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„Dziwni to ludzie, ci Aryjczycy!” Utopia rasowa w Gościach z Marsa Władysława Satkego
Wacław, Forajter,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Władysław Satke
Goście z Marsa
typologies of races
racial utopia
The paper discusses the forgotten science fiction novel entitled Goście z Marsa by Władysław Satke with regard to “racial” ideology of the turn of the century. It primarily focuses on reconstruction of the ideological and intertextual background with particular reference to the 19th-century typologies of “races” and scientific theories based on them. Furthermore, the article addresses the issue of utopia and its limitations as a literary genre.
Przegląd Humanistyczny; 2018, 62(3 (462)); 139-150
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Humanistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola gestorów obiektów hotelarskich w edukacji gości na rzecz rozwoju zrównoważonego
The role of hotel managers in educating hotel guests on sustainable development
Rapacz, A.
Gryszel, P.
Jaremen, D. E.
Data publikacji:
Górnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im. Kardynała Augusta Hlonda
rozwój zrównoważony
hotel guests
sustainable development
The article addresses the issue of educating the consumers of tourism services on environmental issues and the role of business in this area. The authors have assumed that a full participation of the purchasers of these services in the realisation of the sustainable development goals expressed in greening tourism consumption depends on the level of consumer’s knowledge. This level is mainly developed by the family, school and media but also by the tourism enterprises. The assumptions concerning the role of the tourism enterprises in educating the tourists on sustainable development have been built on the results of a questionnaire survey carried out in hotels located in the most attractive resorts of the Lower Silesia region.
Problemy Ekologii; 2009, R. 13, nr 5, 5; 246-247
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Służbowo i prywatnie. znani i nieznani goście w bocheńskiej Żupie Solnej (do 1995 r.)
Professional and private visits. well-known and unknown guests in the bochnia saltworks (until 1995)
Wszołek, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka
kopalnia soli
Salt mine
This is the first academic study of this type pertaining to the history of tourist traffic in the area of the Bochnia Salt Mine. In contrast to the Wieliczka Salt Mine, no general academic or popular science studies have been prepared with respect to this issue to date. Prior works devoted to the Bochnia Salt Mine did not deal with this issue. The objective of this article is an attempt at describing, throughout the history of the Bochnia Salt Mine, the gradual process of emergence and development of tourist traffic. The author of the work makes use of the existing manuscripts and printed sources, along with academic studies devoted directly or indirectly to the subject matter pertaining to the content of the article. Interviews conducted with the present and retired employees of the Bochnia Salt Mine also turned out to be helpful, both directors and traffic supervision employees, as well as persons directly involved in the tourist traffic servicing. Thanks to this, the gaps existing in the source materials and academic or popular science studies pertaining to the subject matter of the study were supplemented or filled. The history of tourist traffic described in the article was closely related to the history of the Bochnia Salt Mine. The reader is going to find out that this process was not easy, whereas its history is replete with obstacles and threats during various stages of development, including a complete disappearance of tourist activity, which was finally reinstated and which has been pursued to date. Therefore, the issue deserves a detailed study. In medieval sources, it is possible to find traces of princes’ and kings’ (and their officials’) stays in the mine. Such visits were purely official. Their objective was direct or indirect control over all aspects of operation of the subordinate enterprise. Visits of representatives of commerce and handicraft in the Bochnia Salt Mine, whose enterprises were closely and durably related to the current operation of the mine, had a more “economic” character The situation was similar with holders of permits and privileges from the group of contemporary wealthy people, both clerics and secular. The ongoing necessity of taking care of their economic interest was the most important for this group. Sources between the 16th and the 18th century offer new data. New categories of guests supplemented the above list of visitors in the Bochnia Salt Mine. The first one includes various travellers who, in their accounts or descriptions, offer the first experiences accompanying visits in the underground section of the mine. Another category are poets. Their works, preserved in the modern times, have a similar character, yet by their nature they are more filled with emotions. Therefore, all these authors were, in a certain way, “pioneers” – the first tourists in the modern sense of the word. The third category includes representatives of science, testifying to the growing interest in the Bochnia Salt Mine from a scientific perspective. They also form a part of the previously described group of travellers, who were testing their talents in the new area. These were predominantly people connected to the Bochnia Salt Mine who implemented their ideas, plans and intentions for its benefit. There was also yet another special category – the so-called “unwanted guests.” This group includes both “locals” and “foreigners”, whose activities had an adverse impact on the situation of the Bochnia Salt Mine. At the end of the 18th century, a certain fundamental change occurred in the above-described group of “guests” at the Bochnia Salt Mine. The owner of the mine changed – the Polish king was replaced by the Austrian emperor and royal officials were substituted by the imperial bureaucratic apparatus. Simultaneous abolishment of former permits and privileges resulted in absence of visits of clerics and lay people. What is more, the former system of connections of the mine with trade and municipal handicraft also ceased to exist. Representatives of such professions disappeared almost completely from the area of the Bochnia Salt