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Wpływ grabu (Carpinus betulus L.) na wzrost i przeżywalność dębu (Quercus robur L.) w fazie młodnika
Effect of hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) on growth and survival of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) during the thicket stage
Andrzejczyk, T.
Brzeziecki, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
drzewostany mieszane
drzewa lesne
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
oddzialywanie na rosliny
dab szypulkowy
Quercus robur
wzrost roslin
przyrost wysokosci
przyrost piersnicy
artificial regeneration
interspecific competition
mixing form
Growth and mortality of oak (Quercus robur L.) in young mixed stands with various admixture of hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) in the period of 9−13 years after planting were examined. The trial stand is located in central Poland (51.827023° N, 19.922315° E). It was established in 2004 on a moderately fertile site. Four experimental variants with different participation of oak (O) and hornbeam (H) were established: W1 – an oak monoculture (control variant, 100% O), W2 – a mixed stand consisting of two rows of oak and one row of hornbeam (67% O, 33% H), W3 – a mixed stand consisting of one row of oak and one row of hornbeam (50% O, 50% H), W4 – a mixed stand characterized by a single tree mixture, with three oaks and one hornbeam alternately occurring in each row (75% O, 25% H). During the first two years of the study period the height increments of oak trees were significantly larger in the study variants with hornbeam (the biggest in W3 variant), while during the next two years, the largest values of height increments occurred in the control variant (W1). Through the second part of the study period, the most pronounced, negative effect of hornbeam on the dbh increment of oak trees took place in the W3 variant. During the first nine years after planting the survival rate of oak trees in the variants with hornbeam were similar (82−94%) as in the control variant (85%). However, during the next four years, three times more oaks died in W3 variant (16,5%) than in other variants (5−7%). In general, the results obtained suggest that in order to create mixed oak stands with hornbeam as a nursery species, the share of hornbeam should not exceed 20−25% of all planted trees. The above value appears to be acceptable from the point of view of the negative competitive effects of hornbeam on oak trees during the initial stages of stand development.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 12; 989-997
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ ogłowienia i przerzedzenia na wzrost grabu (Carpinus betulus L.) w młodniku dębowym (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.)
Influence of decapitating and thinning on growth of hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) in the oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) thicket
Andrzejczyk, T.
Brzeziecki, B.
Szeligowski, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
drzewostany mieszane
drzewostany grabowo-debowe
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
zabiegi pielegnacyjne
wzrost roslin
przyrost wysokosci
przyrost piersnicy
interspecific competition
pre−commercial thinning
mixed stand
The aim of this study was to quantify 4−year growth and increment of 11− to 15−year−old, artificially regenerated hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) playing the role of the tending (nursery) species in the oak stand of the same age, after the silvicultural treatments aimed at reducing its competition against the oak. The study included three types of experimental treatments: decapitating of all hornbeam trees (OG), schematic reduction of hornbeam density (R50, removal of every second hornbeam in a row) and control (K, without treatment). The trial stand is located in Rogów (51.827023° N, 19.922315° E) and was established in 2004 on a moderately fertile site. The experiment was carried out in the spring 2013 (9 years after planting). Height and breast height diameter (dbh) of trees were measured every two years. During the study period, the height increment of decapitated trees was significantly larger than in R50 and K variants, while the dbh increment of trees in R50 variant was significantly larger than in K and OG variants. The height increment of hornbeam in R50 and OG variant and the dbh increment in R50 variant were positively correlated with height and diameter of trees before the treatment, while the dbh increment after decapitating was negatively correlated with tree dimensions before treatment. The decapitating treatment reduced the competitive ability of hornbeam more effectively than the schematic thinning removing 50% of hornbeam trees. After 4 years in the first case, oaks were on average 1 m higher than hornbeams, and in the second case, there was an opposite situation. In order to improve the effectiveness of the thinning treatment, a selective cutting should be performed (removal of the largest hornbeams), and in order to slow down the regeneration of hornbeams after decapitating, the treatment should be carried out during the top of the growing season.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 03; 179-187
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ osłony bocznej drzewostanu na wzrost dębu bezszypułkowego (Quercus petraea) i grabu pospolitego (Carpinus betulus) w fazie uprawy
Effect of lateral shelter on a height growth of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) and common hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) in young growth phase
Andrzejczyk, T.
