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Horticultural Therapy and Gardening – Comparison of Dimensions
Hortiterapia czy praca w ogrodzie – podobieństwa i różnice
Gulczyńska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
horticultural therapy
There is growing attention to findand popularize untypical forms of therapy which should help patients in hospitals, occupational facilities and clinics. The main aim of the article is to show the differences between horticultural therapy as a form of therapy and work in a garden, which can also provide therapeutic results. Comparison of different determinants was a method to outline that proper understanding of the differences may be beneficialboth for theoreticians and practitioners who use nature in order to improve their patients’ health. However, it is useful for future teachers and could play a role in the teacher education process. As a conclusion, it has been established that source literature scientificreports focus rather on potential recipients or benefitswhich come from this form of therapy, whereas basic differences between gardening and horticultural therapy have been rarely mentioned. Analysis has helped to observe that there are many factors which differentiate therapeutic work in the garden from work in the garden which can bring therapeutic effects. Performing such an analysis seems to be significantin connection with the growing popularity of centers which offer this kind of therapy, and with the emergent dilemmas concerning how it differs from gardening and whether the therapy is worth the money invested in it.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2017, 46; 347-356
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Horticultural therapy in the landscape architecture: People-plant interactions
Salachna, Piotr
Zawadzińska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
therapeutic gardens
The positive influence of horticultural therapy on the psychophysical status of human health has been noticed and already appreciated in the USA, Europe and the Pacific region, such as Japan, Taiwan, Australia or Korea. As part of horticultural therapy, a patient with a specific physical or mental problem gets to perform specifically selected tasks that are designed to help him cope with dysfunction and improve health condition. Horticultural therapy is usually an element of exercise therapy, sensory therapy or physical rehabilitation. This article describes the most important aspects of horticultural therapy.
World Scientific News; 2019, 133; 1-11
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gardening: (De)Constructing Boundaries
Salwa, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Filozofii
This paper discusses gardening as a practice that may be useful in reconsidering how landscape boundaries can be experienced. The assumption is that one should think of landscapes as “entities” which are material, but at the same time may be said to exist only insofar as they are experienced by humans. As such, they are always bounded. In order to show how gardening may be helpful in shaping the boundaries of landscapes two approaches to gardening are discussed: one treats gardening as a model of creating order and eliminating all that which is seen as alien to it (Zygmunt Bauman), the other – claims that gardening requires respecting nature (Gilles Clément).
Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture; 2022, 6, 1; 36-48
Pojawia się w:
Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Możliwości zagospodarowania odpadów z upraw ogrodniczych do produkcji biogazu
Possibilities regarding management of gardening culture waste for biogas production
Rutkowski, K.
Maternowska, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Rolniczej
Szeroko rozwinięta produkcja warzywnicza w podkrakowskiej gminie Igołomia - Wawrzeńczyce jest w stanie zabezpieczyć znaczne ilości surowca do produkcji biogazu. W gminie tej przeprowadzono szczegółową analizę ilościową biomasy powstającej przy uprawie, pielęgnacji i konfekcjonowaniu uprawianych warzyw. Analizą objęto istniejące i nowe kierunki produkcji. Dla wybranej gminy przeprowadzono objętościowy i energetyczny bilans energii możliwej do uzyskania przy zagospodarowaniu odpadów poprodukcyjnych zaliczanych do źródeł energii odnawialnej.
Greens production broadly developed in the borough of Igołomia - Wawrzeńczyce near Krakow has the potential to provide considerable amounts of raw material for biogas production. A detailed quantitative analysis of biomass generated during cultivation, maintenance and packaging of grown vegetables has been completed in this borough. The scope of the analysis covered existing and new production trends. Volumetric and energy balance of energy available to acquire as a result of disposal of production waste ranked among renewable energy sources has been developed for the selected borough.
Inżynieria Rolnicza; 2009, R. 13, nr 5, 5; 245-250
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Rolnicza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Horticultural therapy in the landscape architecture: Therapeutic garden
Zawadzińska, Agnieszka
Salachna, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
green care
therapeutic gardens
Horticultural therapy uses living plants, their products, and the natural environment to provide evaluation therapy, and rehabilitation within a medical model. It is recommended for people who have emotional, physical, educational, and/or behavioral problems. In recent years, a significant rise of interest in therapeutic gardens in the USA, Canada, Europe and the Pacific region, such as Japan, New Zealand or Australia has been observed. Such gardens are specially designed to contain many solutions important for health care, rehabilitation and other types of therapeutic institutions. This article describes the most important aspects of therapeutic garden.
