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Znalezisko późnorzymskiej fibuli na wczesnośredniowiecznym grodzisku w Zbuczu koło Hajnówki – kontynuacja tradycji czy przypadkowa zguba?
A Late Roman Fibula from the Early Medieval Hillfort in Zbucz near Hajnówka – Continuation of a Tradition or an Accidental Loss?
Krasnodębski, Dariusz
Mizerka, Jagoda
Data publikacji:
Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne w Warszawie
okres wpływów rzymskich
kultura wielbarska
grodzisko wczesnośredniowieczne
Roman Period
Wielbark Culture
medieval hillfort
The basin of the Upper Narew River is home to one of the most interesting features connected with the early medieval Mazovian-Ruthenian borderland – the hillfort in Zbucz (site 3, AZP 45-89/4). It consists of an earthen embankment with a height of 1 to 2.5 m and average width of up to 10 m, surrounding a flat, 80-m-diameter courtyard entered from the south (Fig. 1, 2). During five excavation seasons, 10 trial trenches were explored and a non-invasive magnetic prospection was carried out (D. Krasnodębski, W. Małkowski 2018). The results obtained indicate two phases of construction of the fortifications. The main wood-and-earth rampart, reinforced from the outside with clay, was built in the 970s, then the fortifications were partially rebuilt no later than at the end of the 10th/beginning of the 11th century. Inside the hillfort, at the foot of the rampart, there was a shallow ditch in which small fragments of burnt human and animal bones were found. Moreover, several metal objects had been purposefully placed there: a bronze bracelet, a two-piece iron bit, an iron ‘horseshoe’, a C-shaped fire-steel, and two whole clay vessels (D. Krasnodębski, H. Olczak 2019, 95–96). This unusual collection of finds seems to indicate a special, perhaps cult/religious purpose for the ditch. On the outer side of the passageway leading to the hillfort, at a depth of about 0.7 m below the surface, a fragment of pavement (layer 234) formed by loosely distributed small stones embedded in clay was exposed directly on the virgin soil (Fig. 3–5). It is impossible to determine whether this pavement was located only within the gateway (meaning it would have to have been built during the construction of the rampart) or extended beyond it (thus being older than the hillfort). An incomplete fibula of group VI (Fig. 6), type A.161–162 (O. Almgren 1923, 77, pl. VII:161.162), with a narrow returned foot and a flat-convex section of the bow of 4.4 cm in length was found in this layer. Brooches type A.161–162 are found relatively frequently at Wielbark Culture sites in the Upper Narew and Middle Bug River basins. They are dated to the Late Roman Period – from phase C1a to C2 (K. Godłowski 1974, 29; R. Wołągiewicz 1974, 145; J. Jaskanis 1996, 111; J. Andrzejowski 2001, 257). This find is the only object from the Roman Period that has been discovered at the hillfort. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that an older cemetery or settlement, heretofore unknown, existed within a short distance of the hillfort. It should also be taken into account that the layer of stones on which the fibula was found may be the remains of a sub-barrow pavement (cf. J. Jaskanis 2012, 210). However, the lack of human bones and other artefacts from the Roman Period speaks against this interpretation. It is also possible that the pavement with the brooch is a remnant of a destroyed cult enclosure, similar to the one discovered in the Białowieża Forest in 2017 (Forestry Wilczy Jar 2, AZP 45-91/28). It consists of a small hill dating from the middle of the 3rd to the beginning of the 5th century, measuring about 17 m in diameter, and surrounded by an earthen rampart faced with stones. A layer with loosely scattered stones and burnt debris, containing fragments of ceramics and small burnt animal bones, was found on its grounds. If we consider both described places to be similar, we can assume that the ceremonial and cult role of the hillfort in Zbucz in the early Middle Ages may date back to the late Roman times.
