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Narażenie na czynniki biologiczne w miejscu pracy – badanie wiedzy narażonych pracowników
Occupational exposure to biological agents – a study on knowledge of the exposed workers
Zielińska-Jankiewicz, K.
Kozajda, A.
Szadkowska-Stańczyk, I.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
czynniki biologiczne
narażenie zawodowe
służba zdrowia
oczyszczalnie ścieków
składowiska odpadów
biological agents
occupational exposure
health service
wastewater treatment plants
waste dumps
Celem pracy badawczej była ocena wiedzy wybranych grup zawodowych o rodzajach czynników biologicznych występujących w środowisku pracy, ryzyku związanym z narażeniem na szkodliwości biologiczne, skutkach zdrowotnych wynikających z kontaktu z nimi oraz sposobach i środkach profilaktyki zawodowej. W badaniu przeprowadzonym metodą wywiadu kwestionariuszowego wzięło udział 150 osób z trzech grup zawodowych: służby zdrowia (pracownicy szpitali), służby leśnej oraz służb komunalnych (pracownicy oczyszczalni ścieków i składowiska odpadów). Każda grupa liczyła 50 pracowników. Poziom wiedzy o rodzajach czynników biologicznych obecnych w środowisku pracy oraz o drogach i sposobach zakażenia był w badanej populacji stosunkowo niski. Również wiedza respondentów o chorobach związanych z zawodowym narażeniem na czynniki biologiczne, a zwłaszcza o ich symptomach okazała się powierzchowna. Za najskuteczniejsze sposoby ochrony zdrowia przed szkodliwym wpływem czynników biologicznych obecnych w miejscu pracy badani uznali stosowanie środków ochrony indywidualnej, poddawanie się szczepieniom profilaktycznym oraz przestrzeganie zasad higieny osobistej. Większość respondentów stosowała w praktyce właśnie te sposoby ochrony, które wcześniej wskazała jako skutecznie chroniące przed zachorowaniem. Na podstawie wyników pracy stwierdzono, że badani pracownicy, mimo istotnych braków w wiedzy teoretycznej dotyczącej ryzyka, które jest związane z zawodowym narażeniem na szkodliwości biologiczne, potrafią jednak w praktyce w zadowalający sposób chronić własne zdrowie w trakcie pracy. Ponad połowa badanych stwierdziła, w dokonanej samoocenie wiedzy o zagrożeniach biologicznych obecnych w ich miejscu pracy, że odczuwa niedosyt informacji w tym zakresie i chciałaby je poszerzyć i uzupełnić.
Exposure to biological agents at work may become a serious health hazard to the exposed workers. The aim of the study was to assess knowledge of biological hazards present in the work environment, related health risks and health protection against biological exposure at work among workers of some selected occupational categories. A population of 150 workers, employed in hospitals, a municipal wastewater treatment plant and a waste dump and in forestry, was interviewed via (using) a specially developed questionnaire. Each group comprised 50 workers. The general level of workers` knowledge of occupational biological agents and their health effect on humans (the ways they may influence human organisms, diseases induced by occupational exposure to biohazards and their symptoms) is rather limited in the study groups. Personal protective measures, prophylactic vaccinations and compliance with principles of personal hygiene were considered to be the most effective ways of health protection against exposure to biological agents at work. At the same time those means and ways of health protection were most often used in everyday practice by the majority of exposed workers. About 66 per cent of the studied population stated their knowledge of occupational exposure to biohazards and related health risks was too limited and they would like to widen it for better health protection at work.
Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy; 2004, 3 (41); 41-51
Pojawia się w:
Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena funkcjonowania modeli ryzyka uszkodzenia drzewostanów przez wiatr w górach na przykładzie Tatrzańskiego Parku Narodowego
Assessment of the risk models of the wind damage to the stands in the mountains - the Tatra National Park case study
Zięba, S.
Doleżuchowicz, M.
Banaś, J.
