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Białowieża Primaeval Forest – a Conflict between the Polish Government and the European Commission
Puszcza Białowieska – konflikt rządu polskiego z Komisją Europejską
Kmiecik, Zbigniew R.
Furtak-Niczyporuk, Marzena
Grzywaczewski, Grzegorz
Kitowski, Ignacy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
forest management
Białowieża Forest
bark beetle
conservation of natural habitats
European Commission
gospodarka leśna
Puszcza Białowieska
kornik drukarz
ochrona siedlisk przyrodniczych
Komisja Europejska
The article describes the natural background, the origin, the course and the outcome of the dispute between Poland and the European Commission which was going on in the years 2016–2018 regarding the forest management performed in the Białowieża Forest. The dispute took place on two interrelated levels: natural and legal. The main axis of the dispute between the Polish government and the European Commission was the difference of views as to what actions would prove effective in the fight against the latest gradation of the bark beetle, which occurred with exceptional intensity in the Białowieża Forest in 2015, and what actions would be most beneficial in the context of preserving rare species of birds and insects that make up the fauna of the Białowieża Forest. The article presents extensively the arguments raised by both parties to the conflict in the proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union, which were initiated by a complaint filed by the European Commission. As a commentary on these arguments, the views expressed in the scientific literature as to the proper reaction in response to a recurrent infestation of the bark beetle, usefulness and efficacy of the active forest management operations questioned by the European Commission, as well as an impact of these operations on the conservation of natural habitats, insects and birds are presented. The legal dimension of the dispute boiled down to the question of what actions in the situation were allowed, required or prohibited under Polish and EU law.
W artykule opisano podłoże, genezę, przebieg i wynik sporu między Polską a Komisją Europejską, który toczył się w latach 2016–2018 o gospodarkę leśną prowadzoną w Puszczy Białowieskiej. Spór toczył się na dwóch powiązanych ze sobą płaszczyznach: przyrodniczej i prawnej. Główną osią sporu była różnica poglądów na to, jakie działania mogą przynieść skutek w walce z gradacją kornika drukarza, która w 2015 r. nastąpiła z wyjątkową intensywnością w Puszczy Białowieskiej, a także jakie działania byłyby najkorzystniejsze w kontekście zachowania rzadkich gatunków ptaków i owadów współtworzących faunę Puszczy. W artykule obszernie zaprezentowano argumenty podnoszone przez obie strony w postępowaniu przed Trybunałem Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej, które uruchomione zostało skargą wniesioną przez Komisję Europejską. Jako komentarz do tych argumentów przedstawiono poglądy wyrażane w nauce odnośnie do pożądanych sposobów reagowania na okresowe gradacje kornika drukarza, celowości i skuteczności kwestionowanych przez Komisję Europejską działań gospodarczych oraz wpływu owych działań na stan podlegających ochronie siedlisk przyrodniczych, owadów i ptaków. Prawny wymiar sporu sprowadzał się do kwestii, jakie działania w zaistniałej sytuacji są dozwolone, nakazane bądź zakazane w świetle prawa polskiego i unijnego.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2023, 32, 5; 217-238
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gospodarka leśna w okresie zaborów
Prokop, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II
gospodarka leśna
Celem opracowania jest analiza prowadzonej gospodarki na terenie trzech zaborów Polski, ich skutków oraz przebiegu rozwoju na przestrzeni lat. W pracy zastosowano krytyczną analizę literatury oraz metodę indukcyjno - dedukcyjną. Trwające 123 lata zabory na ziemiach polskich pozostawiły po sobie w 1918 roku zdewastowane, zbyt intensywnie i nieprzemyślane użytkowane drzewostany będące dla zaborców wyłącznie zabezpieczeniem finansowym oraz surowcowym, postrzegane jako kapitał, po który można było sięgnąć w razie potrzeby. I wojna światowa, której front wschodni przebiegał przez tereny przyszłej II RP, spowodowała wiele zniszczeń w drzewostanach, a ich rozmieszczenie na terenie Rzeczpospolitej było nierównomierne. Sam okres zaborów był czasem ewoluowania wiedzy w zakresie zarządzania lasem i ostatecznie, mimo wielu popełnionych błędów, przyniósł cenną naukę oraz doprowadził do wykształcenia się nowocześniejszego oraz bardziej zrównoważonego leśnictwa.