Mine. The 19th century, especially its second half, brought development of initially disorganised tourist traffic in the form of individual and collective groups. Visits in the mine, hitherto a privilege reserved for the chosen few, suddenly became a very fashionable pastime for a broader group of people. This situation was intensified by development of communication and dissemination of press information, as well as popularity of local sightseeing associations. Such groups included local people, as well as guests from other countries, officials, teachers, clerics, military men, young people and children. The number of descriptions and travellers’ accounts, resulting from visits in the underground pits of the Bochnia Salt Mine, also soared. The Bochnia Salt Mine has become a more attractive place for the conduct of scientific studies by outstanding researchers and specialists from various areas of knowledge. The Bochnia Salt Mine was also a venue for didactic activities for the future practitioners of science, who pursued classes, internships and professional practice here. However, the described century and the beginning of the 20th century were not free from negative activities and decisions of the group known from earlier centuries as the “unwanted guests.” The inter-war period was a time of constant struggle with the governmental plans of liquidation of the Bochnia Salt Mine. In spite of the difficult situation, the unorganised tourist traffic of numerous groups and individuals (from the country and abroad) continued to flourish in the mine. The mine was also visited by scientists and young graduates who were acquiring the necessary knowledge and professional skills. What is more, middle school pupils and college students followed the example of their senior friends and attended special classes in the mine and visited it as part of activities of school sightseeing groups. It is also worth remembering that the outbreak of WWII halted the plans of establishing a sanatorium at the Bochnia Salt Mine. The period of Nazi occupation brought an end to popular visits in the Bochnia Salt Mine. At this time, the mine was only open for German people – ordinary citizens and military men. However, traces of stay of Polish people in the mine from this period have also been preserved – obviously, such visits were only possible upon the approval of the occupation authorities. Throughout the communist period, the idea of making the Bochnia Salt Mine available for tourists was not popular and it resurfaced only in the form of sporadic initiatives. In the 1950s, a visit in the mine formed a part of subsequent historical anniversaries celebrated in the city and the local saltworks. Similar initiatives, even though planned, were not implemented in the 1960s - they were going to form a part of the celebrations of the 1,000th anniversary of the Polish state. Nevertheless, plans pertaining to the visits in the Bochnia Salt Mine in the 1970s were successful – they were included in the extensive programme of the “Days of Bochnia” inaugurated at that time. The last activity in the described period took place in the 1980s, when sightseeing in the mine was included in the celebrations of another historical anniversary of the city. The 1980s were also a time of clear increased interest in the Bochnia Salt Mine as a historical facility. Inclusion of the most valuable pits and surface development of the mine in the list of national monuments definitely contributed to it. Simultaneously, next to the gradual process of limiting the industrial operation of the mine, former plans of establishing a sanatorium were brought back. This very difficult process of building a tourist and spa centre commenced at that time was halted by the political transformations of 1989. After 1990, it was continued for a long time until the middle of the 1990s. The author of the work adopted the year 1995 as the end for the study; it constitutes the opening of a completely new chapter in the history of the Bochnia Salt Mine. The unorganised tourist traffic was provided with durable legal and organisational framework in the form of a newly-established entity: Uzdrowisko Kopalnia Soli Bochnia Sp. z o.o. Between 1995 and 2014, the company has been servicing numerous groups of tourists and patients who come to the Bochnia Salt Mine every year. Traditional sightseeing in the historical mining pits has been gradually supplemented by educational, health and entertainment activities. In 2014, “Kopalnia Soli Bochnia Sp. z o.o.” took over the organisation and servicing of the tourist traffic, continuing the long-term tradition of the Bochnia Salt Mine in this respect.
Studia i Materiały do Dziejów Żup Solnych w Polsce; 2016, 31; 291-335
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Materiały do Dziejów Żup Solnych w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poznań miastem turystyki kongresowej i biznesowej
Ocieczek, Bolesław
Hetman, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu
turystyka kongresowa
baza turystyczna
centra biznesowo-kongresowe
baza towarzysząca
Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Poznań jako jedno z najważniejszych miast w Polsce jest też jednym z głównych centrów kongresowych Polski oraz znaczącym ośrodkiem turystyki kongresowej na arenie europejskiej i światowej. Warto podkreślić jego udział w życiu krajowym i światowym oraz pozycję jako centrum biznesowo-kongresowego. Artykuł prezentuje zarówno walory turystyczne, jak i biznesowe tego miasta. Jego celem jest ukazanie posiadanej, dobrze wyposażonej, rozbudowanej i odpowiedniej infrastruktury oraz zdobytych doświadczeń pozwalających nazwać Poznań ważnym miastem konferencyjno-biznesowym. Niebagatelną rolę odgrywają tu: położenie miasta, atrakcje turystyczne, ośrodki naukowe, miejskie i okoliczne centra kongresowe i szkoleniowe, a także baza noclegowa dla gości biznesowych. Poznań jako ważny ośrodek naukowy, z tradycjami organizacyjnymi już od czasów Powszechnej Wystawy Krajowej, jest predystynowany do organizacji tego typu imprez. Przedstawiono również Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie jako najważniejszy ośrodek handlowo-kongresowy w Polsce – ich historię, zaplecze konferencyjne i obszar działania. Artykuł ukazuje, że Poznań jest miejscem przyjaznym spotkaniom organizowanym dla różnych grup ludzi: naukowców, przedsiębiorców, polityków, sportowców, ekologów, artystów, specjalistów różnych branż.
