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Szkaplerz zakonny
A monastic scapular
Warda, Elwira
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
zakony męskie
zakony żeńskie
male religious orders
female religious orders
In the Benedictine rule, a monastic scapular was initially used as an apron protecting a habit during physical work. With the establishment of the Cistercians, it became an integral part of religious clothing. A scapular was adopted, among others, by the Benedictine monks and nuns, the Brothers Hospitallers of St John of God, the Dominican monks and nuns, the Camaldolese monks and nuns, the Capuchin Tertiaries, the Carmelite monks, the Carthusians, the Mercedarians, the Pauline Fathers, the Brothers Comforters of Gethsemane, the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the Trinitarians, the Servite Order and the Albertine nuns, the Augustinian nuns, the Bernardine nuns, the Bridgettines, some Franciscan nuns, the Capuchin nuns, the Discalded Carmelite nuns, the Poor Clares, the Congregation of the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto, the Congregation of Sisters Shepherdesses of Divine Providence, The Piarist Sisters, the Congregation of the Nursing Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows, the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2016, 105; 345-352
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konferencja wyższych przełożonych żeńskich zgromadzeń zakonnych i konsulta w PRL – zarys problematyki
The Conference of Major Superiors of Female Religious Orders and the consulta in the Polish People’s Republic-an outline
Wiśniewska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
zakony żeńskie
przełożone żeńskich zakonów
Rzeczpospolita Ludowa
polityka wyznaniowa
female religious orders
Superiors of female religious orders
Polish People’s Republic
religious policy
The formation process of the institutions of the Conference of Major Superiors of Female Religious Orders in Poland started in the period in which there had already been some structures of the cooperation between convents, developed for the common defence of nuns against the negative effects of the religious policy of the communist authorities, the policy which was aimed at the liquidation of the institution subordinate to the Church, including religious orders. The interaction of female religious congregations was the answer to the necessity of the consolidation of forces and construction - under the guidance of Polish Primate S. Wyszyński – common programmes, the aim of which was to help the religious congregations survive and function in the communist reality. The evolution of the cooperation forms: from the spontaneous and regulated by law the Conference of Major Superiors of Female Religious Orders, with the statute approved by the Holy See and canonically erected consulta, overlapped with similar movements of the consecrated life in the world. In the realities of the Polish People’s Republic, the Conference was not as autonomous as was formulated by canon law under normal conditions. The Conference had to be in a close relationship with Primate S. Wyszyński and the Department of Monastic Affairs, created by the Primate, who in practice gained control over the entire existing cooperation between religious orders. Regardless of the factual and legal restrictions on the activities of the Conference and its consulta, which was essentially an advisory body to the Polish Primate, the achievements of that institution for the religious life in Poland were extremely significant, which was reflected primarily in: the prudent implementation of the conciliar reforms in religious congregations, their liturgical renewal, deepening the democratization process, regulating the legal status, changes in the substantial and permanent formation of the members of congregations.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2014, 101; 297-327
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwój i działalność żeńskich instytutów życia konsekrowanego i stowarzyszeń życia apostolskiego w kościele katolickim w Szwecji
Development and activity of female institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life in the catholic church in Sweden
Chamarczuk, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
History of the Catholic Church in Sweden
female religious orders in Swedish
nuns in a postindustrial society
Among the many threads of social life in Sweden there is one that not so commonly known, almost imperceptible current in the community of the Catholic Church. It concerns the process of rebirth or the creation of new female orders or female protestant ecumenical societies with similar goals and aims. This phenomenon has a broad and interesting sociological and psychological background. The migration phenomenon researcher is here fascinated by the fact that in a country with a highly developed emancipation and feministic awareness, where the women are perfect models of liberation, more and more there are cases of women’s self fulfillment in a completely different way of life. The rebirth of female religious orders is a sign of the times in a welfare society. It points to the truth that the material and social structures do not provide the modern woman with a possibility to fulfillment of her most inner human wishes.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2012, 32; 137-149
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Początki i fundacja Klasztoru pw. Maryi Matki Pojednania Mniszek Bosych Zakonu Najświętszej Maryi Panny z Góry Karmel w Bornem Sulinowie