Koła naukowe - szkołą twórczego działania. Edycja ósma; 53-60
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Naturalne i sztuczne zagrożenia lasów w Nadleśnictwie Ujsoły
Natural and artificial threats of forests in the Ujsoły Forest District
Bednarz, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
gospodarka leśna
Nadleśnictwo Ujsoły
zagrożenia leśne
forest management
Ujsoły Forest District
forest threats
Praca zawiera przegląd czynników wpływających na obumieranie drzewostanów w Nadleśnictwie Ujsoły oraz przedstawia sposoby walki z tymi czynnikami, podejmowane przez Nadleśnictwo. Wykazano, że istnieją zagrożenia naturalne i sztuczne, które negatywnie wpływają na stan zdrowotny lasów w Nadleśnictwie Ujsoły. Do ich oceny wykorzystano dostępne materiały z tego Nadleśnictwa, wyniki wywiadu z jego pracownikami oraz informacje ankietowe uzyskane od miejscowej ludności, a także własne terenowe obserwacje. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że najbardziej negatywny wpływ na stan zdrowotny lasów Nadleśnictwa Ujsoły mają owady, głównie kornik drukarz. Szkodnikami są grzyby, zwierzęta, a także niektóre czynniki klimatyczne. Ich unieszkodliwienie jest trudne, ale może je osłabić prawidłowo prowadzona gospodarki leśna zarówno przez nadleśnictwo, jak i prywatnych właścicieli lasów.
This article includes an overview of factors affecting the decay of forest in the Ujsoły Forest District and presents ways to combat these factors, carried out by the Forest District. It was shown that there are natural and artificial hazards that have a negative impact on the health condition of forests in the Ujsoły Forest District. Their evaluation was based on the materials made available by the Forest Inspectorate, the results of the interview with its employees and survey information obtained from the local population, as well as own field observations. The research shows that the most negative impact on the health condition of forests in the Ujsoły Forest District are insects, mainly spruce bark beetle. Pests are fungi, animals, as well as some climatic factors. Their disposal is difficult, but it can be weakened by properly managed forest management by both the forest inspectorate and private forest owners.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica; 2021, 17; 44-63
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena wielofunkcyjnej gospodarki leśnej w Polsce na tle wybranych krajów Unii Europejskiej
Assessment of multifunctional forest management in Poland compared to selected European Union countries
Słupska, A.
Zawadzka, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
lesnictwo wielofunkcyjne
Unia Europejska
gospodarka lesna
gospodarka wielofunkcyjna
metody oceny
metoda Perkala
Agronomy Science; 2022, 77, 4; 33-48
Pojawia się w:
Agronomy Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Las na gruncie porolnym - oczekiwania i rzeczywistość
Forest on post-agricultural land - expectations and reality
Krawczyk, R.
Kowalczuk, S.
Ksepko, M.
