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Role dla opłakujących stratę – Dzień przed końcem świata Aleksandra Jurewicza i Umarł mi Ingi Iwasiów
Roles for Sorrowing after Loss. – Day Before the End of the World by Aleksander Jurewicz and He Passed Away by Inga Iwasiów
Czyżak, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
gender parting rituals
loss experience
burial tradition
The main aim of the article is recognition of current manners of transforming deep sorrow after loss of relatives in literature. The theme of two novels written by polish authors – man and woman – in 21st century is death of their fathers. Preparing for funerals intensifies mourning and recalls memories of the past. Those experiences demand expression. Interpretations of two autobiografical novels prove that the traditional roles for sorrowing after loss which were highly dependent on gender, later in 20th century were submitted certain changes and this process accelerate. Strong feelings of mourning belong to human being, The ways of manifesting those feeligs are connected with gender but are not entirely determined by this category.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2016, 11; 307-317
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Permanencia ritual y práctica religiosa barroca. Mentalidades sacralizadas: morir en Castilla
The Perseverance of Baroque Rituals and Religious Practices Sacralisation of Attitudes towards Death in Castile
Trwałość barokowych rytuałów i praktyk religijnych. Sakralizacja postaw wobec śmierci w Kastylii
García, Máximo
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
barokowe rytuały i praktyki religijne
uroczystości pogrzebowe
Sobór Trydencki
Baroque rituals and religious practices
funeral rites and celebrations
Council of Trent
Wprowadzenie postanowień Soboru Trydenckiego spowodowało cały szereg zmian praktyk rytualnych najpierw w samej Hiszpanii, później także w jej zamorskich posiadłościach. Część tych praktyk, szczególnie na terenach wiejskich, trwała nieprzerwania, a ich zmiany następowały przez wieki. Wiele hiszpańskich i amerykańskich praktyk pogrzebowych jeszcze w XIX wieku ujawniało posoborowe rytuały. W religijności ludowej, aż po początek XX stulecia zachowała się charakterystyczna dla baroku widowiskowość uroczystości pogrzebowych iszereg innych rytuałów związanych ze śmiercią.
The implementation of the decrees of the Council of Trent brought about significant changes in the religious rituals. These emerged first in Spain, but were later on passed onto the overseas territories under Spanish control. Some of these rituals were performed continuously throughout ages – especially among the rural communities – and they were subject to gradual modifications by each generation of believers. In the 19th century, many of the Spanish and American funeral rituals still betrayed their Tridentine roots. Up until the turn of the 20th century, forms of folk piety had preserved the spectacular theatrical nature of the funeral as well as of other religious rituals related to death.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2012, 60, 2; 43-78
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Monety z cmentarzyska w Gieczu, stanowisko 4, jako źródło do badań obrzędów funeralnych
Coins from the burial ground in Giecz, site 4, as a source for the research of funeral rituals
Indycka, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy
zwyczaje pogrzebowe
wczesnośredniowieczne cmentarzysko
XI–XIII wiek
funeral rituals
early medieval burial grounds
11th–13th century
The article presents the results of the analyses of coins, which were found during excavation works on the early medieval skeleton cemetery in Giecz (site 4). 281 graves were uncovered and examined there, among which were the ones with coins. The conducted archaeological and numismatic analyses refer to funeral rituals, chronology of the burial ground and various cultural phenomena connected with coins. The obtained data indicate that the ritual of depositing coins with the dead at the cemetery located next to the castle-town in Giecz appeared over half century after converting to the new religion and continued for 200 years. On the basis of the conducted analysis it can be stated that the coins were placed with the dead regardless of their sex or age at the moment of death. The deceased were buried in the same way as the majority of the decedents at the burial grounds; their graves did not stand alone. With the exception of the shears, no other special objects were placed in them and no two groups of graves of the same type were registered. Graves with coins, regardless of their orientation as well as sex and age of the individuals buried in them, and regardless of the chronology of the coins which they contained, were placed on the entire burial ground. They were orientated similarly to the majority of graves. The relationship between the type of coin and the grave’s orientation, where the coins were put, was not identified. The complete coins were placed in graves and these included almost exclusively saxon cross coins and princely denars. The custom of placing coins in graves was probably restricted to the elite groups which were in the possession of coins. At the present stage of research one could risk saying that it also showed the bonds connecting members of the family. It is possible that families had their quarters “assigned” at this cemetery, which can be reflected in graves with coins of different chronology located next to each other. The family bonds can also be indicated by the coins minted with the same stamps, which were found in the graves. The archaeological analysis of