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Сфера бизнеса в лингвокогнитивных мо-делях социума
Business sphere in linguocognitive models of society
Kilewaja, Ludmiła
Sternal, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Lingwistyczno-Techniczna w Świeciu
kognitywny model
socjoekonomiczny tezaurus
socjalny dyskurs
asocjatywne pole
cognitiv model
social discurs
associative field
W artykule zostaje poruszony problem społecznego kontekstu, w którym przebiega i rozwija się biznes. Na znaczącą część tego kontekstu składają się kognitywne modele, oparte na wiedzy i percepcji biznesu przez ludzi, bezpośrednio nie biorących w nim udziału. Faktyczny materiał badań został zgromadzony przez użycie metody psycholingwistycznej pod postacią asocjatywnego eksperymentu. Wzięły w nim udział 62 osoby, mające wyższe i średnie wykształcenie, głównie nauczyciele i wykładowcy państwowych i prywatnych uczelni. Autorki wprowadzają termin socjoekonomiczny tezaurus. Wychodzą z założenia, że kognitywne modele stają się źródłem dyskursu społecznego i tą drogą wywierają istotny wpływ na przebieg i rozwój biznesu. Przedstawione w artykule kognitywne modele są skonstruowane na podstawie analizy reakcji na słowo-bodziec biznes. U przeciętnego mieszkańca społeczeństwa kojarzy się on przede wszystkim z pieniędzmi, ciężką pracą i nieobecnością czasu dla siebie i bliskich. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwoliła ujawnić związek wzajemnych i współzależnych modeli kognitywnych i komponentów dyskursu, a także skonstruować asocjatywne pole i schematycznie przedstawić ramy, skrypty i gesztalty jako kognitywne modele tezaurusu socjoekono-micznego. Konstrukcja aspektów funkcjonowania biznesu została opracowana na podstawie analizy dyskursu z pozycji społecznego konstruktywizmu. Zdobyte wyniki świadczą o pozytywnym imidżu biznesu jako ekonomicznego fenomenu w społeczeństwie.
The article takes up the problem of social context in which business operates and develops. Meaningful part of this context is constituted by cognitive models formed on the basis of knowledge and business perception of the people who are not directly involved in it. Research material was gathered through the use of psycholinguistic method in the form an associative experiment. 62 persons participated in it, representing academic or higher secondary education: mainly lecturers and teachers of state and private institutions of higher learning. The authors introduce the term socioeconomic thesaurus. They assume that cognitive models become a source of social discourse and, in this way, exert substantial influence on the functioning and development of business. The cognitive models expounded in the article are constructed on the basis of analysis of reaction to the word-stimulus business. An average society member associates the word primarily with money and lack of time in private life. The conducted analysis allowed to show connection of mutual and interdependent cognitive models and components of the discourse. It also allowed to construct the associative field and to give a schematic presentation of frames, documents and geshtalts as cognitive models of socialeconomic thesaurus. The construction of aspects of business functioning was worked out on the basis of discourse-analysis from the point of view of social constructivism. The obtained results testify to positive attitude to business image as the economic phenomenon in the society.
