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Deficyty polskiego ustawodawstwa w zakresie przeciwdziałania mowie nienawiści i przestępstwom z nienawiści
Gliszczyńska-Grabias, Aleksanda
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
hate speech
anti-discrimination law
human rights
hate crimes
criminal code
bill draft
postulates of changes
prawo antydyskryminacyjne
mowa nienawiści
prawa człowieka
The phenomenon of hate speech and hate crimes is not easily captured in the legal definitions and is often described as controversial due to the difficulties with identifying the “hateful element” of words and deeds. Another significant reason for the difficulties concerning penalisation in the area in question is the strict (and for many unjustified) limitation imposed on freedom of speech, assembly and association, which are the freedoms most often affected by the anti-hate provisions of law. Nevertheless the obligations included in the international human rights law oblige Polish legislators to introduce and implement proper mechanisms of counteracting these extremely negative and socially dangerous phenomenon. However, many questions arise: Are the international standards of human rights law fully reflected in the Polish legal provisions and practice? How are the areas demanding alteration and endorsement being defined? What are the obstacles that unable the process of protecting all groups particularly endangered by hate speech and hate crimes? Are the provisions of law a sufficient and effective barrier against spreading hatred in the public sphere? This article seeks to answer all the questions posed above. It also attempts to demonstrate the complexity of the analysed problems, placing them in the centre of the gene-ral discussion on tolerance, minorities protection and the functions of the antidiscrimination law within democratic state and society.
Studia Prawnicze; 2014, 1 (197); 113-128
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hate Crimes as Manifestations of Political Extremism in the Czech Republic
Svoboda, Ivo
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego Apeiron w Krakowie
Criminological investigation
Political extremism
Hate crimes
Criminal sanction
The article deals with so-called hate crimes as specific manifestations of political extremism. The article mentions not only potential criminal sanctions, but also the legislative situation in Slovakia, international law implications of criminal sanctions for these specific crimes, and available options permitting this phenomenon to be criminally investigated. Last but not least, it touches upon judicature as a source of specific criminal investigation methods developed to examine manifestations of political extremism.
Security Dimensions; 2015, 13(13); 35-48
Pojawia się w:
Security Dimensions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kryminologiczne implikacje chorwackich zbrodni na Bałkanach w II połowie XX wieku
Inspired by ethnic hatred Croatian war crimes in selected countries of the former Yugoslavia in the second half of the twentieth century
Ickiewicz-Sawicka, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Akademia Zamojska
war crimes
civil war
the victim
hate crimes
zbrodnie wojenne
wojna domowa
zbrodnie z nienawiści
Problematyka zbrodni wojennych na Bałkanach w XX wieku koncentruje się głównie wokół serbskich zbrodni wojennych, ignorując innych sprawców bałkańskiej tragedii – Chorwatów, Bośniaków (Boszniaków) czy Kosowskich Albańczyków. Wykreowane przez zachodnioeuropejskich polityków i utrwalone przez światowe media stereotypowe, pejoratywne spojrzenie na mieszkańców regionu bałkańskiego (szczególne negatywne postrzeganie Serbów) zostało zapoczątkowane w Sarajewie i trwa do dnia dzisiejszego. Artykuł składa się z pięciu części. Pierwsza z nich dotyczy chorwackich zbrodni wojennych w XX wieku w kontekście historycznym. Druga zawiera opis kolejnych chorwackich zbrodni pod koniec ubiegłego stulecia, trzecia zaś odnosi się do studium przypadków. Z kolei czwarta część prezentuje zbrodnie wojenne popełniane przez wysoko postawionych funkcjonariuszy państwa chorwackiego. Tekst zamykają wnioski końcowe.
The issue of war crimes in the Balkans at the turn of the eleventh century focused mainly on the Serb war crimes, ignoring or dropping the veil to the other perpetrators of the Balkan tragedy; Croats, Bosnians and Kosovo Albanians. Created by Western politicians and perpetuated by the world’s media a pejorative stereotypical view of the inhabitants of the Balkan region (specifically negative perception of the Serbs) was launched in Sarajevo, and continues to this day. The article consists of four parts. The first relates to the Croatian war crimes in the twentieth century in a historical context. The second contains a description of the Croatian war crimes in the second half of the twentieth century, and the third refers to the description of case studies. The fourth part presents the war crimes committed by high-ranking officers of the Croatian state. Text closes with conclusions.