graves with coins also brought crucial data, which can be pertained to the stages of the functioning of the burial ground. It has been pointed out that in the third decade of the 11th century the custom of placing coins in graves appeared in Giecz. However, it was not prevalent in those days and was probably limited to a small group of the local community which was in the possession of money in the period when the monetary economy had just started to popularize [Łosiński 1991: 251–257]. Presumably the first coins, which were placed in graves of both segments after the incursion of Bretislav, are the cross denars type V, which were first issued in 1060. The research also revealed that in both periods when the burial ground was in use, at least two of its segments were occupied simultaneously. The coins manifested, among other things, power, prestige, wealth and religious content [Kiersnowski 1988: 38; Dzieduszycki 1995: 85–86]. The coins spread, among other ways, through wealth redistribution [Dzieduszycki 1995: 64–69]. The presence of coins in graves — the symbols of wealth and glamour, of which a small piece was placed with a deceased member of the family — despite the absence of other “precious” objects, points to the high social status of both the buried individuals and the contributor. In the research concerning the importance of coins in graves, the iconography of coins attracts attention, especially the religious symbols visible on them [Kiersnowski 1988: 314– 326; 170, 378–379]. Such varied images of a cross and saints can also be found on coins from Giecz. Therefore, it can be assumed that some of the coins were placed with the deceased as a confession of their faith and/or an offering to the Creator. It could be possible that the coins in the youngest children’s graves were their baptism certificate. Only one object from a grave which depicted religious symbols has been identified so far. It was a metal pendant. Its décor presents a miniature Maiestas Crucis, derivative from the pattern known from cards and the covers of Carolingian and Ottonian books [Indycka 2017]. Hence, the coins found in the graves should be included in the group of objects which express the Christian ideology. Diverse aspects of belief in the magic of coins show that the living could have multiple motives for placing coins with the deceased member of the family and community [Miechowicz 2006: 149–153]. Further analyses of the coins minted with the same stamps may lead to the research concerning the origins and distribution of the coins [Paszkiewicz 2015: 237]. The presence of coins in graves, with different periods of emission, brings data concerning the period of their circulation [Suchodolski 2016: 184], as well as their hoarding [Dzieduszycki 1995: 73–78]. The above considerations also point to the family bonds. Due to numismatic and archaeological analyses, the data concerning various cultural phenomena related to coins and funeral rituals and their chronology was obtained. The remarks concerning the usefulness of coins in social analyses, both in the aspect of social hierarchy and family bonds of the Giecz community, are also crucial. However, almost all the issues mentioned in the present article require further interdisciplinary research and profound comparative studies.
Studia Lednickie; 2019, 18; 207-243
Pojawia się w:
Studia Lednickie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ponowoczesne gry w przestrzeni tanatycznej, czyli o zmianach w kulturze pochówku w Polsce
Karnat, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii
funeral rituals
funeral industry
commodification of death
a burial
Postmodern games in thanatic space, or changes in the burial culture in Poland: The present article deals with burial culture in Poland and more exactly with its fundamental elements within the context of their permanence and changeability. Beside recourse to the main currents of the discussed publication, the text shows the appearance of new phenomena linked to the formulating anew of the experience of death and its placement within the postmodern landscape, one marked by the high dynamism of processes, fragmentariness, and a dispersal and detachment from traditionalism. Even though burial cultural in Poland is still extremely strongly marked by tradition and is characterised by a significant stability (the permanence of models and schemes), it is possible to notice within it new phenomena that may be directly linked to consumer culture and the global popularisation of these models. Tendencies to search for new forms of rites and the creation of new rituals, which through their nature will correspond to the postmodern experience of death, are becoming stronger. On the one hand, this may point to an overcoming of the experience of a confrontation with death, while on the other, it constitutes an expression of contemporary games in a space designated by Thanatos. One may state that following the emotional neutrality that was characteristic for the objective and rationalised social relations within modernity, postmodernity liberates new possibilities of expression connected with the act of saying one’s farewells to a dead person. These may be original and unique at times, other times merely copied and applied as the set models and schemes of the funeral industry. As a consequence the symbolic sphere and some of the rituals accompanying burial allows for the staging of an individual, objective and original burial act on the one hand, while on the other, for a succumbing to commercialisation and entrance into the on-going process of funeral service market-focusing, and of a more economical orientation towards death.