humanistica 21; 2018, 2; 149-168
Pojawia się w:
humanistica 21
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Лобізм і теоретичні моделі політичної комунікації
Lobbing i teoretyczne modele komunikacji politycznej
Годний, Сергій
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
political field
political communication
political communication model
communicative influence
The article highlights the importance of lobbying in conditions of modern Ukraine. The objective necessity of its existence in the society is shown. In conditions, when the state cannot sufficiently satisfy the interests of various social strata, layers and groups, this role is taken over by lobbying. The growth of its role in the society changes the vector pf democracy transformation form civic representation to representation of interests of social groups. The article determines that today lobbying is one of the key mechanisms of development and political decisionmaking; it is a considerable and efficient force, which influences the state authorities and institutions. The efficiency of lobbying depends on the level of its actual implementation. The article reveals that the phenomenon of lobbying is in a fact a communicative phenomenon as lobbyists and government representatives use various communicative resources. The author interprets the term of “political communication” as the process of transfer, exchange of political information, which shapes the political activity and gives it a new sense, forms public opinion and is part of political socialization of the citizens with the consideration of their needs and interests. It is emphasized that today communication plays the role of the main resource of the authorities. All the resources are influenced by communication. Any message, any information exchange implies some form of resources exchange. The author analyses various models of political communication described by H. Lasswell, M. DeFleur, J. Bordewijk, B. van Kaam, J.-M. Cotteret. Is has been determined, that of all the existing communication models, there was no model designed specifically for the analysis of communication lobbying. The presented models of political communication may describe the lobbyist contact as a process, but they all are narrowed to transfer of information, significant for political system functioning. It has been emphasized that contemporary communication theories transfer of information is crystalized into the so-called transmission model of communication. This model remains basic for the formation of understanding the nature of political communication. The study determines that in the context of the research, J.-M. Cotteret’s model is the most appropriate way to determine the peculiarities of lobbying in the Ukrainian society. It most accurately corresponds to the realities of Ukraine, which is sometimes called “oligarch economy”. This is a particular form of structural connection between the oligarch layer of the society and its economy (also through lobbying the economic interests of oligarchs). The specifics of the Ukrainian lobbying model lies in the fact that there is a total economic dependency of party circles, which may be seen both at the nation and local levels. It is emphasized that the key feeding source of oligarchy is parasitizing on the economic body of the state. That is why Ukrainian oligarchy received the name of “carnival-parasitizing”. And, unfortunately, corruption remains the main interaction mechanism between the power and the big business. The author determines the current problems of the lobbying process in Ukraine. Firstly, the national legislation has no clear definition of such terms as “corruption” and “lobbying” as a form of interaction between the authorities and the interested party. The issue of lobby legalization still remains an important issue as well as the necessity of establishment of legal and lobbying principles to ensure the legitimacy of its functioning. It has been suggested to develop the methodology of carrying out the political and legal expert evaluation of draft projects and to adopt it in the form of a legal act. The necessity of ensuring the transparency of the lobbying process improving the order of drafting and deliberation of legislation at the plenary sessions of the Ukrainian parliament are emphasized.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2018, 8; 193-198
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie zdalnie sterowanych modeli latających w inżynierii rolniczej
The use of remotely controlled flying models in agricultural engineering
Cupiał, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Rolniczej
model zdalnie sterowany
fotografia lotnicza
badanie polowe
remotely controlled model
aerial photography
field research
Przedstawiono przykłady zastosowania modeli zdalnie sterowanych w badaniach związanych z inżynierią rolnicza. Modele zdalnie sterowanych helikopterów wykorzystane zostały do fotografowania obiektów, których w takim ujęciu nie dałoby się zobaczyć lub sfotografować innymi metodami.
The work presents examples for using remotely controlled models in agricultural engineering studies. Models of remotely controlled helicopters were used to take photographs of objects, which couldn't be seen or photographed from certain perspective using any other methods.
Inżynieria Rolnicza; 2009, R. 13, nr 6, 6; 31-36
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Rolnicza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagadnienie wpływu zużycia na pole temperatury pary tarciowej
The issue of the influence of wear on the temperature field of a friction couple
Kochanek, H.
Sadowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
pole temperatury
zużycie tarciowe
modele procesów cieplnych
temperature field
friction wear
thermal processes model
Próby określenia pola temperatury w elementach pary tarciowej były podejmowane w licznych pracach eksperymentalnych i teoretycznych. Bezpośrednie badania temperatury uwzględniają realne warunki cieplne, informując jedynie wycinkowo o polu tej temperatury. Z kolei znane modele nagrzewania tarciowego ciał stałych opierają się na założeniu o równości pracy i ciepła tarcia. Oznacza to pomijanie w prowadzonych rozważaniach energii rozpraszanej również wskutek zużywania. W niniejszej pracy podjęto próbę uogólnienia modelu procesów cieplnych spowodowanych tarciem poprzez uwzględnienie straty energii na zużywanie. Aby uzyskać przejrzystą i jednoznaczną interpretację wyników rozważań, przedstawiono parę tarciową z liniowym rozkładem temperatury w jej elementach w postaci rur cienkościennych zetkniętych ze sobą czołowo. Opisano temperaturę styku tarciowego i rozkłady temperatury w poszczególnych rurach. Uwzględniono własności fizyczne materiałów, warunki wymiany ciepła z otoczeniem, czas tarcia, zużywanie i niektóre cechy geometryczne trących się elementów. W celu zilustrowania wpływu zużywania na pola temperatury przybliżono także model trących się rur cienkościennych, oparty na założeniu o równości między pracą i ciepłem tarcia. Następnie porównano ze sobą oba modele. Przykłady obliczeniowe wykonano, stosując programy komputerowe Delphi i Excel. Stwierdzono istotny wpływ zużywania na przebieg procesów cieplnych. Przejawia się to jako zmniejszenie temperatury styku tarciowego, której wartość nie może przekroczyć wartości temperatury błysku. Zamieszczone przykłady ilustrują także wpływ chłodzenia i własności fizycznych trących się materiałów na pola temperatury w parze tarciowej.