Studia Periegetica; 2013, 10(2); 75-90
Pojawia się w:
Studia Periegetica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Anomalie i trendy w sezonowych wahaniach popytu w polskich hotelach – wybrane segmenty z lat 2000–2015
Dziedzic, Tomasz
Markiewicz, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
categories of establishments
hotel guests
hotel supply
hotel demand
seasonal variations in demand
kategorie placówek
goście hotelowi
podaż hotelowa
popyt hotelowy
sezonowe wahania popytu
The article addresses quantitative, qualitative and structural changes at Polish hotels in 2000-2015. The general situation in the Polish hotel market is described by a number of supply- and demand-side indicators reflecting the scope and very significant dynamics of changes observed in the period under examination. In this context, the Authors analyse in detail demand from the segments of domestic and foreign tourists by month (season) in the first six years of the period covered. The results show that between 2000 and 2005 each year witnessed a fall in domestic demand in the high summer season, whereas seasonal variations in demand were very similar. Therefore, the Authors conclude that it was a constant characteristic of the Polish hotel market in the years in question and that domestic demand was mostly driven by business travel. It was assessed as a sign of immaturity (weakness) of the market in the period covered. An in-depth analysis of trends observed in the following years (until 2015) presented in subsequent parts of the article (with a special focus on 2015) demonstrates that growth in the market (on the demand and supply sides), in addition to qualitative and structural changes (proportions between high and low category establishments as well as demand for them), was accompanied by distinct functional and structural changes connected with the purposes of trips and stays at hotels and the related movements in financial flows. Finally, the Authors make references to various macroeconomic and macro-social parameters, indicating a general increase in the wealth of the Polish population which – in their opinion – also contributed to changed tourist behaviour patterns with regard to accommodation choices. As a consequence, the years 2013-2015 saw fading seasonal anomalies and greater maturity of the Polish hotel market.
W artykule omówiono ilościowe i jakościowe zmiany strukturalne w polskich hotelach w latach 2000–2015. Ogólną sytuację na polskim rynku hotelarskim opisać można licznymi wskaźnikami popytu i podaży odzwierciedlającymi zakres i bardzo znaczącą dynamikę zmian zaobserwowaną w badanym okresie. W tym kontekście autorzy szczegółowo analizują popyt w segmentach turystów krajowych i zagranicznych w podziale na miesiące (sezony) w pierwszych sześciu latach okresu badań. Wyniki pokazują, że w latach 2000-2005 każdego roku odnotowano spadek krajowego popytu w sezonie letnim, podczas gdy sezonowe wahania popytu pozostały bardzo zbliżone. Autorzy doszli do wniosku, że była to stała charakterystyka polskiego rynku hotelarskiego w badanym okresie i że krajowy popyt napędzany był głównie podróżami służbowymi. Uznano to za znak niedojrzałości (słabości) rynku w badanym okresie. Szczegółowa analiza trendów zaobserwowanych w późniejszych latach (do 2015 roku) przedstawionych w dalszej części artykułu (koncentrującym się szczególnie na roku 2015) ukazuje, że rozwojowi na rynku (ze strony popytu i podaży) oraz zmianom jakościowym i strukturalnym (proporcjom między placówkami wysokiej i niskiej kategorii, jak i popytowi na nie) towarzyszyły wyraźne funkcjonalne i strukturalne zmiany połączone z celami podróży i pobytu w hotelach oraz powiązane z nimi przepływy środków finansowych. Na końcu autorzy odnoszą się do różnych makroekonomicznych i makrospołecznych parametrów, wskazując na ogólne wzbogacenie się Polaków, co – ich zdaniem – również przyczyniło się do zmian wzorców zachowań turystów w kontekście wyboru zakwaterowania. Konsekwencją tego były zanikające w latach 2013-2015 anomalie sezonowe i większa dojrzałość polskiego rynku hotelarskiego.
Kwartalnik Naukowy Uczelni Vistula; 2017, 4(54); 261-291
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Naukowy Uczelni Vistula
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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