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Evaluating the association between effort-reward imbalance and suboptimal health status among hospital nurses: a cross-sectional study
Yu, Leilei
Liu, Weiting
Wang, Jingzheng
Jin, Ziyao
Meng, Ruoyu
Wu, Zhiyuan
Zheng, Yuanyuan
Guo, Zheng
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
occupational health
effort-reward imbalance
suboptimal health status
Objectives Occupational stress is a common complaint in nurses, who perceived more sense of effort-reward imbalance (ERI). Suboptimal health status (SHS) is a state between health and disease. However, the correlation between ERI and SHS is unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of SHS and ERI and evaluate the relationship between ERI and SHS in clinical nurses by a cross-sectional study. Material and Methods The current cross-sectional study was conducted through an online survey at Dongping People’s Hospital in China. A total of 633 completed surveys were received. Effort-reward imbalance was measured by subscales of the ERI questionnaire. SHS was measured by the Suboptimal Health Status Questionnaire – 25 (SHSQ-25). The relationship between ERI and SHS in nurses was subsequently assessed by Spearman’s correlation coefficient and logistic regression model. Results The mean age of the optimal health status (OHS) group (M±SD 26.3±7.3 years) was younger than the SHS group (M±SD 30.3±6.9 years). The prevalence of SHS was 54.5% (345/633). Female nurses aged ≥30 years, a junior college or university graduate educational level, smokers, and nurses without regular exercise were at a higher risk of SHS. In Spearman’s correlation analysis, ERI reflected by the effort-reward ratio was correlated with SHSQ-25 score (r = 0.662, p < 0.001). In logistic regression, ERI was strongly associated with SHS after potential confounding factors adjusting (OR 27.924, 95% CI 22.845–34.132). Conclusions The prevalence of SHS was significantly high in clinical nurses. Administrators should pay more attention to health status of female nurses aged ≥30 years, with a junior college or bachelor’s degree, smoking, and without regular exercise to reduce the SHS and ERI.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2024, 37, 2; 165-175
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fatigue based on the subjective feeling of people representing selected medical professions
Puszczalowska-Lizis, Ewa
Szymanski, Dominik
Lizis, Sabina
Krajewska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
sleep deprivation
medical staff
job satisfaction
health status
work schedule tolerance
Objectives Fatigue can be the result of overexertion and overload. It occurs when the burdened body does not have enough time for regeneration and biological renewal. The aim of this study was analysis of fatigue based on the subjective feeling in physiotherapists, nurses, and paramedics. Material and Methods The research covered 193 women and 107 men aged 30–60 years, including 100 physiotherapists, 100 nurses and 100 paramedics with higher education, employed in clinics and hospitals in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland. The research tool of choice was 30-item Research Committee on Industrial Fatigue Fatigue Scale, adapted into the Polish language by Paluch. The data were analyzed based on ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman’s rank correlation. Results Values determining frequency of decrease in activity were higher in nurses than in physiotherapists (p < 0.001) and paramedics (p = 0.005). Physiotherapists and nurses showed statistically significant positive associations of all fatigue indices with age and seniority. Sex-related differences in the frequency of physical fatigue symptoms have been noted (p = 0.044). Among people working in outpatient clinics and hospitals there were statistically significant differences in the frequency of decrease in activity (p = 0.001) and general level of fatigue (p = 0.031). Conclusions In nurses and physiotherapists, the frequency of experiencing ailments increases with age and work experience. This suggests that in the case of these professions it is important to quick identification of signs of fatigue and taking actions to prevent its worsening. Women experience fatigue more often, so they especially need to take steps to prevent and, if necessary, treat this condition. Hospitals should be an area of special involvement in the process of implementing programs to counteract fatigue of employees in the medical services sector.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2024, 37, 1; 72-83