Trials for the identification of the temperature field of friction couple elements have been made in numerous experimental and theoretical researches. The direct investigation of temperature taking into consideration the actual thermal condition give only partial information about that temperature field. On the other hand, well-known models of the frictional warming of solids are based on the equality assumption of friction work and heat. This means that, during consideration, the models' authors have ignored the energy dissipation that was caused by wear. This article presents the model generalisations of thermal processes caused by friction, which take into consideration the losses of energy due to wear. To obtain a clear and unambiguous interpretation of the results, a pair of friction elements that have linear temperature distribution was presented in the form of thin-walled pipes of face contact. The temperature of friction contact and the distribution of temperature in individual pipes are described. The authors took into account the following: physical properties of materials, conditions of heat exchange with the environment, the time of friction, wear, and some geometrical characteristics of rubbing parts. In order to illustrate the impact of wear on the temperature field, the model of rubbing thin-walled tubes, based on the assumption of the equality between work and the heat of friction was used. Then the presented models are compared. Computational examples are developed with the use of Delphi and Excel programs. The significant influence of wear on the course of thermal processes is presented. This is reflected as a reduction in frictional contact temperature, whose value can not exceed the flash temperature. The examples illustrate the impact of cooling and the physical properties of the frictional materials on the temperature field of the friction pair.
Tribologia; 2012, 1; 73-84
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyładowania niezupełne w wybranych układach modelowych oraz analiza numeryczna warunków polowych ich powstawania
Partial discharges in selected model insulating systems and numerical analysis of field conditions for their inception
Zydroń, P.
Roehrich, J.
Mikrut, P.
Bonk, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska. Wydział Elektrotechniki i Automatyki
wyładowania niezupełne
modelowe układy izolacyjne
pole elektryczne
obrazy fazowo-rozdzielcze wnz
partial discharges
model insulating systems
electric field
PD phase-resolved patterns
Wyładowania niezupełne (wnz) powstające w układach izolacyjnych urządzeń wysokonapięciowych mogą przybierać różne formy, zależne od właściwości fizykochemicznych zastosowanych materiałów dielektrycznych, wzajemnej konfiguracji geometrycznej izolacji i układu elektrod oraz rodzaju i geometrii defektu. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki rejestracji i analiz zbiorów impulsów wyładowań niezupełnych powstających w trzech różnych, modelowych układach izolacyjnych (wyładowania ulotowe, wyładowania w zamkniętej inkluzji gazowej zlokalizowanej wewnątrz układu izolacyjnego oraz wyładowania powierzchniowe, powstające w obecności punktu potrójnego metalgazdielektryk). Analiza wyładowań dotyczyła specyficznych cech ich obrazów fazowo-rozdzielczych D(, q, n). Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że pole elektryczne jest podstawową przyczyną powstawania wyładowań niezupełnych w wysokonapięciowych układach izolacyjnych zaprezentowano różnice w rozkładach natężenia pola elektrycznego w badanych układach modelowych.
Partial discharges (PD) occurring in insulation systems of high-voltage equipment can take various forms, depending on: the physicochemical properties of used dielectric materials; the geometric configuration of the insulating system and the electrode arrangement; and also the type and geometry of the defect. The paper presents the results of registration and analysis of partial discharge pulses sets generated in three different models of insulating systems (corona discharges; discharge in closed gas inclusions located inside the insulating system, and surface discharge formed in the presence of triple point metal-solid dielectric-gas). The analysis of the discharges concerned the specific features of their phase-resolved patterns D(, q, n). The differences in distribution of electric field intensity in the studied insulating systems were also presented, due to the fact that this is the primary cause of partial discharges in high-voltage insulating systems.
Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej; 2017, 57; 165-170
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ warunków zasilania na parametry eksploatacyjne silnika z magnesami trwałymi
Preliminary Investigation of an Induction Motor Supplied with Voltage Containing Subharmonics Using Field Methods
Gnaciński, P.
Hallmann, D.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Napędów i Maszyn Elektrycznych Komel
maszyny indukcyjne
jakość napięcia
model polowy
induction machines
power quality
field model
This paper deals with the effect of voltage subharmononics on stator windings currents and rotational speed of an induction cage machine. The preliminary investigations were carried out with 2D machine model implemented in Ansoft Maxwell environment. The results of calculation are presented for a delta-connected machine of the rated power 3 kW.
Artykuł dotyczy wpływu subharmonicznych napięcia na prądy uzwojeń stojana i prędkość obrotową silnika indukcyjnego klatkowego. Badania wstępne wykonano za pomocą modelu 2D zaimplementowanego w środowisku Ansoft Maxwell. Wyniki obliczeń przedstawiono dla silnika indukcyjnego o mocy 3 kW, połączonego w trójkąt.
Maszyny Elektryczne: zeszyty problemowe; 2015, 4, 108; 65-69
Pojawia się w:
Maszyny Elektryczne: zeszyty problemowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wave Propagation in a LRPC Composite Double Panel Structure with Periodically Attached Pillars and Etched Holes
Qian, D.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
locally resonant phononic crystal
composite double panel structure
band structure
displacement field
transmission power spectrum
“base-spring-mass” simplified model
The locally resonant phononic crystal (LRPC) composite double panel structure (DPS) made of a twodimensional periodic array of a two-component cylindrical LR pillar connected between the upper and lower composite plates is proposed. The plates are composed of two kinds of materials and periodically etched holes. In order to reveal the bandgap properties of structure theoretically, the band structures, displacement fields of eigenmodes and transmission power spectrums of corresponding 8 × 8 finite structure are calculated and displayed by using finite element method (FEM). Numerical results and further analysis demonstrate that if the excitation and response points are picked on different sides of the structure, a wide band gap with low starting frequency is opened, which can be treated as the coupling between dominant vibrations of pillars and plate modes. In addition, the influences of filled-in rubber, etched hole and viscidity of soft material on band gap are studied and understood with the help of “base-spring-mass” simplified model.
Archives of Acoustics; 2018, 43, 4; 717-725
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vehicle-deck fires aboard RoPax ships: a comparison between numerical modelling and experimental results
Salem, Ahmed
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska. Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Okrętownictwa
vehicle-deck fires
RoPax ships
zone models
field models
model-scale fire tests
According to an official study conducted by the IMO Correspondence Group on Casualty Analysis concerning the fire incidents that occurred on the vehicle-decks of RoPax ships, covering the period from 1994 to 2011, it has been shown that a very serious incident has occurred every other year since 2002, resulting in six constructive total losses. The results of this review shed the light on the need to investigate the application of fire models to simulate fire scenarios that may occur on the vehicle-decks aboard RoPax ships. This will be very useful for the RoPax designers who are willing to introduce new technologies or deviate from the current prescriptive regulations of fire safety design in order to reduce the risk of such catastrophic accidents. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a comparison between the predictions of three different fire models and the experimental results of a model-scale fire test that represents a fire scenario on a vehicle-deck aboard a RoPax ship. A statistical analysis technique was used to illustrate the ability of each fire model to predict five outputs of concern. The main conclusion of this comparison is that there is always an optimal fire model that can predict one or more of the five outputs of concern with results in good agreement with the measured values.
Polish Maritime Research; 2019, 2; 155-162
Pojawia się w:
Polish Maritime Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variation Analysis of CMOS Technologies Using Surface-Potential MOSFET Model
Mattausch, H. J.
Yumisaki, A.
Sadachika, N.
Kaya, A.
Johguchi, K.
Koide, T.