Dzwonkowski, M.
Pawłowski, M.
Działak, R.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
uprawy lesne
dab bezszypulkowy
Quercus petraea
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
wzrost roslin
przyrost wysokosci
oslona boczna
sciana lasu
oak silviculture
height growth
mixed stands
mixture form
We investigated annual height increment of sessile oak and common hornbeam planted on clear−cut in respect to the distance to the adjacent mature Scots pine stand. The study area was divided into 3 zones (I−III) each of 20 m width. The four analyzed treatments were defined on a basis of a mingling form: W1 – a monoculture of oak (control plot), W2 and W3 – two types of row mixture, W4 – single tree mixture. Two years after planting an annual height increment of both tree species was significantly higher in the zone I (adjacent to the mature pine stand from the SW side) than in two other zones. The same significant differences were also found at the other inventories. Although hornbeam was on average higher than oak, a growth inhibition of oak by hornbeam was not significant. The annual height increment of both species was correlated with the precipitation in June and July.
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 10; 723-732
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zawartość cukrów w sokach drzewnych z terenu Podkarpacia
Content of sugars in tree saps from the Podkarpacie region
Bilek, M.
Stawarczyk, K.
Siembida, A.
Strzemski, M.
Olszewski, M.
Cieslik, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Technologów Żywności
soki drzew
brzoza zwisla zob.brzoza brodawkowata
brzoza brodawkowata
Betula pendula
brzoza omszona
Betula pubescens
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
klon pospolity
Acer platanoides
klon jesionolistny
Acer negundo
wierzba biala
Salix alba
sok brzozowy
syrop klonowy
Oznaczono zawartość cukrów w sokach drzewnych sześciu gatunków drzew rosnących na terenie Podkarpacia. Materiał doświadczalny stanowiły soki z drzew gatunków: brzoza zwisła in. brodawkowata (Betula pendula Roth.), brzoza omszona (Betula pubescens Ehrh.), grab pospolity (Carpinus betulus L.), klon zwyczajny (Acer platanoides L.), klon jesionolistny (Acer negundo L.) oraz wierzba biała (Salix alba L.). Analizę jakościową cukrów przeprowadzono metodą wysokosprawnej chromatografii cienkowarstwowej (HPTLC), a analizę ilościową – metodą wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej z detekcją światła rozproszonego (HPLC-ELSD). W sokach pozyskanych z drzew z rodzajów: brzoza oraz grab dominowała glukoza oraz fruktoza, a w sokach klonów i wierzby – sacharoza. Średnia zawartość sumy cukrów wynosiła: w sokach grabowych – 0,333 g/100 ml, klonu jesionolistnego – 1,109 g/100 ml, brzozy zwisłej – 0,897 g/100 ml, wierzby białej – 0,672 g/100 ml, brzozy omszonej – 0,475 g/100 ml, zaś klonu zwyczajnego – 1,083 g/100 ml. W soku klonu jesionolistnego oznaczono najwięcej cukrów (1,214 g/100 ml), a w soku grabu – najmniej (0,302 g/100 ml). Jedynie wyniki analizy soku z brzozy zwisłej są porównywalne z sokami brzozowymi pochodzącymi z krajów Europy Północnej i Ameryki Północnej.
The content of sugars was determined in the tree saps of six species from the Podkarpacie region. The experimental material included the silver birch sap (Betula pendula Roth.), downy birch sap (B. pubescens Ehrh.), hornbeam sap (Carpinus betulus L.), Norway maple sap (Acer platanoides L.), boxelder sap (A. negundo L.), and white willow sap (Salix alba L.). The qualitative analysis of sugars was performed using a high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) method, and the quantitative analysis was carried out with the use of a high performance liquid chromatography method with light scattering detection (HPLC-ELSD). In the birch and the hornbeam saps, glucose and fructose prevailed and in the maple and willow saps: sucrose. The mean content of total sugars was as follows: 0.333 g/100 ml in the hornbeams saps; 1.109 g/100 ml in the boxelder saps; 0.897 g/100 ml in the silver birch saps; 0.672 g/100 ml in the white willow saps; 0.475 g/100 ml in the downy birch saps; and 1.083 g/100 ml in the Nowary maple saps. In the boxelder sap, the highest amount of total sugars was determined (1.214 g/100 ml), whereas in the hornbeam sap: the lowest amount of sugars (0.302 g/100 ml). The results of the silver birch analysis are the only ones that could be compared with the tree saps from the countries in Northern Europe and North America.