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena agronomiczna wybranych odmian winorośli deserowej w warunkach glebowo-klimatycznych Polski Centralnej
Agronomic assessment of chosen table grape cultivars in the soil and climate conditions of Central Poland
Wojciechowska, Ewa
Sitarek, Mirosław
Stań, Anna
Data publikacji:
Centrum Doradztwa Rolniczego w Brwinowie. Oddział w Poznaniu
mieszańce międzygatunkowe
wytrzymałość na mróz
grape plants
interspecific hybrids
frost resistance
health status
Uprawa winorośli w Polsce w ostatnich latach zyskuje na znaczeniu, a asortyment dostępnych na rynku odmian deserowych jest coraz szerszy. Jednak nie wszystkie genotypy jednakowo dobrze sprawdzają się w chłodnym klimacie Polski. Zarówno producenci jak i  działkowicze, poszukują sprawdzonych informacji o odmianach i możliwości ich uprawy w określonych warunkach środowiskowych z jak najlepszym skutkiem. Wychodząc naprzeciw tym oczekiwaniom, w winnicy założonej w Sadzie Doświadczalnym w Dąbrowicach (Instytut Ogrodnictwa-PIB w Skierniewicach) przeprowadzono badania, których celem była ocena zimotrwałości, mrozoodporności, podatności na przymrozki i zdrowotności 15 genotypów winorośli deserowej w warunkach klimatyczno-glebowych Polski Centralnej. Szczegółowe obserwacje wykonywano w latach 2019-2021 na krzewach posadzonych w 2004 roku. Najbardziej zimotrwałymi i mrozoodpornymi genotypami okazały się 'Alwood', 'New York Muscat', 'Boskoop Glory', 'Einset' i 'Reliance', które są mieszańcami Vitis vinifera z Vitis labrusca, a najmniej wytrzymałymi na niskie temperatury panujące zimą były odmiany 'Frumoasa Albae', 'Muskat Letni' i 'Palatina' powstałe w procesie złożonego krzyżowania międzygatunkowego. Genotypy z dużą domieszką Vitis amurensis, jak 'Agat Doński' i 'Kristaly' były najczęściej uszkadzane przez przymrozki wiosenne, ale jednocześnie miały wysokie właściwości regeneracyjne. Najbardziej podatna na mączniaka rzekomego i mączniaka prawdziwego była odmiana 'Swenson Red', natomiast na szarą pleśń - 'Reliance' i 'Einset'.
Viticulture in Poland has been developing in recent years, and the list of dessert varieties available for cultivation is expanding. However, not all genotypes perform equally well in cultivation in the cool climate of Poland. Both producers and gardeners are looking for proven information about varieties and the possibility of their growing in specific environmental conditions with the best possible effect. To meet these expectations, in the vineyard established in the Experimental Orchard in Dąbrowice (The National Institute of Horticultural Research in Skierniewice), winter hardiness, frost resistance, susceptibility to spring frost and health status of 15 table grape genotypes in the soil and climate conditions of central Poland were assessed. Detailed observations were made in 2019-2021 on plants planted in 2004. It was found that the most winter-hardy and frost-resistant genotypes were 'Alwood', 'New York Muscat', 'Boskoop Glory', 'Einset', and 'Reliance', which are hybrids of Vitis vinifera with Vitis labrusca. The least resistant to low winter temperatures were the cultivars ' Frumoasa Albae', 'Muskat Letni' and 'Palatina' created in the multi-stage interspecific cross-breeding. Genotypes with a high content of Vitis amurensis genes, such as 'Agat Doński' and 'Kristaly', were most often damaged by spring frosts, but they had high regenerative abilities. ‘Swenson Red’ was most susceptible to downy mildew and powdery mildew, while ‘Reliance’ and ‘Einset’ were most susceptible to gray mold.