Miura-Mattausch, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
compact model
fabrication inaccuracy
field-effect transistor
potential at channel surface
within wafer
An analysis of the measured macroscopic withinwafer variations for threshold voltage (Vth) and on-current (Ion) over several technology generations (180 nm, 100 nm and 65 nm) is reported. It is verified that the dominant microscopic variations of the MOSFET device can be extracted quantitatively from these macroscopic variation data by applying the surface-potential compact model Hiroshima University STARC IGFET model 2 (HiSIM2), which is presently brought into industrial application. Only a small number of microscopic parameters, representing substrate doping (NSUBC), pocket-implantation doping (NSUBP), carrier-mobility degradation due to gate-interface roughness (MUESR1) and channel-length variation during the gate formation (XLD) are found sufficient to quantitatively reproduce the measured macroscopic within-wafer variations of Vth and Ion for all channel length Lg and all technology generations. Quantitative improvements from 180 nm to 65 nm are confirmed to be quite large for MUESR1 (about 70%) and Lmin(XLD) (55%) variations, related to the gate-oxide interface and the gate-stack structuring, respectively. On the other hand, doping-related technology advances, which are reflected by the variation magnitudes of NSUBC (30%) and NSUBP (25%), are found to be considerably smaller. Furthermore, specific combinations of extreme microscopic parameter-variation values are able to represent the boundaries of macroscopic fabrication inaccuracies for Vth and Ion. These combinations are found to remain identical, not only for all Lg of a given technology node, but also for all investigated technologies with minimum Lg of 180 nm, 100 nm and 65 nm.
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology; 2009, 4; 37-44
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Using 1D and 2D computer models when predicting hydrodynamic and morphological parameters of a boulder block ramp: Poniczanka stream, Carpathians
Plesiński, Karol K.
Radecki-Pawlik, Artur
Rivera-Trejo, Fabian
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
boulder blocks ramps
low head hydraulic structures
field measurement
riverbed morphology
HEC-RAS model
CCHE2D model
When modelling flow and/or sediment transport in streams and rivers, one must frequently use the computer software of differing levels of complexity. The level of sophistication, accuracy, and quality of results are the parameters by which models can be classified as being 1D, 2D, or 3D; it seems certain that in the future, there will also be 4D and 5D models. However, the results obtained from very sophisticated models are frequently questionable, and designers in the field of hydraulic structures must have considerable experience distinguishing important information from irrelevant information. Thus, this paper aims to investigate the effect of the selected boulder block ramp hydraulic structure at Poniczanka stream on the bed-load transport. We evaluated sediment transport using the CCHE2D numerical model. We analysed several scenarios depending on the river bed type (erodible, non-erodible, rocky) and examined the rock blocks used for hydraulic structure construction. The obtained results were compared with the Hjulström and the Shields graph, which are a classic approach for identifying fluvial processes in river channels. In addition to these two methods, numerical modelling using the 1D HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System) modelling were conducted, which included the determination of horizontal and vertical changes to the river bed morphology of the examined section of river reach as well as providing the basic hydrodynamics parameters which, from the practical point of view, designers involved in the process of designing ramps could use.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2022, Special Issue; 34--48
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Use of Triz SU-Field Models in the Process of Improving the Injector of an Internal Combustion Engine
Chybowski, L.
Data publikacji:
Theory of Inventing Problem Solving
Su-Field model
inventive standards
fuel injector
diesel engine
The article describes a method for analyzing and solving problem situations with the use of Su-Field models and 76 inventive standards. These tools are part of the “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving”. The author has presented the basic concepts of Su-Field models, including in the compilation of the most commonly used substances their fields and types of interactions in Su-Field models. The inventive standards have also been presented and grouped. Attempts have been made to solve two undesirable situations that occur during the operation of a complex technical system, which is the fuel injector of the self-ignition engine. Problem situations related to insufficient impact were modelled - too low tightening of the injector spring, and negative (harmful) interaction - erosive wear of the holes in the atomizer nozzle. Using the inventive standards of Class-1 and Class-2, general solutions to these problems have been found. After the transformation, exemplary detailed ways of solving the aforementioned problems have been presented in order to improve the design of the injector for these models. A summary and comments on the applicability of the presented methodology, regarding such complex technical systems, have also been presented.
Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering; 2018, 1, 1; 257--268
Pojawia się w:
Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Use of the finite element method for parameter estimation of the circuit model of a high power synchronous generator
Berhausen, S.
