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The morphological traits of needles as markers of geographical differentiation in European Pinus sylvestris populations
Androsiuk, P.
Kaczmarek, Z.
Urbaniak, L.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
morphological trait
geographic differentiation
European population
Pinus sylvestris
Scotch pine
migration route
species diversity
genetic diversity
population-location interaction
To evaluate the geographic variability of Pinus sylvestris populations seven morphological traits of needles of pines from IUFRO 1982 provenance trial have been analyzed. The studied populations originated from northern (>55°N in Russia, Sweden and Latvia), central (55-47°N in Poland, Germany, Belgium, France, Slovakia) andsouthern (<47°N in Hungary, Bosnia, Montenegro andTurkey) European ranges of Scots pine. The analyzedprovenance trial experimental areas were locatedin Kórnik (western Poland) andin Supraśl (north-eastern Poland). The greatest variation was found in needle length and number of stomata rows on the flat and convex side of a needle, whereas number of stomata per 2mmof needle length on flat and convex side of a needle was stable, with minor interpopulational variation. Biometrical analyses revealed a significant population × location interaction anda geographical pattern in interpopulational differentiation in both experimental sites, with the northern andsouthern European Scots pine groups of provenancesdiffering significantly from the group of central origin. The results obtainedare compatible with previous results of studies on provenance variability of the Scots pine from IUFRO 1982. In the light of available data, the influence of the Balkan glacial refugia of Pinus sylvestris on a present genetic diversity of this species in Europe and the reconstruction of Scots pine migration routes after the last glacial period are discussed.
Dendrobiology; 2011, 65
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Biblioteka Nauki
Vascular flora of drainage ditches in forest areas of the Polesie National Park
Flora naczyniowa rowów melioracyjnych na terenach leśnych Poleskiego Parku Narodowego
Banach, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
vascular flora
drainage ditch
forest area
Polesie National Park
species diversity
This paper presents the results of floristic studies conducted in the years 2003 – 2005 within the area of the Polesie National Park. The aim of the research was to compare the flora of initial succession stages in drainage ditches with the flora of neighbouring forest areas undergoing transformation as a result of drainage. Floristic lists were made in four designated study areas as well as in forest phytocoenoses. The results of field investigations were subjected to analysis with regard to the systematic affinity of the flora and proportions of plant life-forms as well as of historical-geographical groups and range groups. In the species composition of the studied drainage ditches hemicryptophytes were the dominant group of plant higher life-forms, whereas in the neighbouring communities the flora was represented by both hemicryptophytes and megaphanerophytes. In historical and geographical terms, the flora of drainage ditches and neighbouring communities represents definitely the group of spontaneophytes. Anthropogenic habitats, which developed within the drainage ditches, were colonised by native flora species characteristic for the Polesie National Park area.
Praca przedstawia wyniki badań florystycznych prowadzonych w latach 2003–2005 na terenie Poleskiego Parku Narodowego. Celem niniejszej pracy było porównanie flory inicjalnych stadiów sukcesyjnych w rowach melioracyjnych, z florą przekształcających się wskutek odwodnienia, sąsiadujących terenów leśnymi. Na czterech wyznaczonych powierzchniach badań, a także w fitocenozach leśnych sporządzono spisy florystyczne. Wyniki badań terenowych poddano analizie kameralnej pod kątem przynależności systematycznej flory, udziału form życiowych roślin, a także grup historyczno-geograficznych i grup zasięgowych. W składzie gatunkowym, badanych rowów melioracyjnych dominującą grupą form życiowych roślin wyższych są hemikryptofity, podczas gdy w zbiorowiskach sąsiadujących z nimi florę reprezentują zarówno hemikryptofity jak i megafanerofity. Pod względem historyczno-geograficznym flora rowów melioracyjnych, jak i zbiorowisk sąsiadujących, reprezentuje zdecydowanie grupę spontaneofitów. Antropogeniczne siedliska, jakie wykształciły się w obrębie rowów melioracyjnych zasiedlone zostały przez gatunki flory rodzimej charakterystyczne dla terenu Poleskiego Parku Narodowego.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2009, 62, 1
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Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Diversity in the socio-economic role of the main non-wood forest products for the inhabitants of small villages and large towns in Poland
Barszcz, A.