Bujoczek, L.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
lasy gorskie
szkody w lesie
szkody od wiatru
uszkodzenia drzewostanow
modele ryzyka uszkodzenia
Tatrzanski Park Narodowy
norway spruce
damaged from the wind
mountain forests
forestry planning
regional planning
The paper assesses the performance of the risk models of the wind damage to the mountain forest stands located in the Tatra National Park (southern Poland). The models assume that the forest susceptibility to the damage from the wind depends on the characteristics of stands, their location and frequency of the occurrence of damage in the past. According to the methodology we built 5 variants of models, which take into account the following attributes: various stand features, forest type, regional factor of the damage to the the trees, thickness scrap, subversive and deadwood from the stand in the last 10 years, characteristics of the terrain: exhibition, slope inclination and altitude above sea level. The model output is a classification of the stand susceptibility to the wind damage expressed by a number between 0 and 3 (0.5 interval). The suitability of each variant was tested by comparing the in−class rate as well as the area and growing stock of undamaged and damaged stands. In this study we rated 2908 stands with a total area of 15,386.05 ha. Taking into account the risk class, it is possible to develop the appropriate procedures in order to limit the damage. The analysis conducted for the forests of the Tatra National Park showed high compliance of the developed risk models with the damages arising by the wind. This is confirmed by a particularly high proportion of damaged forest stands included in the class of high risk. Their fraction ranged from 43.8% (WR1) to 92.4% (WR5). Considering the position and stands characteristics the greatest damage arose at an altitude of 950 to 1000 m (70.2%) and the exposures NW, N and NE (60.2%).
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 05; 378-387
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Growth and formation of Scots pine stands in Eastern Polissia of Ukraine
Zhezhkun, A.M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
pine stand
Pinus sylvestris
age structure
health condition
reference stand
Eastern Polissia
The purpose of the research is to study the current state, features of growth and formation of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in Eastern Polissia of Ukraine. The structure of pine stands by origin, age, the density of stocking, site indices, forest types and health condition was analysed. Features of the formation of stands were studied at the permanent sample plots. Visual assessment of health condition, as well as signs of pest and disease damage of trees, other defects and external signs that caused stem defects was carried out. The age structure of pine stands was not optimal: there was an excess of mature stands and a lack of young stands. The health condition of mixed pine stands was relatively better than that of pure pine stands. Mixed pine stands were characterised by high biological resistance and accumulated significant wood stock under regular sylvicultural maintenance. The dynamics of forestry and evaluation indicators of reference pine stands were evaluated and comparison of their growth with stocked pine stands was performed.
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry; 2022, 64, 2; 100-107
Pojawia się w:
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
LIDAR w leśnictwie
LIDAR in forestry
Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, T.
Stereńczak, K.
Bałazy, R.
Wencel, A.
Strzeliński, P.
Zasada, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
skaning lotniczy
skaning terenowy
airborne scanning
terrestrial scanning
Teledetekcja Środowiska; 2008, 39; 59-66
Pojawia się w:
Teledetekcja Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historia prywatnych firm leśnych w Polsce w latach 1924-2010
History of private forest companies in Poland in the years 1924-2010
Zastocki, D.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
uslugi lesne
firmy lesne
przedsiebiorstwa lesne
privatisation of forest services
forest companies
The beginnings of private forest services sector date back to the interwar period when harvesting operations and sawmill services were carried out by private companies leading to forest devastation. Adam Loret, the first director−general of the State Forests, started to build the structure of forest administration and hire manual workers. After the World War II, forestry in Poland operated in a centrally planned economic system, which precluded the functioning of the private forest services sector. The development of private forest companies in Poland began in the early 1990s. The employed free−market economy forced the State Forests to introduce many reforms and modifications to forest management, forest operations, as well as to the trading and sales of timber. All forest operations are being outsourced to private forest companies. Forest districts select bidders to perform the required forest operations according to the existing procedures, while ensuring the favourable conditions for the creation of new jobs. Forest companies face many difficulties to meet the growing demands laid down by the forest administration staff in tender specifications. The paper presents the current status of the private forest services sector, and describes the trends in the development of private forest companies providing services to the State Forests.
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 06; 466-474
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola zasad hodowli lasu w kształtowaniu trwałej wielofunkcyjności polskich lasów i leśnictwa
The role of the principles of forest management in the shaping of the sustainable multifunctionality of Polish forests and forestry
Zajączkowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
Zasady hodowli lasu
principles of forestry management
multifunctional forests and forestry
Against the background of the solutions laid down in successive editions of Principles of forest management the paper presents their vital role in the shaping of the sustainable multifunctionality of Polish forests and forest management. It has been demonstrated that that the „Principles” of 1953/1955, which were based on ecological foundations and approached forest as an ecosystem, allowed to meet the economic and social goals of forest management. The subsequent editions of the „Principles” were open to any proposal that takes account of the nature and forest−related knowledge, as well as of social and economic conditions of functioning of the forest holding.
Sylwan; 2003, 147, 04; 3-9
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Study on tick-borne rickettsiae in eastern Poland. II. Serological response of occupationally exposed populations
Zajac, V.
Wojcik-Fatla, A.
Cisak, E.
Sroka, J.
Sawczyn, A.
Dutkiewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
serological response
occupational exposure
ELISA test
forestry worker
agricultural worker
A group of 150 persons living in the Lublin province of eastern Poland and occupationally exposed to tick bite were examined by the immunoenzymatic ELISA test for the presence of antibodies against tick-borne Spotted Fever Group (SFG) rickettsiae. The group consisted of 75 forestry workers employed in 3 forest inspectorates and 75 agricultural workers living in 2 villages. As a control group, 43 urban dwellers living in the city of Lublin and not occupationally exposed to tick bite were examined. Among 150 persons occupationally exposed to tick bite, the presence of antibodies against SFG rickettsiae was found in 54 (36.0% of the total). In the control group, the frequency of positive findings was only 4.7%, being significantly smaller compared to the exposed group (p=0.0001). Within the exposed group, the percentage of positive results in forestry workers (50.7%) was greater than in agricultural workers (21.3%); the difference was statistically significant (p=0.0002). Also within this group, the frequency of positive findings in males(46.5%) was significantly greater than in females (21.9%) (p=0.0029). In the exposed group, the positive results tended to increase with the age of the examined persons. However, a significant relationship between age and positive findings was found only in forestry workers (c2=14.207, p=0.00264), but not in agricultural workers and total exposed workers. The frequencies of positive results in forestry workers varied significantly depending on place of work (c2=11.271, p=0.00357). Similarly, the difference between the positive reactions in agricultural workers living in 2 villages proved to be significant (34.2% vs. 8.1%; p=0.0074). The obtained results indicate that people occupationally exposed to tick bite and living in the area of eastern Poland where over half of Dermacentor reticulatus ticks harbour SFG rickettsiae, are under significantly increased risk of infection with these rickettsiae.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2013, 20, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sytuacja ekonomiczno-finansowa i prawna prywatnych majątków ziemskich w Polsce w okresie międzywojennym
The economic, financial and legal situation of private estates in Poland during the interwar period
Zając, S.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
okres miedzywojenny
majatki ziemskie
sytuacja ekonomiczna
sytuacja finansowa
sytuacja prawna
forestry history
private agro-forest farms
state assistance
The bad economic situation for agro-forest farms in Poland during the interwar period was caused by war damage, a global economic crisis, crop failure, indebtedness prior to World War I, and by tribute payments towards rebuilding the country. Although the timber harvest was substantial, farm owners were forced to take out loans. In 1938, the debt level of agro-forest farms accounted for 18 per cent of their total value. The average debt level for this period oscillated between 9.8 and 126.0 PLN ha-1. The assistance programme implemented by the government provided for a reduction in the interest rate of loans, particularly for farms with an area of up to 300 ha.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2013, 74, 2; 137-148
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
NATURA 2000 and its impact on forestry in the Czech Republic
Zahradnik, P.
Gerakova, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
Czech Republic
Nature 2000 network
nature conservation
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry; 2010, 52, 2
Pojawia się w:
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Muscle fatigue related to human posture using a brush cutter for landscape gardening: a preliminary study
Yang, Wanying
Li, Bo
Li, Shusen
Zhang, Yanlin
Yang, Hongze
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
working posture
muscle activity
occupational diseases
ergonomics of work
agriculture and forestry
brush cutter
Background: Brush cutters are widely used in Chinese landscape gardening and agricultural laboring which leads the operators being exposed to many risks. Low back pain (LBP) is particularly common and can lead to substantial personal, community and financial burdens. The aim of the presented study was to measure the activity and function of each torso muscle of the operator when using the bush cutter, so as to evaluate the muscle injury of the operator during using several common brush cutters for different landscape tasks. Material and Methods: The human postures of 6 workers using 2 types of brush cutters in the 3 working conditions were recorded and measured by using a surface electromyography (sEMG) system and a camera. The test results were compared by t-test and sign test. The effect of human posture on the sEMG signal of trunk muscles in different working condition were analyzed by ANOVA. Results: In the 3 working conditions, except for the left trapezius muscle, the muscle load of operating the backpack brush cutter is higher than that of operating side-mounted brush cutter. When operating the side-mounted backpack brush cutter, the force on both sides of the trapezius muscle is uneven, the load of the left trapezius muscle is >25%, and the maximum value is >30%. Conclusions: The results highlighted significant differences in the effects of different working postures on the muscle activities of workers’ trunk. Safe operation standards should therefore be taken to protect the exposed workers and to improve the industrial design of irrigation cutters to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases.
Medycyna Pracy; 2022, 73, 3; 201-207
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przyczyny i kierunki przeklasyfikowywania gruntów nieleśnych na leśne w świetle badań ankietowych
Causes and directions of reclassification of non-forest lands into forest lands according to the survey results
Wysocka-Fijorek, E.