Żywność Nauka Technologia Jakość; 2015, 22, 6
Pojawia się w:
Żywność Nauka Technologia Jakość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odnowienie naturalne drzew w Puszczy Białowieskiej
Natural regeneration of trees in the Bialowieza Forest
Brzeziecki, B.
Andrzejczyk, T.
Żybura, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Puszcza Bialowieska
odnowienia naturalne
drzewa lesne
topola osika
Populus tremula
brzoza brodawkowata
Betula pendula
brzoza omszona
Betula pubescens
olsza czarna
Alnus glutinosa
sosna zwyczajna
Pinus sylvestris
dab szypulkowy
Quercus robur
jesion wyniosly
Fraxinus excelsior
klon pospolity
Acer platanoides
wiaz gorski
Ulmus glabra
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
lipa drobnolistna
Tilia cordata
grab pospolity
proces dorastania
ekosystemy lesne
dynamika lasu
active approach
deer browsing
long−term study
multifunctional forest management
natural recruitment
nature conservation
silvicultural treatment
strict protection
tree competition
tree diversity
Since several years already, a massive infestation of bark beetle has taken place in the Białowieża Forest, decimating a local Norway spruce population. In consequence, many open areas appeared, practically deprived of trees and other forest vegetation. The existence of such areas has a very negative impact on multiple values of the Białowieża Forest: natural, social, economical and landscape−aesthetic values. The local forest administration prepared a strategy aimed at active restoration of diverse woodland communities typical for the Białowieża Forest in all places, where bark beetle infestation wiped up the spruce stands. Those plans were criticized by representatives of the environmental organizations who blamed the foresters for transforming the Białowieża Forest into ‘plantation’ and claiming that such measures are inconsistent with the existing forest management and protection plan. The postulate of environmentalists is that the recovery of woodland communities should proceed completely naturally. Taking into account the above mentioned controversies, in this paper we examine the issue of natural regeneration in the Białowieża Forest in detail. In particular, we try to determine to which extent this method of forest reproduction enables re−establishment of compositionally diverse woodland communities, distinguished by a high level of biological diversity and able to provide a wide range of commodities and benefits important for today’s society. Based on an extensive literature review we show that a combination of different (abiotic and biotic) factors, influencing establishment and subsequent growth of seedlings and saplings in the Białowieża Forest has long been strongly unfavorable for many tree species. In this regard, one should particularly emphasize the negative role of large herbivores, especially red deer, which is present in the Białowieża Forest since the end of 19th century, when it became a private hunting ground for Russian tzars. The devastating effect of deer browsing on natural regeneration is a well−documented phenomenon and widely recognized problem in the forestry practice. The fencing of young forest generation against game pressure is an indispensable measure, needed to secure the continuous existence of several tree species (first of all those palatable and vulnerable to browsing). Very strong arguments for an active approach to the described problem delivers also a long−term study on natural forest dynamics conducted since 1936. It shows that under conditions of strict protection the regeneration capacity of the Białowieża tree species is very variable. These differences lead to the compositional simplification and impoverishment of many tree stands, with numerous negative consequences for local biodiversity. We underline that an active management strategy is a basic prerequisite for maintaining a diverse character of the Białowieża stands and their ability to provide all important ecosystem services on a sustainable basis. Such a strategy should include, beside of the phase of establishment, also the subsequent developmental stages of new forest generations. The general goal of such a strategy should be to secure a possibly high diversity of tree composition and to enable the development of tree species representing a full range of life−history strategies and playing different successional roles: from typical pioneer species, through intermediate, to climax species.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 11; 883-896
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagrożone gatunki drzew Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego (Rezerwat Ścisły)
Threatened tree species of the Bialowieza National Park (the Strict Reserve)
Brzeziecki, B.
