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Konstytucyjna zasada wolności mediów w świetle niezależności wymiaru sprawiedliwości i niezawisłości sędziów w RP
The constitutional principle of media Freedom in the light of the independence of The judiciary and judges in the republic of Poland
Olesiejuk, Renata
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
wolność mediów
wymiar sprawiedliwości
Konstytucja RP
freedom of the media
justice system
the Constitution of the Republic of Poland
Wolność mediów jest postrzegana jako za jeden z imperatywów polityki państw demokratycznych. Zasada ta, wyrażając ogólne wartości, wyznacza granice konstytucyjne, w obrębie których przebiega proces stanowienia i wykonywania prawa, w tym sprawowania wymiaru sprawiedliwości w sądach, jest źródłem zobowiązania aparatu państwowego do ważenia dóbr i wdrażania norm konstytucyjnych. Filarami wolności mediów są: wolność słowa i prawo do informacji o organach państwa. Wolność ta nie może być uważana za absolutną, toteż doznaje niejednokrotnie pewnych ograniczeń. Takie ograniczenia bywają konieczne w przypadku realizowania dziennikarstwa w obszarze władzy sądowniczej wykonywanej w sądach, z uwagi na realizację konstytucyjnych zasad niezależności sądów i niezawisłości sędziów. Państwo zobowiązane jest zatem ważyć konkurujące ze sobą dobra i podejmować indywidualne decyzje w zgodzie z obowiązującym prawem.
Freedom of the media is considered to be one of the imperatives of the policy of democratic countries. This principle, expressing general values, sets constitutional boundaries within which the process of establishing and executing the law, including the administration of justice in courts, is the source of the obligation of the state apparatus to weigh goods and implement constitutional norms. The pillars freedom of the media are: freedom of speech and the right to information about state organs. This freedom cannot be considered absolute, therefore it is often subject to certain limitations. Such limitations are sometimes necessary in the area of judiciary power exercised in courts, due to the implementation of the constitutional principles of the independence of courts and of judges. The judiciary is obliged to make fair individual decisions in accordance with the applicable law.
Społeczeństwo i Polityka; 2022, 2(71); 107-120
Pojawia się w:
Społeczeństwo i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Preferencje polityczne a wolność słowa
Political preferences and freedom of speech
Wichura, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Śląski. Wydział Nauk Społecznych
freedom of speech
freedom of expression
the media in Poland
In Poland, the way to make the constitutional basis of freedom of speech and freedom of the media opened up with breakthrough systemic taking place in 1989. Today it is sanctioned under the Constitution of 1997 (article 14 expresses the freedom of media and article 54 regulates freedom of expression) and a matter of law on the National Council of Radio and Television. The need for free media market, free flow of information and opinions and the need to protect it with a functioning system of judicial instruments – domestic and international – is now the standard functioning of democratic states. If what is more free speech – mainly implemented by means of mass communication is a real value and perform proper function in society – the mass media must be able to operate without restrictions or influence by external actors. Only then they will be able to inform the public about the socio-political events in the most objective way. Everyone has the right to express their thoughts, whether in private life, whether in public life. In addition, each sentence of the people must be respected, even if someone disagrees with him. This rule is reflected not only in Polish law (both in terms of the Constitution and ordinary laws) but also in the program documents, demands and actions of all major Polish political scene at the party. On the basis of the current legal regulations, political parties have the ability to access public radio and television, which have an impact on the implementation of the constitutional right of freedom of expression in practice. For this example, an object of study focused on two levels of analysis, in relation to the p arliamentary elections of 2011 and in the context of political ideology. The analysis of empirical data on two key issues: the use of freedom of speech by the media in Poland and protection of the constitutional right of free speech by the Polish political parties.
Political Preferences; 2012, 3; 77-89
Pojawia się w:
Political Preferences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauka Kościoła o roli mediów w społeczeństwie
Maciaszek, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
teaching of the Catholic Church
The Church as a community has the duty to participate in the activity of the media. This duty is enshrined in the legal codex of the community: “The shepherds of the Church are to teach the faithful that they have a duty to cooperate in the work of the media so that these become imbued with the human and Christian spirit”. Those belonging to the Church community should try to ensure that the media are a tool in the promotion of sanctity. This is only possible when the aim of the media message is to present the truth. In the context of the fight for media to present the truth one must fight to portray the freedom of an individual; Jesus taught clearly that: “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (St John 8: 32). So if the truth is to set us free, one needs to be free to accept it. The correct understanding of freedom is then the beginning of the educational attitude towards media and their duties. From the point of view of Christianity, freedom is a well-thought and discriminating choice of everything that is good, beautiful and truthful. The Catholic Church in its considered opinion of the mass media saw it, primarily, as a tool of evangelization. The new media and computerization give potentially an unlimited opportunity of proclaiming the message of salvation. The Church must remember that contemporary society most frequently bases its idea of the world and the purpose of life on the teachings of the media. That is why it is important that the message of salvation becomes part of that media experience. The priestly ministry in the world of computers should show this era, the era of faithless humanity, that God is close to every person, and that in Christ everyone belongs to each other.
