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Federacja Rosyjska wobec problemu afgańskiego w okresie 2014–2021
The Russian Federation towards the Afghan problem in the period 2014–2021
Kardaś, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Russian Federation
foreign policy
Federacja Rosyjska
polityka zagraniczna
Sytuacja wewnętrzna w Afganistanie stanowiła niezwykle ważny punkt odniesienia dla rosyjskiej polityki zagranicznej w XXI w. Rosja od wielu lat uważnie obserwuje wszystko to, co ma miejsce w tym państwie, bowiem procesy zachodzące w Afganistanie mocno wpływają na region Azji Centralnej, a ten, przez władze na Kremlu, jest uznawany za własną strefę wpływów. Na potrzeby niniejszego artykułu została stworzona hipoteza badawcza, zakładająca, że dla Moskwy, przejęcie władzy przez talibów w Afganistanie, jest szansą na zwiększenie swoich wpływów w tym rejonie Azji, ponieważ konsekwentnie od 2014 r. Rosja prowadziła politykę wspierania tej ekstremistycznej grupy. W tekście wykorzystano metodę instytucjonalno-prawną (przy określeniu problemu afgańskiego w dokumencie strategicznym, jakim jest Koncepcja polityki zagranicznej Federacji Rosyjskiej z 2016 r.), a także metodę decyzyjną (przy charakterystyce działań, jakie podejmowane były przez rosyjskie władze wobec talibów w okresie 2014–2021).
The internal situation in Afghanistan has been an extremely important point of reference for Russian foreign policy in the 21st century. Russia has been closely monitoring everything that is taking place in this country for many years, because the processes taking place in Afghanistan have a strong impact on the Central Asian region, and this, by the authorities, in the Kremlin, is considered its own sphere of influence. For the purposes of this article, a research hypothesis was created, assuming that for Moscow, the Taliban’s takeover of power in Afghanistan is an opportunity to increase its influence in this region of Asia, because since 2014 Russia has consistently pursued a policy of supporting this extremist group. The article uses the institutional and legal method (in defining the Afghan problem in the strategic document, the Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation of 2016), as well as the decision-making method (in characterizing the actions taken by the Russian authorities against the Taliban in the period 2014–2021).
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2024, 1; 53-63
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Green Soft Power? Checking in on China as a Responsible Stakeholder
Nitza-Makowska, Agnieszka
Longhurst, Kerry
Skiert-Andrzejuk, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
soft power
foreign policy
environmental diplomacy
By assuming a proactive role in international environmental regimes and extending the ‘green’ dimensions of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China has been seeking to promote itself as a leader and responsible stakeholder in global environmental governance. This article examines this development concerning the notion of China’s ‘soft power’ and, more specifically, the notion of ‘green soft power’ – which aims to bridge the traditional concept of soft power with a state’s behavior on environmental and climate issues. China presents an interesting case since it has accrued a considerable amount of green soft power through its multilateral environmental diplomacy practiced at the Conferences of the Parties (COPs), the high-profile annual United Nations Climate Change Conferences, but its patchy deployment of environmental standards in the bilateral engagements under the BRI highlights the contradictions in referring to China as a green soft power. With these ideas in mind, this article holds that in the search to understand the evolving nature of China’s responsible stakeholder role, attention should be given to exploring the notion of green soft power.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2024, 1(53); 17-33
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relacje rosyjsko-tureckie w kontekście wojny na Ukrainie
Russian-Turkish relations in the context of the war in Ukraine
Gardocki, Sylwester
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
wojna rosyjsko-ukraińska
turecka polityka zagraniczna
Russian-Ukrainian War
Turkish Foreign Policy
The outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine has put Turkey in a difficult situation. The Turkish government, which adopted a strategy of ambiguity towards this conflict, tried to maintain good economic relations with Russia while providing military support to Ukraine. Turkey’s policy towards the Russia-Ukraine war refers to the broader context of international rivalry that involves the United States and China. In this situation, Turkey must take into account all circumstances of international competition. The scientific hypothesis refers to the measurable benefits that Turkey derives from applying such a strategy towards the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
Wybuch wojny między Rosją a Ukrainą postawił Turcję w trudnej sytuacji. Rząd turecki, który przyjął strategię niejednoznaczności wobec tego konfliktu, starał się utrzymać dobre stosunki gospodarcze z Rosją, jednocześnie udzielając Ukrainie wsparcia militarnego. Polityka Turcji wobec wojny rosyjsko-ukraińskiej odnosi się do szerszego kontekstu rywalizacji międzynarodowej, w którą zaangażowane są Stany Zjednoczone i Chiny. W tej sytuacji Turcja musi brać pod uwagę wszystkie okoliczności rywalizacji międzynarodowej. Hipoteza naukowa odnosi się do wymiernych korzyści, jakie Turcja czerpie ze stosowania takiej strategii wobec konfliktu rosyjsko-ukraińskiego.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia; 2024, 1(40); 9-20
Pojawia się w:
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Turkey in the Post-Arab Uprisings Era: Vacillating between Regional and Domestic Priorities
Drakoularakos, Stavros
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
foreign policy
regional hegemony
hard power
Middle East
This article analyses Turkey’s foreign policy concerning the status quo of the post-Arab uprisings through the prism of regional hegemony theory. The aspiring regional hegemon is identified through criteria applied to Turkish foreign policy, recontextualizing soft power initiatives of the previous decades with current hard power policies. The article suggests that while the Arab uprisings played a vital part in the redefinition of Turkish foreign policy, Erdoğan’s domestic priorities informed its recalibration to weather political difficulties and maintain power. The objective would be to challenge the status quo shepherded by the West during the twentieth century as articulated by the Mavi Vatan doctrine, the motivation to renegotiate the Lausanne treaty, the conversion of the Hagia Sophia into a mosque, and even the escalating Erdoğan-Macron verbal feud. Turkey’s aspirations for regional hegemony are evidenced in policies including military intervention, diplomatic and economic support to state entities, escalation of tensions with other regional powers, and Erdoğan’s consolidation of power over Turkish domestic affairs.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2024, 1(53); 107-123
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A neoclassical-realist analysis of Japan’s stance on cross-strait relations
Żakowski, Karol
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych
cross-strait relations
foreign policy
neoclassical realism
Since 1972, Tokyo has maintained official diplomatic relations with Beijing, while stressing the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. Based on governmental documents and decision-makers’ political declarations, this article examines Japan’s approach towards cross-strait relations since the 1990s. It applies the perspective of neoclassical realism by analyzing both the international determinants (independent variables) and the domestic factors (intervening variables) behind Tokyo’s approach to ‘One China’ policy. The article tries to answer the question why different Japanese governments reacted in various ways to cross-strait frictions and rapprochement. It is argued that the level of Tokyo’s involvement in the Taiwan problem was dependent both on international and domestic factors. Growing concerns about China’s military buildup, coupled with a gradual demise of pro-Beijing faction in the Liberal Democratic Party, pushed Japan towards containing the People’s Republic of China (PRC) while ameliorating relations with Taipei. As Sino-Japanese relations deteriorated, Tokyo became less inclined to lecture Taiwan against provoking Beijing and more willing to support Taipei’s international initiatives. At the same time, Japan started perceiving cross-strait rapprochement not only as a factor stabilizing the regional security system, but also as a potential threat to national security.
Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations; 2022, 58; 6-24
Pojawia się w:
Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Afryka Subsaharyjska w polityce zagranicznej PRL
Knopek, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
Afryka Subsaharyjska
polityka zagraniczna
Communist Poland
Sub-Saharan Africa
foreign policy
W artykule autor wskazuje cele i zadania polskiej polityki zagranicznej w stosunku do Afryki Subsaharyjskiej w latach 1944–1989. Polityka ta zaczęła być formułowana po 1956 r., gdy w wyniku dekolonizacji na omawianym obszarze powstały niepodległe państwa. W pierwszym okresie opierała się na założeniach ideologicznych, tj. preferowano państwa, które miały charakter komunizujący bądź lewicowy. Później, w wyniku niestabilności politycznej, licznych zamachów stanu i puczów wojskowych w Czarnej Afryce, można odnotować w omawianej polityce zarówno cele ideologiczne, jak i pragmatyczne, odwołujące się do np. interesów gospodarczych Polski, w tym handlu. Podstawowe cele polityki PRL wobec Afryki Subsaharyjskiej obejmowały następujące zadania: 1) podejmowanie szeroko zakrojonej akcji dyplomatycznej i ideologicznej na rzecz propagowania sił o charakterze antyzachodnim; 2) świadczenie pomocy technicznej w postaci delegowania lekarzy, inżynierów i rzemieślników wykwalifikowanych; 3) przydzielanie stypendiów dla młodzieży afrykańskiej, która miała podejmować naukę na wybranych uczelniach; 4) tworzenie organizacji o orientacji komunistycznej lub lewicowej, których zadaniem byłoby przenikanie dalej do lokalnych i regionalnych związków zawodowych. Natomiast starano się unikać udzielania pomocy bezpośredniej w postaci dotacji lub kredytów. Mimo zmian dokonujących się Polsce, jak również zmieniającej się rzeczywistości międzynarodowej, cele te nie ulegały większym modyfikacjom aż do 1989 r.
In this article, the author identifies the objectives and tasks of Polish foreign policy towards sub-Saharan Africa between 1944 and 1989. This policy began to be formulated after 1956, when independent states were established in this area as a result of decolonisation. In the first period, this foreign policy was based on ideological foundations, i.e. preference was given to states that were either communist or leftist. Later, as a result of political instability, namely the numerous political and military coups in Black Africa, it is possible to note both ideological and pragmatic objectives in the discussed policy, which referred, for example, to Poland’s economic interests, including trade. The basic objectives of the policyof communist Poland towards sub-Saharan Africa included the following tasks: 1. undertaking extensive diplomatic and ideological action to promote anti-Western forces; 2. providing technical assistance in the form of the secondment of doctors, engineers and skilled craftsmen; 3. awarding scholarships for African youth to study at selected universities; 4. establishing organisations with communist or leftist orientations, with the goal of penetrating local and regional trade unions. At the same time, efforts were made to avoid providing direct aid in the form of grants or loans.
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2023, 41, 1; 26-48
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Augustinas Voldemaras i stosunki radziecko-litewskie w latach 1926–1929
Augustinas Voldemaras and Soviet-Lithuanian Relations between 1926 and 1929
Rupasow, Aleksandr I.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Augustinas Voldemaras
Antanas Smetona
stosunki litewsko-radzieckie
stosunki polsko-litewskie
polityka zagraniczna Litwy
polityka zagraniczna ZSRR
Lithuanian-Soviet relations
Polish-Lithuanian relations
Lithuanian foreign policy
USSR foreign policy
Praca opisuje relacje radziecko-litewskie w latach 1926–1929 na podstawie sprawozdań radzieckiej misji dyplomatycznej w Wilnie. Władze w Moskwie zainteresowane były sytuacją wewnętrzną Litwy, narastającymi napięciami pomiędzy Augustinasem Voldemarasem i Antanasem Smetoną oraz skomplikowanymi relacjami między Wilnem i Warszawą.
The article describes Soviet-Lithuanian relations in the period between 1926 and 1929, based on reports by Soviet diplomats in Vilnius. The authorities in Moscow were preoccupied with the internal situation in Lithuania, the growing tensions between Augustinas Voldemaras and Antanas Smetona, and the complicated relations between Vilnius and Warsaw.
