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A valuable natural area as a place for implementing innovative health forms of tourism - forest therapy
Obszar przyrodniczo cenny jako miejsce realizacji innowacyjnych form turystyki zdrowotnej na przykładzie lasoterapii
Pietrzak-Zawadka, J.
Zawadka, J.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
natural valuable area
innovative form
human health
human body
forest treatment
forest function
human life
The focus of the present study are valuable natural areas, and its purpose is to present the beneficial effects of the forest environment in these areas on the human body. The study has analysed the results of research by various, mainly foreign, authors concerning the treatment of the forest environment in Poland referred to as “forest therapy”, “sylwotherapy.”Research has shown that being in a forest environment helps to preserve mental balance, strengthens the immune system and stimulates organism’s regeneration. Differences in the impact of different types of forests were also observed. Pine forests calm down, lower blood pressure and help the respiratory system. Broadleaved forests stimulate, improve mood and enhance the ability to concentrate by affecting various aspects of human life. The results of the analyses show that in Poland the interest in forest therapy could be another form of raising public awareness by informing people how important is the role of the forest, not only in nature but also for human health.
Przedmiotem pracy są obszary przyrodniczo cenne, a celem zaprezentowanie korzystnego działania środowiska leśnego tych obszarów na organizm człowieka. Materiały i metody: W pracy przeanalizowano wyniki badań różnych autorów, głównie obcojęzycznych, dotyczących leczenia środowiskiem leśnym, w Polsce zwanym lasoterapią, sylwoterapią. Wyniki: Badania udowodniły, że przebywanie w środowisku leśnym pozwala zachować równowagę psychiczną, wzmacnia układ odpornościowy i pobudza organizm do odnowy. Zaobserwowano również różnice w oddziaływaniu poszczególnych typów lasów. Bory sosnowe działają uspokajająco, obniżają ciśnienie i wspomagają układ oddechowy. Liściaste grądy działają pobudzająco, poprawiają nastrój i wspomagają zdolność koncentracji oddziałując na różne aspekty życia człowieka. Wnioski: Wyniki analiz ukazują, iż w Polsce, zainteresowanie lasoterapii mogłoby stanowić kolejną formę dotarcia do świadomości społeczeństwa z informacjami, jak ważną rolę pełni las, nie tylko w przyrodzie, ale także dla zdrowia człowieka.
Economic and Regional Studies; 2016, 09, 3; 112-120
Pojawia się w:
Economic and Regional Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of the impact of explanatory variables on the accuracy of prediction of daily inflow to the sewage treatment plant by selected models nonlinear
Ocena wpływu zmiennych objaśniających na dokładność predykcji dobowego dopływu do oczyszczalni ścieków wybranymi modelami nieliniowymi
Szeląg, B.
Bartkiewicz, L.
Studziński, J.
Barbusiński, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
wastewater treatment plant
data mining
random forest
forecasting inflow
k-nearest neighbour
Kernel regression
oczyszczalnia ścieków
wydobywanie danych
las losowy
dopływ ścieków
k-najbliższy sąsiad
regresja Kernela
The aim of the study was to evaluate the possibility of applying different methods of data mining to model the inflow of sewage into the municipal sewage treatment plant. Prediction models were elaborated using methods of support vector machines (SVM), random forests (RF), k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) and of Kernel regression (K). Data consisted of the time series of daily rainfalls, water level measurements in the clarified sewage recipient and the wastewater inflow into the Rzeszow city plant. Results indicate that the best models with one input delayed by 1 day were obtained using the k-NN method while the worst with the K method. For the models with two input variables and one explanatory one the smallest errors were obtained if model inputs were sewage inflow and rainfall data delayed by 1 day and the best fit is provided using RF method while the worst with the K method. In the case of models with three inputs and two explanatory variables, the best results were reported for the SVM and the worst for the K method. In the most of the modelling runs the smallest prediction errors are obtained using the SVM method and the biggest ones with the K method. In the case of the simplest model with one input delayed by 1 day the best results are provided using k-NN method and by the models with two inputs in two modelling runs the RF method appeared as the best.