Keczyński, A.
Zajączkowski, J.
Drozdowski, S.
Gawron, L.
Buraczyk, W.
Bielak, K.
Szeligowski, H.
Dzwonkowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
Bialowieski Park Narodowy
rezerwaty scisle
Obreb Ochronny Orlowka
stale powierzchnie obserwacyjne
sklad gatunkowy
drzewa lesne
topola osika
zageszczenie populacji
struktura grubosci
gatunki dominujace
gatunki zagrozone
diameter distribution
dynamic status
large−scale inventory
long−term trend
natural forest
permanent plot
population density
population dynamics
strict protection
An assessment of the current dynamic status of tree species occurring in the Strict Reserve of the Białowieża National Park is presented. On the basis of long−term trends and analysis of large−scale inventory data, the three major groups of trees are distinguished: 1) ‘safe’ group, containing hornbeam and lime, 2) ‘presently safe, but declining in a long−term run’ group, involving spruce, birch and alder, and 3) ‘threatened and highly threatened’ group, consisting of oak, pine, ash, maple, elm and aspen.
Sylwan; 2012, 156, 04; 252-261
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ wilgotności i gatunku drewna opałowego na przebieg procesu łupania
Effect of humidity and species of firewood on the course of cleaving
Brzózko, J.
Samoraj, P.
Błuszkowska, U.
Aniszewska, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drewno opalowe
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
drewno grabowe
buk zwyczajny
Fagus sylvatica
drewno bukowe
brzoza brodawkowata
Betula pendula
drewno brzozowe
olsza czarna
Alnus glutinosa
drewno olszowe
jesion wyniosly
Fraxinus excelsior
drewno jesionowe
wilgotnosc drewna
luparka SplitMaster 9
wydajnosc pracy
wood splitting
solid biofuels
wood moisture
Traditional firewood is still the most popular type of solid fuel. This is mainly because of the availability of raw materials and simple production process, which involves mostly just sawing and cleaving. Cleaving increases the surface of the wood through which water evaporates, which in turn speeds up the drying. Dry wood has a higher calorific value and its combustion releases less harmful carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Wood cleaving process can be divided into three phases that lasts from the introduction of the wedge till the appearance of a crack (phase I), from the appearance of the crack till the stop of the slots (phase II) and then until the piece of the wood is completely cleaved (phase III). Although it is a conditional phase and it does not always occur in the case of the firewood species popular in Poland, the last phase takes the longest and has the greatest impact on the cleaving performance. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of wood and its moisture content on the duration of the phase III during the trial cleaving. The tested samples comprised of five popular in Poland species: hornbeam, beech, birch, alder and ash. The cleaving were carried out immediately after cutting and sawing the timber and after 3−month−long period of natural drying. For hornbeam, beech and alder humidity does not affect the hollow wedge in wood at the time of rupture. The duration of phase III was significantly longer than duration of phases I and II for each species independently of humidity. Significant dependence was observed for depression wedge as a function of humidity obtained in phase I and II for silver birch, and in phase III for ash.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 08; 685-692
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Materiały do dziejów bożogrobców w archiwum parafialnym w Miechowie
Materialien zur Geschichte des Ritterordens vom Heiligen Grab im Pfarrarchiv in Miechów
Dębowska, Maria
Skrzyniarz, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Ritterordens vom Heiligen Grab
Order of the Holy Sepulchre