Kaliszewski, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
polityka lesna
grunty nielesne
zmiana klasyfikacji gruntu
polityka rolna
badania ankietowe
rozwój obszarów wiejskich
forestry policy
agricultural policy
national programme of the forest cover extension
rural development
In Poland, there are large discrepancies between the area of forest lands recorded in land−use registers of local authorities and the actual state of forest area in the field. These discrepancies were estimated to 800,000 hectares in 2016, which is 2.5% of the land area of Poland. The diver−gences result primarily from different definitions of a forest in forest regulations and legislation concerning land−use registry and the insufficient update of land registry databases. The aim of the paper is to define the major causes of reclassification of non−forest lands into forest lands and to determine the origin of forests on those lands. The study is based on a mail questionnaire survey carried out in all local public authorities all over the country (altogether 314 rural and 66 municipal counties). The questions focused on manners lands were used in a county, including the area of artificial and natural afforestation and the area of lands reclassified into forest lands over the period 2009−2013, as well as causes of such reclassification. Altogether 232 responses were collected (61.1%), 122 of which contained data of sufficiently good quality. The results show that afforestation of non−forest lands were mostly carried out in an artificial way. Reclassification into forest lands was conducted almost exclusively within rural counties. The reclassified lands were largely regenerated by natural succession. The key factor of land reclassification were works related to forest management planning in non−state owned forests. Afforestation carried out within the Rural Development Programme, co−financed from EU funding, was the second most important factor. In case of afforestation, land reclassification is obligatory no later than in the fifth year after a new forest was planted. The paper concludes with suggestions that there are no effective legal regulations that would make land owners to reclassify their afforested lands into forest lands, except cases of agricultural lands afforestation within the Rural Development Programme. Therefore, it is recommended to seek to cover all non−state owned forests with forest management plans and to obtain the compliance of land registries with the real situation in the field.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 06; 460-466
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Occupational exposure among foresters to DEET – survey studies, chromatographic analysis
Narażenie zawodowe leśników na DEET – badania ankietowe, analiza
Wróblewska-Łuczka, P.
Adamczuk, P.
Łuszczki, J.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
occupational exposure
forestry workers
narażenie zawodowe
Foresters, considering the character of their work, are exposed to the occurrence of many types of diseases. The main occupational risk among forestry workers is caused by infectious pathogens, the main reservoir of which are wild animals, and the vector are ticks. Forestry workers are exposed to the effect of repellents, including DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) in association with protection against tick and mosquito bites. The goal of the project was to discover the amount of DEET identified in the samples of sweat and urine from the foresters who use chemical agents repelling insects. The study covered 22 foresters from the Janow Lubelski Forest District, and 10 individuals who constituted a control group. Questionnaires concerning the use of repellents, and urine samples were collected (2 from each person in the study), as well as sweat samples (4 each). Each collected biological sample was properly prepared and subjected to chromatographic analysis (GC/MS) for the identification of DEET. The season of repellents use is from March–October, or even November. The highest intensity of the use of repellents (as many as 5 days a week) is during the period from May–July. The chromatographic analyses performed did not show even the lowest content of DEET in the collected biological samples from both the control group and foresters. The absence of DEET in the foresters’ urine may be explained by the late date of collection of the samples – in October, when they no longer use repellents, or use them very rarely. The studies conducted within this project allowed the observation that DEET is not accumulated, is subject to quick elimination from the body, which favourably affects the safety of its use. Exposure to chemical occupational hazards in forest areas is an underestimated problem of occupational medicine and public health, which has not been fully explored.