Celem pracy jest ocena możliwości zastosowania różnych metod data mining do modelowania dopływu ścieków do komunalnej oczyszczalni ścieków. Do opracowania modeli statystycznych metodą wektorów nośnych, lasów losowych, k – najbliższego sąsiada i regresji Kernela wykorzystano szeregi pomiarowe dobowych wartości opadów deszczu, stanów wody w odbiorniku oraz dopływów do komunalnej oczyszczalni ścieków w Rzeszowie. Z obliczeń wykonanych metodami SVM, RF, k-NN i K wynika, że dla modeli z jedną zmienną objaśniającą opóźnioną o dobę w stosunku do wartości dopływu, najlepsze wyniki otrzymano modelem autoregresyjnym bazującym na metodzie k-NN a najgorsze regresją Kernela. W przypadku modeli z dwoma zmiennymi objaśniającymi najmniejsze wartości błędów uzyskano, dla modeli uwzględniających dopływ ścieków i całkowitą wysokość opadu deszczu z jednodobowym opóźnieniem; najlepsze wyniki uzyskano metodą RF a najgorsze regresji Kernela. Dla modeli z dwiema zmiennymi objaśniającymi, ale trzema sygnałami wejściowymi, najmniejsze błędy dopływu ścieków do OŚ uzyskano metodą SVM, a najgorsze regresji Kernela. Z wykonanych symulacji stwierdzono, że w większości przypadków najmniejsze wartości błędów dopływu ścieków do oczyszczalni otrzymano metodą SVM a największe metodą K. W przypadku najprostszego modelu z jednym sygnałem wejściowym opóźnionym o 1 dobę najlepsze wyniki obliczeń uzyskano metodą k-NN, a w dwóch przypadkach modeli, gdzie ujęto 2 sygnały wejściowe, najlepsza okazała się metoda RF.
Archives of Environmental Protection; 2017, 43, 3; 74-81
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Environmental Protection
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of biostimulant application in containerized Eucalyptus globulus Labill. seedlings after transplanting
Ozyhar, T.
Mughini, G.
Marchi, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
foliar treatment
forest nursery
soil drench
forest ecology
The use of biostimulants (amino acid containing protein hydrolysate) in forestry field has re- ceived much less attention so far than in agriculture. Promising evidences were reported in literature with useful application for nursery activities, stimulating early growth and reducing transplanting stress. This study investigates the potential benefits induced by an amino acid-based animal-derived protein hydro- lysate biostimulant (Siapton® by Isagro) in containerized Eucalyptus globulus seedlings following transplant- ing. Foliar and soil drench applications were applied using two different concentrations each (2.5 ml.l−1 and 5.0 ml.l−1 for foliar, 10 ml.l−1 and 20 ml.l−1 for soil). Measures on seedling height, apical shot formation, total aboveground (dry weight of leaves and stem) and belowground biomass (dry weight of roots) 120 days after transplanting were made to quantify the effect on growth. The contrasts analysis on results revealed a positive effect of the biostimulant on many of the measured parameters, especially with foliar application using the lowest concentration (2.5 ml.l−1). The foliar application was overall suggested as more efficient than soil drench also allowing lower inputs (i.e. biostimulant quantity). The main consequence of the treatment was an increased biomass allocation in the stem (above ground biomass) due to a stimu- lated leaves production which might suggest an increased photosynthetic activity and growth. Conversely no influence was detectable on total height of seedlings neither on the collar diameter. The biostimulant treatment on containerized Eucalyptus globulus positively influenced some features of seedlings’ growth after transplanting and the use of biostimulant with foliar application during the hardening phase in the nursery, appears to be a promising technique to potentially improve seedling growth after transplanting. An inter- esting impact from application of biostimulant on biomass accumulation following transplanting was here demonstrated. Anyway, further research to verify the results on different tree species as well as under open field conditions is envisioned.
Dendrobiology; 2019, 82; 17-23
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odnowienie naturalne drzew w Puszczy Białowieskiej
Natural regeneration of trees in the Bialowieza Forest
Brzeziecki, B.
Andrzejczyk, T.