Das erste Kloster der regulären Domherren vom Heiligen Grab auf polnischem Boden wurde 1163 in Miechów von Jaksa von Michów gestiftet. Der Miechower Konvent erhielt in kurzer Zeit zahlreiche Schenkungen und Privilegien von Magnaten, Herrschern und Bischöfen. Vom Ende des 12. bis zur Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts erweiterte sich der territoriale Umfang der pastoralen und karitativen Tätigkeit der Ritter vom Heiligen Grab. Die bereits existierenden sowie die neu gestifteten Kirchen und Spitäler wurden dem Kloster Miechów mit ewigem Patronatsrecht übereignet. Auf dem Generalkapitel im Jahre 1585 wurden auf Antrag des Kommendatarpräpositen Kardinal Andrzej Batory vier Provinzen auf polnischem Boden gegründet, die 1587 bestätigt wurden. Dabei handelte es sich um die kleinpolnische, die masowische, die ruthenische und die großpolnische Provinz. An ihrer Spitze stand jeweils ein Provinzial, dem die Ordensleute aus den zu ihr gehörenden Niederlassungen unterstellt waren. Der Miechower Konvent wurde 1819 aufgelöst, was das Erlöschen des Ordens zur Folge hatte. Die Anfänge des Klosterarchivs der Ritter vom Heiligen Grab in Miechów sind noch Ende des 12. Jahrhunders zu suchen. Darin wurden Dokumente gesammelt und aufbewahrt, die die Echtheit der erhaltenen, gekauften oder eingetauschten Güter beglaubigten. Diese Dokumente wurden in entsprechenden Truhen in der Schatzkammer abgelegt und aufbewahrt, die eine Bibliothek, das Archiv sowie wertvollere Gegenstände enthielt, welche nicht mehr im liturgischen Gebrauch waren. Der Handschrift „Miechoviensis coenobii index” zufolge befanden sich die Archivalien in 45 Truhen (scatulae). Jede dieser „Schatullen” enthielt Dokumente, die die einzelnen Landgüter und Pfarrbenefi zien betrafen, sowie Dokmente allgemeinen Charakters (litterae libertatum, litterae patriarchae, regales, papales). Es fehlen lediglich die Inventarverzeichnisse der Truhen 1, 8, 9 und 10. Im Archiv wurde keine chronologische Ordnung gewahrt, so dass viele Dokumente in die falschen Truhen geraten sind, während andere wie folgt erwähnt wurden: „Es gibt noch viele weitere Dokumente”. Das 925 Dokumente erwähnende Verzeichnis umfasste die Archivalien bis 1618. In der Zeit von Samuel Nakielski (1584-1652) wurde das Archiv in 26 Truhen geordnet, in denen die Dokumente chronologisch geordnet wurden, jeweils mit Nennung des Ausstellungsjahrs, einer kurzen Inhaltsangabe und laufender Nummer. Die Einteilung in die verschiedenen Abteilungen war klar und übersichtlich. Unterschieden wurden die Dokumente allgemeinen Inhalts, und die Abteilungen über Landgüter und Zweigniederlassungen wurden unter Berücksichtigung der Unterscheidung zwischen Ordens- und Kommendatargütern nach Provinzen gruppiert. Das neue Verzeichnis umfasste 1397 Dokumente, die bis 1649 ausgestellt wurden. Nach Nakielskis Tod im Jahre 1652 wurde die Pflicht vernachlässigt, die entstandenen neuen Dokumente ebenfalls zu verzeichnen. Nach der Kassation des Miechower Konvents im Jahre 1819 wurden aus dem Archiv der Ritter vom Heiligen Grab in Miechów über viertausend Archiveinheiten fortgeschafft. Bis heute sind nur wenige Dokumente und Akten über die Domherren vom Heiligen Grab in Polen erhalten geblieben. Sie befinden sich in staatlichen und Diözesanarchiven auf dem Territorium von ganz Polen. Der beigefügte Katalog umfasst die erhaltenen Dokumente aus dem Pfarrarchiv in Miechów.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2006, 86; 83-106
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wieloletnia dynamika starodrzewów w zagospodarowanej części Puszczy Białowieskiej: gatunki ekspansywne i ustępujące
Long-term dynamics of old-growth stands in the managed part of the Bialowieza Forest: increasing and declining tree species
Drozdowski, S.
Brzeziecki, B.
Żybura, H.
Żybura, B.
Gawron, L.
Buraczyk, W.
Zajączkowski, J.
Bolibok, L.
Szeligowski, H.
Bielak, K.