Sierota, Z.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
grunty porolne
gospodarka lesna
lasy porolne
stan zdrowotny lasu
sukcesja roslin
odnowienia naturalne
post-agriculture lands
managed forests
forest health
natural regeneration
In Central Europe, deforestation led to a reduction of forest area by almost 80%, compared to the original area, by the beginning of the 20th century. At this point in time, a period of intensive reforestation began in an effort to restore forest areas. This process of reforestation, especially on post-agricultural land, continues to this day. This article examines reforestation and natural regeneration on former farmland and the factors that influence the current state as well as the future growth of the forest. Ancient and contemporary views on the functioning of stands on post-agricultural land created by both, natural and forced succession (i.e. afforestation), are recalled. In Poland, this issue primarily concerns managed state forests, which cover an area of over 2 million hectares. We discuss the differences in the development of these stands resulting from the history of agricultural cultivation, the type of afforestation, the influence of environmental factors as well as biotic threats to their development. Furthermore, the need to change the silviculture-, protection- and endowment-based approach to forest management in stands on post-agricultural land is highlighted.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2021, 82, 2; 75-86
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona przyrody i gospodarka leśna w Puszczy Białowieskiej : Brak kompleksowej strategii działania
Nature Protection and Forest Management in the Białowieska Forest – Illegal Felling of Trees and Lack of Supervision by Competent Bodies
Krzywicka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Puszcza Białowieska
ochrona przyrody
gospodarka leśna
obszary chronione
wycinka drzew
kornik drukarz
Białowieska Forest
nature protection
forest management
tree stands
protected areas
spruce bark beetle
Białowieski Park Narodowy należy do światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO od 1979 r. W 1992 r. jego obszar powiększono o białoruską część Puszczy Białowieskiej, a w 2014 r. ponownie go poszerzono. Obecnie obejmuje cały jej teren po obu stronach granicy o powierzchni 141 885 ha. Obowiązkiem Polski jako strony Konwencji UNESCO z 1972 r. dotyczącej Światowego Dziedzictwa Kulturalnego i Naturalnego jest ochrona Puszczy przed zniszczeniem i zachowanie jej w niezmienionej postaci dla przyszłych pokoleń. Z ustaleń kontroli NIK wynika jednak, że w latach 2008–2018 nie opracowano opartej na merytorycznych podstawach strategii prowadzenia gospodarki leśnej w Puszczy, która służyłaby jej ochronie. Prowadzenie cięć w drzewostanach zagrożonych obecnością kornika drukarza nie zawsze było zaś poprzedzone wnikliwą oceną ich wpływu na siedliska i gatunki chronione.
The Białowieska Forest is one of Poland’s ten UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, which protect unique nature and cultural values of the area. In 2008, the Polish part of the Białowieska Forest was covered with the Natura 2000 PLC200004 protection. Therefore, it is a unique area, where forest management calls for special care and respecting of regulations on nature protection. However, as a result of the decisions on increased felling of trees, justified with the intention to reduce massive attacks of the European spruce bark beetle, on 20th July 2017 the European Commission filed a complaint to the EU Court of Justice claiming Poland had failed to meet the requ irements stemming from the Bird Directive and the Habitats Directive. On 17th April 2018, the Court of Justice confirmed the stance of the Commission. As a result, from July 2018 to January 2019, the Supreme Audit Office of Poland conducted the audit to check whether forest management in the Białowieska Forest was compliant with the law, including nature protection requirements.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2020, 65, 5 (394); 33-44
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawa dyrektora Loreta
Kwiecień, Ewa (leśnictwo).