Zagadnienia Doradztwa Rolniczego; 2023, 113, 3; 68-87
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Doradztwa Rolniczego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Płaszczyzny odpowiedzialności genetycznej a rola rodziców
The reference point to genetic responsibility and the role of parents
Morciniec, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
odpowiedzialność genetyczna
status informacji genetycznej
zarządzanie zdrowiem
prawo do (nie)wiedzy
odpowiedzialność reprodukcyjna
Projekt Sekwencjonowania Genomu Ludzkiego
genetic responsibility
status of genetic information
The Human Genome Project
health management
reproductive responsibility
right to (un)knowledge
Nieosiągalny wcześniej rozkwit badań genetycznych, zwłaszcza po finalizacji Projektu Sekwencjonowania Genomu Ludzkiego, stawia współczesną naukę, ale i społeczeństwo przed nowymi wyzwaniami. Jednym z istotnych jest określenie statusu uzyskiwanych w ramach tych badań informacji genetycznych. Niniejsze badania dotyczą formułowanego coraz częściej nakazu wymogu odpowiedzialności genetycznej w kontekście zadań rodzicielskich. Celem badań było wskazanie płaszczyzn takiej odpowiedzialności i konsekwencji wprowadzania jej w życie. W badaniach zastosowano metodę naukową desk research, a więc analizę danych zastanych, z uwzględnieniem dostępnych dokumentów, badań i publikacji, oraz ich konfrontację z normami bioetyki personalistycznej. Osiągnięte wyniki potwierdzają zarówno zmianę paradygmatu w podejściu do zdrowia, jak i poważne konsekwencje stosowania norm określanych jako odpowiedzialność genetyczna, jeśli zostaną one zaaplikowane do funkcjonowania rodziny w zakresie przekazywania życia, gospodarowania pozyskaną informacją genetyczną czy zarządzania ryzykiem genetycznym.
The unavailable upsurge in gene research, especially after the completion of The Human Genome Project, presents new challenges for modern science and society. One of them is to determine the status of the genetic information obtained from these tests. The present research deals with the increasingly formulated demand for genetic responsibility in relation to parental tasks. The aim of these studies was to identify the areas of responsibility and the consequences of their implementation. The studies used the scientific desk research method, i.e. the analysis of the data found taking into account the available documents, studies and publications and their comparison with the norms of personalistic bioethics. The results confirm both a paradigm shift in health and the serious consequences of applying norms known as genetic responsibility when applied to the functioning of the family in terms of the transmission of life, the handling of genetic information or the management of genetic risks.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2022, 33, 2; 137-160
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Seniorzy w Polsce – stan zdrowia, wsparcie instytucjonalne i opieka nieformalna
Seniors in Poland – health status, institutional support and informal care
Herudzińska, Małgorzata H.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
stan zdrowia
wsparcie instytucjonalne
opieka nieformalna
senior citizen
health status
institutional support
informal care
Wprowadzenie. W Polsce (choć nie tylko) ostatnie dziesięciolecia cechuje trwałe zjawisko, jakim jest wzrost udziału osób starszych w strukturze wieku ludności. Dynamika zmian społecznych, których źródłem są procesy demograficzne powoduje, że jednym z ważniejszych dziś wyzwań jest kwestia opieki nad seniorami. W naszym kraju opieka ta organizowana jest głównie w sferze prywatnej – ogromną rolę odgrywa tutaj rodzina. Tymczasem jej opiekuńczy potencjał maleje. Cel. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie problemów i wyzwań dotyczących systemu wsparcia osób starszych w Polsce, w tym wsparcia udzielanego im przez opiekunów nieformalnych. Materiały i metody. W pracy wykorzystano dane zastane. Wyniki. Wśród wielu wyzwań dotyczących sytuacji osób starszych w Polsce nie od dziś dominują te, który dotyczą zdrowia i opieki zdrowotnej. Wydłużanie się życia nie idzie w parze ze zdrowiem, a wraz z wiekiem pojawiają się (niejednokrotnie wielowymiarowe) potrzeby opiekuńcze. Opiekunami nieformalnymi seniorów są zazwyczaj członkowie rodziny (tzw. opiekunowie rodzinni), najczęściej kobiety – to wciąż niedocenieni sprzymierzeńcy systemu opiekuńczego państwa. Z dotychczasowych badań wynika, że sprawowanie tej opieki jest czasochłonne, wymagające, pozbawione kompleksowego wsparcia ze strony twórców i świadczeniodawców systemu opieki zdrowotnej, nadmiernie obciążające opiekunów i utrudniające pełnienie przez nich innych ról (np. zawodowych). Zmiana, doskonalenie i rozwijanie systemu opieki senioralnej, odpowiadającego na bieżące potrzeby zarówno seniorów, jak i ich opiekunów jest zadaniem bardzo aktualnym i pilnym. Poprawa sytuacji opiekunów nieformalnych, to poprawa sytuacji ich podopiecznych.