Suder, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
socioeconomic role
non-wood forest product
small village
large town
household income
living standard
The NWFPs (non-wood forest products) sector is of the crucial importance to the Polish households but its social and economic role is varied and depends on place of residence. For the inhabitants of villages and small towns forests are the place of working and NWFPs sale provides an additional financial resource. City-dwellers do not treat NWFPs as a source of income but rather as an element of recreation and they use these products mainly for their own needs. Some remarks for the developing of this sector in Poland were given in this paper.
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry; 2009, 51, 1
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Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola poszczególnych gatunków drzew w kształtowaniu złożonej budowy pionowej w starodrzewach liściastych Puszczy Niepołomickiej
Role of tree species in the formation of a complex vertical structure of deciduous old-growth forests in the Niepolomice Forest
Bartkowicz, L.
Kołodziej, Z.
Pach, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
struktura drzewostanu
struktura wysokosci
drzewa lesne
gatunki lasotworcze
Puszcza Niepolomicka
oak−hornbeam forest
riparian forests
structural diversity indices
ecological mechanisms
The objective of the study was to compare the seven tree species in terms of their role in the formation of a complex vertical structure in mixed broadleaved stands. The data came from 18 multi−storey old−growth forests representing different communities of lowland deciduous forests in the Niepołomice Forest. In each stand, squared sample plot (80×80 m) was established. The height of trees of dbh≥7 cm was measured. Then, for each studied species, values of the two structural indices were determined. The structural diversity index (ZS) quantifies tree height variation within individual population, whereas the index of structure−forming role (RS) expresses the contribution of the given population into vertical structural diversity of the whole stand. The greatest tendency to form a population with a large height diversity belonged to Tilia cordata, Fraxinus excelsior and Ulmus laevis. Significant opportunities in this regard, however, were exhibited by other tree species, including shade−intolerant Pinus sylvestris and Alnus glutinosa. This phenomenon in the conditions of eutrophic habitats, with the constantly present competitive pressure from shade−tolerant species, should be considered as an exceptional. A major contribution to vertical structural diversity of the stand was often an attribute of the populations with a low internal height diversity, which concerned especially Quercus robur. This means that an important ecological mechanism responsible for the formation of a multi−layer canopy is complementary filling the space above ground by trees of the species with different light requirements. However, the lack of correlation between RS and ZS indices suggests that the ability of particular species to form the population with a high internal diversity is equally important. The results prove the possibility of forming stands with a very complex vertical structure in the conditions of lowland mixed deciduous forests. However, in terms of sustainable maintenance of such stand structure, the issue of the growth rate of trees at different competitive pressure and the nature of their response to the release at different stages of ontogeny remains open.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 08; 650-657
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An assessment of genetic diversity following natural regeneration of Sorbus torminalis in the Forest District of Jamy (northern Poland)
Bednorz, L.
Myczko, L.
Kosinski, P.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
genetic diversity
natural regeneration
Sorbus torminalis
wild service tree
Forest District Jamy
The subject of the study was a population of Sorbus torminalis resulting from spontaneous regeneration from seeds in northern Poland at the north-eastern limit of the species distribution. The population, occupying a fenced plot of 1.72 ha in the Forest District of Jamy, amounted to 579 individuals of variable age classes up to about 19 years old. Six polymorphic gene loci: MDH-B, ME-A, 6PGD-B, ADH-B, PGM-A, PGM-B were studied in 532 individuals recruited post-fencing and 21 potentially parental, adult trees. The analysis showed similarly high levels of genetic diversity within both subsets of individuals but there was also a noticeable change in genetic structure between them. Detailed genetic analysis of the post-fencing recruits revealed lack of significant differences between different age groups based on DBH within the fenced plot.