ARGUMENT: Biannual Philosophical Journal; 2017, 7, 2; 365-381
Pojawia się w:
ARGUMENT: Biannual Philosophical Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcje duszy i zaświatów w obrzędach pogrzebowych i zaduszkowych
The Concepts of the Soul and the Other-World in Polish Funeral and all Souls’ Day Rites
Kupisiński, Zdzisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
tradycja ludowa
pamięć o zmarłych
duchy przodków
folk tradition
rituals and folk beliefs
memory of the dead
spirits of the ancestors
Artykuł podejmuje kwestię wizji duszy w wyobraźni ludowej podczas obrzędów pogrzebowych i zaduszkowych w Polsce. Zagadnienie zostało opracowane na podstawie etnograficznych badań terenowych nad obrzędowością pogrzebową i zaduszkową, przeprowadzonych przez autora w Opoczyńskiem i Radomskiem w latach 1995-2005, odwołano się także do literatury etnologicznej opisującej podejmowane zagadnienia w innych regionach Polski. Opracowanie składa się z trzech paragrafów: pierwszy przedstawia wyobrażenia o duszy w wierzeniach ludowych, drugi umieranie i obrzędy pogrzebowe, w trzecim zaprezentowano pamięć o zmarłych w obrzędowości dorocznej. Mieszkańcy Polski to w większości katolicy. Wierzą oni, że dusza ludzka jest nieśmiertelna. Dla nich śmierć nie jest końcem życia, ale jego kontynuacją, tylko w innej rzeczywistości. W świadomości ludowej zaraz po śmierci człowieka jego dusza staje przed Bogiem Sędzią na tzw. sąd szczegółowy. Zgodnie z wyrokiem owego sądu dusza może znaleźć się w czyśćcu, niebie lub piekle. Wszystkie obrzędy ludowe i czuwanie modlitewne przy zmarłym podporządkowane są jednemu celowi: aby pomóc duszy zmarłego przejść przez próg śmierci i osiągnąć stan szczęśliwości w niebie. Pamięć o zmarłym trwa przez cały rok. Widoczne jest to w dorocznej obrzędowości ludowej, gdzie zaprasza się dusze zmarłych na uroczystości rodzinne, przygotowując dla nich ulubione potrawy i zachowując względem nich określone przez tradycję kanony postępowania. Obecnie daje się dowody pamięci o duszach poprzez nawiedzanie mogił zmarłych celem przyozdobienia ich kwiatami i zapalenia na nich zniczy, oznaczających światłość świata. Dusze zmarłych poleca się pamięci modlitewnej zarówno prywatnie przez poszczególne osoby, jak i wspólnotowo, zamawiając w ich intencji Msze św., aby pomóc im osiągnąć stan szczęśliwości w niebie.
The article discussed the issue of the soul in the folk imagination during mortuary and funeral rituals in Poland. The topic has been developed based on both ethnographic field research of funeral and All Souls’ Day rituals conducted by the author in Radom and Opoczno regions in years 1995-2005, and the relevant literature. The article consists of three paragraphs: the first discusses beliefs about the soul in folk beliefs, the second – death and funeral rites, and the third focuses on remembering the dead in the annual rites. Most Polish people are Catholics, and they believe that the human soul is immortal. For them, death is not the end of life, but its continuation in a different reality. In the popular consciousness just after the death of a man, his soul appears before God the Judge for the so-called Particular Judgement. Depending on the judgment of the court, the soul can be send to the purgatory, heaven or hell. All folk rituals and prayer vigil at the dead are subordinated to this goal: to help the soul of the deceased to pass through the threshold of death and achieve a state of happiness in heaven. The memory of the dead continues throughout the year. This is evident in the annual folk rituals, where the souls of the dead are invited to family celebrations, their favorite food is prepared and people’s behavior towards them is defined by traditional canons of conduct. Nowadays evidence of the memory about the souls is given through the visits to the graves of dead, in order to decorate them with flowers and light the votive candles, signifying the light of the world. The souls of the dead are remembered in private and community prayers. Masses are also ordered in their intention to help souls in purgatory to attain a state of eternal happiness in heaven.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2016, 63, 9; 143-161
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie włosów w obrzędach żałobnych wybranych kultur antycznych: grecko-rzymskiej i egipskiej
Hair in the Mourning Rites of Selected Ancient Cultures: Greco- Roman and Egyptian
Liwoch, Beata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
funeral rituals
Hair carried a significant symbolic value among the cultures of ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt. In this article I analyse the connection between hair and funeral customs, ceremonies and the mourning. Firstly I discuss Greek and Roman rituals. Subsequently I try to confront mentioned notions with Egyptian culture. Main rituals that undergo comparison are: shaving, cutting, growing and letting hair loose. I also try to explain these ceremonial gestures. In the analysis that I carried out I use examples of literary nature as well as historic ones.