Wiadomości Archeologiczne; 2020, LXX, 70; 219-224
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Archeologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienne losy starego cmentarza w Biłgoraju
Changing history of the old cemetery in Biłgoraj
Garbacz, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
domniemane grodzisko
stary cmentarz
cmentarz przykościelny
nekropolia podmiejska
kamienne nagrobki
józefowski ośrodek kamieniarski
Lublin region
old cemetery
supposed hill fort
church cemetery
suburban necropolis
Józefów stoneworking centre
Zabytkowe cmentarze są świadectwem dziedziczonej z pokolenia na pokolenie pamięci o przodkach. Niestety, część z nich została w XX w. zdewastowana i ograbiona z wielu elementów kamiennej architektury nagrobnej. Do tej grupy założeń należy stary cmentarz w Biłgoraju, w województwie lubelskim, założony przed końcem XVIII w. Jego użytkowanie zakończono około 1880 r., ale prawne zamknięcie nastąpiło dopiero w 1959 r. W ciągu kilkudziesięciu lat pozbawiony opieki cmentarz uległ tak daleko posuniętej degradacji, że w 1982 r. zarejestrowano tylko trzy nieuszkodzone wolno stojące nagrobki kamienne; pozostałe przetrwały jedynie we fragmentach. Zniszczeniu uległa też część drzewostanu. W 1977 r. cmentarz został wpisany do rejestru zabytków, dziesięć lat później powstało założenie projektowe lapidarium. Próby ratowania biłgorajskiego cmentarza zbiegły się z czasem ogólnej dyskusji na temat stanu zachowania nekropolii w Polsce i szybko postępującego ich niszczenia, zarówno przez wandali, jak i wskutek decyzji władz administracyjnych, nakazujących likwidację tych już nieużytkowanych. Na przykładzie biłgorajskiego założenia autor starał się pokazać wieloletni proces powojennej destrukcji jednej z tych nekropolii, które bez uszczerbku przetrwały czasy okupacji hitlerowskiej.
Old cemeteries are evidence of the memory about ancestors inherited throughout generations. Sadly, in the 20th century, some of them were devastated and robbed of many elements of stone tomb architecture. In this group is the old cemetery in Biłgoraj, Lublin Voivodeship, established in the late 18th century. Its use was discontinued ca. 1880. However, it was not legally closed until 1959. Within several decades, without care, the cemetery fell into such advanced degradation that in 1982 only three undamaged, free-standing tombstones were registered; others survived only in fragments. Some of the trees were destroyed as well. In 1977, the cemetery was entered into the register of historic sites; ten years later, the design of a lapidarium was created. Attempts to save the Biłgoraj cemetery coincided with general discussion on the state of conservation of necropolises in Poland and their quickly advancing degradation, both by vandals and as a result of decisions made by administrative authorities who order liquidation of the disused ones. On the example of the Biłgoraj complex, the author attempted to illustrate the years-long process of post-war destruction of one of these necropolises, which survived the period of Nazi occupation without harm.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2016, 2; 219-257
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zawada pod Tarnowem – wielkie grodzisko z wczesnego średniowiecza
Zawada near Tarnow – great stronghold from the early Middle Ages
Sajecki, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Nauki i Kultury Libra
wczesne średniowiecze
early Middle Ages
The current views suggest that the stronghold in Zawada near Tarnow is a large, multi-section defensive structure with a central stronghold and fortified boroughs. It played a military role in the pre-Christian settle-ment system, enabling the protection of the nearby settlers against attacks by mobile groups of nomads from the east and south-east, and Slavic crews from the south and south-west. It was also an extensive defensive settlement in which everyday life was going on.
Grodzisko w Zawadzie pod Tarnowem prezentuje się obecnie jako wielki, wieloczłonowy obiekt obronny z grodziskiem centralnym oraz ufortyfikowanymi podgrodziami. Pełniło ono w przedchrześcijańskim systemie osadniczym funkcję militarną, umożliwiającą ochronę okolicznej ludności przed napadami ruchliwych grup koczowników przybyłych ze wschodu i południowego wschodu oraz słowiańskich załóg z południa i południo-wego zachodu. Było też rozbudowaną osadą obronną, w której toczyło się codzienne życie.
Radzyński Rocznik Humanistyczny; 2020, 18; 9-20
Pojawia się w:
Radzyński Rocznik Humanistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie geofizycznych badań elektrooporowych w rozpoznaniu morfologii antropogenicznej na przykładzie zamku błogosławionej Salomei w Grodzisku pod Skałą (Małopolska)
Application of geophysical resistivity methods to recognition of anthropogenic morphology - a case history of the Blessed Salomea castle in Grodzisko near Skała (Małopolska province, south Poland)
Domogalla, W.