Wyklęci. Ogólnopolski Kwartalnik Poświęcony Żołnierzom Wyklętym 2020, nr 4, s. 13-23
Data publikacji:
Loret, Adam (1884-1939)
Państwowe Gospodarstwo Leśne Lasy Państwowe
Armia Czerwona
II wojna światowa (1939-1945)
Gospodarka leśna
Prześladowania polityczne
Artykuł z czasopisma historycznego
Artykuł przedstawia biografię Adama Stefana Loreta, polskiego leśnika, pierwszego dyrektora i organizatora Lasów Państwowych. Autorka artykułu skupia się na okresie września 1939 i procesie ewakuacji Dyrekcji Naczelnej Lasów Państwowych z Warszawy do Siedlec, w związku ze zbliżającymi się wojskami niemieckimi. Ostatnie zarządzenie Loreta jako dyrektora LP dotyczyło włączenia się leśników do organizowanych na terenach oddziałów partyzanckich przeciwko Niemcom. 17 września 1939 roku Adam Loret wraz z towarzyszącymi mu leśnikami został zatrzymany przez sowieckich żołnierzy. Loret został przewieziony do więzienia w Mińsku i zamordowany, jednak nie wiadomo dokładnie gdzie.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Analiza ekonomiczna gospodarki przeszłej w planie urządzenia lasu
Economic analysis of the past economy in the forest management plan
Wysocka-Fijorek, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
plan urzadzania lasu
gospodarka lesna
efektywnosc ekonomiczna
analiza gospodarki przeszlej
produkcja lesna
koszty produkcji
koszty administracyjne
forest management plan
economic efficiency
forest fund
The State Forests, National Forest Holding, is increasingly burdened with the costs of nature protection, recreational development and certification. As a consequence, there is an increase in costs and limitations in forest management. The emphasis is also on different social and environmental functions, and as a result, income from the sale of wood becomes smaller. The aim of the study is to verify the concept of an analysis of the past economy in conditions of variable costs of forest administration and production (period of 10 years), which is the basis of looking for solutions to improve the efficiency of financial management at the level of the forest district. The case study was based on the forest district located in Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Krakow (southern Poland). The current forest management plan is valid for 2014−2023 period. The analysis of the past economy covers the years 2005−2014, that was nine years of validity of the previous plan of the forest management plan and the first year of validity of the current plan. Issues discussed include: cost and revenue analysis, timber sales, forest management, employment and wages, side−line activities, infrastructure management, maintenance of supervision over forests of other forms of ownership or cash flows of forest funds. Described forest district is an administrative unit with a small forest area and a large fragmentation of forest complexes. The level of the deficit was not significant, and in recent years has been decreasing. In the period under analysis, the increase in costs was proportional to the increase in revenues. The share of administrative activity costs remained at a similar level. Administrative expenses were higher than the costs of core operations. The low level of primary activity costs resulted mainly from low investment outlays. Investments in road infrastructure may be connected with increasing the attractiveness of the entity in the eyes of wood buyers and, consequently, an increase in the prices of wood raw material. In the period under analysis, the forest district undertook activities aimed at optimizing the employment. These activities led to a significant reduction in the number of employees.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 02; 91-102
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza porównawcza w średniookresowym planowaniu ekonomicznym w nadleśnictwie
Benchmarking in medium-term economic planning in the forest district
Wysocka-Fijorek, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
gospodarka lesna
analiza ekonomiczna
analiza kosztow
analiza przychodow
analiza porownawcza
forest management plan
economic assessment
economic efficiency
Planned forest management is carried out based on the forest management planning (PUL) operations prepared for a 10−year economic period. The economic expertise may omit a detailed organizational analysis of the company, as well as indications regarding the search for strategic solutions. The following study aims to present a method for analysing the economic consequences of forest management activities by the forest district in the context of selected forest districts. A new element, in relation to the content of the forest management plan, is the inclusion in the economic expertise (EEN) of the economic analysis of the forest district in the context of other forest districts (benchmarking). Due to the fact that economic data are sensitive data, information about the name of the forest district under analysis and comparator districts are not given in the publication. The most important management and economic indicators for the forest district should be presented against the background of the results of similar and extreme units in the Regional Directorate of the State Forests (RDSF) in the relation to the district inspected. It was assumed that the forest district, for which EEN will be developed, will be compared with the four forest districts of RDSF. Data and the scope of the EEN must provide the possibility of its updating in any period of validity of the PUL, especially in situations when phenomena occur that fundamentally change the planned scope, time, place and size of economic tasks. The forest district, analysed in the context of comparison units, should pay special attention to the proportions between the costs of the core activity, and thus the main part of the activity, and the administrative costs. Analysing the economic efficiency of forest management, apart from the quantitative dimension of obtaining timber, it is necessary to pay attention to the value dimension. Costs incurred by the superintendences for employment of employees constitute the main group of administrative costs. It should be incur in mind that the structure of costs and revenues in the superintendence depends largely on natural conditions. Irrespective of the specific character of the forest district, the main revenue group is revenue from the sales title acquired in the forest district. In turn, a significant group of costs are employment costs of employees and other administrative costs. Revenues do not depend only on the quantity of timber harvested and sold, but also on its quality and species. Administrative costs should be limited by adjusting them to tasks in the field of forest management, sales of timber and local specificity of the unit. The costs of forest management depend mainly on the conditions under which forest management is carried out.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 04; 279-291
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ekonomiczna efektywność naturalnego i sztucznego odnowienia drzewostanów sosnowych w Nadleśnictwie Nowa Dęba
Economic effectiveness of natural and artificial regeneration of Scots pine stands in the Nowa Deba Forest District
Długosiewicz, J.