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej; 2022, 57, 2; 61-76
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Between Moscow and Washington: information influences on early dialogue with NATO in Poland and Ukraine (1991–1994)
Mieliekiestsev, Kyrylo
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Foreign influence
information influences
information policy
information warfare
Republic of Poland
The research covers the early years of Ukraine’s and Poland’s cooperation in their bilateral relations in the context of building up security policies between the NATO and the CSTO in 1991–1994. Various information influences from state and non-state actors, internal and external, made it so the processes of the search for security guarantees ended up quite different between the two neighboring countries. Covering sources and literature that provide evidence for influences from sources such as the Kremlin, the non-lustrated “old guard” former Communist party functionaries in Ukraine, and the former opposition in Poland, the research shows how the two countries’ relations with the NATO differed, and why, though both countries joined the Partnership for Peace program at roughly the same time, Poland managed to start active Euro-Atlantic integration much earlier than Ukraine did. Using sources such as the text of the treaties, the establishing documents and legislature guidebooks of organization, public writings of diplomats and former policy makers, the research shows what exactly were the risks that the NATO assessed in the joining of former Eastern Bloc countries (with the unstated reasons for the small number of contacts of those countries with NATO in the 1991–1994 relevant to the West’s suspicion of post-Soviet intelligence and military), and which points of the first Ukraine-NATO proved “too much” for the former. Furthermore, Ukraine’s early success with the number of NATO exercises it partook in during the first years of the Partnership for Peace became an example to other Eastern Europe countries seeking better relations with NATO and defense sector reforms, including the Republic of Poland. The paper also highlights the tendencies of cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Poland in the context of NATO enlargement and the various aspects of Atlantic integration. The most important among them was cooperation in security and defense, both bilateral and within the framework of the NATO Partnership for Peace Program.
Pomiędzy. Polsko-Ukraińskie Studia Interdyscyplinarne; 2023, 9(2); 19-26
Pojawia się w:
Pomiędzy. Polsko-Ukraińskie Studia Interdyscyplinarne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chinese Soft Power
Łoś, Robert Edmund
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
soft power resources
foreign policy
China’s modern power is based on traditional sources: territory size, demographics, economy, and army. An important factor of power is soft power, which is based on culture, foreign policy (including economics), and values. Chinese soft power resources have an old tradition and the possibility of using them is large, and most importantly, in the current international environment, they can use them to gain and maintain an advantage over competitors. The article presents the elements of China’s soft power that determine its advantage over other countries and the weaknesses that may limit its influence. It largely determines the research methods used: statistics and system analysis. The latter method makes it possible to determine the scale of China’s influence and the chances of using them in the 21st century.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2023, 4(52); 135-149
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dyplomacja religijna Republiki Turcji
Religious diplomacy of the Republic of Türkiye
Религиозная дипломатия Турецкой Республики
Fraszka, Łukasz Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
“religious diplomacy”
soft power
foreign policy of Türkiye
«религиозная дипломатия»
мягкая сила
внешняя политика Турции
The aim of this article is to analyse the religious dimension of Turkey’s foreign policy in the era of Justice and Development Party rule and the forms of its implementation. The article argues that the Republic of Turkey, in the era of AKP rule, is becoming one of the main state actors in international relations, which is beginning to use religion as an instrument of soft power in its foreign policy. At the same time, using “religious diplomacy” as a formal tool to strengthen the state’s image in the international arena. „Religious diplomacy” is the primary tool of Turkish soft power to strengthen the country’s international position after the Cold War. It aims to promote the Turkish model of Islam as a moderate type of Islam that can coexist with modernity and multiculturalism. It also promotes Turkish language and culture alongside religious curricula by linking Sunni Islam and Turkish nationalism.