Facta Simonidis; 2016, 9, 1; 279-293
Pojawia się w:
Facta Simonidis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Police Competences’ in Preventing, Investigating and Combating Hate Crimes in Poland — Part I
Jurczak, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
hate speech
hate crimes
hate crime training
The article is divided into two main parts. It refers to selected data on hate crimes recorded in Poland and Police effectiveness regarding preventing, investigating and combating such kinds of crimes. Based on available sources there is no problem with extremist activity in a large-scale in Poland nowadays, but for sure there is an urgent one with the increasing number of hatemotivated incidents, both with its social impact. Awareness-raising and educational campaigns that aim at promoting respect for human rights and tolerance for diversity are much needed in this matter. Also, law enforcement agencies, including Police, play a key role while tackling racism and bias. An uncontrolled and unpunished manifestation of hate, both with the lack of an appropriate and unequivocal state response to such incidents, also quiet, social approval to hate-motivated behaviours, seem to be the main components of extreme movements growing. Thus, the main aim of the article was to describe the phenomenon of hate-motivated incidents that were reported in Poland within the past years and to diagnose Polish police officers’ skills, knowledge and qualification in this field, both qualitative analyses of accessible training programmes. Selected terms (racism, discrimination, intolerance, xenophobia and hate speech) and symbols (the Celtic Cross, the SS-Totenkopf and the Triskele) that promote hate were defined (part 1) both with Police officers’ identification accuracy. Research results presented in this article were gathered by using a variety of methods and techniques, both theoretical and empirical (part 2). The data that refers to Police competence in the context of preventing, investigating and combating hate crimes was mainly collected as a part of a doctoral research conducted by the author in 2012–2014.
Internal Security; 2018, 10(1); 271-291
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Police Competences’ in Preventing, Investigating and Combatting Hate Crimes in Poland — Part 2
Jurczak, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
hate speech
hate crimes
the police
hate crime training
The article is divided into two main parts. It refers to selected data on hate crimes recorded in Poland and Police effectiveness while preventing, investigating and combatting it. Based on available sources, there is no problem with extremist activity on a large-scale in Poland nowadays, but for sure there is an urgent one with the increasing number of hate-motivated incidents, both with their social impact. Awareness-raising and educational campaigns that aim at prompting respect for human rights and tolerance for diversity are very needed in this matter. Also, law enforcement agencies, including the police, play a key role while tackling racism and bias. Uncontrolled and unpunished manifestation of hate, both with the lack of appropriate and unequivocal state response to such incidents, also quiet, social approval to hate-motivated behaviours, seem to be the main components of extreme movements growing. Thus, the main aim of the article has been to describe the phenomenon of hatemotivated incidents that were reported in Poland within past years and to diagnose Polish police officers’ skills, knowledge and qualification in this field, together with qualitative analyses of accessible training programmes. Selected terms (racism, discrimination, intolerance, xenophobia and hate speech) and symbols (the Celtic Cross, the SS-Totenkopf and the Triskele) that promote hate were defined (part 1) both with police officers’ identification accuracy. Research results presented in this article were gathered by using variety of methods and techniques, both theoretical and empirical (part 2). The data that refers to police competence in the context of preventing, investigating and combatting hate crimes was mainly collected as a part of a doctoral research conducted by the author in 2012–2014.
Internal Security; 2018, 10(2); 129-141
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka karna w sprawach o przestępstwa z nienawiści w Polsce w świetle danych statystycznych
Polish criminal policy in cases of hate crime in light of statistical data
Kozłowska, Patrycja
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
przestępstwa z nienawiści
przestępstwa motywowane nienawiścią
polityka karna
praktyka orzecznicza sądów
kary kryminalne
hate crimes
crimes motivated by hate
criminal policy
judicial practice
criminal penalties
Negatywne skutki przestępstw z nienawiści oraz wynikające z nich zagrożenia uzasadniają potrzebę podjęcia skutecznych działań w celu przeciwdziałania im i eliminowania wszelkich ich przejawów z życia społecznego. W literaturze przedmiotu zwraca się uwagę na konieczność zintensyfikowania wysiłków, zmierzających do lepszego wykrywania, ścigania i karania sprawców tych przestępstw. Niniejszy artykuł został więc poświęcony zbadaniu, jak w latach 2008–2020 wyglądała realizacja polityki karnej w sprawach o przestępstwa z nienawiści w Polsce. Analizie poddano wybrane statystyki sądowe obrazujące liczbę skazań za przestępstwa z nienawiści, a także rodzaje kar kryminalnych orzekanych w odpowiedzi na ich popełnienie i wymiary bezwzględnej kary pozbawienia wolności. W tekście podjęto próbę uchwycenia różnic występujących w praktyce orzeczniczej sądów w analizowanym okresie.
