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Litwa w 1807 r. między Rosją a Francją
Lithuania in 1807. Between Russia and France
Nawrot, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Litwa pod zaborem rosyjskim
wojna 1807 r.
traktat tylżycki
powstanie Księstwa Warszawskiego
Lithuania under the Russian partition
war of 1807
Tylża treaty
establishment of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw
The paper addresses the question of the relationship of the inhabitants of the Great Duchy of Lithuania to the events of 1806-1807. The author is interested in the way Lithuanians reacted to Napoleon I's war against Prussia and Russia. He raises the following question: were they mainly passive and came to terms with the rule of Alexander I? It is commonly claimed that the inhabitants of the western governments were passive towards the rising in Greater Poland and the events that followed, and assumed loyal attitudes. The author proves that this view has no grounds. As the war of 1807 continued, also in Lithuania there were some plans to organise a rising, and there was a growing hope that Russia would ultimately be defeated by Napoleon. We have to mention some political steps taken by Alexander I to prevent a possible rising.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2007, 55, 2; 39-72
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Mowa ojców potrzebna od zaraz” „Iż Rusi słuszna rzecz dla nabożeństwa po grecku i po słowieńsku uczyć się” (Lithos, Kijów 1644)
Chynczewska-Hennel, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
unia lubelska
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
Melecjusz Smotrycki
język ruski
Piotr Skarga
Piotr Mohyła
Akademia Kijowska
Union of Lublin
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Meletius Smotritsky
Russian Language
Peter Skarga
Peter Mohyla
Academy of Kiev
After the Union of Lublin in 1569 the Polish Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania formed one state. The Russian remained the official language of the Grand Duchy and it was guaranteed that the inhabitants of the Duchy could remain orthodox. It was feared that the nobles would convert to the Roman Catholicism and at multiple occasions the deputies from Grand Duchy as well as Cossacks had to defend their rights for their own language and faith. In the polemical literature of the end of the XVI and the first half of the XVII century concerning the Union of Brest much concern was expressed for or against the use of the Church Slavonic – particularly by Peter Skarga and Ivan Vishensky. Peter Mohyla in the orthodox Academy of Kiev, founded by himself, particularly insisted on teaching, among other subjects, Latin and Polish as he thought that an educated orthodox Russian should feel a rightful citizen of the Polish state and participate in the religious and political life of the country.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2012, Język naszej modlitwy- dawniej i dziś, 3; 41-47
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czesław Miłosz i Tomas Venclova o przeszłości: tradycja jako źródło wspólnoty i porozumienia między ludźmi i narodami
Czesław Milosz and Tomas Venclova’s Discussion on The Past: Tradition as The Foundation of National Belonging and Solidarity
Narušienė, Vaiva
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Czesław Miłosz
Tomas Venclova
Lithuanian and Polish relations
the tradition of Grand Duchy of Lithuania
stosunki litewsko-polskie
tradycja Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego
W powojennej historii stosunków polsko-litewskich poczesne miejsce zajęła publiczna debata pomiędzy Czesławem Miłoszem a Tomasem Venclovą, która zaczęła się w roku 1979 na łamach paryskiej „Kultury” ich wspólnym Dialogiem o Wilnie i toczyła się prawie przez ćwierć wieku. W tym czasie, gdy polscy i litewscy działacze emigracyjni od kilku dziesięcioleci nie mogli znaleźć porozumienia w najważniejszych kwestiach, licytując się na dawno przebrzmiałe argumenty, ci ludzie sztuki dali przykład konstruktywnego dialogu. Miłosz i Venclova, dotykając najbardziej drażliwych kwestii stosunków polsko-litewskich, zwracają się do wspólnej historii i tradycji obydwu narodów oraz starają się pokazać korzenie niezgody, sięgające niekiedy dalekiej przeszłości. Wierzą bowiem, że tylko szczera rewizja przeszłości pomoże zburzyć przestarzałe stereotypy historyczne i narodowe, które przeszkadzają dojściu do porozumienia. Manifestowana w dyskusji postawa Venclovy, głosząca prymat tolerancji narodowej i kulturowej, była w głównej mierze oparta na wyznawanym przez niego kosmopolityzmie rozumianym w klasycznym sensie tj. jako „obywatelstwo świata”. Natomiast dla Miłosza główny punkt wyjścia do wszelkich rozważań stanowiła tradycja Wielkiego Księstwa. Jego koncepcja tolerancyjnego społeczeństwa, stającego ponad podziałami narodowymi i kulturowymi, zbliża się do idei społeczeństwa obywatelskiego.