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze; 2012, 55, 3; 24-34
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Blog Registration in the Light of the Constitutional Right of Freedom to Disseminate Information
Rejestracja bloga w świetle konstytucyjnego prawa rozpowszechniania informacji
Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
the new media
the freedom of the press
regulation of new media
economic freedom
nowe media
wolność słowa
regulacja nowych mediów
wolność gospodarcza
The constitutional system in Poland covers one of the most important values which is freedom of speech. Due to the regulatory dualism treating the media market also as an important element of the creative industry, freedom of economic activity becomes important in this area. Currently, the implementation of both of these values is influenced by the development of new technologies, which determine the need to adapt legal regulations to them. The basis for the operation of the media is the freedom of speech referred to in the Art. 14 and 54 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland3. The exercise of these freedoms may be limited in strictly defined situations and must be provided for by law (Art. 31 (3) of the Polish Constitution). Therefore, one cannot speak of an unhampered freedom of action by the media. However, is this rule relevant to the challenges of the changing world and developing virtual reality? In view of modern changes in the principles of creating and using information, the existing rules of media functioning should be verified, without excluding legal instruments which task is to ensure a balance in the relationship between the use of freedom of speech and the protection of its beneficiaries against unauthorized actions. The article presents the issue of the application of the legal instrument of the press title register on the example of a blog4.
System konstytucyjny w Polsce obejmuje swoim zakresem jedną z najważniejszych wartości jaką jest wolność słowa. Ze względu na dualizm regulacyjny traktujący rynek mediów także jako ważny element przemysłu kreatywnego istotna staje się w tym obszarze wolność działalności gospodarczej. Obecnie na realizację obu tych wartości wpływa rozwój nowych technologii, które determinują potrzebę dostosowania do nich regulacji prawnych. Podstawą działania mediów jest wolność słowa, o której mowa w art. 14 i 54 Konstytucji RP. Korzystanie z tych wolności może podlegać ograniczeniom w ściśle określonych sytuacjach i musi być przewidziane przez ustawę (art. 31 ust. 3 Konstytucji RP). Nie można zatem mówić o nieskrępowanej swobodzie działania mediów. Jednak czy ta reguła jest aktualna wobec wyzwań zmieniającego się świata i rozwijającej rzeczywistości wirtualnej? Wobec współczesnych zmian w zasadach tworzenia i korzystania z informacji należy poddać weryfikacji dotychczasowe reguły funkcjonowania mediów, nie wykluczając instrumentów prawnych, których zadaniem jest zapewnienie równowagi w relacji korzystania z wolności słowa i ochrony jej beneficjentów przed nieuprawnionymi działaniami. W artykule zaprezentowano zagadnienie stosowania instrumentu prawnego, jakim jest rejestr tytułu prasowego na przykładzie bloga.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2020, 6 (58); 417-428
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podstawy prawne działania radia, telewizji i innych technicznych nośników przekazu w Szwecji
Stasiak, Ryszarda
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
the fundamental law on freedom of expression
technical media devices
the ordinance on freedom of the press
The subject of this article is the legal basis of the activity of radio, television and other technical media devices in Sweden. The basis of this activity is freedom of expression guaranteed in the act on the instrument of government (Regeringsformen – RF). There are specific constitutional regulations for some forms of expression. Freedom of the press is regulated in the ordinance on freedom of the press (Tryckfrihetsförordningen – TF) and it includes freedom of expression in writing. The fundamental law on freedom of expression (Yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen – YGL) is applicable to other forms of expression like radio, television and other technical devices: film, video, sound records, CD and DVD. The fundamental law on freedom of expression (YGL) is the youngest of the Swedish constitutions and it is modelled on the ordinance on freedom of the press. The basic principles and their construction are the same in both acts. It applies among others to economic freedom in terms of broadcasting programs, prohibition on censorship, the right to provide information and protection of the source of information, catalogue of crimes, one-person liability, separate procedural provisions with the court with a jury. The author points out the leading principles of the fundamental law on freedom of expression: to ensure free exchange of views, free and comprehensive obtaining of information and free artistic output. Every Swedish citizen is entitled to publicly express their thoughts, views, feelings and other information in any field by means of the radio, television or other similar media devices. As a rule the law is applicable if broadcasting of a program takes place from Sweden. The fundamental law on freedom of expression guarantees for every Swedish citizen the right to provide information in any field with a view to it being made public on the radio or in other recordings as well as the right to obtain information with a view to it being passed or made public. A radio program author is entitled to remain anonymous and is not