World Scientific News; 2019, 132; 300-307
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The beginning of work on school gardens in Norway – Andreas M. Feragens garden in Holt on Agder
Starten på arbeidet med skolehager i Norge – Andreas M. Feragens hage i Holt på Agder
Jahr, Ernst Håkon
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
School Gardening Movement
Andreas M. Feragen
This paper recounts the beginnings of the School Gardening Movement in Norway, which is now (in 2021) a topic of great interest throughout the country. The famous 19th-century school teacher and reformist Andreas M. Feragen (1818–1912), who retired from his teaching position at the age of 93, was the first to argue, in the late 1850s and early 1860s, for including gardening both as a subject and as a practical activity in primary schools. A widely used reader first published in 1863 included four pieces by Feragen about different types of gardens which would be appropriate for a rural school: the first piece was about the garden in general, the following three described a kitchen garden, a fruit garden, and a flower garden. These four pieces were written in the form of a story about a teacher and his students strolling around the gardens discussing what they saw and how to grow vegetables, fruit trees and fruit bushes, and flowers. Feragen followed up these pieces with an article in the teachers’ journal Den norske Folkeskole [The Norwegian Primary School] in which he argued that basic gardening knowledge ought to be included in the teacher training curriculum. School gardening in Norway started with Feragen’s own gardens surrounding his school in Holt in Agder, clearly the very gardens he described in his pieces in the reader.
Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia; 2021, 21; 7-13
Pojawia się w:
Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ślązacy a teoria sztuki ogrodniczej od XVI do XVIII w. w świetle zbiorów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu
The Silesians and theories of garden art from the 16th to the 18th century with new research from the Wroclaw University Library collection
Brzezowski, W.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
sztuka ogrodowa
O randze, jaką nadawano ogrodom w okresie renesansu i baroku, świadczyć mogą nie tylko realizacje, ale także liczba poświęconych im traktatów. W kolekcji starodruków Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu znajduje się pokaźny zbiór dzieł poświęconych agronomii, botanice i sztuce ogrodowej. Znaczna ich część była w użyciu na Śląsku w XVII i XVIII w., pochodzą one bowiem ze zbiorów dawnych bibliotek wrocławskich czy śląskich bibliotek klasztornych. Ale Ślązacy byli nie tylko biernymi odbiorcami dzieł poświęconych ogrodom, mieli także swój udział w rozpowszechnianiu wiedzy o sztuce ogrodniczej. Już w 1590 r. ukazało się dzieło poświęcone agronomii autorstwa Martina Grossera, proboszcza z podwrocławskiej miejscowości Szewce (Schewitz). W 1664 r. wydano w Brzegu traktat Johanna Christofa Hibnera, ogrodnika książęcego w Oławie, zatytułowany Horticultura [...]. Znajduje się tam pierwsza w historii Śląska wzmianka o ziemniaku. Praca ta zawiera także wykaz roślin ogrodowych zajmujący ponad 40 stron. Wydaje się mało prawdopodobne, by w owym czasie wszystkie z wymienionych przez Hibnera roślin były uprawiane w Śląskich ogrodach i tekst ten jest raczej wyrazem idealnej wizji. Niemniej miał on niewątpliwy wpływ na rozpowszechnienie nowych tendencji w sztuce ogrodowej. Podobną funkcję pełniło drugie z XVII-wiecznych dzieł śląskich ogrodników – opublikowany w 1692 r. traktat Georga Herbsta Des Schlesischen Gärtners Lustiger Spatziergang. Autor pełnił funkcję ogrodnika księcia oleśnickiego Christiana Ulricha von Würtemberga. Wydarzeniem wykraczającym poza teren Śląska było wydanie we Wrocławiu w 1708 r. niemieckiego tłumaczenia dzieła Curiositez de la nature et de l’art sur la végétation, którego autorem był Pierre le Lorrain de Vallemont. Tłumaczem dzieła był członek wrocławskiej rady miejskiej Ferdinand Ludwig von Breßler und Aschenburg. Wymienić tu także trzeba wydrukowane w 1727 r. w drukarni wrocławskiego kolegium jezuickiego poświęcone ogrodnictwu dzieło Jacques’a Vanière’a Praedium rusticum. We wrocławskich zbiorach znajduje się obecnie także wiele innych traktatów ogrodniczych. Znaki własnościowe i dawne numery inwentarzowe wskazują, że większość z nich należała do dawnych bibliotek śląskich, a więc była tu znana i z całą pewnością oddziaływała na poziom sztuki ogrodniczej na Śląsku.