Introduction. In Poland (but not only) the last decades have been characterised by a persistent phenomenon of an increasing proportion of elderly people in the population age structure. The dynamics of social changes, which are caused, among other factors, by demographic processes, makes the issue of elderly care one of the most important challenges today. In our country elderly care is organised mainly in the private sphere – the family plays a huge role here. Meanwhile, the families’ caring potential is diminishing. Aim. The aim of the article is to identify problems and challenges concerning the system of support for the elderly in Poland, including the support provided by informal caretakers. Materials and methods. The study is based on the desk research method. Results. Among the many challenges concerning the situation of the elderly in Poland, those related to health and health care are predominant. Life expectancy does not go hand in hand with health, and with age come (often multidimensional) care needs. Informal caretakers for older people are usually family members (so-called family caretakers), most often women – still underestimated allies of the state care system. Research to date has shown, among other things, that providing care for the elderly is time-consuming, demanding, lacking comprehensive support from the health care system, overburdening caregivers and making it difficult for them to fulfil their other roles, for instance: professional roles. Changing, improving and developing a senior care system so that it would meet the current needs of seniors and their caretakers is a very timely and urgent task. Improving the situation of informal caretakers means improving the situation of their charges.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2022, XXVII, (2/2022); 325-344
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Care for health among Polish men, taking into account social and economic factors, as well as the type of work
Hildt-Ciupińska, Katarzyna
Pawłowska-Cyprysiak, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
health behavior
type of work
care for health
socio-economic status
BackgroundEpidemiological studies show that an inappropriate healthy lifestyle is a major incidence factor, inter alia, for cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity, as well as premature deaths, especially among men.Material and MethodsIn order to check the attitudes of men towards health and health behaviors, a questionnaire-based research was carried out among 600 men active on the labor market. Several standard questionnaire tools were used: the Positive Health Behaviors Scale (PHBS), the List of Personal Values for measuring the place of health in the value hierarchy; the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale, the Work Ability Index, the Psychological Sex Inventory, and the Work–Life Balance Subscale of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ II). Additionally, an independent questionnaire was developed.ResultsIn the PHBS, men could score 0–111 pts; the average score was 70.98 pts. A high level of care for health expressed in the scores ranging 80–111 pts was achieved by less than one-third of the respondents. One of the 4 groups (referred to as the “Active”) achieved the best result according to PHBS, with an average score of 77 pts. The worst group (referred to as the “Frustrated”) achieved an average of 54.5 pts. The latter performed physical or mixed work, and half of them worked shifts, including nights.ConclusionsThe selected 4 groups were not found to differ from one another as much as the authors had expected, but they pointed to a very important aspect determining health care, namely socio‑‑economic factors. There is a great need to conduct health education among men in Poland, targeted especially at young, low-educated and blue-collar workers. The areas of lifestyle that need to be changed are: nutrition, physical activity and preventive examinations. Med Pr. 2021;72(4):351–62
Medycyna Pracy; 2021, 72, 4; 351-362
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in mental well-being of adult Poles in the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic with reference to their occupational activity and remote work
Izdebski, Zbigniew W.
Mazur, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
online survey
employment status
remote work
mental health
change of employment terms
ObjectivesThe present study focused on the relationship between occupational activity and mental health during the first COVID-19 lockdown.Material and MethodsAt the turn of May and June 2020, an online survey was conducted on a representative sample of 3000 Poles (age: Me = 45 years). Working persons accounted for 52% of the respondents, while 38.1% were hired workers. Two standardized (0–100 pts) indices were defined. The level of mental health symptoms index (LMHSI) concerned the incidence of 4 problems within the past 2 months, whereas the change in mental health symptoms index (CMHSI) concerned the degree of mental health deterioration.ResultsThe mean value of LMHSI was 40.91 (SD = 26.97), and that of CMHSI 60.51 (SD = 23.97). In both cases, a worse assessment was obtained among women than among men. In the group of working respondents, the least advantageous results were found among those who worked casually or under a commission contract. Among the non-employed respondents, jobless persons and students were the group at risk. Remote work resulted in the deterioration of mental health in the light of CMHSI; however, a threat of changes in the professional situation affected LMHSI variability to the greatest extent The results of linear regression (R2 = 0.339) suggest that the increase in the CMHSI score (adjusted for LMHSI) is independently influenced by female sex, university education, remote work and a threat of the worsening of employment terms. The analysis of the interaction effect showed a stronger impact of the last factor in the group of women (p = 0.001).ConclusionsTo conclude, COVID-19 restrictions were associated with a negative impact on mental health which should be analyzed in the occupational context.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2021, 34, 2; 251-262
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Health status, nutrition and democratization: a comparative study
Peterson, Steven A.