obliged to disclose their identity. In order to ensure the possibility of establishing the person responsible for violation of the fundamental law on freedom of expression it imposes the obligation to indicate the responsible editor (ansvarig utgivare) and made their identity available to the public. This liability comes on a one person basis; in the first place it applies to the editor, next to the person obliged to indicate the editor and finally to the person disseminating the program. The fundamental law on freedom of expression makes numerous references to other acts of law. For example, in terms of principles on placing advertisements and commercial announcements the applicable law is the act on radio and television, in particular regarding product placement and program sponsoring as well as the act on alcohol and the act on tobacco products. The article also describes regulations of the principles concerning granting licenses by the government (granting frequency) or the Office for radio and television. Independent control over the broadcast programs is exercised by the Office for control (and in terms of advertisements also by the Consumer Advocate). Foreign stations are not embraced by the act on radio and television and for this reason they are not subject to the supervision exercised by the Office for control.
Themis Polska Nova; 2014, 1(6); 201-216
Pojawia się w:
Themis Polska Nova
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variations in media freedom: Why do some governments in Central and Eastern Europe respect media freedom more than others
Bajomi-Lázár, Péter
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Komunikacji Społecznej
media capture
media freedom
party colonization of the media
party systems
state capture
It is argued in this paper that the relative defi cit of media freedom in most of Central and Eastern Europe as opposed to the relative freedom of the media in most of Western Europe is ultimately rooted in the specifi cities of the former communist countries’ party systems. Young parties in young democracies lack the resources needed for party building and organization, which they compensate for by colonizing the state and the media and by exploiting state and media resources; party colonization of the media necessarily inhibits media freedom. It is further argued that temporal and spatial variations in media freedom in and across Central and Eastern Europe are explained by diff erent patterns of media colonization. Th e more centralized the governing party’s or parties’ decisionmaking structures, the greater the likelihood of one-party colonization, and the more fragmented the governing party’s or parties’ decision-making structures, the lesser the likelihood of such colonization; one-party colonization of the media leads to lower levels of media freedom than multi-party colonization. In other words, the weaker the government, the more freedom the media have.
Central European Journal of Communication; 2015, 8, 1(14); 4-20
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Communication
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między wolnością i odpowiedzialnością. Poglądy Tomasza Gobana-Klasa na etykę komunikowania
Fiut, Ignacy S.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
media ethics, journalistic ethics, the field of media ethics, freedom, responsibility and communication professionalism
The paper contains an attempt to reconstruct Tomasz Goban-Klas´ views on the ethics of journalism and media. What was first discussed was the central element of the theoretical construction of the ethical field of the media - the triangle: freedom, responsibility and professionalism. Then the evolution of this idea in the context of evolution and social-communication metamorphosis of the media was traced. It has been found that subjectivity of the human being and media institutions has currently changed to such an extent that the most appropriate description and assessment of media ethics will be to show it in the logic of non-zero-sum games as referred to the collective entity creating the media communication system.
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze; 2013, 56, 1
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Misja mediów a pokój w czasach przełomu
Mikos, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
mission of the media
misja mediów
Christianity has one answer for man’s purpose on earth. The mission is the proclamation of the divine message which Jesus Christ brought to earth. From this mission, which is beyond human strength but at human scale at the same time, no person is exempt. How effective can a Christian fulfil this principle, at the same time following the rules of loving their neighbours, respecting freedoms of the individual, creating peace, and proclaiming truth and justice? How to proclaim these values among non‑believers to form the basis for coming together and dialogue? After making order from answers to these questions in the context of the mission of the media; I deep dive on how to adapt these conclusions to communication within the society in transformational times. I ask how the timeless media mission, creating peace, is responding to current times of transformation and competition among different value frameworks. What are the limits of acceptable and unacceptable means by which the media can fulfil their mission? I discuss the militaristic rhetoric, and the tolerable limits of its application. Concluding I propose a „defensive shield” serving as a radar to detect occurrences where compromising on the imperative to do good implicates contradiction of the fundamental mission of the media.