A public discussion between the poets Czesław Miłosz and Tomas Venclova, initiated by the article “Dialogue about Vilnius“ in the Paris-based cultural journal in 1979 and continued for about a quarter of a century, plays a special role in the history of post-war Polish and Lithuanian relations. At those times when Polish and Lithuanian emigrants had unsuccessfully been trying to solve the most relevant issues for decades, these poets gave an example of a constructive dialogue. When addressing the most important and arguable issues associated with the Polish and Lithuanian relations, Miłosz and Venclova looked at the common history and tradition of both nations in order to identify the reasons of their disagreement that often stems from distant past. They believed that only an honest revision of history would enable breaking deeply ingrained historical and national stereotypes which prevent from reaching an agreement. In the discussion, Venclova stresses national and cultural tolerance, which he mostly bases on the idea of cosmopolitanism,referring to its usual meaning of “global citizenship”. Meanwhile, the starting point of Miłosz’s thoughts is the traditions of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. He advocates the conception of a tolerant multi-national and multi-cultural society which is similar to the idea of a civil society. 
Porównania; 2012, 10; 123-139
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poezja przypisów. Czesława Miłosza „Gdzie wschodzi słońce i kędy zapada”
Poetry of Footnotes. Czesław Miłosz’s The Rising of The Sun
Okulicz-Kozaryn, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
historia literatury polskiej
historia literatury litewskiej
tradycja Wielkiego Księstwa litewskiego
dyskurs genealogiczny
history of the Polish literature
history of the Lithuanian literature
tradition of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
genealogical discourse
silva rerum
Poemat Cz. Miłosza Gdzie słońce wschodzi i kędy zapada uznawany jest za summę twórczości poety. R. Okulicz-Kozaryn w artykule zatytułowanym Poezja przypisów dowodzi, że ta skądinąd trafna opinia ma podstawy raczej intuicyjne niż interpretacyjne, brak bowiem pełnej kontekstowej interpretacji, szczegółowej analizy, a nawet próby linearnej lektury poematu, który nie doczekał się dotąd krytycznego, komentowanego wydania. Tymczasem im uważniej próbuje się odczytywać znaczenia, tym więcej trudności sprawia jego rozumienie, choćby z tego powodu, że autor wplótł w swój utwór fragmenty po litewsku i staro-białorusku. Umyślnie pozostawiając część przytoczeń bez tłumaczenia – jako swego rodzaju naddatek liryczny – Miłosz cytuje też pisarzy polsko-litewskich i wprowadza do poematu wiadomości o tych twórcach, uważanych w Polsce za pomniejszych, a najczęściej w ogóle nie znanych. Ponadto dołącza różne objaśnienia na temat litewskiej krainy historycznej – Laudy. W ten sposób „PRZYPISY” – słowo to zostało wyróżnione przez autora wersalikami – otrzymują wartość poetycką i znaczenie elementu konstrukcyjnego dzieła. Miłosz adaptuje staropolską formę silva rerum, a jednocześnie, przywołując bezpośrednio Mickiewiczowską Grażynę, korzysta z tradycji romantycznej powieści poetyckiej, której istotny składnik stanowiły przypisy.