Franzese-Peterson, Evan
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Health status
Many factors have been adduced to explain why some states become democracies and others not. Accepted variables predicting democracy include education level, economic development, urbanization, communication networks and so on. This paper will explore two biological variables’ role—nutrition level and health status. Comparative data are used to explore the effects of these variables on level of democracy. Implications are discussed.
Reality of Politics; 2021, 16; 93-106
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Health status, nutrition, and fragile states
Peterson, Steven A.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
health status
fragile states
Fragile states have several key characteristics: (1) uncertain control of territory and/or not having full control of legitimate use of force; (2) decline in legitimacy of collective and authoritative government decisions; (3) difficulties with providing public goods and services; (4) problems with interacting with other states as a member of the larger international community. Data on The Fund for Peace’s Fragile State Index from 2016 are used to measure the dependent variable. The independent variables of interest are health and nutrition, to determine if these factors-as influences on citizens’ behavior-would have anything to do with fragility. This paper, then, explores the role of two biosocial variables in affecting degree of fragility. Results are discussed as well as implications.
Reality of Politics; 2021, 15; 57-71
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Public health management in a crisis situation: alcohol consumption in terms of socio-economic status
Zarządzanie zdrowiem publicznym w sytuacji kryzysowej: konsumpcja alkoholu w zakresie stanu społeczno-gospodarczego
Gavurova, Beata
Ivankova, Viera
Kubak, Matus
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
zarządzanie zdrowiem publicznym
podejmowanie decyzji
używanie substancji
spożywanie alkoholu
status społeczno-ekonomiczny
kryzys zdrowotny
public health management
substance use
alcohol consumption
socio-economic status
health crisis
In order to strengthen public health management, the main aim of the study was to identify possible changes in alcohol consumption during the health crisis, classified according to the socio-economic status of the Slovak population. The research sample consisted of 506 respondents (33% males and 67% females), and data were collected through an online questionnaire distributed from 29th of April 2020 to 1st July 2020. A crosstabulation showed that alcohol consumption did not change in about half of the respondents, while the majority of the remaining respondents reported a decrease in alcohol consumption compared to those who reported an increase. Females were more stable in their drinking than males. Correspondence analysis showed that high-income males (2500 to 2999 EUR) were more likely to drink excessively. Conversely, high-income females reported much less alcohol consumption. Health care professionals should pay increased attention to alcohol consumption in vulnerable groups at risk of developing an addiction. The findings of this study provide valuable information for improving public policy management and for effective decision-making in public health.
W celu wzmocnienia zarządzania zdrowiem publicznym, głównym celem badania była identyfikacja możliwych zmian w spożyciu alkoholu podczas kryzysu zdrowotnego, sklasyfikowanych według statusu społeczno-ekonomicznego ludności słowackiej. Próba badawcza składała się z 506 respondentów (33% mężczyzn i 67% kobiet), a dane zostały zebrane za pomocą ankiety internetowej rozprowadzanej od 29 kwietnia 2020 r. do 1 lipca 2020 r. Tabela krzyżowa wykazała, że spożycie alkoholu nie zmieniło się w około połowie badanych, podczas gdy większość pozostałych respondentów zgłosiła spadek spożycia alkoholu w porównaniu z tymi, którzy zgłosili wzrost. Kobiety były bardziej stabilne w piciu niż mężczyźni. Analiza korespondencji wykazała, że mężczyźni o wysokich dochodach (2500 do 2999 euro) częściej nadużywali alkoholu. Z drugiej strony kobiety o wysokich dochodach zgłaszały znacznie mniejsze spożycie alkoholu. Pracownicy służby zdrowia powinni zwracać większą uwagę na spożywanie alkoholu w grupach wrażliwych, zagrożonych uzależnieniem. Wyniki tego badania dostarczają cennych informacji na temat poprawy zarządzania polityką publiczną oraz skutecznego podejmowania decyzji w zakresie zdrowia publicznego.