Studia Socialia Cracoviensia; 2017, 9, 1
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socialia Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Media elektroniczne w warunkach zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa i porządku publicznego
Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
media and emergencies and threats
new media
freedom of the speech
limitations of the rights of communication
media i zagrożenia
nowe media
wolność słowa
ograniczenia prawa do komunikowania
The continuous development of technology actually does not allow for the creation of a uniform definition of the media, but the redefinition of the notion of media is necessary. The broadcasters – institutions that have played an essential role have lost their importance as a major player in the media market. They take the position of content providers, and the media users (the auditorium, as widely defined today) and they also do not limit their position to the role of the consumers of the content. Through the availability of various materials, the recipients do not have to be limited now to one broadcaster who can affect the perception of the problem or event. This change was caused by the opportunity of the interaction between the broadcaster and the user. The recipient does not feel just a passive listener, but can actively participate in the creation of media content and thereby substantially influence the content transmission. This issue is important in the situation where the media are required for specific actions, eg. in case of threats and emergencies. The question which arises here is what kinds of media should fullfil such obligations and to what extent you can limit the freedoms and fundamental rights of individuals in the area of communication.
Themis Polska Nova; 2015, 2(9); 115-138
Pojawia się w:
Themis Polska Nova
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kaczmarczyk, Michał
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas
system medialny Irlandii,
prawo prasowe,
wolność prasy,
wolne media
Irish media system,
press law,
freedom of the press,
free media
Pojęcie wolności prasy ściśle związane jest z wolnością wypowiedzi. Wolność mediów stanowi instrument wolności słowa, jest pochodną swobody wyrażania poglądów, niezależności myśli, poglądów, idei i ocen. Wolność mediów możliwa jest tylko wówczas, gdy państwo w sposób realny zapewnia niezależność wypowiedzi, dostęp do rzetelnej informacji, swobodę publikacji oraz wolność działalności wydawniczej. Niezakłócanie wolności mediów przez ingerencję władz publicznych stanowi doniosły element europejskiego standardu demokracji, wpisując się w istotę reżimu liberalno-demokratycznego. Irlandia posiada zdywersyfikowany rynek dzienników i czasopism, tworzony przez podmioty prywatne, działające w oparciu o silnie rozwinięte i zakorzenione w irlandzkiej tradycji prawnej gwarancje swobody działalności gospodarczej. Wolność słowa, z której korzystają także media, została zagwarantowana konstytucyjnie, a do jej ochrony powołano odpowiednie instytucje środowiskowe, broniące prawa mediów do pozyskiwania i rozpowszechniania informacji, ale także stojące na straży poszanowania zasad prawa i etyki dziennikarskiej, łącząc prawo prasy do wyrażania opinii i swobodnego opisywania rzeczywistości z prawem beneficjentów tej działalności (czytelników) do uzyskiwania informacji rzetelnej, prawdziwej, uczciwej i wiarygodnej. Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje próbę scharakteryzowania podstaw prawnych wolności prasy w Irlandii (zarówno krajowych, jak i międzynarodowych) oraz opisania instytucji, które stoją na straży tej wolności, gwarantując prawidłowe funkcjonowanie systemu medialnego jako jednego z podsystemów systemu ogólnospołecznego.
The concept of freedom of the press is closely linked to freedom of expression. Freedom of the media is an instrument of free speech and is derived from the freedom of expression, independence of thought, opinion, ideas and judgement. Freedom of the media is possible only if the state ensures real independence of expression, access to reliable information, freedom of publication and publishing. Respecting media freedom through non-interference by public authorities is an important part of the European standard of democracy, and is aligned with the essence of the liberal democratic regime. Ireland has a diversified market of newspapers and magazines, created by private entities, operating on the basis of well-developed guarantees of freedom of establishment that are deeply rooted in the Irish legal tradition. Freedom of speech, which is also enjoyed by the media, is enshrined in the Constitution, and appropriate institutions have been established to protect it, defending the right of the media to obtain and disseminate information, but also to safeguard the principles of law and ethics in journalism, combining the right of the press to express opinions and freely describe reality with the right of the beneficiaries of this activity (readers) to obtain information that is reliable, true, honest and credible. This article attempts to characterize the legal basis of press freedom in Ireland (both domestic and international) and to describe the institutions that uphold this freedom, ensuring that the media system functions properly as one of the subsystems of the social system.
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa; 2020, 2, XX; 19-44
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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