The beginnings and foundation of Monastery of Mary Mother of Reconciliation of the Bare Nuns from the Order of the Virgin Mary from Mount Carmel in Borne Sulinowo
Die Anfänge und die Gründung des Klosters St. Maria, Mutter der Versöhnung, barfüßige Nonnen des Ordens der Heiligen Jungfrau Maria vom Karmel in Borne Sulinowo
Klimaszewska, Beata
Data publikacji:
Biblioteka Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego Diecezji Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskiej
Zakon Najświętszej Maryi Panny z Góry Karmel
Borne Sulinowo
zakony żeńskie
The Order of the Virgin Mary from Mount Carmel
female religious orders
Od III w. rozwinął się w Kościele ruch eremicki, który dał początek stanowi zakonnemu, a jego rozkwit przypadł na schyłek XI w. i objął XII w. Historia Zakonu Najświętszej Maryi Panny z Góry Karmel rozpoczyna się w XII w. w Palestynie. Drugi Zakon Karmelitański, czyli żeńską jego gałąź, powołał do życia papież Mikołaj V bullą Cum nulla fidelium z 7 października 1452 r. W 1605 r. zapadła decyzja o założeniu klasztoru karmelitów bosych w Polsce. Pod koniec tego samego roku przybyli do Krakowa pierwsi zakonnicy (Włosi i Hiszpanie). Karmelitanki bose przybyły do Polski w 1612 r. z inicjatywy współbraci zakonnych. Artykuł opisuje początki i fundację Klasztoru pw. Maryi Matki Pojednania Mniszek Bosych Zakonu NMP z Góry Karmel w Bornem Sulinowie. Przez kilkanaście lat trwały prace budowlane, mniszki musiały zmagać się z wieloma trudnościami i niedogodnościami, by móc ostatecznie sfinalizować swoje zamierzenia. Karmelitanki wspierają diecezję koszalińsko-kołobrzeską modlitwą i pracą. Inną formą posługi jest stworzenie i otwarcie przestrzeni modlitwy dla wszystkich poszukujących odnowienia czy pogłębienia kontaktu z Bogiem.
From the third century, the Hermit movement developed in the Church, which gave rise to the monastic state, and flourished at the end of the 11th century and embraced the 12th centu¬ry. The history of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel begins in the 12th century in Palestine. The Second Carmelite Order, which is its female branch, was founded by Pope Nicholas V bullum Cum nulla fidelium of October 7, 1452. In 1605 a decision was made to establish a monastery of Bare Carmelites in Poland. At the end of the same year, the first monks (Italians and Spaniards) came to Krakow (Kraków). Bare Carmelites came to Poland in 1612 on the initiative of religious confreres The article describes the beginnings and foundation of the Monastery of Mary Mother of Reconciliation of the Blessed Nuns of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Mount Carmel in Borne Sulinowo. The construction works lasted for several years, the nuns had to deal with many difficulties and inconveniences in order to finalize their intentions. Carmelite nuns support the Koszalin-Kolobrzeg (Kołobrzeg) Diocese with prayer and work. Another form of ministry is to create and open a space of prayer for everyone seeking renewal or deepening contact with God.
Rocznik Skrzatuski; 2020, 8; 303-325
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Skrzatuski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przedszkola i ochronki zakonne w świetle polskiego prawa oświatowego w latach 1945-1961
Kindergartens and nurseries in the light of education law in Poland between 1945 and 1961
Wiśniewska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
wychowanie przedszkolne
polska rzeczpospolita ludowa
żeńskie zgromadzenia zakonne
prawo oświatowe
reżim komunistyczny
ograniczenia wolności religijne w PRL
zgromadzenia zakonne w PRL
Ministerstwo Oświaty
pre-school education
female religious congregations
education law
anti-religious activities
communist regime
repression against religious orders
Polish People's Rebuplic
the Ministry of Education
Władze komunistyczne Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej dążyły do laicyzacji systemu oświaty i wychowania, począwszy od najniższego poziomu edukacyjnego, jakim były przedszkola. W ramach antykościelnej i antyzakonnej polityki wyznaniowej państwa, placówki wychowania przedszkolnego prowadzone przez żeńskie zgromadzenia zakonne poddane zostały procesowi stopniowej likwidacji w pierwszych dwóch powojennych dekadach. Ograniczanie niezależnych od panującej ideologii podmiotów, biorących dotąd udział w tworzeniu sieci placówek wychowania przedszkolnego, skutkowało w warunkach niedemokratycznego, totalitarnego systemu politycznego, narzuceniem monopolu państwa na organizowanie, prowadzenie i nadzór nad placówkami wychowania przedszkolnego, co sprzyjać miało skuteczniejszej indoktrynacji wychowanków. Jednym z instrumentów realizacji wytyczonego celu stało się prawo oświatowe. Choć do 1961 r. oficjalnie obowiązywały przedwojenne ustawy oświatowe z 1932 r., w praktyce już w latach czterdziestych rozpoczęło się eliminowanie zgromadzeń zakonnych z obszaru wychowania dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym. Zjawiska tego nie powstrzymały protesty przełożonych zakonnych i hierarchii Kościoła, powołujące się na ratyfikowaną przez rząd PRL międzynarodową konwencję w sprawie zwalczania dyskryminacji w dziedzinie oświaty, w myśl której, oprócz państwowych przedszkoli działać mogły również „inne”, niepaństwowe placówki oświatowo-wychowawcze. Pomimo braku przeszkód prawnych, zgromadzenia zakonne nie mogły reaktywować działalności w zakresie prowadzenia placówek wychowania przedszkolnego.