Miłosz’s poem From the Rising of the Sun is said to encapsulate the most important features of his poetry. In his paper entitled The poetry of footnotes, Radosław Okulicz-Kozaryn shows that this opinion about the poetry of Miłosz is based rather on the critics’ intuition than contextual interpretation, thorough analysis or even close, comprehensive reading of his poem. Moreover, the closer the reading the more troublesome the question of understanding the poem becomes, as in some fragments (which do not have editorial notes) the Polish language is interwoven with excerpts in Lithuanian or old Balto-Russian. Leaving some of them only in their original form as an irreducible lyrical value, he also quotes from other minor Polish-Lithuanian authors and provides information about them. Milosz also includes some detailed explanation of the forgotten region of Lauda. The word “footnotes” is marked out with caps, thus being imbued with the importance of the constructional element of his work. Besides, Miłosz adapts an old form of silva rerum and meanwhile, by mentioning Mickiewicz’s poem Grażyna, he evokes the tradition of romantic tales in which notes were originally conceived as an integral part of the poetical work. 
Porównania; 2012, 10; 141-146
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Культ Параскевы Тырновской в Великом Польском королестве и Великом княжестве Литовском: пространные життия на руськой мове
The Cult of Paraskieva of Tarnovo in the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Large Hagiographies in Ruthenian Language
Kultus von Paraskiewa Tyrnowska im Königreich Polen und Großfürstentum Litauen: ausführliche Lebensläufe im Ruthenischen
Kult Paraskiewy Tyrnowskiej w Królestwie Polskim i Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim: żywoty obszerne w języku ruskim
Cistiakova, Marina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie
Paraskieva of Tarnovo
Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Large Hagiographies
Ruthenian Language
W tradycji książkowej Królestwa Polskiego i Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego występuje całe spektrum hagiograficznych i hymnograficznych dzieł poświęconych Paraskiewie Tyrnowskiej w języku cerkiewnosłowiańskim, jak też poszczególne teksty w języku ruskim. Do tych ostatnich zalicza się żywot obszerny w składzie dwóch Ewangeliarzy Pouczających ze zbiorów biblioteki Kapituły w Przemyślu: polska Biblioteka Narodowa, Akc. 2847, koniec XVI w., Akc. 2755, druga ćwierć XVII wieku. Do żywotów obszernych Paraskewy w języku ruskim należy zaliczyć tekst w rękopiśmiennym fragmencie pochodzącym z Biblioteki Rosyjskiej Akademii Nauk, 12.7.37, połowa XVI w., jak też żywot w Minei Czytanej z polskiej Biblioteki Narodowej, Akc. 2996, nie wcześniej niż lata 40. XVII w. Za podstawę ruskich tłumaczeń posłużyła redakcja obszernego żywota o incipicie: Свэтлеиш•а сльн±ца прэподwбны¬ паметь Петкы, аште по дробн¹ то¬ сьповэмы жит•е, дэян•а же и хожден•а, яже ради христови любве подь¬т…, ułożona przez hierodiakona Моisieja do księgi Bożydara Wukowicza wydanej w Wenecji w 1536 r.