Polish Journal of Management Studies; 2021, 24, 1; 80--95
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Management Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zdravotný stav obyvateľstva EÚ
Gulášová, Ivica
Babečka, Jozef
Czarnecki, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
Health status
The authors deals with the health of the EU population. The health of the Slovak population has improved since 2000, but it still lags behind the EU average. Slovaks live longer, but differences in life expectancy by gender and socio-economic groups persist. In the Slovak health care system, care is provided to all residents, although access to it is limited in some regions and quality and efficiency can improve in many areas. Most Slovaks report good health, but there are differences according to income groups. About two thirds of the Slovak population report good health, a ratio similar to the EU average, but higher than in most neighboring countries. However, according to their own health assessment, there are differences in socio-economic status. The health of the Slovak population has improved since 2000, but it still lags behind the EU average. Slovaks live longer, but differences in life expectancy by gender and socio-economic groups persist. In the Slovak health care system, care is provided to all residents, although access to it is limited in some regions and quality and efficiency can improve in many areas.
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2021, 1(34); 125-129
Pojawia się w:
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Family life as an area of emotional work and investments: an analysis from the perspective of sociology of mental health
Frąckowiak-Sochańska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
mental health
mental disorders
marital status
The purpose of this paper is to analyse and interpret family life as an area of individuals’ emotional work and investments. The perspective of the above mentioned analysis is designated by the sociology of mental health. Relationships within a family have undeniable influence on the state of people’s mental health. These relationships can be a source of support as well as emotional burden. Families can either compensate for the social stress individuals experience due to processes at the macro level or enhance the emotional tension resulting from social stress. The main method used in this study is meta-analysis of epidemiological and clinical data concerning the mental health of the global (WHO) and Polish population (EZOP-Poland) and my own research – a nationwide, representative survey (N=1,000) carried out in Poland, which was part of a broader theoretical and empirical project devoted to the process of social construction of the categories of mental health, disease and disorder in late modern society. I also refer to my qualitative research including twenty in-depth interviews with psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists who had experience in carrying out family, couples and individual therapy. The research objective was to find out whether and in what way some issues described from the socio-cultural perspective manifest themselves in the form of problems with which people turn to psychotherapists. The analysis and interpretation of data from the above mentioned sources enable us to put forward a thesis that living within a family entails not necessarily an alternative (either emotional burden or support), but a conjunction (both emotional burden and support). In this context the practical solutions that enable families to protect and strengthen the individual’s mental health should be searched for.
Studia Demograficzne; 2020, 176, 2; 71-93
Pojawia się w:
Studia Demograficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oral cavity status of long-term hemodialized patients vs. their socio-economic status
Trzcionka, Agata
Twardawa, Henryk
Mocny-Pachońska, Katarzyna
Tanasiewicz, Marta
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
chronic diseases
socio-economic status
end-stage chronic kidney disease
oral health
health maintenance
BackgroundThe chronic kidney disease, blood hypertension and diabetes are recognized as civilization diseases that affect more and more people. The probability of encountering a patient suffering from these diseases is increasing. As such, it appears crucial to better understand the specific dental needs of such groups of patients. The aim of the work was to assess the oral hygiene status and the needs of patients suffering from the end-stage chronic kidney disease, arterial hypertension or/and diabetes.Material and MethodsTwo hundred and twenty eight patients were included in the research. One hundred and eighty patients were hemodialized in Diaverum dialysis stations and 48 patients were from the Conservative Dentistry with Endodontics Clinic of the Academic Centre of Dentistry in Bytom, Silesian Medical University in Katowice, and from the Dentistry Division of the Arnika Clinic in Zabrze, and were not not diagnosed with any of the diseases mentioned. The research scheme was divided into 3 parts, consisting of an analysis of the general health socio-economic status, a survey and an assessment of oral health.ResultsThe patients who were not suffering from any of the discussed diseases were more aware of how to properly perform hygienic procedures. Most of the patients from both the control and examined groups were not using any rinsing solutions. A higher percentage of patients in the control group was using dental floss, changing their toothbrush every 3 months and brushing their teeth for ≥2 min. The Aproximal Plaque Index and the Oral Hygiene Index-Simplified values in the control group were significantly lower in comparison to the examined group.ConclusionsThe socio-economic status of hemodialized patients was low, which in most cases was a result of the difficulties in starting a job. Due to the lower standards of life, the neglect of oral hygiene maintenance and its consequences could be observed.