Zając, S.
Wysocka-Fijorek, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
gospodarka lesna
drzewostany sosnowe
odnowienia lasu
odnowienia naturalne
odnowienia sztuczne
efektywnosc ekonomiczna
ocena ekonomiczna
Nadlesnictwo Nowa Deba
scots pine
natural regeneration
artificial regeneration
effectiveness assessment
A prerequisite for effective forest management is a detailed economic analysis of given management determinants. In the forest district’s expenditures, next to the wood harvesting and skidding, the cost of silvicultural activities constitute a considerable share. The choice of forest management methods, including those for forest regeneration has a significant effect on the costs incurred for silvicultural activities as well as on the quality of emerging new generation. The aim of the study was to assess the economic effectiveness of Scots pine stand management using natural and artificial regeneration. The research determined the size and structure of expenditures incurred for the establishment and maintenance of crops. We also carried out the analysis and assessment of the effects of the selected regeneration method on forest management economic efficiency. The economic analysis included the comparison of the costs of establishment and maintenance of stands with artificially regenerated Scots pine trees with the costs of analogous activities carried out within the research plots with Scots pine from self−seeding. The studies were carried out on 4 types of forest sites, i.e.: fresh coniferous, fresh mixed coniferous, wet mixed coniferous and fresh mixed deciduous. The analyses were carried out using the cash flow method – the stream of expenditure incurred for stand management. The total costs of artificial stand regeneration and maintenance were on average higher by 1,443.24 PLN/ha of plantation as compared to naturally regenerated stands. Lower costs of tending and corrections performed in artificially regenerated Scots pine stands did not compensate for high expenditure incurred on regeneration activities, and as a result the total cost amounted to an average of 5,002.94 PLN/ha, whereas in the case of natural regeneration the total cost was 3,559.70 PLN/ha. In the analysed methods, the site conditions were of great importance to the amount of expenditures incurred for stand regeneration and maintenance. The economic viability of forest natural regeneration was confirmed for fresh coniferous, fresh mixed coniferous and wet mixed coniferous habitat types. In fresh mixed deciduous site, high costs of tending treatments and corrections had a major effect on the low economic result of the natural method of forest regeneration. The presented results on the effectiveness of management of Scots pine stands or those with the predominance of Scots pine using natural and artificial regeneration can be an important factor in taking appropriate silvicultural decisions, based on the assessment and knowledge of determinants affecting profitability of undertakings.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 05; 373-384
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gospodarka leśna a występowanie zawiesin w wodach rzek i potoków i ich oddziaływanie na ichtiofaunę i ekosystemy rzeczne
Forest management practices and the occurrence of suspended solids in rivers and streams and their influence on ichthyofauna and river ecosystems
Mikołajczyk, T.