Rocznik Teologiczny; 2012, 54, 1-2; 167-184
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Teologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Пели ли православные восточные славяне XV-XVI веков псалмы по-древнееврейски
Темчин, Сергей
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
piśmiennictwo cyrylickie
język ruski
język hebrajski
Stary Testament
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Cyrillic Writings
Bible Translations
Ruthenian Language
Hebrew Language
The Vilnius Old Testament Florilegium has been preserved as part of manuscript F 19-262 (Vilnius, The Wróblewskie Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences), dating back to the first third of the 16 th century (after 1517) and comprising Old Testament books (Job, Ruth, the Psalter, the Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Lamentations, Daniel, and Esther) which, except the Psalms, had been translated from Hebrew into Ruthenian. The author argues that these are in fact the third volume of the Tanakh in a Ruthenian translation produced during the 2 nd half of the 15 th century in Kiev. There is reason to think that unlike the rest of the Old Testament books which were translated into Ruthenian, the Psalms of this corpus were originally written in Hebrew using the Cyrillic characters. A small portion of this Cyrillic transcription (Psalm 150) is found in the Cyrillic Manual of Hebrew which is preserved in an East Slavic miscellany of the 3 rd quarter of the 16 th century (Moscow, Russian State Archive of Early Acts, F. Mazurin collection (f. 196), inventory 1, No 616, f. 124-130) and textually related to the Vilnius Old Testament Florilegium. At least some psalms must have been sung or recited in Hebrew by certain groups of East Slavs in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Novgorod the Great, and Muscovy during the 15th -16th centuries.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2012, Język naszej modlitwy- dawniej i dziś, 3; 19-26
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Становление налогов и их развитие на территории Беларуси (до января 1919 года)
Абрамчик, Лилия Я.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Grand Duchy of Lithuania, taxes, natural taxes, tresaury, Lithuanian Statutes
From the moment of the creation of a state on the territories of Belarus, the system of taxation was also developing. At first it was quite primitive, based on the size of the population. Later on, when social and economic relations became more developed, new forms of taxation, based on the value of land, likewise developed. In the 10-12th centuries, the taxes were collected from the territories. The treasury of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania consisted of pecuniary and non-pecuniary (natural) taxes. Since the beginning of the 17th century, more than 30 different taxes had existed. Some of the present taxes have roots in this old system. The feature of this system is that it had an individual character. There were many reductions established, so that one may even talk about a – whole system of tax reductions.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2012, 11; 97-114
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Формирование и развитие органов местного управления и самоуправления в Беларуси
Колесников, Валерий В.
Крастина, Анжелика Ч.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Grand Duchy of Lithuania, law of magdeburg, self-government, Polish Second Republic
As is the case in the majority of modern states, the formation of local management and self- management in Belarus is an inevitable process. During the economic and political reforms required for this purpose, there are necessary preconditions. Historically, local government has passed through a long and difficult process of development in Belarus. In working out modern concepts of local government, it is necessary to consider the evolution of the machinery of government and the historical development of most legal regulations of mutual relations between the state as a whole and its parts. Actually, the first forms of self- -management in its modern understanding began to arise in the territory of modern Byelorussia since the XIVth century. In the present legal and historical scientific literature, there was no uniform representation about the stages of formation of local governments in the territory of Belarus. It is represented that these or any other processes are always conditional; nevertheless, in this work, one of the variants of classification and a periodization of the process of formation and the development of local management and self-management in the territory of Belarus is offered.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2012, 11; 115-128
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Antropologiczna orientacja słowa 'prawo' w twórczości Adama Mickiewicza
Lizisowa, Maria Teresa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Adam Mickiewicz
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
legal culture
romantic understanding of law
anthropology of law
The anthropological orientation of the word law in Adam Mickiewicz’s writingsThis article discusses the anthropological orientation of the word law in Adam Mickiewicz’s writings. The author claims that this word is essential for the interpretation of the poet’s historiosophical thought, in the context of legal culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The citizens of Lithuanian territories recognized the 16th century Statutes as a distinctive feature of the state’s cultural identity, because they were still effective in the judicature under the Russian Partition, and in social awareness they remained a semblance of the independence from the foreign rule. The Romantic understanding of law, state and morality resulted in perceiving these values as “the spirit of the world” of which the image of virtue was born. In the dimension of legal discourse, law as an idea takes a real shape in its definition, in poetic tropes, and in scholarly discussions, but most of all in the actions of literary characters. The metaphorical and symbolic meanings of law manifest themselves in the topos of the court of law, judging what is right and what is wrong; good and bad faith; in family, social and political relations. The analysis of the texts has shown that the poet, by depicting the way of perceiving and understanding the organisation of political life in analogy to family life, enclosed his own personal vision of law and order in the structures of language. Антропологическая ориентация слова право в творчестве Адама МицкевичаСтатья посвящена антропологической ориентации слова право в текстах Адама Мицкевича. Автор утверждает, что слово является ключом к интерпрета ции главной историософической мысли поэта в контексте юридической культуры Великого княжества Литовского. Культурообразующим знаком государства для жителей литовских земель были статуты XVI века, которые были обязательны еще на территории аннексированной Россией, а в общественном сознании oни были символом зависимости от чужой власти. Понимание права, государства и моральности в Романтизме отражают ценности, олицетворяющие «дух мира», который рождает представление о добродетели. В юридическом дискурсе право как идея добра принимает реальную форму в определении, в поэтических тропах и в ученых выводах, а прежде всего в действиях литературных героев. Метафорическое и символическое значение права выражается в теме суда, устанавливающего правых и виноватых, выносящего решение о добрых и злых намерениях в семейных, общественных и политических отношениях. Анализ текстов показывает, что поэт, проводя аналогию между политической и семейной жизнью, в структурах языка реализует собственное представление о законности.