Żybura, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Puszcza Bialowieska
odnowienia naturalne
drzewa lesne
topola osika
Populus tremula
brzoza brodawkowata
Betula pendula
brzoza omszona
Betula pubescens
olsza czarna
Alnus glutinosa
sosna zwyczajna
Pinus sylvestris
dab szypulkowy
Quercus robur
jesion wyniosly
Fraxinus excelsior
klon pospolity
Acer platanoides
wiaz gorski
Ulmus glabra
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
lipa drobnolistna
Tilia cordata
grab pospolity
proces dorastania
ekosystemy lesne
dynamika lasu
active approach
deer browsing
long−term study
multifunctional forest management
natural recruitment
nature conservation
silvicultural treatment
strict protection
tree competition
tree diversity
Since several years already, a massive infestation of bark beetle has taken place in the Białowieża Forest, decimating a local Norway spruce population. In consequence, many open areas appeared, practically deprived of trees and other forest vegetation. The existence of such areas has a very negative impact on multiple values of the Białowieża Forest: natural, social, economical and landscape−aesthetic values. The local forest administration prepared a strategy aimed at active restoration of diverse woodland communities typical for the Białowieża Forest in all places, where bark beetle infestation wiped up the spruce stands. Those plans were criticized by representatives of the environmental organizations who blamed the foresters for transforming the Białowieża Forest into ‘plantation’ and claiming that such measures are inconsistent with the existing forest management and protection plan. The postulate of environmentalists is that the recovery of woodland communities should proceed completely naturally. Taking into account the above mentioned controversies, in this paper we examine the issue of natural regeneration in the Białowieża Forest in detail. In particular, we try to determine to which extent this method of forest reproduction enables re−establishment of compositionally diverse woodland communities, distinguished by a high level of biological diversity and able to provide a wide range of commodities and benefits important for today’s society. Based on an extensive literature review we show that a combination of different (abiotic and biotic) factors, influencing establishment and subsequent growth of seedlings and saplings in the Białowieża Forest has long been strongly unfavorable for many tree species. In this regard, one should particularly emphasize the negative role of large herbivores, especially red deer, which is present in the Białowieża Forest since the end of 19th century, when it became a private hunting ground for Russian tzars. The devastating effect of deer browsing on natural regeneration is a well−documented phenomenon and widely recognized problem in the forestry practice. The fencing of young forest generation against game pressure is an indispensable measure, needed to secure the continuous existence of several tree species (first of all those palatable and vulnerable to browsing). Very strong arguments for an active approach to the described problem delivers also a long−term study on natural forest dynamics conducted since 1936. It shows that under conditions of strict protection the regeneration capacity of the Białowieża tree species is very variable. These differences lead to the compositional simplification and impoverishment of many tree stands, with numerous negative consequences for local biodiversity. We underline that an active management strategy is a basic prerequisite for maintaining a diverse character of the Białowieża stands and their ability to provide all important ecosystem services on a sustainable basis. Such a strategy should include, beside of the phase of establishment, also the subsequent developmental stages of new forest generations. The general goal of such a strategy should be to secure a possibly high diversity of tree composition and to enable the development of tree species representing a full range of life−history strategies and playing different successional roles: from typical pioneer species, through intermediate, to climax species.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 11; 883-896
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Practical use of the mycorrhizal fungal technology in forestry, reclamation, arboriculture, agriculture, and horticulture
Marx, D H
Marrs, L.F.
Cordell, C.E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
root system
mycorrhizal fungal technology
practical treatment
forest tree
Fine nonwoody roots (<2 mm) of plants, which are responsible for most mineral and water absorption, are located in the upper 20 to 30 cm of soil. The rhizosphere, the zone around these fine roots, supports diverse microorganisms in great numbers. Dynamic rhizosphere processes involve microbial saprophytic, pathogenic, and symbiotic associations with plants. Certain species of saprophytic bacteria oxidize mineral elements, like P, into soluble forms, fix atmospheric N, stimulate root growth by producing plant growth regulators, act as biological deterrents to root-disease causing organisms, and decompose man-made and natural organic chemicals in the rooting zone. The major symbiotic associations on plant roots are mycorrhizae. There is considerable published research in the world literature proving the biological, physiological and ecological significance of ectomycorrhizae and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) to the survival, growth, development and health of many species of agricultural and horticultural plants, and of forest trees. This information is critical to our understanding of plant growth and development and their ecology. In the past, the limiting factors in the practical management of mycorrhizal fungi in plant production have been the availability of affordable and good quality inocula of the ectomycorrhizal and VAM fungi and the development of simple methods to apply these inocula either to the soil or to the roots of plants. It was only after these protocols were developed that scientists could then test under "real-world" conditions the practical and economic significance of the management of these fungi in plant productivity. Many of the problems associated with commercial inoculum production have been eliminated allowing the production of quality products containing ectomycorrhizal and/or VAM fungal propagules to diverse plant markets. These fungal products are being commercially applied to plants in diverse green markets. The results of their application are improved survival, growth and productivity of forest trees and other woody plants on reforestation, urban and reclamation sites, horticultural crops such as those grown in woody ornamental nurseries and various agricultural crops grown in fumigated soils. This presentation is a brief review of the research and operational applications done in support of the practical use of the mycorrhizal fungal technologies in forestry, reclamation, horticulture and agriculture.