Целью данной статьи является анализ религиозного измерения внешней политики Турции в эпоху правления Партии справедливости и развития и форм его реализации. В статье утверждается, что Турецкая Республика в эпоху правления ПСР становится одним из главных государственных акторов международных отношений, который начинает использовать религию как инструмент мягкой силы в своей внешней политике. В то же время, используя «религиозную дипломатию» как формальный инструмент укрепления имиджа государства на международной арене. «Религиозная дипломатия» является основным инструментом «мягкой силы» Турции для укрепления международных позиций страны после «холодной войны». Он направлен на продвижение турецкой модели ислама как умеренного типа ислама, который может сосуществовать с современностью и мультикультурализмом. Он также продвигает турецкий язык и культуру наряду с религиозными учебными программами, связывая суннитский ислам и турецкий национализм.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia; 2023, 2(37); 256-277
Pojawia się w:
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dyplomacja trzęsień ziemi a zmiana pozycji międzynarodowej Syrii
Earthquake Diplomacy and the Change of the Syria’s International Position
Дипломатия землетрясений и изменение международного положения Сирии
Małecki, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
earthquake diplomacy
disaster diplomacy
foreign policy
Middle East
дипломатия землетрясений
дипломатия катастроф
внешняя политика
Ближний Восток
Syria is a state which has been affected by multiple series of disasters in the XXI century. Some of them has been natural caused, whereas there were some caused by human activity. Only for the first two decades of the current century, Syria has been the arena of the most complex military conflict, which significantly damaged the whole state and caused its partial international isolation. On the other hand, Syria has struggle with various types of natural disasters, such as drought from 2006 to 2010, numerous floods, the COVID-19 and Cholera outbreak and finally, the recent earthquake, occured in February 2023. The last phenomenon has lead numerous countries to express solidarity with Syria as well as to deliver the humanitarian aid to this country. Some of them are considered to be hostile towards Damascus and president Bashar el-Assad. In parallel to the humanitarian assistance, there was a diplomatic process, which led to full rehabilitation of Syrian president in the region and to full normalization diplomatic relations with other Arabic states as well as to start a dialogue with Turkey. In some analytical and media centers, the recent events have been described as an outcome of the earthquake diplomacy or disaster diplomacy, characterized as the international situation in which the natural disaster and the readiness to counterreaction against its effects, may create the opportunities to deescalate relations between the warrying states. Therefore, would it be accurate to consider the recent disaster in Syria able to create the new process as well as to transform the long-term strategies of a number of countries? This article will deal with analysing political process occured between Syria and the regional powers after the earthquake as well as it will try to answer the question how the international position of Syria has changed and crucially: does the recent earthquake have the impact on these issues?
Сирия – страна, которая в XXI веке подверглась целому ряду катастроф, как природных, так и техногенных. Только за первые два десятилетия этого века страна стала ареной самого многогранного и многопланового вооруженного конфликта, который привел к ее внутренней дезорганизации и частичной изоляции на международном уровне. С другой стороны, Сирию преследуют стихийные бедствия, такие как засуха 2006–2010 годов, многочисленные наводнения, эпидемии КОВИД-19 и холеры и, наконец, разрушительное землетрясение в феврале 2023 года. Последнее вызвало волну выражений солидарности и гуманитарной помощи Сирии со стороны многочисленных стран-союзников, а также тех, кто до сих пор считался враждебным по отношению к правлению президента Башара Асада. Параллельно со спасательной операцией шел дипломатический процесс, который привел к реабилитации сирийского лидера в регионе, полной нормализации отношений с арабскими странами (включая восстановление членства Сирии в Лиге арабских государств) и началу диалога с Турцией. В некоторых аналитических центрах и СМИ последние события описываются как результат дипломатии землетрясений или дипломатии катастроф, характеризуемой, в частности, как международная ситуация, в которой стихийное бедствие и стремление противостоять его последствиям создают возможности для деэскалации между конфликтующими сторонами. Таким образом, создала ли природная катастрофа в данном случае новую международную ситуацию и, следовательно, способна ли она в течение нескольких месяцев пересмотреть многолетнюю стратегию ряда государств? В данной статье мы проанализируем политические процессы между Сирией и государствами региона после землетрясения и попытаемся ответить на вопрос, как изменилась международная позиция Сирии и, самое главное, повлияло ли на эти процессы недавнее землетрясение и какое значение оно имело.
Studia Orientalne; 2023, 4(28); 7-30
Pojawia się w:
Studia Orientalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fateful Mésalliance: The Danish-Muscovite Treaties of 1493–1523 in Political and Religious Discourse
Skoog, Martin Neuding
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
papal embargo
secret diplomacy
foreign policy
Kalmar Union
In 1493, King John of Denmark entered into a formal treaty with the grand prince of Muscovy, which was later renewed and discontinued only with the fall of King Christian II. The treaty generated frequent embassies to Copenhagen and Moscow. The treaty was clearly aimed against Sweden and posed a serious strategic problem there. It also provides a backdrop to the diminished Swedish political trust in the Olden burg kings. Several medieval papal bulls prohibited Latin Christians from contact with infidels and schismatics. This papal embargo represented an over-arching policy that all within the Latin Christian community were expected to observe. The need for trade required degrees of embargo and in effect, the embargo only prohibited trade and interactions with infidels that may harm the Christian community – especially arms trade and offensive alliances. The Danish-Muscovite alliance was a clear breach of this embargo. Earlier studies have not, however, appreciated the significance of this alliance in the larger international context. This article studies the role of Muscovy in the conflicts between Sweden and Denmark from 1493 to 1523. How did the Oldenburg kings utilise the treaty to pursue their strategic goals? What were the Swedish repercussions? Did the Oldenburg kings publicly acknowledge their Muscovite liaison? How did the larger Latin Christian community react? What does this treaty tell us about political change in early sixteenth-century Northern Europe?
