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Nauka języków obcych osób w wieku senioralnym – przegląd nurtów badawczych i postulaty badawcze
Niewczas, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
foreign language geragogy
language teaching and learning
third-age language learners
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie aktualnego stanu wiedzy na temat nauczania języków obcych wśród seniorów, przegląd światowych i krajowych nurtów w tym obszarze i wskazanie na tym tle nowych potrzeb badawczych. Uwzględnione zostały różne perspektywy badawcze, przy czym nacisk został położony na omówienie kwestii najczęściej poruszanych w dyskusjach, takich jak, podtrzymanie lub poprawę poprawa zdolności poznawczych seniorów oraz socjologiczny aspekt uczęszczania osób starszych na kursy językowe. Selekcji literatury przedmiotu dokonano poprzez wyszukiwanie opracowań zawierających słowa kluczowe uznane za istotne dla zagadnienia, a następnie poprzez weryfikację abstraktów zebranych tekstów. Ostatecznie analizie poddano 27 polsko- i angielskojęzycznych publikacji z lat 2011-2019. Badacze zgodni są co do tego, że coraz większe zainteresowanie nauką języków obcych odbiorców senioralnych jest aktualnie ważnym wyzwaniem dla dydaktyki języków obcych, a potwierdzane korzyści z takiej aktywności umysłowej motywują do poszukiwania coraz lepszych rozwiązań w kontekście interdyscyplinarnym. W perspektywie dokonanych analiz jedną z najpilniejszych potrzeb badawczych wydaje się wypracowania propozycji (strategii, modeli) metodycznych i dydaktycznych dopasowanych do możliwości i oczekiwań osób w starszym wieku podejmujących naukę języków obcych.
The aim of the paper is to present the current state of knowledge in the field of teaching foreign languages to third-age learners as well as suggest some directions for future research. The selection of the studies to be included in the paper was done by choosing the most important keywords and in the second stage verifying the abstracts of the studies found. After the initial search, 27 papers were found for the analysis. The results show the growing interest in the subject among the researchers both in Poland and abroad, but they also pinpoint the challenges connected to working with this age group.  In the light of the presented research studies,  developing methods and strategies of teaching third-age learners seem crucial and in longer term preparing materials adjusted to third-age learners needs.
Acta Neophilologica; 2022, 2, XXIV; 111-120
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neophilologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Exploring subjective well-being of older adult foreign language learners: Results of a pilot study
Słowik-Krogulec, Agata
Data publikacji:
Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
positive psychology
foreign language geragogy (FLG)
older adult foreign language learners
lifelong learning
older adults
Societies are ageing and there is a growing desire in people aged 60 and more to continue their education in late adulthood. Yet, there is still a scarcity of research related to Foreign Language Geragogy and to the relationship between well-being and foreign language (FL) learning in later years. The results of recent studies show that learning another language can be not only related to maintaining, slowing down, or, to some extent, even improving the decline of cognitive functions in older age, but it might also have a positive impact on the quality of life of healthy, normally ageing older adults (Klímová et al. 2021; Pikhart/Klímová 2020). The main aim of this research, conducted at the University of the Third Age in Wrocław, was thus to evaluate the level of subjective wellbeing in a group of 31 Polish beginner and pre-intermediate level learners of English and to suggest classroom implications that might enhance positive functioning. The study adopted a mixed-methods approach: the quantitative data was presented using descriptive statistics and the qualitative data was analysed using nVivo software. A thematic analysis of the data set was done to identify patterns of meaning. The results indicate that FL courses can affect older adults’ quality of life and should, therefore, focus not only on the development of linguistic abilities, but that they also need to offer opportunities for socializing, and fostering emotional and social well-being. The teachers’ role is thus to improve third age learners’ FL skills alongside autonomy and agency, as well as to strengthen a sense of community and connectedness, and to promote positive ageing.
Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft; 2023, 12; 157-181
Pojawia się w:
Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Developing efficient foreign language classroom environment for older adult learners
Słowik-Krogulec, Agata
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
University of the Third Age,
foreign language geragogy
Older adults
classroom environment
Aim: The aim of the research is to present which elements related to teaching English to older adult learners have the greatest influence on creating a propitious and friendly learning environment. In order to achieve this firstly, I wish to present older adults’ observations regarding problems encountered in the classroom environment related to the lack of teaching materials, mixed age and ability groups or being discriminated against by fellow students and teachers. Secondly, I would like to propose some solutions to improve the efficiency of both students and teachers in the classroom environment. Methods: The subjects of the study were 40 older adult learners of English who attended the classes at the University of the Third Age in Wrocław. In the study the participants were asked to choose the answers which, according to them, have the greatest influence on their learning the foreign language in later life. The participants also wrote additional comments that explained their choices. The analysis was qualitative in nature. Results: The analysis shows that teachers (n=35) and teaching materials (n=31) are considered to be the two most important factors in learning a language in later life. The third most vital factor in creating a good classroom environment is related to other students (n=17). The subjects’ comments, however, point to numerous problems encountered in the aforementioned areas that affect the process of foreign language learning in later life. Conclusions: Older adult learners’ needs, abilities and learning preferences should be taken into account while designing language courses as, according to the subjects of the study, at present it is not the case. Moreover, there should be more awareness on behalf of the teachers as to the age-related changes that make certain tasks difficult and the learning environment unnecessarily hostile.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2019, 10, 2; 189-200
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
What motivates older adult learners in Poland to study foreign languages in later life?
Słowik-Krogulec, Agata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
Foreign Language Geragogy (FLG)
late-life foreign language learning and teaching
lifelong learning
older adults
Older adult cohorts (aged 60 and older) currently represent approximately 24% of the population of Poland. It is expected that by 2050 this proportion will increase to 40.4% of the overall population. The demographic change is also reflected in the continuing widespread popularity of various courses designed for this age group and the resulting rise of the number of Universities of the Third Age and other senior centres. However, in order to offer propitious and motivating learning environment for this age group, more research into the participants’ expectations and goals is needed. Three major findings were identified in this study: (a) older adults take up learning languages in later life in order to communicate while travelling (also with their families who live abroad); to socialise and get to know new people and cultures; to maintain intellectual abilities and to develop cognitively; (b) the instructor and other learners are key components in improving older adults’ motivation; and (c) stereotypes related to senescence and to Foreign Language Geragogy should be challenged to make classes relevant and interesting for this age group.
Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft; 2020, 9; 153-171
Pojawia się w:
Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pre-service teachers’ beliefs about teaching English to older adults: The case of motivation
Słowik-Krogulec, Agata
Data publikacji:
Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
Foreign Language Geragogy (FLG)
lifelong learning
the age factor
older adults
pre-service teachers’ beliefs
As of 2021, in Poland there are hardly any University courses preparing pre-service teachers to teach groups of the age of 60 and older. However, at the same time, it is estimated that in Poland older adults represent approximately 24% of the population and it is expected to increase to 40.4% by 2050. The number of private language centres and Universities of the Third Age (U3A) offering, among other subjects, foreign language education, is also constantly growing. In order to examine the value of introducing “Foreign Language Geragogy” (FLG, i.e. teaching foreign languages to older adults) to the curriculum, a qualitative study of forty two MA students from the Institute of English Studies (University of Wrocław) was carried out. Only half of the respondents attended the elective course and MA seminar “Older adults and SLA”, but both groups completed the same open-ended questionnaire, the aim of which was to explore pre-service teachers’ subjective theories regarding older adults’ motivation to learn foreign languages in later life, and to examine the extent to which they were affected by the content of the course. The results suggest that such courses are valuable, and pre-service teachers’ opinions regarding foreign language learning and teaching to older adults should be challenged in order to offer a better quality of teaching and to promote the idea of lifelong learning.
Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft; 2021, 10; 149-174
Pojawia się w:
Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Retrieval Practice in Foreign Language Pedagogy
Strategia Retrieval practice w nauczaniu języków obcych seniorów
Smoleń-Wawrzusiszyn, Magdalena
Niewczas, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
old age education
foreign language geragogy
retrieval practice (RP) strategy
edukacja w wieku dojrzałym
nauczanie języków obcych osób starszych
strategia retrieval practice (strategia RP)
Introduction: At the beginning of the 21st century, older adults have become another group with special educational needs, not only because of their social and neuropsychological conditions, but also because of the growing number of people aged 60+. One of the fields that responds to those needs is foreign language geragogy. Research Aim: The aim of the paper is to draw attention to retrieval practice (RP) strategy as an applicable method in teaching languages to older adults for maintaining their cognitive skills and to suggest some concrete solutions of the RP implementation in the language education. Method: This study is of a theoretical-conceptual nature. The literature review was conducted in the fields of neurological and psychological characteristics of third-agers, as well as with reference to RP experiences in teaching children and teenagers. Own two-stages research focused on lecturers’ perspective explored through online surveys and a group interview. Results: The RP strategy is an educational need reported by late L2 learners and their teachers. Due to its proven neurocognitive support of people aged 60+, the strategy is a valuable method of working with older adults. Results have allowed for proposing an applicable aspect. A few RP language practice models were offered as a tool facilitating learning, which is a novelty as for many years it was behind the interests of researchers and practitioners working with thirdagers. Conclusion: The RP strategy is a technique worthy of attention because of the goals accompanying language learning in older age, such as cognitive development, supporting memory processes and maintaining social contacts. The use of RP strategies in language exercises allows to diversify the process of language education in a way that is adequate to the late L2 learners’ potential. All of these factors are undoubtedly crucial in the context of seniors’ well-being. This allows us to conclude that the benefits of language learning can have a holistic dimension for older adults, as long as the learning is carried out using appropriate methods. 
Wprowadzenie: Na początku XXI w. seniorzy stali się kolejną grupą o specyficznych potrzebach edukacyjnych nie tylko z uwagi na uwarunkowania społeczne i neuropsychologiczne, ale też z powodu rosnącej liczebności osób w wieku 60+. Jedną z subdyscyplin reagujących na te okoliczności jest geragogika języków obcych. Cel badań: Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na strategię retrieval practice (RP) jako metodę odpowiednią w kształceniu językowym seniorów i utrzymywaniu ich zdolności poznawczych, jak również zaproponowanie ćwiczeń wdrażających strategię RP do edukacji językowej. Metoda badań: Opracowanie ma charakter teoretyczno-koncepcyjny. Dokonano przeglądu literatury z zakresu neurologicznej i psychologicznej charakterystyki starszych dorosłych oraz – w odniesieniu do strategii RP – w obszarze nauczania dzieci i młodzieży. Dwuetapowe ba dania własne koncentrowały się na perspektywie wykładowców, którą zweryfikowano poprzez ankiety online oraz wywiad grupowy. Wyniki: Strategia RP – z uwagi na udowodnione wsparcie neurokognitywne osób w wieku 60+ – jest wartościową metodą pracy ze starszymi dorosłymi, a także potrzebą dydaktyczną zgłaszaną przez tę grupę uczących się oraz ich lektorów. Wyniki pozwoliły na przedstawienie aspektu aplikacyjnego – sposobów włączenia RP do nauczania języka obcego w okresie późnej dorosłości. Zaproponowano kilka modeli ćwiczeń opartych na RP jako narzędzi ułatwiających edukację językową seniorów. Są to nowatorskie propozycje, ponieważ przez wiele lat strategia RP pozostawała poza zainteresowaniami badaczy i praktyków geragogiki języków obcych. Wnioski: Strategia RP jest techniką wartą uwagi ze względu na cele towarzyszące nauce języka w wieku dojrzałym, takie jak rozwój poznawczy, wspomaganie procesów pamięciowych oraz utrzymywanie kontaktów społecznych. Zastosowanie strategii RP w ćwiczeniach językowych pozwala na urozmaicenie procesu edukacji językowej w sposób adekwatny do potencjału uczących się. Wszystkie te czynniki są kluczowe w kontekście dobrostanu seniorów. Korzyści z nauki języka obcego mogą mieć dla starszych dorosłych wymiar holistyczny, jeśli tylko nauka ta będzie prowadzona odpowiednimi metodami.
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny; 2024, 43, 1; 143-159
Pojawia się w:
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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