Dendrobiology; 2015, 73
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odnowienie naturalne drzew w Puszczy Białowieskiej
Natural regeneration of trees in the Bialowieza Forest
Brzeziecki, B.
Andrzejczyk, T.
Żybura, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Puszcza Bialowieska
odnowienia naturalne
drzewa lesne
topola osika
Populus tremula
brzoza brodawkowata
Betula pendula
brzoza omszona
Betula pubescens
olsza czarna
Alnus glutinosa
sosna zwyczajna
Pinus sylvestris
dab szypulkowy
Quercus robur
jesion wyniosly
Fraxinus excelsior
klon pospolity
Acer platanoides
wiaz gorski
Ulmus glabra
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
lipa drobnolistna
Tilia cordata
grab pospolity
proces dorastania
ekosystemy lesne
dynamika lasu
active approach
deer browsing
long−term study
multifunctional forest management
natural recruitment
nature conservation
silvicultural treatment
strict protection
tree competition
tree diversity
Since several years already, a massive infestation of bark beetle has taken place in the Białowieża Forest, decimating a local Norway spruce population. In consequence, many open areas appeared, practically deprived of trees and other forest vegetation. The existence of such areas has a very negative impact on multiple values of the Białowieża Forest: natural, social, economical and landscape−aesthetic values. The local forest administration prepared a strategy aimed at active restoration of diverse woodland communities typical for the Białowieża Forest in all places, where bark beetle infestation wiped up the spruce stands. Those plans were criticized by representatives of the environmental organizations who blamed the foresters for transforming the Białowieża Forest into ‘plantation’ and claiming that such measures are inconsistent with the existing forest management and protection plan. The postulate of environmentalists is that the recovery of woodland communities should proceed completely naturally. Taking into account the above mentioned controversies, in this paper we examine the issue of natural regeneration in the Białowieża Forest in detail. In particular, we try to determine to which extent this method of forest reproduction enables re−establishment of compositionally diverse woodland communities, distinguished by a high level of biological diversity and able to provide a wide range of commodities and benefits important for today’s society. Based on an extensive literature review we show that a combination of different (abiotic and biotic) factors, influencing establishment and subsequent growth of seedlings and saplings in the Białowieża Forest has long been strongly unfavorable for many tree species. In this regard, one should particularly emphasize the negative role of large herbivores, especially red deer, which is present in the Białowieża Forest since the end of 19th century, when it became a private hunting ground for Russian tzars. The devastating effect of deer browsing on natural regeneration is a well−documented phenomenon and widely recognized problem in the forestry practice. The fencing of young forest generation against game pressure is an indispensable measure, needed to secure the continuous existence of several tree species (first of all those palatable and vulnerable to browsing). Very strong arguments for an active approach to the described problem delivers also a long−term study on natural forest dynamics conducted since 1936. It shows that under conditions of strict protection the regeneration capacity of the Białowieża tree species is very variable. These differences lead to the compositional simplification and impoverishment of many tree stands, with numerous negative consequences for local biodiversity. We underline that an active management strategy is a basic prerequisite for maintaining a diverse character of the Białowieża stands and their ability to provide all important ecosystem services on a sustainable basis. Such a strategy should include, beside of the phase of establishment, also the subsequent developmental stages of new forest generations. The general goal of such a strategy should be to secure a possibly high diversity of tree composition and to enable the development of tree species representing a full range of life−history strategies and playing different successional roles: from typical pioneer species, through intermediate, to climax species.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 11; 883-896
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
How a river course influences the species richness and ecological requirements on two opposite riverbanks in a forest area
Czarnecka, B.
Rysiak, A.