Nawrocki, P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
gospodarka lesna
erozja gleb
oddzialywanie na srodowisko
wody plynace
zanieczyszczenia wod
zawiesina mineralna
ladunek zanieczyszczen
oddzialywanie na zwierzeta
forest management
soil erosion
gospodarka leśna
erozja gleby
This article is based on a literature review and attempts to highlight the harmful effects of forest soil erosion on aquatic ecosystems with particular emphasis on ichthyofauna. We focus on the phenomena of excessive soil erosion caused by forest management practices and forest roads, subsequent sediment runoff as well as silting of watercourses and their impact on fish. Among others, the direct influence of the suspended sediments on fish reproduction, egg incubation, respiratory processes, growth and immunity, as well as indirect effects on habitat and migration are discussed. The authors' intention is to draw attention to this important and underestimated aspect of forest management in Poland. The aim of this publication is to bring about changes in the management of commercial forests that will minimize the erosion of forest soils, formation of high levels of suspended solids in rivers and in turn limit their negative impact on aquatic ecosystems.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2019, 80, 4
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nietoperze jako wskaźniki stanu środowiska leśnego
Bats as indicators of the condition of the forest environment
Rachwald, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
gospodarka lesna
ekosystemy lesne
zanieczyszczenia srodowiska
forest management
air pollutions
The article overviews the role of bats in the forest ecosystem (especially the European forest), the impact of environmental pollution on the forest and bats, and the issue of bats indication of the forest environment condition. Existing data on the transfer of pollutants to the environment and between the aquatic and terrestrial environment are reviewed. The water environment is an important receiver of industrial pollution, which then transfer to the terrestrial environment i.a. through insect larvae. Bats as predators hunting for the insects, which undergo part of their life cycle in water (including Diptera: Chironomidae), play an important in this cycle. Another source of bats intoxication are terrestrial insects feeding on plants that transfer toxins that settle on the leaves surface further in the food chain. Bats as predators of the first or even second level store in such a case substances like heavy metals in their bodies. Air pollutants also have a direct impact on forest stands, causing (in zones of strong industrial pollution) the inhibition of tree growth. The result is, among other things, a smaller number of hollows, which in turn is manifested indirectly through weaker settlement by bats (and birds) of these stands. Bats communities inhabiting the forest depend on such factors as the availability of roosting places, the age struc− ture and spatial structure of the stands. All these features (as well as others related to them) are subject to modification through economic forestry, which causes changes in the bat communities. Ecological research of forest bats shows variability of settling of managed stands, as well as diversified species composition, especially smaller presence of typically forest bats connected ecologically with forests (e.g. western barbastelle Barbastella barbastellus or lesser noctule Nyctalus leisleri), in favor of bats preferring open spaces and built−up areas (serotine bat Eptesicus serotinus). This is probably the result of changes in the age and spatial structure of the stand. On the basis of the collected information, it was concluded that bats are a valuable indicator of the condition of the forest environment.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 03; 228-236
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena efektywności ekonomicznej gospodarki leśnej w Leśnym Kompleksie Promocyjnym Puszcza Białowieska. Część 1. Analiza działalności i wynik finansowy
Evaluation of the economic efficiency of forest management in the 'Puszcza Bialowieska' Forest Promotional Complex. Part 1. Analysis of the activity and financial result
Konieczny, A.A.