Medycyna Pracy; 2020, 71, 3; 279-288
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Porównanie metod oceny zdrowotności upraw sosnowych w odnowieniach
Comparing methods for assessing the health of regeneration in Scots pine culture
Sierota, Z.
Malecka, M.
Damszel, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
phytopathological monitoring
Scots pine cultures
field assessment
health status
monitoring fitopatologiczny
uprawy sosny zwyczajnej
ocena zagrożenia chorobowego
stan zdrowotny
This study’s aim was to describe the health condition of Scots pine cultures of up to 10 years old using and comparing various field assessment methods. Since forest districts report on the health of stands annually, we assumed that for a proper health analysis it is necessary to develop a simple and yet reliable assessment method that allows for determining the share of fungal pathogen infection in the stand (both foliar and root pathogens) and their differentiation from symptoms of abiotic factors such as drought. Six different methods of health assessment were tested in selected Forest Districts across Poland. We found that the most reliable assessment of the health condition of young stands is obtained with the surface method “MF” (phytopathological monitoring method) and the linear “Z” method, which uses transects of 30 meters in three rows in the shape of the letter Z.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2020, 81, 2; 51-64
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przegląd badań prospektywnych na temat stanu zdrowia psychicznego oraz jakości życia lekarzy i studentów medycyny
The review of prospective studies on mental health and the quality of life of physicians and medical students
Szemik, Szymon
Gajda, Maksymilian
Kowalska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
stan zdrowia
jakość życia
studenci medycyny
problemy zdrowia psychicznego
prospektywne badania kohortowe
health status
quality of life
medical students
mental health problems
prospective cohort studies
Determinanty psychospołeczne odgrywają istotną rolę w kształtowaniu zdrowia psychicznego oraz jakości życia pracowników, w tym lekarzy. W niniejszym przeglądzie piśmiennictwa wykazano, że problemy zdrowia psychicznego lekarzy przejawiają się w postaci zespołu przewlekłego zmęczenia oraz wypalenia zawodowego i mają związek z przewlekłym narażeniem na stres w pracy. Ponadto opublikowane dane wskazują, że do najistotniejszych problemów zdrowia psychicznego studentów medycyny oraz młodych lekarzy należą: uzależnienie od alkoholu oraz ryzykowny sposób jego konsumpcji, depresja, a także potencjalne zachowania samobójcze. Omówione w pracy badania mające na celu identyfikację stanu zdrowia psychicznego i jakości życia lekarzy oraz ich uwarunkowań były prowadzone głównie na podstawie obserwacji prospektywnych, dających możliwość śledzenia zmian w czasie.
Psychosocial determinants play a significant role in shaping mental health and the quality of life of workers, including physicians. The results of the presented review indicate that mental health problems of physicians are particularly manifested by chronic fatigue syndrome and burnout syndrome, and are related to chronic stress exposure at the workplace. Moreover, published data suggest that the most important mental health problems of medical students and young doctors include alcohol addiction and risky alcohol consumption, depression, and potential suicidal ideation. The studies on mental health and the quality of life of physicians, including their determinants, as presented in this paper, were mostly conducted on the basis of prospective observations that enable the tracking of changes over time.
Medycyna Pracy; 2020, 71, 4; 483-491
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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