Mościcki, W.J.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
Grodzisko pod Skałą
badania archeologiczne
badania geofizyczne
badania elektrooporowe
geoelektryczne badania penetracyjne
obrazowanie elektrooporowe
Grodzisko near Skała
archeological research
geophysical methods
DC resistivity research
penetrometer-based geoelectrical measurements
resistivity imaging
Historia zabytkowego zespołu architektoniczno-krajobrazowego w Grodzisku sięga średniowiecza. Szczególnego charakteru nabrał on w XVII wieku, gdy powstało symboliczne założenie architektoniczne, upamiętniające błogosławioną Salomeę. Zespół ten był obiektem badań historycznych i archeologicznych między innymi w latach 60. i 90. XX wieku oraz w roku 2003. Znaczną rolę w planowaniu i analizie wykonanej prospekcji archeologicznej odegrały badania geoelektryczne. Metodą penetracyjnego profilowania oporności stwierdzono występowanie rozróżnialnych nawarstwień kulturowych na terenie obwałowań majdanu grodziska. Metodą tomografii elektrooporowej wykryto w otoczeniu kościoła strefy anomalne, które mogły być identyfikowane z podziemnymi pozostałościami architektonicznymi. Wyniki pomiarów geoelektrycznych zostały potwierdzone pracami wykopaliskowymi. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że odnalezione mury, zapewne dwutraktowej, budowli mieszkalno--obronnej są jednym z najstarszych tego typu przykładów "architectura militaris" na ziemiach polskich.
Monumental archaeological and landscape complex in Grodzisko is located within Ojcowski National Park (Małopolska province, south Poland). The complex was investigated historically and archaeologically in 60-ties and 90-ties of the XX century and lately in 2003. Results of geophysical research played an important role in planning archaeological excavations and analysis of historical events. The methods used were penetrometer-based resistivity profiling and DC resistivity imaging. The first method was used for recognition of different cultural accumulation layers within embankments of the courtyard. Resistivity imaging made along five lines located near historical church discovered distinct high-resistivity zones. These zones reflected the presence of underground fragments of historical walls confirmed later by the archaeological excavation works. Complex analysis of historical and archeological data leads to the opinion that discovered walls are remnants of the building of defense-residential character, probably one of the oldest examples of the "architectura militaris" on the area of Poland.
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie; 2006, 32, 4; 405-418
Pojawia się w:
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z zagadnień ekspozycji zabytków archeologicznych in situ : problemy ekspozycji na grodzisku
Augustyniak, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zabytek archeologiczny
muzealnictwo archeologiczne
eksponowanie zabytków archeologicznych
rezerwat archeologiczny
grodzisko kasztelańskie w Gieczu
rezerwat archeologiczny w Kaliszu-Zawodziu
grodzisko w Brudnie Starym w Warszawie
Sieradzki Park Etnograficzny
Within the complex structure of a „bridge” linking the past with our days in the field of evolution and development of both artistic culture and historical conscience of a society the historic monuments, the relics of the past, no doubt, have their important place. In fact entirely particular position is being kept among them by those of archaeological character since they relate to times from which no written records or sources have survived, or are available in quite negligible numbers. The advances of archaeological excavations conducted in the period of the Polish People’s Republic resulted in a considerable extension of the so-called source material base, i.e. in enrichment of supply of materials enabling the insight into the story of formation of the Polish State. An immense supply of source materials has led to changes in activities of such important institutions where they can be popularized as are the museums. However, this fundamental change that occured with regard to the basic form of the museum’s activities, i.e. display is by far inadequate nowadays. Those serious objectives that are being set by contemporaneity before museums are in a considerable measure concerning the display itself. Today it can by no means be based on scientific information alone that has been furnished by archaeology, history of art or by ethnography. There exists a need to find a creative agent in its system as it should contain a number of experiences of emotional nature that are required by young people, it must emphasize the importance of direct contact with original objects and more still — it should prevent the loss of historical and social receptiveness. A properly thought modern display method should avoid any forms of stereotyped presentation whatsoever that obscures its sense and makes its language more or less conventionalized. The display space should be handled as a place of action or even to some extent as a theatrical stage on which with the aid of exhibits a sui generis performance can be played. The displayed exhibits do not in themselves constitute any information — they only form an informative situation that controls the flow of information in a strictly predetermined manner. As one of possible answers to objectives that are set before archaeological museums by contemporaneity is to be considered the display of archaeological objects in situ. The first attempts to cristallize an idea of archaeological reservation were made