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy; 2014, 1; 103-115
Pojawia się w:
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Burial rituals and cultural changes in the polish community – a qualitative study
Pietkiewicz, Igor
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
death & dying
burial rituals
death ceremonies
rituals of passage
The aim of this study was to explore cultural factors affecting burial rituals in Poland. Thirty-four university students collected data from their relatives and created written narratives about deaths in their families or community. Ten additional interviews were conducted with community members, a priest, and medical personnel as part of theoretical sampling and verifi cation of emerging theories. The qualitative material was administered with NVivo and analysed using the Grounded Theory techniques to produce a complex description of folk beliefs, superstitions, as well as symbolic and psychological meaning ascribed to traditional customs. Some of the practices were found susceptible to extinction due to industrialisation, globalisation, and cultural development.
Polish Psychological Bulletin; 2012, 43, 4; 288-309
Pojawia się w:
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pogrzeb w islamie
A Funeral in Islam
Raszkiewicz, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Księży Werbistów Verbinum
tradycja muzułmańska
Muslim tradition
Życie doczesne według muzułmanina jest przemijającym darem od Allaha. Rola bliskich w momencie konania, śmierci i pogrzebu muzułmanina ma ogromne znaczenie. W momencie konania umierającemu powtarza się wyznanie wiary i nakłania, by sam je powtarzał. Po ustaniu funkcji życiowych ciało zmarłego układa się na prawym boku twarzą zwróconą w kierunku Mekki oraz przystępuje do rytualnego oczyszczenia i przygotowania do pochówku. Jeżeli zmarły miał jakiś dług – należy go uregulować. Po obmyciu ciało zmarłego owija się w całun. Pogrzeb należy przeprowadzić w ciągu doby po zgonie. Po dokonanej ablucji następuje modlitwa zgodna z zaleceniami Koranu. Ciało zanosi się na cmentarz i składa się do grobowca w taki sposób, żeby twarz była zwrócona w kierunki Mekki. Nagrobki muzułmańskie są bardzo skromne, bez zbędnych dekoracji i kwiatów. Następnego dnia najbliżsi krewni zmarłego muszą rozdać jałmużnę i dopiero wtedy otrzymać od innych kondolencje.
A Muslim’s earthly life is a fading gift from Allah. The role of the closes relatives while dying, during the death and a funeral – is very significant. While a Muslim is dying, the family repeats profession of faith and persuade the dying to do that as well. After the vital functions stopped, the body is put in the position on the right side with the face towards Mecca and the ritual ablution and the preparations to the funeral begin. If the dead person had any debt – it must be settled. After the ablution, the body is covered with a shroud. The funeral must be processed within 24 hours after death. After the ablution, a prayer is conducted in accordance with the Qur’an’s regulations. The body is brought to the cemetery and put to the tomb with the face towards Mecca. Muslim tombstones are very modest; there are no unnecessary decorations or flowers. The next day, the closest relatives must distribute the alms and only then they are allowed to receive the condolences.
Nurt SVD; 2013, Wydanie specjalne 2013; 147-151
Pojawia się w:
Nurt SVD
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stanowisko władz komunistycznych w latach siedemdziesiątych XX wieku... w zakresie cmentarnictwa wyznaniowego i komunalnego
The position of the communist regime on the religious and communal cemeteries in the 1970s.