The importance endowed upon gardens in the period of the Renaissance and the Baroque may be witnessed not only in realizations but also in the number of treatises devoted to them. In the collection of old prints of the Wroclaw University Library there is a substantial collection of works devoted to agronomy, botany and garden art. A considerable part of them was used in Silesia in the 17th and 18th centuries, as they originate from collections of old Wroclaw libraries or Silesian monastic libraries. But the Silesians were not only passive recipients of works devoted to gardens, they also participated in propagating the knowledge of garden art. As early as 1590 there appeared a work devoted to agronomy, whose author was Martin Grosser, a parish priest from Szewce (Schewitz) near Wroclaw. The treatise of Johan Christof Hibner, Horticultura [...], was published in 1664. Hibner was a gardener of the duke of Oława. For the first time in the history of Silesia the potato was mentioned in this work. It also contains a register of garden plants of over 40 pages. However, it seems hardly possible that at that time all the plants mentioned by Hibner were cultivated in Silesian gardens and this text is more of an expression of an ideal vision, nevertheless, no doubt, it had an influence on spreading new tendencies in the art of gardening. A similar function was performed by another 17th century work of Silesian gardeners – the treatise of Georg Herbst Des Schlesischen Gartners Lustiger Spatziergang, published in 1692. The author performed the function of the gardener of duke Christian Ulrich von Würtemberg. An event which went beyond the area of Silesia was the publishing in Wrocław in 1708 the German translation of the work called Curiositez de la nature et de l’art sur la végétation, written by Pierre le Lorrain de Vallemont. The translation of this work was carried out by Ferdinand Ludwig von Bresler und Aschenburg, a member of the Wrocław municipal counsel. The work of Jacques Vanière Praedium rusticum devoted to gardening and published in 1727 by the printing house of the Jesuit College, should also be mentioned here. There are many other garden treatises in the collections of Wrocław. Ownership signs and one-time inventory numbers indicate that most of them belonged to former Silesian libraries and so this points to the fact that it was known and with all certainty influenced the art of gardening in Silesia.
Architectus; 2013, 1(33); 3-10
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gardening the City: Neighbourliness and Appropriation of the Common Spaces in Bulgaria
Zlatkova, Meglena Ivanova
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
urban gardening
inhabiting spaces
Gardening the City: Neighbourliness and Appropriation of the Common Spaces in BulgariaThe paper discusses the forms of public-private space division in a postcosialist Bulgarian city as everyday practices of inhabiting and appropriation of the common spaces in one neighborhood of Plovdiv. The anthropological research of the urban spaces includes a long term observation of the everyday practices in the city of socialism, the city in transition and the changed cities nowadays, following the line of the changing boundaries, distinction and expression of the public and private, common and individual.The cases of particular interest in my research are the forms of transgression of the physical borders and social boundaries as well as establishing new ones, according to the changing identities, social hierarchies, power relations, forms of social solidarity and networking and investment in social capital. The paper presents cases of blurring borders and boundaries as urban discourses – of the socialist city, the city in transition and the other – the city after 2007 when Bulgaria joined the EU. These cases are studied on the base of the everyday practices of urban gardening in common spaces – around block of flats, on the windowed balconies and small gardens (vegetable plots) in the town outskirts. Uprawianie miasta: sąsiedzkość i zawłaszczanie przestrzeni wspólnej w BułgariiArtykuł omawia formy publiczno-prywatnego podziału przestrzeni w postsocjalistycznym mieście bułgarskim jako codzienne praktyki zamieszkiwania i zawłaszczania przestrzeni wspólnej na jednym z osiedli w Płowdiw. Antropologiczne badanie przestrzeni miejskiej koncentruje się na długookresowej obserwacji codziennych praktyk w mieście socjalistycznym, następnie przechodzącym okres transformacji, a wreszcie w mieście współczesnym, idąc za zmieniającą się linią granic, rozróżnieniem i wyrażaniem się publicznego i prywatnego, wspólnego i indywidualnego.Uwaga autorki skupia się szczególnie na formach transgresji fizycznych i społecznych granic oraz na tworzeniu nowych zgodnie ze zmieniającymi się tożsamościami, hierarchią społeczną, relacjami władzy, formami solidarności społecznej, usieciowieniem oraz inwestycjami w kapitał społeczny. W artykule omówiono przypadki naruszenia granic oraz podziały jako dyskursy miejskie – o mieście socjalistycznym, mieście transformacji i inne, tworzone po 2007 roku po wstąpieniu Bułgarii do UE. Przypadki te badano w perspektywie codziennych praktyk miejskiego ogrodnictwa prowadzonego w przestrzeni wspólnej, wokół bloków, na balkonach i w ogródkach na obrzeżach miasta.