Acta Baltico-Slavica; 2013, 37
Pojawia się w:
Acta Baltico-Slavica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kult świętych serbskich w monasterach Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego do końca XVI wieku
The cult of the Serbian saints in monasteries of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania until the end of the sixteenth century
Chomik, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
The cult of the saints, especially in the sixteenth century, was an important part of religious literature in the Polish-Lithuanian state, due to the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, but also because of the religious Catholic-Orthodox polemics on the eve of the Union of Brest. Among Serbian and South-Slavonic saints the most famous were: St. Paraskeva-Petka of Tyrnovo, St. Sava Serbian, St. Simon and St. John of Suchava.The presence of South-Slavonic element in the liturgical tradition of the Orthodox Church in the Polish-Lithuanian state is the local specificity that distinguishes Orthodoxy in the Republic and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from the Orthodox Church in the great Russian state.
ELPIS; 2013, 15; 165-172
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Languages in contact and conflict on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL)
Bednarczuk, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
language contacts and conflicts
inter-lingual transpositions
linguistic community
Languages in Contact and Conflict on the Territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL)Professor Uriel Weinreich, born and raised in Wilno / Vilnius, in his famous work Languages in contact (1953/1970), apart from some remarks concerning Slavic influences on the North-East variety of Yiddish, in fact does not mention the linguistic contacts on the territory of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania. He does, however, rightly observe that a particular brand of language loyalty can be made subservient to aggressive purposes and lead to conflict – not just language conflict at that. As an example of this, Weinreich quotes a ban on the use of the words pan ‘mister, sir’ and Żyd ‘Jew’, introduced by the Soviet authorities in Polish-language press after 1939. Outside-forces-inspired conflict of the 19th and 20th century notwithstanding, the former GDL has always been a territory of language contact, and its inhabitants have for centuries formed a multilingual community, akin to the Balkan Language League.The article deals with: (1) questions of terminology; (2) the ethnolinguistic situation on the territory of the GDL; (3) the functional distribution of the languages and dialects used therein; (4) examples of inter-lingual transpositions; and (5) the linguistic community of the GDL.Языковые контакты и конфликты на территории Великого княжества Литовского (ВКЛ)Виленский уроженец, профессор Уриел Вейнраих, в своей знаменитой книге о языковых контактах (1953/1970), кроме заметок о славянском влиянии на северо-восточный вариант диалекта идиш, не упоминает о языковых контактах на землях бывшего ВКЛ, но справедливо указывает, что особо понимаемая языковая лояльность может привести к агрессии и конфликтам, причём не только языковым. В качестве примера учёный приводит запрет на использование в польскоязычной советской прессе, издаваемой после 1939 года, слов pan / ‘господин’ и żyd / ‘еврей’. Несмотря на инспирируемые внешними силами языковые конфликты в девятнадцатом и двадцатом веках, жители бывшего ВКЛ всегда находились во взаимных языковых контактах, образуя с древних времён до наших дней многоязычную общность, напоминающую по своей структуре балканскую языковую лигу.В статье рассматриваются: 1) вопросы терминологии, 2) этнолингвистическая ситуация на территории ВКЛ, 3) функциональное распределение используемых языков и диалектов, 4) примеры языковых транспозиций между ними, и 5) коммуникативное сообщество ВКЛ.