Dendrobiology; 2002, 47
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The needs and possibilities of constructing on site wastewater treatment plants in foresters lodges
Potrzeby i możliwości budowy przydomowych oczyszczalni ścieków w zagrodach leśnych
Karczmarczyk, A.
Skowron, S.
Mosiej, J.
Baryła, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
ścieki bytowe
zagrody leśne
zaopatrzenie w wodę
sewage treatment
domestic wastewater
forest lodges
water supply
Forest lodges are often located far from settlements which makes that water supply and sewage treatment problems must be treated in an individual manner. Domestic waste waters from free-standing buildings not connected to sewerage systems should be collected in septic tanks and transported to sewage treatment plants or treated in place of their production in the so-called on-site wastewater treatment plants. Based on data from 33 forest commissions subjected to the Regional Authority of State Forests in Olsztyn an assessment of the equipment of forest lodges in water and waste water infrastructure. Water supply and waste water management was the subject of analyses. From among 795 analysed forest lodges 59% were supplied in water from the water mains out of which 11 lodges possessed also their own water intake. The remaining 41% of lodges had their own intakes of potable water. Sixty percent of forest lodges were equipped with septic tanks. Slightly more than a half of them had a contract for waste water disposal, others had bills for such services. From among analysed lodges 18% were connected to sewer systems and 22% had on site wastewater treatment plants. Technology of on site wastewater treatment was presented in this paper. Their advantages and disadvantages were discussed and practical solutions to be applied in analysed forest lodges were presented.
Zagrody leśne, szczególnie leśniczówki i podleśniczówki, są często znacznie oddalone od osad, co powoduje, że problem zaopatrzenia w wodę i zagospodarowania ścieków mieszkańcy muszą rozwiązywać w sposób indywidualny. Ścieki bytowe z wolnostojących budynków, niepodłączonych do zbiorczej sieci kanalizacyjnej powinny być gromadzone w szczelnych zbiornikach i wywożone do grupowych oczyszczalni lub też oczyszczane w miejscu ich powstawania, w tzw. przydomowych oczyszczalniach ścieków (POŚ). Na podstawie informacji pochodzących z 33 nadleśnictw na terenie RDLP w Olsztynie przeprowadzono ocenę stanu wyposażenia zagród leśnych w infrastrukturę wodno-ściekową. Przedmiotem analizy był sposób zaopatrzenia w wodę oraz zagospodarowania ścieków. Spośród 795 analizowanych zagród leśnych 59% zaopatrywane jest w wodę z sieci wodociągowej, w tym 11 zagród posiada również własne ujęcie wody. Pozostałe 41% zagród ma własne ujęcia wody pitnej. 60% zagród leśnych wyposażone jest w szczelne zbiorniki na ścieki. Nieco ponad połowa z nich ma podpisane umowy na wywóz ścieków do oczyszczalni, pozostałe takich umów nie mają, natomiast posiadają faktury za wywóz. Spośród analizowanych zagród 18% jest podłączone do zbiorczej sieci kanalizacyjnej, a 22% posiada przydomowe oczyszczalnie ścieków. Przedstawiono technologie przydomowego oczyszczania ścieków. Przedyskutowano ich wady i zalety oraz wskazano rozwiązania do zastosowania w analizowanych zagrodach.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2009, no. 13a; 273-282
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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