Zapiski Historyczne; 2023, 88, 2; 65-96
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Foreign Policy Issues of the Republic of Turkey and the United States in the Period after the End of the Cold War until the 2020
Makaradze, Emzar
Makaradze, Beka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
foreign policy
At the beginning of the 21st century, in 2002, a new political era began with the arrival of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Islam-oriented Justice and Development Party (AKP) at the head of the Republic of Turkey, which was gradually followed by changes in both foreign and domestic policy of the country. The main ideologist of modern Turkey’s foreign policy is one of the founders of the Justice and Development Party and Erdogan’s ally, former Foreign Minister and Prime Minister Professor Ahmet Davutoglu, who outlined the strategic priorities of Turkey’s foreign policy in his pioneering work Strategic Depth. In his doctrine, Ahmet Davutoglu argues that Turkey has “strategic depth” that allows it to pursue an independent foreign policy and claims to be the leading state in the region. As we know, the Republic of Turkey is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. According to the doctrine, precisely because of its geographical position and historical ties, it has a desire to influence all these regions (the Middle East, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf, and the Black Sea), what is considered the core of neo-Ottoman ideology. Neo-Ottomanism implies a shift of the Turkish political vector from West to East. Since the beginning of the 21st century, neo-Ottomanism as an ideology has become a force responsible for the shape of political life of Turkey. According to the ideology of neo-Ottomanism, the Republic of Turkey must get rid of the subordination of the United States, which will allow it to put itself on a par with such states as Britain, France, Russia, and China. Neo-Ottomanism is the main ideological direction of the new foreign policy of the Republic of Turkey. One of the arguments used by Erdogan and his party in moving from a parliamentary to a presidential model is the fact that the country needs a government that is almost as strong and centralized as the Ottoman Empire. At the same time, the president himself and his entourage constantly emphasize that the Turks are the “heirs of the Ottomans” and that the country must return to its former glory and strengthen its political, economic and cultural influence in the former territories of the Ottoman Empire. Thus, neo-Ottomanism is part of the official ideology of the Justice and Development Party and the basis of the country’s new identity, shaped by the political elite over the years. Although there is no direct indication of Turkish regional hegemony in the “strategic depth”, most analysts, especially in the West, believe that the expansion of spheres of influence mentioned in the doctrine is, in fact, nothing more than the restoration of Turkey’s monopoly hegemony in the region, but this times by means adapted to the modern era, in particular through the use of political, economic and cultural expansion and other “soft power” tools.
Historia i Polityka; 2023, 46 (53); 121-147
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
From Policy to Practice: Interpreting Polish Strategic Culture Amidst the Russian Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine
Inwazja Rosji na Ukrainę i jej wpływ na politykę zagraniczną Polski
Komarnytskyy, Mykhaylo
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Poland’s foreign and security policy
Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine
strategic culture
polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa Polski
wojna rosyjsko-ukraińska
kultura strategiczna
tożsamość narodowa
This research analyses the key components of the Polish strategic culture, mainly the national historical memory of previous relations with Russia, the role of NATO in Poland’s security and defence, the country’s objective to become a leading power in the Central and Eastern European, and the concept of strategic culture can become an additional explanatory determinant of Poland’s response to the Russian full-scale aggression against Ukraine. The case study considered Poland’s immediate firm and sweeping support of Ukraine in the first year of the Russian full-scale aggression. This article aims to understand essential determinants in modern Polish foreign and security policy and how they played out during the Russian war against Ukraine. The paper applies the strategic culture as an example of the critical theoretical approach to explain how historically-based context and specific national identical features influence decision-making in present times. The study used a systemic review of related literature, media coverage of the latest Russian war against Ukraine developments, and deductive analysis methods. The central assumption is that the concept of strategic culture becomes a crucial explanatory factor in understanding policy- and decision-making processes in the field of foreign and security policy. The main conclusions of the paper are that Poland’s response and reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a continuation of the long-lasting policy maintained by Poland regarding the elimination of military and hybrid threats posed by Russia, reduction of Russian influence in Europe, development of the Eastern European region and strengthening relations with its staunch ally – the US.