Chabudzinski, L.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
river course
species richness
species diversity
riparian landscape
solar radiation
moisture index
ecological requirement
opposite river bank
river bank
forest area
multivariate analysis
The goal of the present research was to find correlations between the topographic attributes of a river valley and local ground-floor vegetation and its habitat requirements expressed by ecological indicator values (EIV), using the geographical information systems (GIS), digital elevation model (DEM), and multivariate statistical analysis. We paid special attention to the river course, which determines the differentiation in slope aspects and the amount of solar radiation reaching the ground surface. The model object was an almost latitudinal, ca. 4-km-long break section of the Sopot river, crossing the escarpment zone of the Central Roztocze Highlands, southeastern Poland. The main material comprised species lists (with estimated abundance) for each ca. 200-m-long section, according to the river valley course, separately for the left and right riverbanks, 40 sections altogether, ca. 15 000 vegetation records, and physical and chemical soil measurements. A 3-meter resolution DEM was derived from a 1:10 000 topographic map. We calculated the correlations between the topographic attributes of the valley, species richness, and the EIVs for all the species recognized in each section of the valley. We found 241 herb plant species in the ground-floor vegetation of the study area. We did not find significant differences between the two riversides (61 ±13 species per one section for the left and 63 ±17 for the right side). Thus, the parallel course of the river valley does not change the species richness on a more “sunny” and more “shiny” riverbank. However, this factor “cooperating” with other topographic attributes of the valley significantly differentiates the shape of species showing various requirements for basic habitat resources: light, moisture, soil trophy, reaction, dispersion, and organic-matter content.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2015, 84, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of repeated fire on understory plant species diversity in Saravan forests, northern Iran
Daryayi, M.G.
Adel, M.N.
Pashaki, M.S.
Kuhestani, J.S.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
repeated fire
plant species
species diversity
understory vegetation
Guilan province
Saravan forest
Fire usually causes changes in the composition and diversity of herbaceous species. The present paper aimed to study the effect of repeated fire incidents on understory species diversity in the Saravan forests of Guilan Province located in the north of Iran. To do so, three 50-hectare areas with identical physiographical conditions and overstory (hand-planted softwood Pinus taeda) were selected. Seven fire incidences occurred for the 10-year period in one of the areas and the other area experienced three fire incidents within the same period. The area with no fire incidents was considered as the control area. All the fire incidents were surface ones. The systematic random method with a sample size 100 × 200 m was used for collecting data. Based on the above, 25 samples were determined in each area. The whole coverage of the understory was taken into consideration using Whittaker’s method and the Domain criterion so as to calculate species diversity indices. The results showed that Shannon-Wiener diversity and Menhinick’s richness in the regions which experienced 3 and 7 fire incidents were maximum and minimum, respectively, whereas no significant difference was seen between the regions with regard to Smith and Wilson’s evenness index.
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry; 2013, 55, 3
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Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Różnorodność gatunkowa jako wskaźnik przemian roślinności w bieszczadzkiej kwaśnej buczynie górskiej
Plant species diversity as an indicator of vegetation changes in acidophilous mountain beech forest
Durak, T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Bieszczady Zachodnie
zbiorowiska leśne
zmiany użytkowania
kwaśna buczyna górska
runo leśne
róznorodność gatunkowa
wskaźnik równomierności
liczba gatunków
wskaźnik Shannona H
diversity indices
evenness index
changes in forest
forest regeneration
eastern carpathians
The intensity of disturbance plays a key role in shaping the biodiversity and hence it is a good tool for assessing community changes occurring in the Western Bieszczady, an area depopulated after World War II. Based on sampling of acidophilous mountain beech forest phytocoenosis repeated after 50 years, an analysis of plant biodiversity changes was conducted. The study focused on changes in the number of species, Shannon’s indicator, spatial distribution and coverage of specific ecological groups of species. The results confirm an undergoing process of regeneration of straitened phytocoenoses from 1958−1961, in which a slow improvement of the trophic conditions can be observed.
Sylwan; 2011, 155, 12; 843-850
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Biblioteka Nauki
Diversity of ancient woody species in urban forests
Fornal-Pieniak, B.
Ollik, M.
Zaras-Januszkiewicz, E.