Acta Baltico-Slavica; 2013, 37
Pojawia się w:
Acta Baltico-Slavica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mowa Kosmy Prezbitera w Szmaragdzie – nowe dane
Treaty of Kozma Presbyter in Izmaragd – new information
Die Rede von Kosma Presbyter im Izmaragd – neue Angaben
Беседа Козьмы Пресвитера в Измарагде: новые данные
Cistiakova, Marina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie
Medieval polemic literature
Treaty of Kozma Presbyter
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Cyrillic manuscripts cheti collections
Средневековая полемическая литература
Беседа Козьмы Пресвитера
Великое княжество Литовское и Королевство Польское
кириллические рукописные четьи сборники
Izmaragd is a noncalendar collection of instructions, composed in times of Old Rus' on the basis of existing corpus of, translated or written originally in Slavonic, homilies. Three redactions of Izmaragd are known: Old, Basic and Lithuanian. Izmaragd consists of excerpts from “Treatise against the Bogomils”, written in II half of the X century by Bulgarian writer Presbyter Kozma. Research proved that texts from Treatise against the Bogomils in three redactions of Izmaragd are not the result of direct use of Presbyter Kozma’s work. Compilers of the Old redaction of Izmaragd used chetis sbornik with excerpts from Treatise, from where they borrowed two homilies (chapter 28-29). Compilers of the Basic redaction of Izmaragd removed one text of the Old redaction, and the another changed reworded. Compilers of the Lithuanian redaction saved one homily of the Basic redaction of Izmaragd (chapter 3.VI) and added five texts from Prologue (chapter 72.I, 73.I, 74.I, 30.VII, 318.VII). The article is accompanied by three unpublished texts of homilies, form the Lithuanian redaction of Izmaragd (chapters 72.I, 73.I, 74.I), that originated form the Treatise against the Bogomils.
Измарагд, некалендарный сборник поучений, составленный в Древней Руси на основе уже бытовавшего корпуса переводных и оригинальных учительных гомилий и известный в трех редакциях (древнейшей, основной и литовской), содержит выдержки из „Беседы против богомилов“, написанной во второй половине X в. болгарским писателем Козьмой Пресвитером. Исследование показало, что тексты Беседы против богомилов в трех редакциях Измарагда не являются результатом непосредственного обращения к сочинению Козьмы Пресвитера. Составители древнейшей редакции Измарагда воспользовались четьими сборниками с извлечениями из Беседы, откуда заимствовали две гомилии (гл. 28–29); редакторы основной редакции Измарагда устранили один текст древнейшей редакции, а второй сильно переработали (гл. 21); авторы литовской редакции сохранили одно поучение основной редакции Измарагда (гл. 3.VI) и привлекли 5 текстов из Пролога (гл. 72.I, 73.I, 74.I, 30.VII, 318.VII). В конце статьи приведены тексты 3 восходящих к Беседе Козьмы Пресвитера гомилий в составе литовской редакции Измарагда (гл. 72.I, 73.I, 74.I), которые ранее не опубликовались.