Paszek, S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
synchronous generator model
finite element method
field-circuit model measurement verification
circuit model parameter estimation
model synchronicznego generatora
metoda elementów skończonych
weryfikacja modelu pomiaru pola obwodu
estymacja parametrów modelu obwodu
The paper presents the two-dimensional, field-circuit model of a high power synchronous generator verified by measurements. The model enables determining the waveforms of electromagnetic quantities in steady and transient states. Verification of the model was based on comparison of the measured and calculated waveforms after a disturbance in the voltage regulation system of a TWW-200-2 generator operating in Połaniec Power Plant. There are also presented the field methods for determining electromagnetic parameters (synchronous reactances and time constants) when using the distributions of static and quasi-static, magnetic and electromagnetic fields calculated by the finite element method (FEM). The set of these parameters was used as the starting parameters of the optimization algorithm for estimation of electromagnetic parameters of the synchronous generator circuit model. The dynamic waveforms under the generator load conditions calculated by the finite element method are the basis of parameter estimation. The parameter estimation of the generator model was performed with the use of the least squares method.
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences; 2015, 63, 3; 575-582
Pojawia się w:
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unsteady three-dimensional MHD nanofluid flow over a stretching sheet with variable wall thickness and slip effects
Kumar, G. Vinod
Varma, S. V. K.
Kumar, R. V. M. S. S. K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
pole magnetyczne
unsteady flow
magnetic field
Buongiorno’s model
variable wall thickness sheet
thermal and solutal slip
The stretching sheets with variable thickness may occur in engineering applications more frequently than a flat sheet. Due to its various applications, in the present analysis we considered a three dimensional unsteady MHD nanofluid flow over a stretching sheet with a variable wall thickness in a porous medium. The effects of radiation, viscous dissipation and slip boundary conditions are considered. Buongiorno’s model is incorporated to study the combined effects of thermophoresis and Brownian motion. The dimensionless governing equations are solved by using MATLAB bvp4c package. The impact of various important flow parameters is presented and analysed through graphs and tables. It is interesting to note that all the three boundary layer thicknesses are diminished by slip parameters. Further, the unsteady parameter decreases the hydromagnetic boundary layer thickness.
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering; 2019, 24, 3; 709-724
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Thermal influences on turbogenerator dynamic behaviour
Wpływ temperatury na dynamiczne zachowanie turbogeneratora
Jevtić, M.
Zeljković, V.
Dapić, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
nierównowaga termiczna
pole temperaturowe
model matematyczny
program komputerowy
thermal unbalance
temperature field
mathematical model
computer program
Temperature fields in electric energy generation may lead to the mechanical disbalance of an already balanced rotor. The authors collected information in a number of Serbian steam power plants and they realized the existence of the problem. On the grounds of the relevant physical aspects they propose a mathematical model for identifying temperature fields in a turbo-generator rotor, and they suggest the optimum control by which the unwanted effects are eliminated.
Pole temperaturowe w wytwarzaniu energii elektrycznej może prowadzić do nierównowagi mechanicznej wirnika będącego w stanie równowagi. Autorzy zebrali informacje w wielu elektrowniach cieplnych na terenie Serbii i stwierdzili istnienie tego problemu. Biorąc pod uwagę istotne czynniki fizyczne zaproponowano model matematyczny dla celów identyfikacji pól temperaturowych w wirniku turbogeneratora i na jego podstawie dobrano sposób sterowania optymalny ze względu na eliminacje niepożądanych zjawisk.
Elektrotechnika i Elektronika; 2006, 25, 2; 157-161
Pojawia się w:
Elektrotechnika i Elektronika
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The MMM Expert System: From a Reference Signal to The Method Validation
Witoś, M.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Lotnictwa
geomagnetic field
magneto-mechanical effects
numerical model
This paper presents the first step in the methodological approach to the validation of the metal magnetic memory (MMM) method in the non-destructive testing (NDT) applications and in the systems used for diagnosis of early stages of material fatigue in mechanical constructions (structural health monitoring, SHM, and prognosis health management, PHM). The study is focused on the properties of the external natural source of magnetisation of the object under MMM examination and the impact of the magnetisation components. The precise data obtained from measurements of the Earth's geomagnetism (from ground stations and satellites) and the revised model of the Earth's magnetism can be applied in order to calibrate high sensitivity magnetic field sensors, validate the measurement results and extend the functional capacity of the MMM method.
Fatigue of Aircraft Structures; 2012, 4; 123-140
Pojawia się w:
Fatigue of Aircraft Structures
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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