Widawska, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Puszcza Bialowieska
dynamika drzewostanu
drzewa lesne
zageszczenie drzew
piersnicowe pole przekroju
piersnice drzew
gatunki ekspansywne
gatunki ustepujace
stale powierzchnie obserwacyjne
badania dlugoterminowe
old−growth forest
permanent plot
long−term trend
population density
population dynamics
tree species
In the paper, an assessment of tree population dynamics in the old−growth stands of the managed part of the Białowieża Forest is presented. Data from five permanent sample plots with a total size of 9.3 ha and six inventories that cover the period 1949−2006, were used. Depending on the dynamic status, determined on the basis of changes in a number of individuals per hectare, basal area and quadratic mean diameter, three major groups of tree species were distinguished: 1) an increasing group, containing only hornbeam and lime; 2) a stable group, involving alder and spruce and 3) a declining group consisting of oak, ash, maple, pine, birch, elm and aspen.
Sylwan; 2012, 156, 09; 663-671
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wywłaszczenia i sprzedaż ziemi z Etiopii obcokrajowcom - nowa forma kolonializmu jako zagrożenia bytu ludności rdzennej
Land grabbing and sale to foreigners in Ethiopia: A new form of colonialism as a threat to existence of indigenous peoples
Gemechu, Degefe Kebedu
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Bank Światowy
grabież ziemi
inwestorzy zagraniczni
rolnicy etiopscy
dzierżawa ziemi
World Bank
land grab
foreign investors
Ethiopian farmers
leasing of land
This article presents the recent years rapid increase of global demand for rich resources and cheap land available particularly in Africa which became attractive and popular among investors. Ethiopia and some governments in Africa have actively engaged in the process of controversial arable land transactions with foreign investors at the expense of their own farmers. This article focuses on the main issues of transfer of land to foreigners in Ethiopia compared with similar events in Africa and other parts of the world. Analysis of this problem requires to put forward important questions to look for the answers. Is the transfer of land to investors which is often done by removing the traditional users and farmers from their land contributed to the development? I there any economic justification regarding the transaction of long-term lease or sale of land to foreigners? The largest share of long term investment regarding land lease takes place in five administrative regions in Ethiopia – Afar and Amhara in the north, in central Ethiopia Oromia and Gambela and Nations, Nationalities and Southern regions of Nations (SNNPR). According to the investigation generally the balance between small-scale and large-scale agriculture leaves a big question mark over the future livelihoods of small farmers in Ethiopia as well as other parts the world. Displacing the local farmers and focusing on the agricultural products intended exclusively for export without distribution in the local market are also pointed out as the serious social injustice. In Ethiopia like in some countries in Africa, the problem of land also caused a strong reaction in the society and it is inevitable that this problem will be one of the international issues to be solved soon.
Forum Politologiczne; 2014, 16 - Konteksty bezpieczeństwa w Afryce. Problemy globalne, sektorowe, regionalne, lokalne; 261-282
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inwentaryzacja drzew starych i drzew gatunkow ginacych w Puszczy Bialowieskiej
The stock-taking of old trees and threatened tree species in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest
Korczyk, A.F.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
Carpinus betulus
lipa drobnolistna
dab szypulkowy
gatunki ginace
Pinus sylvestris
jodla pospolita
grab pospolity
Ulmus glabra
Abies alba
sosna zwyczajna
drzewa lesne
wiaz gorski
zasoby genowe
Quercus petraea
Quercus robur
jesion wyniosly
Picea abies
drzewa stare
klon pospolity
Tilia cordata
dab bezszypulkowy
Fraxinus excelsior
inwentaryzacja lasu
Puszcza Bialowieska
Acer platanoides
swierk pospolity
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2008, 69, 2; 117-126
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Symulacja dynamiki drzewostanów sosnowych polskiej i ukraińskiej części Roztocza w warunkach zmian klimatu
Simulation of Scots pine stand dynamics under climate change conditions in the Polish and Ukrainian parts of Roztocze
Kozak, I.
Czekajska, P.
Kozak, H.
Stępień, A.