Rocznik Teologiczny; 2013, 55, 1-2; 91-100
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Teologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niezwykłe losy pierwszego drukowanego przekładu Koranu na język polski
The Curious History of the First Polish Printed Translation of the Quran into Polish
Łapicz, Czesław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
the Quram
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Wilno Philomates
The first translation of the Quran, printed and published in 1858, was signed by Jan Musza Tarak Buczacki, a Tatar and Muslim from Podlasie in Poland. Today, however, is is known that the actual translators were two Philomats from Wilno, the priest Dionizy Chlewiński and Ignacy Domeyko. They performed the task in the 1820s for the Muslim Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, who over generations had lost their knowledge not only of liturgic language (Arab), but also of their ethnic languages and dialects (Turkic). In this way, Lithuanian-Polish Muslims cut themselves off from the roots and sources of Islam. However, the attempts made by the translators to gain acceptance of Russian censors to publish the Polish rendition of the holy book of Islam were not successful. Only in the 1850s the acceptance was granted, after efforts made by Jan Murza Tarak Buczacki, whose name was put on the title page posthumously by the publisher. At the end of the 19th century an anonymous author, probably a Tatar and Muslim, converted the printed translation, authored by Buczacki, into a traditionalhand-written Tatar tefsir: the Polish version was overwritten by hand in the interlines, and synchronized with the Arab lines of the original Quran in Arabic. For dogmatic and religious reason, he transliterated the text form Latin alphabet into Arabic one, without changing the content of the translation. The manuscript is now kept in Museum of History of Religion in Grodno. This is the conclusion of the complicated history of the first Polish translation of the Holy Book of Islam.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza; 2013, 20, 2; 129-143
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Some remarks on the history of the Karaites in Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 15th century
Witkowski, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Medieval Karaims
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
The articles deals with the medieval sources on the history of the Karaites who appeared in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the reign of duke Vitold (Vytautas). Many of them were already analyzed by researchers, whoever some questions still remained unanswered or presented not always in fully critical way. The research questions deal with the original privilege issued by Lithuanian monarchs to the Karaites, allegedly participation of the Karaites at the battle of Tannenberg or travel description left by Burgundian knight Gilbert de Lannoy. It seems that the first written document, shaping he legal position of the Karaites in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was issued by duke Casimir Jagellonides in 1441. The charter of grand duke Vitold, drawn in 1388, was certainly forged sometime in the 15th century. The Bavarian Latin chronicle informing that a Jewish (in fact, Karaite?) military unit supported Polish-Lithuanian army at the battle of Tannenberg in 1410, transmitted only political propaganda, and did not reflect a real fact. Famous Burgundian traveler, who visited Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the beginning of the15th century, met Karaites in Troki.
Karaite Archives; 2013, 1; 211-242
Pojawia się w:
Karaite Archives
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Use of Books in 16th-century Vilnius
Niedźwiedź, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
history of book, Vilnius, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, early modern print culture, Cyrillic script, Latin script
The main goal of the paper is to answer the question of what was unique about the use of books in Vilnius between 1522 and 1610. The reason to take a closer look at the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is the fact that it has always been a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious city. This observation allows the author to assume that the use of books there could have been different than in other European cities of the time. To find possible answers to the question posed, the author traces the changes in production, distribution and reading of books in the city. The research is based on several sorts of sources, such as printed books, manuscripts and documents from Vilnius archives (mainly the municipal archive, the Catholic chapter, the castle court etc.). He was supported by contemporary studies about early modern Vilnius scriptoria and printing houses (Kawecka-Gryczowa, Topolska, Nikalaieu), bookbinders (Laucevičius), book writing (Ulčinaitė, Narbutienė, Narbutas) and the history of the city (Frick). At the beginning of the paper the author recalls the main facts about Vilnius in the 16th century. The city had increasingly grown in importance as a political, economical and cultural centre of the Jagiellonian monarchy. The central part, divided in four chronologically arranged chapters, focuses on several problems, among them: the beginnings of Cyrillic prints and Skaryna’s printing house, languages and alphabets of books (Latin, Ruthenian, Polish, Lithuanian, German, Hebrew, Yiddish and Arabic), book production, dissemination, storage and reading. The author notices that a significant contributing factor to the spreading book culture in Vilnius was the royal court and chancery. He puts emphasis on the significance of humanistic schools that were established in Vilnius in the 2nd half of the 16th century by four different Christian confessions (Calvinist, Catholic, Lutheran and Orthodox). The most influential one was the Jesuit Academy of Vilnius. This process was accompanied by the establishment of no less than 11 printing houses. Having said that, the author argues that books printed in Vilnius, imported to the city and held in its libraries reflect a fruitful competition between main religious communities. At the end, the author reaches the conclusion that the use of books in Vilnius was similar to other European cities of the time, yet the capital of Lithuania still seems to be a good deal more complex a case. He ventures a hypothesis that the book can be deemed as one of the tools or factors by which religious or ethnic identity in Vilnius was defined.
Terminus; 2013, 15, 2(27)
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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