in Poland as early as in 1934 at Biskupin. At present the number of reservations whose forms comply to definition by Professor K. Piwocki is ranging as high as to ten. The author distinguishes two types of archaeological reservations: I — a simple reservation, and II — a composed reservation. As the background for such distinction was adopted the form of relics discovered. As the most essential element of the in situ display is to be considered that of proportion between the historical substance and installations and equipment that are necessary to secure the appropriate functioning of reservation and are decisive for the effects and impressions that can be received by visitors. With concern to the in situ display of archaeological relics within the space of an ancient castle the author suggests that (1) the castle site needs to be immediately and inseparably linked with its natural environment which the links should in no way be disturbed by any modern buildings or other kind of installations, (2) regardless of the state of preservation of a castle its shape that survived to our days forms a part of its historical substance and should therefore be protected. The architectural design of display must take into account the following: (a) the necessary climatic conditions (i.e. temperature, humidity) under which can be kept the relics exposed to their action, (b) an appropriate from the historical and aesthetic viewpoint display of relics themselves. In his further considerations the author discussed some examples of archaeological sites within the ancient castles that have already been realized as, for instance, that of Giecz or are now at the stage of designing as those at Kalisz or Bródno Stare. Unfortunately, all the three archaeological sites mentioned above in their architectural designs are far enough from the required respect for the castle solids as the latter have seriously been disturbed by service installations and equipment. The author of the present publication is responsible for general design of archaeological site at Sieradz being discussed here and forming an integral part of the Sieradz Ethnographic Park. The ethnographic part will, however, not disturb the natural environment of the Sieradz castle site as a wide green belt and plantings accentuating the site occuppied by ancient castle will ensure the appropriate proportion between the both parts. As a result of archaeological investigations the following elements have been planned as those designed for permanent exhibition: (1) the 13th-century timber-constructed fortifications, (2) the relics of brickwork rotunda of the 13th century, (3) the negative pattern of circumpherential castle wall built during the 14th century. To prevent the damage to the castle solid preserved to our times it was decided that the in situ display of the discovered relics will be placed at the underground level. None of installations that are inevitable for preservation and display of historic substance will be visible at the ground level. Both system and rôle of the separate components forming the whole display on the Sieradz archaeological site have been devised as follows: Part I — „Prologue”; (1) Projection of a film devoted to „History of Sieradz covering the period of the 6th to 15th century A.D.”; (2) a printed „Guide to Archaeological Site, Sieradz” having special version for young readers with a plastic reconstruction of the castle site; Part II — „Culmination”; Pavilion No 1 housing the relics of the timber constructed fortifications and those of rotunda; Pavilion No 2 housing the negative castle wall pattern; Part III — „Epilogue”; a display of the movable historical monuments coming from excavations conducted on the castle site. It may be said that Parts I and III perform a subordinated, servicing function thus supporting the main part of the in situ display and their location (Part I forming a projection room is housed in an especially adapted to purpose historic building located within the „ethnographic” area whereas Part III in the Sieradz Museum some 500 m from the castle site) creates conditions favouring the exclusive display of relics excavated within the castle site. At any rate, however, the proportion of historic substance to the necessary safeguarding and servicing installations remains an open problem in the in situ display. Nevertheless, it is a duty of every conservator and designing architect to keep this problem before his eyes and to make every possible effort to arrive at its optimum solution.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 4; 270-283
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyniki przedwojennych badań na grodzisku w Starogardzie Łobeskim
Results of pre-war excavations at a stronghold in Starogard Łobeski
Janowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie
Starogard Łobeski
Pomorze Zachodnie
badania archiwalne
West Pomerania
Early Middle Age
archival research
Starogard Łobeski is a settlement situated about 8 km to the east of Resko on the east bank of the Rega river. Undoubtedly the area’s most interesting archaeological site from the Early Middle Ages, this well-preserved stronghold is located about 2 km to the south of Starogard. The feature has been known since at least the 1930s, and it has been excavated twice archaeologically. The first excavations were carried out by Adolf Stubenrauch in 1891 with further excavations being undertaken by Hans-Jürgen Eggers in 1938. This paper presents the results of this research which hitherto has not been widely published.