The negative effects of hate crimes and the threats resulting from these acts justify the need to take effective actions to counter them and eliminate all their manifestations from society. The source literature notes the necessity to intensify efforts leading to more efficient detection, prosecution and penalisation of these crimes. In her article, Patrycja Kozłowska concentrates on the examination of the criminal policy in cases of hate crimes committed in Poland in 2008–2020. Selected court statistical data illustrating the number of convictions for hate crimes, the types of criminal penalties imposed on their perpetrators as well as the length of sentenced penalties of absolute deprivation of liberty have been analysed. Kozłowska also makes an attempt to capture differences in judicial practice becoming evident in the period under scrutiny.
Forum Polityki Kryminalnej; 2023, 1(5); 1-27
Pojawia się w:
Forum Polityki Kryminalnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Próba oceny karnoprawnych regulacji zwalczania mowy nienawiści w Polsce
An attempt to evaluate criminal law regulations to combat hate speech in Poland
Gorazdowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim
prawo karne
mowa nienawiści
hate speech
hate crime
wolność słowa
criminal law
prejudice motivated crimes
freedom of speech
The article draws attention to the problem of permanent conflict between freedom of speech (freedom of expression) and hate speech used in communication by politicians and ordinary people in a democratic state, not only to strenghten the importance of civil rights and freedom, but often to antagonize specific social groups. They attempt to evaluate legal tools in the fight against hate speech and their effectiveness in combating this social pathology, but also stress further need for changes in criminal law in this area to facilitate those experiencing hate speech and discriminatory justice. It should be noticed that the problem of excluding hate speech from social life is extremely complex and difficult to implement in practice. Each interference of the legislator with civil rights and freedom should be proportionate and carefully thought out and can not lead to an unjustified limitation of these rights.
Studia Administracji i Bezpieczeństwa; 2019, 6; 93-115
Pojawia się w:
Studia Administracji i Bezpieczeństwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
System ochrony praw mniejszości narodowych a wyzwania dla bezpieczeństwa państwa w XXI wieku
National minorities rights protection system and challenges to the state security in the 21. Century
Winiarska, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej
ethnic minority
międzynarodowy system ochrony praw człowieka
bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe
kodeks karny
prawa człowieka
mniejszość narodowa
mniejszość etniczna
international system of human rights protection
international security
Penal Code
human rights
national minority
Problematyka ochrony praw mniejszości narodowych i etnicznych we współczesnym świecie jest jedną z bardziej delikatnych kwestii na forum organizacji międzynarodowych z uwagi na ich rolę w wielu konfliktach regionalnych i międzynarodowych. Rozwój ich znaczenia w obecnej polityce bezpieczeństwa państw jest nie do przecenienia, a stopień skomplikowania relacji z większością społeczeństwa oraz wypracowanie realizacji interesów narodowych oraz grup mniejszościowych będzie również wzrastał, co będzie wymagało uelastycznienia podejścia do polityki narodowościowej państw w XXI wieku. W kontekście bezpieczeństwa zewnętrznego, XXI wiek niesie ze sobą wyzwania dla bezpieczeństwa, zakłócające dotychczasowy porządek społeczny, polityczny i gospodarczy, co dodatkowo będzie komplikowało znalezienie konsensusu między poszczególnymi aktorami życia w państwie.
The issue of the protection of the rights of national and ethnic minorities in the modern world is one of the most sensitive issues in international organizations, because of their role in a number of regional and international conflicts. The development of their importance in the current security policy of different states is not to be underestimated, and the complexity of the relations with the majority of the society and the development and implementation of the national interests of minority groups will also increase, which will require a more flexible approach to national policy of the states in the twenty-first century. In the context of external security, the twenty-first century brings new challenges to security disrupting the existing social, political and economic order which will also be complicated to find a consensus between the different actors of political life in the country.
Wiedza Obronna; 2014, 4; 5-23
Pojawia się w:
Wiedza Obronna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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