Prezentowany artykuł analizuje, w jaki sposób kultura strategiczna kształtuje politykę zagraniczną i bezpieczeństwa. Przykładem empirycznym wykorzystanym w badaniach jest polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa Polski oraz analiza wpływu położenia geopolitycznego, tożsamości narodowej, doświadczenia historycznego i pamięci na zachowania państwa. Studium przypadku rozpatrywane w niniejszej pracy to wpływ pełnoskalowej inwazji Rosji na Ukrainę na politykę zagraniczną i bezpieczeństwa Polski. Celem artykułu jest zrozumienie, które determinanty są najważniejsze we współczesnej polskiej polityce zagranicznej oraz jak cele polityki zagranicznej i bezpieczeństwa są ze sobą powiązane. Celami badania są decyzje polityczne i inicjatywy podejmowane przez Polskę w ostatnich latach oraz podejście strategiczne prezentowane w narodowych dokumentach strategicznych. W pracy zastosowano kulturę strategiczną jako przykład krytycznego podejścia teoretycznego w celu wyjaśnienia, jak historycznie uwarunkowany kontekst wpływa na podejmowanie decyzji. W opracowaniu wykorzystano systemowy przegląd literatury pokrewnej i przekazów medialnych dotyczących najnowszych wydarzeń w wojnie rosyjsko-ukraińskiej, a także metody analizy dedukcyjnej. Głównym założeniem jest to, że wojna rosyjsko-ukraińska wzmacnia międzynarodową markę Polski jako wytrwałego i niezawodnego sojusznika na forach bilateralnych i euroatlantyckich. Głównym wnioskiem płynącym z artykułu jest to, że odpowiedź Polski na inwazję Rosji na Ukrainę jest kontynuacją długoletniej polityki prowadzonej przez Polskę w zakresie eliminacji militarnych i hybrydowych zagrożeń ze strony Rosji, ograniczania wpływów rosyjskich w Europie, rozwoju regionu Europy Wschodniej oraz wzmacniania relacji ze swoim zaufanym sojusznikiem – USA.
Przegląd Strategiczny; 2023, 16; 309-320
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Strategiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geostrategic situation of Latvia in relation to the foreign policy of the Russian Federation
Stańczyk, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Instytut Geografii
foreign policy
The work addresses the issue of the geostrategic situation of Latvia in relation to Russia’s foreign policy, which is important for security in the Baltic Sea region. The work uses literary, historical and systemic methods of analysis. The aim of the work is to present the geostrategic position of Latvia. A historical analysis was undertaken indicating the causes of the current geostrategic situation of the country. The conditions and goals of the Russian foreign policy in the Baltic Sea basin and the strategic goals of actors involved in the region of NATO, the EU, the Russian Federation and Latvia were indicated. The main problems of the geostrategic location include cyber-attacks, disinformation campaigns conducted by the Russian media and a real threat to the integrity of the state posed by the Russian inhabitants of the country. It was decided that the Russian population could be used as a tool of pressure on the country’s authorities, especially since the Russian minority, constituting approximately 26% of Latvia’s population, can create its own parties and demand its rights, including demands for autonomy. The forecast of changes assumes that this problem will increase as Latvia struggles with demographic complications. It can be concluded that the smaller the numerical ratio of Latvians to Russians, the more difficult it will be for them to maintain their own statehood in a potential conflict situation with Russia. This is currently the most serious issue in Latvia’s security policy.
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society; 2023, 13, 3; 55-62
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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