Materiały Zachodniopomorskie; 2011, 8; 179-194
Pojawia się w:
Materiały Zachodniopomorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyniki badań sondażowych na grodzisku Palistka w Jedzbarku, pow. Olsztyn
The results of sondage excavations at the stronghold of Palistka in Jedzbark, Olszytn County
Wadyl, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
późne średniowiecze
biskupi warmińscy
Late Medieval Period
Bishops of Warmia of the Diocese of Warmia
The stronghold in Jedzbark named Palistka is located in the south-eastern part of the village. Although the site was known in fourteenth-century sources as Castrum Hirsberg - the castle of the Warmian bishops was thought to be older, reaching the period of tribal Prussia. The main objective of the survey conducted in 2016 was to verify the chronology of the site. During the investigation, one trench measuring 5x2 was located in the south-western part of the fortification. Outside the late medieval trench, no other stratigraphy was found from this period. No older structures were uncovered, so the existence of a castle during the early Middle Ages can be ruled out. The results of the work confirmed the 14th and 15th century date of the site and enable it to be identified as the Castrum Hirsberg of the Warmian bishops.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2016, 293, 3; 623-629
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyniki badań archeologicznych osiedla obronnego z wczesnej epoki żelaza w Wysokiej Wsi, powiat ostródzki, stanowisko 7
Results of Archaeological Excavations of the Early Iron Age Hillfort at Wysoka Wieś, Ostróda County, Site 7
Solecki, Rafał
Welc, Fabian
Nowacki, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne w Warszawie
wczesna epoka żelaza
kultura kurhanów zachodniobałtyjskich
osiedle obronne
Early Iron Age
West Balt Barrow Culture
fortified settlement
In 2015, an interesting hillfort was discovered at Wysoka Wieś, Ostróda County, in north-eastern Poland (Fig. 1; W. Skrobot 2015, 123). It was characteristic because its yard was surrounded by 3–4 concentric lines of ramparts separated by dry moats (Fig. 2). In 2018, an archaeological evaluation of this site was conducted to acquire information about its chronology and cultural affiliation. The central and southern part of the site was strongly disturbed in the 20th century, when all the environs were cultivated for reforestation. The only remains of former habitation were discovered near the embankments, particularly in the ditch which ran along the main rampart, on its inner side, and on the main rampart itself. The relics included: a posthole located at the highest point of the embankment and loose stones – a probable paving – located in the above-mentioned ditch (Fig. 4). A radiocarbon dating of the charcoal collected from the soil beneath the stones gave a calibrated date between 542–397 BC with a probability of 91.3% (Fig. 5). The analysis of the pottery shards (Fig. 6:1–5) suggests that they can be linked with the 2nd group in the classification of ceramics of the West Balt Barrow Culture and can be dated to the turn of the Hallstatt D and La Tène A/B periods (Ł. Okulicz 1970, 24–38). These two chronologies correspond with each other and it can be assumed that the hillfort was in use during the end of the Early Iron Age and at the beginning of the La Tène Period.
Wiadomości Archeologiczne; 2020, LXX, 70; 196-202
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Archeologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wstępne wyniki badań wykopaliskowych prowadzonych w 2016 roku na grodzisku w Węgielsztynie, pow. Węgorzewo, stan. 1
Preliminary results of excavations at the hillfort in Węgielsztyn, Węgorzewo County in 2016
Wadyl, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
wczesna epoka żelaza
wczesne średniowiecze
Iron Age
Early Medieval Period
The stronghold is located about 1 km south of the centre of the village and about 0.35 km south-east of the shore of Lake Węgielsztyńskie. During the excavations quite a large number of artefacts were recovered. The ceramic assemblage included around 3,500 fragments. In addition, about 500 fragments of animal bone were discovered, as well as several dozen artefacts, most of which were for daily use. The preliminary analysis of the materials indicates that the hill was intensively used in the early Iron Age (the second half of the first millennium BC). At that time, the settlement was at least partially fortified and seems to have been permanently inhabited. The next phase of intensive use was in the early Middle Ages.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2016, 292, 2; 383-388
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The stronghold on Kirkut Hill in Lublin. The state of recognition of the remains of the former stronghold and its role in the medieval Lublin agglomeration
Niedźwiadek, Rafał
Rozwałka, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie
Eastern Poland
Grodzisko Hill
remains of a medieval stronghold
archaeological research