Rogowska, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
People’s Republic of Poland’s religious policy secular rituals
funeral sphere
Roman Catholic Church
funeral rites
secular ceremonies
The government of the People’s Republic of Poland’s policy in the 1970s. on the religious and communal cemeteries was in accordance with the sectoral religious policy and laicization policy. It was dependent on the acquired political strategy and the law ensuring the safety and good health of the citizens. There had been many difficulties in the field of popularization of secular funeral rites. Despite developing a secular funeral ceremony and preparing a technical infrastructure there was one constant barrier: common religiosity of the people. It can be said that the complexity of the secularization processes, rooted religious traditions, and weakly developed services in the range of secular rituals were the most important difficulties.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Politologica; 2014, 13; 75-93
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Politologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Каляндарныя памiнальныя абрады беларусаў Падзвiння (па матэрыялах ХIХ – пачатку ХХI стст.)
Tradycyjne obrzędy żałobne Białorusinów (od XIX do początków XXI wieku)
Traditional calendar funeral rituals of Belarusian people (the period from the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century)
Аўсейчык, Уладзiмiр
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
kultura tradycyjna
kalendarz narodowy
obrzędowość żałobna
Dzień Zmarłych
Zielone Świątki
traditional culture
national calendar
funeral rituals
all souls’ day
Na podstawie materiału badawczego obejmującego okres od XIX do początków XXI wieku omówiono tradycyjne żałobne obrzędy Białorusinów. Przeanalizowano żałobną tradycję na Dzień Zmarłych, Zielone Świątki, „Radanica” i Wielkanoc. Scharakteryzowano warianty nazw obrzędów, wskazano na ich cechy regionalne oraz lokalne różnice, opisano chronologię obrzędów i ich stan współczesny. Wyniki badań mogą zostać wykorzystane przy analizie światopoglądu i wierzeń Białorusinów, jak również przy rozwiązywaniu problemów natury etycznej związanych z historią regionu.
The article discusses traditional calendar funeral rituals of Belarusian people based on ethnographic material of the period from the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century. Such traditions as All Souls’ Day, Pentecost, “Radanitsa” and Easter have been described. The author describes varieties of ritual names their regional and distinctive features, an order of ritual activities, and their modern form. The results of the analysis are useful not only to show ideals and beliefs of Belarusians, but also to solve ethical problems connected with the history of the region.
Białorutenistyka Białostocka; 2015, 7; 313-331
Pojawia się w:
Białorutenistyka Białostocka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Каляндарныя памiнальныя абрады беларусаў Падзвiння (па матэрыялах ХIХ – пачатку ХХI стст.)
Tradycyjne obrzędy żałobne Białorusinów (od XIX do początków XXI wieku)
Traditional calendar funeral rituals of Belarusian people (the period from the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century)
Аўсейчык, Уладзiмiр
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
kultura tradycyjna
kalendarz narodowy
obrzędowość żałobna
Dzień Zmarłych
Zielone Świątki
traditional culture
national calendar
funeral rituals
All Souls’ Day
Na podstawie materiału badawczego obejmującego okres od XIX do początków XXI wieku omówiono tradycyjne żałobne obrzędy Białorusinów. Przeanalizowano żałobną tradycję na Dzień Zmarłych, Zielone Świątki, „Radanica” i Wielkanoc. Scharakteryzowano warianty nazw obrzędów, wskazano na ich cechy regionalne oraz lokalne różnice, opisano chronologię obrzędów i ich stan współczesny. Wyniki badań mogą zostać wykorzystane przy analizie światopoglądu i wierzeń Białorusinów, jak również przy rozwiązywaniu problemów natury etycznej związanych z historią regionu.
The article discusses traditional calendar funeral rituals of Belarusian people based on ethnographic material of the period from the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century. Such traditions as All Souls’ Day, Pentecost, “Radanitsa” and Easter have been described. The author describes varieties of ritual names their regional and distinctive features, an order of ritual activities, and their modern form. The results of the analysis are useful not only to show ideals and beliefs of Belarusians, but also to solve ethical problems connected with the history of the region.
Białorutenistyka Białostocka; 2015; 313-331
Pojawia się w:
Białorutenistyka Białostocka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-11 z 11

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