Polish communist authorities of the People's Republic sought to secularization of education system, starting from the lowest level of education, namely kindergartens. As part of the anti-Church state religious policy, kindergartens run by female religious congregations were gradually eliminated in the first two postwar decades. Restricting independent of the ruling ideology entities that had been contributing up to that moment to preschool education institutions, resulted, in an undemocratic, totalitarian political system, in the monopoly of the state on organizing, conducting and supervising the institutions of preschool education, which would encourage more effective indoctrination of pupils. The education law became one of the instruments to implement the objective. Although until 1961 a pre-war educational Act of 1932 officially was still in force, in practice since the forties the state began to move religious congregations away from responsibility of raising a child of a preschool age. This phenomenon was not stopped by protests of superiors from religious congregation and hierarchy of the Church who claimed that the Polish government ratified international convention against discrimination in education, according to which, apart from state-run kindergartens there could also be “other” non-state educational institutions. Despite the absence of legal obstacles, religious congregations could not revive the business of conducting pre-school education.
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego; 2015, 18; 311-333
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność charytatywna zakonów żeńskich w Polsce nowożytnej
Charitable activity of female religious orders in Poland in the early modern period
Surdacki, Marian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
działalność charytatywna
zgromadzenia żeńskie zakonne
charitable activity
religious orders
female congregations
the Sisters of Charity
the Sisters Canonesses of the Holy Spirit
the sick
The development of hospital services in the Polish State was associated with baptism, the development of Christianity and church organization, and above all, the arrival of religious orders. In the Middle Ages, male religious orders played a huge role in charitable activities, while in modern times female congregations dealing with charity and hospital services were of great importance in that regard. As for female religious orders in the Middle Ages, the Benedictine and Cistercian nuns were the first ones who were engaged in running hospitals and charity work, although it was not their primary mission and charisma. Sometimes hospitals were also run by the Poor Clare Sisters of the Second Franciscan Order, the Magdalene Sisters, the Bridgettine Sisters, and primarily by the Beguines, loose groups of women who were close mostly to Dominican and Franciscan churches and the rules of community life, that is the Third Order. The most important congregation, however, turned out to be the Sisters Canonesses of the Holy Spirit (duchaczki in Polish), who from the beginning of the thirteenth century run, along  with the male branch of the Order, Holy Spirit hospital in Cracow, which specialized in the care of abandoned children and was the largest and the most important one in Poland until the Enlightenment. The great development of charitable female religious congregations occurred after the Council of Trent (1545-1563). Undoubtedly, the most significant of which were the Sisters of Charity (so-called szarytki in Polish) founded by St. Vincent de Paul in Paris in 1633. In Poland, they had 29 houses, where they ran hospitals, orphanages and schools for girls, including the poor. Similar activities, although at a smaller scale, were done by the Sisters of St. Catherine from Braniewo, founded in 1571 by Regina Protman. In addition, charitable activities were undertaken by the Congregation of the Virgins of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (founded in Cracow in the 1620s by Zofia Czeska), the Visitation Sisters (founded by St. Francis de Sales -1601, Geneva,) and the Mariavites founded in 1737 by Stefan Turczynowicz in Vilnius. Apart from the above mentioned orders, the work of mercy was developed, on the margins of its core mission, by most non-charitable female religious congregations existing in Poland in the period before the partitions.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2015, 103; 237-271
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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