Leśnicy z uwagi na charakter wykonywanej pracy narażeni są na występowanie różnego typu chorób. Głównym zagrożeniem zawodowym dla pracowników leśnictwa są patogeny zakaźne, których głównym rezerwuarem są dzikie zwierzęta, a wektorem kleszcze. Pracownicy leśnictwa są narażeni na działanie repelentów w tym DEET (N,N-dietylo-m-toluamid) w związku z ochroną przed ukłuciami kleszczy i komarów. Celem projektu było poznanie, jaka ilość DEET zostanie zidentyfikowana w próbkach potu i moczu pochodz ących od leśników, którzy stosują środki chemiczne odstraszające owady. W badaniach wzięło udział 22 leśników Nadleśnictwa Janów Lubelski oraz 10 osób stanowiących grupę kontrolną. Zostały zgromadzone ankiety dotyczące stosowania repelentów oraz zostały zebrane próbki moczu (po 2 od każdej osoby badanej) i próbki potu (po 4). Każda z zebranych próbek biologicznych została odpowiednio przygotowana i poddana analizie chromatograficznej (GC/MS) celem identyfikacji w nich DEET. Sezon stosowania repelentów przypada na okres od marca do października, a nawet listopada. Największe natężenie stosowania repelentów (bo aż 5 dni w tygodniu) przypada na okres od maja do lipca. Przeprowadzone badania chromatograficzne nie wykaza ły nawet najmniejszej zawartości DEET w zgromadzonych próbkach biologicznych pochodzących zarówno od grupy kontrolnej, jak i od leśników. Brak obecności DEET w moczu leśników należy tłumaczyć późnym terminem zbiorem próbek – w październiku, kiedy leśnicy nie stosują już repelentów lub stosują bardzo rzadko. Badania przeprowadzone w tym projekcie pozwoliły zaobserwować, że DEET nie jest akumulowany, podlega szybkiej eliminacji z organizmu, co wpływa korzystnie na bezpieczeństwo jego stosowania. Ekspozycja na chemiczne zagrożenia zawodowe na obszarach leśnych jest niedocenionym i nie do końca zbadanym problemem medycyny pracy i zdrowia publicznego.
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A; 2017, 24, 2; 269-275
Pojawia się w:
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Land availability analysis and social attitude aspects in relation to implementation and development of short rotation forestry systems in Poland
Uwarunkowania spoleczne, gospodarcze i srodowiskowe rozwoju plantacji energetycznych w Polsce
Wrobel, A
Mosiej, J.
Weith, M.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
rotation forestry system
SWOT analysis
land suitability
fallow land
social opinion
social attitude
European Union
European country
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Land Reclamation; 2009, 41, 2; 153-166
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Land Reclamation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The negative impact of intentionally introduced Quercus rubra L. on a forest community
Woziwoda, B.
Kopec, D.
Witkowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
negative impact
Quercus rubra
red oak
commercial forestry
ecosystem service
forest community
Some alien woody species used in commercial forestry become invasive and, as invaders, cause major problems in natural and semi-natural ecosystems. However, the deliberate introduction of aliens can bring unintended negative changes also within areas of their cultivation. This paper presents the effects of the intentional introduction of the North-American Quercus rubra in European mixed Scots pine-Pedunculate oak forests (POFs): Querco roboris-Pinetum (W. Mat. 1981) J. Mat. 1988. Phytosociological data from field research combined with GIS data analysis of the current distribution of Northern Red oak in the studied habitat were used to determine the composition and structure of forest communities in plots with and without Q. rubra participation. The results show that Q. rubra significantly reduces native species richness and abundance, both in old-growth and in secondary (post-agricultural) forests. Not one resident vascular plant benefits from the introduction of Northern Red oak and only a few are able to tolerate its co-occurrence. The natural restocking of all native woody species is also strongly limited by this alien tree. The introduction of Northern Red oak significantly limits the environmental functions of the POF ecosystem and weakens its economic and social aspects. However, its further cultivation is justified from an economic point of view, as the essential function of the studied forests is commercial timber production, and the introduction of this fast growing alien tree supports the provisioning ecosystem services. A clear description of the level of trade-off between the accepted negative and positive effects of the introduction of Q. rubra on forest ecosystem services requires further interdisciplinary studies.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2014, 83, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasady kształtowania lasów ochronnych miast
Principles of management of urban protection forests
Wołkowycki, Dan
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Białostocka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej
forest management
protection forest
urban forestry
The article discusses the project of good practices for the manager of the urban protection forest, i.e. a model and universal set of protection and management guidelines necessary for the proper shaping of forests in a city. The set of guidelines proposed as the Chart of the Urban Protection Forests includes: shaping multigenerational tree stands; a gradual and spread over time succession of tree generations; maintaining old-growth forests and biocenotic trees in the largest possible number, on the largest available area; the continuous presence of older and middle-aged trees in every part of the forest; resignation from clear-cutting in renewing of tree-stands; promoting and making full use of natural regeneration of tree-stands; passive protection of waterside and wetland forests; active protection of natural diversity as needed; shaping and reconstruction of tree-stands, especially in the habitats of pine and mixed forests; using sanitary pruning when necessary to maintain the durability of tree-stands; complete abandonment of plowing in forest regeneration; zoning; designation of restricted animal sanctuaries; participation and co-responsibility of the society. The introduction of the proposals contained in the Chart of the Urban Protection Forests, at least in part of the protection forests in the cities, could certainly contribute to increasing social acceptance for forest management and avoiding unnecessary conflicts around urban and suburban forests.
Lasy przyszłości. Wyzwania współczesnego leśnictwa; 157-174
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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