The aim of the article is to present the state of the research conducted on the remains of a medieval stronghold on Grodzisko Hill, also known as Kirkut Hill (due to the Jewish cemetery from the late Middle Ages and early modern period located on its top), as well as to show the latest approach to dating the remains of the stronghold and its role in the medieval Lublin agglomeration. Archaeological research carried out on the hill and at its foot in the 1960s and 1970s was of limited range due to the existence of the Jewish cemetery. However, it can be considered that they provided an amount of data that enables the reconstruction of stratigraphy of the stronghold and recognition of the structure of its rampart running along the edge of the hill. After many discussions, both among historians and Lublin archaeologists, a certain consensus regarding the chronology and the function of the former stronghold on Grodzisko Hill has now been reached. It seems that it was in the 13th century that the stronghold was built and, then, before the century ended, it was destroyed. It coexisted with an older structure – probably built in the 12th century – namely the castellan stronghold on Zamkowe Hill. Recent research indicates that during the second half of 13th century, or at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries, a new line of ramparts was built on Staromiejskie Hill. This is how three parts of the Lublin agglomeration were distinguished. Perhaps, in this structure, the stronghold on Kirkut Hill could have functioned as a guard post for a part of the long-distance route located in the area of today’s Kalinowszczyzna Street. The 13th century, and especially its second half, was the time of numerous Yotvingian, Lithuanian, Mongolian, Ruthenian and Tatar invasions
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia; 2020, 15; 165-185
Pojawia się w:
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawozdanie z badań wykopaliskowych na grodzisku zwanym „Okrągła góra” w Ppasymiu, pow. Szczytno, stan. 1 w roku 2016
The report of excavations at the „Okrągła góra“ hillfort in Pasym, Szczytno County in 2016
Wadyl, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
okres wędrówek ludów
wczesne średniowiecze
Migration Period
Early Medieval Period
The stronghold is located 1.5 km north-west of Pasym. It is situated on a peninsula called Ostrów within Lake Kalwa. Numerous artefacts were recovered during the course of the excavations: nearly 9000 fragments of pottery, over 16,000 animal remains, as well as numerous objects that can be dated to the younger Stone Age / early Bronze Age (e.g. a stone axe) or the early Iron Age (a fragment of a bronze knife ), whilst the vast majority of materials can be dated to the Migration Period and the early Middle Ages.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2016, 292, 2; 377-382
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawozdanie z badań wykopaliskowych na grodzisku zwanym „Okrągła góra” w Pasymiu, pow. Szczytno, stan. 1 w roku 2018
Report on the excavation at the settlement of “Round Hill” in Pasym, Szczytno district, site 1, in 2018
Wadyl, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
wczesna epoka żelaza
wczesne średniowiecze
Early Iron Age
Early Middle Ages
In 2018, excavations at the stronghold in Pasym in the Szczytno district continued (Figure 1). They were mainly concentrated on the area within the stronghold. Three excavations were carried out (Figure 2). Trench 1 (15 × 5 m) was situated in the western part on the extension south of Trench 1 from 2017. Excavation 2 (5 × 5 m) was located in the north-west part of the stronghold, on the slope descending towards the lake. Trench 3 (2 × 2 m) was located at the foot of the stronghold on the lake side. In total, the excavated area was 1.29 ar. Particularly noteworthy was the discovery of two large features (4 and 13) of a residential character. The results of previous studies clearly indicate that buildings of this type were located along the edge of the inner area of the stronghold. A large number of finds was recovered during the excavations: 5,082 ceramic fragments, 11,559 animal bone fragments and 121 artefacts.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2019, 303, 1; 153-161
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawozdanie z badań wykopaliskowych na grodzisku zwanym „Okrągła Góra” w Pasymiu, pow. Szczytno, stan. 1 w roku 2017
Report on archaeological excavations on the so-called “Round Mountain” in Pasym, Szczytno district, site 1, in 2017
Wadyl, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
wczesna epoka żelaza
wczesne średniowiecze
Early Iron Age
Early Middle Ages
In 2017, the excavation of the fortifications in Pasym, Szczytno district, was continued. During this time three trenches were excavated (Figure 2). Trench 1/2017 (measuring 15 x 5 m) was laid out in the western part of the fortification, partly on the edge, partly on the slope descending from the west towards the lake. Trench 2/2017 (measuring 15 x 5 m) was located on the eastern slope of the fortification. Trench 3/2017 (measuring 5 x 5 m) was located in a dip situated to the south-east of the fort. The study encompassed an area of 1.75 acres. During the excavations, unusually interesting remains within the courtyard of the stronghold were discovered. Earlier obser�vations concerning the fortification of the site were also confirmed. The powerful defence system has no analogies in contemporary Prussian territories. Particularly valuable were the layers of accumulated deposits dating from the Early Iron Age and the Early Middle Ages.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2017, 298, 4; 717-724
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sacred Hill (Święta Góra) in the Masurian Lakeland. An early medieval hillfort or a military camp from the middle of the 17th century?