Zarska, B.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
ancient species
woody species
plant species
urban forest
Mostly parks and forest are the most important ‘green islands’ in urban ecological network. Urban forests are belong to green areas and collected many plant species. The main aim of the article was characteristic of ancient plant species in urban forests in Tarnów. The field studies were carried out in years 2011–2012. It covered 80 phytosociological records on the area 500 m2 in herb layer of urban forests and in forest nature on oak-hornbeam. The results showed that many ancient plant species were growing in urban forest but less than in nature reserves.
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry; 2014, 56, 2
Pojawia się w:
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Diversity of flora in the undergrowth of park afforestations, rural plantings and oak-hornbeam forests
Fornal-Pieniak, B.
Ollik, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
rural planting
oak-hornbeam forest
The process of forest fragmentation has been observed in many countries, where plant species had adapt to different habitats, such as for example manor parks and rural plantings. A number of scientists have studied the parks as sites where waning environments and landscapes find their shelter. In 2011–2012, research was undertaken on diversity of vegetation in afforestations of parks, rural plantings and oak-hornbeam forests in Sandomierz Basin. In order to compare the means obtained univariate analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) was used with juxtaposing divided by each of the two criteria: size (the small, and large parks) and conservation(cultivated parks and nonclutivated parks). Tukey’s test was used to examine the significance of differences between respective groups. Analyses were with STATISTICA 9.1. software. Plants classified as forest species, grassland species and those of synanthropic communities were observed in all the afforestations. The parks with high wooded and not mowed areas and oak-hornbeam forests were more forest-like than other types of afforestations studied.
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry; 2013, 55, 3
Pojawia się w:
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tree species diversity and above-ground biomass of natural temperate forest: montane versus lowland forest
Gazda, A.
Miscicki, S.
Chwistek, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
plant species
species diversity
aboveground biomass
temperate forest
mountain forest
lowland forest
species richness
We studied the relationship between tree-species diversity and the above-ground biomass on an example of two natural Polish forest with different altitiudinal range, plant species pool, vegetation and climatic conditions. The study sought to determine whether: (1) above-ground biomass in natural forests correlates with tree-species diversity irrespective of the kind of forest (montane or lowland), and (2) the relationship in question is negative, (3) the above-ground biomass is greater in montane forests than in lowland ones. Natural forests present in 1º Polish Gorce Mountains (montane forest) alongside comparable data for the 2º world-renowned lowland forest that is present in the Białowieża National Park. Data were collected within 558 sample plots (á 200-square-metre). The diameter at breast height of all trees with girths of or exceeding 12 cm was measured. To compute above-ground biomass we calculated dry masses for each tree on the basis of values for dbh and height, next we summed these values for all species present within each plot. The number of tree species on a plot ranged from only one (mainly in spruce stands) to six (in mixed deciduous lowland forest stands). The above-ground accumulated biomass ranged from 6 to 1155 (average 251±13) t ha–1 within the lowland forest, and from 2 to 849 (average 242±8) t ha–1 within the montane forest. We concluded that there was a humped-back shaped relationship between tree-species diversity and above-ground biomass in both lowland and montane natural forests.
Dendrobiology; 2015, 73
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Habitat preference and resource utilization of avifauna in Kuldiha Wildlife Sanctuary, Odisha, India: Role of eco-ethological gradients
Ghosh, Srinjana
Paria, Santu
Mardaraj, Prakash Chandra
Chakraborty, Susanta Kumar
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Avifaunal diversity
Foraging guilds
Kuldiha Wildlife Sanctuary (KWS)
Tropical deciduous forest
The present study has attempted to highlight the avifaunal diversity in two contrasting seasons (pre and post monsoons) from a protected tropical mixed deciduous forest (Kuldiha Wildlife Sanctuary, KWS) in the state of Odisha, India. Through modified line transect method, a total of 107 species of birds belonging to 49 families under 15 orders have been reported. Among them, 12 are winter visitors, 3 are summer visitors, 1 is near threatened and 1 is vulnerable species. Insectivores and frugivores constitute major foraging guilds. Closed canopy forests, forest edges, woodland areas and wetlands provide suitable habitats to all those avifauna. Lower canopy level was found to act as the major microhabitat for several species for meeting major ecobiological attributes of avifauna. The pre-monsoon and monsoon periods have appeared to be the ideal nesting seasons for most of the avian members. Canopy foliage and tree holes were seen to offer the most suitable nesting sites. Significant differences in respect of species richness have been observed among different habitats in different seasons (F5.91 ,p ≤ 0 in premonsoon, F6.53, p ≤ 0 in post monsoon). The highest Shannon Weiner diversity index (H′) was recorded from the forest edge (3.8) during premonsoon and that of lowest in orchard or plantation areas (2.96) during post monsoon. Species Dominance value (D) was observed to be highest both for grassland and orchards and plantation areas (0.06). The field based study attempts to assess avian diversity (qualitative and quantitative) in the light of global conservation programme. Though this area is prone to varying levels of anthropogenic interventions particularly the tourism activities, an overall healthy bird diversity has been found to exist, the knowledge on which is expected to be utilized for the holistic eco-management of forest ecosystem in general and Kuldiha wildlife sanctuary in particular. A number of hypothesis have been proposed in respect of avifaunal habitat selection, diversity and acclimation with wildlife friendly human association for their successful coexistence.