Colloquia Humanistica; 2015, 4
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Humanistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spin-farming - a tool for rural development
Spin-farming - narzędzie rozwoju obszarów wiejskich
Deak, Z.
Ferencz, A.
Data publikacji:
The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
spin farming
rural development
local product
gardening production
The current research paper takes a look at back-yard gardening practices within the Serbian- Hungarian border region with the intention to evaluate the role of the inner settlement gardens in rural development through promoting self-sufficiency and potential commercialization. The project aims to explore possibilities for promoting spin farming as a tool for development in rural communities by exploiting unused capacities, encouraging local and household self-sufficiency, generating supplemental income and popularizing traditional, hand-crafted, local and bio-products. Results of the survey conducted in the area are presented along with possible future actions utilizing information obtained during the project.
Celem artykułu jest próba oceny możliwości i roli ogrodów przydomowych w zaspokajaniu potrzeb ich właścicieli i możliwości potencjalnej komercjalizacji. Badanie przeprowadzono jako analizę porównawczą dla wybranych terenów Węgier i Serbii. Stwierdzono, że uprawa ogrodów przydomowych może znacząco zaspokajać potrzeby domowników na owoce i warzywa oraz być dobrym źródłem generowania dodatkowych dochodów.
Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu; 2016, 18, 3
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ogród Europy – Valtice-Lednice
European Garden - Valtice-Lednice
Liszewski, M.
Wodzicki, R.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
sztuka ogrodowa
gardening art
Gardening art is an important element of the national culture of various countries but it is also a common European heritage. A good example supporting that thesis is the landscape complex Valtice-Lednice, situated in Moravia in the Czech Republic. This 150 ha area on the border of Czech, Slovakia and Austria was for almost 700 years shaped by the Liechtenstein family. The power of the family progressed throughout years and found its emanation in a form of a bombast palace in Valtanice which became the main seat of the family in 1608. Lednice, situated 7 km farther, were a summer estate of princes. Experiments on gardening art were run in the park situated there. At the beginning of the 17th century Charles the 1st starts, and his son continues the rebuilding of the palace in Lednica and development of a garden in a baroque style. Supervised by European experts in the field of architecture and gardening art, terraces richly decorated with flower beds, sculptures and fountains. At the end of the 17th century, Fisher von Erlach builds a manieristic building of a Riding School in the surroundings of a baroque palace. In the 18th century, the park was reorganized in a French baroque style, according to rules by Le Nôtre, reducing decorative flower beds and opening visual axes to the surrounding landscape. Also in that period were created the first elements (i.e. monumental lane) which connect Valtice and Lednice in one vast area of a landscape park. The important changes in Lednice occur in 1805-1811, when prince John Joseph he 1st, with a great amount of funds and work, creates an enormous pond with islands in the park and the river Dyje runs along a different bed. In that period the whole area between Lednice and Valtice is connected into one complex of a landscape park, created a so-called decorative farm, where usable and decorative functions of the garden were skillfully connected. In the middle of the 19th century the palace in Lednice is rebuilt in the English neo-gothic style. A orangery of cast iron was also created where a rich collection of tropical plants was placed. For creating an appropriate surrounding, the next owner of the estate ? John Joseph the 2nd- buys, and next demolishes a part of a village to the south of the palace, where a baroque garden is created according to the design of Florentine, Vicenzo Michelli. The garden is divided by two main axes, vertical to each other. Among flower beds and bosquets, two collections of plants were founded: rosary on the east side and pintum ( a collection of pine trees), and arboretum and perrenial garden on the west. A precursory method to replant trees of considerable sizes was used to prevent the differences in age and height of the trees in comparison to the rest of the park. Valtice-Lednice complex can be divided in two parts: sentimental part-garden set in Lednice and the remaining area, shaped into a romantic landscape park. The whole is preserved in good shape and in 1996 both places together with their surroundings were included on the List of World Heritage of Culture and Nature UNESCO.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2006, 3-4; 42-47
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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