known recreational area.
Geologos; 2018, 24, 1; 1-12
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Heavy and light minerals as a tool for reconstructing depositional environments: an example from the Jałówka site (northern Podlasie region, NE Poland)
Woronko, Barbara
Rychel, Joanna
Karasiewicz, Mirosław T.
Ber, Andrzej
Krzywicki, Tomasz
Marks, Leszek
Pochocka-Szwarc, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
heavy minerals
quartz grain
periglacial processes
source deposits
Vistulian glaciation
NE Poland
minerały ciężkie
ziarna kwarcu
procesy peryglacjalne
złoża źródłowe
zlodowacenie Wisły
Polska północna
Part of northern Podlasie (NE Poland), shaped during the Wartanian stadial of the Odranian glaciation (Saalian), was situated in the periglacial zone during the Vistulian (Weichselian) glaciation. Both landforms and sediments were affected by the periglacial conditions. This is recorded at the Jałówka site, at the floor of a dry valley, where mineral deposits of 4.13 m thick, overlying organic deposits from the Eemian interglacial, were examined. These mineral deposits form four units, from bottom to top: a fluvial unit (I), a loess-like unit (II), a solifluction unit (III), and an aeolian unit with ice wedges (IV) on top of unit III. The heavy and light minerals were analysed, as well as the geochemistry, in order to find out about the parent material and to reconstruct the climatic conditions during deposition. The mineral analysis indicates that the Saalian till was predominantly derived from shallow-marine deposits; erosion accompanied by sorting of the heavy minerals took place on the basis of their mass and grain size. The original material of the till seems therefore to be sedimentary rocks from the eastern Central Baltic Basin. This material became strongly weathered under the periglacial conditions, resulting in the destruction of the quartz grains, as well as in leaching, leading to complete decalcification of the deposits. Aeolian activity resulted in infilling of ice wedges and the creation of thin layers. The intensity and the duration of these processes was limited, so that the effects of the aeolian abrasion are insignificant. Neither resulted the aeolian activity in significant reshaping of the landscape.
Geologos; 2013, 19, No. 1-2; 47-66
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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