Karczewski, Maciej
Karczewska, Małgorzata
Pluskowski, Aleksander
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
archeologia historyczna
obóz wojskowy
Stanowisko określane jako Święta Góra znajduje się na Pojezierzu Mazurskim. Zajmuje ono młodoglacjalne wyniesienie, ograniczone od wschodu i południa doliną rzeki Staświnki, a od zachodu rynną jeziora Wojnowo. Od północy wyniesienie to zamyka sztuczny wał odcinkowy. Do II wojny światowej wykopaliska prowadzili tu: H. Lorek (1881 r.), H.K. Hess von Wichdorff (1922– 1923 r.). Kolejne prace wykopaliskowe miały miejsce w 2005 r. i w latach 2011–2013 r. Ostatnie z wykopalisk były częścią projektu “The Ecology of Crusading” finansowanego przez European Research Council. Wyniki badań dostarczyły informacji o zasiedlaniu Świętej Góry we wczesnej epoce żelaza, rozwiniętej fazy okresu wędrówek ludów, oraz we wczesnym i późnym średniowieczu. Badaniom w latach 2005 i 2011–2013 towarzyszyły analizy paleośrodowiskowe i geoarcheologiczne. Ich wyniki umożliwiły szczegółową rekonstrukcję wczesnośredniowiecznego krajobrazu w sąsiedztwie Świętej Góry, oraz relacji człowiek – środowisko w czasach przed i po podboju Galindii przez Krzyżaków. Kluczowe znaczenie w ustaleniu wstępnej chronologii i funkcji północnego wału miały badania przeprowadzone w 2013 r. W przecinającym go poprzecznie wykopie archeologicznym ujawniona została struktura jego konstrukcji. Wskazywała ona jednoznacznie na nowożytną chronologię wału, potwierdzoną również przez odkryte w nim fragmenty późnośredniowiecznych naczyń siwionych oraz jeden fragment nowożytnej ceramiki z zieloną polewą szklaną. Zatem północny wał nie był reliktem wczesnośredniowiecznego pruskiego grodziska. Powstał zapewne w czasach Księstwa Pruskiego, prawdopodobnie około połowy XVII w., jako element fortyfikacji obozu wojskowego.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2019, 306, 4; 676-694
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Restoration of medieval gords on the example of the "in the meadows" Gord in Wiślica: a case study
Problematyka rewaloryzacji grodzisk średniowiecznych. Grodzisko „na łąkach” w Wiślicy – studium przypadku
Przygodzki, Dominik
Szarkowska, Magda
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
conservation of monuments
konserwacja zabytków
This paper presents a case study of the revalorisation of the gord "in the meadows" in Wiślica. The authors present design issues related to the archaeological-architectural site. The administrative and legal processes that resulted in the implementation of a restoration plan for a building under statutory conservation are illustrated. The paper presents design decisions made on the basis of collected information, archaeological findings, conservation guidelines, administrative permits and conservatorial constraints. The solutions adopted to preserve the priceless historical value of the site, while making it accessible to tourists and researchers, are explained and presented.
W artykule omówiono studium przypadku rewaloryzacji grodziska „na łąkach” w Wiślicy. Autorzy przedstawili problematykę projektową związaną z obiektem archeologiczno-architektonicznym. Ukazali procesy administracyjno-prawne skutkujące wdrożeniem planu rewaloryzacji obiektu objętego ochroną konserwatorską. W pracy zaprezentowano decyzje projektowe podjęte na podstawie zebranych informacji, badań archeologicznych, wytycznych konserwatorskich, uzyskanych pozwoleń oraz ograniczeń natury konserwatorskiej. Wyjaśniono i zaprezentowano przyjęte rozwiązania, które pozwalają na zachowanie bezcennej wartości historycznej obiektu, a jednocześnie umożliwiają udostępnienie obiektu zwiedzającym turystom i badaczom.
Architectus; 2023, 2 (74); 41--48
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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