World Scientific News; 2018, 103; 32-64
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ zróżnicowania mikrosiedliskowego boru świeżego na liczebność odnowienia naturalnego sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.)
The influence of microsite diversity of fresh coniferous forest on number of Scots pine [Pinus sylvestris L.] natural regeneration
Gmyz, R.
Skrzyszewski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewa lesne
sosna zwyczajna
Pinus sylvestris
odnowienia naturalne
warunki mikrosiedliskowe
bor swiezy
pinus sylvestris
natural regeneration
forest floor vegetation
indicator species
microsite diversity
The paper analyses the relationships between the microsite diversity of fresh coniferous forest and the number of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings from natural regeneration. The competition of forest floor vegetation (mainly of Vaccinium myrtillus) was found to be the decisive factor of pine regeneration. Lichens, especially Cladonia arbuscula and C. rangiferina, as well as mosses, e. g. broom moss (Dicranum scoparium) and pincushion moss (Leucobryum glaucum), can be regarded as the indicator species for the microsite suitable for pine regeneration.
Sylwan; 2010, 154, 03; 173-181
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sukcesja dębu w drzewostanach sosnowych na siedliskach borowych
The oak succession in the pine stand in the coniferous forest habitat
Gniot, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
sukcesja roslin
drzewostany sosnowe
siedliska borowe
drzewa lesne
natural succesion
pure pine stand
coniferous forest habitats
transformation of the
the complexity in the forest vegetation community
the biological diversity in the forest
balanced proecological forest management unit
the function of the forest
the ecosystem of the forest
stand varied in species
the natural upgrowth
Permanently balanced forest economy demands today a resignation from a constant model of the forest stand, which preferred the productive function of the forest, mostly without any consideration to its natural values formed by Mother Nature. Implanting on Polish grounds principles of multifunctional forest districts acknowledged as a breeding object of the whole forest ecosystem, giving in that way the forest economy a proecological dimension. Its a result from a general progress of civilization and achievements in forest science; reaching towards the needs and expectations from the society gaining a general acceptation from different environments. One of the fundamental elements implementing the ecosystem is to rebuild deformed and artificially barred forest phytocenosis. This refers especially to pure pine stands on habitats, in which trophoism potential explains breeding habitats species variety. A good help for the forester in this area can be a natural succesion of good, noble broad−leaved species like for example the oak. Succesion of this species takes on a special meaning in poor habitats, in which it without any special imposes enriches the biocenose with the whole positive outcome accompanying this process; it can also be a valuable clue to the potential fertility in the habitat and the complexity in the forest vegetation community. An important task is to lead the way for the oaks development from succesion to its fullest use as a natural presence in creating the future forest generation. The article below is devoted to this question describing the natural up growth of the oak in pine stands on the coniferous forest habitats in Forest District Różanna and the methods and results in which they are used for breeding.
Sylwan; 2007, 151, 05; 60-72
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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