Kociuba, P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
Roztocze [geogr.]
drzewostany sosnowe
dynamika drzewostanu
gatunki lasotworcze
sosna zwyczajna
Pinus sylvestris
gatunki domieszkowe
buk zwyczajny
Fagus sylvatica
jodla pospolita
Abies alba
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
czynniki klimatyczne
suma temperatur efektywnych
roczna suma opadow
zmiany klimatyczne
symulacja komputerowa
modele symulacyjne
Scots pine
FORKOME computer model
The study was conducted in the Polish (Roztoczanski National Park) and Ukrainian (Rava-Rus'ka Landscape Reserve and Yavorivskyi National Park) parts of the Roztocze region. In each of these locations three research areas were established in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands under similar ecological conditions. The purpose of this study was to carry out a survey of possible scenarios for pine stand dynamics in the Polish and Ukrainian parts of Roztocze using the FORKOME model. A control scenario was compared with four other climate change scenarios (warm dry and warm humid; cold dry and cold humid) for a period of covering the next 100 years. Using the control scenario, the FORKOME model predicted that for the next 100 years pine stands will dominate in terms of biomass and number of trees. The warm-dry and warm-humid climate scenarios resulted in slightly reduced biomass of pine stands. However pine would still maintain its dominance, although with a noticeable increase in beech and fir biomass. Nevertheless, in term of the number of trees during the second half of the simulation, it is beech and fir that dominate stand 1 in Roztoczanski National Park. Under the climate cooling scenario (cold dry and cold humid), the biomass of pine and spruce would increase during the next 100 years. Pine trees that would dominate in terms of their numbers, although the number of spruce individuals also tends to increase. The results presented in the paper indicate that the FORKOME model is very useful when investigating different climate changes scenarios in the Roztocze region.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2013, 74, 3; 215-226
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nosiadek, Leszek
Nosiadek, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Wychowania Fizycznego i Turystyki w Białymstoku
Skok startowy
Analiza kinematyczna
Swimming start
Grab start
Track start
Kinematic analysis
Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena różnic pomiędzy trzema rodzajami skoku startowego (Grab, Track bez podpórki i Track z podpórką). W badaniach uczestniczyło czworo studentów Wychowania Fizycznego, należących do sekcji pływania AZS AWF w Krakowie (3 kobiety i 1 mężczyzna) w wieku 23-24 lat. Przeprowadzono rejestrację filmową przy użyciu aparatu cyfrowego o podwyższonej częstotliwości (120Hz), ustawionego na statywie z boku słupka. Na podstawie analizy kinematycznej wyznaczono: czas lotu, długość lotu, maksymalną wysokość stawu biodrowego nad powierzchnią wody, kąt początkowy i końcowy tułowia w fazie lotu. Wartości wybranych parametrów kinematycznych wyznaczone dla każdego rodzaju skoku startowego różniły się między sobą u każdej z badanych osób. Na podstawie analizy wyników badań nie udało się rozstrzygnąć, który z trzech rodzajów skoku startowego, był najkorzystniejszy dla zawodnika. W celu wyboru optymalnego rodzaju skoku startowego, analizę kinematyczną należy przeprowadzić osobno dla każdego zawodnika (indywidualnie).
The aim of this study was the evaluation the differences between the three types of swimming start technique (Grab, Track without the use of support and Track with support). Four students of Physical Education, belonging to the swimming section AZS AWF (3 women and 1 man) aged 23-24 years participated in this study. Recording a movie was performed using a digital camera with a high frequency (120Hz), set on a tripod on the side of the block. On the basis of kinematic analysis determined: flight time, flight length, maximum height of the hip above the water surface, the angle of the start (takeoff angle) and end (entry angle) of the trunk in flight phase. Values of selected kinematic parameters determined for each type of swimming start technique differed in each of the subjects.Based on the results of research have failed to resolve which of the three types of swimming start technique, was most beneficial for the swimmers. To choose the optimum type of swimming start technique, kinematic analysis should be performed separately for each competitor (individual).
Roczniki Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Wychowania Fizycznego i Turystyki w Białymstoku; 2016, 1(15); 75-82 s.
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Wychowania Fizycznego i Turystyki w Białymstoku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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