Sikora, A.T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
lesne kompleksy promocyjne
Lesny Kompleks Promocyjny Puszcza Bialowieska
Nadlesnictwo Bialowieza
Nadlesnictwo Browsk
Nadlesnictwo Hajnowka
gospodarka lesna
efektywnosc ekonomiczna
wyniki finansowe
revenues and costs of activity
financial result
nature protection in forests
The aim of this study is to assess the economic efficiency of forest management based on the revenues and costs of selected activities and the financial result of the forest districts within the ‘Puszcza Białowieska’ Forest Promotional Complex (FPC), i.e. Białowieża, Browsk and Hajnówka forest districts. The assessment of the economic efficiency of the forest management in ‘Puszcza Białowieska’ FPC forest districts was analyzed in relation to the average values for comparative units (28 other forest districts) included in the Regional Directorate of State Forests (RDSF) in Białystok. In this study the profit and loss account and the basic reporting document on financial and economic activity (LPIR1) for the years 2011−2017 were used. Data were collected from the State Forests Information System. A detailed analysis of revenues and costs (from the sale of products, goods and materials), including administrative, basic, side, additional and social−living activities, as well as general administrative costs was made. The financial result of the FPC forest districts was also analyzed and then modified by increasing the net result by the value of the write−off for the forest fund and the maintenance costs of the superior units and reduced by the additional payment from the forestry fund. The amount of financial results of ‘Puszcza Białowieska’ FPC forest districts is mainly determined by revenues from the sale of woody raw material. Other types of activities do not have a significant impact on improving the financial result of these entities. The actual financial situation of ‘Puszcza Białowieska’ FPC forest districts reflects the modified net financial result, including for funds from the forest fund. Implementation of tasks in the field of nature protection and restrictions resulting from the acquisition of timber in ‘Puszcza Białowieska’ FPC forest districts significantly worsen their financial result. Implementation of additional tasks in the field of nature conservation causes a deterioration in the economic effi− ciency of forest management, which suggests extending the analyzes of other forest districts of the State Forests.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 07; 531-541
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena efektywności ekonomicznej gospodarki leśnej w Leśnym Kompleksie Promocyjnym Puszcza Białowieska. Część 2. Analiza wskaźników gospodarczych i finansowych
Evaluation of the economic efficiency of forest management in the 'Puszcza Bialowieska' Forest Promotional Complex. Part 2. Analysis of economic and financial indicators
Konieczny, A.A.
Sikora, A.T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
lesne kompleksy promocyjne
Lesny Kompleks Promocyjny Puszcza Bialowieska
Nadlesnictwo Bialowieza
Nadlesnictwo Browsk
Nadlesnictwo Hajnowka
gospodarka lesna
efektywnosc ekonomiczna
plynnosc finansowa
aktywnosc gospodarcza
financial liquidity
management efficiency
nature protection in forests
The aim of this study is to assess the economic efficiency of the forest management with particular emphasis on economic and financial indicators of the forest districts (namely Białowieża, Browsk and Hajnówka) constituting the ‘Puszcza Białowieska’ Forest Promotional Complex (FPC). The work involved analysis of indicators reflecting the financial condition of the forest districts with reference to average values for comparison units i.e. 28 other entities from the Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Bialystok. The analysis consisted in the determination of typical values from comparative units in individual years (mean ±standard deviation). The balance sheet, profit and loss account and basic reporting document on financial and economic activities (LPIR1) for the years 2011−2017. Data were collected from the State Forests Information System. Financial liquidity, profitability and management efficiency were analyzed in detail. The net financial result of the forest districts was used for the analyzes, after an additional adjustment, consisting in increasing the net result by the value of the write−off for the forest fund and maintenance costs of the superior units and reduced by the additional payment from the forest fund. The analyzes were based on data collected from the State Forests Information System. On the basis of the research, it was found that the rules of financial management in the State Forests do not pose a risk of deterioration or loss of financial liquidity of the FPC forest districts. However, the inability to obtain the additional payment from a forest fund by individual of FPC forest districts would result in the loss of their ability to function independently. The management efficiency clearly affects the actual financial situation of the FPC forest districts. The deteriorating profitability of the FPC forest districts is caused by negative (loss) net financial results reflects the modified net financial result, including for funds from the forest fund. Restrictions on harvesting, resulting from the implementation of tasks in the field of nature conservation, worsen the economic efficiency of the FPC forest districts.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 08; 619-628
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Specyfika problemowa nauk leśnych i metodyki badań w dziedzinie leśnictwa
Challenges concerning terminology and methodology in forest sciences
Wodzicki, T.J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
nauki lesne
specyfika problemowa
ekosystemy lesne
nisze ekologiczne
gospodarka lesna
interakcje czlowiek-ekosystem lesny
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2019, 80, 3
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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